Grace E-Notes Our Vision: Living in the Grace of God’s love, we worship, learn and serve. A weekly publication for Grace Lutheran Church & Friends Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Please excuse any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Deadline for article submission is 3:00 p.m. on Mondays! O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; he is to be revered above all gods. For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Honor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts. Worship the Lord in holy splendor; tremble before him, all the earth. Say among the nations, "The Lord is king! Psalm 96:1-9 (NRSV) One of the questions I often challenge people with is: "Is your God too small?" In Psalm 96 verses 4 & 5, I read of a Lord who is "great" and to be "revered," while the other gods of the people are but false idols. I wonder how I too lessen God by creating a picture and an understanding of God that fits neatly into my life. I create a god in my image and wrap it in layer after layer of rationalization and explanation, all the time reflecting only my own selfish wants and desires. But the truth is that God goes beyond my understand and what I can really fathom. When I recognize this then I am moved to worship, trembling with awe, and singing a new song of reality. How are you moved beyond what you know, experience and understand about God into the mystery that breathes with who God is? Be embraced by the mystery and raise your voice in a new song! God is so much more than we can even begin to imagine. Prayer: O great and glorious God, open us to the mystery, the One who moves us to reverential worship, and let us join with all creation in raising our voices in a cacophony of song. Amen. In the grace of Jesus' love, Pastor Scott Zimmerer Congregational Meeting—Sunday, November 16th—between the services Business to include discussion and approval of 2015 Ministry Plan (budget) -1- Weekly Calendar Tuesday 6:30 PM Wednesday 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Thursday 10:00 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Friday 6:30 PM Saturday 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM Sunday 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM Monday 7:00 PM Tuesday 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Wednesday 7:00 PM Thursday 12:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 10/14/2014 Bible Study 10/15/214 National Gathering Steering Comm. Choir Practice 10/16/2014 Quilting Bible Study Via de Christo 10/17/2014 Pack 115 Den 5 10/18/2014 Work Day /“The Christmas Place” Carrollton Beautiful/Trash Pick-Up WELCA Bible Study 10/19/2014 Worship Sunday School Worship/Schaefer Baptism Scattered Seeds GSA 4756 10/20/2014 BSA 723 10/21/2014 Bible Study Council DiscipleLife Pack 114 Worship/Music 10/22/2014 Choir Practice 10/232014 Small Group Bible Study Pack 405 10/24/2014—Fall Camp Out 10/252014—Fall Camp Out 10/26/2014—Reformation Sunday Blood Pressure Clinic Worship Sunday School Programs Worship GLC Youth Halloween Party Sunday Night Live INSIDE THIS ISSUE Annual Hors D’Oeuvre Party 11 Book Club 2 Briarwood 15-16 Calendar 2 Fall Camp Out 4 Holiday Craft & Gift Fair 14 Landscaping Project 10 Meals 13 Metrocrest 10 Musical Notes 3 Nursery 3 Operation Christmas Child 5-6 Prayer Concerns 12-13 Recipe 18 Via de Crusto 8 Way of Grace 3 WELCA 3, 8 & 9 Worship Assistants Yellow Pages 3 19-20 Youth 7 Council Meeting Rescheduled for October 21st Book Club Wednesdays at 9:30 AM Church Parlor This week we will begin The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarity Pick up a copy at your favorite book place. Read the book and then join us for a lively discussion. (Refreshments provided) -2- Musical Notes Assisting With Worship 10/19/2014 We received some very nice feedback from congregants this past weekend regarding the choir. Thanks for your support of this ministry! This group works very hard on Wednesday nights and kind words are appreciated. This weekend, the choir will sing a short arrangement of the Peruvian song, "Glory to God" by Hal Hopson and "Be with us now, O Lord" by Jay Althouse. At the 11:00 a.m. Liturgy, we are glad to welcome back Scattered Seeds as the Worship Leaders. Join us in singing a new song to the Lord! Gregg Schockman Director of Music Ministries 8:30 AM 11:00 AM Hailey Williams Acolyte Jayce Sundberg Acolyte Aaron & Lydia Willms Greeters Mike & Allison Mihavics Greeters Joan Gulliksen Lay Reader Chris Wagner Lay Reader Dwane & Kathie Brown Ushers Laura Jordan & Caroll Scott Ushers Greg Streder Worship Assistant Karen Schmid Worship Assistant Musicians Gregg Schockman, Director of Music Ministries—Piano Rob Lorentzen—Cantors Grace Lutheran Choir Scattered Seeds WELCA REMINDERS Altar Guild Isabel Anders & Gloria Davidchik Communion Set Up, Clean Up & Pour Judy Cheshier—Bread If you would like to receive a reminder about WELCA events/activities, please stop by the Welcome Center and sign up with your name and email address to receive these reminders. Thank you! Myra Plitt & Brigitte Holder Counting Theresa Ward Welcome Center Jenny Schero Welcome Center Grace Lutheran Nursery Care WAY OF GRACE NEEDS A BASS Do you enjoy spending time with the youngest members of our Grace family? Please consider volunteering in the nursery during late service. This is a great way to get to know our young families at Grace and give them a short break to enjoy worship service. Thanks for your prayerful consideration. To sign The Way of Grace praise band is seeking a bass guitar player from the congregation to join us. Currently there are about 2 weekday evening practices and one service played per month. If interested, please contact Richard Gall at 214-755-8141. up, go to: go/20F0D4CA5A628A2FB6-nursery/11456520 -3- Grace Fall Campout & POTLUCK Place: Pilot Knoll Campgrounds – Highland Village Camping Dates: Friday, 10/24 – Sunday, 10/26 If you want to camp, please reserve by calling 940-455-2228 or logging onto the Highland Village website: CONGREGATIONAL POTLUCK – Saturday, 10/25 @ 5:00 CONGREGATIONAL POTLUCK IS OPEN TO EVERYONE AT GRACE. YOU DON’T NEED TO CAMP IN ORDER TO COME TO THE POTLUCK!! No entrance fee for the potluck. Come to campsite #43 There is a children’s playground at the campgrounds by the restrooms. PLEASE BRING: Dish to share (hamburgers and hotdogs are provided) Lawn Chair Outdoor games, balls Bug Spray/Sun Screen Beverages Please sign up at the Welcome Center so we know how many are coming. Questions: contact Kathy (Rogers) Criado - -4- Here’s what to do: Operation Christmas Child Good News. Great Joy Get a standard size shoe box (cover it with Christmas paper if you like) or buy a plastic shoe box with a lid. Every shoebox gift you pack helps Samaritan’s Purse to reach children worldwide with the good news of God’s love and the true meaning of Christmas. The children are introduced to Jesus through the illustrated Greatest of All booklets during the shoe box distributions. Please bring your shoe box to Grace by Nov 23rd. We will check the shoeboxes and assemble any additional boxes on Nov 23rd. We need a volunteer to deliver our shoeboxes to our drop off location (Prestonwood Baptist Church). Our goal is for every shoebox to have the hygiene items suggested, as well as some school supplies. Then complete your box with some toys, hard candy, or items of clothing and include $7 to offset the cost of jet fuel to distribute the shoeboxes around the world. Please make your check payable to Grace Lutheran WELCA and include it inside your shoebox. A gift suggestion list is featured at the end of this article as well as in the Welcome Center. Each box can bring joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to a child in need of hope. Any questions, 1. Pray for the child who will receive your special gift. 2. Now have fun filling the box with the hygiene items, school supplies, small toys, hard candy, gum, socks, sunglasses, flashlights, extra batteries, etc. (see suggestion shopping list) 3. Fill out the Boy or Girl label and tape it to the top of your box. 4. Include your cash or check (payable to Grace Lutheran WELCA) for $7.00 to cover shipping costs and place it inside your shoebox. 5. Place a rubber band around your shoebox when complete. 6. Return your shoebox by Nov. 23rd We are thankful for your participation in Operation Christmas Child. Yours in Christ, Bev Wells Congregational Meeting—Sunday, November 16th—between the services Business to include discussion and approval of 2015 Ministry Plan (budget) -5- Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Gift Suggestions Keep in mind the size of the shoebox when purchasing your items OTHER ITEMS Ball Cap Brush TOYS Cards: Go Fish, Old Maid Frisbee Comb Harmonica Extra Batteries Toothbrush Jacks Flashlight Toothpaste Jump Rope Flip Flops Wash Cloth Kazoo Gloves Light Up Toy Gum Marbles Hair Barrettes Colored Pencils Noise Maker Toy Hard Candy Coloring Books Play-doh Lifesavers Crayons Puzzle Book Lollipops Dictionary Slinky Mints Erasers Small Ball Scarves Ink Pad Sets Small Doll Socks Markers Small Etch-a-Sketch Sunglasses Pencil Sharpener Small Toy Tea Set Tootsie Roll Pops Pencils Stuffed Animal T-Shirt Pens Toy Jewelry Watches Picture Books Yo-Yo HYGIENE Bar of Mild Soap (place in a plastic bag) SCHOOL ITEMS DO NOT INCLUDE 1) Aerosol Cans Candy Canes 2) Breakable Items - such as (Snow Globes, Glass, Ceramic, etc) 3) Chocolate or Food Items (except Hard Candy) 4) Liquids or Lotions – such as (Nail Polish, Body Lotion, etc) 5) Medications or Vitamins 6) Out of Date Candy 7) Used or Damaged Items 8) War-Related Items – such as (Toy Guns, Knives, Tanks, Ruler or Military Figures) Solar Calculators Writing Pad/ Paper Council Meeting Rescheduled for October 21st -6- -7- Mrs. Claus Cookies Sale Saturday, Dec. 13th 9:00am – 12 Noon $4 per Pound -8- -9- Metrocrest Services OCTOBER Donation Request Grace Lutheran will continue to support the Metrocrest Services in their endeavor to serve the communities in Denton county. Currently, they have a great need for Baking Items (muffin mix, corn bread mix, sugar, flour); Condiments (gravy mixes, spices); Canned Peas, and Canned Mixed Vegetables. Please bring your donations, throughout the month of October, and place them in the shopping cart in the Narthex. We will deliver our donations on Sunday, October 26th to the Metrocrest. Any questions, please contact Bev Wells at or Brigitte Holder at Thank you ! -10- -11- PRAYER CONCERNS NOTE: Due to privacy concerns all persons on prayer list MUST give their permission to be listed. GRACE MEMBERS Don Bolick Blake Cavagnaro & Family Jan Ellis Amy Gulliksen (YAGM—Ministry} Mary Howard Cherrylin Langley Scott McClenaghan Louise Norris Barbara Olson Jo An Stanley Bryan Swenson Richard Tjosvold Charlotte Weirich Ebola Victims & Medical Personnel The Unemployed & their families FAMILY & FRIENDS Chris Adkins Nan Andrews Mavis Barrow David Baxter Janet Brown Sandy Devine Joe Dzikonski Brian Ellis Ulane Franklund Mary Beth Girowski Ruby Gorman May Hopkins Rachel Jevaseely Beulah Jones Joseph Jones Tony Kenworthy Scott Nietubicz’ friend’s dad Brian Peterson Janet P. Megan Raley Joseph Reinert Vickie Roberts Mary Singley Dale Swenson Kerri Tamberelli’s parents Irene Thorson Adam Tjosvold GRACE MEMBERS in ASSISTED LIVING Mary Frank Dorothy Hicks Cherrylin Langley Inez Moilan Kay Sembrick Peggy Smith MEN & WOMEN OF THE ARMED FORCES Richard Cox LT Chuck Cranston, US Navy Scott Gulliksen, US Marine Corps Jay Lundberg, Navy Amy Gulliksen – YAGM Ministry in Jerusalem Keep up with Amy's work by following her blog: and by receiving her newsletter by emailing her at Lord God, you alone are the source of all healing and so we give you thanks for all your gifts of strength and life, and above all we thank you for the gift of your Son, through whom we have faith and strength. Grant health to the ill, strength to the weak, comfort for the sad, patience to those with chronic infirmities, hope to the distressed and anxious, healing to the addicted, and peace to the dying; in your name we pray. Amen If you would also like to financially support the YAGM ministries, please call 800-638-3522 for credit card payment, or send a check to: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America PO Box 71764 Chicago, IL 60694-1764. Please write: "Amy Gulliksen GCS 3092" on the memo line. -12- PRAYER VENTURES ——— October 2014 ———— These petitions are offered as guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the church. October 15 We praise you for your servant Teresa of Avila, teacher and renewer of the church, who we commemorate on this day. Like Teresa and the saints who walked with her, raise up in our own day teachers and prophets inspired by you with voices that give strength to our church. October 16 We pray for unaccompanied and migrant children arriving in the United States, as a result of risk factors causing them to leave their home countries. As members of the ELCA, we are called to love and welcome all. October 17 Inspire us with the memory of Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch and martyr, whose faithfulness led to the way of the cross, and who we commemorate today. Bless all women and men who have given their lives in witness to your love and truth. October 18 Let us celebrate Luke, who we know as the author of both Luke and Acts. Guide us as we meet God in Scripture, where God’s relationship to and intention for humankind is revealed. October 19 Gracious God, cycles of violence seem neverending. Lead us from prejudice to truth and deliver us from hatred, cruelty and revenge. October 20 In a living example of caring for our neighbor, we give thanks to those who, through the ELCA and Lutheran Disaster Response, are responding to unaccompanied and migrant children with grace and compassion. October 21 God of wisdom, we give thanks for the incredible work being done across this church and beyond to make faith formation among our children and youth a relevant, meaningful process. MEALS Volunteers provide meals to families in need, such as after a hospital stay, during an emergency or after the birth of a baby. Readings & Psalm October 19, 2014 21st Sunday after Pentecost Isaiah 45:1–7 Psalm 96:1–9 [10–13] 1 Thessalonians 1:1–10 Matthew 22:15–22 ~ Lorraine Markwardt, Meals Coordinator Thank you to the following: 10/8 for McClenaghans - Sybil Roop 10/9 for McClenaghans - Susan Tjosvold 10/10 for McClenaghans - Lorraine Markwardt 10/10 for Olsons - Lorraine Markwardt -13- -14- -15- -16- -17- Fried Dill Pickles ( From: Recipes I Found on Facebook and Gathered Here! ) yield: 4 side servings Ingredients: 1 (16 ounce) jar dill pickle chips 1/2 cup buttermilk 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup cornmeal (not cornbread mix) 1 teaspoon Cajun Seasoning (you may substitute your favorite store brand for homemade) cooking oil for frying Directions: Drain pickles. Add them to a quart size freezer bag along with buttermilk. Shake well. In a separate quart size freezer bag, add flour, cornmeal and seasoning. Shake to mix. Heat 2 inches of cooking oil to 350 degrees. Remove half the pickles from the buttermilk soak and add them to the flour mixture. Shake well to coat. When the oil is heated, add the breaded pickles and fry 2 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the coating is golden brown. Remove to a cooling rack to drain. Taste for seasoning and sprinkle with kosher salt if desired. Repeat with remaining pickles. Serve with Ranch dressing or Comeback Sauce. Homemade Cajun Seasoning Comeback Sauce—yield: one pint 1 tablespoon kosher salt 1 cup Duke’s mayonnaise 2 teaspoons ground black pepper 1/4 cup Heinz ketchup 2 teaspoons sweet paprika 1/4 cup chili sauce (Heinz or DelMonte. 2 teaspoons onion powder DO NOT substitute Thai Chili Sauce) 2 teaspoons garlic powder 1 heaping teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon dried thyme 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 teaspoon ground black pepper Mix all ingredients. 1/4 teaspoon Tabasco sauce Store in an airtight container. 1/4 cup light olive oil juice of one lemon Mix all ingredients well and store in refrigerator overnight. -18- GRACE YELLOW PAGES Below are services and businesses that our members provide. We simply present them for your information. We are not able to officially endorse any of them for liability reasons. Please consider them when you are planning repairs, lessons, etc. If you would like to list your business or service please bring a business card by the office or send an electronic copy to: -19- MORE GRACE YELLOW PAGES. . . Grace Lutheran Church 1200 E. Hebron Parkway Carrollton, TX 75010 Phone: (972)492-4474 Office Hours: Mondays – Thursdays 9:00–3:00 Website: Sunday Morning Schedule Worship 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM Sunday School Programs 9:45 AM Nursery Available at 11:00 AM Service Pastor: Rev. Scott Zimmerer Miles Holder Teem Ministries Student Aaron Colwick Director of Youth Ministries Gregg Schockman Director of Music Ministries Paula Parker Administrative Assistant -20-
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