6 Say You Saw it in The Monadnock Shopper News, October 22 – October 28, 2014 CLASSIC CLOTHING Thrift Shop /"/-U*1,/ U*""U,*Ê1, i½ÃÊEÊ7i½ÃÊUÊ>ÀÊ,>V Keene Senior CenterÊÇäÊ ÕÀÌÊ-Ì° ÎxÓxäÎÇÊUÊOpen 9-4 Weekdays $ NO $ As Low As As Low As As Low As As Low As As Low As As Low As MONEY DOWN City Council Meeting Brings Democracy ("*>DC::G =>BC:N"DB:,:E6>G To Life In Keene By Asking Audience To Participate In The Performance COMPLETE CHIMNEY SERVICE: Sweeping, Inspections, Relining, Repointing, Waterproofing, Caps, Leaks Stopped, Pre-Fab Chimney & Wood Stove Installations, Chimney Rebuilds, Roofing 6ETERANS3ENIORS$ISCOUNTs#ONDO$ISCOUNTS ÃÕÀi`ÊUÊÓäÊ9i>ÀýÊÝ«iÀiViÊUÊÀiiÊÃÌ>Ìià Marcel J. Couturier 7k]$(+South Main St., Keeneisit CIG>BULLL("*>DC::G8DB As Low As As Low As AS LOW AS NO MONEY DOWN 2005 SUZUKI FORENZA 2003 XTERRA MANY CARS & TRUCKS IN STOCK Down Payments from $0.00 to $2,000 INCOME - RESIDENCE - EMPLOYMENT 100% Guaranteed NH State Inspection Includes 12 Month / 12k Mile Warranty Help to Rebuild Your Credit - We Report CHESHIRE FOREIGN AUTO 258 MAIN ST, MARLBOROUGH NH (603) 876-4613 Celebrate 140 Years of Caring for Seniors at Prospect Place HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR and Open House Saturday, Nov. 8th 9 am - Noon We will have craft items, home-baked goods, knit & crocheted items, cards, baskets and a children’s table. Stop in and enjoy cider, cake, tours, live entertainment with Ron Farina, and a door prize drawing. $PVSU4Ut (entrance on Prospect St.) Join the Celebration at #OURT3Ts+EENE.( Phone: 603-352-6051 361 Court Street Keene www.prospectplacekeene.com Political Advertisement VOTE FOR CHANGE! Vote November 4 for a Better Economy, Better Jobs, and a Better Future! State Rep Candidates who will work for you! CH 1 CH 9 Chesterfield, Hinsdale, Walpole, Westmoreland Dublin, Harrisville, Jaffrey, Roxbury VOTE 2 4 SEATS! Roger (Bud) Creekmore Robert (Bob) Bussiere CH 10 Elaine Levlocke Edwin Smith Perry Sawyer Bayard Tracy CH 2 Marlborough, Troy Ron Chapman CH 11 Surry, Alstead, Marlow Civic engagement comes to life on stage in City Council Meeting, a participatory democAs Low A racy performance, presented by Keene State College’s Redfern Arts Center on Wednesday, October 29th at 7 p.m. at Heberton Hall, Keene Public Library, 60 Winter Street. An open dress rehearsal will take place on Tuesday, October 28th at 7 p.m. in the same location. Tickets to the City Council Meeting dress rehearsal and performance are free, but seating is Civic engagement comes to life on stage in City limited, so tickets are required. For tickets, stop Council Meeting, a participatory democracy perforby the Redfern Box Of- mance, presented by Keene State College’s Redfern fice, which has extended Arts Center. its hours this season and is open Mondays to Fridays, from noon to 6 p.m. or call 603-358-2168. See a video clip of the performance and get more details about City Council Meeting and the many free public events surrounding the performance at http:// www.keene.edu/racbp/events_theatre/city%20council%20meeting.html. For one night, participants can become the Mayor of Keene, a city council member, a concerned citizen, or simply an observer by participating in the theatrical performance. Created in a year-long residency, this performance opens with discussions culled from COMPLETE SEPTIC SYSTEM actual government meetINSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE SERVICE ings across the country, and moves onto a local issue – the re-location of the city’s skate park. This issue may sound familiar because it’s ripped right from the headlines Brian Stone (603) 354-3391 of the local newspapers :FBST&YQFSJFODFt.JMF3BEJVT'SPN,FFOF and Keene City Council stonesseptic@ne.twcbc.com meetings by New York artists Aaron Landsman and Mallory Catlett, who visited Keene many times during the past year to AUTO SALES create City Council Meet& SERVICE ing, a piece about em2Ts!NTRIM.( pathy, democracy, and power and how individuals engage in civic ’05 Focus 85K, AT ................................................................. discourse. City Council ’06 Focus Wagon AT, A/C ............................................... Meeting uses formal meet ’05 Chrysler Town & Country Van ....................... ing procedure to consider ’04 Neon AT, 80K .................................................................... its innate theatricality and ’08 Chevy Aveo 80K, 5 Spd .............................................. to question what it means ’01 GMC Sonoma 4x4, AT, 4 Dr. ..................................... to participate in public ’02 Mazda Tribute 4x4, New Tires. ............................... and civic life. It asks par’04 Jeep Liberty 130K....................................................... ticipants to consider the ’01 Camaro Conv. New Tires & Top, 80K .................... poetry in bureaucracy, ’03 Expedition 95K, Entertainment System .................... the architecture of power, ’00 Chevy Pickup 4x4, 74K, V6....................................... and the comedy of pro’04 Acura TL AT, 50K on New Engine .............................. cedure. 500 $ Down Paym "-,_2*3%& #4#07 -"7.--.1 CHUCK’S 464-5045 Fall $AVINGS **.0'!#"2-1#** All are state inspected & come with 20 day plates Democracy, page 16 Fitzwilliam,Rindge Anne Cartwright CH 3 VOTE 2 John Hunt Susan Emerson CH 11 Gilsum, Nelson, Stoddard, Sullivan Ruth Ward CH 8 Richmond, Swanzey VOTE 2 (Keene Ward 5) Richard Sainsbury Jim McConnell Map courtesy Live Free or Die Alliance George Hansel CH 14 CH 15 Floterial District includes: Dublin, Fitzwilliam, Harrisville, Jaffrey, Rindge, Roxbury Frank Sterling District 8 Jerry Little Floterial District includes: Marlborough, Richmond, Swanzey, Troy, Winchester Dick Thackston ELECT EXPERIENCE CH 16 Floterial District includes: (Keene all wards) VOTE 2 Jerry Sickels Varrin Swearingen STATE SENATE District 9 Andy Sanborn District 12 Kevin Avard COUNTY GOVERNMENT Sheriff County Commissioner Register of Probate County Treasurer Earl Nelson Peter Graves Susan Castor Joseph Bendzinski FIND OUT MORE: NHGOP.org/cheshire Paid for by Cheshire County Republican Committee Heating Oil • Propane Gas • Service & Delivery Serving the Monadnock Region for More Than 15 Years No Hidden Fees No Cost to Switch to Allen & Mathewson Budget Pricing & Service Programs Available Online Customer Account Access 603.899.5131 allenmathewsonenergy.com
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