The E-piscopalian November 18, 2014 Adult Forum:

The E-piscopalian
November 18, 2014
Adult Forum: The Forum will meet this Sunday, November 23rd in the Common Room beginning
at 9:00 a.m. Topic this Sunday - - Conversations in John's Gospel, Part 1 - Dede MacVeagh.
Church School: Church School classes meet on Sunday, beginning at 9:45 a.m. in the
Nursery Care: The nursery will be available throughout the 10:00 a.m. service.
Dinner for 100 Nights Shelter: St. James will be providing dinner at the 100 Nights Shelter
on Saturday, November 22nd. There is a sign-up sheet in the Common Room for people to sign up
for entrees (meatloaf), dessert, and serving or clean up. Contacts/organizers are Mary Ann Bachman
and Lesley Hildrey.
Thanksgiving Holiday: The Parish Office will be closed November 26-28, in observance of the
Thanksgiving holiday.
The Parish at Worship:
Wednesday, November 19: 12:05 p. m - Holy Communion - Rite II
Maria Temple
Midweek Service in the Undercroft. A brown bag lunch follows.
Lectionary for The Last Sunday after Pentecost (Christ the
King): Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Psalm 95:1-7a; Ephesians 1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-36
Sunday, November 23: 8:00 a.m. – Holy Communion – Rite II
Eucharistic Minister
Mike Metell
Alyson Montgomery
Grace and C.J. Jack
10:00 a.m. – Holy Communion Rite II
Eucharistic Ministers
Susan Sielke, Ruth Snyder
Kevin Woolley, Doug Green
Ray Howard, Sam Howard, Jack Howard
Mary and Doug Pleasanton
Deb Croteau, Tom Morton, Tad Lacey, Doug Green
Healing Prayers
Heidi Rinehart, Deb Croteau
Vestry on Duty
Dorothy Hird
Sally and Bert Boyce
E-mail Address Correction: New substitute lector Laurie Appel’s email address is incorrect on
page 4 of the December/January issue of The Prophet. It should be
Please Remember in Your Prayers…. If you would like to add a
name to the prayer list please call the office.
We pray for Donna Murray, Jean Newcombe, Mary Taylor, Kevin Woolley, Pat Coppo, Al Perry,
Ralph Richardson, David and B Howe, Spencer, Rita Dugan, Barb and Bob Freeman, Mark Green,
Ralph Jordan and for all others known and unknown.
We remember those who have died: that they may have a place in your eternal kingdom.
We pray for those men and women serving in the U.S. Armed Forces: including
SFC Daniel Patterson who is serving in Afghanistan
We pray that our church may always be a place of safety: and that God guides us so
that we live faithfully with our diversity.
We pray for our Diocese: for Katharine, our Presiding Bishop; Gay, President of the House of
Deputies; Rob, our Bishop; and Mark, our Rector; and all our associated clergy.
News and Events at St. James
St. James Thrift Shop Happenings
Thank you to the youth, parents, and advisers who did a wonderful job getting all the rest of the
stuff upstairs at the Thrift Shop:
St. James Youth Group and Parents:
Gina, Graham, Gibson and Garrett Gitchell
Jaclyn, Connor and Sophie Headings
Heidi and Ellie Fedrizzi
Whitney Hadlow
Angie Pahl
Alex Charles
Caroline, Alison and Andrew Power
Sam Webb
There were two acolytes, an usher, a Youth Church teacher and two Nursery babysitters who were
asked NOT to help, but to continue their jobs in church. They kept things going for us! In less than
two hours everything was moved. It was such a pleasure to work with this group of young people in
our church.
The Thrift Shop is presently closed for renovations, repairs, and painting. It will re-open on Monday,
December 1st. In the meantime, the staff and volunteers are planning a combination bake sale and
Department 56 village sale in the Undercroft on Saturday, December 6th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00
p.m. If you would be willing to donate baked goods to the sale on December 6th, you may contact
Ruth Snyder (352-8449). After December lst, you may also contact Deb Rogers at the Shop (3523697).
Trinity Institute on Economic Equality: St. James will sponsor the Trinity Institute simulcast
on Friday, January 23 and Saturday, January 24. This year’s topic will be Creating Common Good:
A Practical Conference on Economic Equality. Speakers will include Dr. Cornell West, Archbishop of
Canterbury Justin Welby, Barbara Ehrenreich and Robert Reich. Trinity Institute is dedicated to
making our faith and theology relevant and applicable to our daily lives.
The two day program will include addresses and discussion by leading theologians and scholars
broadcast from New York, discussions among the audience at St. James and opportunities to ask
questions using e-communication. Lunches and snacks will be proved both days. There is no
charge for this conference, but pre-registration will be helpful in planning the lunches.
Reserve the dates now on your calendar. For further information and/or to register, contact Eleanor
Vander Haegen at 603-352-3114 or
Community Events
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
6:00 PM (note that this is a change in service time from previous years)
United Church of Christ in Keene - 23 Central Square – Keene, NH
DECEMBER 5, 2014
A world-class singing group from Sierra Leone, the “Refugee All Stars”, is stranded in Boston
because of the Ebola crisis. With the help of The Mariposa Museum in Peterborough, they are
hoping to tour around New England to raise awareness and fund-raise for Ebola treatment and
the people it is affecting.
On December 5th, at 8 pm, the Mariposa is thrilled to present the Sierra Leone Refugee All
Stars in concert at the Colonial Theatre in Keene. Since being featured in a 2005 critically
acclaimed documentary bearing their name, the All Stars' story and great music has led to their
appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Show and on big U.S. stages alongside such performers as
Ziggy Marley, Aerosmith, Paul McCartney, Angelina Jolie, and Keith Richards.
This benefit concert to raise funds for and awareness of Sierra Leone communities battling
Ebola, is bound to be an unforgettable evening so don't miss it! Tickets are $29 via the Colonial
Theatre's Box Office A limited number of $50 VIP tickets with a
meet and greet with the band are also available. Visit their Web site for more information: Link:
A Great Time Was Had by All! After the recent
Monadnock Humane Society annual “Hair Ball”
fundraiser, featuring a Great Gatsby theme, two St.
James parishioners (Cathy and Samir Habiby), were
featured on their Facebook page.
We thought perhaps fellow parishioners would enjoy
seeing this delightful photo as well.
Hundred Nights Inc. – Volunteer Needs
New Event - - An Annual Auction
Mindy Cambiar, Executive Director of Hundred Nights, Inc., shares with us the fact they are looking
for help with our newest fundraiser, which is an Auction on December 13.Volunteers are needed to
make phone calls and visits to local and interesting businesses and ask for donations to the auction.
The event itself is going to be at the Hellenic Hall on West St in Keene from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on
December 13. That day volunteers will be needed to help sell food, run auction items up to the
auctioneer and then to the winning bidder. Please call Mindy at 352-5197 if you are able to help in
any way. Your assistance would be most appreciated.
-----------HELPFUL LINKS--------------
To see what is going on at St James (e.g. calendar, mission, groups we support, social action),
please see :
If you have an article you would like to include in the weekly E-piscopalian, email it please, to: prior to 11:00 a.m. on Mondays. Please note that this email address
should be used only for items to be included in the weekly communication, not for the Parish Office
or Prophet information.
This website is for those who would like to help Kelly Goddu who is still recovering from the accident
that left her seriously disabled.
Please visit the Hunger Site each and every day. Every time you do, you help contribute food to
those in need: .
For an update on NH Diocese news: .
For Episcopal Church US:
For Episcopal News Service:
For news about the Episcopal Church:
For Episcopal Relief and Development:
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Saint James Episcopal Church
44 West Street, Keene, NH 03431
The Rev. Mark A. Jenkins, Rector