The E-piscopalian October 21, 2014 Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Adult Forum: The Forum will meet this Sunday, October 26th, from, 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. in the Common Room. The topic this week: What Makes Us Episcopalians - History, Part 2 - Lew Stone Church School: Church School classes meet on Sunday, beginning at 9:45 a.m. in the Undercroft. Nursery Care: The nursery will be available throughout the 10:00 a.m. service. Adult Education Series: The final session of the series “Animate Practices” will meet this Wednesday, October 22. The potluck meal begins at 6:00 and the program will run from 6:30 - 7:30. Feel free to come to the potluck even if you don't have time to prepare something. Even if you can't stay for the program come to the potluck. The fellowship alone is worth it! Members of the Bell Choir have come for the potluck and then gone on to their 6:30 rehearsal. It was great to be together for the meal. Of course, if you can't make it at 6:00 for the potluck, then join us for the program at 6:30. There were numerous folks who came just for the program. Childcare will be provided. Select parts of this series are going to be used with our young people as they prepare for confirmation. So parents might want to come to one or more of them to get a feel for what you're children are up to! The Parish at Worship: Wednesday, October 22: 12:05 p. m 12:05 p. m - Holy Communion - Rite II Dita Englund Midweek Service in the Undercroft. A brown bag lunch follows. Lectionary for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost: Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18; Psalm 1; I Thessalonians 2:1-8; Matthew 22:34-46. Sunday, October 26: 8:00 a.m. – Holy Communion – Rite II Eucharistic Minister Mike Metell Lector Melissa Herman Ushers C.J. and Grace Jack 10:00 a.m. – Holy Communion Rite II Eucharistic Ministers Diana MacVeagh, Susan Sielke Lectors Judy Putnam, Cindy Morton Acolytes Ray Howard, Sam Howard, Jack Howard Ushers Deb Croteau, Tom Morton, Tad Lacey, Doug Green Greeters Mary and Doug Pleasanton Healing Prayers Heidi Rinehart, Don Hart Vestry on Duty Mike Metell Fellowship Ruth and Bill Snyder Please Remember in Your Prayers…. If you would like to add a name to the prayer list please call the office. We pray for Rita Dugan, Barb and Bob Freeman, Mark Green, Donna Murray, Jean Newcombe, Mary Taylor, Kevin Woolley, Carol Clinton, Pat Coppo, Al Perry, Sylvia Webb, Ralph Richardson, David and B Howe, Spencer, and for all others known and unknown. We remember those who have died: that they may have a place in your eternal kingdom. We pray for those men and women serving in the U.S. Armed Forces: including SFC Daniel Patterson who is serving in Afghanistan We pray that our church may always be a place of safety: and that God guides us so that we live faithfully with our diversity. We pray for our Diocese: for Katharine, our Presiding Bishop; Gay, President of the House of Deputies; Rob, our Bishop; and Mark, our Rector; and all our associated clergy. St. James Thrift Shop Happenings The Shop will be closing for 3 weeks in November for major renovations to alleviate the flooding problem we have suffered through the past 2 years. We will take donations through Saturday, October 25th. We will then close the Shop at 2 pm Saturday, November 8. The Shop will reopen all freshened, on Monday, December 1. The Thrift Shop will be holding a bake sale in the Undercroft on Saturday, December 6th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. If you would be willing to donate baked goods to this sale, please contact Deb Rogers at the Shop (352-3697) or Ruth Snyder (352-8449) for details. We have also been given the New England Village series which will be on sale at the Bake Sale along with the Dickens Village series. Watch for more exciting events planned for the Thrift Shop in the new year! The St. James Thrift Shop welcomes all visitors Monday through Friday from 10:00 4:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please come to the Jonathan Daniels Building, 25 Lamson St. and shop our constantly changing variety of stock. We are looking for volunteers, if interested please contact Deb Rogers, Shop Manager at the shop or at 603-352-3697. News and Events at St. James Four Hand Piano Recital Laura Villafranca and Carlos Adriel Salmerón Sunday, October 26th, 2:00 pm St. James Episcopal Church Keene, NH Admission by donations for musicians The concert will feature a variety of classical music. For program listing see poster on Bulletin Board near the parish office. All Saints’ Sunday At our All Saints’ service on Sunday, November 2, names of loved ones who have died will be read. If you would like to add a name to the list, please call Patti in the Parish Office at 352-1019. The deadline is Tuesday, October 28 for names to be included in the service. Tuesday, November 11, 2013 Veterans’ Day Concert at St. James at 2:00 p.m. Diocesan Events Safe Church Sessions There are only two safe Church training sessions left this fall. There is still time to take advantage of the one here in Keene on Saturday morning, October 25. Please contact Safe Church Minister Jaclyn Headings to register (762-6730, Note that on-line training modules must be completed before the class meets. Saturday, October 25 Saturday, November 1 8:30 - noon 8:30 - noon St. James, Keene St. Thomas, Ha ChIPS Donations to be Collected at Convention Children of Incarcerated Parents (ChIPS) collections will take place again this year at our Annual Diocesan Convention on November 7. Last year, our NH Episcopal congregations provided more than 700 Christmas gifts for children of parents incarcerated in the NH state prison system. This annual program offers the parents a chance to give something to their children and strengthens family bonds until parents can return to their families. Each child will receive a present and a book at a holiday party at the prison. Here’s how you can help: You may drop off gifts or monetary donations at church. The delegates to Diocesan Convention will bring your gifts to the Convention on November 7th where they will be transported to Blass Clubhouse at St. Paul’s School for sorting. The dates for sorting are tentatively set for mid-November (Call 432 7679 after November 1st for more information). There are many other ways you can help: 1. You can purchase a gift directly or contribute $20. If you decide to make a monetary donation, please make out your check to the Diocese of New Hampshire with ChIPS written on the memo line of the check. 2. You can volunteer to collect gifts and serve as the parish contact. 3. You can help sort the gifts at St. Paul’s School. 4. You can help with wrapping of the gifts at the New Hampshire State Prison for Men in Concord. (The date for wrapping has not yet been set.) For more information, or if you wish to volunteer, please Margaret Mackie-Ciancio, at 603- 432-7679 or at Gift Guidelines: We group gifts according the following age groups: birth to 1; ages 2 to 4; ages 5 to 7; ages 8-11; and ages 12-15 Gifts should not exceed $20 (original retail value). Community Events Kristallnacht Commemoration Sunday, November 9, 2014 – 7:00 p.m. During the night of November 9-10, 1938, the Nazis ransacked and burned Jewish businesses in Germany. The annual remembrance of “Kristallnacht” will take place at 7 pm at the Colonial Theater on Sunday, November 9, 2014 Hundred Nights Inc. – Volunteer Needs NEW EVENT - - AN ANNUAL AUCTION Mindy Cambiar, Executive Director of Hundred Nights, Inc., shares with us the fact they are looking for help with our newest fundraiser, which is an Auction on December 13. We need to make phone calls and visits to local and interesting businesses and ask for donations to the auction. The event itself is going to be at the Hellenic Hall on West St in Keene from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on December 13. That day we will need help selling food, running auction items up to the auctioneer and then to the winning bidder .Please call Mindy at 352-5197 if you are able to help in any way. Your assistance would be most appreciated. -----------HELPFUL LINKS-------------- To see what is going on at St James (e.g. calendar, mission, groups we support, social action), please see : If you have an article you would like to include in the weekly E-piscopalian, email it please, to: prior to 11:00 a.m. on Mondays. Please note that this email address should be used only for items to be included in the weekly communication, not for the Parish Office or Prophet information. This website is for those who would like to help Kelly Goddu who is still recovering from the accident that left her seriously disabled. Please visit the Hunger Site each and every day. Every time you do, you help contribute food to those in need: . For an update on NH Diocese news: . For Episcopal Church US: For Episcopal News Service: For news about the Episcopal Church: For Episcopal Relief and Development: We welcome your comments on this ministry. If you have trouble receiving it, check to make sure that your computer is set to receive e-mail in HTML format. To unsubscribe from this newsletter, please reply to this message, typing “unsubscribe” in the subject line. Saint James Episcopal Church 44 West Street, Keene, NH 03431 603-352-1019 The Rev. Mark A. Jenkins, Rector
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