NOV 29
What is Shop Small®?
Shop Small is a movement encouraging people to shop at small businesses; millions of individuals,
businesses, and communities have embraced it nationwide. Learn more on our about page.
When is Small Business Saturday®?
Small Business Saturday is celebrated annually on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year’s
Small Business Saturday is Nov 29, 2014.
How can I get my community involved?
There are several good ways to get your community involved in Small Business Saturday and Shop
Small. Learn more at
What resources are available to me as a small business owner and how can I access them?
As a small business owner, you can explore the Promote Your Business section for free marketing
materials including in-store signage, social media posts, and email templates to help you promote your
business. You can also read stories of how other small business owners have made the most of the day.
If you are a qualifying American Express® Card accepting small merchant, you can unlock more value.
Learn more here.
Is there more I can do to get ready for Small Business Saturday?
Yes. Check out our 2014 Premier Partners and how each of them is giving something different to help
make Nov 29 a success for your business.
My business operates online. Can I still access free marketing materials?
Yes. Visit the Promote Your Business section of the site to find out more.
Am I qualified to include my business location(s) on the Shop Small Map? Is there anything
I need to do?
To determine if your business location(s) qualify to be included on the Shop Small Map, you can review
the qualification criteria in the merchant-specific FAQs.
NOV 29
To help ensure that your business location(s) has been included and is listed correctly on the
Shop Small Map, go to the Merchant Shop Small Site and log in to review and update your
customer-facing information. Make sure to check the box next to “Get free exposure for your
business. Allow your public information to be seen on our map and other marketing materials.”
Is there any cost to my business to be a part of the Shop Small Movement?
No. As a small business owner, you are automatically part of the movement. The Shop Small
Movement helps bring communities together to show support for you, the small business owner, and
help give you exposure throughout the year. You can explore the Promote Your Business section of the
site for free marketing materials that you can use to help promote your business.
I am not an American Express Card accepting merchant. Where can I go to learn more about
becoming an American Express merchant?
If you are not an American Express Card accepting merchant, but would like to learn more about how
your business can start accepting American Express Cards, click here or call 1-855-TAKE-AMEX.
For the full list of merchant-specific FAQs, go to
When can I register my Card for the American Express Card Member Offer for
Small Business Saturday?
Registration opens at 12:00 A.M. MST (Mountain Standard Time) on Nov 16, 2014, and continues until
11:59 P.M. MST on Nov 29, 2014, unless the registration limit is reached sooner. Visit
for information on how to register. Registration is limited.
Get ready to Shop Small® on Nov 29. Spend $10 or more in a single, in-store transaction at a qualifying
small business appearing on the Shop Small Map. If your transaction qualifies, you will receive a $10
statement credit within 90 days. You can take advantage of this offer up to three times, for a total of up
to $30 in statement credits. Online transactions do not qualify.
Visit the Shop Small Map to find qualifying small businesses near you.
Why should I participate in the Shop Small movement?
As a consumer, you are a key part in helping small businesses thrive. By shopping or dining at small
businesses throughout the year, you’re showing your support for all the small businesses in your
neighborhood and reinvesting in the community you call home.
NOV 29
How can I participate?
There are lots of ways you can support small business. You can go shopping or dining at a local small
business, invite friends to shop with you or share on your social networks where you #ShopSmall.
Learn more about how you can participate in the Shop Small Movement at
I have a question that isn’t addressed by these FAQs. Where can I go for help?
If these FAQs do not address your questions, please feel free to call our Shop Small servicing center
at 1-800-235-8916. We are available from 9am EST to 6pm EST, Monday through Friday. You can
also email us at