EASTSIDE EVENTS Volume XVIIl Issue 8 October 20, 2014 HOT LUNCH: Cathy Hayes will be serving pizza, grapes, fruit bar, and Sierra Mist. Please return completed form with payment to the office by Monday, October 27. SNACK SALE: Cereal BOXTOPS AWARDS: The Box Tops Kick Off Party will be held this Wednesday during the first recess. The snack will be different cereal options (including rice chex for gluten free) provided with either regular milk or almond milk. The winner of the family contest will be announced at that time. Thanks for all of the hard work everyone has put into this fund raiser! CATECHISM DUTY: Jill Hop BANKET: We have our delicious, homemade banket for sale at $6 per stick. Please call the school or email eastside@eastside-christian.org to order. This treat makes a great gift for the holidays! TRIP: No Cash 'n Carry this week Friday due to the Teacher's Convention break; please feel free to submit order forms to Karen Ophoff by Tuesday morning or heidi.vanbaren@gmail.com by 11:00 p.m. on Monday. Next order day: Tuesday, October 28, 2014. STOP&SHOP HELPERS NEEDED: Kitchen servers (1 person) from 12-2, cashiers (1person) from 11-2, baked goods table (1person) from 9-1......and...... women are needed to price the bake goods on Friday night. Please stop by the office to sign up or call/e -mail the school. Thanks for your support! STOP&SHOP POSTERS: Flyers and handout cards are on the front desk at school ready to distribute. If you know a business or location where you can hang a post er/flyer, or place a stack of handout cards, please grab some. We appreciate your help in getting these into the community! STOP&SHOP: "Stop&Shop is less than 2 weeks away! Come out to Eastside School on Saturday, November 1 and shop for the holidays. Take a peek at our vendor information at facebook.com/eastsidestopandshop . Stop&Shop is open from 9 AM-2 PM. Lunch, baked goods, soups, and banket are also available to purchase. STOP&SHOP EASTSIDE TABLE: ITEMS NEEDED! Canning jars of all varieties and sizes with lids and rings. Also, canning jar rings ONLY and old sheet music. Please drop the items off to school and label them “Items for Stop & Shop”. TEACHERS CONVENTION: There will be no school this Thursday and Friday, Oct. 23 & 24 due to teachers convention. Calendar: October 23/24 October 31 November 01 November 07 November 12 Teachers Convention/ No School Chapel...Rev. Mahtani 8:30 a.m. Stop & Shop P/T Conferences ½ Day Grandparents Day 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. OTHER SCHOOLS: ADAMS: 12th Annual Adams' Craft Show - Saturday, November 22 from 9-3 pm. This is our last craft show to be held at Adams. We are looking forward to a great show, with over 80 booths. Parking is a concern, and anyone who is able, please park at the church, just north of the school. We are not accepting any more applications. Thank you, Heather Buiter and Lydya Hulst ADAMS: Adams Christian Boosters are in their final preparations for their annual auction to be held on Friday, November 7, 2014 at the school. We will be accepting donations of services, items, or monetary donations until Oct. 30. If you would like to donate please contact Brad or Becky Butgereit at 481 -4230 or email bradnbecky@hotmail.com. Thanks for all who have donated! The doors will open at 5:00p.m. for the silent auction, and a pig roast dinner will begin at 5:30p.m., with the live auction beginning at 7:00p.m. Nursery will NOT be provided! We hope you can join us for a fun-filled and profitable evening! GEORGETOWN: Soup Supper hosted by Georgetown PRC Young People will be held on Thursday, November 13, 2014 from 5 - 7 p.m. Mark your calendars and look for more delicious details to come! GRACE: Grace church young people are offering wood fired whole chickens and slow smoked pulled pork ready to pick up for dinner on November 8. We ask that you pick up your hot and ready meat between 3 -5 pm, unless other arrangements have been made. The meat will be slow-smoked over a wood fire. The meat will be in kept warm in containers for you to put on the table that night, for dinner. If you desire to order more for your freezer, feel free to do so, we will package accordingly. Whole chicken $10 each. Pulled pork $9/lb or 2 lbs for $17. To order: email Liz Langerak: elangerak6@hotmail.com Thank you! HOPE: Hope School is again selling our pastry and streusel coffeecakes. Great for family coffee time, holidays, and even gifts! The flavors are cherry, cream cheese cherry, raspberry, cream cheese raspberry, blueberry, cream cheese blueberry, peach, cream cheese peach, and cream cheese cinnamon. They are $8.00 each. Please contact Cori Hop at 608-7413 or hopcori@yahoo.com by November 1 to order. We ask that you pick your coffeecakes up from the school on November 11 between 10 am and noon HUDSONVILLE CHURCH: Soup Supper and Salad Bar, sponsored by the Hudsonville PRC YP, Friday, October 31 from 5-7. Come enjoy delicious soup and homemade bread to help with next year’s convention expenses. Also they will have 6 different varieties of apples available for purchase. Hope to see you there. Hudsonville PRC young people's society is making apple crisp! This is a fundraiser for the 2015 convention. They are $8 each; they come frozen in an 8 inch tin with a crumb topping ready to be baked. Please call, text or email orders to Ruth Brower (616-634-7760 or ruthbrower9@gmail.com). Pickup information will be available soon! PROVIDENCE: 2nd Annual Pulled Pork Sale: Due to the wonderful response we had to the last Pulled Pork Sale, we are starting to take Pre-orders for this year's sale! We don't want anyone to be left out! For $8.50/lb you can have a delicious meal ready to go for game days or vacations! Pickup date will be before Spring Break (to be announced on a later date). Please email Heather Mowery at hmmowery@gmail.com to place your order.
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