RN I N F O R M A T I O... program at Eastside

program at Eastside
Want to learn more about
the program and meet the
preceptors? Join us for an
open house on Saturday,
November 1 from 10 a.m. to
12 p.m. in Eastside Medical
Center’s North Tower lobby.
Eastside RN residents must be a graduate from • 2 letters of recommendation, including
an accredited associate or baccalaureate
one from a clinical facility and one from
nursing program with a GPA of 3.5 or greater.
your current or previous manager. If you
The selected candidates must pass the NCLEX
have never been employed, two letters
prior to the program’s start.
from clinical faculty will suffice.
To be considered, submit a completed online • A well-written essay. When submitting an
application at eastsidemedical.com and be
essay for consideration, please be sure to
sure to submit the following items in one email
address the following key points in 1,200
to nursing.residency@hcahealthcare.com.
words or less:
• Current nursing school transcript. Official
or unofficial transcripts may be emailed or
sent directly to:
Eastside RN Residency
1700 Medical Way
Snellville, GA 30078
1. How you decided to become a RN.
2. Skills/talents you can offer the team if
selected for the program.
3. What you hope to take away upon
completion of the program.
Applications for the RN residency program at
Eastside are due by November 7, 2014. A total
of 25 RN residency spots are available in the
following clinical areas at Eastside:
Behavioral Health (4)
Emergency Department (2)
Intensive Care Unit (3)
Joint/Spine (2)
Labor & Delivery (2)
Medical (2)
Mother/Baby (2)
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (2)
Operating Room (2)
Progressive Care Unit (2)
Surgical (2)
Candidates will be notified by November 14 if
they are chosen to interview for the residency
program at Eastside. All interviews will be held
November 17 - 25 and acceptance letters will
be delivered by Friday, December 5.
Licensure Information
To achieve timely licensure, the selected RN
residency candidates should submit required
paperwork upon graduation and schedule
the NCLEX exam as soon as possible.
For more information about the program, visit