NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Calendar All School High School Middle School Athletics My EC WINTER WEATHER AND PlusPortals SCHOOL CLOSURES As winter approaches, we'd like to remind you of several resources where you can confirm the status of our school due to inclement weather. If school is delayed or cancelled, we will post a message to the school website first. November 12 - ParentTeacher Conferences November 13-16 - EC Drama Presents "The Curious Savage" November 24-28 Thanksgiving Break, No School (Offices Closed) And, new this week --we will also post a message to (Information about how to subscribe is posted below.) This service sends out an alert to subscribers and notifies local TV and radio stations as well as posting a message to the school's Facebook page. The school works to post any messages to the school schedule by 5 a.m. However, on rare occasions weather conditions can worsen later in the morning. So please be sure to check these resources before heading to school on questionable mornings. If there are no messages posted about Eastside Catholic, assume that school is running on time. (We do not issue messages when school is open and running on schedule.) IMPORTANT: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO FLASH ALERT TODAY EC Facebook EC Instagram EC Athletics Facebook EC Alumni Facebook EC Athletics Twitter PRAYER Do not look forward to the changes and chances of this life with fear. Rather, look to them with full confidence that, as they To sign up to receive FlashAlert notifications: Go to Click on Manage your Messages You can Login or select the link to Create New Account: Search for Eastside Catholic in the search box or Select Seattle-area Private Schools from the list Select Eastside Catholic from the list Enter your email address and click Subscribe Follow instructions for confirming email address and options for your account Consider downloading the free FlashAlert Messenger app from This app allows you receive and view push notifications on your tablet or smart phone. Push notifications are faster and more reliable than text messaging. arise, God to whom you PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES - TONIGHT belong will in his love Parent-teacher conferences will take place tonight from 4-7 p.m. High school teachers will be in the main gym and middle school teachers will be in the auxiliary gym. Doors will open at 4 p.m. You may arrive at any time between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. These conferences are an opportunity for a brief check-in with your student's teachers. Lines can sometimes grow long but sign-up sheets will be available for anyone wishing to schedule a more indepth conference with any teacher at a later date. enable you to profit by them. He has guided you thus far in life. Do you but hold fast to His dear hand, and He will lead you safely through all trials. Whenever you cannot stand, He will carry you lovingly in his arms. Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow. The same Eternal Father who takes care of you today will take care of you tomorrow, and every day of your life. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then, and put aside all useless thoughts, all vain dreads and all anxious imaginations. -Saint Francis de Sales 2015 MOHAN'S SKI AND SNOWBOARD PROGRAM FOR EC STUDENTS PARENT MEETING TONIGHT There is a parent meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in the EC Commons for those with students interested in participating. Registration for the 2015 season is now open at, including information on lessons and busing options. Trips to the Summit at Snoqualmie will occur each Friday afternoon for six weeks, January 9 through February 13. Contact Jennifer Hood with questions. EC DRAMA PRESENTS "A CURIOUS SAVAGE" BY JOHN PATRICK Purchase your tickets online through November 12. Tickets are available at the door after November 12. Seating is limited to 70 guests per show so purchase tickets in advance to avoid missing this must-see production. Ticket price: $10 Performances dates and times: Thursday, November 13, 7 p.m. Friday, November 14, 7 p.m. Saturday, November 15, 7 p.m. Sunday, November 16, 6 p.m. Location: Eastside Catholic School Black Box Theater (Room E203) INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO EXPERIENCE EC Saint Francis of Assisi... Pray for us Live Jesus in our hearts... Forever Do you know anyone who might benefit from an Eastside Catholic Middle School education? Invite them and their families to EXPERIENCE EC, at our upcoming Middle School Open House on Wednesday, November 19 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Please pass along our flyer with more details. Thank you! BUS ROUTE UPDATES The morning arrival times for Routes 111 and 114 have been updated with the help of parent feedback. A letter was sent home with the students on those routes. Please review the new times online. EC GIVING TREE AND MIDDLE SCHOOL MITTEN TREE PROGRAM Be on the lookout the week before Thanksgiving for the Giving Tree tags to be available. All Giving Tree and Mitten Tree donations must be brought to school between December 1-December 11. This year our Giving Tree program will continue to welcome gift card donations up to $30 per card; please do not exceed this limit on individual cards. Gift card donations provide families the opportunity to purchase their own special and unique gifts for their children, which was truly a blessing for the families last year. Additionally, our middle school is encouraged to bring in small, medium or large gloves for their Mitten Tree tradition. All donations will go to Our Lady of Sorrows, Holy Innocents and Tent City IV. Thank you for your generosity and for all the ways you help support Campus Ministry. Please contact Anna Ricci with any questions. 2014 PLAYOFF T-SHIRTS ARE HERE! Support your fellow Crusaders as they head to the State playoffs. Shirts are available in the Orange Crush Store for $15 and online. Also, new this week - men's and women's fleece jackets. Visit us Tuesday and Thursday from 2 - 4 p.m. and starting at 6 p.m. on Friday for the football game. Get your shirt before they're gone! STARS GALA AUCTION - TEN DAYS REMAIN IN PROCUREMENT DRIVE Congratulations to this week's winner of the procurement drawing: Catherine and Matt Iwicki! Enter the last drawing for a $100 Schwartz Brothers Restaurants gift card held on Friday, November 21 at noon. Donations can be entered online and/or dropped off anytime at the EC Events Office located on the second floor (down the hall from the Principal's Office) or anytime at the main reception desk. The auction team will be present on November 12, 4-7 p.m. during conferences; parents are encouraged to drop-off items or ask questions. PRESIDENT'S PICKS OF THE WEEK The President's Picks of the Week include a freshman mom's luncheon. Special thanks to Kim Mallalieu and Sue Lien for donating this sign-up party! Also chosen this week are four fourth-row Mariners tickets including parking, generously donated by Travis and Blair Howland! Bid on these fantastic items at the STARS Gala Auction on March 14, 2015. Learn more, including viewing our wish list at Please consider donating or procuring major hotel points or gift cards that we can put towards a travel package or a gift card to your favorite restaurant or store. For more information or with questions, contact Auction Co-chairs Marsha McMahon-Jones or Sherry Williams. Your generous support is greatly appreciated! GIFT GATHERING PARTIES - ENJOY FRIENDS! A NIGHT OUT WITH OLD AND NEW Tuesday, November 18, 6:30-8 p.m. -- Look's Gifts and Card, 1520 NW Gilman Blvd (free, easy parking), Issaquah, WA 98027, (425) 392-5151 20% off all purchases whether donated to the auction or for personal use, prices starting at $10 and up. Light refreshments and beverages provided by our EC parent host Jennifer Hood. Tuesday, December 2, 6:30-8 p.m. -- Elements Glass Gallery, 10500 NE 8th Street Suite 111 (in the lobby of the Hyatt, free and easy garage parking) Bellevue, WA 98004, (425) 4548242 20% off all purchases whether donated to the auction or for personal use, prices starting at $20 and up. Light refreshments and beverages provided by our EC parent host Marsha McMahon-Jones. EC SOCIAL MEDIA Have you seen our new Friday Teacher Features? Make sure to follow EC on Instagram at @eastsidecatholicschool and also "LIKE" the official Eastside Catholic School Facebook page! Have an idea for a post? Please contact the Marketing Department. ANNUAL ECHS MOTHER AND SON LITURGY & BRUNCH Don't miss the event of the Season! Eastside Catholic High School's 33rd Annual Mother and Son Liturgy & Brunch will be held on Saturday, December 13 at the Golf Club at Newcastle. The liturgy will begin at 9:30 a.m. with brunch to follow. All high school boys and their mothers, or special guests, are invited to attend. Please register online. We look forward to seeing you at this heartwarming, traditional event of EC! MISSION TRIP NEWS If your student is attending the Mission Trip the first payment of $200 is due today, November 12 at our regularly scheduled meeting during the Community Period at 2:10 p.m. You can also pay online. SENIOR EMMAUS RETREAT LEADERSHIP APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE Is your student interested in being a member of the Senior Emmaus Retreat Team? Leadership applications for the Emmaus Retreat Team are available in Campus Ministry and need to be returned by Monday, November 17. Any senior who has attended Destiny is welcome to apply for a team position! Two of the team applicants will be selected to be the overall leaders and their role will be to lead the team throughout the preparation and retreat process. All leaders must be able to commit to attending weekly Mass at EC, meeting outside of school hours once a week to prepare for the retreat beginning the week of November 15 and attending a retreat run-through on Monday January 19 (MLK Day). If you aren't interested in leading the retreat, but wish to attend be sure to mark your calendars and save the date for Emmaus, January 23-25. See Mr. LaBelle, Ms. McCormick or Ms. Regan if you have any questions! DRUGS AND ALCOHOL SPEAKER DURING COMMUNITY PERIOD Students will have an opportunity to hear Jerry Blackburn speak during Community Period on November 19, about chemical dependency and the realities of drug/alcohol use during teenage years. Mr. Blackburn is a community educator and consultant as well as a faculty member in the Chemical Dependency Counseling Program at Bellevue College. Please have your student join us for this important assembly. SWERVE DRIVING SCHOOL SWERVE Driving School is offering driver training instruction on campus at a reduced price exclusively for EC students. The winter course runs November 17 through February 2, Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:15-5:15 p.m. (no classes during Thanksgiving break). Students must be 15 years old by the first day of class. Make-up classes will be available and the written exam is administered at EC. To register please visit COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID PLANNING NIGHT Financial aid planning night for junior and senior families is scheduled for Thursday, November 20 from 6-7:30 p.m. This event is presented by Paula Bishop, CPA and Financial Aid for College Advisor. This event is normally offered to senior parents, but is open to our junior families as an opportunity to plan ahead. Questions to be covered include: How can we afford private colleges? How can we get scholarships? How does the financial aid system work? Do we qualify for financial aid? How do colleges determine aid? Originally scheduled in the Chapel, Financial Aid Planning Night will now be held in the Commons. RSVP at Please note Financial Aid Night in the subject line. SAT PREP COURSE - REGISTER NOW! FOR WINTER AND SPRING SESSIONS Mazor Test Prep Co. is pleased to offer its highly regarded SAT Preparation Course at a discount to ECHS students again this year. Mazor Test Prep has helped thousands of students in the Seattle/Bellevue area get the college entrance test scores they want and need. They have an excellent 27 year reputation, and take great pride in offering: Expert, effective and caring instruction Small classes Up-to-date course materials Plenty of practice, exposure and feedback Significantly discounted tuition for ECHS students The winter session will begin January 24 and the spring session will begin March 14. Here's the schedule for EC. Classes will be held at EC on Monday evenings, and practice tests will be held on Saturday mornings at Bellevue College. Weekend classes at Bellevue College are also an option, and the ECHS discount will be honored there, as well. Registration is online at Please contact Lisa Mazor at 206-632-8378 or for more information. STUDENT AMBASSADORS NEEDED Students: All past and present EC Middle School Student Ambassadors and Leadership students, we need you at our upcoming open house. We need ECMS students grades 6-8 to help tour prospective families at our Middle School Fall Open House on Wednesday, November 19. Please sign up by Mrs. K's door for the Open House. Prior-to-event training: Training will be held during Tutorial in the Mat Room in the Athletic Pavilion, on Wednesday, November 12. Note: Community service hours will be awarded for your help with the open house. Day of the Open House details: On November 19, please dress in your EC Middle School Dress Uniform (Liturgy Dress) for the open house. We will feed you! Pizza dinner to be served to all ECMS Student Ambassadors at 5:00 p.m. Please meet in the Athletic Pavilion Board Room for pizza, name tag and reminders! Thank you for your support and enthusiasm with the ECMS fall Open House! FOREST RIDGE OF THE SACRED HEART SEVENTH DANCE - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 AND EIGHTH -GRADE All ECMS seventh- and eighth-grade students are invited to attend the "Jammin' Like Animals" (wear your favorite animal print attire) deanery dance at Forest Ridge on Friday, November 14 from 7-9 p.m. Students are required to bring their ASB card and signed permission slip. Permission slips are on My EC and may also be picked up in the Attendance Office. This dance is only for students of invited deanery schools so ECMS students are not permitted to invite friends from other schools. Students must comply with Forest Ridge dress code as outlined on the permission slip. MIDDLE SCHOOL HARVEST FESTIVAL The PTF social committee would like to thank all parents who chaperoned during the Harvest social and donated food and decorations. The event was a success! Follow this link to view/download pictures taken at the photo booth. ATTENTION SEVENTH - AND EIGHTH -GRADE PARENTS There is still room on the summer Washington D.C. trip for your seventh- and eighth-graders! For nearly 50 years, WorldStrides has been providing these educational, fun, and life-changing trips. If you happened to miss the parent informational meetings, we encourage you to watch WorldStrides' online parent presentation by clicking the link below. The presentation covers information similar to what was discussed at our informational meeting, and it will answer most of your questions. More information can be found in the student invitation given to your child. You can view the parent presentation! Should you still have questions after viewing this presentation and reviewing your student invitation, please feel free to contact Marisa Poole, Eastside Catholic's WorldStrides coordinator, at or call her at (877) 452-7424. There are three ways to register your child: 1. Online. Your Trip ID # is 111170. 2. By phone - contact WorldStrides' Customer Service team at 1800-468-5899. 3. By mail - use the return envelope in your student invitation. WINTER SPORTS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER! For those athletes interested in wrestling, boys basketball, girls basketball or boys swimming, the first day of practice will be Monday, November 17. Please make sure you have your athletic waiver and current physical (within the past 13 months) submitted to the office prior to tryouts. If you are not sure if your paperwork is in, please contact Stacey Stoutt and we can check for you. FALL SPORTS PLAYOFF UPDATE Football: The Crusaders are moving on to State! The first round game will be played this Friday at Memorial Stadium vs. Meadowdale. Kickoff is at 7 p.m. Tickets are $8 adults/students without ASB card, $6 students with ASB card, senior citizens and elementary students, kids under 6 are free. Complete state playoff bracket. Volleyball: The volleyball team finished fourth in the District Tournament and move on to the State Tournament this weekend. Game 1 for the Crusaders will be played at 8 a.m. on Friday morning at St. Martin's College vs. Edmonds-Woodway. There will be a second game on Friday, determined by the outcome of game 1. Complete state playoff bracket. Cross Country: Congratulations to Matthew Siegel who ran at the State Meet this past weekend for the fourth time in his high school career, finishing 24th overall with a personal best time of 16:09. Way to go, Matthew! NATIONAL LETTER OF INTENT SIGNING Congratulations to Matisse Thybulle (University of Washington, basketball), Mandrell Worthy (Montana State University, basketball), Max Hudgins (Westmont College, basketball), Ashley Blanton (LaSalle University, lacrosse) and Olivia Cerino (Texas Christian University, equestrian) who will all be signing their National Letters of Intent this afternoon. We will have a short reception in their honor in the Athletic Pavilion Board Room at 3 p.m. today. All are welcome! Forward email This email was sent to by | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. Eastside Catholic School | 232 228th Avenue SE | Sammamish | WA | 98074
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