Primary Information for Parents – 2015 Primar y

Primary Information
for Parents – 2015
The closing date for
you to have made
your application by is
15 January 2015
Message from the Commissioner
for Education and Wellbeing
Welcome to Staffordshire’s Information for Parents Booklet
A good education is one of the best investments we can ever make in life. In terms of laying
down the foundations for a happy, healthy and prosperous future, there is little that beats it.
Parents and cares tell us how important it is to have access to the best schools and a good
education for their children. Employers tell us how important the development of the right
skills and attitudes are. For our children and young people, their experience of school is
critically important to them and they tell us that they want to be involved and listened to in
shaping the decisions that affect them.
The choices you make are important, so having good information to base your decisions
on is vital. In this booklet, we explain the admissions process and present information that
will help you to sort your preferences into an order. We work hard to ensure that as many of
you as possible get the school of your choice, and the great majority do. However, in some
cases, this preference cannot be met, particularly if a school is selected outside of the local
catchment area, so please be aware of this possibility at the outset. In 2013, 93% of first
choices were satisfied.
There are lots of sources of information available to you, including impartial inspection
reports provided by Ofsted inspectors, and the county council’s website “Do your homework”
that is designed to provide factual information. Alongside this should sit a first-hand view of
the school, so I strongly recommend that you visit the school to see their work for yourself
and to talk to the teaching staff and students about their experiences. Details of open
evenings are included in Appendix 4.
There are very many aspects to school life, including the sporting, cultural, social and
community activities that make each school distinctive. The “feel” that you get when visiting the
school and meeting others will help you in your choices as the partnership between schools
and parents/carers is essential to supporting each individual child or young person to thrive.
If you need further advice or support with any of the information shared in this booklet, please
contact the School Admissions and Transport Service - details can be found on page 4.
Making important choices can be both challenging and exciting as such decisions are often
signposts of big moments of opportunity. Enjoy your visits to schools, and review the range
of information available to you. Your contribution to ensuring that Staffordshire schools
deliver the best education opportunities to meet your child’s needs is both essential and
valued. I look forward to celebrating with you the successes that will flow from the good
decisions that you make.
Best wishes,
Anna Halliday
Commissioner for Education and Wellbeing
Important dates in the admissions process
Autumn Term 2014
Letters are sent out via your child’s current school or in some cases posted
direct to your home address.
During September and October, open evenings are held at high schools in
Staffordshire. Dates and times are shown in Appendix 4.
3 November 2014
The online application service will open.
15 January 2015
losing date for receipt of completed applications. Applications received
after this date may not be considered until those who have applied on time
have been dealt with, this may result in your child not being admitted to your
preferred school.
Spring Term 2015
pplications are processed and information is shared between neighbouring
local authorities.
16 April 2015
ffer of a school place. Online applicants will receive an email. Others will
receive the offer in writing, posted 2nd class on this date.
Summer Term 2015
Admission appeals heard by Independent Appeal Panel.
Contacts for School Admissions
and Transport Service
Address for correspondence
Staffordshire County Council
School Admissions and Transport Service
Tipping Street
Stafford ST16 2DH
Telephone: 01785 278593
Fax: 01785 278656
Important Dates in the Admissions Process
Contact Details
Applying Online
Section 1 – Making an Application
Section 2 – The Admissions Process
Section 3 – Allocation of School Places
Section 4 – Additional Information
Section 5 – Transport to School
Section 6 – Other Useful Information and Contacts
1 Admission to Voluntary Aided, Foundation, Trust Schools and Academies
27 - 56
2 Definition of a Baptised Catholic
3 Directory of Staffordshire Schools
4Summary of Primary School Admissions 2013
4.1 Summary of Primary Schools Admissions 2012
5 Co-ordinated Scheme for Admissions
6 In-Year Fair Access Protocol
School Terms Dates
8 Details of Neighbouring Authorities
Application Form
Primary Admissions Questionnaire
We would prefer to receive your application online.
Guidance on how to make an application and access to the online
service can be found at
Applying online
It's quick, easy and safe.
As a Staffordshire resident you can make your
application online between 3 November 2014
and 15 January 2015 using Staffordshire’s online
application service.
The benefits of applying online are:
We email your offer on the 16 April 2015 so there's no need to wait for a letter in the
The service is available 24 hours a day 7
days a week up to the closing date of 15
January 2015
No need to complete a paper application form
 It is quick and easy to do
The system is secure so that your
information is protected
 Y
ou will get email confirmation that your
application has been submitted
By making a note of your password, you
can change the details on your application
up to the closing date.
If you are not a resident of Staffordshire, use the
online service for the local authority within which
you live, contact details are available in Appendix
8 of this booklet.
If you have any queries about the online
school application process or any other aspect
of the admissions process please email the
School Admissions and Transport Service on:
Please use the space below to note your login
and password details.
79% of applications
for 2014 admissions
were made online
Section 1
Making an Application
When can my child start school?
Your child can start school full-time in a reception
class in the September of the academic year in
which they become five. For September 2015
admission, dates of birth must fall between 1
September 2010 and 31 August 2011. Parent/carers
can request that their child attends part-time until
the child reaches compulsory school age. Many
schools provide for children to attend part-time
at first. Any period of part-time attendance could
vary according to the circumstances at each school
and perhaps also according to the age of the child.
You will need to check with the school you would
like your child to attend, to see what their induction
arrangements are.
Parents/carers may request that their child’s entry to
a reception class be deferred until later in the same
academic year. Parents/carers wishing to consider
this must discuss the situation with the head
teacher at the school and apply for a school place
in the normal way at the usual time. By law children
must start full-time education at the beginning of
the term following their fifth birthday.
Parents wishing not to send their child to school
until they have reached compulsory school age,
have a right to apply for admission into reception
class the following year. Please note, a space cannot
be reserved for a year so parents/carers need to be
aware that there may not be a vacancy in Reception
or Year 1.
How do I apply for a place at a primary school?
When should I apply?
You must apply for a school place for your child
between 3 November 2014 and 15 January 2015
(the closing date). Applications received after the
closing date may only be considered after those
applications that were received on time have been
dealt with and may result in your child not being
admitted to your preferred school/s.
When is the Closing Date?
The closing date for all applications is 15 January
2015. Other key dates are given on page 4.
If I apply online do I need to submit the paper
application form?
No, once you have applied online and submitted
your application online you do not need to
complete the paper application form. You may
however need to provide supplementary evidence
to support your application separately i.e. baptism
certificate or medical evidence where relevant.
I have already put my child’s name down at the
school I want, do I still have to apply?
Yes. The school will have made a note of your
interest for your child to start at the school, and this
will have been used by them to provide you with a
copy of this booklet. However, this does not mean
that you have applied – you must still make an
official application by either applying online, or
on the paper application form.
You must make an application even if your child is
currently attending a nursery class or has an elder
brother or sister attending the school.
My child already attends the nursery class at
my preferred school, will I still have to apply?
You can apply for a school:
Yes. Attendance in the nursery class does not give
any priority for admission into reception class. Your
application will be considered with everyone else
that applies for your preferred school and places will
be allocated in strict accordance with the admission
criteria listed in section 3 and Appendix 1 – you
must still make an official application by either
applying online, or on the paper application
• online at
Applicants who apply this way will receive their
decision on 16 April 2015 by email.
• Using the paper application form at the back
of this booklet or download a copy from our
website. Applicants who apply this way will
receive their decision after the offer date by 2nd
class post.
If you wish to make more than 3 preferances, please
email: with the
Section 1
My child already attends the nursery class
at my preferred school, will she/he be given
priority for admission?
No. Attendance at the nursery does not give any
priority for admission into the reception class. It
may not be possible for your child to attend the
reception class at the nursery they currently attend
since places are only allocated in strict accordance
with the admission criteria listed in Section 3 and
Appendix 1.
My elder child already attends my preferred
school, do I still have to apply?
Yes. You must still make an application for your
preferred school regardless of whether or not you
have an older child at the school. Available places
are then allocated using the criteria detailed in
Section 3 or Appendix 1. Please note that there is no
guarantee that a younger sibling will obtain a place
at the same school as an older sibling.
My child is in Year 2 at an Infant school in
Staffordshire, what do I need to do?
You will have received an application pack from
your child’s present school, which should be
completed (either online, or by completing the
application form) before the closing date. Even if you
would prefer your child to attend the affiliated junior
school, you must still make an application.
Do I have to apply for my catchment school?
If you do not name your catchment area school
as one of your preferences in your application
your child will not be considered for a place at
this school. This may cause you problems if we are
unable to allocate your child a place at a preferred
non-catchment area school. If you are unsure as to
your catchment area school or go to the localview
website at
Will I need to provide any additional
It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide any
supportive information required in order for the
application to be assessed against the published
admissions criteria, the Local Authority will not seek to
obtain this information on behalf of the applicant.
You may be required to provide additional information
or submit a supplementary form if you are applying
for a Foundation, Voluntary Aided School or Academy
within Staffordshire which will need to be returned
with your completed application.
The admission policies of Foundation, Voluntary
Aided, Trust Schools and Academies are listed in
Appendix 1 and will state if additional information
or a supplementary form is required.
For schools located outside of Staffordshire, it
will be necessary for you to contact the relevant
admission authority and complete any additional
or supplementary information in line with any
deadlines that they specify. Contact details for
neighbouring authorities can be found in Appendix
8 at the back of this booklet.
If you wish to provide evidence to support
an application on medical grounds or other
exceptional circumstances you must obtain
the necessary evidence as specified within the
admissions criteria. The School Admissions and
Transport Service will not seek to obtain this
information on your behalf.
You will need to provide a copy of your child’s
baptismal certificate if you are applying for a place
at a Voluntary Aided Catholic school, and should
be aware that this information will also be shared
with the School Admissions and Transport Service
in order to fulfil the duties for which they are
If you apply for admission using the online or
telephone service any additional information
should be sent directly to the School Admissions
and Transport Service marked clearly with:
The name of your child
The school requiring the information
Whether the application was made online or by
You may also email this information to;
Where can I find the local authority and school
codes I need to complete the paper application
If you choose to apply using the paper application
the school codes that you will need are shown next
to the school in the directory in Appendix 3. Details
of school codes for other local authorities will be
published in their version of this booklet.
Section 1
Can my child join Reception Class after
Is it possible for my child to start in Reception
earlier than they should?
The Local Authority will consider requests from
parents to retain a place at the preferred school
where the parent wishes to defer entry to reception
class until later in the same academic year at
a community or voluntary controlled school.
Where it is possible to offer a place, deferral will
be supported if the request is made at the normal
time of application. Please contact the School
Admissions and Transport Service for more details.
The Local Authority will consider applications for
early admission to a reception class at a community
or voluntary controlled school provided that the
application is made at the normal time and relevant
supporting information is provided. The Authority
will consider the evidence provided and consult
with governors at the requested school. The
outcome of any such application will be notified,
in writing, at the same time as offers are made for
Reception places.
Section 2
Section 2
The Admissions Process
Which schools can I apply for?
When making your application, you must name
all the schools, where you wish your child to
be considered for a place in order of preference;
this includes any Academy, Trust, Foundation
or Voluntary Aided Schools, and any school in a
neighbouring authority because we coordinate the
admissions process with neighbouring authorities.
Can I apply for a non-catchment area school?
You have the right to express preferences for the
schools of your choice. However, you should be
aware of the potential implications of your child
attending a non-catchment area school. If your
child is offered a place at a school other than your
catchment area school, you should be aware of
the possible difficulties that may arise when he/
she transfers to the next stage of education (i.e.
secondary school), as the allocation of places to all
Community and Voluntary Controlled secondary
schools is administered in line with the admission
criteria, and not by reference to the primary
school previously attended.
Consequently, children attending a non-catchment
area primary school may (at the time of transfer to
secondary school), move in a different direction
from other children attending the same primary
school. Before deciding to apply for a noncatchment area school you should also give careful
consideration to how your child will get to school.
School transport will not normally be provided by
the Local Authority. Details of the school transport
policy are given in Section 5.
If you do not name your catchment area school
as one of your preferences in your application
your child will not be considered for a place at
this school. This may cause you problems if we are
unable to allocate your child a place at a preferred
non-catchment area school. Please contact the
School Admissions and Transport Service if you are
unsure as to your catchment area school.
How many schools can I apply for?
You are able to name up to three schools in your
application and if you wish to apply for more you
should let the school admissions team know. No
extra weighting is given for the number of times
you include a school on your form.
Although the great majority of parents and carers
in Staffordshire get one of their preferred schools,
it is important that you consider the possibility of
your school preferences not being met, particularly
if your preference is for a school that is not within
your catchment area. The summaries provided in
Appendix 4 and 4.1 provide a breakdown of how
places were allocated at the schools which were
oversubscribed and where independent admission
appeal hearings were held in the past two years.
They are provided as a guide only and do not
seek to provide any guarantee that a place will be
offered to your child this year.
Consider carefully how your child will get to school
as free transport will not normally be provided by
the Local Authority to a non catchment area school.
Full details of the school transport policy are given
in Section 5.
Similarly, there is no guarantee that a younger
sibling will obtain a place at the same school as an
older brother or sister in subsequent years.
I know which school I want my child to go to,
why should I have to name other schools on my
Will my child automatically have a place reserved
for them at their catchment area school?
If you live in Staffordshire and you only list one
school and your child cannot be offered a place at
that school, we will have to offer you a place at the
nearest school with a space available. This school
could be some distance from your home address
and there may well have been other schools that
you would have preferred your child to go to.
No. A place will not automatically be reserved for
your child at any school. An application must always
be made, even if you want your child to attend the
catchment area school. There is no guarantee that
places will be available at your catchment school.
Section 2
If I name the same school three times will this
give me a better chance of being allocated a
No. Your child will only be considered once for a
particular school. Places will be allocated in strict
accordance with the published admission criteria
for the school concerned. If you name a school
three times, you are wasting two preferences, as
each school is only considered once as part of your
How will I know that my application has been received?
Your online application will automatically
be acknowledged by an email confirming
your preferences once you have submitted
your application. Other applications will be
acknowledged by post once your school
preferences have been recorded on the School
Admissions and Transport database.
If you have not received an acknowledgement
by 28 February 2015 please contact the School
Admissions and Transport Service to ensure that
your application has been received.
What happens if I don’t apply by 15 January?
If you live in Staffordshire and do not apply by the
closing date your application may be treated as a
late application. Late applications for schools for
which Staffordshire is the admissions authority,
i.e. Community and Voluntary Controlled schools,
will be considered alongside those applicants
who applied on time wherever possible. Where it
is not possible, because places have already been
allocated, then late applicants will be considered
only after those applicants who applied by the
published closing date.
It is important to note that if one of your preferred
schools is not a Staffordshire Community or
Voluntary Controlled School then the relevant
admission authority may decide not to accept your
late application, and your application may not be
considered alongside those who applied on time.
A late application does not affect the right of appeal
or the right to be placed on a school’s waiting list.
What happens if I change my mind after I have
submitted my application?
When you apply using the online service you will be
able to change your preferences up to the closing
date. If you do, please remember to resubmit your
application, otherwise the changes will not be
If you apply using the paper form, your school
preferences may be changed by writing to the
School Admissions and Transport Service up to 15
January 2015.
If you wish to change your preferences to include
schools not previously named or wish to change
your preferences after the notification date you will
need to email, your
application will be administered in line with the late
applications process as detailed previously.
What happens if I don’t make an application?
If you live in Staffordshire and do not make an
application for any school, a place will be offered
at the nearest Staffordshire school with a space
available after all other applications have been
dealt with. Transport assistance will not necessarily
be provided. If you are unsure of the school
that normally serves your home address (your
catchment area school) please log onto or contact
a member of the School Admissions and Transport
Service on 01785 278593 who will be pleased to
advise you.
Section 2
Is the process different if my child has a
Statement of Special Educational Need?
For children with a statement of Special Educational
Need (SEN), discussions about starting school will
have already taken place during the assessment
or the previous Annual Review so that if the pupil
requires a special school or unit placement there is
time to plan the admission arrangements.
If parents wish to appeal against the school named
in their child’s statement, the appeal would need
to be submitted to the Special Needs and Disability
Tribunal. Details of how to contact the Tribunal are
available from the Additional Needs Division.
Applications for admission to school on behalf of
children with SEN but without statements will be
treated in the same way as all other applications.
Applications for admission will be considered
against the school’s published admission criteria. An application may not be refused solely because
the school considers it is unable to cater for the
child’s educational needs or because the child does
not have a statement of SEN or is being assessed for
one. It is also unacceptable for a school to refuse to
admit a child thought to be potentially disruptive or
who exhibits challenging behaviour on the grounds
that the pupil ought to be assessed for SEN.
Who should I contact if I have any queries
about the admissions process?
Contact details for the School Admissions and
Transport Service are available on page 4 of this
booklet. If you wish to speak to a member of staff in
person, you must make an appointment.
The Staffordshire website contains useful
information and may answer some of your queries:
Section 3
Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary
Controlled First, Infant, Junior and Primary Schools
Normal Age of Entry: Academic Year 2015/2016
First, Infant, Junior and Primary Schools
Full time places in reception classes will be available
in September of the academic year within which the
child becomes five years old.
Although parents have the right to express a
preference for the school that they wish their child to
attend, there is no guarantee of a place being offered
at their preferred school.
It is the County Council’s policy to try and meet
parents wishes where possible, however in some
cases there may be more applications for a particular
school than there are places available. Admission to
oversubscribed community and voluntary controlled
schools are determined by the oversubscription
criteria detailed below.
Oversubscription Criteria
If the total number of preferences for admission to
a school exceeds the school’s Published Admission
Number (PAN), the following order of priority is used
to allocate the available places. (N.B., after applying
the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant can
be offered a place at more than one preferred school
then they will be offered a place at the school ranked
highest on their application.)
1)Children in Care and children who ceased
to be in care because they were adopted (or
became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great
majority of other applicants either on their
own medical grounds or by other exceptional
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical
report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the
point of application). This report must clearly justify,
for health reasons only, why it is better for the child’s
health to attend the preferred school rather than any
other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of
school and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances
of the child, not the economic or social circumstances
of the parent/carer. They should be supported by a
professional report (obtained by the applicant and
provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker.
This report must clearly justify why it is better for the
child to attend the preferred school rather than any
other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were
unable to attend the preferred school.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not
merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to
be experienced as a result of the child attending a
different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any
likely hardship at the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance
at the preferred school (or in the case of an infants
school, the affiliated Junior school) and who will still
be attending the school at the proposed admission
date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a
child who lives at the same address and either: have
one or both natural parents in common; are related
by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered by a
common parent or are unrelated children who live at
the same address, whose parents live as partners.)
4)Children living within the catchment area of the
preferred school
5)Children whose parents regularly attend a Church
of England church, or a church in communion
with the Church of England, or of a church which
is affiliated to the Council of Churches for Great
Britain and Northern Ireland or the Evangelical
Alliance. Evidence of such attendance will be
required in the form of a letter from a minister of
the Churches concerned (Only certain Voluntary
Controlled Schools use this criterion, see additional
notes below).
6)Other children arranged in order of priority
according to how near their home addresses are
to the main gate of the school, determined by a
straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
Section 3
Where it is not possible to accommodate all children
applying for places within a particular category then
the Local Authority will allocate the available places
in accordance with the remaining criteria. If for
instance, all the children with an older sibling cannot
be accommodated at a school, children who have an
older sibling at the school and satisfy category (4) will
receive offers of a place, followed by children who
satisfy category (5), etc.
The requirement for the Local Authority to meet the
Infant Class Size legislation may result in the refusal of
catchment area or sibling applications where a class
has already reached its limit of 30 pupils. However,
as an exception, the local authority will give careful
consideration to offering places above the Admission
Number to applications from children whose twin or
sibling from a multiple birth is admitted even when
there are no other vacant places.
Additional Notes
The home address is considered to be the child’s along
with their parent/carer’s main and genuine principal
place of residence at the time of the allocation of
places i.e. where they are normally and regularly living.
If a child is resident with friends or relatives (for reasons
other than legal guardianship) the friends or relative’s
address will not be considered for allocation purposes.
Copies of school catchment area maps are available
from the Local Authority or individual schools.
There is no charge or cost related to the admission of a
child to a school.
Admissions are administered through a coordinated
admission scheme and preferences for community,
controlled, aided and foundation schools will be
processed centrally by the School Admissions and
Transport Service. Each child will receive only one offer
of a place at a Staffordshire school.
Where parents have shared responsibility for a child,
and the child lives with both parents for part of the
school week, parents will be required to provide
documentary evidence to support the address they
wish to be considered for allocation purposes.
Attendance at a particular infant school will not
guarantee admission to any particular junior school.
Parents must make a separate application for
admission to junior school at the appropriate time.
If a place is offered on the basis of an address that
is subsequently found to be different from a child’s
normal and permanent home address then that place
is likely to be withdrawn.
In accordance with legislation, children who have
a statutory statement of special educational need,
or Education, Health and Care Plan that names a
particular school as being the most appropriate to
meet the child’s needs must be admitted to that
school. This will reduce the amount of places available
to other applicants.
If there are a limited number of spaces available and
we cannot distinguish between applicants using the
criteria listed, such as in the case of children who live in
the same block of flats, then the child or children who
will be offered the available spaces will be randomly
selected. This process will be independently verified.
Children in Care means children who are in the care of,
or provided with accommodation by a local authority
in accordance with section 22(1) of the Children Act
1989 at the time of making the application.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide any
supportive information required in order for the
application to be assessed against the published
admissions criteria, the Local Authority will not seek to
obtain this information of behalf of the applicant.
The Local Authority uses a Geographical Information
System (GIS) to calculate home to school distances in
miles. The measurement is calculated using Ordnance
Survey (OS) data from an applicant's home address
to the main front gate of the school. The coordinates
of an applicant's home address are determined and
provided by the Local Land and Property Gazetteer
(LLPG) and OS Address Point data.
Any Staffordshire child not obtaining a place at any
of their parent’s preferred schools will be allocated
a place at their catchment area school (if places
remain available) or the next nearest school with a
space available and advised about the independent
appeals process.
Category 5 is relevant to the following schools:
Berkswich CE (VC) Primary
Forsbrook CE (VC) Primary
Havergal CE (VC) Primary
Hob Hill CE/Methodist (VC) Primary
Holy Trinity CE (C) Primary
St Chad’s CE (VC) Primary, Lichfield
St Leonard’s CE (VC) First, Dunston
St Luke’s CE (VC) Primary, Cannock
St Margaret’s CE (VC) Junior
Section 3
St Michael’s CE (VC) Primary, Lichfield
Late Applications
St Paul’s CE (VC) Primary, Stafford
Application forms received after the closing date
will be considered alongside those applicants
who applied on time wherever possible. Where
it is not practicable because places have already
been allocated, or are shortly to be allocated, then
late applicants will be considered only after those
applicants who applied by the published closing date.
The Henry Prince CE (C) First
A list of member Churches can be found at
Deferred Entry to Reception Class
The Local Authority will consider requests from
parents to retain a place in the preferred school
where the parents wish to defer their child’s entry to
a Reception Class until later in the same academic
year or until the term in which the child reaches
compulsory school age. The effect is that the place
will be held for the child and is not available to
be offered to any other child. Where it is possible
to offer a place, deferral will be supported if the
request is made at the normal time of application. A parent may not defer entry beyond the beginning
of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor
beyond the academic year for which the application
was accepted.
The Local Authority will also consider requests from
parents who wish their child to attend Reception
Class on a part-time basis until the child reaches
compulsory school age.
Waiting lists
Unsuccessful applicants will be placed on a waiting
list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria
stated above and not based on the date their
application was received. If places become available
after the offer date they will be offered according to
the child at the top of the waiting list.
A late application does not affect the right of appeal
or the right to be placed on a school’s waiting list.
Repeat Applications
Parents do not have the right to a second appeal in
respect of the same school for the same academic
year unless, in exceptional circumstances, the local
authority has accepted a second application from
the appellant because of a significant and material
change in the circumstances of the parent, child or
school but still refused admission.
“In-Year Transfer” Arrangements
Parents or carers seeking to transfer to a Community
or Voluntary Controlled School may make an
application using the appropriate application form.
This application will be processed in line with the
procedure outlined in the determined admission
arrangements and parents and carers need to be
aware that any date set for joining the new school
may be after the next term or half term holiday and
those parents/carers are responsible for ensuring
that their child continues to receive appropriate
education in the interim.
Relevant Area
For cases where the infant class size regulations
apply, the waiting list will operate until the cohort
concerned leaves Year 2.
Staffordshire County Council’s relevant area for
consultation is contained within the administrative
area of Staffordshire County Council.
For all other cases, Waiting Lists will be kept until the
end of the autumn term of admission.
How many places are available at each school?
Inclusion on a school’s waiting list does not mean
that a place will eventually become available at the
preferred school.
A child’s position on a waiting list is not fixed and
is subject to change during the year i.e. they can
go up or down the list since each added child will
require the list to be ranked again in line with the
oversubscription criteria listed above.
Children who are subject of a direction by a local
authority to admit or who are allocated to a school
in accordance with the Fair Access Protocol will take
precedence over those on the waiting list.
Each school has a Published Admission Number
(PAN) which is the maximum number of pupils
that the school can admit taking into account the
accommodation and the resources available. The
PAN for each primary, infant and junior school in
Staffordshire can be found in Appendix 3 of this
Section 3
What is the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme?
What if I am moving home?
The scheme explains how the Authority coordinates its admission arrangements. The
purpose of the scheme is to ensure that, so far as
is reasonably practicable, each pupil living within
Staffordshire who has applied for a school place
during the normal admission round receives only
one offer of a place for a school within Staffordshire.
The full scheme is detailed in Appendix 5 of this
If a child's home address changes during the
admissions process it is the responsibility of the
parent/carer to inform the School Admissions and
Transport Service immediately.
What is Infant Class Size Legislation?
There is Government legislation that requires
Local Authorities to ensure that no infant class will
contain more than 30 pupils if there is only one
fully qualified teacher available for that class. Infant
classes are Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Parents
should be aware that there is no guarantee of a
place at the catchment area school or the preferred
school where infant class size legislation applies.
Will I need to provide proof of my home address?
Your child’s name and address will be printed on
the letter advising you to apply for a school place. If
this information is incorrect then you must provide
proof with your application of the correct home
The Local Authority may undertake a home visit
without prior notice to verify a child’s home address.
If a school is offered on the basis of an address that
is subsequently found to be different from a child’s
normal and permanent home address, then that
place is likely to be withdrawn.
When will I know the outcome of my application?
If you apply online you will receive an email on the
16 April 2015 notifying you of the outcome of your
If you do not apply online your offer letter will be
posted using 2nd class mail on 16 April 2015.
You should not receive more than one offer of
a school place within the co-ordinated scheme
detailed in Appendix 5. Do not telephone the office
for a decision since this information will not be
provided over the telephone.
If you can provide satisfactory evidence of a new
home address (e.g. a solicitor’s letter confirming
a completion date) by 1st April 2015, we will take
that information into consideration when deciding
on the offer of a school place. Please note that an
‘intention to move’ will not be used when allocating
Advise the School Admissions and Transport Team
when you are aware of an impending house move as
this may affect the school place that will be allocated.
Are places ever withdrawn?
Yes, where it is found that a school place was offered
on the basis of an address that is subsequently found
to be different from a child’s normal and permanent
home address, at the time of application of places then
that place is likely to be withdrawn.
During the admissions process for 2014 the
Authority withdrew 4 primary school places where
parents had either not provided the correct home
address or had deliberately given false information
in order to gain admission to their preferred school.
How can I find out the catchment school for a
certain address?
The County Council has a search facility on its
website to enable you to check the catchment
areas for various addresses. Visit or contact the School Admissions and Transport
Service on 01785 278593.
Please note there is no guaranteed admission to
your catchment area school, allocations will be
dependent on the availability of spaces in the
relevant year group.
Catchment areas are also subject to review and may
alter from year to year.
Section 4
Additional Information
How do I put my child’s name on a waiting list if
my application is unsuccessful?
Unsuccessful applicants will be automatically
placed on a waiting list in accordance with the
oversubscription criteria stated above and not based
on the date their application was received. If places
become available after the offer date they will be
offered according to the child at the top of the
waiting list.
Waiting lists will be kept until the end of the autumn
term of admission.
For cases where the infant class size regulations
apply, the waiting list will operate until the cohort
leaves Year 2.
Inclusion on a school’s waiting list does not mean
that a place will eventually become available at the
preferred school.
A child’s position on a waiting list is not fixed and
is subject to change during the year i.e. they can
go up or down the list since each added child will
require the list to be ranked again in line with the
oversubscription criteria listed above.
Children who are subject to a direction by a local
authority to admit or who are allocated to a school
in accordance with the Fair Access Protocol will take
precedence over those on the waiting list.
What can I do if I am unhappy with the school
offer made?
Along with your offer letter, you will receive
information on how to proceed if you are not
satisfied with the school place that you child has
been allocated.
If it is not possible to agree your preference for a
Staffordshire school, parents have the opportunity
to appeal against the decision to an Independent
Appeal Panel.
Can I apply again for the same school if my
application is unsuccessful in September?
It is not the Council’s policy to consider repeat
applications in the same academic year unless there
have been significant and material changes in the
circumstances, of the parent, child or school.
Will my appeal be successful?
The summaries provided in Appendix 4 indicate
the number of appeals heard and the number of
successful appeals for the last 2 years of admission.
The decision of an Independent Appeal Panel is
final and binding on you as a parent and the Local
Authority and the school.
If your child has been refused a place at your
preferred school due to the legislation regarding
infant class sizes, there are only very limited
circumstances in which your appeal will be
successful. The guidance sent out with the appeal
form will provide further information.
What if my appeal is unsuccessful?
The decision of an Independent Appeal Panel is final and
binding on the Local Authority, parents and the school.
If your appeal is unsuccessful you may wish to
contact the School Admissions and Transport
Service who will be able to advise you as to which
schools have places available, in addition to the
school place that you have already been offered.
If a place has been refused due to infant class
size legislation can I still appeal?
You should consider carefully the information that
is sent to you with your offer letter, as there are only
very limited grounds on which an appeal on infant
class size grounds will be sucessful.
Admissions During the School Year i.e. In Year
In accordance with the revised School Admissions
Code 2012, from September 2013 Staffordshire
LA will no longer co-ordinate in-year admission
applications. Parents and carers can apply for a place
for their child at any time to any school. The LA can
inform parents of where places might be available
but applications should be made directly to the
school on an in year application form. Schools must
inform the LA of all applications received and their
outcome to allow the LA to keep up to date figures
of availability of places. If refusing an application, an
admission authority (such as academies and aided
schools or the LA for community and controlled
schools) must inform parents of their right to appeal
against the refusal.
Section 4
Important points to remember
You must apply by 15 January 2015
ou can list three different schools in order of preference.
It is advised that you use all three preferences.
L isting only one preference does not increase your chance
of getting into that school. If you list only one school and
it is not possible to offer you a place, you will be offered a
place at the nearest available school with places. This may
not be your catchment school and may be some distance
from your home.
You need to apply for a primary school place even if your
child is attending nursery classes within a primary school.
Attendance at a nursery does not guarantee or increase
your chances that a place will be offered at the school.
Decisions about who to offer places to are made using the
admissions criteria only, which other schools you have
applied for is unimportant.
All applications to a school are considered at the same
time. Priority is not given to those who put the school first.
Applying for more than one school does not weaken your
chances of getting a place at your preferred school.
The order in which you list the schools is only used if you
could be offered a place at more than one school. In this
case, you would be offered whichever of those schools was
highest on your application.
ou should list the schools in the order that you would most
prefer them, not the order you think you might get them.
You need to make an application even if you have an elder
child attending your preferred school.
Section 5
Transport to Primary Schools
The Transport Policy is under regular review and
therefore the information in this booklet is correct
at the time of going to print. Further information
concerning the transport to school policy is
available on our website: www.
Free transport - Is my child entitled?
The legal responsibility for ensuring that a child
attends school rests with the parent/carer but the
Local Authority has a duty in some cases to support
parents/carers with transport to school.
Pupils are normally entitled to free home to school
transport if they: Reside within Staffordshire, and
• Live beyond walking distance from the school
that they attend which is also their registered
base, and
• Live within the designated catchment area of
the school, or are attending their nearest school,
as determined by the Local Authority.
Parents/carers should also be aware that the
provision of transport to a sibling or previous
occupant of the property does not guarantee that
future transport requests from that address will be
agreed. Applications will be assessed based upon
the transport policy in place at the time of the
request being received.
Denominational transport
We no longer offer free transport to a
denominational school unless the school is the
nearest school and is over walking distance.
Seats may be available to purchase under the
Temporary Vacant Seat Scheme (see page 21 for
more details). Parents/Carers should note that from
from September 2017 (for primary denominational
schools), there will no longer be any transport
funded by the Local Authority other than for those
pupils who retain a statutory entitlement to free
transport because it is their nearest school and is
beyond walking distance from their home.
The Local Authority will be working with individual
schools and transport operators to seek to ensure
that accessible and sustainable travel continues
to be available for pupils attending faith schools.
However parents/carers are advised to consider
carefully how their child will get to and from school
and to check with schools to see what travel
arrangements are in place at each individual school.
What is Walking Distance?
Walking distance is defined as up to two miles
for pupils under the age of eleven at the start of
the school year. The distance considered is the
shortest available walking route, as measured from
the nearest pedestrian access to the school site, to
the child’s home address. The measurement will
be determined using the Geographic Information
System (GIS), used within the Local Authority, using
the road pathway network held at the time. This
may change over time as the network is updated
and as new roads and paths are added. The
location of the home address is calculated using
the property seed point as defined by the National
Land and Property Gazeteer.
When considering a walking route it is assumed
that the pupil will be accompanied, as necessary.
Where parents/carers are working at the time
their children travel to and from school, it is their
responsibility to make other arrangements for
someone else to accompany their children as they
feel necessary.
What type of transport assistance will be
Free or subsidised transport will normally take the
form of either:
• A travel pass for public transport, or
• A place on a contracted vehicle hired by the
Authority, or The payment of travelling expenses
(this might include the reimbursement of bus or
train fares, or a petrol or cycling allowance, at a rate
determined by the Local Authority)
The Local Authority will determine which type of
transport assistance will be offered and reserves the
right to change the type and timing of transport
provided. For example, from a seat on a hired school
bus, to a seat on a public service bus or train, or vice
In general, children eligible for free transport maybe
required to walk or be taken by parents, up to one
mile to or from a designated pick-up or drop-off
point. Passenger Assistants are not provided on
transport to mainstream schools, regardless of the
age of the pupils being transported.
Section 5
How do I apply?
If your child is starting at their designated
catchment school, and your address is more than
2 miles from the school, they will automatically
be identified. You will be informed that your child
is entitled to receive free travel assistance and an
acceptance of transport form will be sent to you, at
the time you are offered a place at the school. You
will need to complete and return the form, by the
closing date stated, if you wish to take up the offer
of free transport.
For applications for transport to the nearest school
(where it is not the catchment school) or for any
other circumstances, parents will need to complete
an application form which is available from our
Please return the form to the School Admissions
and Transport Service, (the address is on page 4 of
this booklet), Alternatively you can telephone 01785
278593 to request a form. Parents should note that
it may take up to 20 working days from receipt of
your application for transport to be arranged. You
will be expected to make your own arrangements
to ensure your child attends school during this time.
A parent/carer has the right to a review of a decision
that free transport is not available. Requests for
a review must be made in writing to the County
Commissioner for Access for Learning at the address
given on page 4, giving full details as to why a
review has been requested.
Moving Address
When moving address, parents should give
Consideration as part of their house move to the
transport arrangements for their child to get to and
from school. If a pupil who receives free transport
moves address and so is no longer attending the
catchment or closest school for the new address, or
no longer lives beyond walking distance from the
school, the pupil is no longer entitled to free home
to school transport. We would expect you to either
transfer your child to the closest or catchment
school serving your new address, or make your own
transport arrangements to enable your child to
continue to attend their existing school. However, if
your new address is within Staffordshire, your move
was due to exceptional circumstances, and your
child was attending the catchment or closest school
for your last address, the Authority may consider
offering transport assistance from your new address.
An application form will need to be submitted
and you must attach evidence of your exceptional
circumstances, along with your application.
What are the arrangements for transport for pupils
with a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN)
or with an Education Health Care Plan?
Pupils with a statement of special educational Needs
or an Education Health Care Plan are covered by
the same legislation as other pupils. The Authority’s
Special Needs Inclusion
Strategy places a strong emphasis on including pupils
with additional needs into their local primary school.
The placement of a child with special educational
needs in a mainstream or special school will not
automatically result in the provision of free transport.
The SEN District Education Office will undertake an
assessment of the pupil’s special educational needs
and determine whether transport should be provided.
In carrying out this assessment the pupil’s age and level
of ability will be taken into account. Further information
on transport provision for pupils with special
educational needs can be found on our website: www.
Behaviour on School Transport
Transport assistance is provided with the
expectation that pupils will behave appropriately in
the vehicle and that they will not otherwise abuse
the rules governing the provision of transport. The
Authority operates a ‘No pass, No travel’ system.
Pupils must carry and show their pass on every
journey And those without a valid travel pass may
be refused access to the vehicle. In addition, the
Authority may withdraw a travel pass where it
has made every reasonable effort to provide free
transport and the pupil’s behaviour has created a
safety hazard or amounts to a persistent or serious
abuse of the system. Behaviour that endangers
other pupils, passengers or the driver will not be
tolerated. The Authority, after consultation with
the school, will advise parents by letter of any
incident that has occurred, where the intention is
to withdraw transport for a defined period. Parents
will be required to make their own transport
arrangements during the suspension period. The
transport operator will be informed of the action
Further information relating to behaviour and safety
on home to school transport, can be found at:
Section 5
What happens if my child loses their pass??
Should your child lose or damage their pass, a
replacement can be ordered by contacting the
Transport and the Connected County office (see
Section 6). A charge will be made for a replacement pass.
Temporary Vacant Seat Scheme
Where a vehicle hired by the Authority has more
seats than are needed for pupils entitled to free or
subsidised transport, places may be available to
other pupils to purchase under the Temporary
Vacant Seat Scheme.
You are advised not to base your choice of school
on the expectation of purchasing a seat under the
vacant seat scheme.
If your child is not eligible for free home to school
transport there is no guarantee that a seat will be
available to purchase under the temporary vacant
seat scheme – your child’s travel to and from school
is your responsibility.
If a seat is offered at some time in the future it may
have to be removed often at short notice. A seat
may have to be withdrawn from a temporary vacant
seat holder if the seat is required for a pupil entitled
to transport or when a route to the school is
changed or the vehicle size is altered. You will then
be required to make your own travel arrangements.
Your child may become settled in a school to
which transport later becomes a difficulty for you,
and alternative solutions may be expensive. It is
important to have alternative arrangements in
mind as every year this causes problems for some
parents. The cost of purchasing a vacant seat for
2014/15 is £500 per pupil per year. This amount can
be paid in instalments. The charge and available
payment options are reviewed each year. For more
information please contact the Transport and the
Connected County office (see Section 6).
Section 6
Other useful information and contacts
Family Information Service
The Family Information Service provides free
information for all parents, carers, employers and
childcare providers about:
working/ child tax credits, free childcare places,
child benefit, childcare vouchers, childcare costs
for parents in further education
flexible working, parental/ adoption leave,
maternity leave and pay.
children's centres, parent/ grandparent and
toddler groups, activities, parenting support
groups, toy libraries, holiday and Youth Service
signposting to other agencies such as health,
education, schools, welfare and much more.
childminders, nurseries, pre-schools, before and
after school provision, school nursery classes.
refine a childcare search to meet location or any
other requirement, around home, at work or even
on a route to work.
assist in finding free funded childcare places for 3
and 4 year olds
offer advice by explaining differences in childcare,
things to look out for, questions to ask childcare
childcare for children with special needs or
learning disabilities.
You can contact Family Information Service on
0300 111 8007
Address for Correspondence:
Family Information Service, Staffordshire Place 2, c/o
Tipping Street, Stafford, ST16 2DH
Special Educational Needs:
Please note due to statutory changes EHC Plans
are being developed from 1st September 2014.
Statements of Educational Needs will however
remain in place for a number of children and young
people until the conversion timetable has been
completed, and as such references below to EHC
Plans should also be taken to include Statements of
Special Educational Needs.
The guidance below on general principles for
admission of children and young people with
special educational needs is extracted from the
Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of
Practice: 0 to 25 Years (June 2014), and accords with
Staffordshire County Council policy.
1.26 As part of its commitments under articles 7 and
24 of the United Nations Convention of the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities, the UK Government is
committed to inclusive education of disabled children
and young people and the progressive removal of
barriers to learning and participation in mainstream
education. The Children and Families Act 2014 secures
the general presumption in law of mainstream
education in relation to decisions about where children
and young people with SEN should be educated
and the Equality Act 2010 provides protection from
discrimination for disabled people.
1.27 Where a child or young person has SEN but does
not have an EHC plan they must be educated in a
mainstream setting except in specific circumstances.
The School Admissions Code of Practice requires children
and young people with SEN to be treated fairly.
Admissions authorities:
• must consider applications from parents of
children who have SEN but do not have an
EHC plan on the basis of the school’s published
admissions criteria as part of normal admissions
• must not refuse to admit a child who has SEN but
does not have an EHC plan because they do not feel
able to cater for those needs
• must not refuse to admit a child on the grounds
that they do not have an EHC plan.
1.36 The presumption of mainstream education is
supported by provisions safeguarding the interests of
all children and young people and ensuring that the
preferences of the child’s parents or the young person
for where they should be educated are met wherever
Section 6
Children and Young People with EHC Plans are
allocated places separately to those without EHC Plans.
For those involved in phase transfers to primary, first,
middle or secondary schools, placement decisions
are made by 15th February in the calendar year of
transition, and the Code of Practice sets out how this
will be done in the following sections.
9.78 The child’s parent or the young person has the
right to request a particular school, college or other
institution of the following type to be named in their
EHC plan:
• maintained nursery school
• maintained school and any form of academy or free
school (mainstream or special)
• non-maintained special school
• further education or sixth form college
independent school or independent specialist colleges
(where they have been approved for this purpose by
the Secretary of State and published in a list available
to all parents and young people).
9.79 If a child’s parent or a young person makes a
request for a particular nursery, school or post-16
institution in these groups the local authority must
comply with that preference and name the school or
college in the EHC plan unless:
it would be unsuitable for the age, ability, aptitude or
SEN of the child or young person, or the attendance of
the child or young person there would be incompatible
with the efficient education of others, or the efficient
use of resources.
Efficient education means providing for each child
or young person a suitable, appropriate education in
terms of their age, ability, aptitude and any special
educational needs they may have. Where a local
authority is considering the appropriateness of an
individual institution, ‘others’ is intended to mean the
children and young people with whom the child or
young person with an EHC plan will directly come into
contact on a regular day-to-day basis”.
9.80 The local authority must consult the governing
body, principal or proprietor of the school or college
concerned and consider their comments very carefully
before deciding whether to name it in the child or
young person’s EHC plan, sending the school or college
a copy of the draft plan. If another local authority
maintains the school, they too must be consulted.
It should be noted that the majority of children
and young people with SEN or disabilities will have
their needs met within local mainstream early
years settings, schools or colleges. Some children
and young people may require an EHC needs
assessment in order for the local authority to decide
whether it is necessary for it to make provision in
accordance with an EHC plan.
Contracted School Transport
Details of contracted school transport in your area
and the availability of a seat under the Temporary
Vacant Seat Scheme can be obtained from:
Transport and the Connected County, Staffordshire County Council, Tipping Street, Stafford. ST16 2DH
Telephone: 01785 278679 (North); 01785
276738 (East); 01785 278718/9 (West)
or visit:
Public Transport
Information relating to public transport in Staffordshire
can be found using the following website:
Alternatively you can contact Traveline on 0871 200
2233 (Monday - Saturday 7.30 - 20.00 hrs Sunday
10.00 - 18.00 hrs) or via their website: www.
For further information relating to transport within
Staffordshire, sustainable travel, Staffordshire’s Local
Travel Plans and road safety, please visit our website:
Road Safety
Staffordshire County Council would prefer children to
be able to walk to and from school wherever possible
to encourage sustainable travel and promote health
and exercise.
The journey to school should merit some careful
consideration for both parent and pupil when
choosing a school. Travel options should be
investigated to ensure that suitable public transport
is available or the school is within walking or cycling
distance from home. Parents need to be aware of
any issues surrounding parking at schools and peak
hour congestion, which may inhibit safety, and
cause delay.
The Council offers ‘Bikeability’, a cycling training
course designed to equip pupils with the skills to
cycle to school.
For some children, regardless of their proximity to
school, walking is not an option. Where this is the case,
the Council would prefer pupils to use existing public
transport services instead of travelling by car.
This will help to reduce peak hour congestion and
Section 6
limit environmental effects. Every parent/carer has a
responsibility to ensure their child’s regular attendance
at school and this may involve accompanying your
child all or part of the way to school.
School Inspection
OFSTED is the inspectorate for children and
learners in England. You can view the latest school
inspection report by accessing the OFSTED
website via
ParentalSupport or through the national website
School Meals
Staffordshire Catering Service is the school meal
provider to Staffordshire schools. For a taster of the
services available to pupils and parents, visit: www.
You can find menus and further information about
how we are promoting a healthy lifestyle to young
From September 2014 all pupils in Reception, year 1
and year 2 are entitled to receive free school meals,
regardless of their household income, without
having to register a claim. However, if a parent
meets the criteria and registers a claim with the
county council, the school will receive additional
money called Pupil Premium which is used to help
raise attainment levels across the school. Therefore
if you do meet the criteria it’s really important that
you make a claim.
You can register a claim free school meals for your
children if you are in receipt of any of the following:
• Income Support
• Income based Job Seekers Allowance
• Income related Employment and Support
• Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax) Credit
and the household income is not more than
£16,190 (as at May 2014). Please note households
receiving any Working Tax Credit, regardless of
their income, will not qualify
• The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
• Support under part VI of the Immigration and
Asylum Act 1999
Application can be made online at
Charging and remissions policy for school
The 1988 Education Reform Act sets out the law on
charging in all maintained schools:
Parents cannot be charged for activities which
take place during school hours, or which are
required either as part of the syllabus, for an
examination course or as part of the National
Parents can only be charged for activities that
happen outside school hours when these
activities are not necessary as part of the National
Curriculum or religious education. Charges may
be made for other activities that happen outside
school hours if parents agree to pay. Governing
bodies of each school will have a general
Charging and Remissions Policy and details
published in their school prospectus.
Parent Partnership
Staffordshire Parent Partnership Service exists to
help develop closer links and better communication
between families, schools, education and social
services, voluntary organisations and other
professionals involved with a child who may have a
Special Educational Need. For further information,
contact the Parent Partnership Service on 01785
356921. Or email:
School Clothing
The policy of the Local Authority is that uniforms
in Staffordshire maintained schools should not be
compulsory, but most schools have a voluntary
dress code which has been agreed with parents.
You can get information on school uniform and
guidelines on clothing from your child's school.
There are no grants available to assist with the cost
of school clothing for first or primary school pupils.
School Governors
Each school has a governing body which plays
an important part in the life of the school. It has a
general responsibility for the conduct of the school
and a range of specific responsibilities, including the
school’s finances and the appointment of staff. For
further information, contact the Governor Services
on 01785 277448 or
National Curriculum
The National Curriculum is a blueprint used by
schools to ensure that teaching standards are
Section 6
universally consistent. Schools are free to plan how
the National Curriculum fits with their particular
strengths and introduce other activities that extend
the learning experience for their pupils. For further
information, visit:
Lichfield Diocesan Board of Education
Further information and advice about admissions
to Church of England Voluntary Aided Schools may
be obtained from the school concerned or from
the Lichfield Diocesan Board of Education, St Mary's
House, The Close, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 7LD
Telephone: 01543 306030
Web site:
Birmingham Diocesan Schools Commission
Further information and advice about admissions
to Voluntary Aided Catholic primary schools may
be obtained from the school concerned or from
the Birmingham Diocesan Schools Commission, 61
Coventry Road, Coleshill, Birmingham, B46 3EA
Telephone: 01675 430230
Web site:
Nottingham Diocesan Education Service
Further information and advice about admissions
to Voluntary Aided Catholic primary schools may
be obtained from the school concerned or from
the Nottingham Diocesan Education Service, The
Diocesan Centre, Mornington Crescent, Mackworth,
Derby, DE22 4BD
Telephone: 01332 293833
Web site:
Parent Teacher Associations
For those parents wanting more information about
starting or joining a Parent Teacher Association
or Friends Association at the school, please
contact Lynne Maguire PTA-UK Adviser for the
West Midlands on 0121 708 2540 or email lynne. PTA-UK promotes effective
partnerships between parents and teachers and
supports PTAs to enhance their children’s education
experience. For more information visit
Parental Responsibility (PR)
Following changes made to the law about
children, schools need to know who has ‘parental
responsibility’ for each child. This is so that the
school can ensure that proper authority is given
when they require permission for something
relating to the child. It also ensures that people who
have parental responsibility but do not live with
the child are fully consulted about any important
Please co-operate with school staff by providing
the information they require. If any changes are
made to your family life, or if orders are made under
the Children Act which relate to your child, please
keep the school informed. If you need assistance in
response to the Children Act and its provisions, the
Education Welfare Officer (EWO) attached to the
school should be able to help you.
For admissions purposes, an individual can only apply
for a school place if they have parental responsibility
for the child named on the application form.
Parental responsibility may be acquired in the
following ways:
mothers always have parental responsibility.
fathers have parental responsibility if they are currently married or have previously been married to the mother of the child.
fathers also have parental responsibility if they are named on the child’s birth certificate after 1st December 2003.
an unmarried father can obtain parental responsibility through a parental responsibility agreement with the mother or by getting a parental responsibility order from a court
step-parents and other relatives who look after the child can obtain parental responsibility but do not have it automatically.
parental responsibility is also obtained through the making of a residence order (an order made under the Children Act 1989), and through the act of adoption. A contact order does not provide parental responsibility.
Section 6
Should more than one person have parental
responsibility, only one application will be
considered. The Local Authority presumes that the
person completing the application has consulted
with all others who have parental responsibility and
unless a court order rules otherwise, the application
must be made by the parent who has the day to
day care of the child for the majority of the school
days/weeks. Where this is unclear, disputed, or care
is split equally and there is no agreement between
the parents, the application will remain undecided
until evidence of an agreement or a Court Order is
supplied to the Local Authority.
If separated parents reside at the same address,
they should reach agreement or, if not possible,
obtain a Court Order to clarify the preferences
before an application can be considered by the
Local Authority. Where a child has recently moved
from one parent, who has had care responsibility, to
another, we will require written confirmation from
both parties of the new arrangements. Where there
is no agreement, we will not be able to continue to
process the application for a school place.
If a Court Hearing is pending to determine
arrangements, the outcome must be notified to the
Local Authority immediately after the hearing, with
documentary proof, in order for the application to
be processed.
Section 6
Appendix 1
Admission to Academy, Voluntary Aided, Foundation and Trust Schools
A summary of the admissions criteria adopted by these schools
is given below. More detailed information is available from each
school. Further information and advice can also be obtained from
the relevant Diocese office, the details of which are given in Section
6. You are advised to contact the relevant school for a full copy of
their admissions criteria.
school, i.e. the circumstances of the child, or the specific economic
or social circumstances of the parent, and be supported by a
professional report, e.g. social worker, justifying why it is better
for the child to attend the preferred school rather than any other
school and if they would suffer hardship if they were unable to
attend this school
For the following schools the governing body is responsible for the
admission criteria that will be used in deciding which pupils to admit
should the school be over-subscribed. If you express a preference for
any of these schools, the School Admissions and Transport Service
will forward details of your application to the school. The governing
body will place applications into rank order and return them to the
Schools Admissions and Transport Service who will complete the
admissions process.
3.Children whose parents are genuinely seeking a Christian
Education for their children and who reside within the Parish of
Leek and Meerbrook.
There is no charge or cost associated with the admission to any of
the schools listed below.
4. Children who reside within the Parish of Leek and Meerbrook.
Admissions are administered through a coordinated admission
scheme and preferences will be processed centrally by the School
Admissions and Transport Service. Each pupil will receive only one
offer of a place at a Staffordshire school.
a.Priority will be given first to children whose parent(s) are practising
members of the Church of England
b.Practising Christians of another denomination
Parents may be asked to submit a reference of worship from their
minister to support their application
5.Siblings of children who will be attending the school at the time
of the child’s admission and do not meet one of the criteria listed
above. Sibling refers to a child who lives at the same address and
either: •have one or both natural parents in common
All Saint’s CE (VA) Primary, Bednall
•are related by a parent marriage
In the event that the number of applications exceeds the school
admission number places will be allocated in accordance with the
following criteria:-
•are unrelated children who live at the same address, whose
parents live as partners
1) Looked after children
2) Living within the area served by All Saints’ School (the
Ecclesiastical parish of Acton Trussell with Bednall, together with
the civil parish of Acton, Bednall and Teddesley Hay).
3) Pupils who at the time of the application have a brother or sister
in attendance at the school who will still be attending at the
proposed admission date.
4)If members of the family regularly attend one of the two churches
of the parish, All Saints, Bednall and St James, Acton Trussell
(supported by a letter from the Church Minister).
5)If family or members thereof regularly attend at another church
(supported by a letter from the Church Minister).
6) Mention in accompanying letter a statement of religious
commitment which supports the school mission statement.
A pupil with a statement of special education needs that names All
Saints will automatically be offered a place in the school.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
All Saint’s CE (VA) First, Leek
In admitting children priority will be given to children with
Statements specifying this school and then the following criteria, in
priority order, will be adopted in the event of an insufficient number
of places being available:
1. Looked After Children
2.Children with medical or social priority reasons. This means pupils
that are distinguished from the great majority of other applicants
either on medical grounds or by other exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the parents). It must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why
it is better for the child to attend this school rather than any other
school. Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of
•are adopted of fostered by a common parent
6.Children of parents who reside outside the Parish of Leek and
Meerbrook but who seek a Christian Education within a Church of
England School.
a.Priority will be given first to children whose parent(s) are practising
members of the Church of England.
b.Practising Christians of another denomination and other faiths
Parents may be asked to submit a reference of worship from their
minister to support their application
7.Children of parents who reside outside the Parish of Leek and
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Anglesey Primary Academy
If the total number of applications for admission to Anglesey Primary
Academy, including second and third preferences, exceeds the
Published Admission Number (PAN), the following order of priority is
used to allocate the available places.
1. A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but
immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption,
residence, or special guardianship order*. A looked after child is a
child who is:
a) in the care of a local authority
b) b
eing provided with accommodation by a local authority in the
exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in
Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).
2. Children who satisfy both of the following tests;
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Appendix 1
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the child’s
health to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, ie the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application) eg Social Worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the preferred school.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
3. Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at Anglesey
Primary Academy and who will still be attending the school at the
proposed admission date. Sibling is defined in these arrangements
as children who live as brother or sister in the same house,
including natural brothers or sisters, adopted siblings, stepbrothers
or sisters and foster brothers and sisters.
4. Children living within the catchment area of Anglesey Primary
5. Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
6. Where it is not possible to accommodate all pupils applying for
places within a particular category then the admissions authority
will allocate the available places in accordance with the remaining
criteria. For example, if all the catchment area children cannot
be accommodated at a school, children who are catchment area
children and satisfy category (3) will receive offers of a place,
followed by children who live in the catchment area and satisfy
category (4) and so on.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Anson CE (VA) Primary School
Should there be an oversubscribed number of admissions, the
Admissions Committee will meet and use the criteria below to
determine who would be admitted.
The following aspects will be taken into consideration and priority
given in the following order:1 Relevant looked after children
2Children of parents/guardians who habitually worship in a church
in the parishes of Great Haywood, Tixall and Ingestre. This to be
supported by a letter of confirmation from incumbent of the
respective parish.
3 Resident in Great Haywood, Tixall or Ingestre.
4Pupils who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school
and who will still be attending the school at the proposed
admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a
child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage;
are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated
children who live at the same address, whose parents live as
5Children of parents/guardians with Church of England
commitment and Church affiliation outside the areas of Great
Haywood, Tixall or Ingestre. This to be supported by a letter of
confirmation from the incumbent of the parish.
6Children of parents/guardians who live outside areas of Great
Haywood, Tixall or Ingestre although members of another
Christian denomination wish their child to attend a Church of
England school. This to be supported by a letter of confirmation
from the Minister of their church.
7Children of parents/guardians who although not worshipping in
another faith wish their child to attend a Church school because
of its specifically religious emphasis.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Beresford Memorial CE (VA) First
When there are more applicants than there are places available the
Governors will admit pupils according to the following criteria in
order of priority:a)Children in Care whose parents/carers wish them to attend a
Church of England school because of their faith commitment
(written evidence from the clergy is required).
b)Children in Care with other or no faith commitment.
c)Children whose families are faithful and regular worshippers of any
of the Anglican churches in the Leek and Meerbrook Team Ministry,
written evidence of the applicant’s commitment to their place of
worship (in the form of a clergy reference) will be required.
d)Children whose families are faithful and regular worshippers of
another Christian denomination as recognised by the CTBI/EA
(Churches Together in Britain and Ireland/Evangelical Alliance );
written evidence of the applicant’s commitment to their place of
worship (in the form of a minister’s reference) will be required.
e)Children who have brothers/sisters attending the school at the
time of admission (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a
child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are
adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children
who live at the same address, whose parents live as partners).
f ) Pupils living within the catchment area of the school
g)Remaining places will be allocated by the nearness to the school,
measured along the safest route to the school’s main gate, as
measured by the Local Authority's Geographical Information
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Bishop Rawle CE (VA) Primary
If the number of pupils seeking admission to the School exceeds
the admission number, then the places are allocated based on the
following priorities.
Category 1Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order)
Category 2 C
hildren whose parents are faithful and regular worshippers
of the Anglican Church or at a Church affiliated to the
ChurchesTogether in Britain and Ireland. Evidence will be a
reference from the Reverend, Vicar, Pastor or Minister. (Regular attendance is defined as attending at least two services per month for the past two years.)
Category 3If the children has a brother or sister currently at the school who
will still be in attendance at the time of admission.
Category 4 C
hildren whose parents are resident in the catchment area of the school (i.e. The Parish of Cheadle with Freehay)
Category 5Children who require a place at the school on the following
grounds Medical (supported by a medical report setting out why for health reasons the child needs to attend the school)
Economic/social related to the child (supported by a professional
report setting out why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school).
Appendix 1
Category 6 Children from within the Parish of St Giles with Freehay and
whose families are committed members of another religious faith, written evidence will be required from the faith leader.
Category 7Other pupils arranged in order of priority according to how near their home addresses are to the school, measured by the shortest straight line from their home address to the school.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Blessed Mother Teresa's Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number,
governors will consider applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made . A map of the
parish boundary is available to view at the school and parish or by
post on request.
1Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(eg children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to
attend the preferred school. Hardship means severe suffering of
any kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to
be experienced as a result of the child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
5)Children who attend the Bursley Primary School day nursery.
6)Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Chadsmead Primary Academy
2Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St Austin’s
who have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in the school at the
time of admission.
If the total number of applications for admission to the academy
exceeds the number of available places, the following order of
priority is used to allocate the available places.
3 Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St Austin’s.
1)Relevant Children in Care, including those previously determined
as Looked After Children. (That is, children who were looked after
but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became
subject to a residence order or special guardianship order).
4Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission.
5 Other Baptised Catholic children.
6Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school at
the time of admission.
8 Non-Catholic children.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Bursley Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made.
1) Relevant Children in Care
2) Children living within the catchment area of the school
3)Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school
and who will still be attending the school at the proposed
admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a
child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage;
are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated
children who live at the same address, whose parents live as
4) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the child’s
health to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
2)Children living within the defined catchment or cluster area of
the academies cluster areas for reception will correspond to the
catchment area for main school.
3)Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at the academy and who will still be attending the school at the time of
the proposed admission date. (For admission purposes, a brother
or sister is a child who lives at the same address and either: have
one or both natural parents in common; are related by a parents
marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are
unrelated children who live at the same address, whose parents
live as partners.)
4)Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the child’s
health to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school and the
individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the economic or
social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should be supported by a
professional report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point of
application), e.g. social worker. This report must clearly justify why it is better
for the child to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the preferred school.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
5)Other children will be arranged in order of priority according
to how near their home addresses are to the main gate of
the academy, determined by a straight-line measurement as
calculated by the Local Authority’s Geographical Information
Appendix 1
here it is not possible to accommodate all children applying for
places within a particular category then the available places will be
allocated in accordance with the remaining criteria. If for instance,
all the catchment area children cannot be accommodated,
children who are catchment area children and satisfy category (3)
will receive offers of a place, followed by children who live in the
catchment area and satisfy category (4), etc.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Church Eaton Endowed (VA) Primary
In the event of over-subscription the following criteria apply, taking
priority as stated:
is calculated using Ordnance Survey (OS) data from an applicant's
home address to the main front gate of the school. The
coordinates of an applicant's home address are determined using
the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) and OS Address
Point data.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Corbett CE (VA) Primary
If the number of applications exceed the schools Published
Admissions Number (PAN), the following order of priority will be used
to allocate the available places:
Relevant Children in Care and children who have previously been in care
1. Relevant looked after children
b) Pupils living within the Parish of Bobbington;
2. Children living within the catchment area.
c)Pupils who have an elder sibling in attendance at the School and
who will still be attending the school at the proposed admission
date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child who
lives at the same address and either: has one or both natural
parents in common; is related by a parent’s marriage; is adopted or
fostered by a common parent or is an unrelated child who lives at
the same address, whose parents live as partners).
3.Children (not in the catchment area) with brothers and sisters in
the school at the time of admission. *
4.Other applicants will be considered according to the distance they
live from the school, measured in a straight line from the main
school gate to the home address. **
The above criteria apply to all applicants irrespective of age.
Children with a statement of special educational need that names
the school must be admitted. This will reduce the number of places
available to applicants.
Churchfields Primary School
If the total number of preferences for admission to a school exceeds
the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the following order
of priority is used to allocate the available places.
1. Relevant children in care
2. Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of applicants
either on their own medical grounds or by other exceptional
circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a medical
report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point of
application). This report must clearly justify, for health reasons only,
why it is better for the child’s health to attend the preferred school
rather than any other school
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. It should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school
d)Other pupils arranged in order of priority, according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight line measurement. This is measured
by the Local Authority's Geographical Information System (GIS).
The co-ordinates of an applicant’s home address are determined
using the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) and Ordnance
Survey (OS) Address Point data. (The home address is considered
to be the child’s along with their parent’s main and genuine place
of residence at the time of allocation of places i.e. where they are
normally and regularly living. If a child is resident with friends or
relatives (for reasons other than legal guardianship) the friends or
relatives addresses will not be considered for allocation purposes.
Where parents have shared responsibility for a child, and the child
lives with both parents for part of the school week then the home
address will be determined as the address where the child lives
for the majority of the school week. Parents will be required to
provide documentary evidence to support the address they wish
to be considered for allocation purposes.)
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Dilhorne Endowed CE (VA) Primary
If the number of applicants for admission to a school exceeds the
school's PAN, the available places are allocated, in order of priority,
using the following criteria:
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the preferred school
a)Looked after Children .Priority will be given to children of the faith
of the school.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application
b)Pupils whose statutory statement of special need names the
school as the most appropriate mainstream school that meets the
pupil’s needs.
3. Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school
and who will still be attending the school at the proposed
admission date; (For admission purposes,a brother or sister is a
child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are
adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children
who live at the same address, whose parents live as partners)
4. Children living within the catchment area
5. Children are arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
School. The School uses a Geographical Information System (GIS)
to calculate home to school distances in miles. The measurement
c)Pupils living within the catchment area of the school, which is the
Parish of Dilhorne. A map of the Parish of Dilhorne is available in
d)Pupils who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school and
who will still be attending the school at the proposed admission
date; (for admission purposes, a sibling is a child who lives at the
same address and who is the brother, sister, half-brother, sister
(children who share one common parent), step brother, step sister
where two children are related by marriage. This definition also
includes adopted or fostered children living at the same address).
e)Pupils whose parents are regular attendees of the Church of
England; or of a church in communion with the Church of
England; or of a church which is affiliated to the Council of
Churches for Great Britain and Northern Ireland or the Evangelical
Alliance. Evidence of such attendance will be required in the form
of a letter from a minister of the Churches concerned.
Appendix 1
f ) Pupils who satisfy both the following tests:
Test 1: they are distinguished from the great majority of applicants
either on medical grounds or by other exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report, (obtained
by the parents). It must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it
is better for the child to attend the preferred school rather than any
other school. Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice
of school, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the economic or
social circumstances of the parent. They should be supported by a
professional report, e.g. social worker, justifying why it is better for the
child to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: they would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the school. Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely
difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a
result of the child attending a different school. Parents must provide
detailed information about both the type and severity of any likely
g)Other pupils arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the school by the shortest
straight line as measured by the Local Authority's Geographical
Information Systems.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Dosthill Primary School
If the total number of preferences for admission to Dosthill Primary
school exceeds the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN) of
84, the following order of priority is used to allocate the available
places. (N.B., after applying the oversubscription criteria, where an
applicant can be offered a place at more than one preferred school
then they will be offered a place at the school ranked highest on their
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a
medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at
the point of application). This report must clearly justify, for health
reasons only, why it is better for the child’s health to attend Dosthill
Primary school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
Dosthill Primary school. Hardship means severe suffering of any
kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to be
experienced as a result of the child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at Dosthill
Primary school and who will still be attending the school at the
proposed admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or
sister is a child who lives at the same address and either: have
one or both natural parents in common; are related by a parents
marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are
unrelated children who live at the same address, whose parents
live as partners.)
4) Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school.
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Dove Bank Primary School
Please see the admissions criteria for Community and Voluntary
Controlled Schools in Section 3.
Eton Park Junior
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children living within the catchment area of the school
3)Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school and
who will still be attending the school at the proposed admission
date; (for admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child who
lives at the same address and either: have one or both natural
parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are adopted
or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children who live
at the same address, whose parents live as partners.)
4) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should be
supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and
provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This report
must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the school
rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the school.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
5)Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Flaxhill Junior Academy
If the total number of preferences for admission to a school exceeds
the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the following order
of priority is used to allocate the available places. (N.B., after applying
the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant can be offered a
place at more than one preferred school then they will be offered a
place at the school ranked highest on their application.)
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: The child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a
Appendix 1
medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point
of application). This report must clearly justify, for health reasons only,
why it is better for the child’s health to attend the preferred school
rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: The child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the preferred school.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the preferred
school (or in the case of an infants school, the affiliated Junior
school) and who will still be attending the school at the proposed
admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a
child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are
adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children
who live at the same address, whose parents live as partners.)
4) Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
Where it is not possible to accommodate all children applying for
places within a particular category then the Local Authority will
allocate the available places in accordance with the remaining
criteria. If for instance, all the catchment area children cannot be
accommodated at a school, children who are resident within the
catchment area will be arranged in order of priority according to
distance i.e. category (5)
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Havergal Primary
Please see the admissions criteria for Community and Voluntary
Controlled Schools in Section 3.
Hazel Slade Primary
If the total number of preferences for admission to a school exceeds
the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the following order
of priority is used to allocate the available places. (N.B., after applying
the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant can be offered a
place at more than one preferred school then they will be offered a
place at the school ranked highest on their application.)
1) Relevant children in care
2) Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school
3)Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the preferred
school and who will still be attending the school at the admission
date; (For admission purposes a brother or sister is a child who
lives at the same address, and either: have one or both natural
parents in common; are related by a parents’ marriage: are
adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children
who live at the same address, whose parents live as partners
4) Pupils who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: They are distinguished from the great majority of applicants
either on medical grounds or by any other exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report, (obtained
by the parents). It must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it
is better for the child to attend the preferred school rather than any
other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of the school,
i.e the circumstances of the child, not the social or economic
circumstances of the parent. They should be supported by a
professional report e.g. social worker, justifying why it is better for the
child to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: They would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend the
preferred school.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Parents must provide detailed
information about the type and severity of any likely hardship.
5) Other pupils arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by
the Children and Lifelong Learning Directorate’s Geographical
Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Heathfields Infant School
If the total number of preferences for admission to Heathfields Infants
school exceeds the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the
following order of priority is used to allocate the available places. (N.B.,
after applying the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant can be
offered a place at more than one preferred school then they will be
offered a place at the school ranked highest on their application.)
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a
medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at
the point of application). This report must clearly justify, for health
reasons only, why it is better for the child’s health to attend
Heathfields Infants school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
Heathfields Infants school. Hardship means severe suffering of any
kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to be
experienced as a result of the child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at Heathfields
Infants school and who will still be attending the school at the
proposed admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or
sister is a child who lives at the same address and either: have
one or both natural parents in common; are related by a parents
marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are
unrelated children who live at the same address, whose parents
live as partners.)
4) Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school.
5) Children whose parents regularly attend a Church of England
church, or a church in communion with the Church of England, or
of a church which is affiliated to the Council of Churches for Great
Britain and Northern Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance. Evidence
of such attendance will be required in
Appendix 1
6) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Heath Hayes Academy
If the total number of preferences for admission exceeds the school’s
Published Admission Number (PAN) of 45, the following order of
priority is used to allocate the available places. (N.B., after applying
the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant can be offered a
place at more than one preferred school then they will be offered a
place at the school ranked highest on their application.)
Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they
were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order).
Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
B1, Test 1: The child is distinguished from the great majority of
other applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend Norton Canes Primary Academy rather than
any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
B2, Test 2: The child would suffer hardship if they were unable to
attend Norton Canes Primary Academy.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
Once the above tests have been considered the priorities for
admission are as follows:
Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at Norton Canes
Primary Academy and who will still be attending the school at the
proposed admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister
is a child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are
adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children
who live at the same address, whose parents live as partners.)
Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school.
Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the school, determined
by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the Local Authority’s
Geographical Information System.
statement of special educational need that names a particular
nursery setting must be admitted to that nursery. This will reduce
the number of places available to other applicants.
2) Children who satisfy the following tests:
B the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the preferred maintained nursery rather than
any other nursery.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of nursery
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
specific economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer, and be
supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and
provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker, justifying why
it is better for the child to attend the preferred maintained nursery
rather than any other nursery.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
Hempstalls Primary School nursery setting.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at
Hempstalls Primary School and who will still be attending the
school at the time of the proposed admission date. (For admission
purposes, a brother or sister is a child who lives, at the same
address and either: have one or both natural parents in common;
are related by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered by a
common parent or are unrelated children who live at the same
address, whose parents live as partners.)
4)Children living within the defined catchment of the preferred
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the nursery setting,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated using the
Local Authority Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Hollinsclough CE (VA) Primary
In the event of the school being over-subscribed, the following order
of priority will be used to allocate the available places:
Looked after children living within the catchment area (‘relevant looked after child’ means a child who is looked after or previously looked after by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children Act 1989.
2. Pupils of school employed staff (employed for 2 years upwards) of those pupils of staff meeting a skills shortage.
3.Pupils living within the catchment area, that is, within the
Benefice of Longnor.
For a full copy of the admissions criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
4.Siblings of children who are still at the school at the time of
admission. This includes adopted, looked after or step children
living in the same household.
Hempstalls Primary School
5. Pupils whose siblings have attended the school.
If the total number of preferences for admission to Hempstalls
Primary School nursery age setting exceeds the number of available
places, then the following order of priority will be used to allocate the
available places.
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
In accordance with legislation, children who have a statutory
6.Pupils who regularly attend a Church of England place of worship.
A supporting letter from the relevant local minister will be required.
7.Pupils whose family have Christian links other than in 5 above. A
supporting letter from the relevant local minister will be required.
8.Pupils with medical reasons or special educational needs which
make it preferable to attend the school rather than any other.
Requests of a medical nature should be supported by a medical
report, obtained by the parents, justifying the grounds for such
Appendix 1
an application. Children with a statement of special educational
need that names the school must be admitted as long as the
school is able to meet the child’s needs.
9.Other pupils arranged in order of priority according to distance
from the school of the child’s home address measured in a direct
line, the shortest distance ranking first and the greatest distance
ranking last. This distance is measured from the child’s home
address to the school main gate.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Holy Rosary Catholic Primary
Where schools have more applications than places available,
Governors will draw up a ranked list based on the criteria listed below
and will allocate places accordingly.
Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs which
names the school will be admitted. This will reduce the number of
places available.
First priority in all categories will be given to siblings that is, children
who will have older brothers or sisters attending the school at the
proposed time of admission.
1.Catholic looked after or previously looked after children
2.Catholic children living in the parish served by the school.
3. Catholic children living outside the parish
4.Other children who are classed as looked after or previously
looked after children.
5.Children who are baptised or dedicated members of other
churches which belong to ‘Churches Together in England’.
6.Other children and those for whom no Supplementary Form has
been received
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
5)Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Hutchinson Memorial CE (A) First
If the number of applications for admission to the school exceeds the
Published Admission Number (PAN), the following order of priority is
used to allocate the available places.
A Relevant Children in Care (That is children who are looked
after by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the
Children’s act 1989 (b) and who are (a) looked after at the time
an application is made and (b) in relation to whom the local
authority has confirmed that the child will still be looked after at
the time when the child will be admitted to school).
BResidence in the catchment area of the school (i.e. the
Ecclesiastical Parish of Checkley)
CPupils, who at the time of the admission, have a sibling in
attendance at the school. (For admission purposes a sibling is a
child who lives at the same address and who is brother/sister, half
brother/sister (children who share one common parent), step
brother/sister where two children are related by marriage. This
definition also includes adopted or fostered children living at the
same address).
DParents or guardians active in membership of the Anglican
Church. (A letter from clergy may be requested.)
Horninglow Primary
EParents or guardians active in membership of another Christian
Trinitarian Church. (A letter from clergy may be requested.)
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
FChildren of non Christian parents or guardians, who wish their
child to experience a Christian education.
2) Children living within the catchment area of the school
3)Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school
and who will still be attending the school at the proposed
admission date; (for admission purposes, a brother or sister is a
child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage;
are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated
children who live at the same address, whose parents live as
4) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should be
supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and
provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This report
must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the school
rather than any other school.
GOther pupils arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by the shortest road route to the main school gate.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Ilam CE (VA) Primary
If the number of applications for admission to the school exceeds the
Published Admission Number (PAN), the following order of priority is
used to allocate the available places.
A Relevant Looked After Children - i.e. children who are looked after
by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children Act
1989 and who are (a) looked after at the time an application is made
and (b) in relation to whom the local authority has confirmed that
the child will still be looked after at the time the child is admitted to
BResidence in the catchment area of the school (i.e. the
Ecclesiastical Parishes named above)
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the school.
CPupils, who at the time of admission, have a sibling in attendance
at the school. (For admission purposes a sibling is a child who
lives at the same address and who is brother/sister, half brother/
sister (children who share one common parent), step brother/
sister where two children are related by marriage. This definition
also includes adopted or fostered children living at the same
DParents or guardians active in membership* of the Anglican
Church. ( A letter from clergy may be requested.)
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
EParents or guardians active in membership* of another Christian
Trinitarian Church. ( A letter from clergy may be requested.)
Appendix 1
FChildren of parents or guardians, who wish their child to
experience a Christian education by expressing this verbally or in
GIlam School being the nearest school to the child's home when
measuring by the shortest road route to the School’s main gates
as measured by the Children and Lifelong Learning Directorate’s
Geographical Information System. (This may be used as a
decider in a tiebreak situation.) (*Active membership means
at least participation in all major Christian Festivals and regular
attendance at church services.)
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
John of Rolleston Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the school’s Published
Admission Number (PAN), the governors will give priority to
applications in accordance with the criteria listed, provided that the
governors are made aware of that application before decisions on
admissions are made.
Oversubscription Criteria
1)Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children living within the catchment area of the school
3)Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school
and who will still be attending the school at the proposed
admission date; (for admission purposes, a brother or sister is a
child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage;
are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated
children who live at the same address, whose parents live as
4) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a
medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point
of application). This report must clearly justify, for health reasons only,
why it is better for the child’s health to attend the school rather than
any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should be
supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and
provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This report
must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the school
rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the school.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
5)Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
John Wheeldon Primary
Please see the admissions criteria for Community and Voluntary
Controlled Schools in Section 3.
Knypersley First
If the number of applications exceeds the school’s Published
Admission Number (PAN), the governors will give priority to
applications in accordance with the criteria listed, provided that the
governors are made aware of that application before decisions on
admissions are made.
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should be
supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and
provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This report
must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the school
rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the school.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school
and who will still be attending the school at the proposed admission
date; (for admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child who lives
at the same address and either: have one or both natural parents in
common; are related by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered
by a common parent or are unrelated children who live at the same
address, whose parents live as partners.)
4) Children living within the catchment area of the school
5) Children of staff in either or both of the following circumstances:
where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two
or more years at the time at which the application for admission to
the school is made, and/or
the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is
a demonstrable skill shortage.
6) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the school, determined
by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the Local Authority’s
Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Langdale Primary
Please see the admissions criteria for Community and Voluntary
Controlled Schools in Section 3.
Lansdowne Infants
If the total number of preferences for admission to Lansdowne
Infants’ exceeds the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN),
the following order of priority is used to allocate the available places.
(N.B., after applying the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant
can be offered a place at more than one preferred school then
they will be offered a place at the school ranked highest on their
Appendix 1
1)Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children of staff employed at Lansdowne Infants’ for two or more
years, or who will meet a skills shortage.
3) Children living within the defined catchment of the preferred
4) Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at Lansdowne Infants’ and who will still be attending the school at
the time of the proposed admission date. (For admission purposes,
a brother or sister is a child who lives at the same address and
either: have one or both natural parents in common; are related by
a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common parent
or are unrelated children who live at the same address, whose
parents live as partners.)
5) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the child’s
health to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
Lansdowne Infants’ School.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
6) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Landau Forte Academy Greenacres
If the total number of preferences for admission to Landau Forte
Academy Greenacres exceeds the school’s Published Admission
Number (PAN) of 60, the following order of priority is used to allocate
the available places. (N.B., after applying the oversubscription criteria,
where an applicant can be offered a place at more than one preferred
school then they will be offered a place at the school ranked highest
on their application.)
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend Landau Forte Academy Greenacres rather
than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
Landau Forte Academy Greenacres.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at Landau Forte
Academy Greenacres and who will still be attending the school at the
proposed admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister
is a child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are
adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children
who live at the same address, whose parents live as partners.)
4) Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school.
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the school, determined
by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the Local Authority’s
Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Lark Hall Infant & Nursery Academy
If the total number of preferences for admission to a school exceeds
the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the following order
of priority is used to allocate the available places. (N.B., after applying
the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant can be offered a
place at more than one preferred school then they will be offered a
place at the school ranked highest on their application.)
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: The child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a
medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point
of application). This report must clearly justify, for health reasons only,
why it is better for the child’s health to attend the preferred school
rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: The child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the preferred school.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the preferred
school (or in the case of an infants school, the affiliated Junior
school) and who will still be attending the school at the proposed
admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a
child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage;
are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated
Appendix 1
children who live at the same address, whose parents live as
4) Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
Where it is not possible to accommodate all children applying for
places within a particular category then the Local Authority will
allocate the available places in accordance with the remaining
criteria. If for instance, all the catchment area children cannot be
accommodated at a school, children who are resident within the
catchment area will be arranged in order of priority according to
distance i.e. category (5)
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Longwood Primary School
If the total number of preferences for admission to Landau Forte
Academy Greenacres exceeds the school’s Published Admission
Number (PAN) of 60, the following order of priority is used to allocate
the available places. (N.B., after applying the oversubscription criteria,
where an applicant can be offered a place at more than one preferred
school then they will be offered a place at the school ranked highest
on their application.)
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend Landau Forte Academy Greenacres rather
than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
Landau Forte Academy Greenacres.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at Landau Forte
Academy Greenacres and who will still be attending the school at the
proposed admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister
is a child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are
adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children
who live at the same address, whose parents live as partners.)
4) Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school.
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the school, determined
by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the Local Authority’s
Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Manor Primary School
If the total number of preferences for admission to Manor Primary
school exceeds the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the
following order of priority is used to allocate the available places.
(N.B., after applying the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant
can be offered a place at more than one preferred school then
they will be offered a place at the school ranked highest on their
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a
medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at
the point of application). This report must clearly justify, for health
reasons only, why it is better for the child’s health to attend Manor
Primary school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school and the
individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the economic
or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should be supported
by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the
point of application), e.g. social worker. This report must clearly justify
why it is better for the child to attend the preferred school rather than
any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to
attend Manor Primary school. Hardship means severe suffering of
any kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to
be experienced as a result of the child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at Manor
Primary school and who will still be attending the school at the
proposed admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or
sister is a child who lives at the same address and either: have
one or both natural parents in common; are related by a parents
marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are
unrelated children who live at the same address, whose parents
live as partners.)
4) Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school.
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Moor First
If the number of applications exceeds the school’s Published
Admission Number (PAN), the governors will give priority to
applications in accordance with the criteria listed, provided that the
governors are made aware of that application before decisions on
admissions are made.
1)Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children living within the catchment area of the school
3)Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school
and who will still be attending the school at the proposed
admission date; (for admission purposes, a brother or sister is a
child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are
adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children
who live at the same address, whose parents live as partners.)
4) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
Appendix 1
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the school rather than any other school.
3) Children living within the defined catchment of the preferred
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should be
supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and
provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This report
must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the school
rather than any other school.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the child’s
health to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school and the
individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the economic or
social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should be supported by a
professional report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point of
application), e.g. social worker. This report must clearly justify why it is better
for the child to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the school. Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely
difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a
result of the child attending a different school. Applicants must
provide detailed information about both the type and severity of any
likely hardship at the time of application.
5) Children of staff in either both of the following circumstances:
a) where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two more years at the time of which the application for
admission to the school is made, and/or
b) the members of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which
there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
6)Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
Where it is not possible to accommodate all children applying for
places within a particular category then the Governors will allocate
the available places in accordance with the remaining criteria. If for
instance, all the catchment area children cannot be accommodated
at the school, children who are catchment area children and satisfy
category (3) will receive offers of a place, followed by children who
live in the catchment area and satisfy category (4), etc.
For additional notes relating to admissions to this school please
see page 14, as they follow the arrangements for Community and
Controlled Schools.
Please contact the school in order to view the full admission
arrangements for information relating to Deferred Entry; Waiting Lists; Late
Applications; Repeat Applications and In Year Applications and Appeals.
Moorgate Primary Academy
Please see the admissions criteria for Community and Voluntary
Controlled Schools in Section 3.
Moorhill Primary School
If the total number of preferences for admission to Moorhill Primary
exceeds the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the
following order of priority is used to allocate the available places.
(N.B., after applying the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant
can be offered a place at more than one preferred school then
they will be offered a place at the school ranked highest on their
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at
Moorhill Primary and who will still be attending the school at the
time of the proposed admission date. (For admission purposes,
a brother or sister is a child who lives at the same address and
either: have one or both natural parents in common; are related
by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common
parent or are unrelated children who live at the same address,
whose parents live as partners.)
4) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
Moorhill Primary School. Hardship means severe suffering of any
kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to be
experienced as a result of the child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System. Where it is not
possible to accommodate all children applying for places within a
particular category then the School Admissions and Transport Service
will allocate the available places in accordance with the remaining
criteria. If for instance, all the catchment area children cannot be
accommodated at a school, children who are catchment area children
and satisfy category (3) will receive offers of a place, followed by
children who live in the catchment area and satisfy category (4), etc.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Needwood CE (VA) Primary
If the number of applications for admission to the school exceeds the
Planned Admission Number (PAN), the following order of priority will be
used to allocate the available places.
a) Relevant looked after children
b)Pupils who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at the school
and who will still be attending the school at the time of the proposed
admission date. (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child
who lives at the same address and either: have one or both natural
parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are adopted
or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children who live at
the same address, whose parents live as partners).
c)Pupils living within the catchment area of the school, (Parishes of
Newborough, Hoar Cross, Newchurch and Hanbury) who are members
of the Church of England. (Supported by a letter from clergy.)
d)Pupils are in the above area, and members of another Christian
Church. (Supported by a letter from clergy.)
e) Other pupils of the Parishes named above.
f ) Other pupils, in order of priority according to
•Membership of the Church of England. (Supported by a letter from
Membership of other Christian Churches. (Supported by a letter from
g) Other pupils arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the school by using
straight line distance measurements.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Appendix 1
New Lichfield Academy
The admission arrangements will be available to view on:
Norton Canes Primary Academy
If the total number of preferences for admission to a nursery age
setting exceeds the number of available places, then the following
order of priority will be used to allocate the available places.
A) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
B) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test B 1: The child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained by
the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report must
clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the child’s health
to attend Norton Canes Academy Nursery rather than any other nursery.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of nursery
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
specific economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer, and be
supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and
provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker, justifying why
it is better for the child to attend the preferred maintained nursery
rather than any other nursery.
Test B 2: The child would suffer hardship if they were unable to
attend the preferred nursery setting.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
Once the above tests have been considered the priorities for
admission are as follows:
1) Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at
Norton Canes Primary Academy and who will still be attending the
school at the time of the proposed admission date (For admission
purposes, a brother or sister is a child who lives at the same
address and either: have one or both natural parents in common;
are related by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered by a
common parent or are unrelated children who live at the same
address, whose parents live as partners.)
2) Children living within the defined catchment or cluster area of
Norton Canes Primary Academy.
3) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the nursery setting,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated using the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
Where it is not possible to accommodate all children applying for
places within a particular category then Norton Canes Primary
Academy will allocate the available places in accordance with the
remaining criteria. If for instance, all the catchment area or cluster
area children cannot be accommodated at a school, children who
are resident within the catchment or cluster area will be arranged in
order of priority according to distance i.e. category (3).
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
Directors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the Directors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made . A map of the
parish boundary is available to view at the school and parish or by
post on request.
1. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of Biddulph who
have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in the school at the time
of admission
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of Biddulph
4. Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the
school at the time of admission
5. Other Baptised Catholic children
6. Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7. Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school at
the time of admission
8. Non-Catholic children
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Our Lady & St. Werburgh’s Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of Our Lady &
St Werburgh's, Clayton and Our Lady & St John the Baptist, Ashley
who have a brother or sister (see note 3 below) in the school at
the time of admission.
3.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parishes of Our Lady &
St Werburgh's, Clayton and Our Lady & St John the Baptist, Ashley.
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission.
5.Other Baptised Catholic children.
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission.
8. Non Catholic children.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Outwoods Primary
If the total number of preferences for admission to Outwoods Primary
exceeds the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the following
order of priority is used to allocate the available places. (N.B., after
applying the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant can be
offered a place at more than one preferred school then they will be
offered a place at the school ranked highest on their application.)
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order).
2) Children of staff employed at Outwoods Primary for two or more
years, or who will meet a skills shortage.
3)Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at
Outwoods Primary and who will still be attending the school
at the time of the proposed admission date. (For admission
purposes, a brother or sister is a child who lives at the same
Appendix 1
address and either: have one or both natural parents in common;
are related by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered by a
common parent or are unrelated children who live at the same
address, whose parents live as partners.)
4)Children living within the defined catchment of the preferred
5) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the child’s
health to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
Outwoods Primary School.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
6) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Oxhey First School
If the total number of preferences for admission to a nursery
age setting exceeds the number of available places, then the
following order of priority will be used to allocate the available
places. Admission to the school nursery is then determined by the
oversubscription criteria detailed below.
1. Relevant Looked after children in care and children who ceased
to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at the
school and who will still be attending the school at the time of
the proposed admission date. (For admission purposes, a brother
or sister is a child who lives at the same address and either: have
one or both natural parents in common; are related by parents
marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are
unrelated children who live at the same address, whose parents
live as partners.)
3. Children living within the catchment area of the school
4. Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the preferred maintained nursery rather than
any other nursery.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of nursery
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
specific economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer, and be
supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and
provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker, justifying why
it is better for the child to attend the preferred maintained nursery
rather than any other nursery.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the preferred setting.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the nursery setting,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated using the
Directorate for Children, Young People and Families’ Geographical
Information System.
5. Children of staff in either or both of the following circumstances:
a) where the member of staff has been employed at the school
for two or more years at the time at which the application for
admission to the school is made, and/or
b) the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which
there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
6. Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Redhill Primary
If the total number of preferences for admission to a nursery age setting
exceeds the number of available places, then the following order of priority
will be used to allocate the available places. Admission to the school
nursery is then determined by the oversubscription criteria detailed below.
1. Relevant Looked after children in care and children who ceased to be
in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence
order or special guardianship order).
2. Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at the school
and who will still be attending the school at the time of the proposed
admission date. (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child
who lives at the same address and either: have one or both natural
parents in common; are related by parents marriage; are adopted or
fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children who live at the
same address, whose parents live as partners.)
3. Children living within the catchment area of the school
4. Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other applicants
either on their own individual medical grounds or by other exceptional
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained by the
aptify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the child’s health to attend
the preferred maintained nursery rather than any other nursery.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of nursery and
the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the specific
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer, and be supported by
a professional report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point
of application), e.g. social worker, justifying why it is better for the child to
attend the preferred maintained nursery rather than any other nursery.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend the
preferred setting.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at the
time of application.
Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the nursery setting,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated using the
Directorate for Children, Young People and Families’ Geographical
Information System.
Appendix 1
5. Children of staff in either or both of the following circumstances:
a) where the member of staff has been employed at the school
for two or more years at the time at which the application for
admission to the school is made, and/or
b) the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which
there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
6. Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Scientia Academy
If the total number of preferences for admission to the Scientia
Academy exceeds the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN)
of 60, the following order of priority is used to allocate the available
places. (N.B., after applying the oversubscription criteria, where an
applicant can be offered a place at more than one preferred school
then they will be offered a place at the school ranked highest on their
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the child’s
health to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the preferred school. Hardship means severe suffering of any kind,
not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced
as a result of the child attending a different school. Applicants must
provide detailed information about both the type and severity of any
likely hardship at the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the academy
and who will still be attending the school at the proposed admission
date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child who lives
at the same address and either: have one or both natural parents in
common; are related by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered
by a common parent or are unrelated children who live at the same
address, whose parents live as partners.)
4) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the school, determined
by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the Local Authority’s
Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Seabridge Primary
If the total number of preferences for admission to Hempstalls
Primary School nursery age setting exceeds the number of available
places, then the following order of priority will be used to allocate the
available places.
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
In accordance with legislation, children who have a statutory
statement of special educational need that names a particular
nursery setting must be admitted to that nursery. This will reduce the
number of places available to other applicants.
2) Children who satisfy the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the preferred maintained nursery rather than
any other nursery.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of nursery
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
specific economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer, and be
supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and
provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker, justifying why
it is better for the child to attend the preferred maintained nursery
rather than any other nursery.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
Hempstalls Primary School nursery setting.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at
Hempstalls Primary School and who will still be attending the school
at the time of the proposed admission date. (For admission purposes,
a brother or sister is a child who lives, at the same address and
either: have one or both natural parents in common; are related by a
parents marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are
unrelated children who live at the same address, whose parents live
as partners.)
4) Children living within the defined catchment of the preferred setting.
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the nursery setting,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated using the
Local Authority Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Silverdale Primary Academy
If the total number of preferences for admission to a school exceeds
the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the following order
of priority is used to allocate the available places. (N.B., after applying
the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant can be offered a
place at more than one preferred school then they will be offered a
place at the school ranked highest on their application.)
1)Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of
other applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the preferred school rather than any other
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Appendix 1
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the preferred school.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
3)Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school
(For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child who lives at
the same address and either: have one or both natural parents
in common; are related by a parents marriage; are adopted or
fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children who live
at the same address, whose parents live as partners.)
4) Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school
5)Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Springhill Academy
If the total number of preferences for admission to Hempstalls
Primary School nursery age setting exceeds the number of available
places, then the following order of priority will be used to allocate the
available places.
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
In accordance with legislation, children who have a statutory
statement of special educational need that names a particular
nursery setting must be admitted to that nursery. This will reduce
the number of places available to other applicants.
2) Children who satisfy the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the preferred maintained nursery rather than
any other nursery.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of nursery and
the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the specific
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer, and be supported by
a professional report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point
of application), e.g. social worker, justifying why it is better for the child to
attend the preferred maintained nursery rather than any other nursery.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
Hempstalls Primary School nursery setting.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at
Hempstalls Primary School and who will still be attending the school
at the time of the proposed admission date. (For admission purposes,
a brother or sister is a child who lives, at the same address and either:
have one or both natural parents in common; are related by a parents
marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated
children who live at the same address, whose parents live as partners.)
4) Children living within the defined catchment of the preferred setting.
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the nursery setting,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated using
the Local Authority Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Squirrel Hayes First
If the number of applications exceeds the school’s Published
Admission Number (PAN), the governors will give priority to
applications in accordance with the criteria listed, provided that the
governors are made aware of that application before decisions on
admissions are made.
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order).
2) Children living within the catchment area of the school
3)Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school
and who will still be attending the school at the proposed
admission date; (for admission purposes, a brother or sister is a
child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage;
are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated
children who live at the same address, whose parents live as
4) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should be
supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and
provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This report
must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the school
rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the school.
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
5) Children of staff in either both of the following circumstances:
a) where the member of staff has been employed at the school
for two more years at the time of which the application for
admission to the school is made, and/or
b) the members of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which
there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
6)Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Stoneydelph Primary School
If the total number of preferences for admission to Stoneydelph
Primary exceeds the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN),
the following order of priority is used to allocate the available places.
(N.B., after applying the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant
can be offered a place at more than one preferred school then
they will be offered a place at the school ranked highest on their
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
Appendix 1
special guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the preferred school rather than any other
school. Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
(looked after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission.
8. Non-Catholic children.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Austin’s Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
Stoneydelph Primary School. Hardship means severe suffering of
any kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to
be experienced as a result of the child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
3) Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at Stoneydelph Primary and who will still be attending the school
at the time of the proposed admission date. (For admission
purposes, a brother or sister is a child who lives at the same
address and either: have one or both natural parents in common;
are related by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered by a
common parent or are unrelated children who live at the same
address, whose parents live as partners.)
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Austin’s
who have a brother or sister in the school at the time of
4) Children living within the defined catchment of the preferred
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System. Where it is
not possible to accommodate all children applying for places
within a particular category then the School Admissions and
Transport Service will allocate the available places in accordance
with the remaining criteria. If for instance, all the catchment area
children cannot be accommodated at a school, children who are
catchment area children and satisfy category (3) will receive offers
of a place, followed by children who live in the catchment area
and satisfy category (4), etc.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St Anne’s Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number,
governors will consider applications according to the following order
of priority :
1. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of the local
authority (looked after children) or provided with accommodation
by them (e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the
Children Act 1989) and children who were previously looked
after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became
subject to a residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Anne’s
who have a brother or sister in the school at the time of
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Anne’s.
4. Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission.
5. Other Baptised Catholic children.
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of the local authority
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Austin’s
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission
5. Other Baptised Catholic children
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission
8. Non-Catholic children
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Benedict Biscop CE Primary
1. Children defined as ‘looked after children’. * (please see additional
2. Where a child has a brother or sister currently attending the
school and will still be attending at the time of admission. **
(please see additional notes)
3. Where the child’s parent(s) show a commitment to support, on
a regular basis, the life, worship and witness of the churches of
the Smestow Vale Team Ministry or are Members of Churches
Together in Wombourne, supported by a clerical reference using
a set proforma obtainable from the school.
4. Where the child has attended St. Benedict.Biscop Nursery.
5. Where there are medical or compassionate grounds supported by
the relevant authorities.
6.To the children of staff currently employed by the school (staff
referes to all employees on the school payroll).
7. To those living nearest to the school as measured by a straight
line distance measurement. For the purpose of distance
calculation the main reception area of the school shall be the
school’s point of measurement in a straight line to the child’s
home using the Geographical Information System used by the
Local Authority.
Appendix 1
Priority will be given to those children who have statements of
Special Educational Needs and name our school as their preference.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(children in care) or provided with accommodation by them (e.g.
children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act 1989)
and children who were previously looked after but ceased to be
so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence
order or special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St
Bernadette’s who have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in
the school at the time of admission
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St
4. Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission
5. Other Baptised Catholic children
6. Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7. Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission
8. Non-Catholic children
If there is over-subscription within the category, the Governors will
give priority to children living closest to the school determined by
shortest distance.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Christopher’s Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1 .Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St
Christopher’s Codsall, who have a brother or sister (see Note 3
below) in the school at the time of admission.
3.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St.
Christopher’s Codsall.
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission.
5. Other Baptised Catholic children.
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission.
8. Non-Catholic children.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Dominic’s Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number,
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parishes of the
Immaculate Conception and St Dominic, Stone; Holy Michael
Archangel, Aston-by-Stone; Our Lady of the Assumption,
Swynnerton and Sacred Heart, Eccleshall who have a brother or
sister in the school at the time of admission.
3.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parishes of the
Immaculate Conception and St Dominic, Stone; Holy Michael
Archangel, Aston-by-Stone; Our Lady of the Assumption,
Swynnerton and Sacred Heart, Eccleshall.
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission.
5. Other Baptised Catholic children.
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission.
8. Non-Catholic children.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. John
the Baptist, Tamworth or the Parish of St. Michael and St. James,
Haunton who have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in the
school at the time of admission.
3.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. John the
Baptist, Tamworth or the Parish of St. Michael and St. James, Haunton.
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission.
5. Other Baptised Catholic children.
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of the local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission.
8. Non-Catholic children.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Appendix 1
St. Filumena’s Catholic School
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
directors will give priority to applications in accordance with the criteria
listed, provided that the directors are made aware of that application
before decisions on admissions are made . In all categories, priority will
be given to those who have a brother or sister attending St Filumena’s
at the time of admission and to those children of staff employed at
St Filumena’s Catholic Primary School and then to children of staff
who have been employed for two or more years within The Painsley
Catholic Academy at the time of application and/or if the member of
staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable
skill shortage (this applies to teaching and non-teaching staff who are
employed on a 0.5 full time equivalent or above) and then distance.
1. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St Filumena’s.
3. Other Baptised Catholic children.
4. Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
5. Non-Catholic children.
For the definition of baptised catholic see appendix 2. For a full copy of
the admission criteria, please contact the school or view their website.
St. Gabriel’s Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. John the
Baptist who have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in the
school at the time of admission
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. John the
Baptist, Tamworth
4. Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission
5. Other Baptised Catholic children
6. Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7. Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission
8. Non-Catholic children
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Giles Catholic Primary School
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
directors will give priority to applications in accordance with the criteria
listed, provided that the directors are made aware of that application
before decisions on admissions are made . In all categories, priority
will be given to those who have a brother or sister attending St Giles’
at the time of admission and then to children of staff employed at St
Giles’ and then to children of staff who have been employed for two or
more years within the Painsley Catholic Academy (see note 4 below)
at the time of application and/or if the member of staff is recruited to
fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage (this
applies to teaching and non-teaching staff who are employed on a 0.5
full time equivalent or above) and then distance (see Note 5 below).
1. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St Giles’ who
have a brother or sister in the school at the time of admission.
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St Giles’.
4. Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the
school at the time of admission.
5. Other Baptised Catholic children.
6. Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7. Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school at
the time of admission.
8. Non-Catholic children.
For the definition of baptised catholic see appendix 2. For a full copy of
the admission criteria, please contact the school or view their website.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. John the
Evangelist who have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in the
school at the time of admission
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. John the
4. Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission
5. Other Baptised Catholic children
6. Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7. Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission
8. Non-Catholic children
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Appendix 1
St. John’s Catholic Primary, Great Haywood
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
These criteria aim to preserve the particular Catholic character of the
1)Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked- after children) or provided with accommodation by that
authority. (Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) and children who
were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they
were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order).
2)Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. John the
Baptist, Great Haywood who have a sibling at the school at the
time of admission.
3)Baptised Catholic children from the Parish of St. John the Baptist,
Great Haywood.
4)Baptised Catholic children living outside the Parish of St. John the
Baptist who have a sibling at the school at the time of admission.
5)Baptised Catholic children living outside the Parish of St. John the
6)Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(Looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by that
authority (Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) and children who
were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they
were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order).
7)Non-Catholic children who have a sibling in the school at the
time of admission.
8)Non-Catholic children living within the Parish of St John the
Baptist, Great Haywood.
9) Non-Catholic children living outside the Parish of St. John the Baptist.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary, Hednesford
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with
accommodation by them (e.g. children with foster parents)
(Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) and children who were
previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order).
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of Our Lady of
Lourdes who have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in the
school at the time of admission
3.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of Our Lady of
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission
5. Other Baptised Catholic children
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school at
the time of admission
8. Non-Catholic children
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary, Lichfield
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of Holy Cross
and Ss Peter & Paul who have a brother or sister (see Note 3
below) in the school at the time of admission
3.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of Holy Cross
and Ss Peter & Paul
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission
5. Other Baptised Catholic children
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission
8. Non-Catholic children
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary, Rugeley
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
Governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the Governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made . and children
who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they
were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order).
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Joseph
and St. Etheldreda, Rugeley, who have a brother or sister (see Note
3 below) in the school at the time of admission.
3.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Joseph and
St. Etheldreda, Rugeley.
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission.
5. Other Baptised Catholic children.
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school at
the time of admission.
8. Non-Catholic children.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Appendix 1
St. Joseph’s Catholic, Uttoxeter
St. Leonard’s CE (VA) First, Ipstones
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number,
the directors will give priority to applications in accordance with
the criteria listed, provided that the directors are made aware of
that application before decisions on admissions are made . In all
categories, priority will be given to those who have a brother or sister
(see Note 3 below) attending St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
at the time of admission and to those children of staff employed
at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School and then to children of staff
who have been employed for two or more years within The Painsley
Catholic Academy (see note 5 below) at the time of application and/
or if the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which
there is a demonstrable skill shortage (this applies to teaching and
non-teaching staff who are employed on a 0.5 full time equivalent or
above) and then distance.
1. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Mary’s
Uttoxeter and Sacred Heart Abbots Bromley.
3. Other Baptised Catholic children.
4. Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
5. Non-Catholic children.
For the definition of baptised catholic see appendix 2. For a full copy
of the admission criteria, please contact the school or view their
In the event that the school is oversubscribed and unable to
admit all applicants who have expressed a preference for the
school. The Governors will allocate places based on the following
oversubscription criteria:
1.Children who are in the care of the local authority (looked-after
children) or provided with accommodation by them (e.g. children
with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) In
addition, children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residential order or special guardianship order).
Children of the right age living in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Ipstones
with Berkhamstych (that is all children who will be five on or after the 1st
September and the 31st August the following year on a full-time basis).
3.Younger siblings of children who are in school at the time of
4.Children whose parents request a place on religious grounds, i.e.
their involvement in the Anglican Church.
5.Children whose parents wish their child to be educated in a
school with specific religious environment.
6.Pupils with medical reasons which make it preferable to attend
the school rather than any other school. These requests must be
supported by a medical report justifying, for health reasons only,
why it is better for the child to attend the preferred school rather
than any other school.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Joseph & St. Theresa Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of Burntwood
who have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in the school at
the time of admission
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of Burntwood.
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission
5. Other Baptised Catholic children
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission
8. Non-Catholic children
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Leonard’s CE (VA) Primary, Wiggington
To support our Christian Foundation, the Governing Body offers two
types of places for pupils, applicants need to indicate which type of
place they are applying for:
Foundation places:
The Governing Body has designated 7 places to be offered to pupils
whose ”families are faithful and regular worshippers in an Anglican
church” by this we mean that they attend services at least once a
month for two years. Written evidence of applicants’ commitment
to their place of worship (in the form of a clergy reference) will
be required at the time of application. If there are more than 7
applicants, places will be allocated according to the following criteria.
These are stated in the order of priority:
(i) Looked after children
(ii) Children who have a brother or sister in the school at the time of
(iii) Residence in the parish of St Leonard’s Wigginton.
(iv) Children with known special medical or social needs. Written
supporting evidence must be supplied at the time of application,
from a relevant professional such as a doctor, social worker or
educational psychologist;
(v) The nearness of the home to the school, measured along the
shortest safe walking route from the front door of the child’s
home address (including flats) to the school’s main pedestrian
gate, [using the Local Authority's computerised measuring
system] with those living closer to the school receiving the higher
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Mary’s Catholic Primary, Brewood
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made (
1. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g.children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
Appendix 1
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St Mary’s
Brewood who have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in the
school at the time of admission
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St Mary’s,
4. Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission
5. Other Baptised Catholic children
6. Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7. Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school at
the time of admission
8. Non-Catholic children
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Mary’s Catholic Primary, Cannock
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1.Baptised Catholic children ( see Note 2 below) who are in the
care of a local authority (looked after children) or provided with
accommodation by them, (e.g. children with foster parents)
(Section 22 of the Children Act 1989)
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Mary's
who have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in the school at
the time of admission
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Mary's
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission.
5. Other Baptised Catholic children.
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
categories, priority will be given to those who have a brother or
sister (see Note 3 below) attending St Mary’s Catholic Academy at
the time of admission and to those children of staff employed at St
Mary’s Catholic Academy and then to children of staff who have been
employed for two or more years within The Painsley Catholic Academy
(see note 5 below) at the time of application and/or if the member of
staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable
skill shortage (this applies to teaching and non-teaching staff who are
employed on a 0.5 full time equivalent or above) and then distance.
1. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Mary’s, Leek.
3. Other Baptised Catholic children.
4. Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
5. Non-Catholic children.
For the definition of baptised catholic see appendix 2. For a full copy
of the admission criteria, please contact the school or view their
St. Mary’s Catholic Primary, Newcastle
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made.
1. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority (looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Living within the parishes of:- Holy Trinity, Newcastle, Our Lady of Sorrows, Knutton, Sacred Heart, Silverdale, Madeley, Our Blessed
Lady & St John the Baptist, Ashley and from Waterhayes estate
only in the parish of St. John the Evangelist, Chesterton.
(a)Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or a sister at the
school at the time of admission.
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission.
(b) Baptised Catholic children.
8. Non-Catholic children
(a)Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister at the
school at the time of admission.
Note 4 Home Address
The home address of a pupil is considered to be the permanent
residence of a child. The address must be the child’s only or main
residence for the majority of the school week. Documentary evidence
may be required. Where care is split equally between mother and
father, parents must name which address is to be used for the
purpose of allocating a school place.
Please contact the school in order to view the full admission
arrangements for information relating to Deferred Entry; Nursery
Admission Arrangements; Appeals; Repeat Applications; Late
Applications; Waiting Lists; In Year Admissions.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Mary’s Catholic Academy
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number,
the directors will give priority to applications in accordance with
the criteria listed, provided that the directors are made aware of
that application before decisions on admissions are made . In all
3. Living within other parishes.
(b) Baptised Catholic children.
4. Non-Catholic children
(a)Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
(b) Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister at the school
at the time of admission
(c) Non-Catholic children
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Mary’s CE (VA) Primary, Mucklestone
The following criteria for selection will be employed when
applications for admission exceed the admission limit:-
Appendix 1
1. All relevant children, looked after children who are of the
Anglican faith over all other children of the Anglican faith, are
given priority to all relevant children not of Anglican faith, then all
other children not of the Anglican faith.
2. Children whose parents are resident in the catchment area of the
School (i.e. the Ecclesiastical Parish of St. Mary’s, Mucklestone). A
map is available upon request from school.
3. Children who have siblings at the school. (Pupils who at the time
of the application have elder sibling/s in attendance at the school,
who will still be attending at the proposed admission date).
A sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half brother or sister,
adopted brother or sister, step-brother or -sister or the child of the
parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place
is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as
that sibling.
4. Children whose parents are regular in attendance of the Anglican
Church. (i.e. attendance at least six times in last twelve months
with a letter of support from Religious Leader, which should be
returned direct to the school).
5. Parents regular in attendance of another Christian Church. (i.e.
attendance at least six times in last twelve months with a letter of
support from Religious Leader, which should be returned direct to
the school).
6. Children who have special, social or welfare needs. (Children
distinguished from the great majority of other applicants either
on medical grounds of by exceptional circumstances). A letter
of support will be required from an appropriate professional, for
example a doctor or social worker.
7. Children of non-Christian religion who wish for a school with a
religious emphasis.
8. Any other children.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
be required.
6.children who regularly* attend a place of Christian worship other
than the Church of England. A supporting letter from the relevant
local minister will be required.
7.other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school by
the shortest available walking route as measured by the Children
and Lifelong Learning Directorate’s Geographical Information
*regularly is to be interpreted as for at least a period of two years
prior to entry and the child must have attended worship on at
least eight separate occasions per annum.
For a full copy of the admissions criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Mary’s CE (VA) First, Uttoxeter
If the number of applications for admission to St Mary’s exceeds
the school’s planned admission number then the following order
of priority will be used by the governing body to allocate available
1. Children in Care
2.Children from within the Parish of St Mary’s and whose family
are faithful and regular worshippers at the Parish Church or at a
Church affiliated to the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
or the Evangelical Alliance. Evidence will be a reference from
the Vicar, Pastor or Minister. Regular attendance is defined as
attending at least two services per month for the past two years.
3.Children resident within the school catchment area at time of
4. If the child has a brother or sister currently at the school.
5. Children who satisfy the following specific criteria:
Medical (supported by a medical report)
St. Mary’s CE (VA) Primary, Colton
Economic/Social related to the child (supported by a professional
When there are more applications than there are places available,
the governors will admit children according to the following criteria,
applied in the following order of priority:
6.Children from within the parish of St Mary’s and whose family are
committed members of another religious faith, written evidence
will be required from the faith leader.
1.children in public care (looked after children), or who have been
in public care, whose carer(s)/adoptive parent(s) wish their child/
children to attend St. Mary’s school.
7.Other pupils arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the school, measured by the shortest
straight line from their home to the school office.
2.children living within the catchment area. The County Council
has a search facility on its website to enable you to check the
catchment areas for various addresses. Visit www.staffordshire. or contact the School Admissions and Transport
Service on 01785 278593.
Please contact the school in order to view the full admission
arrangements for information relating to Deferred Entry; Appeals;
Repeat Applications; Late Applications; Waiting Lists; In Year
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
3.children who at the time of the application have an elder brother
or sister (a sibling) already attending the school at the proposed
admission date.
4.children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1. they are distinguished from the general majority of other
applicants either on medical grounds or by other exceptional
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the parents). It must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is
better for the child to attend this school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school, i.e.
the circumstances of the child, not the specific economic or social
circumstances of the parent, and be supported by a professional
report, e.g. social worker, justifying why it is better for the child to
attend this school rather than any other school.
Test 2. they would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend the
5.children who regularly* attend a Church of England place of
worship. A supporting letter from the relevant local minister will
St. Michael’s CE (VA) First, Penkridge
If the number of applications for admission to a school exceeds the
school’s Published Admission Number the following order of priority
will be used to allocate the available places:
1. Children in care.
2.Pupils who have a sibling in attendance at school at the time of
3.Pupils living within the catchment area of the school, as defined
by the Local Authority.
4.Children who are outside the catchment area and who
are themselves, or whose families are, faithful and regular
worshippers at a Church of England parish church. Written
evidence of the applicant’s commitment to their place of worship
(in the form of a clergy reference) will be required, using the form
available from the school
5.Children who are outside the catchment area and who
are themselves, or whose families are, faithful and regular
worshippers of another Christian denomination (as recognised by
Appendix 1
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and/or the Evangelical
Alliance). Written evidence of the applicants’ commitment to their
place of worship (in the form of a minister’s reference) will be
required, using the form available from the school.
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
6.Children who are themselves, or whose families are, committed
members of another religious faith. Written evidence will be
required from the faith leader, please contact the school for the
relevant form.
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission
7.Pupils arranged in order of priority according to how near their
home addresses are to the main gate of the school by the straight
line distance as measured by the geographical information
system used by the local authority.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Peter’s CE (VA) Primary, Caverswall
St. Modwen’s Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of SS. Mary &
Modwen, who have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in the
school at the time of admission
3.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of SS. Mary &
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission
5. Other Baptised Catholic children
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission
8. Non-Catholic children
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St Patricks
who have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in the school at
the time of admission
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St Patrick’s
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission
5. Other Baptised Catholic children
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
8. Non-Catholic children
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
If the number of applicants for admission to the school exceeds
the school’s PAN then the following order of priority will be used to
allocate the available places:
1. Looked after children.
2.Children of families resident in the Church parish of Caverswall
and who are regular church attenders either at St Peter’s
Caverswall, St Andrew’s Weston Coyney or another Anglican
3.Children with an older brother or sister (including step children) in
the school at the time the additional child joins.
4.Children of families who regularly worship at St Peter’s Church or
St Andrew’s Church but who live outside the church parish.*2
5.Children who live in the electoral parish of Caverswall, which
alongside the village of Caverswall, includes Cookshill, Caverswall
Common and Roughcote.
6.Children of families who regularly worship at another Christian
7.Other requests from families living outside the electoral parish of
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Peter’s CE (A) First, Alton
Children will be admitted to the school on the following criteria, in
preferential order without regard to race, gender, disability or special
educational need:
1‘Looked after children’ (those who are in the care of the local
authority see Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) will be given
priority should the school be oversubscribed.
2Children whose parents are members of the Church of England
and who worship in the Anglican churches in the parish of Alton
with Bradley-le-Moors.
3Children of Christian families of any denomination within the
parish of Alton with Bradley-le-Moors.
4Children who have a sibling (defined as brother or sister, half
brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, stepbrother or
stepsister or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the
child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same
family unit at the same address as that sibling) who attend and
will be in attendance at the school at the time of admission.
5Children of the parents of any Christian denomination outside the
6Children whose parents do not have allegiance to any Christian
denomination living within the parish.
7Children whose parents do not have allegiance to any Christian
denomination living outside the parish.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Appendix 1
St Peter and Paul Catholic Primary
St. Thomas’ CE (VA) Primary, Kidsgrove
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
The Governors would wish to accept all children whose parents seek
admission on their behalf. But if the number of applications for the
Reception year exceed the places available, pupils will be given preference
according to the following criteria, which in order of priority are:
1. All children who are looked after or in the care of the local authority
or who are provided with accommodation by that authority and
children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or
became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Children, at least one of whose parents is a faithful and regular
worshipper at St. Thomas’ Church, Kidsgrove.
3. Children, at least one of whose parents is a, faithful and regular
worshipper at a Christian church in Kidsgrove (belonging to Churches
together in England) and who also live within the Ecclesiastical Parish
of Kidsgrove. (A map of the parish is available at school.)
4. Children who have an elder sibling attending the school and who
will still be attending at the proposed admission date.
5. Children living in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Kidsgrove or in the LEA
designated catchment area for the school. (A map of the parish is
available at school.)
6. Children, at least one of whose parents is a, faithful and regular
worshipper at a Christian Church (belonging to Churches Together
in England) who live outside the Ecclesiastical Parish of Kidsgrove.
(A map of the parish is available at school.)
7. Any other children.
8. TIE-BREAKER: If there is over subscription within a category listed
above, the Governors will give priority to children living closest to
the school by a straight line measurement from the school gate
to the home address as measured by the Children and Lifelong
Learning Directorate’s Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.s; Repeat Applications; Appeals; Waiting Lists and
Deferred Entry.
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of Holy Cross
and SS Peter and Paul Parish who have a brother or sister (see
Note 3 below) in the school at the time of admission.
3.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of Holy Cross
and SS Peter and Paul.
4.Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission.
5. Other Baptised Catholic children.
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission
8. Non-Catholic children
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Thomas’ Catholic Primary, Tean
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number,
the directors will give priority to applications in accordance with
the criteria listed, provided that the directors are made aware of
that application before decisions on admissions are made . In all
categories, priority will be given to those who have a brother or sister
(see Note 3 below) attending St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School
at the time of admission and to those children of staff employed
at St. Thomas’ Catholic Primary School and then to children of staff
who have been employed for two or more years within The Painsley
Catholic Academy (see note 5 below) at the time of application and/
or if the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which
there is a demonstrable skill shortage (this applies to teaching and
non-teaching staff who are employed on a 0.5 full time equivalent or
above) and then distance.
1. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Thomas’,
Tean and St. Mary’s, Cresswell.
3. Other Baptised Catholic children.
4. Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
5. Non-Catholic children.
For the definition of baptised catholic see appendix 2. For a full copy
of the admission criteria, please contact the school or view their
St. Thomas More Catholic Primary, Great Wyrley
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
1. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989). and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Mary’s &
St. Thomas More who have a brother or sister (see Note 3 below)
in the school at the time of admission.
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St. Mary’s &
St. Thomas More.
4. Other Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister in
the school at the time of admission.
5. Other Baptised Catholic children.
6. Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989). and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7. Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission.
8. Non-Catholic children.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Appendix 1
St Werburgh’s CE (VA) Primary, Kingsley
If the number of applications for admission to St Werburgh’s Church
of England Aided Primary exceeds the school’s Published Admission
Number (PAN:22) the places are allocated in order of priority using
the following criteria:
1. Relevant ‘Children in care’ or ‘Looked after children’ and previously
looked after children. Previously looked after children are children
who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were
adopted or became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order.
2. Pupils living within the ecclesiastical parish.
3. Pupils who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school and
who will still be attending the school at the proposed admission
date. Elder sibling also includes: step siblings, foster siblings,
adopted siblings and other children living permanently at the
same address.
4. Pupils whose parents are regular attenders of the Church of
England; or a church in communion with the Church of England;
or a church affiliated to the Council of Churches for Great Britain
and Northern Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance. Evidence of
such attendance will be required in the form of a letter from a
minister of the Churches concerned.
5. Pupils who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: They are distinguished from the great majority of applicants
either on medical grounds or by other exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the parents from a doctor or suitably qualified professional). It
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child to attend St Werburgh’s C.E. (A) Primary School, Kingsley rather
than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school, i.e. the
circumstances of the child, not the economic or social circumstances
of the parent. They should be supported by a professional report, e.g.
from a social worker, justifying why it is better for the child to attend
St. Werburgh’s C.E. (A) Primary School rather than any other school.
Test 2: They would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend the
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Parents must provide detailed
information about the type and severity of any likely hardship.
6.Other pupils arranged in order or priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the school by straight line
measurement, as calculated by the Children and Lifelong
Learning Directorate’s Geographical Information Systems.
Pupils whose statutory statement of special need names the
school as the most appropriate mainstream school that meets the
pupil’s needs will be admitted.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
St. Wulstan’s Catholic Primary, Wolstanton
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
governors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, provided that the governors are made aware of that
application before decisions on admissions are made .
brother or sister (see Note 3 below) in the school at the time of
3. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of St Wulstan,
Wolstanton and St John the Evangelist, Chesterton.
4.Other Baptised Catholic children other who have a brother or
sister in the school at the time of admission.
5. Other Baptised Catholic children
6.Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989). and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
7.Non-Catholic children who have a brother or sister in the school
at the time of admission.
8. Non-Catholic children.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
The Faber Catholic Primary School
If the number of applications exceeds the admission number, the
directors will give priority to applications in accordance with the
criteria listed, priority will be given to those who have a brother
or sister attending Faber Catholic Primary School at the time
of admission, then to those children of staff employed at Faber
Catholic Primary school, and then to children of staff who have
been employed for two or more years within the Painsley Catholic
Academy (see Note 5 below) at the time of application and/or if the
member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is
a demonstrable skill shortage (this applies to teaching and nonteaching staff who are employed on a 0.5 full time equivalent or
above) and then distance. A map of the parish boundary is available
to view at the school and parish or by post on request.
1.Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
2.Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish of Cotton and
3. Other Baptised Catholic children.
4. Non-Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
5. Non-Catholic children.
For the definition of baptised catholic see appendix 2. For a full copy
of the admission criteria, please contact the school or view their
The Grove Primary & Nursery Unit
Please see the admissions criteria for Community and Voluntary
Controlled Schools in Section 3.
The Mosley Academy
1. Baptised Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority
(looked after children) or provided with accommodation by them
(e.g. children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act
1989) and children who were previously looked after but ceased
to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a
residence order or special guardianship order).
If the total number of preferences for admission to The Mosley
Academy exceeds our Published Admission Number (PAN), the
following order of priority is used to allocate the available places.
(N.B., after applying the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant
can be offered a place at more than one preferred school then
they will be offered a place at the school ranked highest on their
2. Baptised Catholic children living within the Parish St Wulstan,
Wolstanton and St John the Evangelist, Chesterton who have a
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
Appendix 1
special guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a
medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point
of application). This report must clearly justify, for health reasons only,
why it is better for the child’s health to attend the preferred school
rather than any other school. Exceptional circumstances must relate
to the choice of school and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances
of the child, not the economic or social circumstances of the parent/
carer. They should be supported by a professional report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application), e.g. social
worker. This report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to
attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to
attend the preferred school. Hardship means severe suffering of
any kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to
be experienced as a result of the child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at The Mosley
Academy and who will still be attending the school at the
proposed admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or
sister is a child who lives at the same address and either: have
one or both natural parents in common; are related by a parents
marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are
unrelated children who live at the same address, whose parents
live as partners.)
4) Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System. Where it is not
possible to accommodate all children applying for places within
a particular category then the Local Authority will allocate the
available places in accordance with the remaining criteria.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
The Richard Crosse CE (VA) Primary, Kings Bromley
When there are more applications than there are places available,
the governors will admit children according to the following criteria,
applied in the following order of priority:
1. children in public care (looked after children), or who have been
in public care, whose carer(s)/adoptive parent(s) wish their child/
children to attend Richard Crosse school
2. children living within the catchment area. The County Council has a
search facility on its website to enable you to check the catchment
areas for various addresses. Visit
or contact the School Admissions and Transport Service on 01785
3. children who at the time of the application have an elder brother
or sister (a sibling) already attending the school at the proposed
admission date.
4. children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1. they are distinguished from the general majority of other
applicants either on medical grounds or by other exceptional
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the parents). It must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is
better for the child to attend this school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school, i.e.
the circumstances of the child, not the specific economic or social
circumstances of the parent, and be supported by a professional
report, e.g. social worker, justifying why it is better for the child to
attend this school rather than any other school. Test 2. they would
suffer hardship if they were unable to attend the school.
5. children who regularly* attend a Church of England place of worship.
A supporting letter from the relevant local minister will be required.
6. children who regularly* attend a place of Christian worship other
than the Church of England. A supporting letter from the relevant
local minister will be required.
7. other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the school by the
shortest available walking route as measured by the Children and
Lifelong Learning Directorate’s Geographical Information System.
*regularly is to be interpreted as for at least a period of two years prior
to entry and the child must have attended worship on at least eight
separate occasions per annum.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
The Richard Heathcote Community Primary
If the number of pupils seeking admission to the school exceeds
the schools PAN, then the following order of priority will be used to
allocate places:
1. Relevant Looked After Children
2. Pupils living within the catchment area of the school.
3.Pupils who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school all be
attending the school and who will still be attending the school at
the proposed admission date; (for admission purposes, a sibling
is a child who lives at the same address and who is the brother/
sister, half brother/sister (children who share one common
parents), step brother/step sister where two children are related
by marriage. This definition also includes adopted or fostered
children living at the same address).
4. Pupils who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1. They are distinguished from the great majority of applicants
either on medical grounds or by other exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report, (obtained
by the parents). It must clearly justify, for health reasons only, if it is
better for the child to attend the preferred school rather than any
other school. Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice
of school; ie, the circumstances of the child, not the economic or
social circumstances of the parent. They should be supported by a
professional report, eg, social worker, justifying why it is better for the
child to attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2. They would suffer undue hardship if they were unable to
attend the school.
5. Other pupils arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
determined by a straight line measurement as calculated using
the local Authority's Geographical Information Systems.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
The Violet Way Academy
If the number of pupils seeking admission to the school exceeds
the number of places available, the Governors will use the following
order of priority:
1.Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2. Where the member of staff has been employed at the school
for two or more years at the time at which the application for
admission to the school is made, and or, the member of staff is
recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable
skill shortage.
3. Pupils who would, in the first year to which the application relates,
have an older brother or sister in attendance at the school (or at
Edge Hill Junior School).
Appendix 1
4. Children living within the defined catchment area of the school.
For information regarding the catchment area please contact the
school or Staffordshire Local Authority.
5. Other pupils arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the school, measurements
being by the nearest walking route. The point of measurement
is the school gate and the distance is as measured by the Local
Authorities Geographical Information System.
6. Pupils who satisfy both of the following criteria:
Test 1. They are distinguished from the majority of other applicants
either by reason of disability (supported by written medical evidence)
or by other exceptional circumstances material to the choice of
school (i.e. the circumstance of the child, not the economic or social
circumstances of the parents); and
Test 2. They would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend the
preferred school. Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not
merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced
as a result of the child attending a different school. Parents must
provide detailed information about both the type and severity of any
likely hardship.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
University Primary Academy, Kidsgrove
If the total number of preferences for admission to a school exceeds
the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the following order
of priority is used to allocate the available places:
(N.B., after applying the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant
can be offered a place at more than one preferred school then
they will be offered a place at the school ranked highest on their
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order).
2) Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the preferred
school and who will still be attending the school at the proposed
admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child
who lives at the same address and either: have one or both natural
parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are adopted
or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children who live at
the same address, whose parents live as partners.)
view their website.
4) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Thomas Barnes Primary School
If the total number of preferences for admission to a school exceeds
the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the following order
of priority is used to allocate the available places:
(N.B., after applying the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant
can be offered a place at more than one preferred school then
they will be offered a place at the school ranked highest on their
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order).
2) Children living within the catchment area of the preferred school
3) Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the preferred
school and who will still be attending the school at the proposed
admission date; (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child
who lives at the same address and either: have one or both natural
parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are adopted
or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children who live at
the same address, whose parents live as partners.)
4) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a
medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point
of application). This report must clearly justify, for health reasons only,
why it is better for the child’s health to attend the preferred school
rather than any other school. Exceptional circumstances must relate
to the choice of school and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances
of the child, not the economic or social circumstances of the parent/
carer. They should be supported by a professional report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application), e.g. social
worker. This report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to
attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to
attend the preferred school. Hardship means severe suffering of
any kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to
be experienced as a result of the child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the school, determined
by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the Local Authority’s
Geographical Information System.
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a
medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point
of application). This report must clearly justify, for health reasons only,
why it is better for the child’s health to attend the preferred school
rather than any other school. Exceptional circumstances must relate
to the choice of school and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances
of the child, not the economic or social circumstances of the parent/
carer. They should be supported by a professional report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application), e.g. social
worker. This report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to
attend the preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to
attend the preferred school. Hardship means severe suffering of
any kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to
be experienced as a result of the child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the school, determined
by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the Local Authority’s
Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Veritas Academy
The admission arrangements will be available to view on:
Western Springs Community Primary School
If the total number of preferences for admission to a nursery age
setting exceeds the number of available places, then the following
order of priority will be used to allocate the available places.
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because
they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children living within the defined catchment area for the school.
3) Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at the school and who will still be attending the school at the time of
the proposed admission date.
(For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child who lives at
Appendix 1
the same address and either: have one or both natural parents in
common; are related by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered
by a common parent or are unrelated children who live at the same
address, whose parents live as partners.)
must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the school
rather than any other school.
4) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty
or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the
child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed
information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at
the time of application.
Test 1. the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a
medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point
of application). This report must clearly justify, for health reasons
only, why it is better for the child’s health to attend the preferred
maintained nursery rather than any other nursery. Exceptional
circumstances must relate to the choice of nursery and the individual
child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the specific economic
or social circumstances of the parent/carer, and be supported by a
professional report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the
point of application), e.g. social worker, justifying why it is better for
the child to attend the preferred maintained nursery rather than any
other nursery.
Test 2. the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the preferred nursery setting. Hardship means severe suffering of
any kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to
be experienced as a result of the child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the nursery setting, determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated using the Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
Applications; In Year Admissions and the Appeals Procedure.
Westlands Primary
Please see the admissions criteria for Community and Voluntary
Controlled Schools in Section 3.
Whitgreave Primary
Please see the admissions criteria for Community and Voluntary
Controlled Schools in Section 3.
William Shrewsbury Primary
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2)Children who have an elder sibling in attendance at the school
and who will still be attending the school at the proposed
admission date; (for admission purposes, a brother or sister is a
child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both
natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage;
are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated
children who live at the same address, whose parents live as
3) Children living within the catchment area of the school
4) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the school rather than any other school.
Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should be
supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and
provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This report
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the school.
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near
their home addresses are to the main gate of the school, determined
by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the Local Authority’s
Geographical Information System.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Wilnecote Junior School
If the total number of preferences for admission to Wilnecote Junior
School exceeds the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the
following order of priority is used to allocate the available places. (N.B.,
after applying the oversubscription criteria, where an applicant can be
offered a place at more than one preferred school then they will be
offered a place at the school ranked highest on their application.)
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances.
Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained
by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report
must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the
child’s health to attend the preferred school rather than any other
school. Exceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of school
and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the
economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer. They should
be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant
and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker. This
report must clearly justify why it is better for the child to attend the
preferred school rather than any other school.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
Wilnecote Junior School. Hardship means severe suffering of any
kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to be
experienced as a result of the child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
3) Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at
Wilnecote Junior and who will still be attending the school at the
time of the proposed admission date. (For admission purposes,
a brother or sister is a child who lives at the same address and
either: have one or both natural parents in common; are related
by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common
parent or are unrelated children who live at the same address,
whose parents live as partners.)
4) Children living within the defined catchment of the preferred
5) Children whose parents regularly attend a Church of England
church, or a church in communion with the Church of England, or
of a church which is affiliated to the Council of Churches for Great
Britain and Northern Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance. Evidence
of such attendance will be required in the form of a letter from a
minister of the Churches concerned (see additional notes below).
6) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the school,
Appendix 1
determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated by the
Local Authority’s Geographical Information System. Where it is
not possible to accommodate all children applying for places
within a particular category then the School Admissions and
Transport Service will allocate the available places in accordance
with the remaining criteria. If for instance, all the catchment area
children cannot be accommodated at a school, children who are
catchment area children and satisfy category (3) will receive offers
of a place, followed by children who live in the catchment area
and satisfy category (4), etc.
For a full copy of the admission criteria, please contact the school or
view their website.
Wood Lane Primary
If the total number of preferences for admission exceeds the number
of available places, then the following order of priority will be used to
allocate the available places.
1) Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or
special guardianship order).
2) Children living within the defined catchment area for the school.
3) Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at the school and who will still be attending the school at the time of
the proposed admission date.
(For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child who lives at
the same address and either: have one or both natural parents in
common; are related by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered
by a common parent or are unrelated children who live at the same
address, whose parents live as partners.)
4) Children who satisfy both of the following tests:
Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other
applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other
exceptional circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a
medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point
of application). This report must clearly justify, for health reasons
only, why it is better for the child’s health to attend the preferred
maintained nursery rather than any other nursery. Exceptional
circumstances must relate to the choice of nursery and the individual
child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the specific economic
or social circumstances of the parent/carer, and be supported by a
professional report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the
point of application), e.g. social worker, justifying why it is better for
the child to attend the preferred maintained nursery rather than any
other nursery.
Test 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend
the preferred nursery setting. Hardship means severe suffering of
any kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to
be experienced as a result of the child attending a different school.
Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type
and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application.
5) Other children arranged in order of priority according to how
near their home addresses are to the main gate of the nursery
setting, determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated
using the Local Authority’s Geographical Information System.
Where it is not possible to accommodate all children applying for
places within a particular category then the Local Authority will
allocate the available places in accordance with the remaining
criteria. If for instance, all the catchment or cluster area children
cannot be accommodated at a school, children who are
catchment or cluster area children and satisfy category (3) will
receive offers of a place, followed by children who live in the
cluster area and satisfy category (4), etc.
Appendix 2
Definition of a Baptised Catholic
To establish clarity, consistency and fairness in the
application of Criteria of Admission in Catholic
Schools in accordance with the Trust Deed of the
Archdiocese of Birmingham, it is necessary to define
the description of a “Baptised Catholic” for the
benefit of parents who are making applications and
for governors who formulate and apply the criteria
for admissions.
A “Baptised Catholic” is one who:
•Has been baptised into full communion (Cf.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 837) with the
Catholic Church by the Rites of Baptism of one
of the various ritual Churches in communion
with the See of Rome (i.e. Latin Rite, Byzantine
Rite, Coptic, Syriac, etc, Cf. Catechism of the
Catholic Church, 1203). Written evidence of this
baptism can be obtained by recourse to the
Baptismal Registers of the church in which the
baptism took place (Cf. Code of Canon Law, 877
& 878).
•Has been validly baptised in a separated
ecclesial community and subsequently received
into full communion with the Catholic Church
by the Right of Reception of Baptised Christians
into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church.
Written evidence of their baptism and reception
into full communion with the Catholic Church
can be obtained by recourse to the Register of
Receptions, or in some cases, a sub-section of
the Baptismal Registers of the church in which
the Rite of Reception took place (Cf. Rite of
Christian Initiation, 399).
Written Evidence of Baptism
The Governing Bodies of Catholic schools will
require written evidence in the form of a Certificate
of Baptism or Certificate of Reception before
applications for school places can be considered
for categories of “Baptised Catholics”. A Certificate
of Baptism or Reception is to include: the full name,
date of birth, date of baptism or reception, and
parent(s) name(s). The certificate must also show
that it is copied from the records kept by the place
of baptism or reception.
Those who would have difficulty obtaining written
evidence of baptism for a good reason, may still
be considered as baptised Catholics but only after
they have been referred to their parish priest who,
after consulting the Vicar General, will decide how
the question of baptism is to be resolved and how
written evidence is to be produced in accordance
with the law of the Church.
Those who would be considered to have good
reason for not obtaining written evidence would
include those who cannot contact the place of
baptism due to persecution or fear, the destruction
of the church and the original records, or where
baptism was administered validly but not in the
Parish church where records are kept.
Governors may request extra supporting evidence
when the written documents that are produced
do not clarify the fact that a person was baptised
or received into the Catholic Church, (i.e. where
the name and address of the Church is not on the
certificate or where the name of the Church does
not state whether it is a Catholic Church or not).
Appendix 3
Primary Schools in Staffordshire
All Staffordshire County Council Schools referred to are
co-educational day primary schools.
N.O.R. Relates to the number of pupils in full time
attendance at the school in January 2013.
The Published Admission Number (PAN) indicates how
many children a school will be able to accommodate in
its intake for September 2013.
The school type indicates whether the school is it's own
admission authority (OAA) or is community controlled/
voluntary controlled by the local authority. All VA,
foundation and academy schools are OAA. The criteria
for OAA schools can be found in Appendix 1
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
Kingsfield First
Gunn Street, Biddulph
Stoke on Trent ST8 6AY
860 2161
Mrs A Rourke
Community 01782 297800
Knypersley First
Newpool Road, Knypersley
Stoke on Trent ST8 6NN
860 2163
Mrs A Rourke
Foundation 01782 297900
Moor First
School Lane, Biddulph Moor
Stoke on Trent ST8 7HR
860 2164
Mrs S Mayes
Foundation 01782 512350
Our Lady of Grace Catholic
Woodland Street, Biddulph
Stoke on Trent ST8 6LW
860 3477
Oxhey First
Pennine Way, Biddulph
Stoke on Trent ST8 7EB
Miss S Oxley
860 2325
Foundation 01782 513000
Squirrel Hayes First
Springfield Road, Biddulph
Stoke on Trent ST8 7DF
Miss E Smith
860 2166
Foundation 01782 297886
Mr I Beardmore
01782 512644
May 2014
Dilhorne Endowed CE (VA) Primary
Godley Lane, Dilhorne
Stoke on Trent ST10 2PF
860 3436
Forsbrook CE (VC) Primary
Cheadle Road, Blythe Bridge
Stoke on Trent ST11 9PW
Mrs N Richards
860 3000
Community 01782 392577
Fulford Primary
Fulford Road, Fulford
Stoke on Trent ST11 9QT
Mrs J Tarr
860 2208
Community 01889 505303
Mr J Eccles
01538 753168
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Meir Heath Primary
Golborn Avenue, Meir Heath
Stoke on Trent ST3 7JQ
Springcroft Primary
Grindley Lane, Blythe Bridge
Stoke on Trent ST11 9JS
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
860 2320
Mrs J Luke
Community 01782 393856
860 2344
Mrs H Lewis
Community 01782 394793
St Filumena’s Catholic Primary 860 3457
Blythe Bridge Road, Caverswall
Stoke on Trent ST11 9EA
Mr M Wheatley
01782 392367
St Peter’s CE (VA) Primary
School Lane, Caverswall
Stoke on Trent ST11 9EN
860 3430
Mr C Burton
01782 393118
The William Amory Primary
Stallington Road, Blythe Bridge
Stoke on Trent ST11 9PN
Mr B Wilkin
860 3497
Community 01782 394900
Mrs J Matthewman
Boney Hay Community Primary 860 2410
Chorley Road,
Community 01543 510455
Burntwood WS7 2PF
Chase Terrace Primary
Rugeley Road, Chase Terrace
Burntwood WS7 1AH
Fulfen Primary
860 2413
Miss J Davis
Rugeley Road, Burntwood WS7 9BJ Community 01543 510400
Gentleshaw Primary
Darlings Lane, Gentleshaw
Rugeley WS15 4LY
860 2414
Mrs J Matthewman
Community 01543 682476
Highfields Primary
Elder Lane, Burntwood WS7 9BT
Mr M Wilkes
860 2415
Community 01543 510445
Holly Grove Primary
Holly Grove Lane,
Burntwood WS7 1LU
Mrs D O’Hare
860 2416
Community 01543 278620
Mrs J Jelves
Ridgeway Primary
860 2418
Grange Road, Burntwood WS7 4TU Community 01543 510470
Springhill Academy
Mossbank Avenue,
Burntwood WS7 4UN
Mr G Mc Burnie
860 2411
Community 01543 510500
860 2008
Miss S Jones
Academy 01543 510460
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
St. Joseph & St. Theresa Catholic Primary
High Street, Chasetown
Burntwood WS7 3XL
860 3458
Mrs P Davies
01543 510485
All Saint's CE (VC) Primary
Furlong Close, Alrewas
Burton upon Trent DE13 7EF
860 3025 Mr J Gray
Community 01283 790174
All Saint's CE (C) Primary
Tatenhill Lane, Rangemore
Burton upon Trent DE13 9RW
860 3100 Mrs C Gethin
Community 01283 712385
Anglesey Primary Academy
Clarence Street,
Burton upon Trent DE14 3LG
860 2001
Belvedere Junior
Outwoods Street,
Burton upon Trent DE14 2PJ
860 2144 Mrs J Woolner
Community 01283 239176
Christ Church Primary
Dale Street,
Burton upon Trent DE14 3TE
860 2123 Mrs V Anderson
Community 01283 239445
Edge Hill Junior
Sycamore Road,
Burton upon Trent DE15 9NX
860 2138 Dr M Mander
Community 01283 239040
Eton Park Junior
Masefield Crescent,
Burton upon Trent DE14 2SG
860 2145 Mrs J Green
Foundation 01283 239450
Grange Community
Shobnall Close,
Burton upon Trent DE14 2HX
860 2124 Mrs Weldon
Community 01283 564325
Holy Rosary Catholic Primary
Alexandra Road,
Burton upon Trent DE15 0JE
860 3422
Mr N Jinks
01283 239030
Holy Trinity CE (C) Primary
Wetmore Road,
Burton upon Trent DE14 1SN
860 3144 Mrs N. Oliphant
Community 01283 239495
Horninglow Primary
Horninglow Road North,
Burton upon Trent DE13 0SW
860 2125 Mrs P Evans
Foundation 01283 239535
John of Rolleston Primary
Chapel Lane, Rolleston-on-Dove
Burton upon Trent DE13 9AG
860 2422 Mr I Bateman
Foundation 01283 239200
Mrs C Hopkins
01283 563811
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Lansdowne Infants
Goodman Street,
Burton upon Trent DE14 2QT
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
860 2128 Mrs J Holmes
Foundation 01283 239141
Mary Howard CE (VC) Primary
School Lane, Edingale
Tamworth B79 9JJ
860 3051 Mrs J Bullous
Community 01827 383245
Needwood CE (VA) Primary
Yoxall Road, Newborough
Burton upon Trent DE13 8SU
860 3486
Outwoods Primary
Harehedge Lane,
Burton upon Trent DE13 0AS
860 3501 Mrs L Wells
Foundation 01283 239113
Richard Wakefield CE (VC) Primary,
Burton Street, Tutbury Burton upon Trent DE13 9NR
860 3119 Mrs S Robson
Community 01283 239230
River View Primary
Suffolk Road, Stapenhill
Burton upon Trent DE15 9HR
860 3500 Mrs C Bell
Community 01283 239510
Rykneld Primary
Main Street, Branston
Burton upon Trent DE14 3EX
860 2167 Mr G Staddon
Community 01283 239475
Scientia Academy
Mona Road,
Burton upon Trent
860 2002
Mr Y Bhoola
01283 881110
Shobnall Primary
Shobnall Road,
Burton upon Trent DE14 2BB
860 2126 Mrs B Roobottom
Community 01283 239100
Mrs C Gethin
01283 575216
St. Modwen's Catholic Primary 860 3420
Tubury Road,
Burton upon Trent DE13 0AS
Mrs A Newbold
01283 239050
The Mosley Academy
Main Road, Anslow
Burton upon Trent DE13 9QD
860 2152
Mrs A James
01283 239240
The Violet Way Academy
Violet Lane, Stapenhill
Burton upon Trent DE15 9ES
860 2141
Dr D Marshall
01283 239778
Thomas Russell Infants
Station Road, Barton-under-Needwood
Burton upon Trent DE13 8DS
860 2160 Mrs S Burton & Mrs L Farmer
Community 01283 239350
860 2326 Mrs S Sharpe
Thomas Russell Junior
Community 01283 239360
Efflinch Lane,
Barton-under-Needwood DE13 8EU
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Tower View Primary
Vancouver Drive, Winshill
Burton upon Trent DE15 0EZ
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
860 2140 Mr A Ridout
Community 01283 239121
Victoria Community
Victoria Road,
Burton upon Trent DE14 2LU
860 2132 Mrs Y Fearn
Community 01283 239146
William Shrewsbury Primary
Church Road, Stretton
Burton upon Trent DE13 0HE
860 2296 Mrs B Hunter
Foundation 01283 239131
Winshill Village Primary
Brough Road, Winshill
Burton upon Trent DE15 0DH
860 3495 Mrs A Da Silva
Community 01283 239485
Yoxall St. Peter's CE (VC) Primary 860 3132
Community 01543 472236
King Street, Yoxall
Burton upon Trent DE13 8NF
Bridgtown Primary
North Street, Cannock WS11 0AZ
860 2177 Mrs J Raybould
Community 01543 510201
Chadsmoor Community Infant
and Nursery
Kingsway, Chadsmoor
Cannock WS11 6EU
860 2178 Mrs K Burns
Community 01543 570718
Chadsmoor CE (VC) Junior
Burns Street, Chadsmoor
Cannock WS11 6DR
860 3040 Mrs K Burns
Community 01543 511000
Five Ways Primary
Langholm Drive, Heath Hayes,
Cannock WS12 2EZ
860 2180 Mrs M Walsh
Community 01543 278071
Gorsemoor Primary
Gorsemoor Road, Heath Hayes,
Cannock WS12 3TG
860 2386
Mr P Bennett
01543 274788
Hazel Slade Primary
860 2179 Mrs L Brealey
Cannock Wood Street, Hazelslade, Foundation 01543 512215
Cannock WS12 0PN
Heath Hayes Primary
Wimblebury Road,
Heath Hayes
Cannock WS12 2EP
860 2010
Mr D Dickinson
01543 279370
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
Jerome Community Primary
Hussey Road,
Cannock WS11 9TP
860 2369
Mrs R Hawkins
Community 01543 278595
Littleton Green Community Primary
Colliers Way, Huntington
Cannock WS12 4UD
860 2217
Mrs L Small
Community 01543 511020
Longford Primary
Ascot Drive, Cannock
WS11 1PD
860 2189
Mrs Hedar
Community 01543 510390
Moorhill Community Primary 860 2424
Mrs S Sindrey
Pye Green Road, Cannock Foundation 01543 510241
WS11 5RN
Norton Canes
Primary Academy
School Road, Norton Canes
Cannock WS11 9SQ
860 2009
Pye Green Valley Primary
Rose Hill, Cannock
WS12 4RT
860 2421
Mr K Butlin
Community 01543 512490
Redhill Primary
Wrights Avenue, Cannock WS11 5JR
860 2185
Mrs E Banks
Foundation 01543 334510
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary
Hill Top, Hednesford
Cannock WS12 1DE
860 3461
St Luke’s CE (C) Primary
New Penkridge Road,
Cannock WS11 1HN
860 3492
Mr S Miles
Community 01543 510230
St Mary’s Catholic Primary
Hunter Road, Cannock WS11 0AE
860 3456
St Peter’s CE (C) Primary
Reservoir Road, Hednesford
Cannock WS12 1BE
860 3063
Miss S Price
Community 01543 512400
West Hill Primary
High Mount Street,
Cannock WS12 4BH
860 2184
Miss K Bracebridge
Community 01543 512200
Mrs K Amos
01543 279402
Mrs K Bennett
01543 512230
Mr S Breeze
01543 510380
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Bishop Rawle CE (VA) Primary 860 3431
Royal Walk, Cheadle
Stoke on Trent ST10 1QA
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
Mr J Mc Cartney
01538 753236
Cheadle Primary
The Avenue, Cheadle
Stoke on Trent ST10 1EN
860 2191
Miss L Keeling
Community 01538 483931
Great Wood Primary
Hollington Road, Tean
Stoke on Trent ST10 4JY
860 2305
Mrs P Robins
Community 01538 722370
St Giles’ Catholic Primary
Charles Street, Cheadle
Stoke on Trent ST10 1ED
860 3459
Mrs A Green
01538 753220
St. Thomas' Catholic Primary
Parklands Road, Tean
Stoke-on-Trent ST10 4DT
860 3473
Mr A Wretham
01538 722378
St. Werburgh's CE (VA) Primary 860 3441
Holt Lane, Kingsley
Stoke-on-Trent ST10 2BA
Mr J Eccles
01538 754700
The Faber Catholic Primary
Cotton Lane, Cotton
Stoke-on-Trent ST10 3DN
860 3300
Mrs A Beardmore
01538 702324
Valley Primary
School Drive, Oakamoor
Stoke-on-Trent ST10 3DQ
860 2264
Mr J Eccles
Community 01538 702355
Glenthorne Community Primary 860 2342
Ms L Bridgwood
Glenthorne Drive,
Community 01922 857000
Cheslyn Hay
Walsall WS6 7BZ
Havergal CE (VC) Primary
School Lane, Shareshill
Wolverhampton WV10 7LE
860 2011
Landywood Primary
Holly Lane, Great Wyrley
Walsall WS6 6AQ
860 2394
Mr J Withers
Community 01922 857020
Moat Hall Primary
Johns Lane, Great Wyrley
Walsall WS6 6BX
860 2395
Mr A Bramwell
Community 01922 857005
Cheslyn Hay Community Primary
Saredon Road, Cheslyn Hay
Walsall WS6 7JQ
860 2393
Miss S Maiden
Community 01922 857080
Mr P Mitchell
01922 415342
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
St. John's CE (VC) Primary
Hobnock Road, Essington
Wolverhampton WV11 2RF
860 3145 Mr S Ayres
Community 01922 476695
May 2014
St. Thomas More Catholic Primary 860 3485
Huthill Lane, Great Wyrley
Walsall WS6 6PG
Mrs S Hewitt
01922 857075
Whitgreave Primary
The Avenue, Featherstone
Wolverhampton WV10 7AS
Mrs C Jobling
01902 734167
860 2204
Birches First
Birches Avenue, Codsall
Wolverhampton WV8 2JG
860 2195 Miss V Dobbs
Community 01902 434100
Lane Green First
Bilbrook Road, Codsall
Wolverhampton WV8 1EU
860 2368
Mrs K Bailey
Community 01902 434300
Perton First
Manston Drive, Perton
Wolverhampton WV6 7LX
860 2372
Mrs A Bennett
Community 01902 750006
Perton, Sandown First
Sandown Drive, Perton
Wolverhampton WV6 7PS
860 2387
Mrs E Threlkeld
Community 01902 742686
St. Chad's CE (VC) First
Westbeech Road, Pattingham
Wolverhampton WV6 7AQ
860 3098
Mrs S Yeomans
Community 01902 700372
St. Christopher's
Catholic Primary
Wolverhampton Road, Codsall,
Wolverhampton WV8 1PF
860 3483
St. Nicholas CE (VC) First
Chillington Drive, Codsall
Wolverhampton WV8 1AN
860 3044
Miss J Parker
Community 01902 434126
Endon Hall Primary
Hillside Avenue, Endon
Stoke-on-Trent ST9 9HH
860 2321
Miss V Lewis
Community 01782 502645
St. Anne's CE (VC) Primary
St. Anne's Vale, Brown Edge
Stoke-on-Trent ST6 8TA
860 3035
Mrs V Hall
Community 01782 503102
St. Luke's CE (VC) Primary
Leek Road, Endon
Stoke-on-Trent ST9 9EB
860 3053
Mrs K Jacklin
Community 01782 502369
Mrs K Brown
01902 434310
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Castle Primary
Mow Cop Road, Mow Cop
Stoke-on-Trent ST7 4NE
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
860 2220
Miss J Mason
Community 01782 297890
Dove Bank Primary
Rutland Road, Kidsgrove
Stoke-on-Trent ST7 4AP
860 2218
Mrs E Ford
Foundation 01782 296786
Reginald Mitchell Primary
Congleton Road, Butt Lane
Stoke-on-Trent ST7 1NA
860 2219
Mr A Stancliffe
Community 01782 296778
Springhead Community Primary 860 2226
Mr B Anderson
Kingsley Road, Talke Pits
Community 01782 296835
Stoke-on-Trent ST7 1RA
St. John The Evangelist Catholic Primary
The Avenue, Kidsgrove
Stoke-on-Trent ST7 1AE
860 3462
St. Saviour's CE (VC) Primary
Congleton Road, Talke
Stoke-on-Trent ST7 1LW
Miss L Davis
860 3072
Community 01782 296700
St. Thomas’ CE (VA) Primary
Poplar Drive, Kidsgrove
Stoke-on-Trent ST7 4HT
860 3489
Thursfield Primary
Chapel Lane, Harriseahead
Stoke-on-Trent ST7 4JL
860 2214
Mrs L Frain
Community 01782 512301
University Primary Academy
Gloucester Road, Kidsgrove
Stoke-on-Trent ST7 4DJ
860 2004
Mrs H Butters
01782 296736
Ms L Williamson
01782 787099
Mr WJ Farrington
01782 296825
All Saints CE (VC) Primary
School Road, Trysull
Wolverhampton WV5 7HR
60 3118
Mrs J Woodall
Community 01902 894452
Bhylls Acre Primary
Bhylls Lane, Castlecroft
Wolverhampton WV3 8DZ
860 2306
Mrs L Dunn
Community 01902 761153
Blakeley Heath Primary
Sytch Lane, Wombourne
Wolverhampton WV5 0JR
860 2396
Mr C Ludlow
Community 01902 893400
Brindley Heath Junior
Enville Road, Kinver
Stourbridge DY7 6AA
860 2223
Mr J Willetts
Community 01384 872343
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
Corbett CE (VA) Primary
Six Ashes Road, Bobbington
Stourbridge DY7 5DU
860 5202
Foley Infant
Fairfield Drive, Kinver
Stourbridge DY7 6EW
860 2224
Mr J Willetts
Community 01384 872382
Mrs M Spear
St. Benedict Biscop CE Primary 860 5203
Foundation 01902 892197
School Road, Wombourne
Wolverhampton WV5 9DZ
St. Bernadette's Catholic
Lindale Drive, Wombourne
Wolverhampton WV5 8DZ
860 3481
St. John's CE (VC) Primary
Wombourne Road, Swindon
Staffordshire DY3 4NB
860 3116
Mrs D Calloway
Community 01384 273865
Mrs M Southall
01384 221260
Mrs J Keegan Hobbs
01902 894787
Westfield Community Primary 860 2397
Mrs K Shaw
Ounsdale Road, Wombourne,
Community 01902 892143
Wolverhampton WV5 8BH
All Saint's CE (VA) First
Cheadle Road, Leek ST13 5QY
860 3443
Mrs E Allbutt
01538 483235
Beresford Memorial CE (VA)
Novi Lane, Leek ST13 6NR
860 3442
Mrs C Quinn
01538 483245
Blackshaw Moor CE (VC) First
Buxton Road,
Blackshaw Moor
Leek ST13 8TW
860 3134
Mrs J Tillmanns
Community 01538 300337
Hollinsclough CE (VA) Primary
Hollinsclough, Buxton SK17 0RH
860 5200
Mr D Bell
Horton, St. Michael's CE (VC) First 860 3067
01538 306278
Rudyard, Leek ST13 8RU
Ilam CE (VA) Primary
Ilam, Ashbourne
Derbyshire DE6 2AZ
860 3438
Mrs J Mountford-Lees
01298 83303
Mrs C Gunn-Smith
01335 350316
Appendix 3
LEEK cont
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
Leek First
East Street,
Leek ST13 6LF
860 2228
Mr K Allbutt
Community 01538 483200
Manifold CE (VC) Primary
Warslow, Buxton,
Derbyshire SK17 0JR
860 3155
Miss J Fletcher
Community 01298 84320
Rushton CE (VC) Primary
Rushton Spencer, Macclesfield,
Cheshire SK11 0SG
860 3103
Mr R Sutton
Community 01260 226303
St. Bartholomew's CE (VC)
Buxton Road, Longnor, Buxton,
Derbyshire SK17 0NZ
860 3082
Mrs A Collins
Community 01298 83233
St. Edward's CE (VC) First
Hollow Lane, Cheddleton
Leek ST13 7HP
860 3042
Mrs T Jackson-Ward
Community 01538 360435
St. Leonard's CE (VA) First
Brookfields Road, Ipstones
Stoke on Trent ST10 2LY
860 3490
Mrs D Mellor
01538 266292
St. Mary's Catholic Primary
Cruso Street, Leek ST13 8BW
860 3463
Mrs A Cheadle
01538 483190
Waterhouses CE (VC) Primary
Waterfall Lane, Waterhouses
Stoke-on-Trent ST10 3HY
Mrs A Lockey
860 3156
Community 01538 308356
Westwood First
Westwood Road, Leek ST13 8DL
Mrs V Woollacott
860 2229
Community 01538 483000
Woodcroft First
Wallbridge Drive, Leek ST13 8JG
Mrs S Cartlidge
860 2328
Community 01538 483186
860 2230
Mrs S Cartwright
01543 421850
Charnwood Primary
860 2388
Mrs K Stanley
Purcell Avenue, Lichfield WS13 7PH Community 01543 512015
Christ Church CE (VC) Primary
Christ Church Lane
Lichfield WS13 8AY
Chadsmead Primary Academy
Friday Acre, Lichfield WS13 7HJ
860 3076
Mrs J Pilmore
Community 01543 510661
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
Greysbrooke Primary
Barnes Road, Lichfield WS14 0LT
860 2276
Mrs T Holmes
Community 01543 480321
Little Aston Primary
Forge Lane, Little Aston
Sutton Coldfield B74 3BE
860 2277
Mrs E Pearce
Community 0121 353 1350
New Lichfield Academy
Cherry Orchard
Lichfield WS14 9AA
Scotch Orchard Primary
Scotch Orchard
Lichfield WS13 6DE
Mrs W Horden
860 2234
Community 01543 510740
St. Chad's CE (VC) Primary
St. Michael Road
Lichfield WS13 6SN
Mrs C Evans
860 3080
Community 01543 512000
St. James' CE (C) Primary
Brook End, Longdon
Rugeley WS15 4PL
Mrs C Shaw
860 3081
Community 01543 490378
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary
Cherry Orchard, Lichfield WS14 9AN
860 3464
St. Michael's CE (VC) Primary
Sturgeons Hill, Lichfield WS14 9AW
Miss H McKay
860 3079
Community 01543 510778
St. Peter's CE (VC) Primary
Main Street, Stonnall
Walsall WS9 9EE
Mrs T Parton
860 3114
Community 01543 372060
Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Primary
Dimbles Hill, Lichfield WS13 7NH
860 3484
St. Stephen's Primary
Church Lane, Fradley
Lichfield WS13 8NL
Mr R Davies
860 2207
Community 01283 790268
Whittington Community
Common Lane, Whittington
Lichfield WS14 9LG
Mrs S Wilmot
860 2309
01543 432487
Willows Primary
Anglesey Road, Lichfield WS13 7NU
860 2340
Mr D Birds
Community 01543 421830
Mrs D McLeary
01543 263505
Mrs C Faulkner
01543 510748
May 2014
Appendix 3
School name and address
May 2014
Baldwin's Gate CE (VC) Primary 860 3137
Mrs C Lowe
Tollgate Avenue, Baldwin's Gate
Community 01782 680649
Newcastle ST5 5DF
Betley CE (VC) Primary
Church Lane, Betley
Crewe CW3 9AX
860 3029
Mrs S Williams
Community 01270 820286
Bradwell Primary
Cauldon Avenue, Bradwell
Newcastle ST5 8JN
860 2241
Mrs B Caisley
Community 01782 297700
Bursley Academy
Bursley Way, Newcastle ST5 8JQ
860 2242
Chesterton Primary
Brittain Avenue, Chesterton
Newcastle ST5 7NT
860 2358
Mr J Hankey
Community 01782 568650
Churchfields Primary
School Street, Chesterton
Newcastle ST5 7HY
860 2005
Mrs L Jackson
01782 568650
Crackley Bank Primary
Blackthorn Place, Newcastle ST5 7BE
Ms S Stevenson
860 2247
Community 01782 561760
Ellison Primary
Ellison Street, Newcastle ST5 0BL
Mrs N Gibson
860 2392
Community 01782 297680
Friarswood Primary
Abbots Way, Newcastle ST5 2ES
Mrs L Wilmer
860 2250
Community 01782 297345
Hassell Community Primary
Barracks Road, Newcastle ST5 1LF
Mrs K Broome
860 2251
Community 01782 297500
Mrs L Bennett
Hempstalls Primary
860 2252
Collard Avenue, Newcastle ST5 9LH Foundation 01782 297768
Hugo Meynell CE (VC) Primary
Eccleshall Road, Loggerheads
Market Drayton TF9 4NU
Mr S Mitchell
860 3026
Community 01630 672287
Knutton, St. Mary's CE (VC)
Church Lane, Knutton
Newcastle ST5 6EB
Mrs C Beltran
860 3491
Community 01782 297337
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
Mr S Cooper
01782 567740
Mrs C Richards
Langdale Primary
860 3499
Langdale Road, Newcastle ST5 3QE Foundation 01782 297690
Appendix 3
School name and address
May Bank Infants
Basford Park Road
Newcastle ST5 0PT
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
860 2256
Mrs P Colley
Community 01782 297340
Our Lady & St. Werburgh's
860 3476
Catholic Primary
Seabridge Lane, Newcastle ST5 4AG
Mr B Grove
01782 297451
May 2014
Ravensmead Primary
Chapel Street, Bignall End
Stoke on Trent ST7 8QD
860 2157
Mr D Bell
Community 01782 296635
Seabridge Primary
Roe Lane, Newcastle ST5 3PJ
860 3496
Mrs S Mitchell
Foundation 01782 297361
Silverdale Primary Academy
Racecourse, Silverdale
Newcastle ST5 6PB
860 2007
Sir John Offley CE (VC) Primary
Izaak Walton Way, Madeley
Crewe CW3 9PJ
860 3136
Mrs S A Ward-Scott
Community 01782 750301
St. Chad's CE (VC) Primary
Gateway, Red Street Village
Newcastle ST5 7AB
860 3091
Miss S Clarke
Community 01782 567750
St. Giles’ & St. George's CE (VC)
St Paul’s Road, Newcastle ST5 2NB
860 3092
Mrs L Evans
Community 01782 297040
St. John's CE (VC) Primary
Quarry Bank Road, Keele
Newcastle ST5 5AF
860 3069
Mrs E Mc Avan
Community 01782 296000
St. Luke's CE (VC) Primary
Pepper Street, Silverdale
Newcastle ST5 6QJ
860 3093
Mrs S Ray
Community 01782 297445
St. Margaret's CE (VC) Junior
860 3094
Mr A Black
Knutton Road, Newcastle ST5 0HU Community 01782 297760
St. Mary's Catholic Primary
Stanier Street, Newcastle ST5 2SU
Mrs B Sims
01782 619685
St. Mary's CE (A) Primary
860 3446
Church Lane, Mucklestone, Market VA
Drayton TF9 4DN
Mrs J Hughes
01630 672126
St. Wulstan's Catholic Primary
Church Lane, Wolstanton
Newcastle ST5 0EF
Mrs J Kirkham
01782 296140
860 3465
860 3466
Mrs L Nejrup
01782 297470
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
The Meadows Primary
Newcastle Road, Madeley Heath,
Crewe CW3 9JX
860 2236
Mrs H Procter
Community 01782 750313
The Richard Heathcote
Community Primary
The Drive, Alsagers Bank
Stoke on Trent ST7 8BB
860 2000
Mrs J Banks
Foundation 01782 720406
Westlands Primary
Ostend Place, Newcastle ST5 2QY
860 2263
Mrs L Pickard
Foundation 01782 296130
Wood Lane Primary
Church Street, Wood Lane,
Newcastle ST7 8PH
Mrs G Rogers
860 2158
Foundation 01782 720487
Marshbrook First
Teddesley Road, Penkridge
Stafford ST19 5BA
860 2323
Mrs D Spiers
Community 01785 712780
Princefield First
Saxon Road, Penkridge
Stafford ST19 5EP
860 2362
Mrs P Gallant
Community 01785 714050
St. John's CE (VC) First
White Oak Drive, Bishops Wood
Stafford ST19 9AH
860 3030
Mrs H Lane
Community 01785 840318
St. Leonard's CE (VC) First
School Lane, Dunston
Stafford ST18 9AG
860 3050
Mrs J Lane
Community 01785 712488
St. Mary & St. Chad CE (VC) First
Newport Street, Brewood
Stafford ST19 9BT
860 3034
Mrs S Lamond
Community 01902 850373
St. Mary's Catholic Primary
Wharf Lane, Brewood
Stafford ST19 9BG
860 3455
St. Mary's CE (VC) First
Marston Road,
Wheaton Aston,
Stafford ST19 9PQ
860 3130
Mr D Swift
Community 01785 840314
St. Michael's CE (VA) First
Market Place, Penkridge
Stafford ST19 5DJ
860 3447
St. Paul's CE (VC) First
School Lane, Coven
Wolverhampton WV9 5AD
860 3046
Mrs C Clarke
Community 01902 790253
Mrs B Corbett
01902 850261
Mrs J Grundy
01785 712344
Appendix 3
School name and address
Chancel Primary
860 2355
Mrs T Blankley
Wolseley Road, Rugeley WS15 2EW Community 01889 256137
Chase View Community Primary 860 3494
Mr A Minott
Hillary Crest, Rugeley Community 01889 256125
WS15 1NE
Churchfield CE (VC) Primary
Sandy Lane, Rugeley WS15 2LB
860 3102
Miss J Nickolls
Community 01889 256106
Colwich CE (VC) Primary
Main Road, Colwich
Stafford ST17 0XD
860 3045
Mrs N Clay
Community 01889 881286
Etching Hill CE (VC) Primary
Penk Drive North, Rugeley WS15 2XY
860 3141
Mrs M Smith
Community 01889 256112
Hayes Meadow Primary
Spode Avenue, Handsacre
Rugeley WS15 4EU
860 2327
Mrs B Luck
Community 01543 490616
Henry Chadwick Community School
School Lane, Hill Ridware
Rugeley WS15 3QN
860 2238
Mr R Snaith
Community 01543 490354
Hob Hill CE/ Methodist (VC)
Armitage Lane, Brereton
Rugeley WS15 1ED
860 3139
Mr B Preston
Community 01889 256145
Redbrook Hayes Community
Talbot Road, Brereton Rugeley
WS15 1AU
860 3493
Mr C Gaffney
Community 01889 256600
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary
Newman Grove, Rugeley WS15 1BN
860 3467
Mrs K McNally
01889 256120
St. Mary's CE (VA) Primary
Bellamour Way, Colton
Rugeley WS15 3LN
860 3434
Mr P Lovern
01889 256170
The Croft Primary
Rugeley Road, Armitage
Rugeley WS15 4AZ
860 2153
Mrs J Millett
Community 01543 490261
The John Bamford Primary
Crabtree Way, Rugeley WS15 2PA
860 2360
Mrs L Thomas-Burns
Community 01889 256160
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
The Richard Crosse CE (VA)
Lichfield Road,
Kings Bromley,
Burton-on-Trent DE13 7JE
860 3440
Western Springs Community
School Road, Rugeley WS15 2PD
Headteacher, telephone number and email
Mr P Lovern
01543 472245
May 2014
860 2273
Mrs S Wellings
Foundation 01889 256000
All Saints CE (VA) Primary
School Lane, Bednall
Stafford ST17 0SD
860 3427
All Saints CE (VC) Infants
Stocking Lane, Ranton
Stafford ST18 9JU
860 3152
Mr C Middleton
Community 01785 282228
Anson CE (VA) Primary
Main Road, Great Haywood
Stafford ST18 0SU
860 3488
Mr E Howard
01889 881200
Barnfields Primary
860 2352 Mrs G Richards
Lansdowne Way, Stafford ST17 4RD Community 01785 356356
Berkswich CE (VC) Primary
Cedar Way, Walton-on-the-Hill,
Stafford ST17 0LU
860 3028 Mrs S Tucker
Community 01785 354600
Bishop Lonsdale CE (VC)
Shaws Lane, Eccleshall
Stafford ST21 6AU
860 3146 Mr C Middleton
Community 01785 850388
Blessed Mother Teresa's
Catholic Primary
Somerset Road, Stafford ST17 9UZ
860 3479
Burton Manor Primary
Uplands Road, Stafford ST17 9PS
860 2406 Mr J Robinson
Community 01785 356900
Castlechurch Primary
Tennyson Road, Stafford ST17 9SY
860 2407 Mr J Jones
Community 01785 356772
Church Eaton Endowed (VA) Primary
High Street, Church Eaton
Stafford ST20 0AG
860 3433
Mr S Shaw
01785 823089
Mrs G Yates
01785 355540
Mrs C Horton
01785 356405
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
Cooper Perry Primary
Main Road, Seighford, Stafford ST18 9PQ
860 2399
Mrs E Wynne
01785 282210
Doxey Primary
Doxey Road, Doxey
Stafford ST16 1EG
860 2404
Mrs J Baker
01785 356100
Flash Ley Primary
Hawksmoor Road, Stafford ST17 9DR
860 2409
Mr S Barker
01785 356642
Gnosall St. Lawrence's CE (VC)
Lowfield Lane, Gnosall
Stafford ST20 0ET
860 3153
Mrs T Edwards
01785 822391
Haughton St. Giles CE (VC) Primary
Prince Avenue, Haughton
Stafford ST18 9ET
860 3151
Mrs T Cook
Community 01785 780511
John Wheeldon Primary
Corporation Street, Stafford ST16 3LX
860 2402
Leasowes Primary
860 3498
Mr F Rule
Porlock Avenue, Stafford ST17 0HT Community 01785 356365
Oakridge Primary
Silvester Way, Parkside
Stafford ST17 0PR
860 2293
Mr P Fisher
Community 01785 354620
Parkside Primary
Bradshaw Way, Parkside,
Stafford ST16 1TH
860 2401
Mr S Compton
Community 01785 617205
Silkmore Primary
Exeter Street, Stafford ST17 4EG
860 2408
Mrs J Mowbray
Community 01785 356105
St. Andrew's CE (VC) Primary
Ferrers Road, Weston
Stafford ST18 0JN
860 3148
Mr P Hayward
Community 01889 256555
St. Anne's Catholic Primary
Lynton Avenue, Stafford ST17 0EA
860 3480
Mrs J Lomas
01785 663128
St. Austin's Catholic Primary
Garden Street, Stafford ST17 4BT
860 3468
Miss E Keedwell
01785 356765
St. John's CE (C) Primary
Weston Road, Stafford ST16 3RL
860 3147
Mr D Rowley
Community 01785 251960
Miss M Colgrave
01785 356636
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
St. John's Catholic Primary
School Lane, Great Haywood
Stafford ST18 0SL
860 3460
St. Leonard's Primary
St. Leonard's Avenue
Stafford ST17 4LT
860 2403
Mrs S Alebon
Community 01785 356890
St. Patrick's Catholic Primary
and Nursery
Marston Road, Stafford ST16 3BT
860 3469
St. Paul's CE (VC) Primary
Garden Street, Stafford ST17 4BT
Mr J Shingler
01889 808190
May 2014
860 3149
Mr N Bickley
Community 01785 356634
St. Peter's CE (VC) Primary
Church Lane, Hixon
Stafford ST18 0PS
860 3154
Mrs J Alexander
Community 01889 270233
The Grove Primary & Nursery Unit
Highfield Grove, Stafford ST17 9RF
860 2405
Tillington Manor Primary
Young Avenue, Stafford ST16 1PW
860 2400
Mr I Goodwin
Community 01785 356880
Veritas Academy
Beaconside, Stafford ST18 0AD
Woodseaves CE (VC) Primary
Dickys Lane, Woodseaves
Stafford ST20 0LB
860 3150
Mr G Whitehall
Community 01785 284212
All Saints CE (VC) First
Church Lane, Standon
Stafford ST21 6AL
860 3110
Mrs V Bradley
Community 01782 791234
Barlaston CE (VC) First
Broughton Crescent, Barlaston
Stoke-on-Trent ST12 9DB
860 3027
Mrs A Clarey
Community 01782 372543
Christ Church CE (VC) First
Northesk Street, Stone ST15 8EP
860 3142
Mr N Chesters
Community 01785 354125
Green Lea First
Mill Lane, Milwich, Stafford ST18 0EU
860 2240
Mrs A Bagnall
Community 01889 505309
Manor Hill First
Manor Rise, Stone ST15 0HY
860 2294
Mrs N Gilman
Community 01785 812418
Mrs A Goodison
01785 356685
Mr A Morrish
01785 356412
Mr T Bhoola
Appendix 3
STONE cont
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
Oulton CE (VC) First
Rock Crescent, Oulton
Stone ST15 8UH
860 3113
Mr C Wright
Community 01785 354100
Pirehill First
Tilling Drive, Stone ST15 0AA
860 2345
Mrs D Breeze
Community 01785 354041
Springfields First
The Green, Yarnfield
Stone ST15 0NJ
860 2315
Mrs T Jackson
Community 01785 760249
St. Dominic's Catholic Primary
Station Road, Stone ST15 8YG
860 3470
St. Michael's CE (VC) First
Weavers Lane,
Stone ST15 8QB
Mrs R Brownhill
860 3112
Community 01785 354111
Tittensor CE (VC) First
Beechcliffe Lane, Tittensor
Stoke-on-Trent ST12 9HP
Mrs G Sands
860 3117
Community 01782 372539
Mrs A Burns
Amington Heath Primary School 860 2370
Kerria Road, Amington,
Community 01827 475161
Tamworth B77 4EN
Ankermoor Primary
Rene Road, Tamworth B77 3NW
Mr R Burns
860 2337
Community 01827 475730
Ashcroft Infants
off Wigginton Road
Tamworth B79 8RU
Mrs S Silvieri
860 2322
Community 01827 475925
Mrs S Barnes
Birds Bush Community Primary 860 2359
Birds Bush Road, Belgrave,
Community 01827 475170
Tamworth B77 2NE
Coton Green Primary
Kipling Rise, Tamworth
B79 8LX
Mr R Osborne
860 2297
Community 01827 475667
Dosthill Primary
High Street, Dosthill,
Tamworth B77 1LQ
Mr T Hand
860 2331
Foundation 01827 475155
Flax Hill Junior Academy
Chestnut Avenue
Tamworth B79 8QZ
860 2299
Mrs F Devine
01785 354070
Mr R Lane
01827 475675
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
May 2014
Florendine Primary
Florendine Street, Amington
Tamworth B77 3DD
860 2332 Mr I Crookes
Community 01827 475778
Glascote Heath Primary
Silver Link Road, Glascote
Tamworth B77 2EA
860 2373 Mrs M Hamblin
Community 01827 475000
Hanbury's Farm Primary
Derwent, Off Field Farm Road,
Tamworth B77 2LB
860 2346 Mr P Hollis
Community 01827 475100
Heathfields Infants
Saxon Close, Wilnecote
Tamworth B77 5LU
860 2335 Mr L Kilkenny
Foundation 01827 475065
Howard Primary
The Square, Elford
Tamworth B79 9DB
860 2200
Community 01827 383292
Lakeside Community Primary
Leyland Road, Glascote
Tamworth B77 2SA
860 2361 Mrs K Timms
Community 01827 475075
Lark Hall Infant Academy
Clifton Avenue, Tamworth
B79 8EF
860 2298
Mr R Lane
01827 475720
Landau Forte Academy
Levett Road, Amington
Tamworth B77 4AB
860 2003
Mrs L Bridge
Longwood Primary
Allton Avenue, Mile Oak
Tamworth B78 3NH
860 2239 Mrs P James
Foundation 01827 475030
Manor Primary
Drayton Lane, Drayton Bassett
Tamworth B78 3TX
860 2198 Mr S Robson
Foundation 01827 475200
Millfield Primary
Coleshill Street, Fazeley
Tamworth B78 3RQ
860 2203 Mr S Kelly
Community 01827 475010
Moorgate Primary Academy
Hospital Street, Tamworth B79 7EE
860 2012
Oakhill Primary
Hawksworth, Tamworth B77 2HH
860 2348 Mr P Hollins
Community 01827 475020
Mr J Williams
01827 475755
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
Headteacher, telephone number and email
St. Andrew's Primary
Main Street, Clifton Campville,
Tamworth B79 0AP
860 3043
Mrs J Bullous
Community 01827 373266
May 2014
St. Elizabeth's Catholic Primary 860 3478
Claremont Road, Tamworth VA
B79 8EN
Mrs J Rowlands
01827 475860
St. Gabriel's Catholic Primary
Wilnecote Lane, Tamworth B77 2LF
860 3482
Mr J Hayes
01827 475045
St. Leonard's CE (VA) Primary
Syerscote Lane, Wigginton,
Tamworth B79 9DX
860 3450
Mrs V Wild
01827 475800
Stoneydelph Primary
Crowden Road, Stoneydelph,
Tamworth B77 4LS
Mrs J Wallbank
860 2374
Foundation 01827 896666
Thomas Barnes Primary
School Lane, Hopwas
Tamworth B78 3AD
Mrs K Williams
860 2216
Foundation 01827 475683
Three Peaks Primary
Fossdale Road, Wilnecote
Tamworth B77 4HN
Mr R Penn-Bourton
860 3502
Community 01827 896424
Two Gates Community Primary 860 2333
Mrs N Llewelyn-Cook
Tamworth Road, Two Gates,
Community 01827 475051
Tamworth B77 1EN
William MacGregor Primary
Glascote Road,
Tamworth B77 2AF
Mrs S Sedgley
860 2423
Community 01827 475705
Wilnecote Junior
Smithy Lane, Wilnecote
Tamworth B77 5LA
Mr L Kilkenny
860 2334
Foundation 01827 475035
Woodlands Primary
Mr J Baker
860 2336
Canning Road, Tamworth B77 3JX Community 01827 475567
All Saints CE (VC) First
School lane, Church Leigh
Stoke-on-Trent ST10 4PT
860 3075
Mrs A Kenny
Community 01889 502289
All Saints CE (VC) First,
Oak Road, Denstone
Uttoxeter ST14 5HT
860 3048
Mr S Robson
Community 01889 590418
Appendix 3
School name and address
School DFE
Number &
May 2014
Dove First
Dove Lane, Rocester
Uttoxeter ST14 5LA
860 2266
Mrs K Gilchrist
Community 01889 590203
Picknalls First
860 2316
Miss A Smith
Oldfields Road, Uttoxeter ST14 7QL Community 01889 256416
St. Augustine's CE (C) First
860 3049
Ms S Robson
Pipehay Lane, Draycott in the Clay, Community 01283 820365
Ashbourne DE6 5BY
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary
Springfield Road, Uttoxeter ST14 7JX
860 3474
Mrs J Cassidy
01889 562702
St. Mary's CE (VA) First
Heath Road, Uttoxeter
ST14 7LX
860 3449
Mrs S Wade
01889 256450
St. Peter's CE (A) First
Town Head, Alton
Stoke on Trent ST10 4AW
860 3426
Mrs S Webster
01538 702321
St. Peter's CE (VC) First
The Square, Marchington
Uttoxeter ST14 8LH
860 3084
Mrs S Robson
Community 01283 820252
Talbot First
Church Lane, Kingstone
Uttoxeter ST14 8QJ
860 2222
Mrs P Livesey
Community 01889 500273
The Henry Prince CE (C) First
Sunny Bank, Mayfield, Ashbourne,
Derbyshire DE6 2LE
860 3086
Mrs J Naylor
Community 01335 342613
The Richard Clarke First
School House Lane, Abbots
Bromley, Rugeley WS15 3BT
860 2150
Mrs K Hanson
Community 01283 840206
Tynsel Parkes CE (VC) First
School Road, Uttoxeter ST14 7HE
860 3120
Mrs T Walters
Community 01889 256380
Hutchinson Memorial CE (A) First 860 3432
Uttoxeter Road, Checkley,
Stoke-on-Trent ST10 4NB
Headteacher, telephone number and email
Mrs P Snee
01538 722385
St. John's CE (VC) Primary
Mill Lane, Wetley Rocks,
Stoke on Trent ST9 0BN
860 3128 Mrs D Higton
Community 01782 550309
Werrington Primary
Washerwall Lane, Werrington,
Stoke on Trent ST9 0JU
860 2190 Mrs N Walker
Community 01782 302150
Appendix 4
Appendix 4
September 2014 Admissions:
Summary of primary community and controlled schools that were oversubscribed and went to appeal.
For information on how places were allocated for all schools, please refer to the information provided
on the website
The following table provides a breakdown of how
places were allocated using the admission criteria. The
outcome of appeal hearings are also identified.
Total Applications
No. of First
Published Admission
Total Number Admitted
Children in Care
Statement of SEN
Regular Church Attendee
(where relevant)
Furthest Distance (miles)
Allowed at appeal (not
included in total number
This information relates only to admission in September
2014 and does not represent or indicate the pattern of
admission for future years.
Holly Grove Primary
0 of 1
Ridgeway Primary
0 of 2
Christ Church Primary
0 of 12
Holy Trinity
0 of 1
Shobnall Primary
0 of 8
Winshill Village Primary
0 of 5
Gorsemoor Primary
2 of 2
St. Luke’s CE (C) Primary
0 of 4
St. John’s CE(VC) Primary, Essington 117
0 of 8
School name
Birches First
1 of 5
Lane Green First School
0 of 1
St. Nicholas CE (VC) First
0 of 4
No. of First
Published Admission
Total Number Admitted
Children in Care
Statement of SEN
Regular Church Attendee
(where relevant)
Furthest Distance (miles)
Allowed at appeal (not
included in total number
Total Applications
Appendix 4
0 of 1
Betley Primary
0 of 3
May Bank Infants
0 of 2
Reginald Mitchell Primary
0 of 2
0 of 2
Chancel Primary
0 of 7
Hob Hill Primary School
0 of 4
Redbrook Hayes Community Primary
0 of 4
Berkswich Primary
0 of 3
Cooper Perry Primary
0 of 2
Oakridge Primary
0 of 1
0 of 1
Hanbury’s Farm Primary
0 of 2
Lakeside Community Primary
0 of 2
Millfield Primary
0 of 1
Three Peaks Primary
0 of 4
William MacGregor Primary
0 of 6
Woodlands Primary
0 of 6
0 of 3
School name
All Saints CE(VC) Primary, Trysull
St. Paul’s CE (VC) First, Coven
Springfields First
Tynsel Parkes CE (VC) First
Appendix 4
September 2014 Admissions:
Summary of primary voluntary aided, foundation and trust schools and academies
that were oversubscribed and went to appeal. For information on how places were
allocated for all schools, please refer to the information provided on the website
The following table provides a breakdown of how
places were allocated using the admission criteria. The
outcome of appeal hearings are also identified.
This information relates only to admission in September
2014 and does not represent or indicate the pattern of
admission for future years.
Allowed at
Total 1st
0 of 1
0 of 1
Holy Rosary Catholic Primary
Horninglow Primary
0 of 6
Outwoods Primary
0 of 2
The Mosley Academy
1 of 1
Violet Way Academy
0 of 10
William Shrewsbury Primary
0 of 2
Moorhill Primary
0 of 5
St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary
0 of 2
St. Mary's Catholic Primary
0 of 1
3 of 3
0 of 1
1 of 1
Anson CE (VA) Primary
1 of 1
St. Anne’s Catholic Primary
0 of 2
Dosthill Primary
1 of 1
St. Gabriel's Catholic Primary
0 of 6
School name
Total number
(not included
in total number
Oxhey First
St. Joseph’s & St. Theresa Catholic Primary
The Faber Catholic Primary
St. Christopher’s Catholic Primary
Leek First School
Appendix 3
Appendix 4.1
September 2013 Admissions:
Summary of primary community and controlled schools that were oversubscribed and went to appeal
The following table provides a breakdown of how
places were allocated using the admission criteria. The
outcome of appeal hearings are also identified.
Total Applications
No. of First
Published Admission
Total Number Admitted
Children in Care
Statement of SEN
Regular Church Attendee
(where relevant)
Furthest Distance (miles)
Allowed at appeal (not included
in total number admitted)
This information relates only to admission in September
2013 and does not represent or indicate the pattern of
admission for future years.
0 of 1
Christchurch Infants
2 of 8
Grange Community
0 of 9
Holy Trinity
0 of 2
Rykneld Primary
1 of 1
Shobnall Primary
0 of 6
Thomas Russell Infants
0 of 1
Gorsemoor Primary
0 of 3
St. Luke’s CE (C) Primary
1 of 8
School name
Gentleshaw Primary
0 of 6
0 of 3
Birches First
0 of 2
Lane Green First School
0 of 2
Cheadle Primary
St. John’s CE(VC) Primary,
No. of First
Published Admission
Total Number Admitted
Children in Care
Statement of SEN
Regular Church Attendee
(where relevant)
Furthest Distance (miles)
Allowed at appeal (not
included in total number
Appendix 4.1
Total Applications
0 of 5
0 of 1
0 of 5
0 of 3
Bradwell Primary
0 of 2
Hempstalls Primary
0 of 5
May Bank Infants
0 of 2
Seabridge Primary
0 of 1
Chancel Primary
0 of 4
Hob Hill Primary School
0 of 1
The Croft Primary
0 of 4
Barnfields Primary
1 of 5
Castlechurch Primary
0 of 2
Cooper Perry Primary
0 of 2
Oakridge Primary
0 of 1
1 of 1
Birds Bush Community
0 of 1
Hanbury’s Farm Primary
0 of 1
School name
St. Nicholas CE(VC) First
St. Anne’s CE(VC) Primary
All Saints CE(VC) Primary,
Leek First School
Oulton CE (VC) First
No. of First
Published Admission
Total Number Admitted
Children in Care
Statement of SEN
Regular Church Attendee
(where relevant)
Furthest Distance (miles)
Allowed at appeal (not
included in total number
Total Applications
Appendix 4.1
Three Peaks Primary
0 of 9
William MacGregor Primary
0 of 3
Picknalls First School
0 of 1
Tynsel Parkes CE(VC) First
0 of 3
School name
The table below indicates the primary voluntary aided, foundation and trust schools and academies that
were oversubscribed for admission into Reception. This information relates only to admission in September
2013 and does not represent or indicate the pattern of admission for future years. The outcome of any
admission appeal hearing has been completed where the outcome is known at the time of going to print
further information can be obtained from the individual schools.
Allowed at
Total 1st
Knypersley First
0 of 3
Oxhey First
0 of 1
Anglesey Foundation Primary
1 of 3
Holy Rosary Catholic Primary
3 of 3
Horninglow Primary
0 of 1
John of Rolleston Primary
Lansdowne Infants
Needwood CE (VA) Primary
Outwoods Primary
The Mosley Academy
Violet Way Academy
0 of 2
William Shrewsbury Primary
0 of 7
School name
Total number
(not included
in total number
St. Filumena’s Catholic Primary
0 of 1
0 of 3
Appendix 4.1
Allowed at
Total 1st
Moorhill Primary
St. Mary’s Catholic Primary
Bursley Academy
5 of 5
Our Lady & St. Werburgh’s
Catholic Primary
0 of 4
St. Wulstan’s Catholic Primary
0 of 1
The Richard Heathcote Primary
All Saints CE (VA), Bednall
St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary
Dosthill Primary
3 of 5
Manor Primary
0 of 5
Stoneydelph Primary
7 of 7
St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Primary
St. Gabriel’s Catholic Primary
St. Leonard’s CE(VA) Primary
School name
Total number
(not included
in total number
St. Thomas’ Catholic Primary
St. Thomas More Catholic Primary
St. Thomas’ CE(VA) Primary
0 of 1
All Saints’ CE(VA) First
0 of 1
St. Dominic’s Catholic Primary
Appendix 5
Coordinated Scheme for Admissions to Primary and Secondary Schools – 2015/2016
Staffordshire County Council’s School Admissions
and Transport Service (SA&TS) will coordinate all
admissions at all maintained schools in Staffordshire,
including all Voluntary Aided, Foundation, Trust as
well as Academy Schools in respect of applications
for school places at the normal age of entry.
Staffordshire County Council is the relevant
admissions authority for all community and
voluntary controlled schools within the County of
The individual governing body is the relevant
admissions authority for foundation, voluntary
aided, trust and academy trust for academy schools
within Staffordshire.
In accordance with regulations, admissions to
Middle Schools at the normal age of entry will be
coordinated in accordance with the primary school
The Scheme
1. This scheme meets the requirement for a
coordinated admission scheme under The
School Admissions (Co-ordination of Admission
Arrangements (England)) Regulations 2012 and
applies to applications made by Staffordshire
parents for all maintained schools and
Academies at the normal age of entry (except
special schools and nurseries).
2. The purpose of the scheme is to ensure that, so
far as is reasonably practicable,
i)each parent who applies for a school place
at the normal age of entry receives only
one single offer of a school place under the
scheme, whether that be at a school within
the county or one maintained by another
authority, and
ii) a child is granted admission to whichever
of the schools that is ranked highest on that
application wherever possible.
3. P
arents of children resident in the County of
Staffordshire must make an application for
the normal age of entry through Staffordshire
County Council to apply for any school within
Staffordshire or in another authority.
Applying for School Places at the Normal Age
of Entry
4. Staffordshire County Council’s School
Admissions and Transport Service will provide
a common application form to enable parents
to apply for any school within the County or in
another local authority. Parents will also be able
to apply online.
5. S taffordshire parents will be able to name up
to three school preferences, rank them in order
of preference and have the opportunity to give
reasons for their preferences. Parents must name
all schools at which they wish to be considered
for a place in order of preference, including any
maintained foundation, trust, voluntary aided or
any schools outside of Staffordshire in another
local authority including academies.
6. Any Staffordshire school that receives an
application directly must ensure that it is
forwarded to the School Admissions and
Transport Service.
Applying For School Places In-Year
7. An application form can be obtained from any
of the following sources;
• Child’s current school (if in Staffordshire) or
preferred school
• Staffordshire’s School Admissions and
Transport Service (01785 278593)
• Staffordshire County Council’s website www.
8. T he application form will enable parents to
apply for a school of their preference, and to
provide their name and address and the name,
address and date of birth of the child and also to
include any documentary evidence in support
of the application. The application form will
also allow the parents to give reasons for the
preference. Parents must apply directly to all
schools for which they wish to be considered for
a place, including any maintained foundation,
voluntary aided, trust, academy or any schools
outside the County of Staffordshire.
9. Any Staffordshire school that receives an
application directly must ensure that the Local
Authority is notified of the application and
subsequent outcome.
Appendix 5
Supplementary Application Forms
10. Where an in-year application is made for a
school for which the Governing Body are the
admission authority, the application must be
forwarded together with supporting information
provided by the parent, to the Governing Body.
The Governing Body of a foundation, voluntary
aided, trust or academy school may require
parents who make an application to provide
supplementary information in order to apply
their own admissions policy.
11. Parents are under no obligation to forward
supplementary information, unless it is required
to enable the Governing Body to apply their
oversubscription criteria.
12. Where supplementary information is required
for applications at the normal age of entry it
must be returned to the School Admissions and
Transport Service along with a valid application
so that all information can then be passed to the
relevant admissions authority.
13. For applications made for the normal age of
entry, where documentary evidence in support
of the application is received or a school receives
supplementary information then it will not
be regarded as a valid application, unless the
parent has also completed an application with
Staffordshire County Council.
14. Where documentary evidence in support of
the application or supplementary information
is received directly by a foundation, voluntary
aided, trust or academy school for the normal
age of entry, the school must inform the School
Admissions and Transport Service immediately
so that it can verify whether an application has
been received and if this is not the case then,
the parent can be contacted and requested to
complete an application.
Closing Date for Return of Applications –
Normal Age of Entry
15. All secondary school applications should be
submitted by the closing date of 31 October
16. All primary school applications should be
submitted by the closing date of 15 January
Variation for JCB Academy and Rural Enterprise
Academy – Normal Age of Entry
17. Admission to the JCB Academy and Rural
Enterprise Academy at Year 10 will be dealt with
as part of the secondary school transfer process in
Staffordshire and will form part of the secondary
school coordinated admissions system.
Variations for schools in the three-tier system
– Normal Age of Entry
18. Children admitted to middle schools in Year 5
technically form part of the primary coordinated
19. Non Staffordshire Year 6 children attending a
Staffordshire middle school will only receive
information about the secondary transfer
process if parents specifically request it.
20. Staffordshire Year 6 children attending primary
schools out of area will receive information from
Staffordshire even if they reside in an area that is
served by a Staffordshire middle school.
21. Non Staffordshire Year 8 children attending a
Staffordshire middle school will be provided
with information through Staffordshire Local
Authority but must apply for school places
through their home Local Authority.
Processing Applications – Normal Age of Entry
22. By 17 November 2014 for Secondary
applications and 2 February 2015 for Primary
applications, the School Admissions and
Transport Service will have forwarded and
received all details of appropriate applications to
and from other Local Authorities and will merge
this information into the admissions database.
23. By 1 December 2014 for Secondary applications
and 23 February 2015 for Primary applications
the School Admissions and Transport Service
will have forwarded all details of appropriate
applications (and accompanying supplementary
application forms where provided) to
academy, trust, aided and foundation schools
in Staffordshire. The School Admissions and
Transport Service will then draw up preference
lists for all community and voluntary controlled
schools by applying the County Council’s
oversubscription criteria.
24. Each school which is its own admission
authority will apply their oversubscription
criteria to all applications and by the 12
December 2014 (Secondary Schools) and 11
March 2015 (Primary Schools) will forward a
list of all applicants to the School Admissions
and Transport Service indicating the rank
order in which all children meet the school’s
oversubscription criteria along with an
indication of which oversubscription criteria
apply to each child. The JCB Academy Trust
will apply its oversubscription criteria to all
applicants and by 9 January 2015 will forward a
list of applicants who should be offered places.
Appendix 5
25. The School Admissions and Transport Service
compares the ranked lists from all schools. After
applying the oversubscription criteria for each
stated preference, where a child qualifies for
a place at more than one school, the School
Admissions and Transport Service will allocate a
place at the parent’s highest ranked preference.
The child would then be removed from the
other school’s lists and if there were other
children awaiting places at that school the list
would be adjusted accordingly taking the next
applicant in the order of the oversubscription
26. By 14 January 2015 (Secondary Schools) and 17
March 2015 (Primary Schools) the initial results
of places in Staffordshire schools will be known.
These will be shared with other Local Authorities
and exchanged for details of Staffordshire pupils
gaining places at Out of County schools. It is
expected that potential offers at JCB Academy
will be exchanged with Local Authorities by
this date to enable other admission authorities
to assess whether there is any impact on
provisional offers at their own schools e.g. if a
sibling link is broken as a result of an offer at JCB
27. These results are then compared to rankings
and a list of provisional offers will be produced.
28. By 23 January 2015 (Secondary Schools) and 23
March 2015 (Primary Schools) the provisional
offers will again be exchanged with other local
29. Local Authorities will then repeat the process
set out in 24 to 27 and exchange final results on
14 February 2015 (Secondary Schools) and 30
March 2015 (Primary Schools).
31. On 2 March 2015 the School Admissions and
Transport Service will notify all Staffordshire
parents who have applied for a Secondary
School at the normal age of entry of the
outcome of their preference and make a single
offer of a school place.
32. All Staffordshire parents who have applied
for a place in a Primary, Infant/Junior, First or
Middle School at the normal age of entry will be
notified on 16 April 2015.
33. Offers of school places being made to
Staffordshire children for the normal age of
entry on behalf of a Voluntary Aided School,
a Foundation, Trust or Academy school or a
school in another Authority will be sent by
Staffordshire County Council on behalf of the
relevant admission authority.
34. Children resident in other Local Authorities
who have made preferences for schools within
Staffordshire for the normal age of entry will be
notified of the outcome of their request by their
home Local Authority.
35. Where a Staffordshire child does not qualify
for admission to any of their preferred schools
and is also not on the roll of a school within a
reasonable distance of the home address, an
alternative school will be offered in conjunction
with the relevant admission authority.
36. Where refusals are made for Staffordshire
schools, parents will be given information about
the appeal process.
37. Where refusals are made on behalf of other
Local Authorities further information will be
provided to parents to enable them to appeal,
should they wish to do so.
Waiting Lists and Late Applications
38. Staffordshire County operates a waiting list for
any Community or Voluntary Controlled School
that is oversubscribed at the normal age of
entry. Details are provided within our school
admissions policy.
39. Please note that, Academies, Trust, Voluntary
Aided and Foundation Schools are responsible
for deciding whether to operate a waiting list
and how their waiting list will operate.
40. Staffordshire County Council as the admissions
authority shall maintain a waiting list for the
normal age of entry for at least 1 term in
the academic year of admission, for every
oversubscribed community or voluntary
controlled school, according to the individual
school’s published admission arrangements.
41. The waiting lists will be clear, fair and objective
and will not give priority to any child based on
the date that their application was received or
the date that the child’s name was added to the
waiting list.
42. It must be noted, that children who are the
subject of a direction by a local authority to
admit or those that are allocated to a school in
accordance with the Fair Access Protocol must
take precedence over other children on the
waiting list. (Please see School Admissions Code
paragraphs 3.9 to 3.15.)
Appendix 5
Acceptance of School Place
41.Parents will have at least two weeks after the
date of offer to notify the authority as to whether
or not he/she wishes to accept the place offered.
Change of Preference
42.During the admission process the order of
school preference may be changed by parents in
writing up to the closing date. After this date, any
change of preferences received will be dealt with
in line with the late application policy.
43.Parents wishing to change their preferences
to include schools not previously named will
need to make a late application, which will be
administered in line with information provided in
the individual school’s admission policy.
43. Parents wishing to change their preferences
after the notification date will need to make a
late application which will then be administered
in line with information provided in the
individual admission policy.
Failure to Express a Preference
45.Where a Staffordshire parent does not make
an application for any school and the child is
known to the School Admissions and Transport
Service a place will be offered at the nearest
Staffordshire School with spaces available.
Transport assistance will not necessarily be
provided. In the case where the nearest school
with a space available is its own admissions
authority the offer will be made in consultation
with and on behalf of the allocated school.
Processing Applications – In-Year Admissions
44. From September 2013 onwards, the process
for in year transfers for Staffordshire schools
will not be coordinated. In line with the School
Admissions Code, parents will be able to
contact the School Admissions and Transport
Service for information about places available
and then make applications directly to schools.
45. Application forms for In Year places will be
available from the County Council along with
guidance on completing them. Academies and
other schools which are their own admission
authority may also have their own forms which
can be obtained from the school.
46. Completed application forms should be
returned directly to the preferred school. The
school will notify the local authority of both the
application and the outcome of the application
within 15 working days, including sending
through a copy of the decision letter where the
application has been refused.
47. All decisions on applications will be made in line
with the determined admission arrangements and
will be subject to scrutiny to determine whether
or not they meet the criteria for consideration
under the LA Fair Access Protocol. A copy of this
protocol is published on the LA website.
48. When determining school place applications
outside the normal admissions round, admission
authorities must not refuse to admit a child
thought to be potentially disruptive, or likely to
exhibit challenging behaviour, on the grounds
that the child is first to be assessed for special
educational needs.
49. Where a child has been permanently excluded
from two or more schools there is no need for
an admission authority to comply with parental
preference for a period of two years from the
last exclusion. The twice excluded rule does not
apply to children who were below compulsory
school age at the time of the exclusion,
children who have been re-instated following a
permanent exclusion (or would have been had
it been practicable to do so), and children with
special educational needs statements. There
is an expectation that the PAN at the normal
age of entry will apply as the year group works
through the school.
50. When it is not possible to offer a place, parents
must be advised of their right of appeal under
the School Admissions Appeals Code. Schools
should confirm that this has been done in their
notification to the local authority by sending a
copy of the formal decision to parents.
51. For applications for year groups where a waiting
list is in operation, the School Admissions and
Transport Team will add unsuccessful applicants
to the waiting list. Schools must not offer
places to applicants in excess of the published
admission number where a waiting list is in
operation without consulting with the School
Admissions and Transport Team.
52. Where a refusal means that a child does not have
a school place, the School Admissions Team will
contact parents to discuss options for securing
a place. This may involve approaching other
schools in the area that have places on parents
behalf to offer them an alternative school.
53. The School Admissions and Transport Service
are available to both schools and parents as a
source of advice on the admissions process.
Parents are also able to seek advice from
the School Choice Advisor who will act as
an independent source of advice as well as
providing support with completing applications.
Appendix 6
In-Year Fair Access Protocol
Aims of the Fair Access Protocol
The Fair Access Protocol is designed to:
• Be fair and transparent.
•Acknowledge the need of young people who
are not on the roll of any school to be dealt with
quickly and sympathetically.
•Recognise the success of proactive work already
being undertaken cooperatively between schools
to prevent exclusion, and to support children, e.g.
through managed moves.
•Reduce the time that these children spend out of
•Ensure that schools admit children with
challenging educational needs in a manner
which takes account of the proportion of children
they have already admitted through the District
Inclusion Partnership (DIP) process.
Who is covered by the Fair Access Protocol?
It is a legal requirement that “looked after children
and previusly looked after children” be given first
priority for admission to all schools within their
oversubscription criteria.
Children with Statements of Special Educational
Need are not covered by this Protocol as their needs
are considered separately and are covered by specific
guidance in the SEN Code of Practice.
Although there is some evidence that at times other
children not listed above experience difficulties in
attaining a school place, there is already an agreed
procedure for dealing with their applications that
should be adhered to in all cases including an
independent admission appeals system. This process
is administered by the School Admissions and
Transport Service.
The children covered by the Protocol will be the ones
who are vulnerable and for whom it is even more
important that they be admitted to a school quickly.
The Fair Access Protocol in Staffordshire covers
children who fall into one of the following categories:
•they have been permanently excluded from their
previous school;
• they are ‘children in care', or were previously in care
•they are returning to maintained education from
secure units; or
•they are deemed vulnerable due to their
circumstances e.g. history of poor attendance or
fixed term exclusions, new arrivals to the UK;
•they are attending PRUs and need to be
reintegrated back into mainstream education;
•they have been out of education for longer than
two months;
•they are children whose parents have been unable
to find them a place after moving to the area,
because of a shortage of places;
•they have been withdrawn from schools by their
family, following fixed term exclusions and unable
to find another place;
• they are children of refugees and asylum seekers;
• they are homeless children;
•they have unsupportive family backgrounds,
where a place has not been sought;
• they are known to the police or other agencies;
•they are without a school place and with a history
of serious attendance problems;
• they are traveller children;
• they are carers;
•they have special educational needs (but without a
• they have disabilities or medical conditions;
• they are returning from the criminal justice system;
•they are children of UK Service personnel and
other Crown Servants.
Main Principles of the Fair Access Protocol
• All schools take part in the Fair Access Protocol.
•There is a general expectation that if a child
moves into an area, he/she is admitted to the
local catchment area school unless there are very
exceptional reasons as to why this should not be
the case. Exceptional reasons would not include
having EAL. Having reached the admission number
is not usually considered to be very exceptional
unless other circumstances apply.
•Schools cannot cite oversubscription as a reason
for not admitting pupils under the protocol.
•Children considered under this protocol have
priority for admission over others on a waiting list
or awaiting an appeal.
•Schools cannot refuse to admit a child who has
been denied a place at that school at appeal, if the
protocol identifies that school as the one to admit
the child.
•It is essential that all children are found places
quickly. All parts of the local authority should be
prepared to deal with school admission requests as
a matter of urgency.
Appendix 7
School Term Dates 2015/2016
Autumn Term 2015:
Schools Open: Tuesday 8 September –
Friday 23 October
Half Term: Monday 26 October –
Friday 30 October
Schools Open: Monday 02 November –
Friday 18 December
Schools Open: Monday 4 January –
Friday 12 February
Half Term: Monday 15 February –
Friday 19 February
Schools Open: Monday 22 February
Thursday 24 March
Schools Open: Thursday 7 April
Friday 27 May
Bank Holiday: Monday 2 May
Half Term: Monday 30 May –
Friday 3 June
Schools Open: Monday 06 June –
Friday 22 July
Spring Term 2016:
Summer Term 2016:
School Term Dates 2014/2015
Schools Open
Tuesday 2 September
Friday 24 October
Half Term
Monday 27 October
Friday 31 October
Schools Open
Monday 3 November
Friday 19 December
Schools Open
Monday 5 January
Friday 13 February
Half Term
Monday 16 February
Friday 20 February
Schools Open
Monday 23 February
Thursday 2 April
Schools Open
Thursday 16 April
Friday 22 May
Bank Holiday
Monday 4 May
Half Term
Monday 25 May
Friday 29 May
Schools Open
Monday 1 June
Friday 17 July
Appendix 8
Neighbouring Authorities
Birmingham City Council
LA Code: 330
School Admissions and Pupil Placements
PO Box 16513
B2 2FF
Tel: 0121 303 1888 (option 4)
Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Cheshire East Council
LA Code: 895
Cheshire East Borough Council,
School Admissions, Floor 7 c/o Municipal
Buildings,Earle Street,
Crewe, CW1 2BJ
Tel. 0300 123 5012
Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Derbyshire County Council
LA Code: 830
Admissions and Appeals Team, Council House,
Tel: 01629 537479
Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council
LA Code: 332
School Admissions
Westox House,
Trinity Road,
West Midlands
Tel: 01384 814223
Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Leicestershire County Council
LA Code: 855
School Admissions,
County Hall,
Tel: 01384 814223
Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Shropshire Council
LA Code: 893
Children and Young People's Services
Learning and Skills,
Shirehall, Abbey Foregate,
Tel. 0345 678 9008
Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Stoke on Trent County Council
LA Code: 861
Admissions & Family Services, Floor 2 Civic Centre,
Glebe Street,
Stoke on Trent, ST4 1HH
Tel: 01782 234598
Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Telford and Wrekin Council
LA Code: 894
Telford & Wrekin Council
6B Darby House,
Lawn Central,
Tel. 01952 380901/03/04
Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Walsall Council
LA Code: 335
School Admissions
Walsall MBC
Civic Centre, Darwell Street,
Walsall WS1 ITP
Tel: 01922 652585
Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Warwickshire County Council
LA Code: 937
School Admissions Service
Saltisford Office Park,
Ansell Way, CV34 4UL
Tel: 01926 742037
Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Wolverhampton County Council
LA Code: 336
School Admissions Transfer Section,
Civic Centre, St Peter’s Square, Wolverhampton, WV1 1RR
Tel: 01902 554176
Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Worcestershire County Council
LA Code: 885
School Admissions Team
PO Box 73, Worcester WR5 2YA
Tel: 01905 822700
Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Application for Admission to
Primary School in September 2015
The preferred method for application is online. You must read all of the information contained within the "Information for
Parents" Booklet very carefully. This booklet is available online at If you choose not
to apply on-line your completed form should be returned to the School Admissions and Transport Service, Tipping Street,
Stafford, ST16 2DH by 15 January 2015 at the latest.
Child’s Legal Surname: Date of Birth:
Child’s Legal First Name: Male: *
Female: *
Full Postal Address: Post Code: NB: it is your responsibility to advise the School Admissions and Transport Service immediately if these details change.
Present School: Please tick each box as appropriate
Is this child in the care of a local authority?
Has the child previously been in the care of a local authority but has since been adopted (or become subject
to a residence order or special guardianship order since being in public care?)
From a returning Service/Crown Servant family?
Does this child have a statutory statement of educational need or Education, Health and Care Plan?
Surname: Please indicate title Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms
First Name:
Relationship to Child: Mobile Number:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
If you are caring for someone else’s child for more than 28 days and are not an immediate relative, you may
be privately fostering and it is a legal requirement that you contact the local authority on 0800 1313126.
Further information is available at
Names of Preferred Schools
(including those not in Staffordshire)
School DFE Number
(see relevant Information
for Parents Booklets)
If you wish to make more than three preferences please attach these to your application form in ranked order.
(Please note that for most schools the elder sibling must still be in attendance at the school in September 2015)
Name of Sibling Date of Birth
School attending
Current Year Group
*If you do not list your catchment area school as one of your preferences and it is not possible to allocate a place at
any of your listed preferences, you may only be offered a place at the nearest school that has available places. This
may not be your catchment area school and could, in some circumstances, involve you paying transport costs to a school
some distance from your home address.
It is very important that you understand the admissions criteria for each of your preferences. This will enable you
to assess what order of priority will be given to each preference. The admissions criteria will also show you if you need to
complete a supplementary form or provide additional supporting information for each of your preferences.
Each of your 3 preferences will be assessed against the schools published admission criteria. If a place can be offered at more
than one of your preferred schools then you will be offered the school which is ranked highest on your list of preferences.
I have attached additional information required as specified in the admissions criteria of my preferred Catholic or Church of
England/Aided School (please tick to indicate documents attached):
Has your child been Baptised a Catholic? NO
If YES a copy of the baptismal certificate must be enclosed with this form.
If the above information and baptismal certificate are not supplied then it will cause a delay in processing your
application and may affect the outcome.
It is important that you read and understand the admissions criteria for each of your preferred school/s. Please remember to
attach any additional evidence to support your application if it is relevant and requested in the admissions criteria.
If there are any personal circumstances relating to your preference that you are not happy to disclose on this form, please tick
the box and we will arrange to contact you.
The information provided on this application form will be used to ensure that the council’s records are correct. It may also
be shared with other agencies and service providers to ensure that your child receives an appropriate service. The full Data
Protection statement can be found at
I certify that the information I have provided is true to the best of my knowledge, and understand that any false or deliberately
misleading information provided on this form and/or supporting papers may render this application invalid and could lead
to the withdrawal of an offer of a school place for my child. I also give my consent for the School Admissions and Transport
Service to contact relevant agencies in order to validate this application..
Before returning this form please ensure that you have:
• consulted with any other persons who have parental responsibility for this child.
• read all of the information contained within the “Information for Parents” booklet available from our website or
on request very carefully;
• read the relevant booklet for each Local Authority within which each school you have listed in Section 2 is
situated; provided any supportive evidence required to assess your application; completed any supplementary
forms necessary.
HELPLINE: If you require any assistance please telephone 01785 278593 or email:
Primary Admissions Questionnaire School Year 2015 - 2016
Your comments are valued. In order to improve our service we would be grateful to receive your
comments on the information provided within this booklet.
Applying for a school place
How did you apply?
Please tick relevant box
Online application
Telephone application
Paper application
If you did not apply using the online service, was there a particular reason?
Please tick relevant box
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree The application was easy to complete.
Local Authority staff were helpful with any
questions I had.
Information for Parents booklet
Please tick relevant box
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree The booklet was clearly written and easy to follow. The booklet contains the information I wanted to know. The booklet was clearly laid out. How do you think this booklet could be improved?
Please return this form to:
School Admissions and Transport Service, Tipping Street, Stafford ST16 2DH
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Disagree
電子信箱 或
電話:01785 278593
‫ و ﺑﺮاﯼ ﺗﺮﺟﻤﻪ ﻣﻄﺎﻟﺐ ﻧﻴﺎز‬،‫ اﮔﺮ ﮐﺴﯽ را ﻧﺪارﻳﺪ ﮐﻪ ﺑﺮاﯼ ﺧﻮاﻧﺪن و درﮎ ﺁن ﮐﻤﮏ ﺗﺎن ﮐﻨﺪ‬.‫اﻳﻦ ﻣﺘﻦ ﺣﺎوﯼ اﻃﻼﻋﺎت ﺑﺴﻴﺎر ﻣﻬﻤﯽ اﺳﺖ‬
.‫ ﻟﻄﻔﺎً ﺑﺎ ﻣﺎ ﺗﻤﺎس ﺑﮕﻴﺮﻳﺪ‬،‫ﺑﻪ ﻣﺘﺮﺟﻢ دارﻳﺪ‬
‫ ﻳﺎ‬ :‫اﻳﻤﻴﻞ‬
01785 278593 :‫ﺗﻠﻔﻦ‬
Ce document contient des renseignements importants. Si vous ne connaissez personne pouvant vous aider
à les comprendre et que vous avez besoin d’un traducteur, veuillez nous contacter.
Téléphone: 01785 278593
If you would like this information in large print, Braille, audio tape/disc,
British Sign Language or any other language, please ring 01785 278593
at www.staff
at www.staff
24 hours
a day
7 days
a week
to the
15 January
 •Available
24 hours
a day
7 days
a week
up to
of 15ofJanuary
• Receive an email on 16 April 2015 notifying you of the outcome of your application
 Receive an email on 18 April 2011 notifying you of the outcome of your application
Print and design by Staffordshire County Council, Print Commissioning Services. Telephone: 01785 276051 75536/14