Volume 38, No. 1, Fall 2014 ODHS CONTINUING EDUCATION CALENDAR 2014-2015 ODHS CONTINUING EDUCATION CALENDAR 2014-2015 EVENT DATE LOCATION TIME FALL WORKSHOP - Oral Cancer Awareness Day ($50.00 for members) Sat. October 18, 2014 Tudor Hall 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Speakers: Eva Grayzel and Dr. Stephanie Johnston-Obaseki Page 4 Managing Periodontal Disease and All Other Things Periodontal: A Team Approach (Free for members) Wed. November 19, 2014 Speaker: Dr. Karen Fung TOY MOUNTAIN DRIVE CPR (a.m.) and/or First Aid (p.m.) ($55.00 per session for members) Sat. November 22, 2014 WINTER WORKSHOP – All About Instrumentation Lecture / Hands On ($50.00 for members) Sat. February 7, 2015 R.A. Centre 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Page 5 JA Delude Arena 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. R.A. Centre 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Page 5 Speakers: Anna Louise Tolan, RDH and Kathleen Bokrossy, RDH Paedodontic Dentistry (Free for members) Page 6 Thurs. March 26, 2015 R.A. Centre 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Speaker: Dr Ian McConnachie Page 7 How to Recognize Restorative Needs (Free for members) Wed. April 22, 2015 R.A. Centre 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Speakers: Dr. Tim Hoeschen and Dr. Serena Wong Page 8 With just six easy screening steps, you could save a life! 2014 Fall Workshop: Oral Cancer Awareness Day Eva Grayzel shares her story of recovery from oral cancer and draws attention to the value of early detection. Also, Dr. Stephanie Johnson-Obaseki, will share her knowledge about oral cancer treatment from an oncology perspective. Read more on page 4. Planning Group Members 2014-2015 Ottawa Dental Hygienists Society (© ODHS) 32 Banting Cres. Ottawa, ON K2K 1P4 Phone and Fax: 613-729-3270 Web: www.odhs.ca ODHS Chair Ida Ryan Communications Coordinator Sue Chinkiwsky Treasurer Elaine Falla Employment Officer Jane O’Neil CPR & First Aid Coodinator Ida Ryan Meeting Planners & Helpers Jane O’Neil Ida Ryan Jacqueline Geneta-Freeman Sherin Hosny Sue Chinkiwsky Elaine Falla Cathi Wilkins Rozina Hussein Diane Ferderber Rossie Morgan Newsletter Cathi Wilkins Robin Stout National Dental Hygiene Week/ Month Coordinator Trade Show Coordinator Sherin Hosny Technical Support/Secretary Robin Stout Toy Mountain Coordinator Kathleen Feres Patry CDHO Council Member Janet Munn Fall Issue Submission Deadline: November 30, 2014 Next Issue: December 2014 2 Word of Mouth ODHS MESSAGE REGISTRATION OPEN FOR 2014-2015 Registration for our 2014-2015 season began August 15, 2014. Online registration is available at www.odhs.ca. If you are not able to register online, you can either download a paper registration form from our website, or contact us at 613-729-3270 or secretary@odhs.ca to request a form to be sent to you. Note: Email is our preferred method on contact. FEEDBACK SURVEY The ODHS will be requesting your input regarding our society’s communications, website, newsletter, Employment and Salary report and volunteering ideas. The survey will be 100% confidential. It will be available to you as an online survey or a downloadable PDF that can be faxed or mailed to us. We will use the data collected to help improve ODHS operations. Please note that we are open to hear from you at any time should you have any course topic and improvement suggestions. Ideas can be emailed to us at communications.coordinator@odhs. ca or you could attend a planning group meeting to share your ideas. WE’RE ON FACEBOOK! We are on Facebook to share updates, pictures, information etc. Feel free to check us out, join the group and even start or contribute to an online discussion. MEMBER INVOLVEMENT FORM Member involvement is the heart and soul of any society. In an effort to maintain and improve the service to our members, we are seeking more help in the form of volunteers. The member involvement form is a way for us to keep a list of those who feel they can help in some way. The form lists a variety of lead positions as well as opportunities to just help out with an activity (support). Please feel free to select as many as appeal to you. For each activity or position that you select, you will be contacted with more information about how you can help out, with details about time commitments. ODHS Planning Group Meetings The ODHS planning group generally meets the first Wednesday of every month during our educational season. Next Meeting: Wednesday October 15, 2014 Agenda: ODHS operations, communications, finances, planning of current and upcoming events, evaluation of past events. Planning group meetings are open to all ODHS members. If you would like to learn about your society or if you would like to provide input, please feel free join us. Contact us at secretary@odhs.ca to get location details. We hope to see you there. ODHS Members Available for Employment o of M d r o e W er. e s c ase t offi e l n P ly. loyme n o p s ber ur em m me tact o S H n OD or co o t ble ll view a l i ava for fu s i r e pag embe s i Th s a m a on he w uth ged g n lo Updated September 2014 ODHS does not check CDHO registration status for dental hygienists on our list. To update any information or remove your name from the list please contact the employment officer with the revised information. Email: employment.offer@odhs.ca Volume 38, No. 1, Fall 2014 3 ODHS ORAL CANCER AWARENESS DAY Registration open at www.odhs.ca FALL WORKSHOP 2014 Saturday October 18, 2014 Tudor Hall 3750 N Bowesville Rd. Ottawa 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Lunch provided (12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.) CE credits = $50.00 ODHS Members 7 hours Guests of ODHS Members: $80.00 Dentists, $70.00 DA/Admin $250.00 Office Team Rate (group of 4) $50 Additional Office Team Registrants 9:00 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Eva Grayzel Tongue-Tied: A Story NOT Silenced by Oral Cancer One North American dies every hour of every day from oral cancer. Eva Grayzel came close to being the ‘one’ in this statistic. The riveting details of Eva’s delayed diagnosis stimulate thinking about enhanced patient care and education. Eloquent and engaging, Eva reveals the devastating effects of treatment, driving listeners to take responsibility for early intervention. Putting a face to the disease, Eva inspires audiences with her firsthand account of hardships unanticipated and overcome; courage unknown and discovered; a mother’s love tested and triumphant. Eva speaks from heart to heart: audiences don’t just hear her story, they experience it. Objectives: Integrate oral cancer screenings with education; optimize screening techniques and patient care; motivate passion to save lives via early detection. 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Dr. Stephanie Johnson-Obaseki, Otolaryngologist Clinical stories from Ear, Nose and Throat oncology perspective Dr. Stephanie Johnson-Obaseki is a graduate of the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine. She has completed a Fellowship in Head and Neck Oncologic Surgery at the University of Toronto, is a Fellow of the American Head and Neck Society and is currently part of the Ottawa Hospital’s Otolaryngology team. Dr. Johnson-Obaseki will share her knowledge about oral cancer through case study and the latest research into incidence and treatment. 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Eva Grayzel Reset mindsets through story: educate, engage and persuade How do you build your client base and increase commitment to products and services? It’s all the story! Facts and figures alone don’t engage attention or influence change. Optimize the patient experience through education Eva Grayzel, a nationally recognized Master Storyteller and interusing stories of experiences that teach not preach. active performance artist, was diagnosed at age 33 with stage IV Objectives: Use story as a tool to increase success; oral cancer and given a 15% chance of survival. After regaining promote your practice’s strengths using story; her deep vibrant voice, Eva applied her stage skills to communicommunicate the value of services with story. cate the depth of her experience in a unique and powerful way. A champion for early detection, Eva founded the Six-Step Screening™ oral cancer awareness campaign for which she was recognized by the American Academy of Oral Medicine. Eva is the author of two children’s books, ‘Mr. C Plays Hide & Seek’ and ‘Mr. C the Globetrotter,’ in the Talk4Hope Family Book Series. 4 Word of Mouth Saturday Training CPR and First Aid Recertification Saturday, November 22, 2014 JA Delude Arena, Mel Baker Hall 941 Clyde Ave. (near Woodward) CPR (9 a.m - 12:00 p.m.) - $60.00 First Aid (12:30 p.m - 3:00 p.m.) - $60.00 CPR ($55.00) and First Aid ($55.00) for ODHS members Online registration is now available for these courses. REGISTRATION CLOSES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14, 2014 Evening Lecture Managing All Things Periodontal: A Team Approach Wednesday November 19, 2014 RA Centre 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Check-in 6:20 p.m. Dr. Karen Fung D.M.D. M.P.H Dip Registration is open from October 19, 2014 until November 12, 2014 Free for ODHS Members Guests and Students: $20.00 Biography Dr. Karen Fung is a periodontist practicing at Gum Docs in Ottawa. Her dynamic practice combines practical skills in periodontics with important academic research. She is the author of several publications in leading and influential peerreviewed scientific journals, as well as a book. Her research ranges from the unique dental issues of patients with Down syndrome, to long-term prognoses of immediate dental implants. As part of her practice, she created and regularly conducts a training module for dentists, physicians, nurses and hygienists on oral cancer screening and guiding patients into the path of prevention from this stigmatized disease. Dr. Fung obtained her Doctor in Dental Medicine degree from McGill University, where she also obtained a researchbased Master of Science degree. She achieved her specialized training in periodontics from the University of Connecticut, with a concurrent Master of Public Health degree. In addition to her private practice in Ottawa, she provides periodontal care to medically, physically, and mentally challenged individuals at the Ottawa Civic Hospital. Dr. Fung is a fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada, a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, a member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Canadian Dental Association and Ontario Dental Association. In addition to these professional designations, she is a participant in Ottawa area study clubs with other local dentists. Toy Mountain Drive on Wednesday November 19, 2014 The Toy Mountain drive will be run again this year by Kathleen Feres Patry, RDH. Kathleen will be accepting unwrapped gifts for needy children for the Mountain. Volume 38, No. 1, Fall 2014 5 Saturday Workshop All About Instrumentation Saturday February 7, 2015 RA Centre 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Check-in 8:20 a.m. Includes Lunch Anna Louise Tolan Karen Bokrossy Registration is open from January 7, 2015 until January 31, 2015 ODHS members: $50.00 Limited enrollment of 90 seats One Day, 3 Key Elements Examined, Transform Your Practice! Join us for a special day designed just for you! Kathleen Bokrossy RDH and Anna Louise Tolan RDH will lead you through this unique event. You will experience new learning opportunities that will enhance your practice. Anna Louise will lead an examination and evaluation of 20 different instruments. We will review grasp, fulcrum, insertion adaption and activation for each instrument classification. Kathleen will show you how to increase your tactile sensitivity and reduce your clinical fatigue, which should promote your clients referring their friends and family to you because you’re the gentlest RDH around! Kathleen will also show you how efficiently, effectively and easy it is to maintain your edge. Treatment planning has many considerations. Anna Louise will explain the essential elements of treatment planning for advanced nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Together, we will conduct a case assessment and create a treatment plan for a complex periodontal client. At the end of the day you will have experienced 3 key elements to clinical success! This day will change your practice and celebrate the transformation that is the benefit of ongoing hands-on learning. Anna Louise Tolan, RDH Anna Louise celebrates 28 years of clinical practice in dental hygiene; specializing in periodontal therapy and medically compromised clients. She is a well-recognized presenter who has over 2 decades of experience facilitating lectures and hands-on learning for the dental industry,CDHA,ODHA, rdhu and the DVD Quarterly of Dental Hygiene. Anna Louise has served on the Advisory Board of Research and Product News Magazine since its inception. She eagerly shares her brand of passion and enthusiasm for the profession. Her commitment to learning opportunities and continuous improvement is undeniable. Attendees of Anna Louise’s educational events describe her as passionate, inspirational, motivational, one who speaks from experience and keeps it real. She has developed presentations on Recordkeeping and Instrumentation that have received approval as remediation courses for the CDHO. Anna Louise is currently working on her Fellowship from the ADIA and is a cast member of The RDH View. Kathleen Bokrossy, RDH, Kathleen has been bringing engaging energy to the dental profession for the last 30 years. After years of practicing in various offices, listening to dental professionals, and experiencing first-hand the frustration of using poorly designed and maintained instruments, Kathleen founded D-Sharp Dental. She applied her real world experience to design instruments and instrument maintenance systems to help increase client care and maximize both clinician and client comfort. Kathleen is also the founder of rdhu, RDH Portfolio Manager and QA Coach where her vision is to help transform the ‘Dental Hygiene Experience’. 6 Word of Mouth Evening Lecture Paedodontic Dentistry Thursday March 26, 2015 RA Centre 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Check-in 6:20 p.m. Dr. Ian McConnachie Registration is open from February 26, 2015 until March 19, 2015 Free for ODHS Members Guests and Students: $20.00 Course Summary To develop an understanding of one of the most common dental diseases; dental caries, including detection, monitoring and treatment of carious lesions. This course will provide you with a brief overview of the latest in Cariology for pediatric patients as well as exploring several clinical situations where newer approaches can dramatically improve clinical results in young children and young adults. Dental caries is one of the most common childhood diseases. Its treatment is a large part of the services that we provide for patients. In 2000, the National Institute of Health in the US brought forward a new definition of dental caries. It stated that dental caries was an infectious, communicable disease that was reversible if detected earlier. This definition, backed by an expanding library of dental research indicates that placing a dental restoration once cavitation has developed is not treating dental caries but only treating the end results of the disease process. This 2 hour seminar will explore the new research on the caries process, how to detect monitor and manage dental caries before one contemplates placing a restoration. The course will provide you with information on how to shift treatment approaches for children with Early Childhood Caries, achieving dramatically improved outcomes, as well as a prescription for solving the white spot lesions and decalcifications seen in 50% of orthodontic patients. Biography Dr. Ian McConnachie is a pediatric dentist in Ottawa in private practice as well as providing hospital based care for over 30 years on staff of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. He is currently the consulting editor for the YourOralHealth.ca magazine of the Ontario Dental Association and member of the Editorial Board for Ontario Dentist. Dr. McConnachie is a also a member of the Expert Panel of Reviewers and Advisors of the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. Dr. McConnachie has been very involved in organized dentistry. He served on many local committees of the Ottawa Dental Society, culminating in his serving as president of the society in 1991. He is currently the chair of the society’s water fluoridation committee. At the provincial level, Dr. McConnachie has served on many committees, General Council, the Board of Directors and ultimately as President of the Ontario Dental Association in 2006-2007. He currently serves on the Dental Benefits Committee of the association. Dr. McConnachie also has served on committees of several other dental organizations. Dr. McConnachie has published extensively in the dental literature and is a nationally recognized speaker on issues in pediatric dentistry. Through his association work, clinical care and lecturing, he has focused energies on improving access to care for less advantaged populations and advancing the acceptance and benefit of risk-based care in dentistry. Volume 38, No. 1, Fall 2014 7 Evening Workshop How to Recognize Restorative Needs Wednesday April 22, 2015 RA Centre 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Check-in 6:20 p.m. Registration is open from March 22, 2015 until April 15, 2015 Free for ODHS Members Guests and Students: $20.00 Dr. Tim Hoeschen, DMD, BSc Dr. Hoeschen was born and raised in Morden, Manitoba. He was a student at the University of Winnipeg, and graduated with honours in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science degree. He went on to graduate from the University of Manitoba in 2006 with a Doctorate in Dental Medicine, with the assistance of UMSU bursaries and the 50th Reunion Faculty of Dentistry bursary. During his dental education, he received the Faculty of Dentistry bronze medal and the Leslie Michael Shelton Memorial Award -- which is awarded for high achievement in Dentistry. Dr. Hoeschen moved to Ottawa in 2008 to join Pretoria Bridge Dental, and became a partner in 2010. He is committed to continuing education, and is a graduate of the Misch Dental Implant surgical program and the Cliff Ruddle Advanced Endodontics program. He has attended multiple lectures in Frank Spears Occlusion and Dental Education. He is a current student of the Kois Dental Masters Program, and attends a regular dental implant study club -- where he has logged many hours of work in implant dentistry. Dr. Hoeschen is experienced in implant surgery, periodontal surgery, endodontics, prosthodontics, and Invisalign. He has volunteered on dental surgery missions in Bolivia and Colombia. When he’s not at the practice, Dr. Hoeschen enjoys playing hockey, soccer, surfing and travelling. Dr. Serena Wong DMD, BSc Dr. Wong graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biopharmaceutical Sciences (summa cum laude) from the University of Ottawa in 2005. With the assistance of a National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Graduate Award of Excellence scholarship, she continued her graduate studies at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute in 2007. Dr. Wong’s research on stem cell microbiology and engineering for cardiovascular disease was published in numerous scientific journals. In 2011, she earned a Doctorate in Dental Medicine at McGill University, where she was awarded the Dr. Soo Kim Lan prize in Dentistry by the Faculty for her outstanding achievements. She worked as a Dental Resident for a year at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, gaining experience in providing excellent dental care to medically-compromised patients. Out of more than 20 dental residents in Montreal, Dr. Wong was awarded the Courthill Foundation Outstanding Resident Award for her exceptional clinical care and professionalism. Dr. Wong joined the team at Pretoria Bridge Dental in 2012, and her expertise in general dentistry extends to include restorative and periodontal treatment as well as root canal therapy and implantology. Dr. Wong continues to pursue the latest advances in cosmetic dentistry, implant dentistry and computer-assisted and reconstructive dentistry by completing post-graduate dental education every year. 8 Outside of the clinic, Dr. Wong is an accomplished musician and has been teaching piano and violin to young children since 2000. She has been embraced by the team at Pretoria Bridge Dental since 2012. Word of Mouth
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