Summer Newsletter The Friends, which is a registered charity, is a group of parents, staff and governors who all work together to promote the school within the community as well as raising much needed funds. Contact us Chair: Justine Brazil, Secretary: Sarah Ellis, Treasurer: Emanuela Bravi Save The Date! We have already started to think about events for the Autumn Term - first on the agenda is our Indian Summer Drinks Party, on Saturday 13 September which is kindly being hosted by Emanuela and Gianpaulo at Haywood House. Keep an eye out for the flyer for more details! We will be holding another raffle so all donations will be gratefully received Autumn Fayre - Saturday 18 October, Therfield Village Hall 10 - 4pm. Family Bingo night Christmas Party - further details tbc! Summer Term Another school year is about to come to an end. Do you all feel the same as I do - where have the last 12 months gone?! Although as the summer term draws to a close I am sure everyone, especially the children, are ready for the summer break. The Friends have had another busy, fun but most importantly successful year. We had Mother's Day and then the Easter Egg Hunt in early April. Thank you to everyone that provided gifts and raffle prizes. The summer term has been particularly busy for us. The Great British Quiz took place in May and we raised over £1000 for the School and PreSchool. A special thank you to Richard King for organising the delicious food platters. Then in June the children enjoyed the fun Hawaiian Party at the school. Thankfully it was a beautiful sunny afternoon with lots of activities, food and drinks. Thank you to Mike McGloin for providing the cookies! The following day was the Village Fete and the Friends organised a very tough "Fishing Bottle Game" along with a children's lucky dip. Finally, the Friends (Alix Cooper and Vicky O'Brien) took the Year 4 children out for their leavers party last week where they had fun ten pin bowling then dinner at Frankie & Bennys. Funds Raised In total, the activities organised by the Friends for the School over the last year have raised nearly £2000 (the Friends’ share) which is a tremendous achievement! The funds raised have been used by the School for the following: Presents from Santa for each child, the coach for the pantomime, and the DJ for the Christmas party; Two exciting workshops (samba drumming and dinosaurs); The coach for last week's trip to Paradise Wildlife Park; 3 iPads and Ipad covers; Year 4 leavers outing and gifts; and The Friends also applied for grants for some of the willow bower and also for the Easi-Ears digital audio system specifically designed for use by primary schools. Cheerio I would like to say thank you and cheerio to Alix Cooper, who will be retiring from the Friends as her son Leo is one of the Year 4 leavers. Also, good-bye and good luck to all the children that are leaving our lovely Therfield School! We wish you all the best for the future. On behalf of the parent members of the committee I would like to say a huge thank you to the teachers who have been a great help to the committee over the last year and also to Richard Morgan. They have given up their own time to attend meetings and events and the committee are all very grateful for their contributions. Finally, thank you to everyone that has participated in our events over the last year. We could not have done it without all your support. We hope that you will continue to support our fundraising effort next year which are all organised to raise money for the benefit of our children and pre school children. We hope to see a few new members joining the committee in September too!
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