CVs and Covering Letters for Effective Applications Compiled by: University of Bolton Careers Service For further help and advice about your CV and covering letter contact us: Tel: 01204 903080 Email: (Updated August 2013) Introduction Having identified an opportunity, how do you present yourself to an employer? The Curriculum Vitae and covering letter is your first chance to impress. Get it right and it is the next step on the way to an interview and a job. A CV is a clear and focussed overview of education, experience and skills. It can either be speculative, where there is no advertised vacancy at the time, or targeted as a response to a job advert. Remember, the most effective CV’s are targeted to the advertisement and company. Writing a Curriculum Vitae Research and Preparation Before starting to produce the CV and cover letter it is essential to do some research and preparation. The key questions to ask yourself are: What is your target area of work? Which employers are you approaching? What are your identifiable employability skills and can you demonstrate evidence of these to an employer? What messages do you want to send about yourself, relating to your strengths? What skills, experiences and qualities should be emphasised? When applying for a specific job aim to target your CV to match the requirements of each job. Ensure the skills required in the job are highlighted in your CV. Look at the job vacancy below: “Applicants should be organised individuals with the desire to learn and develop in the field of direct marketing. Full training provided but applicants must have an ability to meet targets / deadlines and work under pressure with a range of stakeholders. Applicants should also be good team players and have sound administrative and IT skills” These skills need to be included in your CV but remember, never list skills without providing supporting evidence. General Presentation of CV 2 pages maximum (but also usually the minimum) Font size 11 or 12 Check grammar and spelling, and especially check for American spellings Use bullet points and bold for emphasis Always list the most recent experiences first and work back CV Layout There are generally two main types of CV. They are: Chronological CV This type of CV lists work and other experiences in reverse order, starting with the most recent. This is most commonly used if you have relevant work experience in relation to the job and/or your education is your biggest selling point. The skills you have developed will be interweaved into the body of the CV rather than in a separate section Skills Based CV This type of CV emphasises the skills required for the job in a specific section called “Skills Profile”. These skills are not simply listed but should also include evidence of how these skills were acquired, drawing from academic, work/voluntary experience and extra-curricular activities. Details of work experience /voluntary work will be brief since they should only include a description of the job role rather than the skills acquired as a result of doing the job. CV Headings and Order All CVs follow a certain order in terms of structure. The headings you should use are as follows: Personal Details Personal Profile or Career Profile Education Skills Profile (if doing a Skills based CV) Work/Voluntary Experience Additional Information/Achievements Hobbies and Interests (if relevant and if you have room) References (if you do not have room it is acceptable to put ‘References Available On Request’ The order of these sections depends on what you want to emphasise. Most students will want to emphasise their education since having a degree could be your main selling point. However, once you have been working for a number of years you may feel it is your work experience which is most relevant and in this case you may decide to list work experience before education. Personal Details Name (bold and larger font than rest of CV) Address Email Address (ensure this is professional) Landline and mobile phone numbers Right to Work Status – not essential but students may feel it is an advantage to confirm their ‘right to work’ status if you have been born and educated abroad. e.g. EU citizen or UK citizen or UK residency with right to work. Do not include: date of birth, gender, nationality, marital status or any information relating to your health. Also it is not necessary to use the word ‘CV’ as a heading, since recruiters will be aware of what your document is. Personal Profile or Career Profile A personal profile can be very powerful but should be brief (3/4 lines max) and targeted. Use it to state your career focus and 2 or 3 main strengths. Target your profile to the specific role or company – this means it should be changed continuously. Avoid generic skills statements such as ‘hard worker’, ‘team player’, ‘well organised’ or ‘motivated’ without backing them up with evidence. For example: “Proactive marketing graduate (2:1 achieved) with two years’ experience organising and publicising successful campus events. Participated in a group project to create a complete marketing campaign. Seeks challenging and creative position in a marketing environment” Education When completing this section you should: State your University and Degree title in full If you can, list your expected degree result (2:1predicted). If you have some positive average annual marks, then include these Only include relevant modules/title of dissertation Include A levels/BTEC national or equivalent qualifications with grades Include the UK equivalence of International qualifications if you know them Summarise your GCSE’s and make as positive as possible, for example: o 8 GCSE’s (3A’s +5 B’s) including Eng (A) and Maths (B) o 8 GCSE’s (A-C) including English (B) o 8 GCSE’s (A-C) including English and Maths Work/Voluntary Experience All experience counts, whether it is paid, voluntary or involves work shadowing. If using a chronological CV describe the job but also focus on how skills were used or developed. If using a skills-based CV then list skills (with evidence) in the Skills Profile section and describe the duties undertaken in the work/voluntary experience section. Additional Achievements/Information This section can help you stand out from the crowd. Here you can include any additional pieces of information which you are unable to include elsewhere e.g. Driving Licence, recent CRB check, conversational French, NVQ 2 in Customer Care. You could also include your hobbies/interests, if unusual or relevant to the job. Check Your CV Always read through and check your CV and preferably ask someone (possibly a Careers Adviser) to check it for you before sending to an employer. Don’t forget most employers will scan your CV in less than a minute, so ensure your key skills and experiences are clear and stand out! Writing with Power When writing your CV, use active rather than passive phrasing and include a variety of dynamic words to create an impression of passion and enthusiasm. Useful Phrases More than x years extensive and diverse experience in… Demonstrated skills in … Proven track record in…. In charge of implementing… Instrumental in… Constant interaction with… Supported customers/colleagues with.. Provided technical assistance to… Researched, assessed synthesised Succeeded in… Proven track record in…. Planned and managed… Good knowledge of…. Initiated financial savings by… Extensive training/involvement in… Disseminated results of analysis to… Action Words for your CV Accomplished Achieved Activated Budgeted Compiled Consolidated Created Delegated Demonstrated Developed Diagnosed Empowered Enabled Energised Evaluated Exceeded Facilitated Forecasted Gained Generated Handled Increased Influenced Implemented Irritated Launched Led Managed Motivated Negotiated Optimised Orchestrated Participated Persuaded Pioneered Promoted Redesigned Reinforced Represented Researched Revised Revitalised Scheduled Streamlined Strengthened Surpassed Transformed Unified Updated Utilised Verified Cover Letter (Always include a cover letter to accompany your CV) Below is a suggested layout for your letter and information which will help you to populate your content: Your address Date Write to a named individual Their address Postcode Dear Sir/Madam or Named individual 1st Paragraph: Who you are and why you are writing. If you are applying for a specific position, make it clear which position you are applying for and where you saw the advertisement 2nd Paragraph: State why you are interested in the job. What skills and experiences do you have to offer? Emphasise the main skills which meet the requirements of the job. 3rd Paragraph: Demonstrate your understanding of the Company Demonstrate that you have done some research into the company. Refer to recent (positive) news stories, or new products or contracts which have recently been won. In addition, you may want to include the size and location of the company, where they fit in the market place e.g. “the largest producer of … in the UK” etc. 4th Paragraph: Positive conclusion. State when you are available for interview and let them know that you look forward to hearing from them. If you have addressed the letter to a named person you should end the letter with ‘Yours sincerely’. If you used ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ then end with ‘Yours Faithfully’. Covering Letter for a Graduate Trainee in Human Resource Management David Smith 15 Windsor Street Toxteth Liverpool L8 2SR Ms E Taylor (Head of Graduate Recruitment) Smith & Jones Plc 24 Manchester Road Salford, M12 7RT 22nd January 2013 Dear Ms Taylor Further to your advertisement for a Trainee Manager in Careers News (issue H) 15 th January 2013 please find my application as requested. You will note from my CV that I shall graduate in the summer with a Business Studies degree (2:1 forecast), having studied relevant HR and marketing options. You will also find that I have 12 months relevant sales experience within a large retail company, where I was able to develop many transferable skills, relevant to your business. I took an active role in graduate recruitment, and was given responsibility for the organisation of many in-house training courses. The highlight of my sandwich placement was undoubtedly, the presentation I gave to senior management, on the effectiveness of their graduate recruitment campaign. My interest in your company initially arose after reading a local newspaper article, highlighting your continued success and outlining your vision of continued growth in the future. Having read your recruitment literature and the information on your company website I feel that working for your company would offer me a challenging and rewarding career in a successful dynamic, yet friendly organisation. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my application further and I am available for interview at your convenience. Yours sincerely David Smith Enc. Skills based CV example 1 DAVID SMITH 15 Windsor Street, Liverpool, L8 2SR 0151 236 0000 Email: Personal Profile Final year Business Studies undergraduate (2:1 forecast), seeks challenging sales position within retail sector, in order to utilise proven flair for teamwork and innovation in business marketing. Education and Qualifications 2007-2011 University of Bolton, BA (Hon) Business Studies (2:1 forecast) Modules studied include: Organisational Behaviour (64%), Principles of Human Resource Management (57%), Organisational Design (66%), and Management Decision Making (65%). 2000-2007 St Mary’s High School, Bucks 3 A Levels English Lit (C), Psychology (D), General Studies (C) 7 GCSEs including Maths, English Language and French at grade B Skills Profile Communication Led large group (30+) of prospective students and parents around the campus on university open days as part of my Student Ambassador role. Successful presentation delivered to senior management of Marks and Spencer’s as culmination of project undertaken during sandwich placement. Successfully trained a new member of staff to perform well and deliver high levels of customer service on the shop floor. My supervisor praised me for my ‘excellent’ communication and mentoring skills. Teamwork Adapted and integrated successfully into a different culture, as Camp Counsellor in the USA, where I led the group responsible for evening entertainment for 200 young children. Helped to organise 2 major fundraising events for the University Badminton team which raised in excess of £5,000. Initiative and Adaptability Worked to finance my studies, gaining invaluable experience whilst maintaining high academic standards. Chaired University Badminton Club meetings, and organised competitions and fixtures. Liaised with other clubs and societies over joint fundraising activities. Information Technology Excellent working knowledge of Microsoft including Word, Access, Excel. Also able to use SPSS, and cad design databases. Took part in a paid work-based learning project during 2nd year where I designed a website using Dreamweaver, for a small local company, having initially identified their training needs. Commercial Awareness Active role in Enterprise project as part of sixth form curriculum. Profits generated went to local charities and schools for new IT equipment. Experience of working for large, retail multinational developing sector and skills awareness. Work Experience 2009 - 2010 Marks and Spencer, (Sandwich Placement) Based in the training and development unit. Worked as part of the team with responsibility for graduate recruitment, identifying and meeting the training needs of existing staff. Summer 08 Camp America, Michigan, USA As a Camp Counsellor assisted in the design and delivery of summer camps for 11-16 year olds. Coached soccer and tennis as well as devising a full and varied evening programme. January 08 Matthew and Son, Merseyside (Business Bridge Project) Paid project advising a small local company of the commercial benefits of the Internet. 2007 - Present Next Plc, Bucks Retail experience in busy high street branch over several vacations. Quickly identified the need for negotiation, patience and customer care. Additional Information Qualified badminton coach. Member of University Tennis and Badminton Teams. Member of Interdepartmental Football Team. Chair of University Badminton Club, organised competition, fixtures and many successful fundraising events. Travelled extensively across Europe and America. Attended several training courses on sandwich placement, including Time Management and Presentation Skills. Full Driving Licence Referees Dr Z Smith, (Final Year Tutor) Bolton Business School Bolton, BL3 5AB Tel: 01204 555555, Ms Emma Burton (Head of Personnel) Marks and Spencer Liverpool, L35 5BT Tel: 0151 987 6543 Skills based CV example 2 Josh Baker 18 Berkley Crescent, Bolton BL3 5EX Email: j.baker58@yahoo Mobile: 07781918931 Tel: 01204 967854 Personal Profile Final year BSC Biology student (2:1 predicted) with a solid track record in front-line sales, seeking an opportunity to use proven flair for team work and innovation in the sales sector Education 2010 -2013 University of Bolton BSc (Hons) Biology (2:1 predicted) Modules studied included Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology Dissertation: Plant and Cell Growth within Systemic Functions 2008-2010 2003-2008 Derby 6th Form College, Sunderland, Teeside A-Levels: Biology (C) Chemistry (C) Sociology (D) Hopwood High School 8 GCSE’s including English (B) and Maths (B) Skills Profile Communication and Negotiation Persuaded a new client to place an order and set up four client appointments during Internship at Matech Negotiated a £300 sponsorship deal for the University Hockey team Led a group of visitors around the university campus during “Open Days”, promoting University courses and facilities Delivered a presentation on results of investigation into competitor products to Sales Director and Marketing team at Matech Successfully trained 2 new members of staff at Toto’s restaurant. Praised for excellent communication skills by supervisor Team Work Helped organise a Trade Fair at Matech with other members of staff Worked in small groups to plan, conduct and write up 20 experiments Keen team sports player both in serious competition and for recreation Leadership Led a team of 5 at Toto’s, organising staff rotas to ensure adequate cover Elected assistant coach of Hockey team, organising matches, liaising with other universities, organising transport and venues Creative Problem Solving Developed a database of customers and suppliers for a small catering organisation Increased turnover by enabling the business to record and target customer preferences During final year project when key equipment failed, brainstormed options with supervisor, identified similar equipment and negotiated access to allow completion of project IT Skills Proficient in the use of: Microsoft Office, Mat Lab, Easyplot and KaleidaGraph Work Experience June – Sept 2012: Matech Health Products Ltd - Internship (Sales Management) Calling and arranging appointments with new and existing contacts Visiting contacts with sales staff Investigation of competitor products Producing report and presentation on results 2008 – 2012: Toto’s Restaurant – Team Leader Customer food/drink service and table layouts Training staff Staff rota’s Created customer and supplier database 2010 – 2011: University of Bolton – Open Day Assistant Additional Skills/Information Clean Driving Licence (3years) French – Basic conversational Food Hygiene Certificate Interests and Activities Biology Society – active member participating in meetings and events. Recently promoted 3 talks through distributing posters and flyers Hockey , Football and Running – completed Race for Life, independently raising £75 for Cancer Research References Available on Request Chronological CV example 1 Lauren Anderson 23 Buckingham Terrace Bolton BL5 2EZ Mobile: 7789032456 Email: Personal Profile Business Studies undergraduate (2:1 predicted) proficient in Spanish and with substantial work experience in a business environment. Aiming to develop current skills through an entry level position within a financial environment. Education and Qualifications 2010 - present University of Bolton BA Business Studies (2:1 predicted) 3 months placement in Bilbao Spain Relevant Modules include Sales promotion, Marketing and Business, Operations Management Highly numerate degree giving excellent skills to both problem solve and conduct sophisticated statistical tests Achieved 75% for presentation for marketing project 2008 - 2010 Lostock 6th Form College, Oldham BTEC National Diploma Business & Finance (3 Merits) 2003 - 2008 Hollinswood High School, Oldham GCSEs: 8 GCSEs, A-C including: English (B) & Maths (B) Work Experience 2012 (June – Sept) Makeshift Ltd (Bilbao, Spain) Audit Assistant Reviewing company financial systems and analysing risk Testing to ascertain if financial information systems were fit for purpose Developed excellent data investigative skills such as an ability to use range of sources, check findings and questioning conclusions. Enhanced both business and general language skills through communicating with clients and colleagues 2011 (June – Sept) Travelshop UK (Manchester) Admin Assistant Worked in a team of 4 matching Invoices to payments made on account Matched income to expenses over the financial period General admin duties as required Demonstrated excellent teamwork skills in a busy financial environment such as an ability to listen to clients and managers, perform my duties to a high level and supporting colleagues, resulting in an early promotion. 2010 (July –Aug) Dog Protection League Admin Assistant Data Inputting Bank reconciliations Booking appointments and taking details Photocopying/filing and recording and distributing mail Developed marketing skills by helping to develop a leaflet which aimed to encourage the recruitment of volunteers 2008 - 2010 MacDuff’s Kitchen Crew member Taking and preparing orders Followed procedures regarding Food Hygiene Trained new members of staff. Excellent customer care skills and was awarded “Crew member of the Month” Certificate on 3 occasions. Additional Skills/Achievements Languages: Semi fluent in Spanish and conversational level in French IT skills: Proficient in the use of Office applications including Word, Outlook, PowerPoint and Excel. Experience of Sage Line 100 Other achievements and interests include: NVQ 2 in Customer Care Food Hygiene Certificate Full Driving Licence (2 years) Enjoy running and have recently been involved in a fund raising exercise by completing a 15K run for Diabetics UK Reference details available on request Chronological Creative CV example 1 Gemma Johnstone 44 St Austell Drive, Rochdale, OL12 3BQ 01708 978654 / 07956707345 Career Objective Multimedia and web-site design graduate (2:2 achieved) with substantial technical and creative skills, gained through both work experience and academic studies. Looking for an entry level position in web page design. Also has full clean driving licence. Education 2010 – 2013 University of Bolton BSc (Hons) Multimedia and Website Development (2:2) Modules included: Introduction to Internet technology – HTML, Java, XML Digital Photography Multimedia applications Programming C# Virtual worlds and 3D Modelling Internet and Multimedia Platforms Visual Effects and Compositing Group project: The aim was to create a 5 minute 3D animated version of The Great Gatsby. Production involved using all of the major aspects of Alias Maya, whilst also allowing me to extend my skills in other post-production software, such as Adrope Premiere and After Effects. I achieved excellent marks for this project. Technical Skills: Alias Maya Macromedia Flash, Director and Dream weaver Adobe Photoshop, Premiere and After Effects Microsoft Office and visual Studio 2008 - 2010 Hopwood Hall College, Rochdale A Levels Computing C English Lit C History C 2003 - 2008 Balderstone Community School, Rochdale 7 GCSE’s including English and Maths At Work… May– Sept 2011 Persuasion Ltd, Manchester Student Placement Based in the Web Design Department Responsible for developing applications for clients Helped to develop a new web-site Further developed Dream Weaver skills Worked effectively within a team of 5 June – Sept 2010 Knightly International, Oldham Telesales Telephone sales promoting various products Dealing and resolving billing issues Customer Care skills enhanced Improved Communication skills Sept 07–May 2009 PC World, Bury Retail Sales Product knowledge and promotion Arranging home delivery Operating Tills and all monetary transactions Gained a greater understanding of IT products and capabilities Training undertaken in Customer Care What do I do in my spare time? Student Ambassador: introducing new students to the university, explaining services provided and taking students and parents on campus tours. Social Media: Have set up my own Blog and regularly use Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to keep abreast of organisations, products and new developments within multimedia. Swimming: Keen swimmer and have achieved bronze and silver ASA Lifesaving awards. Language: Conversational French and Spanish. Referees Mr A Smith Lecturer in Multimedia University of Bolton Bolton BL3 5AB Tel: 01204 907654 Email: Ms Anne Grace Senior Designer Persuasion Ltd Manchester M1 4BQ Tel: 0161 532 8989 Email:
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