LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE ~ OCTOBER 2014 8 p.m. Mass at St. Peter's POSITION Sun. Oct. 5 Sun. Oct. 12 Sun. Oct. 19 Sun. Oct. 26 1) Daniel Simmons cell: 973-970-0364 2) Matt Fenkart cell: 973-513-2808 1) Daniel Simmons cell: 973-970-0364 2) Matt Fenkart cell: 973-513-2809 1) Daniel Simmons cell: 973-970-0364 2) Matt Fenkart cell: 973-513-2810 1) Daniel Simmons cell: 973-970-0364 2) Matt Fenkart cell: 973-513-2811 Set up (3) Anthony Casale Miriam Diller Matt Fenkart Anthony Casale Miriam Diller Matt Fenkart Anthony Casale Miriam Diller Matt Fenkart Anthony Casale Miriam Diller Matt Fenkart Altar Servers Anthony Casale Gyorgy Matyasfalvi Nicole Leonida Stephanie Bajorek Steve Bolton Daniel Chedid Johanna Doukakis Matt Fenkart 1st Reading 2nd Reading Jennifer Payenski Mark Perfect Chris Hauser N Mark Perfect Scholastica Okoye Chris Hauser Sarah Regn David Carro Plate Plate Plate Matt Fenkart Melanie Blaszczak Angela Nocerino Gyorgy Matyasfalvi Miriam Diller Daniel Chedid Johanna Doukakis David Carro Matt Fenkart Nina (Ana Christina) Reyes Plate to CHOIR LOFT Cup Cup Cup Cup Sarah Regn Johanna Doukakis David Carro Steve Bolton Daniel Chedid Anne Lingwall Sarah Regn Emily Fitzgerald Patrick Murphy Nicole Leonida Angela Nocerino Gyorgy Matyasfalvi Melanie Blaszczak Anthony Casale Matt Fenkart Stephanie Bajorek Nicole Leonida Miriam Diller Steve Bolton Clean up (3) Gyorgy Matyasfalvi Nicole Leonida Steve Bolton Gyorgy Matyasfalvi Nicole Leonida Steve Bolton Gyorgy Matyasfalvi Nicole Leonida Steve Bolton Gyorgy Matyasfalvi Nicole Leonida Steve Bolton MASS REPS (2) Nina (Ana Christina) Reyes Emily Fitzgerald Patrick Murphy Not Available: REMINDERS: Name in red = newly trained LM (Please reach out and help them if they need help) ~ Eucharistic Ministers: please go directly to the back of Church after serving, do not sit down in your pew or collect your things. We don't want to give the impression that it's OK to leave before the priest does [ not good Church etiquette! :) ]. Arrange beforehand to leave your things with Sr. Ellen in the back or with a friend who can give them to you afterwards. ~ 1st Reader does the Intercessions (go up during the Creed when we say: "I believe in the Holy Spirit…") ~ 2nd Reader brings up the Gospel book in the procession and places it on the altar ~ Please find yourself a sub if you can't make it and let Sister Lorraine know by email ( ~ Please call your Mass Rep if you can't make it at the last minute
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