The Daily Review, Morgan City, La., Monday, October 20, 2014, PUBLIC NOTICE September 9, 2014 Bayou Vista, Louisiana The Board of Commissioners of the Gravity Sub-Drainage District #1 of Gravity Drainage District #2 met this day at 6:00 p.m. at the Bayou Vista Community Center building in Bayou Vista, Louisiana, with the following members present: Chairman: Glen Elliott; Vice-Chairman: Donald Lantz; Board Members: Wayne Cantrell, Hilary Acosta, Amanda Kinkle; Absent: None Also present were Alvin Lodrigue, Mr. Clay Breaud and Mr. Terral Martin of GSE Associates, LLC, and Mr. George Glaubrecht, Engineer of New Iberia, La. Motion was made by Donald Lantz to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting and to accept them as written; seconded by Hilary Acosta and approved by all. Mr. Breaud and Mr. Martin gave their reports: Plantation Inn Pump Station Replacement Project: Both went over the Punch List Items as follows: a)- Resolve water flow/cooling of pump bearings/stuffing boxes. Morrison Pump has submitted proposal to install dry bearings and needs approval from district. b)- Engine oil drain pans on all three engines- Contractor has submitted letter and sketch to fix — needs approval from district. c)- Overheating of Engines — this problem is still pending. d)- Water leaks again observed under office walls. Contractor installed metal flashing as per building manufacturer’s recommendations. Will not do anything else on this. Much discussion was held regarding these unresolved problems at the new station. Mr. Breaud re-affirmed the district that GSE is not walking away from this project. GSE is still working on said project at their own expense and is working to see that the problems are taken care of. He wants to see the station operating correctly. Mr. Lantz also went over a list of Items he felt was wrong with the pump station. Mr. Glaubrecht stated he was invited by the district to attend this meeting. He related that after hearing all statements made concerning the situation at said station, it seems that the district knows what the problems are and that from what GSE has stated, they are still working on getting said problems corrected. At this time it would be best for the district to let current engineering firm to continue their work, at no expense to the district, to correct all items discussed on the punch list. After much more discussion, motion was made by Donald Lantz to accept the proposal from Morrison Pump Co. to install the dry bearings on all engines; seconded by Wayne Cantrell and approved by all. Motion was then made by Wayne Cantrell to accept the proposal by Contractor, Sealevel Construction, to fix the engine oil drain pans on all three engines as submitted by their letter and sketch of August 20, 2014; seconded by Hilary Acosta and approved by all. Mr. Lodrigue then gave his report: Pump Hours: Bertrand-Vinning Station: Eng. #1- 3.7 hrs.; #2- 3.4 hrs.; #3- 5.1 hrs. Generator Run Time: 2 hrs. Lantz-Donahoe Pump Station: Eng. #12 hrs.; #2- 4 hrs. Tractor/Ditch Maintenance: No problems at this time. Board members at this time went over the Budgets. After review, motion was made by Donald Lantz to adopt the Amended Budget for fiscal year ending on September 30, 2014 as presented; seconded by Wayne Cantrell and approved by all. After review, motion was made by Amanda Kinkle to adopt the Budget for fiscal year ending September 30, 2015 as presented; sec- onded by Donald Lantz and approved by all. The Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire was then discussed. Motion was made by Hilary Acosta to accept as presented; seconded by Amanda Kinkle and approved by all. Treasurer’s report and bills of the previous month were examined by the board. Motion was made by Wayne Cantrell to accept the Treasurer’s Report and to pay all outstanding bills as presented; seconded by Hilary Acosta and approved by all. There being no further business to discuss, motion was made by Donald Lantz to adjourn; seconded by Amanda Kinkle and approved by all. ————————— Glen Elliott Chairman Services Offered Help Wanted General Free Dumping Site For Broken Concrete Patterson Accepting Applications for P.M. Dishwasher Tues. - Sat. APPLY IN PERSON Monday thru Friday 9:00AM - 11:00AM Petroleum Club 384-8200 HANDYMAN Painting, cleanup, repair minor plumbing, electrical, ac Call 714-4975 J in C Concrete Finishers Concrete work, haul off, scraping, painting, stucco, tear down trailer houses & buildings, land clearing, spread dirt and sand, storm debris removal, roofing, carpentry work, brick & blocks. We erect metal bldgs. & all types of fences Free Estimates! 397-7917 Patterson Hydraulics Equipment & Component Repairs 985-290-7957 ————————— Barbara Vinning Secretary Adv. Oct. 20, 2014 THE MIRACULOUS PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past, I have asked for many favors. This time I ask you this very special one (mention favor). Take it dear Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your father sees it. Then, in your merciful eyes, it will become your favor, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days, promise publication and favor will be granted. Never known to fail. /s/C.L.S. Services Offered Eagle Fence Co. All types of fencing, ALSO Tree Removal Graceland Portable Bldgs Rent To Own 985-354-6271 Angelo Giandelone 384-0260 pager 397-0338 Help Wanted General Cajun Country Now Hiring Bartenders & Waitress’s 985/518-1513 Caregiver Needed for elderly male; 36 hours + per week, 12 hours shift. Salary commensurate w/exp. in home health field. Call 985-519-5260 for interview between 8am & 5pm Crew Service is now accepting applications for Experienced Boat Personnel Looking for a good Handyman. Must have transportation, willing to work all hours. Apply person @ 7209 Hwy 182 E/MC 384-2070 Misc. For Sale 2007 Honda 4 Wheeler with 110 miles, Asking $4000 Call 985-397-3444 2012 Harley Davidson Fatboy, only 2,000 miles, like new cond. w/$4,000 of Harley up grades. Asking $13,900. OBO. Call Troy @ 985/745-1004 Pets & Livestock Adorable & loving, litter box trained, 10 weeks old. 384-1977 FREE Playful kittens 6 wks old. Call 384-3582 Help Wanted General National Welding Supply Company in Bayou Vista has an employment opportunity for an Inside Sales Coordinator to sell welding supplies & industrial gases. Will assist customer with counter & telephone sales. Qualified applicants should send a resume to or fax to (337) 365-6604 CENTRAL GULF TOWING, LLC is now taking applications for LICENSED 100 TON CAPTAINS • Applicant must have a towing endorsement • Applicant must be willing to work a 14 & 7 schedule • Applicant willing to work inshore / offshore Eight in 10 Americans say that travel makes them feel more alive. Find out for yourself and explore Louisiana. Bartender, Wait Staff, Will train. Apply @ 624 Front St., M.C. Wed. - Fri. 4:30 - 5:30pm Help Wanted: P/T Dozer Operator 985-384-8200 Free kitten to good home Anthony Resignola Cafe Jo Jo’s accepting applications for Apply in person @ 104 Freret St. M/C M-Thurs. 9-11 & 1:30-3 Personals FILL DIRT, RIVER SAND 500 Roderick St. Looking for an Experienced Dozer/ Excavator Operator Please call 384-5896 Cleveland Billiot General Contractors Night Shift Seamstress Needed Sewing experience necessary Paid vacation. Apply in person @ 98 Glenwood St. (Wyandotte Subd.) Now Hiring dependable person for warehouse. Duties include deliveries, stocking, drilling bumper tires, etc. Heavy lifting required. Good driving record a must and CDL is a plus. This is a part-time position but could develop into full-time. Apply in person @ 10613 Hwy 182 E Amelia, LA 631-3211 Now Hiring Flux Core Welders, Ship Fitters Pipe Welders Pipe Fitters & Tackers w/3+ years Experience in a shipyard Please call 985-872-9839 or Fax Resumes to 985-346-0170 EOE Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted Drivers Unfurnished Apartments Offshore Marine Company American Eagle Fourchon Terminal 45 Leasing Tandems & Mini Floats Call Randy or Rusty 985/396-4400 *Newly Remodeled-Amelia 3BR, 2½BA Townhouse w/private fenced back yard. $900/mo., $900 dep. *Small Effic. Apt., furn. $500/mo., $200 dep. 384-5315 after 11am located in Amelia, LA looking for a Human Resource / Assistant Experience required in Marine Human Resources Send Resumes to: HR/Assistant P.O. Drawer 3479 Morgan City, LA 70381 Seeking Captains & Deckhands Call 225-343-1951 or Apply Online @ $5000 Sign On Bonus for Captains Experience & TWIC a must Call 384-5896 Cleveland Billiot General Contractors ServiceMaster Quality Services NOW HIRING Part-Time Janitorial Cleaning Specialists in the Houma & Morgan City Areas: 12-15 hours per week. Day & Evening hours available. Apply via the Career Tab of our website, or in person at 301 Howard Ave., Houma, LA, 985-872-1029 EOE STELLA MARIS, LLC is seeking a full time Outside Services Materials Coordinator, reporting to Berwick, Louisiana. The desired candidate shall be highly motivated, skilled and dependable. Please apply in person at 930 W Pont des Mouton Rd, Lafayatte, LA or email resume to HR at sbroussard@ STELLA MARIS, LLC., is seeking a full time Outside Services Instrumentation Lead Technician reporting to Berwick, Louisiana. The desired candidate will be responsible for the planning, scheduling, and work execution of I&E Technicians, and will direct all activities regarding instrumentation and contract I&E personnel. Please apply in person at 930 W Pont des Mouton Rd, Lafayette, LA or email resume to HR at sbroussard@ Superior Labor Services Now hiring First Class Pipe Fitters, First Class Pipe Welders, and Certified Crane Operators Call 985-702-9000 Help Wanted General Triple S Marine, LLC Looking for a Class A or B CDL Driver Help Wanted Medical Certified Dietary Manager Patterson Healthcare Center, a leading provider of skilled nursing and rehabilitation services, seeks a serviceoriented professional to supervise the dietary department in food preparation, distribution, and kitchen sanitation. Trains & schedules staff and assists as necessary. Experience in a long-term care setting preferred. As a well-respected member of the Nexion Health system, you can look forward to Great Pay & Excellent Benefits! Please apply in person at: Patterson Healthcare Center, 910 Lia Street, Patterson, or call (985) 395-4563 or email your resume to patterson.adm@ EOE m/f/d/v GRANDWOOD APARTMENTS 2BR, CAH, Walk-in closet, washateria & pest control . 985-395-9855 Furnished Houses 2BR/1BA furnished house $600mo. on Levee Rd. Call 518-0855 Unfurnished Houses 1BR/1BA, CAH, NO pets. Adults Only. 1610 Lake Palourde Rd., Amelia $1,000/mo., $1,000 dep. Call between 8am-5pm 985-384-8200 2BR., $675 plus dep. 3BR., $800 plus dep. Both in Berwick. No pets For more info. 985/397-1173 Trailers For Rent 2BR/1BA trailer on private lot, Morgan City. $700/mo. 985-518-1105 Mobile Homes For Sale For sale 2013 Clayton mobile home 16x80, 3BR/2BA. Call for details 985/518-3743 Homes For Sale 304 Snead Country Club Estates, Berwick, 2321 sq. ft. liv., $199,000; 3BR/2BA Completely Updated Call/Text 985-714-1767 508 Tournament BlvdCCE Berwick, 2388 sq ft liv., $267,900, 4BR/2BA, office. On golf course! Newly updated! Call/Text 985-397-1605 Business Rentals 3121 4th St/Berwick 3BR, 1½BA, 1538 sq. ft. $129,900 Call 985/518-1795 For Rent or Lease: Commercial yard, 5 acres on Bayou Teche in Patterson across from high school. Call 985/384-8200 3123 Vine Dr., 3BR/2BA., 1303 sq. ft. liv. $125,000 Call (985) 714-3066 or (985) 385-1836 For lease -Morgan City & Charenton Canal Areas. 985-384-8200, ask for Joy House for sale 411 Henry St, Crescent Acres, Patterson, 3BR/1BA., 24x30 steel frame shed, on 2 lots. More info. call 985/399-7925 Help Wanted Medical Help Wanted Medical Waterfront property ATTENTION LPNs Come join a winning team at MORGAN CITY HEALTH CARE CENTER Immediately Hiring OPENINGS FOR PRN LPNs w/Towing Endorsement MUST have positive references and a POSITIVE attitude. 100 Ton Captains Now Offering a $2500 signing bonus! Inquiries please call 985-384-9283 Or visit our website at Apply in person only, no calls please 740 Justa Street Morgan City, LA Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Scully’s Metal Fabrication 1015 Stephensville, Road Morgan City, LA Taking applications for experienced Services Offered •Aluminum Welders •Aluminum Fitters •Helpers CENTRAL BOAT RENTALS, INC. 985-384-8200 Experienced Class A CDL Oilfield Drivers Wanted Hazmat a PLUS. Call Randy or Rusty @ 985-396-4400 Food Service APPLY IN PERSON AT: CENTRAL GULF TOWING, INC. 14561 WEST MAIN ST CUT OFF, LA Boat/Barge Repairs Fleeting for Boats/Barges Oilfield Equip. Storage Waterfront for Lease Signing Bonus & Pay Depending on Experience 985/397-3444 Shawn Guidry, Personnel Manager, 985-632-4400 EOE Services Offered Class A CDL Driver Needed Position available for an experienced Inland Water Pumper/Gauger. This job is located in the Bayou Postillon area between Morgan City & Donaldsonville, LA. It is a 6/3 10 hr. a day schedule, boat handling skills required. Excellent benefits package. Forward resume to: jack.blanchette@ We offer the following benefits: Paid Health Insurance, Paid Short Term & Long Term Disability ©2014 Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism Page 11 Now Taking Applications For Experienced: NOW HIRING Certified Electrician Apply @ either location for an application: 1043 East Stephensville Rd., Morgan City 1046 River Road Dock, Berwick or fax resume to 1-8 800-8 887-1 1534 Please NO Phone Calls!! Pile Drivers • Crane Operators Heavy Equipment Mechanics Tug Captains ALSO Berry Brothers Dry Dock hiring for Experienced Working Leaderman for Shipyard Repairs NO CALLS! Come into office for application Benefits include 401K w/company match, Paid Vacation, Health, Dental & Life Insurance. Apply in person; 7 days a week @ 1414 River Road in Berwick or contact Troy @ 985-384-8770 (w/valid driver’s license) Company Offers the Following Benefits Excellent Working Conditions (ALL SHOP WORK) 401K Plan Company Paid Vacations Company Paid Holidays Group Health Insurance Incentive Program Payments Disability Insurance Applicant must present a pictured I.D. and be able to pass pre-employment drug screen. APPLY IN PERSON NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE An Equal Opportunity Employer Miss Your Paper...Call Before 6pm...We’ll Get You One Pronto!!!
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