Upcoming Events Women’s MID-WEEK OASIS On Wednesday, October 22nd at 9:30 A.M. in the Fellowship Hall, we will continue a 3-part series on Esther led by Florrie McGuirl. All women welcome! Childcare provided up to age 5. BUILDERS (for Mature Men) SPECIAL EVENT On Wednesday, October 22nd, we’ll be meeting at the church at 9:00 A.M. to carpool to Woodstock Fire Department HQ for a tour with Gregory Way. Then we’ll visit the Transport for Christ Chapel after stopping for lunch at Truck Stop Family Restaurant. CHRISTIAN COLLEGE FAIR at West Highland On Wednesday, October 22nd from 7:00-9:00 P.M. in the Gym, 19 schools from across Canada and the US will be showcased. Families from all over Hamilton and area are welcome to attend to find out more information about these Christian colleges. Darren has great activities in store for those in Grades 7-12! IRON SHARPENS IRON MEN’S CONFERENCE An event for men of all ages on Saturday, October 25th in Buffalo, NY. Contact Jay Keddy (jaykeddy@rogers.com) or Rick Thompson (rrthompson@sourcecable.net) for more details or to register or visit www.camphickoryhill.org/isi. PARENT CONNECT Sunday, October 26th between the services (from 10:15-10:45 A.M.). Parents, join us for fellowship in the Gym and discover what exciting things we have planned for ministry in STAR Kids and Student Ministries! ANNUAL WOMEN’S RETREAT November 7th-9th at Circle Square Ranch, Brantford. Registration is OPEN! For more details or to register, please visit our table in the foyer or go to www.westhighland.org. TI-CATS FAITH AND FAMILY DAY Saturday, November 8th at 4:00 p.m. at Tim Horton’s Stadium. TODAY is the last day to reserve your tickets at the Welcome Centre! Cost is $30 per person (reg. $53.50). Tickets will be available to pick up and purchase in the foyer October 26th and November 2nd. Announcements Volunteers Needed! If you are interested in serving in the nursery once or twice a month for the 11:00 A.M. service, please email sroessner.westhighland@gmail.com. Our youth need YOU! We’re looking for more adult leaders willing to serve our Jr and Sr High students on Wednesday evenings. Contact Darren at darrenpatterson@westhighland.org for details! The West Highland Drama Team is looking to borrow 1940’s vintage furniture and home decoration items for our 2014 Christmas Production “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.” We are specifically looking for anything pertaining to the kitchen, dining room, and living room (furniture, dishes, knick-knacks, lamps, end/coffee tables, dinette set, vintage Christmas decorations, etc). Items would be labeled and returned following the play. Please speak to Rachel Makkinje or Pastor Lee today! Sunday, November 2nd at 9:00 & 11:00 A.M. Special Guest, JOHN NEUFELD Dr. John Neufeld is the former Senior Pastor of Willingdon Church in Burnaby, British Columbia, where he served from 1999 until his recent resignation in September 2014. Willingdon is an international church with over 5,000 in attendance for their weekend services. John is also, along with our Lead Pastor, a Council Member of the Gospel Coalition. Church Family News Condolences to Bettina and Bryan Cochrane on the death of Bettina’s grandmother, Elizabeth Hobbs, in Kitchener on Tuesday, October 14th. October 19, 2014 Welcome to West Highland! Thank you for worshipping with us! ARE YOU A GUEST TODAY? Welcome to West Highland where our doors are wide open to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are from or where they’re at on their spiritual journey. In the series A Time to Build, we have already seen that Nehemiah’s mission was not simply to reconstruct the walls of Jerusalem, but to revitalize a strong spiritual community. It’s a nobrainer that the people, not the walls, make a city. The spiritual, moral and social contribution of committed men and women is what truly builds a community. Nehemiah knew that the greatest need of the people living in the city was spiritual prosperity, not physical security. Like us, he was motivated by a City to Reach and a Community to Build. As soon as the building work came to an end, an unusual event took place which was dramatically influential in the spiritual life of God’s people. Only a few days after the completion of the rebuilding project, hundreds of men, women and children gathered in Jerusalem for a celebration in which God’s written Word played a central part. An outdoor public meeting was devoted entirely to hearing the reading, interpretation and application of Scripture. This scene recorded in Nehemiah chapter 8 is breathtaking to read. For the people who gathered it was life transforming. At West Highland, our motto is Making the Word of God Fully Known and the People of God Fully Mature. This is a succinct and accurate description of our mission. This desire for Scripture and spiritual maturity has been a unifying force throughout our history. Because it’s “A Time to Build”, it’s also a time to ask an important question – How strong really is our hunger to truly know God’s Word and do what it says? It’s time to Build with the Word of God. Committed to seeking Him and making His Word fully known. John Mahaffey, Lead Pastor We would love to get to know you better! Please complete a Welcome Card from the pew rack and place it in the offering plate or give it to someone at the Welcome Centre. Pick up our Welcome Brochure & CD at the Welcome Centre which introduces you to our Ministry Team and outlines many of the ministries and programs we offer. If needed, we have Large Print worship songs and Hearing Assistance Devices available from our Ushers. Braille worship songs are available at the Welcome Centre. Offering Report Offering—October 12, 2014 $ 19,810 Weekly Budget $ 31,648 Surplus/(Deficit) $(11,838) This Week at West Highland$ 866,056 Total ACTUAL Revenue January-July Total ACTUAL Expenses January-July MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 Total ACTUAL NetFriends Surplus/(Deficit) January-July $ (57,270) English Among .............................. Lower Level—6:30 P.M. Perspectives ......................................... Fellowship Hall—7:00 P.M. Women’s Study (Hebrews) .......................... Room 206—7:00 P.M. Women’s Volleyball .............................................. Gym—8:00 P.M. Women’s Study (Hebrews) ............................... Library—9:30 A.M. Men’s Group Study ............................................Library—6:30 P.M. STAR Kids QUEST ....................................... Lower Level—6:30 P.M. Orchestra Practice...................................... Auditorium—7:00 P.M. STAR KIDS—OUR SPECIAL MINISTRY FOR CHILDREN! Nursery and programs for children up to JK/SK start at 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. on the lower level. Children in Grades 1-6 will be dismissed from the Auditorium during the service. ANSWERED PRAYER? PRAISE GOD! Today at West Highland 8:30 A.M.—PRAYER ROOM AVAILABLE (Room 206) 9:00 & 11:00 A.M.—WORSHIP SERVICE Build with the Word of God John Mahaffey Lead Pastor 6:00 P.M.—TREC (TRaining and Equipping Christ-followers) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 Alpha .................................................... Fellowship Hall—6:30 P.M. Self-Defense ...................................... Gym—6:30 P.M. & 8:00 P.M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 Griefshare ....................................................... Library—10:00 A.M. For more information, check out www.westhighland.org. Next Sunday at West Highland 8:30 A.M.—PRAYER ROOM AVAILABLE (Room 206) 9:00 & 11:00 A.M.—WORSHIP SERVICE Build with Renewed Commitment John Mahaffey Lead Pastor MEET THE PASTOR (following each morning service) If you are visiting today or new to West Highland, Pastor John and Andrea would love to meet you in the Library after the service. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 Women’s Mid-Week Oasis................... Fellowship Hall—9:30 A.M. Women’s Volleyball .............................................. Gym—1:30 P.M. Worship Team Practice .............................. Auditorium—6:30 P.M. Christian College Fair .................................... Gym—7:00-9:00 P.M. Mid-Week Prayer Service ..................................Library—7:15 P.M. Tapestry Singers Choir Practice ................. Auditorium—7:30 P.M. If you have any questions, please inquire at the Children’s Welcome Window on the lower level or ask an Usher. If you’ve had an answer to prayer recently, jot it down on a yellow praise paper (in the pew rack) and drop it in our THANKOMETER— the clear, plastic tube at the front of the Auditorium—anytime during congregational singing. $ 923,326 6:00 P.M.—TREC (TRaining and Equipping Christ-followers) Our no-cost Sunday evening classes for everyone! For more details, visit www.westhighland.org/trec.
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