46 CENTRAL AVENUE, BRIDGETON, NJ 08302 Pastoral Team Immaculate Conception / Inmaculada Concepcion 312 N. Pearl Street, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 MASSES / MISAS Sunday ................................................................................................. 8:00 AM Domingo ..............................................................................12 PM y 7:00 PM Thursday, Friday, Saturday ........................................................... 8:00 AM Martes, Miercoles, Jueves ............................................................. 6:30 PM CONFESSION / CONFESION Saturday after the 8:00 AM Mass or by appointment Domingo ....................................................................... 11:30 AM y 5:30 PM Rev. Vincent G. Guest .......................................................... Pastor Rev. Daniel A. DiNardo ... Parochial Vicar/Hispanic Ministry Rev. David Rivera………………………………………Parochial Vicar C.J. Achee ............................................................................... Deacon William Johnson .................................................................. Deacon Christopher D. Nichols ...................................................... Deacon Donald W. Rogozenski....................................................... Deacon Sr. Rafaela Valadez, M.D.P.V.M. .................................. Superior Sr. Graciela Rosas, M.D.P.V.M. Sr. Oralia De La Paz, M.D.P.V.M. ADORATION / ADORACION Thursday / Jueves ........................................................ 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sr. Maria de Jesus Herrera, M.D.P.V.M. Saint Teresa of Avila / Santa Teresa de Avila Parish Office Hours 46 Central Avenue, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 MASSES Saturday Evening............................................................................... 5:00 PM Sunday ............................................................................................... 10:30 AM CONFESSION Saturdays ....................................... 4:00 to 4:30 PM or by appointment Saint Mary’s / Santa Maria DAY -- 46 Central Avenue, Bridgeton 856-455-2323 -- Parish Fax: 856-455-7291 Monday - Friday ............................................ 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Kathie Downie, Bookkeeper ....................................... ext. 302 Alice Olszewski, Secretary ........................................... ext. 300 Marilyn Szalay, Secretary/Parish Bulletin Ed. ...... ext. 301 EVENING -- 312 N. Pearl Street, Bridgeton -- 856-451-0254 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday ........... 5:00 - 9:00 PM 732 Morton Avenue, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 MASSES Sunday .................. 9:30 AM Saturday Evening................. 4:30 PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ................................................... 8:00 AM CONFESSION Saturdays ....................................... 3:30 to 4:00 PM or by appointment ADORATION Wednesdays.................................................................. 8:30 AM—3:00 PM Saint Michael / San Miguel 367 Main Street, Cedarville, NJ 08311 MASS Sunday ........................ 11:30 AM (1st, 3rd, and alternating 5th Sunday) PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Welcome! New parishioners are asked to register at the parish office as soon as possible. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: In case of serious illness at home, phone the parish office. For hospital patients this is done by the hospital chaplain. In case of emergency call the parish office. BAPTISM: Arrangements must be made by the parents through the parish office. Baptismal sessions for parents are required. WEDDINGS: Please make arrangements at the parish office 1 year prior to the date of the wedding. CONFESSION: By appointment with a priest RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Maryann MacDonald, CRE 856-455-2323, ext. 309 Saint Anthony / San Antonio MASS Sunday ....................... 11:30 AM (2nd, 4th, and alternating 5th Sunday) BISHOP SCHAD REGIONAL SCHOOL: Dr. Patrice DeMartino, Principal 856-691-4490 CONFESSION: By appointment with a priest RCIA / ADULT EDUCATION: 856-455-2323 1560A Main Street, Port Norris, NJ 08349 PARISH EMAIL -- parishholycross@gmail.com Convent telephone 856-455-9960 PARISH WEBSITE -- www.parishholycross.org Page 2 October 12, 2014 – Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH MASS INTENTIONS Immaculate Conception Sunday, October 12, 2014 8:00 am Eunice Smith: Brothers Madeline Interlante: Elvie Charles N. Gentile: Stephen & Lucy Blandino Louis Gaggiotti: Verna Olszewski & Family Sue & Frank Cesta: Ed & Mary Cesta 12:00 pm / Misa en Español 7:00 pm / Misa en Español Andres Lopez, Jr. (Cumpleaños): Reyna Mendez Por los Matrimonios y necesidades espirituales de las Familia Mendez: Familia Tuesday, October 14, 2014 6:30 pm / Misa en Español Wednesday, October 15, 2014 6:30 pm / Misa en Español +Anastacia Angeles: Su hermano, Justino Hernandez y Familia Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:00 am Carmen Bischer: Kathy & Children Stephen & Joanne Olszewski: Children 6:30 pm / Misa en Español +Hector Zayas: Daughter, Diana Zayas Friday, October 17, 2014 8:00 am Virginia Sorantino: Ritter & Sorantino Families Lou & Millie Gaggiotti: Terry, John, John, Jr., & Andrew Kakulski Saturday, October 18, 2014 8:00 am Stephen Blandino: Mr. & Mrs. Firth Bowden Florence Bisco: Laura Chew Sunday, October 19, 2014 8:00 am Anthony Mendolera: Family Charles N. Gentile: John, Helen West & Chuck Guy Laspada: Wife & Children Louis Gaggiotti: Jim Russo & Family Doris Brago: Mike & Beth Russo & Family 12:00 pm / Misa en Español 7:00 pm / Misa en Español St. Anthony Sunday, October 12, 2014 11:30 am (Celebrant: Fr. David Rivera) Joseph & Agnes Kutney: Steve Kutney Philip Capaldi: Family St. Michael Sunday, October 19, 2014 11:30 am (Celebrant: Fr. Vince Guest) William Scartine: Sam & Mary DiMatteo Richard Tirak: Lorraine Federico St. Mary’s Saturday, October 11, 2014 4:30 pm (Celebrant: Fr. Vince Guest) Salvatore Buono: Buono Family Joseph V. Sparacio: Tillie Colt John Visconti III: Mike, Maria & Michael Gaimari Vincent Martino, Jr. and Vince & Carmella Martino, Sr.: Helen Martino & Children Loretta Calapristi: Dennis & Lisa Waechter Sunday, October 12, 2014 9:30 am (Celebrant: Fr. David Rivera) Angelina Bisconte: Frank & Dolly Buono Joseph V. Sparacio: Anthony & Mandy Sparacio and Family Harold Hartung: Frank, Lisa & Silvana Jester Mary Alexander: Clare Luisi James and Janet Blose: Family Monday, October 13, 2014 8:00 am (Lector: A. Sorantino; EM: A. Paladino) Patricia Brago: Angie & Nate Pizzo Sal DeFrancisco: Angel & Cosmo Paladino Tuesday, October 14, 2014 8:00 am (Lector: A. Fralinger; EM: D. Buono) Francis McGovern: Warren & Kathie Downie Patricia Brago: Mr. & Mrs. Gene Annacone & Family Wednesday, October 15, 2014 8:00 am (Lector: T. Bidic; EM: T. Bifulco) Agostino & Lucy Ingraldi, and Connie & Jennie Ingraldi: Ingraldi Family Saturday, October 18, 2014 4:30 pm (Celebrant: Fr. Vince Guest) Jennie Ferrara: Children & Grandchildren Catharine Visconti: Children & Grandchildren Sam & Anna Musso: Nieces & Nephews Rose Visconti: Sal DeFrancisco Joseph V. Sparacio: Robert Morse & Family Sunday, October 19, 2014 9:30 am (Celebrant: Fr. Vince Guest) Joseph V. Sparacio: Anthony & Mandy Sparacio & Family Harold Hartung: John & Paula Montana Donata M. Reilly: Charlene Preletz Juan Pagan: Veanna Klaiman & Paula Montana Marge Caldarulo: Kathy Pipitone St. Teresa of Avila Saturday, October 11, 2014 5:00 pm Al Caggiano: Bonnie Dr. Charles Rasner: Emerson & Carolyn Ford Winnie Shannon: Gene & Terri Ely Ellen Marie Shannon-Shaw: Bert & Winnie Shannon Anthony Ricci: Cousin Judy Sunday, October 12, 2014 10:30 am (Celebrant: Fr. Vince Guest) Francesco & Adriana Trombini: Family Lola Thompson: Theresa Everly & Sons Matt Kiessling: Mom, Dad, Chris & Katie Lurline Williams: Ann Marie & vito Fantini Frank F. Sgandurra: Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cutillo & Boys Page 3 October 12, 2014 – Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Continued from previous page) Saturday, October 18, 2014 5:00 pm (Celebrant: Fr. David Rivera) Winnie Shannon: Bert & Winnie Richard Varker: Lisa Stevens Larry Simmons: Anna Sorrentino & Jean Ritter Mildred & Jackie Ale: Mary Ann Yates For Our Parents: Lee & Anna Marcello Sunday, October 19, 2014 10:30 am (Celebrant: Fr. David Rivera) Joseph Huber, Jr.: Sister, Ann Marie Rasner Lurline Williams: The Riley Family For the Benefactors of the Good Shepherd MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of The Parish of the Holy Cross is to serve God by sharing the Mystery of the Holy Trinity, the Love of the Father, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and our Devotion to Our Lady, the Mother of God, with all of God’s people. IMMIGRATION LEGAL ASSISTANCE The Camden Center for Law and Social Justice provides immigration legal assistance every other Tuesday at Immaculate Conception Rectory, from 1:00 P.M. until 6:00 P.M. For an appointment please call (856) 583-2950. CATHOLIC CHARITIES Every Thursday at Immaculate Conception Rectory, from 1:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M. Bilingual representative available. For an appointment please call (856) 691-1841. rd POPE FRANCIS FOOD PANTRY Open on the 3 Saturday of each month, 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM in the Convent basement. The Food Pantry will be open on October 18th. GOOD SHEPHERD DINING ROOM Lunch served Monday-Friday, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM in St. Teresa of Avila Church Basement. R.C.I.A. – A Journey in Faith Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Immaculate Conception Rectory 7:00 – 8:30 P.M. Topic: Son of God, Jesus Our Savior A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE/ UNA PERSPECTIVA DE FAMILIA Today’s gospel speaks about “unworthy wedding guests.” What makes a “worthy” guest? Presence and presents are not enough. The greatest gift we can give is support to the couple as they voyage through life together because marriage naturally contains within it the fields of disappointment. Think of the weddings you have attended. Have you been a “worthy guest?” El evangelio de hoy habla de "invitados a la boda indignos." ¿Qué hace un invitado "digno"? Presencia y los regalos no son suficientes. El regalo más grande que podemos dar es apoyar a la pareja, ya que viaje a través de la vida juntos porque el matrimonio natural contiene en su interior los campos de la decepción. Piense en las bodas que ha asistido. Ha sido un "digno invitado?" "Over 50’s" Old Fashioned Pot Luck Dinner Thursday, October 16, 2014 Everyone is invited to come to the dinner to share food, fellowship and fun. Location: St. Teresa Of Avila Church Basement Gathering Time: 5:30pm Dinner: 6:00 PM Call Elaine Burlingame (451-2116) for more information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Más de 50" Old Fashioned Pot Luck Cena Jueves, 16 de octubre 2014 Todos están invitados a venir a la cena para compartir la comida, el compañerismo y la diversión. Ubicación: Iglesia Santa Teresa de Avila sótano Reunir Hora: 5:30 pm Cena: 6:00 pm DECLARACIÓN DE LA MISIÓN La Misión de la Parroquia de la Santa Cruz es servirle a Dios, compartiendo el Misterio de la Santísima Trinidad, el Amor del Padre, el Evangelio de Jesucristo, los Dones del Espíritu Santo, y nuestra devoción a la Virgen, la Madre de Dios, con todo el pueblo de Dios. INMIGRACIÓN ASISTENCIA LEGAL El Centro de Camden de Derecho y Justicia Social ofrece asistencia legal de inmigración cada dos martes en Rectoría de la Inmaculada Concepción, de 1:00 PM hasta 6:00 PM. Para una cita por favor llame al (856) 583-2950. CARIDADES CATÓLICAS Todos los jueves a la Inmaculada Concepción Rectoría, desde 1:00 hasta 7:00 PM. Representante bilingüe disponible. Para hacer una cita llame al (856) 691-1841. DESPENSA de PAPA FRANCIS Abierta el 3 º sábado de cada mes, de 9:30 AM a 11:30 AM en el sótano del Convento. La Despensa de Alimentos estará abierta el 18 de octubre. COMEDOR del BUEN PASTOR El almuerzo se sirve de lunes a viernes, 12:00-1:00 PM en Sótano de la Iglesia de Santa Teresa de Ávila. Sunday Scripture Readings – October 19, 2014 First Reading: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 Lecturas Bíblicas de Domingo – 19 de octubre 2014 Primera Lectura: : Isaías 45:1, 4-6 Segunda Lectura: 1 Tesalonicences 1:1-5b Evangelio: San Mateo 22:15-21 PARISH OFFICE CLOSED The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, October 13th in observance of Columbus Day. The office will reopen on Tuesday, October 14th at 9 AM. La Oficina Parroquial estará cerrada el Lunes, 13 de octubre en conmemoración del Día de la Raza. La oficina abrirá de nuevo el Martes, 14 de octubre a las 9 AM. Page 4 October 12, 2014 – Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Steward’s Needs are Provided Del Servidores se proporcionan de Necesidades "My God will fully supply whatever you need…” – Philippians 4:19a God really does provide for those that are grateful and generous. This is very difficult for people that don’t live a Stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for just one month – be generous with your gifts of time, talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs. "Mi Dios suplirá plenamente lo que usted necesita ..." - Filipenses 4: 19 b Dios realmente provee para los que son agradecidos y generosos. Esto es muy difícil para las personas que no viven un estilo de vida de Manejo de creer. La gente es escéptica y dicen que es sólo una coincidencia. Si usted es escéptico, tratar de vivir una vida de mayordomía de sólo un mes - ser generoso con sus regalos de tiempo, talento y tesoro y vea cómo Dios provee para sus necesidades. Collection Totals: October 5th Offertory: $14,304.00 Pro-Life: $1,772.00 Colección Totales: 5 de octubre Ofertorio: $14,304.00 Pro-Vida: $1,772.00 To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) "…a time to be healed…” Kathy Acevedo, Jack Achee, Terana Adams, Vito Alcamo, Cathrin Alcamo-Anderson, Bill Ambrose, Joey Anderson, Julie Anderson, Layla Anderson, Patricia Apollo, Maureen Asselta, Catharine Ballinger, John Barber, Rita Barthold, Jacob Bautista, Richard Bisch, Patricia Blankenship, Eddie Bowman, Ann Bonek, Jack Bondi, Fr. Fred Bottaggio, Melvin Brody, Tanya Bruce, Evan Burdsall, Brett Bush, Louis Bush, Sue Bush, Michael Butler, Bob Caine, Wayne Carney, Cathie Carulli, Betty Cassidy, Timothy Cassidy, Joanne Cervini, Beverly Chappius, Russell Chappius, Kathleen Charlton, Deborah Clark, Claudia, Mary Fay Colonari, Theresa Condo, Bobbi Conner, Paul Cooper, Josephine Crispo, Nathan Couch, Harvey DeHart, Dave DeVault, Loretta DiMatteo, David, Sherrie Colanai Day, Julie Donnachie, Jonathan Eschelman, Anthony DeGregorio, Joan DeSantis, Sonny Donato, Rose Earnest, Frank Ferrillo, Sharon Ferrillo, Melissa Fiore, Cathy Frye, Jeanette Gaggiotti, Maria Gallo, HC Garrison, Anastasia Geletka, Frank Gergenti, Al & Janine Giordano, Sharon Goodwin, Roseanne Gresmer, Robert Griffith, Frances Grzybowski, Louis Gutierrez III, Dorothy Hankins, Rosemarie Harris, Sandy Helriegel, Beth Henderson, Lillian Hernandez, Jesus Hernandez, Jeff Hewitt, Kathy Hill, Anna May Hitchner, George Hudnall, Maryann Hughes, Jonathan Hunt, Eleaner James, Gus Jiannone, JoEllen Jones, Leroy Jones, Billy King, Rosalie Kohnke, Ethel Krezetski, Robert Kristovich, Caroline Krynick, Mary Lack, Brittany Lamb, Janice Laws, Bethany Leo, Connie Logo, Donna Longo, Norma Lorenzetti, Anthony Losatio, Nancy Mariano, John Mastangelo, Barbara Materia, Barbara Matta, Maryann Mazza, Melissa McFee, Gill Mehaffey, Cathie Miera, Margaret Miletta, George Morrison, Edith Myers, Joe Nichols, Bobby Parker, Jr., Anthony Pino, Andy Pizzo, Sue Prinz, Jack Raines, Fr. Jim Richardson, Margaret Richey, June Riggins, Dr. Joseph Riley, Ted Ritter, Bill Sanza, Clara Saccone, Michael Sacharnoski, Dorothy Sackie, Tom St. Clair, Andrea Salvo, Weston Selby, James Saverine, Jillian Sayre, Christopher Scarduzio, Walter Sharp, Hazel Smith, Madalyn Smith, Pat Smith, Emma Spagnola, Esther Spagnola, Marie Spoltore, Phil Steward, Donald Strang, Frank Sullivan, Carol Suppa, Dave Sutton, Denise Tawater, Cosmo Terrigno, Sr., Seth Thompson, Timmy Toussaint, Betty Triantos, Karen Trout, Rose Vagnarelli, Danny Van Meter, Nancy Wall, Jacob Riley-Wasserman, David & Julia Wilson, Judy Wood, Jayme Wright, Jimmy Wright, and Frank Wuzzardo. MERCY & COMPASSION MINISTRY Are you grieving the loss of a loved one? The Mercy & Compassion Ministry will begin a bereavement support group on October 20th. The support group will be held at the Immaculate Conception Rectory meeting room at 7:00 PM. Our goal is to offer support and healing comfort to all who mourn a loss through death. For more information please call Julia Jengehino at 856-455-5485. BINGO BINGO (Progressive) Every Tuesday St. Teresa of Avila Church Doors open at 4:30 P.M. Games begin at 7:00 P.M. Todos los martes Iglesia de Santa Teresa de Avila Las puertas se abren a las 4:30 PM Los juegos comienzan a las 7:00 PM Small Faith Groups Small Faith Groups teams are forming once again in our parish. This year we plan to pray and discuss the Sunday readings for the Advent Season. If you are interested in being a part of a small faith group, please contact Pastoral Council Vice-Chair Fran Sieber at (856) 305-2359 or email fjs614@comcast.net Deacon CJ Achee’s 25th Anniversary in the Diaconate Friday, November 14, 2014 4:30 pm Mass at Immaculate Conception Church 6:00 pm Reception to follow at Centerton Country Club & Event Center *Cocktail * Dinner * Dancing* $40.00 per person For reservations, please contact Terry Catalana at 856451-7918 By November 1st 25 Aniversario de Deacon CJ Achee en el Diaconado Viernes, 14 de noviembre 2014 4:30 pm Misa en la Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción 6:00 Recepción a seguir en Centerton Country Club & Event Center * Cocktail * Cena * Baile * $ 40.00 por persona Para reservas, por favor póngase en contacto con Terry Catalana al 856-451-7918 el 1 de noviembre Page 5 October 12, 2014 – Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time THE WEEK AT A GLANCE Monday, October 13 -Columbus Day – Parish Office Closed Tuesday, October 14 -English Language Class, 7:15-9:15 PM, ICC Rectory Basement -Bingo, STA Basement, 4:30 doors open, 7:00 games begin Wednesday, October 15, 2014 -Catholic War Vets, 3 PM, ICC Rectory Basement -Adoration, SMR, 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM -Rosary, 6:30 PM, SMC Thursday, October 16 -Adoration, ICC, 9 AM – 6 PM -Scripture (lectio divina) class, 10 AM, ICC Rectory Basement -Scripture (lectio divina) class, 7 PM, ICC Rectory Dining Room -“Over 50’s” Potluck Dinner, STA, 5:30 P.M. HONORING OUR VETS The Catholic War Veterans will be honoring all of our Veterans at the 10:30 A.M. Mass at St. Teresa of Avila Church on November 9th. Please contact Commander Frank Tyler with the name and address of your family member who has served or is serving in the military at f106ft@comcast.net or call 856-451-7597 so they can receive an invitation. Remember to save the date - all are welcome at the Mass to pray for our soldiers! POPE FRANCIS FOOD PANTRY NEEDS FOR OCTOBER NON-PERISHABLE FOOD ITEMS Peanut butter, jelly, boxed macaroni and cheese, canned items including tuna, meat, fruit, vegetables, tomatoes; instant potatoes, gravy, soup, rice, beans, pasta, sauce, cereal, powdered milk, etc. HOUSEHOLD CLEANING SUPPLIES Dish and laundry soap, disinfectant, brooms, buckets, cleaning rags, etc. PERSONAL HYGIENE ITEMS Soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash, tissues, etc. ST. AUGUSTINE PREPARATORY SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE 611 Cedar Avenue Richland, NJ 08350 Friday, November 7, 2014 For more information: Admissions@hermits.com 856-697-2600 ext. 112 www.hermits.com Bishop Schad Regional School Pre K Story Time at Bishop Schad Regional School 2 ½ - 4 yr. olds Please Join Us for Story Time & Craft October 21st 9:30 - 10:30 Registration is Required Space is Limited 856-691-4490 UN VISTAZO DE LA SEMANA Lunes, 13 de octubre -La Oficina Parroquial estará cerrada Martes, 14 de septiembre -Clases de Ingles, 7:15-9:15 PM, ICC Sótano de la Rectoría -Bingo, STA Sótano, 4:30 PM Miércoles, 15 de octubre -Adoración, SMR, 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. -Rosario, 6:30 PM, SMC Jueves, 16 de octubre -Adoración, ICC, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. - "A lo largo de los años 50" Potluck Cena, STA, 5:30 PM MISERICORDIA Y COMPASIÓN MINISTERIO ¿Está llorando la pérdida de un ser querido? El ministerio de la misericordia y la compasión se iniciará un grupo de apoyo de luto el 20 de octubre. El grupo de apoyo se llevará a cabo en la sala de reuniones de la Inmaculada Concepción Rectoría a las 7:00 PM. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer apoyo y consuelo sanando a todos los que lloran la pérdida a través de la muerte. Para obtener más información, por favor llame a Julia Jengehino al 856-455-5485. HOMENAJE A NUESTROS VETERANOS Los Veteranos de Guerra Católicos rendirá homenaje a nuestros todos los veteranos en el 10:30 AM Misa en la Iglesia de Santa Teresa de Ávila el 9 de noviembre. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el comandante Frank Tyler con el nombre y dirección de su miembro de la familia que ha servido o está sirviendo en el ejército en f106ft@comcast.net o llame al 856-451-7597 para que puedan recibir una invitación. Recuerde guardar la fecha - todos son bienvenidos en la misa para orar por nuestros soldados! PAPA FRANCIS Despensa NECESIDADES POR OCTUBRE ARTÍCULOS alimentos no perecederos La mantequilla de maní, jalea, macarrones con queso en caja, artículos enlatados como el atún, la carne, las frutas, las verduras, los tomates; papas instantáneo, salsa, sopa, arroz, frijoles, pasta, salsa, cereales, leche en polvo. Limpieza del hogar Dish y lavandería jabón, desinfectante, escobas, cubos, trapos de limpieza, etc ARTÍCULOS DE HIGIENE PERSONAL Jabón, cepillos de dientes, pasta de dientes, desodorante, enjuague bucal, tejidos, etc ST. AGUSTÍN ESCUELA PREPARATORIA OPEN HOUSE 611 Cedar Avenue Richland, NJ 08350 Viernes, 07 de noviembre 2014 Para más información: Admissions@hermits.com 856-697-2600 ext. 112 www.hermits.com Bishop Schad Regional School La hora del cuento para Pre-escolar en la escuela Bishop Schad 2 1/2 - 4 años Por favor, únase a nosotros para la hora del cuento y artesania 21 de octubre 9:30 - 10:30 Se requiere registración El espacio es limitado! 856-691-4490 Page 6 October 12, 2014 – Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time From the Pastor’s Desk…. OPERATION CODE BLUE…SHELTERING THE HOMELESS I am proud to announce to our community that our parish will participate in Bridgeton’s Code Blue program this winter by hosting a “warming center” for the homeless on cold nights. As you may recall, last year a homeless man died near the Salvation Army center from exposure to the extreme cold. Since there are no homeless shelters in Bridgeton, Mayor Kelly initiated a Code Blue program in partnership with area churches and community organizations to provide temporary shelter during the night. A “Code Blue” is triggered when temperatures are 25 degrees or below with no precipitation or 32 degrees or below with precipitation. Our parish will be asked to be on call for a Code Blue for 3 weeks (dates TBD) during the coming winter. We need volunteers. A Code Blue evening begins at 6:00 PM, when a light dinner is served and ends approximately 7:00 AM the next morning. Three (3) volunteers work in shifts to staff the parish warming center. The first shift is from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, the second shift is from 10:00 PM to 2:00 AM, and the third shift is from 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM on nights a Code Blue is in effect. The city suggests at least two men work each shift. Cots and blankets and pillows are provided. I am suggesting the basement of St. Teresa’s as our “warming center” location. Parishioners Bill Whelan and Ed Geletka have volunteered to coordinate the “Holy Cross Code Blue” effort. This is more than a city program. This is a response to the Gospel as a disciple of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. “When I was hungry you fed me, thirsty you gave me to drink…a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Mt. 25). If you are interested in volunteering, please email Fr. Vince at parishholycross@gmail.com A planning meeting to discuss the Holy Cross Code Blue effort will be announced soon. God Bless you and your families, Fr. Vince Desde el Escritorio del Pastor… OPERACIÓN CÓDIGO AZUL ... TECHO A QUIEN Me siento orgulloso de anunciar a nuestra comunidad que nuestra parroquia participará en programa de Código Azul de Bridgeton este invierno organizando un "centro de calentamiento" para las personas sin hogar en las noches frías. Como se recordará, el año pasado un indigente murió cerca del centro Ejército de Salvamento de la exposición al frío extremo. Dado que no existen refugios para desamparados en Bridgeton, alcalde Kelly inició un programa de Código Azul en asociación con las iglesias del área y las organizaciones comunitarias para proporcionar refugio temporal durante la noche. A "azul del código" se activa cuando las temperaturas son de 25 grados o menos sin precipitación o 32 grados o menos con la precipitación. Se pedirá Nuestra parroquia a estar de guardia para un Código Azul por 3 semanas (fechas TBD) durante el próximo invierno. Necesitamos voluntarios. Una noche Code Blue comienza a las 6:00 PM, cuando se sirve y termina aproximadamente a las 7:00 am de la mañana siguiente de una cena ligera. Tres (3) voluntarios trabajan en turnos al personal del centro calentamiento parroquia. El primer turno es 6:00-10:00 pm, el segundo turno es 10:00 pm-2:00 am, y el tercer turno es 2:00 am-6:00 am en las noches de un azul Código es en efecto. La ciudad sugiere al menos dos hombres trabajan cada turno. Se proporcionan cunas y mantas y almohadas. Que estoy sugiriendo el sótano de como nuestro "centro de calentamiento" ubicación de Santa Teresa. Feligreses Bill Whelan y Ed Geletka se han ofrecido para coordinar los esfuerzos "Código Santa Cruz Azul.” Esto es más del un programa de ciudad. Esta es una respuesta al Evangelio como un discípulo de nuestro Señor y Salvador, Jesucristo. "Cuando tuve hambre, ustedes me dieron de comer, sediento que me diste de beber ... fui forastero y me acogisteis". (Mt. 25). Si usted está interesado en ser voluntario, por favor escriba Fr. Vince en parishholycross@cgmail.com Una reunión de planificación para discutir los esfuerzos Código Santa Cruz Azul se dará a conocer pronto. Dios te bendiga y su familia, Padre Vince Terrigno’s Bakery NOW OPEN Wholesale - Retail Restaurants • Institutions • Parties Specializing in: Wedding & Birthday Cakes, Pastries, Bread, Rolls 632 N. Pearl St., Bridgeton, NJ 08302 856-451-6368 • Open 7 Days 761 Landis Ave., Rosenhayn 856-391-5198 WOODRUFF ENERGY All Service Natural Gas · Fuel Oil Propane · Air Conditioning 455-1111 www.WoodruffEnergy.com 73 WATER STREET · BRIDGETON, NJ Upper Deerfield ShopRite 1000 North Pearl Street • Bridgeton, NJ 856-453-1782 Pharmacy 856-453-5993 Owned and Operated by the Bottino Family In this memoir, set as deeply in his mind as in the Southeast Asian jungle, a young American soldier embarks on a journey to a war that, for him, will never be over. Little MaMa’s Cafe It’s Not Just A Cupcakery Fresh & Delicious Panini Sandwiches, Hot Dogs, Soups, Pizza and Sweets 20 West Commerce Street BRIDGETON 856-459-5333 Serving Lunch All Day! Look Us Up On The world was a playground for Mickey, a naive Irish American kid bored with his life. His father served in World War II, his brother was a Marine in Vietnam; now it was his turn. 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