Document 360594

Sunday, Oct. 26th Special Gobin Family Meal Menu
Set following the Service on Commitment Sunday
Following the service on Sunday, Oct. 26th, Chef Scott Thede and company
will prepare a special Gobin Family meal. The meal will include roast beef,
roasted potatoes, green beans, bread/roll, dessert, and drinks. The meal is
being taken care of by a donor at no cost to the church. So, come and join
our Gobin family for a nice meal following the service on Oct. 26th. Please
call or email our secretary, Denise, at 658-6010 or,
and let her know how many from your family will plan to attend. Even if
you don't communicate with us, everyone is welcome to attend this Gobin Family meal.
Become a Gobin Partner!
In an effort to incorporate DePauw students who attend Gobin into our
congregational family, we are reintroducing the Gobin Partners program. Hosts are encouraged to provide general companionship by
hosting the student for dinner, giving them a quiet place to study or
treats before is up to you. Those interested in hosting should
contact Lottie Barcus (765)720-7786 / or
Maureen Langdoc (765) 365-2269
Fruitful Congregations Reading
Pastor Bryan and the Fruitful Congregations team will be reading a
book each month from September through March. As a fellow participant in the life of Gobin Memorial United Methodist Church, we'd like to
invite you to join us. There are no assignments. No tests. Just an invitation to join us in the reading as we all seek God's direction for the future of Gobin. Soon we’ll be starting Direct Hit: Aiming Real Leaders at
the Mission Field. Our FCJ Team will leave copies of the first two
books in the church office, so please check with Denise to see if there
is a copy of a book available for you to read. You can also order the
books online at or Cokesbury.
We are excited to announce that you can now make your donations to
Gobin online on our website at or via text message
from your smart phones and electronic devices. If texting, please text
your amount to 765-253-4477 to get started. Got questions? Check
with Denise, and she will try to help you.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
October 19—October 25
Michelle Schuster
and Audrey Naylor
October 12, 2014
Worship Attend.: 98
Offering: $1883.50
4th Quarter Mission Project—Mary Allison Children’s Fund
Our 4th Quarter mission goal is to raise $2000 for the fund, which
contributes $1000 to each Putnam County school for its students for
medical and educational needs. We have raised $110.00.
October 19, 2014
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Morning Prayer:
Loving God, you have kept me through the night, and your love holds me
this morning. Help me to find, in the midst of the day’s responsibilities
and worries a place within for quiet and calm. Give me eyes to see the
beauty of the earth in field and flower. Give me ears to hear the music of
birds and other composers. Even as I consider my needs, I celebrate and
give thanks for your abundant provisions. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Evening Prayer:
Thank you, O God, for the day as it has been. I give to you this night
whatever is left undone, asking for your forgiveness and grace. I give to
you this night all that has been accomplished, asking for the gift of rest
and peace. Now help me to cease all striving that I may sleep. In faith, I
cast my cares upon you, knowing you will not forget me through these
night hours. You have inscribed my name on the palms of your hands. In
gratitude, in Christ, I pray. Amen
Here are the Scriptures for next week.
Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Psalm 90: 1-6, 13-17
Thessalonians 2:1-8
Matthew 22: 34-46
For more information on the Revised Common Lectionary,
Bucket Lists:
Vision and Hope are Inspirations of the Heart
Rev. Bryan W. Langdoc
Joel 2: 25-29
Matthew 6: 24-34
Gobin Memorial United Methodist Church
Pastor: Rev. Bryan W. Langdoc
Administrative Secretary: Denise Thede
DePauw University Chaplain: Rev. Maureen Knudsen Langdoc
Gobin Choir Director: Barbara Paré
Accompanist: Jennifer Peacock
Nursery Attendant: Jennifer Jackson
Communion Steward: Lois Underwood
Assisting Today
Ushers: Barb Rice, Janet Pinney, and David & Jayne Bray
Nursery Assistant: Amber Hecko
Communion Steward: Lois Underwood
Children’s Church Leader: Teddy Shuck
Fellowship: Dot Thompson
Counter: Doretta Poynter
Assisting Next Sunday
Ushers: Ken & Lynette Gwinn, Ernie Rush, & Doretta Poynter
Nursery Assistant: Barb Rice
Communion Steward: Lois Underwood
Children’s Church Leader: Alisa Isaacs-Bailey
Fellowship: Carol Sweet
Counter: Pat Clover
Welcome to Gobin Memorial United Methodist Church
We are so excited to have you in worship with us today!
Our Mission
The mission of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ
for the transformation of the world.
Our Vision
Gobin is the crossroads where everyone from the community,
campus, and congregation is welcomed and invited to come together
to know God, to serve with love and genuine compassion,
and to build relationships founded on Christ’s teachings and examples.
All children are welcome to remain in the sanctuary for the duration of the
worship service. Alternatively, a nursery is available for ages 4 and under.
Children will also be invited to a time of “children’s church” immediately after a
“Time For the Child in Each of Us.”
Gathering Song
“O Love That Will Not Let Me Go”
Welcome and Announcements
*Gathering Words
Hymn Text #480
*Pastoral Benediction
Proclamation And Response
Prayer for Illumination
Teddy Shuck
God, we trust that you have our best interests at heart. As we hear the reading of your
Word, remind us that we have been raised with Christ, and inspire us to seek the things
that are above, through the power of your Holy Spirit.
Joel 2:25-29
The formal time of worship has ended, so now the service of the church truly begins.
Go with courage and passion to live out this big, bold vision that God has laid before
us. And don’t keep it to yourself. Spread it around so that all may see who God truly is.
page 902
Bearing Witness
Dick Shuck
Matthew 6:24-34
page 960
Rev. Bryan Langdoc
Jennifer Peacock, piano
Following this service:
Fellowship Time in the South Transept
An audio file of this morning’s sermon will be available
at, under “Sermons”.
Jennifer Peacock, piano
Rev. Bryan Langdoc
Call to Worship
Men and women, old and young, see God’s visions, dream God’s dreams.
Young and old, women and men, feel the Spirit fall like rain.
People everywhere on earth, join creation, shout for joy:
Praise is due you, O God,
for all that you do,
for all that you have done,
for all that you promise to do.
You are invited to fill out the connection card located in the pew rack in front of
you. Prayer requests can also be communicated on the connection card.
Please place these cards in the offering plate later in the service.
*Opening Prayer
Teddy Shuck
God, as we walk through the world each day, we see many self-centered visions of life.
We are tempted to do everything for short-term gain and to give no thought to eternal
glory. We ask you, O Lord, to give us the courage to live by your grand vision and not
the small visions of this world. Keep our hearts ever focused on Christ, the one through
whom you revealed yourself to the world. Amen.
*Hymn # 159
“Lift High the Cross”
Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and
deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved
you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly
sorry and we humbly repent, for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us
and forgive us; that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of
your Name. Amen.
The Word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
Sun. 10/19
*The Gloria Patri
A Time for the Child in All of Us
Bucket Lists: Vision and Hope are Inspirations of the Heart
Rev. Bryan Langdoc
Hymn # 405
“Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God”
The Prayers of the People
Sharing in Tithes and Offerings
Beth Watson
The Offertory
“All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name”
- Barbara Paré & Bryan Langdoc
Offering envelopes are in the rack on the back of the pew in front of you.
*The Presentation and the Doxology
Offering Prayer
Whatever challenges we face, O God, we have also known your many blessings—
threshing floors full of grain, vats overflowing with wine and oil.
Accept these gifts as tokens of our thankfulness, that they may be used to prophesy in
your spirit and to share your bounty with those in need. Amen.
At Gobin Church, we celebrate Holy Communion during our 10:30am worship
service on the first Sunday of each month. However, if you wish to receive
communion on any other Sunday (including today), you are invited to Peace Chapel
immediately following the service for a brief celebration of Holy Communion.
Passing the Peace
The Peace of the Lord be with you always.
And also with you.
Sending Forth
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Mon. 10/20
11:30-2:30pm Getting Ahead Class
Tues. 10/21 5:30pm
Fellowship at Putnam Inn
Circles of Hope
Bible Study
7 :45pm
Allies Group
Wed. 10/22 11:30-2:30pm Getting Ahead Class
Thurs.10/23 9am-12pm & 1-3pm Church Office Open
Denise on Vacation
FCJ Team Pitch-In at Shuck household
Fri. 10/24
Pastor’s Sabbath
Church Office Closed—Denise on Vacation
Sun. 10/26
Fellowship Time
Sunday School for All
Worship—Commitment Sunday
Putnam County Cluster Charge Conference
Mon. 10/27
11:30-2:30pm Getting Ahead Class
Missions Meeting
Tues. 10/28 5:30pm
Fellowship at Putnam Inn
Bible Study
GIFT(aka Sundays with Monday on Tuesdays)
Wed. 10/29 9am-12pm
Phil DeVol Event at Prindle Institute
11:30-2:30pm Getting Ahead Class
2nd half of Phil DeVol Event by Invitation Only
Thurs. 10/30 9:30-3pm
Sewing Bee
Fri. 10/31
Pastor’s Sabbath
Let us share the peace of Christ with one another
by greeting those around us.
Bold text indicates unison reading or hymns.
* indicates please stand in heart or in posture.
Hymn # 451
“Be Thou My Vision”
Mon. 10/20
Tues. 10/21 9-12noon
Thurs. 10/23 4:30pm
Sat. 10/25
Tot’s Time
PCCS cooking class
AA Meeting in Colonnade Room