Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 Measurement report Sylomer - field test Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 2(16) Contest 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Customer ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 The site and purpose of the measurements.............................................................................. 3 2 Measurements ..................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Attenuation of the noise levels ............................................................................................. 6 2.2 Attenuation on one third octave bands...................................................................................13 3 Conclusions .......................................................................................................................16 Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 3(16) 1 Introduction 1.1 Customer Christian Berner Oy / Getzner Werkstoffe Tuomas Laitinen PL 12 01740 VANTAA 1.2 The site and purpose of the measurements The site is located in southern Finland and the shortest distance between the buildings and the railway track is about 40 meters. Before starting the planning process of the building, vibration measurements were carried out at the site. The estimated ground borne noise level LA,S,max (maximum A-weighted sound pressure level during a train passing measured using time constant slow) in the building was about 45-48 dB. In order to attenuate ground borne noise levels induced by the railway traffic a isolator system was designed and installed in the buildings. The requirements for isolator system were derived from vibration measurement results by Helimaki Acoustics. The designing of the system and the calculations for acoustical response of the system were carried out together by Helimaki Acoustics, Christian Berner and Getzner Werkstoffe. The field measurements of the Sylomer isolators were carried out at a construction site. At the time of measurements the building was almost finished and the isolators had reached approximately at least 90 % of the full loading. The purpose of the measurements was to investigate the real attenuation achieved in the field with the isolators. The measured building had seven floors. The horizontal Sylomer layers were 18mm thick and the vertical layers 6mm (figures 1…5). Figure 1. Building is supported by the concrete piles. Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 4(16) Figure 2. Below the horizontal Sylomer layer (blue) is an unisolated part of building foundation and on top of the isolator is the isolated part of building foundation. Figure 3. In different loading positions a different type of Sylomer was used. Different Sylomer types have different colors. Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 5(16) Figure 4. The maintenance space under the building. Figure 5. The sides of an isolated part of foundation that would be left under the ground level after finishing the building were covered with vertical layers of 6mm Sylomer that was protected by an EPS layer. Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 6(16) 2 Measurements Measurement of the vibration levels was done with measurement unit having eight synchronized channels. Six of the channels were equipped with accelerometers in order to measure the vibration levels in three directions simultaneously at two points. The upper measurement point was located at the isolated part of building foundation and the other measurement point was located underneath the Sylomer at unisolated part of building foundation. Vibration measurements were done from two different positions (annex 1 & 2 and figure 6). One of the channels was equipped with microphone in order to measure the sound levels in the reference room. Reference room was located at the other side of the building than the railroad. The aim was to minimize the effect of the airborne noise. All measurements were done with the vibration excitation induced by the train passing. Figure 6. Upper measurement point is on the isolated and the second measurement point is on the unisolated part of building foundation. The horizontal Sylomer layer separating the building parts is underneath the vertical Sylomer layer. The blue line shows the location of horizontal layer. 2.1 Attenuation of the noise levels The measured horizontal groundborne noise levels at the unisolated part of foundation were 10…14 dB lower than the vertical levels. In the earlier surveys that were done before the start of the building process, all directions were assumed to be critical. Especially low frequency (<12Hz) vibration levels in horizontal direction were considerable. The reason for horizontal vibration levels being now considerably lower than in planning Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 7(16) stage is assumed to be because of the different kind of transfer function for the vertical and horizontal vibration between the ground and foundation. Because the vertical vibration level was considerably higher than the horizontal directions, it is quite safe to assume that the measured noise levels at the reference room were caused by the vertical component of the vibration. The measured attenuation values for the Sylomer isolators are shown in the table 1. Attenuation is defined using two different methods. In the first column the attenuation is defined using the difference between the measured noise level at the reference room and the calculated ground borne noise level measured from the unisolated part of the building foundation. Calculation of the ground borne noise level from the measured vibration signal is done according to the recommendation given by VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland). Calculation method uses reference velocity of 1 nm/s and is based on calculation models published by Federal Transit Admisnistration of U.S.A. ( and When a starting value for calculation is the measured velocity level from building foundation the calculation models taken into account following parameters: resonance, A-weighting, conversion from inch/s to m/s, safety margin, floor in which the analysis is made. In the second column the attenuation is defined using the difference between the calculated ground borne noise level from the measured vibration signal of the isolated and unisolated part of the foundation. The position numbers in the table correspond to isolator numbering in the isolator plan done in the planning stage. Table 1. The measured average attenuations in different directions. Position Direction Attenuation between Attenuation between reference room and isolated and unisounisolated founda- lated part of foundation [dB] 1) tion [dB] 2) vertical 17 10 Position 12 perpendicular to track - 3) 74) along the track - 3) -5) vertical 12 6 Position 26 perpendicular to track - 3) 64) along the track - 3) -5) 1) compare to figures 7…10 2) compare to figures 11…14 3) Noise level in the reference room is caused by the vertical vibration component and therefore the attenuation in horizontal directions is impossible to define using the measured noise levels. 4) Attenuation was not possible to define from some of the train passings because the measured vibration levels from the isolated part of foundation were too close to background levels. 5) Attenuation was not possible to define because the measured vibration levels from the isolated part of foundation were equal to background levels. Theoretically the comparison between the unisolated and isolated part of foundation should give more accurate results about the achieved attenuation levels for the isolators. In this case the relatively high background vibration levels in the building made it impossible to measure the real vibration levels induced by the trains. The background vibration levels in the building were caused by the HWAC equipments. Therefore the attenuation defined using the measured noise level in reference room and calculated ground borne noise level in unisolated part of foundation is more reliable. Because the vertical vibration levels in unisolated foundation were dominant compared to horizontal components, the attenuation was possible to define only in vertical direction. A train passing measured in vertical direction from the unisolated foundation from posiTämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 8(16) tion 12 is shown in figure 7. Ground borne noise levels for the same passing are shown in figure 8. Taking into account 2dB attenuation/floor assumed in the VTT recommendation, one can define difference between the maximum noise levels in the room and in the vertical direction in unisolated foundation to be 18 dB. From the figure 8 one can also easily see that the vertical component is dominant. The corresponding results from position 26 are shown in figures 9 and 10. The vertical component is again dominant. Comparing the maximum noise level in the reference room to the vertical ground borne noise level in unisolated part of foundation, difference of 10 dB can be defined. mm/s^2 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 -10.0 -20.0 -30.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 s Figure 7. Linear acceleration signal of a train passing measured from position 12 in vertical direction (unisolated foundation). Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 9(16) dB(A) 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 s Figure 8. Ground borne noise levels of a train passing are shown in figure 7. From top to bottom: unisolated foundation vertical direction, unisolated foundation along the track, unisolated foundation perpendicular to track and measured noise level in reference room. mm/s^2 20.0 10.0 0.0 -10.0 -20.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 s Figure 9. Linear acceleration signal of a train measured from position 26 in vertical direction (unisolated foundation). Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 10(16) dB(A) 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 s Figure 10. Ground borne noise levels of the train passing are shown in figure 9. From top to bottom: unisolated foundation vertical direction, measured noise level in reference room, unisolated foundation along the track and unisolated foundation perpendicular to track. In the figures 11..14 the attenuation as a function of time during a train passing are shown. According to figure 12 one can see that in position 12 the maximum attenuation in vertical direction is 12 dB and the average attenuation is 10 dB. For the position 26 the corresponding values are 7 dB and 6 dB during a train passing. The background vibration levels in the building disturbed the analysis of the attenuation values especially on the higher frequency bands (see the next chapter). Therefore the attenuation could be even higher than stated above. In the figure 13 the corresponding attenuation values are shown when the calculation is done in the direction perpendicular to track. According to figure 13 on can see that in position 12 the maximum attenuation perpendicular to track is 9 dB and the average attenuation is 6 dB. For the position 26 the corresponding values are 8 dB and 6 dB during a train passing. Attenuation was not possible to define from some of the train passings because the measured vibration levels from the isolated part of foundation were too close to background levels. In the figure 14 the corresponding attenuation values are shown when the calculation is done in the direction along the track. Attenuation was not possible to define because the measured vibration levels from the isolated part of foundation were equal to background levels. As mentioned earlier the horizontal vibration levels in the unisolated part of foundation were notably lower than the vertical vibration levels and therefore only the vertical component was relevant. The measured ground borne noise levels in the building fulfilled the requirements set in the planning phase (LA,S,max 30). In the figure 15 measured A-weighted sound pressure levels on one third octave bands during a train passing in the reference room are shown. Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 mm/s^2 50 11(16) mm/s^2 20.0 18.0 40 16.0 14.0 30 12.0 10.0 20 8.0 6.0 10 4.0 2.0 0 0.0 -2.0 -10 -4.0 -6.0 -20 -8.0 -10.0 -30 -12.0 -14.0 -40 -16.0 -18.0 -50 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 -20.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 s s Figure 11. On the left a measured train passing from position 12 is shown and on the right from the position 26. dB(A) 15.0 dB(A) 15.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 s 15.0 s Figure 12. Attenuation between the unisolated part of foundation and isolated part of foundation in vertical direction during train passing. Results are derived from the signals shown in figure 11. Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 dB(A) 15.0 dB(A) 15.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 12(16) 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 s 15.0 s Figure 13. Attenuation between the unisolated part of foundation and isolated part of foundation measured perpendicular to track during train passing. Results are derived from the signals shown in figure 11. dB(A) 15.0 dB(A) 15.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 s 0.0 5.0 10.0 s Figure 14. Attenuation between the unisolated part of foundation and isolated part of foundation measured along the track during train passing. Attenuations are derived from the signals shown in figure 11. Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 13(16) Figure 15. Measured A-weighted sound pressure level in the reference room during a train passing on one third octave bands. 2.2 Attenuation on one third octave bands The attenuation on one third octave bands was defined by comparing the vibration levels between the unisolated and isolated part of building foundation. In figure 15 the calculated attenuation values in vertical direction are shown. The HWAC installations/equipments caused relatively high background vibration levels in the building and therefore the attenuation values could not be defined on the frequencies over 80 Hz. If the vibration levels caused by the HWAC-equipments effect on the results below 80 Hz, the real attenuation values are higher than shown in figure 16. In figures 17 and 18 the corresponding attenuation values are shown in horizontal directions. In the direction perpendicular to track attenuation values were possible to define only up to 63 Hz. On higher frequencies vibration levels were not possible to separate reliably from the background levels. In the direction along the track the values are unreliable through the frequency band. Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 14(16) Figure 16. Attenuation values defined in vertical direction on one third octave bands between the unisolated and isolated part of building foundation. The HWAC installations/equipments caused the high background vibration levels in the building and therefore calculation of attenuation values on the frequencies above 80 Hz was not possible. Figure 17. Attenuation values defined in the direction perpendicular to track on one third octave bands between the unisolated and isolated part of building foundation. Above 63 Hz the measured vibration levels were so low that the calculation was not possible. Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 15(16) Figure 18. Attenuation values defined along the track on one third octave bands between the unisolated and isolated part of building foundation. The measured vibration levels in this direction were so low that the results are not reliable through the frequency band. Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. Report 4668-1b 30.10.2010 16(16) 3 Conclusions The measured ground borne noise levels in reference room induced by trains fulfilled the requirement set in the planning phase LA,S,max 30dB. Measured vibration levels from the unisolated part of building foundation revealed that the vertical component was dominant. In fact the horizontal vibration levels were so close to the background levels that it caused problems when the attenuation values were defined in horizontal directions. All the measurements were carried out using real train passings as an excitation signal. Therefore better and more reliable results especially on higher frequencies and in horizontal direction might have been achieved, if the man-made excitation would have been used. However from the noise level measurements of the train passings it was possible to define that the noise levels in the building fulfilled the requirements set in the planning phase. Because the vertical component was clearly dominant, it was possible to define the attenuation value in vertical direction by comparing the measured noise level in reference room and the calculated ground borne noise level in unisolated part of foundation. Using this method an average attenuation of 17 dB was achieved in position 12 and 12 dB in position 26. Variation in results from different positions is not due to different Sylomer type in different positions. This is because the whole isolated structure forms an integrated system. In this case the comparison between measured noise level in reference room and calculated groundborne noise level in unisolated part of building foundation correspond better to the achieved total attenuation with the isolators because the comparison between unisolated and isolated part of foundation was interfered by the vibration caused by the HWAC equipments inside the building. According to the measurements achieved attenuation level with the isolation system fulfills the estimations and requirements defined in the planning stage. In order to achieve better isolation a thicker layer of Sylomer should be used. Results reveal that it is possible to estimate the isolation efficiency with reasonable accuracy in the planning phase if the vibration levels are measured in advance at the site and if the material properties are well documented. Rauma 30.10.2010 Timo Huhtala M. Sc. Helimaki Acoustics – Rauma Lyseokatu 5A3 26100 Rauma, Finland +358 20 7118 597 Heikki Helimäki M. Sc. Helimaki Acoustics - Helsinki Temppelikatu 6B 00100 Helsinki, Finland +358 20 7118 591 Tämän asiakirjan osittainen julkaiseminen tai kopiointi on sallittua vain Insinööritoimisto Heikki Helimäki Oy:n kirjallisella luvalla. INSINÖÖRITOIMISTO HEIKKI HELIMÄKI OY Temppelikatu 6 B, 00100 Helsinki Puh. 020-7118 590, fax 09-589 33861 S-posti 4688-1b Sylomer - field test Annex 1 Measurement points 30.10.2010 Vibration measurements were done from two different position: position 12 (Sylomer type I) and position 26 (Sylomer type II). In both positions the upper vibration measurement point was located at the isolated part of building foundation and the other measurement point was located underneath the Sylomer at unisolated part of building foundation. In all measurement points the vibration was measured in all three directions. Noise levels were measured in the reference room with microphone. 1 805 4 620 8 825 5 700 5 300 6 4 3 2 gk=263 kN/m qk= 34 kN/m 7 gk=470 kN/m qk=101 kN/m 1 8 5 13 12 11 10 2 15 14 gk=118 kN/m qk= 8 k N/m 750 5 400 17 16 gk=320 kN/m qk= 65 kN/m 900 3 400 4 28 27 26 25 400 700 2185 4 600 gk=93 k N/m gk=247 kN/m qk= 47 kN/m 34 33 gk=389 kN/m qk= 92 kN/m 3 200 44 gk=371 kN/m qk= 70 kN/m 6 39 37 36 35 49 48 45 46 gk=86 k N/m qk=55 k N/m 47 2050 5 400 400 2050 900 7 900 1700 ASUINRAKENNUKSESTA gk=146 kN/m qk= 8 k N/m gk=180 kN/m qk= 69 kN/m 750 900 5 43 42 41 40 38 32 31 5 400 1600 3 200 1600 gk=166 kN/m qk= 20 kN/m 30 29 3 200 52 51 50 500 54 750 3 810 400 500 3 810 53 gk=152 kN/m qk= 75 kN/m gk=496 kN/m qk=114 kN/m 8 58 60 59 1700 1600 57 56 55 3 600 3 600 450 750 9 750 gk=152 kN/m qk= 75 kN/m 65 64 300 66 63 62 61 68 67 69 5 510 750 5 510 70 74 72 10 1600 73 71 79 4 600 gk=166 kN/m qk= 20 kN/m 78 4 600 77 76 75 gk=93 k N/m gk=118 kN/m qk= 8 k N/m 80 750 11 84 83 82 81 3 530 3 530 89 gk=33 9 kN/m qk= 66 kN/m 90 12 86 85 88 87 300 500 500 24 23 750 4 600 1600 22 21 20 19 18 3 200 900 3 890 gk=93 k N/m 9 750 5 400 1700 2 200 3 890 gk=337 kN/m qk= 56 kN/m gk=247 kN/m qk= 47 kN/m gk=412 kN/m qk= 68 kN/m 900 gk=383 kN/m qk= 59 kN/m 1700 gk=34 5 kN/m qk= 56 kN/m 900 gk=458 kN/m qk=161 kN/m 300 500 800 4 090 INSINÖÖRITOIMISTO HEIKKI HELIMÄKI OY Temppelikatu 6 B, 00100 Helsinki Puh. 020-7118 590, fax 09-589 33861 S-posti 4688-1b Sylomer - field test Annex 2 Measurement points 30.10.2010 Measurement points marked in the building foundation plan. Position numbers correspond to isolator numbering in the calculations done in the planning stage of the building. 800 1700 gk=376 kN/m qk= 95 kN/m 700 1340 2189 900 1700 500 gk=258 kN/m qk= 58 kN/m
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