BRUIN BUZZ---2014/2015 ONE CALL NOW--This is an emergency announcement system using your cell phone and texting which will enable Ballard to get information out quickly. SIGNING up for 1CN alerts: STEP 1: Please go to and click on the “Sign Up” button to verify and update your contact info. Make sure you enter your cell phone number as your phone number, if you would like to receive text notifications. STEP 2: From your cell phone (make sure it is same one on the you just verified), text the word ‘alert’ to 22300 Volunteers Needed For 8th Grade Open House Concessions! This coming Thursday, October 23, 2014 from 6:30-8:30 pm, Ballard is hosting an 8th grade open house. PTSA has been asked to provide and serve popcorn and drinks to our guests that evening. Please sign up if you can help warmly welcome our prospective students! You can find our sign up form at SignUp Genius by following the link below… Thank you in advance! LAST CHANCE Choreograph a dance, produce a film, write a poem or story, compose a song, take a picture or create a piece of visual art and tell us your interpretation of the theme: "The world would be a better place if..." Pick up a PTA Reflections entry form today in the North Office and return your entry by Tuesday, October 21, 2014. Please contact the Rhonda Reskin/ PTSA at Please contact the Rhonda Reskin/ PTSA at for more information or go to: Congrats to those Ballard broadcasting students who won awards in the Kentucky Youth Film Festival. This coincides with the International Festival of Film held last weekend. Our students attended the red carpet awards ceremony at Louisville Slugger Field and brought back 8 awards, 4 of them first place for money and prizes. Check out the 1st place winning entries on our broadcasting website Volunteers Needed For Clothing Assistance Program (CAP)! Each local PTSA is asked to send volunteers to work at CAP twice a year. Volunteers are asked to work 2-3 hours between 10am-1pm on their assigned days. It is critical we have schools send volunteers, as CAP is run solely by volunteers and we need everyone to make this program successful. Well, Ballard’s day is Wednesday, October 29th between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm., and we need to make sure we send enough volunteers to get the job done and represent our school well! CAP is located at 319 South 15th Street. Going west on Muhammad Ali, take a right onto 15th Street and our entrance is at the end of the football field fencing before the next intersection. If you have any questions about the Clothing Assistance Program and volunteering, please feel free to email Ballard’s PTSA President, Greg Fleischaker at greg@gregfleischaker dot com. Congratulations to the following students for being selected for Homecoming Court: Freshmen--Faith Cobb, Lily Hamilton, Carmen Valenzuela, Kereion Douglas, Josh Grabowski, Donte Powell Sophomores--Catie Barber, Morgan Ciasto, Bailey Morris, Ezra Nezz, Brooks Owen, Matthew Samuel Juniors--Avery Hoskins, Keri O'Toole, Maya Woolfolk, Tucker Monheimer, Callum Parkes, Napthali Zazweeta Seniors--Celine Malawi, Natalia Martinez, Megan Newton, Terry Calloway, Logan Fogle, Dylan Petiprin The winners will be announced at halftime of the Homecoming game tonight. ----------------------------BREAST CANCER T-SHIRTS ARE ON SALE IN BOOKSTORE $10/$12 BREAST CANCER GAME IS NOV 17TH Dance Maroon will be hosting a tailgate on the practice football field tonight before the Homecoming game starting at 4:30pm FOR THE ENTIRE BALLARD COMMUNITY! There will be food, games, face and body painting, a cake walk and possibly a dunk tank! Admission is FREE but bring extra cash, as activities and food will cost a small donation! Bring your family and friends to celebrate Homecoming and then cheer the Bruins on to a win! The Bruin College Fair will be on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 from 9:30 Until 11:30 in the large gym. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend. We have over 40 local and out of state colleges and universities represented, the United States Armed Forces and other schools of interest such as JobCorps, Paul Mitchell, Empire, and Cosmopolitan. If you would like to see your Alma Mater represented contact Yvonne Riggs at 339-8783. We look forward to seeing you there! NEHS: Next meeting is Thurs. Nov. 6th---be sure to turn in your $10.00, application, and collage piece. Thanks, Mrs. Bond (S221) Do you love THE ARTS? Would you like to experience them firsthand? The Fine Arts Program is an extracurricular group of students who attend one Arts event each month and earn class credit. The first trip is coming up at the end of October! Contact Mr. Hartigan at or see him in room S112 if interested. Ski and Snow Boarding Club members see Ms. Davis in S224 if you haven't picked up important information from Paoli Peaks. Attention seniors: Our district does not support using SENDedu. To have your transcript sent to a college, you must create a Parchment account and request the colleges to send transcripts. Go to See Ms. Gapen if you have any questions. We now have Senior T-Shirts for sale in the Bookstore. They are $10.00 each. Ballard Beta Club is helping to provide safe water to people around the world by hosting a shoe drive from October 13-27, 2014. Shoes of any size and condition can be dropped off at the counseling office located across from the attendance office. The shoes will be donated to WaterStep, an organization that uses training and technology to create long-lasting water solutions for developing countries. Anyone can donate! BETA members can earn one service hour for every two pairs of shoes with a maximum of 2 hours (4 pairs) YOUNG LIFE Young Life Club is back!!! Every other Wednesday (10/29, 11/12...) after school (2:45-3:45pm) in the choir room. Follow on twitter:@BallardYL or our Facebook group: Ballard Young Life Contact Seth Michels at Interested in Chess club? Practice is every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30. See Mr. Hibma in N136 for more information. The Ballard Debate Team is going to be starting their 2014-15 run for national championship in Speech, Policy, Lincoln-Douglas and public forum debate. The debate team is also going to be running through The University of Louisville this year, which may interest those interested in attending UofL in 2015. Please contact Mr. Marsh in room S104 to obtain more details about this great organization. We look forward to seeing you all this year. . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPORTS... All Ballard Home Football games will begin at 7:00 p.m. this year. Go Bruins! All Sport Passes are available for purchase in the Bookstore before school and during all lunches. Get yours before they are gone. The cost is only $60.00 and it gets you into ALL Home sporting events. Pieces of the original Ballard Gymnasium floor are currently on sale. Pieces are $25.00 and are available on a first come, first serve basis. To get your piece of Ballard history, email Athletic Director Chris Kinney at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON THE GO... TRIP TO ITALY, SUMMER OF 2015 Students and is your opportunity to go on an educational tour of Italy. You will tour such places as Milan, Venice, Florence, Assisi, Rome, Pompeii, the Sorrento region and a boat ride to the Island of Capri. If you would like further information, contact Mr. Harstad at or go by his room S111 for a printed brochure or go to It’s Not Too Late….. The Ballard Art and Social Studies Departments are planning a fabulous trip to enrich the educational experience of our students. And spaces are still available!! Our trip to Europe is planned for spring break 2015, and promises to be the experience of a lifetime! We begin our 10 day adventure in Paris, move on to The French Riviera, Florence, and end in Rome. The cost of this trip includes round-trip airfare and other transportation, hotel accommodations in three-and fourstar hotels, daily breakfast and dinner, a full time bilingual Tour Director, and local guides. Students can see Mr. Smith in room W123, Mrs. Bradford in W120, or Mr. Morgan in S216 for information. You can also visit and enter tour #1511871RN. BALLARD FREE TUTORING OPPORTUNITIES French Tutoring every week alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays in Mrs. Watkins' room, room S108 from 2:30-3. Math--Room N235 Monday thru Thursday, 2:30-3:30 p.m. and also during all lunches. During the day, if a student is in a study hall and wants to work on Math they can go to room N236. Science--There is Science tutoring held every day Monday-Thursday of some type. You can find the schedule outside of Room S105. Computer Lab Times-The computer labs are open for all students, every day at the following times and locations: N246--7:00 a.m.-7:30 a.m.--Mr. Gilliland S209--7:00 a.m.-7:30 a.m.--Ms. Barber N230--7:00 a.m.-7:30 a.m.--Ms. Klausing N232--7:15 a.m.-7:40 a.m. and 2:20p.m.-3:30 p.m.--Mr. Crume Japanese tutoring is available before or after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. English tutoring in S225, Monday thru Friday, 6:45 a.m.-7:30 a.m. Click here for Equal Opportunity Policy Statement for Jefferson County Public Schools
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