First United Methodist Church Firs Met

October 2014
First United Methodist Church
Christ’s Disciples Transforming The World
From the Pastor
First United
Methodist Church
200 East Center St.
Madisonville, KY 42431
Dale Carden, Senior Pastor
Shelley Caulder, Executive Pastor
Ken Hundley, Student Ministries Pastor
Trace McCann, Children’s Pastor
Our Ministry Together
Over the last several months we
have been reminded of our Vision
at First UMC to be Christ’s Disciples
Transforming the World. The IT is
to be about Intentional Transformation to Discover, Connect,
Grow, and Send.
Many times we are very
intentional in our walk with Christ
and as there is a purpose to our
living that goes beyond where we
are right now. We seek to grow in
our relationship with Christ. We
also know we long for our church
to be a vital part of a growing
community of faith.
The difficulty comes when we are
called to move from our intent to
purposeful action. We aspire to
better lives, a better church, a
better community and a better
world. The hard work is finding a
faithful path on which we travel. In
other words, What’s Next?
What do we actually need to do
to produce Next in order to be that
better person, to have the better
church, community or world?
Moving beyond intentions begins
by changing the questions we ask
ourselves. Instead of only asking
what kind of person we wish to
be...we also need to ask the less
comfortable question of what we
need to change about ourselves.
We are commonly better at
aspiring than of actually changing.
We need to shift our focus from a
distant better life or church to
focus on what do I need to change
next or now.
Leadership is more than
providing a vision of what could be.
It is taking action to change
ourselves first and live into a
promised land we sense is God’s
will for us. God invites all of us to
look deeply into our own lives and
see what’s next. What change can
I make today that will help me
become more of who God
intended me to be. It will not
always be easy, but God will do
great things in us and through us
with the change that comes as we
seek God’s heart and God’s will.
Great possibilities await!
All Saints Day
be provided. Just bring
Sunday, November 2, is All
Saints Sunday. On this day, we
will include a time of remembrance for our members who have
died since All Saints Sunday in
something sweet to eat. There
Back Pack Blessings has
begun. Please continue to bring
Celebration. We have been asked
pumpkin. Receive a 4 x 6 family/
why we do not meet at 6:00 as the
friend picture courtesy of our
adult classes. Many students who
Blessings list located on each
extra-curricular activities do not
possibly be held in the MAC and
underway. Our goal for our Hands
finish until 6:00 pm and we want
will include chili and a movie.
of Christ in Guatemala Team is to
them to have an opportunity to
have our teams in place by mid-
join us on Wednesday nights, too.
Prayer Partners Needed:
The Prayer Ministry is asking
for prayer partners for the
FUMC to honor this year-long
January Guatemala Mission
commitment of our church to
Team. Please call Judy White
the “at-risk” children of West
270-871-6424 or the church
Broadway Elementary School.
office to sign up.
Each week these items will be
delivered to WBES. Volunteers
are always welcome. If you
need more information, please
contact Ken 270-821-5734 or
email Denise Winstead at
Annual Church Picnic
Sharing Ministries would like
to invite you to our annual Fall
are involved in sports or other
Hands of Christ Mission Teams are
welcome table . This will enable
packed here at FUMC and
Signups for our summer 2015
case of rain, this event will
in weekly the food items as
contained on the Backpack
from 6:30 – 8:00 pm for
kids plus everyone gets a
church photographer, Laura. In
Back Pack Blessings
As a reminder, both groups meet
will be plenty of activities for
WBES Opportunity
Forty 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade
students have signed up for an
after school music club. It will
meet on Thursdays from 3:00 to
3:30 pm. If you have a desire to
October so you will need to move
quickly to participate. The
Loucon retreat dates have been
deadline for our Hands of Christ in
set. Our High School Retreat is
Memphis is October 14. If you
scheduled for November 21-23 and
unable to meet this deadline, let us
our Middle School Retreat is
know and we will see if we can add
scheduled for December 6-7. Mark
any additional members. At our
your calendars and plan to be with
Shareholder Dinner we shared
us at one of our favorite places!
some of the changes that will take
place in our team formation and
As always, we are so grateful for
preparation. We look forward to
the adults who serve with us.
these changes and feel they will
Their love for Jesus, which is
better equip the teams to serve.
reflected in their love for our
students, is such a blessing.
Both of our Middle School and
“help”, contact Ruth Hardy 270-
High School Leadership Teams
853-9010. We will be singing,
have been busy making plans for
reading music, playing rhythm
the rest of 2014 and into 2015.
instruments and harmonizing.
Watch for detailed information
Picnic at Stanley’s Pumpkin
and we encourage all of our
Patch, October 19, 2014 from
students to participate in our
4 - 6 pm. Chili and hotdogs will
ministries as much as you can.
Rev Ken Hundley
Associate Pastor of Student Ministries
Jon Parker
Middle School Leader
Growing Kids for God’s Kingdom
Once again we have the
opportunity to celebrate the birth
of Christ and share His Good News
and Great Joy by packing a shoe
box of gifts for a child through
Operation Christmas Child. This
ministry of Samaritan’s Purse was
begun in 1993 when they collected
28,000 boxes. In 2013, God worked
through people like you to send
almost 10 million boxes! The boxes
go to children in places like the
Philippines after the massive
destruction of Typhoon Haiyan, or
in Syrian refugee camps. And in just
the past four years over 1.1 million
children have prayed to accept
Jesus as their Lord and Savior and
were discipled in their program THE
Jeremy & Meaghan Teal are
“sponsoring” this ministry, and will
be providing the preprinted GO
boxes for those who want
them. Information about what to
pack in the boxes are on the table
outside the MAC, and the deadline
for turning in a box is November
16. The goal for 2014 is 200 boxes!
Family Fall Festival
Wednesday night, October 29, from
5:15—7:30, we will celebrate our 3rd
sponsored by the Children’s
Committee. Supper will start at
5:15, and the booths in the gym, and
trunk or treat will begin at 6:00.
About 7:00 the “Pie in the Face”
event gets started with new faces
to be creamed!! The price of
admission for the Family Fall
Festival are personal hygiene items
and food for the Food Bank. All are
encouraged to wear costumes, BUT
no scary ones, please!!
Outreach Spotlight
The Outreach “Spotlight” for
October is the Women's Triangle
Recovery House. This is a nonprofit
entity that provides a safe,
supportive, healthy home for
women recovering from addictive
illness. This is a "Whole-Person"
program which means they help
women heal physically, mentally,
emotionally, and most of all
spiritually. Their day begins and
ends with spiritual direction and a
spiritual “recap” respectfully. They
can always use help, both
monetarily and through
volunteering to help their guests
get to appointments, meetings, job
interviews, etc, If you would like to
volunteer call Rita Miller, the
administrator, at 270-245-2732.
Attendance and Offering
Upcoming Events
Sundays - September 7, 14, 21, 28
Monthly Average:
October 2
SS Attendance
12:00 pm JOY
$ 17,588.68
Worship Attendance
October 6-10
Yearly Average:
Worship Attendance
SS Attendance
Weekly Contributions
$ 21,948.18
Financial Giving:
Fall Break
October 9
10:00 am Kiel Moore
YTD 9-30-14
Contributions Received
$ 855,978.97
October 13
Contributions Needed
$ 878,734.00
Over (Short) as of 9-30-14
Designated Giving YTD
$ 36,537.96
5:30 pm SPRC
7:00 pm Chrysalis
Prayer List
Wes & Mary Ann Babb
Shannon Baker
Ken Bivins
Darla Brewer
Collett Burden
Irvin Darnall
Bobbie Dunville
Larry Ellis
Mike Ferrell
Dottie Kercheval Garrigan
Lori Kingery Golinski
Chuck Harper
Gaylon Hopper
Alice Inglis
Butch Inglis
Wayne Jenkins
Maurice & Shirley Lisanby
Kenny Long
Martha McLevain
Charles Manning
Amy Menser
Patty Milton
Sandy Moore
Greg Myers
Richard Oglesby
Lori Corley Qualls
Marsha Segebarth
Sandy Sisk
David & Dawn Sparks
Austin Thompson
Kenneth Thornbury
Lee Etta Thornbury
Hazel Trummer
Suzanne Waide
Doyle Waide & Family Nadine
Nikki Adcock Williams
Barbara Wright
Margaret Zieba
Homebound and
Nursing Home
Price Barton
Martha Campbell
Veneda Corum
Jimmy Hancock
Mary Humphrey
Wayne Martin
John & Ruth Porter
Jean & James Prow
Judy Rodgers
Bettie Ruddell
Bertha Scott
Laura & Flip Stewart
Ruby Nell Simpson
Marilyn Threlkeld
Mayme Weldon
Vernice Wheat
Arthur Yarbrough
Please pray for our Military
Personnel also.
***Our Prayer List Policy is that names
will be removed after 4 weeks unless
you request they remain listed. Please
contact Carolyn at 821-5734 with any
October 14
6:00 pm Trustees
October 18
8:00 am Andrew Link
October 19
4:00 pm Church Picnic
October 20
5:30 pm Finance
7:00 pm Chrysalis
October 27
7:00 pm Chrysalis
November 2
November 9
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Charge Conference
October 2014
5:15 pm WNA Dinner
6:00 pm WNA Classes
6:00 pm Bells Practice
6:30 pm MS & HS Celebration
7:00 pm Chancel Choir
12:00 pm JOY
5:30 pm Blended Choir
7:00 pm Coming Home
Prayer Time
10:00 am Kiel Moore
12:30 - 2:00 pm Praise Teams
6:00 pm Sunday Evening
6:00 pm Precepts
5:30 pm SPRC
6:30 pm Boy Scouts
7:00 pm Chrysalis Team
6:00 pm Trustees
6:00 pm Desperate
6:00 pm Precepts
5:15 pm WNA Dinner
6:00 pm WNA Classes
6:00 pm Bells Practice
6:30 pm MS & HS Celebration
7:00 pm Chancel Choir
5:30 pm Blended Choir
7:00 pm Coming Home
Prayer Time
5:30 pm Blended Choir
7:00 pm Coming Home
Prayer Time
12:30 - 2:00 pm Praise Teams
6:00 pm Girl Scouts
7:00 pm Coming Home
Prayer Time
8:00 am Andrew Link
12:30 - 2:00 pm Praise Teams
4:00 pm Church Picnic
6:00 pm Sunday Evening
5:30 pm Finance
6:30 pm Boy Scouts
7:00 pm Chrysalis Team
6:00 pm Desperate
6:00 pm Precepts
5:15 pm WNA Dinner
6:00 pm WNA Classes
6:00 pm Bells Practice
6:30 pm MS & HS Celebration
7:00 pm Chancel Choir
6:00 pm Desperate
6:00 pm Precepts
5:15 pm WNA Dinner
6:00 pm Fall Festival
6:00 pm Bells Practice
6:30 pm MS & HS Celebration
7:00 pm Chancel Choir
5:30 pm Blended Choir
7:00 pm Coming Home
Prayer Time
12:30 - 2:00 pm Praise Teams
6:30 pm Boy Scouts
7:00 pm Chrysalis Team