The Methodist Messenger Loving God. Loving People. Making a Difference.

The Methodist Messenger
October , 2014
Londonderry United Methodist Church
Volume 28, Issue 8
What are we about ? “Loving God, Loving People, Making a Difference”
Dear Friends,
Loving God. Loving People. Making a Difference.
What a joy it is to have a new vision statement for LUMC! And what wonderful opportunities for
mission and ministry await as we explore new ways to live into this new vision. Of course, it’s not
completely new – it represents the culmination of all vision statements that have gone before and it will
be a jumping off point for our next statement.
What? The ink is barely dry on this one and I dare mention the next? Of course. A vision statement
is like the tiller on a sailboat – constantly adjusting the direction of the vessel, correcting for wind and
weather, ready to change course if necessary -- ever serving to guide sailboat and passengers safely
onward and home at last. Vision statements change over time because the people, the purpose, and the
conditions of the journey all change as well.
As we prayed and worked together over the summer, we learned that vision statements need to be short
enough to be easily remembered (and fit on a t-shirt!), and focused enough to inspire people and guide
their decisions going forward. One of the worst examples is a full 249 words! (About the length of this
letter so far.) Another bad example belongs to a newspaper chain: “Getting It Right the First Time …
More Often.” Gee. The best vision statements are simple, honest and motivating. Like
Disney’s “To make people happy” -- and now ours. But the time will come when we’ll need to rethink
and refresh. And that’s OK.
Vision statements are common among churches and businesses, but have you ever considered writing
one for yourself? A personal vision statement can inspire and guide your decisions as well. It can
inspire you to live up to your calling as a disciple of Jesus. It can remind you that you belong to God
and that God has big plans for your life. It can guide you to take time for prayer and reflection, study
and sharing with others. So I’d like to encourage you now to spend a little time in prayer, asking God to
reveal a personal vision statement for your life.
And remember, it will change over time as you grow deeper in faith and further along in your walk with
Jesus – and in it will be the seeds of the next one. Only God is constant. And only by God’s grace will
we learn to love and trust and become the people God created us to be:
Loving God. Loving People. Making a Difference.
Peace and Grace,
Rev. Lynne Campbell
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October Mission of the Month
Our Mission of the Month for July is our ongoing Support for the Juckett family who serve in “To strengthen
families and
a mission relationship with Campus Crusade for Christ in their Family Life ministry. The
church has supported the Jucketts since they stepped into this ministry over 22 years ago
the future”
from this church family. Lynn and Karen continue to make their home in Little Rock,
Arkansas where their ministry is headquartered. The focus of the Juckett’s ministry is to
strengthen families and marriages for the future. Lynn has held many positions in the
ministry of Family Life over his tenure there. He is now working with the Events
Management Group.
If you would like to make a gift to support their important work, please use the mission of the
month envelopes found in the pews and mark your gift for the Jucketts. Your gifts can be
placed in the offering plate on any Sunday morning, or mailed to the church office at 258
Mammoth Road, Londonderry, NH 03053.
Pancake Breakfast
Our Church sponsored, Troop 109 will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, October
5th from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM in Fellowship Hall. Come and enjoy a yummy breakfast prior
to your respective church service and help the troop in the process!
Book Club starting on October 5th!
Another fun event starting from the FUN Team is a Book Club, hosted by Tami and Matt
Hoffman. The group will meet on Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm, starting on 10/5 at Tami and
Matt’s home, 38 Brickyard Drive in Litchfield.. The first book will be “The Time Keeper”
by Mitch Albom. Contact Tami at or 886-0156 if you are
interested in participating.
Laity Sunday-October 12th
Laity Sunday will be on Sunday, October 12th this year and we are looking for readers and
worship leaders. If you are feeling called to help in this way, please speak with Tammy
Tenney, Lay Leader, Pastor Lynne, or call the church office at 432-7083.
How about going to a Corn Maze!
Another event sponsored by our “FUN Team” will be a trip to a local Corn Maze. This is
tentatively scheduled for Sunday, October 19th. Plans are in process for a quick lunch
either at LUMC or a local restaurant, and then a fun time at the Corn Maze.
Stay tuned for further details and confirmation of the date for this fun event!
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Prayer Group
We’d love to have YOU join us for our weekly Prayer Group-our always meaningful
(and generally fun) schedule for October is as follows:
 10/21
 10/28
Sharing of Prayer Concerns (Library)
Children’s Prayers-please bring a prayer by a child to share (Room 11)
Praying with Color (Library)
Hearing and Learning the Lord’s Prayer in French (Room 11)
Please note the location of each week’s meeting. Any questions about Prayer Group
may be directed to Betty Poole at 425-6498 or Cyndy Cleary at 537-0595.
Blessing of the Animals -October 4th
Once again this year, a blessing of the animals service will be held on Saturday,
October 4th at 10:00 am in front of the church. Yes, you are invited to bring your
“well-behaved” animals to be blessed at this special outdoor service! We held this
service last year and it was well attended with pets from dogs to cats, chickens,
bunnies, a goat, and many others.
Any kind of pet animal is welcome. We hope to make this a community-wide event, so
spread the word to your friends and neighbors.
Annual Fall Clean-Up
It is time for the LUMC annual Fall clean-up of our parsonage & church’s facilities,
Saturday November 8th from 9am – 12 pm. Please join us as we prepare for the
many upcoming events to be held at LUMC over the coming Fall and Winter!! Bring
any of your favorite lawn utensils, such as rakes, forks, clippers, etc. One last use for
these tools for the Season!
No RSVP required – just show up with a sunny disposition.
the with any questions!
Please contact
New Member Class
Pastor Lynne is beginning plans for our next new member class. See her for more
details, or call the office at 432-7083 to let us know of your interest.
Random Acts of Kindness
In one of her Children’s Messages at the late service, Pastor Lynne challenged us all to
complete at last 3 Random Acts of Kindness during the upcoming week. Those who
did so, found that the giver got as much, or even more, than the recipient. Showing
God’s love to another, just plain feels good!
Very appropriately, the following story appeared that next week in an AARP
Random Acts of Kindness …..from our Readers
By Denise Gregory, Lakewood, NJ
My dad, George Degethoff, was a talented mechanic and handyman. One day when I
was about 4, he took my hand and off we went to the Lockwood house two doors
down. After her husband’s death, it became a daily pleasure for “old Mrs. Lockwood”
to come out the screen door onto the big house’s wrap around veranda and watch the
neighborhood children play. Only we hadn’t seen much of her lately. Instead, she
stayed inside, looking wistfully out the window. Dad figured her screen door hinges
must have shifted, preventing the 90-year-old from opening the door. Outisd, Dad
made repairs. He then packed up his tools, grabbed and hand and started down the
porch steps. “But Daddy” I said, “you didn’t tell the lady!” “That’s OK,” he said.
“She’ll see it’s fixed.” “But she won’t know it’s you!” I replied. I then learned a life
lesson. “Pumpkin, I don’t need her to know that. That’s between God and me. And
you, too. I didn’t do it for the praise.” This humble, gentle man then took my hand,
and off we went to the next good deed.
Trustees looking for Technology Committee
The Trustees are looking to set up a Technology Committee. We are seeking
individuals to help make recommendations concerning acquisition, implementation,
maintenance, and upgrading of technologies here at LUMC. If you are interested please
email: or find a Trustee member – Chris West, Nancy
Morgan, Maureen Sherwin, Kevin Young, Brandin Swisher, Paul Marone, Michael
Costello, Tim Wade or Pastor Lynne. Thank you so much!
New Sermon Series
From October 19 to November 23, we will have a six-week sermon series on Adam
Hamilton’s new book study titled “Revival” and stewardship series on UMC views on
generosity as we prayerfully prepare to complete our 2015 pledges.
Th e M eth odistM esseng er
Jacob’s Ladder Pre-School
Preschool is off and running at Jacob’s Ladder! The students have enjoyed meeting new
friends, adjusting to the daily schedule, and having lots of fun! Our 4 year olds played lots
of name games to help remember our new friends. We also made a classroom book about
our new friends which is currently circulating its way through each student’s home. During
“A” week we sang songs about apples and made tissue paper apples for our classroom
bulletin board. We experimented with different apples to see which color apple was the
most popular with each of our groups. It was a split decision – with everyone agreeing that
apples sprinkled with a bit of cinnamon tasted best! The students also made red playdough,
got messy making handprint apple trees, and made birdfeeders to hang outside.
Our 3 year olds began their “All About Me” unit with full length body tracings, body
awareness games, and fun movement songs. We read lots of books about beginning school,
with the class favorite being Froggy Goes To School. We did some apple counting activities
and made a beautiful torn paper apple with a handprint stem. Apple picking at Mac’s was
great fun for the students and their families, who had a chance to mingle with one another.
We are looking forward to October, with lessons about autumn leaves and the five senses.
We will explore pumpkins and have some seasonably spooky fun – Happy Fall!
Parsonage Open House
You're invited! There will be an Open House at the parsonage for church members and
friends on Saturday, November 15th, from 2 PM to 4 PM. Please come to share this time of
fellowship and light refreshments.
The parsonage is located at 8 Adams Road in Londonderry, first house on the right across
from the Shady Hill Nursery entrance on Adams Road. Feel free to stop by the parsonage
any time between 2 PM to 4 PM on Saturday, November 15th. Questions? Call the church
office at 432-7083 or the parsonage at 434-0379.
Usher Ministry
The role of ushers in worship is more important than the average church goer may realize.
It’s not just about passing out bulletins, showing people where to sit, and then passing
around the collection plate. Ushers are on the frontline of Sunday ministry: newcomers will
encounter an usher before they meet anyone else at church, and how they are greeted and
made to feel at ease are critical ministries of hospitality. The usher’s tasks help guide
people and assist the flow of worship, which are all part of playing a role as “host” or
We have been blessed at LUMC with friendly and welcoming ushers, and we need to
continue to pay attention to this ministry. We can always use new ushers at any of our three
Please consider joining the ranks of the ushers at LUMC. It’s simple and it can provide you
with a new perspective on Sunday worship, and you get to meet people in the process! If
you are interested in joining, please call the office at 432-7083 and speak with Brenda, or email the office at
Church Council Minutes - August 18, 2014 7:30 PM
Those present: Sue Ahrens
Lynne Campbell
Liz Costello
Betty Poole
Tammy Tenney
Paul Marone
Brian Axtell
Brenda Clark
Mike Costello
Karen Rhan
Barb Towne
Chris West
Mark Brennan
Don Clark
John Curtis
Leslie Rompa
Jeff Towne
Mark Buttarro
Cyndy Cleary
Troy Neily
Theresa Simkevich
Bethany Costello
OPENING: Mark Brennan called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM. Pastor Lynne opened with prayer. Bethany
Costello agreed to be Youth Representative to Church Council. Welcome Bethany and thank you!
MINUTES OF 6/16/14 MEETING: Minutes reviewed and motion to approve made/seconded by Karen Rhan/Mike
Costello and passed.
FINANCE: Troy Neily/Mark Brennan/Karen Rhan - Year-to-date deficit stands at $6,139 - things getting better vs.
June deficit. Troy agreed to give update at next meeting re: 15% deficit in giving. Loan balance stands at $51,525.
TRUSTEES: Mike Costello/Mark Brennan - Will be converting to Halle Oil for church and parsonage. Lengthy
discussion re: potential future conversion from oil to natural gas with potential savings of approximately 50%.
Talking with Liberty Utilities re: natural gas. Requested that Trustees and Finance Committee work together to
determine how to finance conversion from oil to natural gas.
YOUTH LEADERSHIP: Liz Costello, et al - After discussion in which Bethany Costello said youth prefer not to have
parents as youth leaders, Lynne suggested a gathering of youth, parents and pizza to generate ideas about what
youth want to see regarding leadership. Gathering would also include Lynne and Amy Ciraldi. Mentioned that Youth
did an excellent job working at Old Home Days.
EDUCATION: Cyndy Cleary/Leslie Rompa - VBS week was successful, numbers were low and steps will be taken next
year based on this year's learning curve. Still looking for a few Sunday School teachers. Rally Day is 9/7/14 at 9:00
AM. It was suggested that Christmas Pageant be held at 2:00 on 12/14/14 to allow attendance by those who might
not want to drive at night. Council in agreement.
VISION STATEMENT TEAM: Liz Costello/Lynne Campbell - Vision statement defined as direction to guide the church,
agreed to share the 4 options team has generated with congregation thru bulletin and newsletter, voting will be on
Rally Day (9/7), Mission Statement tabled for now.
FALL RETREAT: Mike Costello - Date suggested is Saturday, 11/1/14 at Camp Carpenter. Motion to approve was
made/seconded by Mike Costello/Karen Rhan. Motion carried. Mike agreed to reserve Camp Carpenter for retreat.
CLOSING: Mark Brennan - Mark closed with prayer at 9:30. Next meeting Monday 9/15/14 at 7:30.
Respectfully submitted by Betty Poole
7:45 AM Traditional W orship
9:00 AM Children'
s Choir
9:00 AM Living W ell Service
11:00 AM Traditional W orship
6:30 PM Dan Schall Concert
10:45 AM JL Gym
2:00 PM JL Gym
9:30 AM JL Gym
3:00 PM Private Event
6:30 PM Prayer Group
6:30 AM Men'
s Breakfast 6:00 PM GS Troop 11177 6:30 AM Men'
s B'
10:00 AM Jubilee Circle
7:00 PM Education
10:45 AM JL Music
3:30 PM GS Troop 10377 7:30 PM W orship Choir
2:00 PM JL Music
7:00 PM HS Youth
7:00 PM Middle High
7:00 PM Trustees
8:30 AM LW Rehearsal
10:00 AM Blessing of the
10:45 AM JL Gym
9:30 AM JL Gym
2:00 PM JL Gym
3:00 PM Private Event
6:30 PM GS Service Team 6:30 PM Prayer Group
7:00 PM Knitting Group
6:30 AM Men'
s Breakfast 9:00 AM W omen'
s Bible
10:00 AM Jubilee Circle
3:30 PM GS Troop 10377 7:30 PM W orship Choir
7:00 PM HS Youth
7:00 PM Middle High
6:30 AM Men'
s B'
10:45 AM JL Music
2:00 PM JL Music
6:00 PM Night Out
8:30 AM LW Rehearsal
7:45 AM Traditional W orship
9:00 AM Children'
s Choir
9:00 AM Living W ell Service
11:00 AM Traditional W orship
6:30 PM BookClub
7:00 PM Venture Crew #145
10:45 AM JL Gym
2:00 PM JL Gym
6:30 PM GS CVT Team
9:30 AM JL Gym
3:00 PM Private Event
6:30 PM Bereavement
6:30 PM Prayer Group
6:30 AM Men'
s Breakfast
10:00 AM Jubilee Circle
3:30 PM GS Troop 10377
7:00 PM Finance
7:00 PM HS Youth
7:00 PM Middle High
9:00 AM W omen'
s Bible
6:30 AM Men'
s B'
10:45 AM JL Music
6:00 PM GS Troop 11177 2:00 PM JL Music
7:30 PM W orship Choir
8:30 AM LW Rehearsal
7:45 AM Traditional W orship
9:00 AM Children'
s Choir
9:00 AM Living W ell Service
11:00 AM Traditional W orship
6:30 PM BookClub
10:45 AM JL Gym
2:00 PM JL Gym
7:30 PM ChurchCouncil
9:30 AM JL Gym
3:00 PM Private Event
6:30 PM Prayer Group
7:00 PM Knitting Group
6:30 AM Men'
s Breakfast 9:00 AM W omen'
s Bible
10:00 AM Jubilee Circle
3:30 PM GS Troop 10377 7:30 PM W orship Choir
7:00 PM HS Youth
7:00 PM Middle High
6:30 AM Men'
s B'
10:45 AM JL Music
2:00 PM JL Music
8:30 AM LW Rehearsal
7:00 AM Troop 109 Breakfast
7:45 AM Traditional W orship
9:00 AM Children'
s Choir
9:00 AM Living W ell Service
11:00 AM Traditional W orship
4:00 PM GS Troop 12604
6:30 PM BookClub
7:00 PM Venture Crew #145
7:45 AM Traditional W orship
9:00 AM Children'
s Choir
9:00 AM Living W ell Service
11:00 AM Traditional W orship
6:30 PM BookClub
10:45 AM JL Gym
2:00 PM JL Gym
9:30 AM JL Gym
3:00 PM Private Event
6:30 PM Bereavement
6:30 PM Prayer Group
6:30 AM Men'
s Breakfast
10:00 AM Jubilee Circle
11:00 AM JL Halloween
2:15 PM JL Halloween
3:30 PM GS Troop 10377
7:00 PM HS Youth
7:00 PM Middle High
9:00 AM W omen'
s Bible
11:00 AM JL Halloween
7:30 PM W orship Choir
6:30 AM Men'
s B'
10:45 AM JL Music
2:00 PM JL Music
8:30 AM LW Rehearsal
11:00 AM Private Event
Sunday Morning Ministries
Liz Costello
Don Clark
Volunteers Needed
Frances & Aaron
Dick Hinkley
Wade Family
Larry Simpson
Volunteers Needed
Marilyn Taylor
Frances & Aaron
Sue Ahrens
Betty Poole
Janice Greene
Anya Petravicz
Tammy Williams
Betty Poole
Nicholas Rompa
& Larry Simpson
Cyndy Cleary
Barbara Nolin
Frances & Aaron
Karen Rhan
& Tammy Williams
Matt Bernard
Skov Family
Sally Haroldsen
Brenda Clark
Volunteers Needed
John Curtis
Frances & Aaron
Lee & Dayle Moulton
Barb Towne
Don Clark
Nadia Rompa
Londonderry United Methodist
258 Mammoth Road
Londonderry, NH 03053
Rev. Lynne Campbell
Phone: 603-432-7083
“Loving God, Loving People, Making a Difference”
We’re on the Web!
The Methodist Messenger is published monthly by the Londonderry United Methodist Church. Deadline for articles for
each edition is the 15th of each month. Our worship schedule includes traditional worship at 7:45 and 11:00 am, and
contemporary worship at 9:00 am. Sunday School for all ages is at 10:00am. Nursery care is provided during all 3
services, and Sunday School.
Sudarshana Devadhar
District Superintendent: James McPhee
Lynne Campbell
Music Director/Organist: Beverly Mattson
Worship Choir Director: Dana Fontaine
Methodist Church
intentionally strives to be a warm,
friendly and supportive community of
faith open to all. We share the love of
Jesus Christ and spiritually nurture one
another. We seek to connect with the
greater community through ministry,
which meets many diverse interests and
Children’s Choir Director: Beverly Mattson
Living Well Music Director: Graeme Greenhill
Church School Superintendent: Stephanie De Bonis
Asst. Church School Superintendent: Open
Youth Directors: Open
Stephen Ministry Leaders: Barb Towne, Mike Kaake
Jacob’s Ladder Director:
Office Manager:
Christine Weston
Brenda Clark
Financial Secretary: Nancy Morgan
Prayer Chain:
Barb Towne (440-8001)
Troop Scoutmaster:
Lay Leader
Mike Fish
John Curtis
Liz Costello, Barb Towne
Tammy Tenney, Karen Rhan
Th e M eth odistM esseng er
Welcome home!