Office: 337-334-2193 Youth Hall: 337-334-5991 Family Life Center:337-334-5656 Fax: 337-334-2199 Web: E-mail: October 19, 2014 Rev. Kendal Faulk, Pastor Rev. Samuel Fontana, Assoc. Pastor Deacon Tommy Adams Deacon Daniel Besse Deacon Denis LaCroix Deacon Tim Ledet Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 401 South Adams, P. O. Box 199, Rayne, LA 70578 Weekly Calendar Monday, Oct. 20 Rosary Group-9:00 am, Church Prayer for Priests-2:00 pm, Church Cub Scout Mtg.-6:00 pm, Youth Hall Bible Study-7:00 pm, Family Life Center Tuesday, Oct. 21 No Noon Mass– Diocesan Clergy Meeting Wednesday, Oct. 22 R C E Mass-8:20 am, Church Elderberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center Rayne Guest Home Mass-3:30 pm RCIA– 7:00 pm, Family Life Center Thursday, Oct. 23 Babyberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center Ultreya-6:30 pm, Church Cry Room Friday, Oct. 24 Joe’s Café’ Halloween Contest-6:00 pm, Youth Hall Saturday, Oct. 25 Sunday, Oct. 26 Edge– 6:30 pm, Youth Hall Life Teen-6:30 pm, Family Life Center Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am, 10:00 am & 5:30 pm Monday 6:30 am Tuesday 12:05 pm Wednesday 6:30 am Thursday 12:05 pm Friday 6:30 am First Saturday 9:00 am Parish Office Monday - Thursday Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 8:00 am to Noon Please pray for these parishioners & friends of St. Joseph Parish: Keith Alleman, Nicole Alleman, Jackie Arceneaux, Josette H. Baker, Tommy Bearb, Dawn Bergeron, Earl Boudreaux, Earline Boullion, Cynthia Bourque, Dovey Bourque, Judy Bourque, Percy Breaux, Priscilla Breaux, Rick Briggs, Joseph “Blackie” Broussard, Paulette S. Butcher, Percy Castille, Karen Chargois, Joey Chatelain, Martin Chatelain Jr., Judy Chester, Kinley Comeaux, Earlis Cormier, Louise Cormier, Vinson Credeur, Jack D’Aquin, Judy DeValcourt, Gloria Doucet, Robert J. Dupre, Frannie Dupuis, Priscilla Dupuis, Bernice Eddy, Ella Mae Foreman, Jan Fusilier, Bud Gautreaux, Loretta Girouard, Doris Granger, Lynette Guidry, Mike Guidry, Mona Guidry, Ronald Hanks, Karen Hebert, James Hodges, Leo LaCroix Jr., M. J. LaCroix, Christine LaSalle, Erica Latiolais, Olivia Grace Latiolais, Deanna Lavergne, Jimmy Lavergne, Faye Ledford, Leola Leger, Bailey Leon, Bridget Lonseth, Jeanne Louviere, Doug Marshall, Crystal May, Daynon Melancon, Pat Melancon, Troy B. Menard, Heather Menier, Randall Monceaux, David Moore, Joseph Ortego, Edward Prejean, Delia Richard, Simon Richard, Holly Robinson, Gene Romero, Jimmy & Bertha Romero, Shirley Romero, Damion Royer, Dot Royer, Tammy Saltzman, Melvin Savoie, Edith Seaux, Crystal Simoneaux, Jerome & Hilda Simoneaux, Vernice Sonnier, Tony Spaetgens, Annie W. Spell, Tammy Stelly, Alyssa Thevis, Marcia Trahan, Cindy Vondenstein, Jessie Zaunbrecher If you would like to include someone on the above prayer list, please call the Parish Office at 334-2193. They will remain on the list for sixty days, unless otherwise indicated. Remember to call with updates. We like to know when our sick recover. Perpetual Lamp in our sanctuary burns constantly to proclaim the real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle. This week we dedicate the flame to: Carson Brignac and Susan Besse & family Sacrament of Baptism is held the 2nd Sunday of each month after 10AM Mass. Contact the Parish Office 4 to 6 months before to schedule Baptism Preparation. Classes are held the 4th Sunday of the month after 10AM Mass. Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance of desired wedding date to schedule an appointment with Father in order to set the wedding date & begin the preparation process. Sacrament of Reconciliation: 30 minutes prior to Mass or any other time by appointment. Communion for the Shut-Ins: Please contact Deacon Tommy (334-8453) to schedule visits by a Minister of Communion. Funerals: Families should contact the Funeral Home to make all the necessary arrangements. Parish Membership: Every family in St. Joseph Parish is asked to register with the Parish Office by filling out a census form. If you have moved, changed your phone number or family information, please update your records. Census forms may be obtained at the Parish Office, on our website or in the lobby of church. BLESSING OF THE CEMETERIES Saturday, November 1st Sunday, November 2nd St. Joseph Cemetery #1, 2:00 pm St. Joseph Cemetery #2, 2:00 pm Parish Stewardship Report Offerings for week ending October 6 Electronic Funds Transfers Average operating required per week (does not include deferred maintenance, repairs or capital improvements) $ 12,052 600 $ 12,211 Building & Maintenance Donations $ 1,655 Thank you for your generosity. Recently Returned to Our Lord Our faith community remembers in prayer: Bernice Eddy, Wilma M. Laughlin and Charles “Moon” Chappuis We pray that they will find joy & peace in the Lord’s presence. We extend our sincere sympathy to their families and friends. Sacrament of Marriage We joyfully share in the union of: Shawn Michael Simoneaux & Lauren Whitney Guidry “What God has joined together, let no man separate.” Mark 10:9 Arceneaux Cemetery, 3:00 pm Leger Cemetery, 3:00 pm All Saints Day & All Souls Day Since November 1st falls on a Saturday this year, All Saints Day is NOT a holy day of obligation. All Saints Masses will be celebrated on Friday, Oct. 31 at 5:30 pm (anticipated) and Saturday, Nov. 1st at 9:00 am All Souls Masses will be celebrated on Saturday, Nov. 1st at 4:00 pm and Sunday, Nov. 2nd at 7:00 am, 10:00 am and 5:30 pm Monday: Tuesday: Readings of the Week Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 We give thanks to the Lord for you on this the day of your birth and always. Making mention of you in our prayers, remembering your works of faith, labors of love and dedication to our Lord Jesus. Logan Alleman, Mark Cormier, James Dogua, Janet Kibodeaux, Amelia Lavergne, Lindsey LeBlanc, Wilson Ledoux, Kim Lyons, Lorraine Meche, Clifton Owens, Charlene Pellerin, Benton Perrodin, Kaitlin Prevost, Evelyn Sonnier, Patsy Savoie, Lisa Cormier, Vanessa Boudreaux, Courtney Evans Jr, Tyler LaCroix, Keri Lucas, Bonnie Naquin, Mary Pastor, Tamikco Richard, Derek Rozas, Lovenia Abshire, Wanda Bordes, Alton Campbell, Jennifer Fabacher, Esther Holloway, Kathryn Istre, Arleen LeBlanc, Paulette Leger, Jason Lowenstein, Amber Melancon, Mason Menard, Sylvia Peltier, Terence Richard, Brittany Seaux, Marlene Terro, Jacob Thibodeaux, Olivia Thibodeaux, Dot Trahan, Peggy Adams, Angelo Ancona, Nora Breaux, Lauren Broussard, Hayden Credeur, Vinson Credeur, Angie Fruge, Gaven Guidry, Ricky Guidry, Ryness LeBlanc, Courtney Lucas, Dylan Meche, Kristi Prevost, Ronald Richard, Allison Arceneaux, Kane Bergeron, Artelle Champagne, Brandon Credeur, Lydia Credeur, Darrell Dugas, Mary Foreman, Charlotte Gauthier, Ann Gossen, Katherine Gossen, Heidi Guilbeau, Karen Ledoux, Kathy Meaux, George Melancon, Robert Myers, Benjamin Robichaux, Audrey Tauzin, Hannah Veillon, Drew Abshire, Daniel Alleman, Kaleb Alleman, Chassidy Brown, Dale Credeur, Sarah Doucet, Sheila Faulk, Sandra Hanks, Janet Hayes, Kevin Lyons, Michillia Nolan, Courtney Reed, David Seaux, Douglas Terro, Harvey Thibodeaux, Zoie Thibodeaux, Alex Arceneaux, Natalie Arceneaux, Dain Bergeron, Farrah Cormier, Michael Guidry, Jackie Guillory, David Istre, Trey Lagrange, Lawrence Prevost MASS CANCELLED To welcome St. Joseph Parish’s NEWEST PARISHIONERS and to celebrate life, A PICTURE BOARD OF BABIES BORN IN 2014 is currently being compiled. It will remain on display in the lobby of Church through Christmas. Parents are asked to bring a picture of the baby to the Parish Office. Please include their name and date of birth along with your contact information. For more information, contact Mike or Nicole Ortego at #250-4741 St. Joseph Pro-life Ministry Elderberries Senior Group Join the Elderberries as they travel to Carville, Hanson’s Leprosy Center Museum and Sorrento Cajun Village on Friday, November 7th departing St. Joseph Church at 8:30 AM $40.50 per person includes bus and lunch Reserve your seat by Oct. 23rd Make your check payable to Elderberries Senior Group and mail to P. O. Box 199, Rayne Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction St. Joseph Church November 7, 2014 and the 1st Friday of each month 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM 28th Annual Rosary Congress Oct. 20 - 24, 2014 in the Notre Dame Chapel A scriptural rosary will be recited continuously, day and night, from 8:00 am on October 20th until 6:30 pm on October 24th, stopping only for evening Mass each day at 6:30 pm. Participants are invited to sign up to spend a specific hour before the Blessed Sacrament and praying the rosary by calling Jackie Broussard at #581-9367 or e-mail There will be no Mass on Tuesday, October 21st to allow Fr. Kendal & Fr. Sam to attend Annual Diocesan Clergy Meetings New Beginnings Bi-weekly Bible Study Monday, October 20th at 7:00 PM in the Family Life Center The topic will be the Jewish origins of purgatory and the Biblical evidence that supports its’ existence. Please join us. A faith-filled, fun hour for parents, grandparents, caregivers and children 0 to 5 years old. Thursday, October 23rd at 9 AM In the Family Life Center Religious Education for 6th-8th graders Edge Night -Sunday, October 26th in the Youth Hall after 5:30 pm Mass Contact Rikki or the CCD Office at 334-2193 for more information. Christian based recreation for 6th, 7th & 8th grade parishioners of St. Joseph Parish who attend RCE or Edge Friday, October 24th - Halloween Contest 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm in the Youth Hall Judging is at 7:00 PM No Satanic or improperly revealing costumes. No Face Masks, but face painting is permissible For more information or to volunteer call Georgette at 334-2193. Safe Environment Class Monday, November 3rd at Rayne Catholic Elementary Initial training will be in Room 11 at 6:00 PM Continuing Education in Room 12 at 6:30 PM. Please call Georgette or Peggy at 334-2193 to sign up. Preparation for Death A Day of Recollection The reality of death & it’s meaning for the Christian Preparing for death as a young person Death in the perspective of the terminally ill Saturday, November 1st 9:00 am– 3:00 pm Our Lady of Sorrows Retreat Center 103 Railroad Avenue, St. Martinville, LA No cost - No registration necessary Mass and confessions will be offered Bring a brown bag lunch For more information, call Fr. Michael Champagne at 394-6550 Bishop’s Services Appeal Today is Commitment Sunday. Your generous pledges to the Bishop’s Services Appeal will be placed in the service of Jesus Christ. The BSA is the most effective and efficient way to meet the needs of the multitudes. Our goal is to unite as a parish and have every family and individual participate to the very best of their ability, in recognition and in thanksgiving for God’s many blessings. All registered parishioners should have received a special letter from Bishop Jarrell requesting a personal commitment and pledge. If you have already responded in the spirit of stewardship and discipleship, fervent thanks and blessing are yours. If not, please do so, by donating with a pledge envelope, giving online @ or by calling #261-5641. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly. Notre Dame Day Notre Dame Day is an opportunity for 8th graders to learn more about Notre Dame High School. Tuesday, November 4th, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, 8th graders will meet Notre Dame Students, visit classes and be part of an introduction program. Parents are invited to learn more about Notre Dame by attending a Complimentary Parent Information Dinner on Wednesday, Nov. 5th at 6:00 pm in the school cafeteria. All participants must pre-register by October 24th. We regret we are unable to accommodate walk-ins. For information call Mandy at 783-7143 or e-mail November Elections As elections approach, we urge everyone of voting age to exercise the privilege of voting. As Catholics, we uphold vital Gospel principles. We encourage you to “render to God what belongs to God”. The Conference of Catholic Bishops highlights four areas of special concern: 1. Defend human life against the threat of abortion. 2. Promoting family life, especially the sanctity of marriage. 3. Pursuing social justice, especially the human rights of immigrants. 4. Practicing global solidarity, especially the obligation to avoid war and promote peace, and to help alleviate global poverty and promote human rights. When making your decision about candidates, ask if the candidate’s platform is sensitive to the above principles, and vote your conscience. Well-informed voters do a great service to our community and to our country. An outdoor experiential retreat for men A great weekend for any man. Thursday pm thru Sunday noon Adoration, Mass & Processions led by Fr. Michael Champagne, cjc Talks, Orienteering, fishing, hiking, archery Rugged Accomplishments Brotherhood Training Gourmet Meals by a Prof. Chef Outdoorsmen welcome, but no skills necessary NOVEMBER 13-16, 2014 CHICOT STATE PARK For more information or to register: Pilgrimage to view the Holy Shroud of Turin Fr. Michael Russo will lead a pilgrimage to view the Holy Shroud of Turin during its rare public exposition in 2015. The Pilgrimage will be from May 30th through June 10th and will also include Milan, Italy; Avignon and Lourdes, France; and Barcelona, Spain. Interested persons should contact Fran Boudreaux at 888-948-3837 or _|àâÜz|vtÄ `|Ç|áàxÜá áxÜä|Çz tà à{x _ÉÜwËá gtuÄx Date Time Lectors Oct. 20 6:30 am Clinton Boullion Oct. 21 12:05 pm Oct. 22 6:30 am Jeanette Leger Betty Bellard, Barry LeBlanc, Keith Vienne Flo Broussard Oct. 23 12:05 pm Peggy Lake Margaret Young, Charmin Broussard, Daniel Habetz Helen Boudreaux Oct. 24 6:30 am Betty Bellard Barry LeBlanc, Dr. Neal Duhon, Keith Vienne Flo Broussard Oct. 25 4:00 pm Allison Gray, Amy Johnson Deacon Tim Charmin Broussard, Denise Constantin, Diana Duhon, Dr. Neal Duhon, Zubaida Elahi, Jimmy Fontenot Jude Thibodeaux, AnnaBelle Pitts Cathy Breaux Oct. 26 7:00 am Betty Bellard, Dan Landry Deacon Dan Sylvia Alleman, Dean Thibodeaux, Mike Bellard, Janet Bertrand, Randy Bertrand, Brunella Reed Peyton Menard, Alex Pellerin Brunella Reed 10:00 am Paul Molbert, Jim Petitjean Deacon Denis Linda Arceneaux, Clara LeBlanc, Larry LeBlanc, Jonathan Boutin, Jonathan Broussard, Liz Deaville, Peggy Deville Madeline Deville, Jon Cameron Habetz Jude & Cynthia Beslin 5:30 pm Laila Wyatt Deacon Tommy Mike Abshire, Barry LeBlanc, Josette LeBlanc, Denise Breaux, Denise Constantin, Jimmy Fontenot Grant Traub, Marley Traub Flo Broussard & Eric Mire Oct. 27 6:30 am Clinton Boullion Barry LeBlanc, Keith Vienne, Betty Bellard Brenda Hooper Oct. 28 12:05 pm Charmin Broussard Mary Guidry, Daniel Habetz, Peggy Lake Margaret Young Oct. 29 6:30 am Betty Bellard Barry LeBlanc, Keith Vienne, NEED HELP Robert Simoneaux Oct. 30 12:05 pm Margaret Young Peggy Lake, Charmaigne Lawless, Dean Thibodeaux Charmaigne Lawless Oct. 31 5:30 pm Clarence Arsement ALL SAINTS DAY VIGIL Betty Bellard, Jonathan Boutin, Liz Deaville Flo Broussard Nov. 1 9:00 am Annette Gossen ALL SAINTS DAY MASS Charmin Broussard, Peggy Lake, Mary Leger Flo Broussard 4:00 pm Janet Bertrand, Leah Guidry Deacon Tommy Barry LeBlanc, Clara LeBlanc, Josette LeBlanc, Larry LeBlanc, Edward Prejean, Gale Prejean Allie Gray, Boyd Gray Gil & Mary Cormier 7:00 am Clinton Boullion, Becky Miller Deacon Tim Flo Broussard, Pat Miller, Georgette Richard, Mona Vienne, Keith Vienne, Jonathan Boutin NEED HELP Flo Broussard 10:00 am Mica Smith, Allison Gray Deacon Dan Thomas Hebert, Faye Jeffers, Jared Lawless, Hubert Matte, Mike Ortego, Nathan Mouton, Peggy Deville James Charles Orillion, Madeline Deville Melinda Leger 5:30 pm Linda Swinkey Deacon Denis Beth Goins, Peggy Lake, Russell Menard, Nancy Sarsfield, Eva Simon, Erin LeBlanc Baileigh Goins, Gabriel Mire Flo Broussard, Eric Mire Nov. 2 Deacons Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Altar Servers Brenda Hooper, Barry LeBlanc, Keith Vienne Sacristans Brenda Hooper Diocesan Clergy Meetings– No Mass Please pray for a Priest each day Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Oct. 20 Rev. William Paul Ruskoski Oct. 21 Rev. Michael Russo Oct. 22 Rev. Garrett Savoie Oct. 23 Rev. William Schambough Oct. 24 Rev. Gary Schexnayder Oct. 25 Rev. Paul Schott, SJ Oct. 26 Rev. John Schroder, SJ Pope Francis “In order for the family to proceed well, with faith and hope, it needs to be nourished by the Word of God. The Bible is not meant to be kept on a shelf, but rather carried, read often, every day, be it alone or together, husband and wife, parents and children, perhaps in the evening, especially on Sunday. In this way, the family grows, walks, with the light and strength of the Word of God!” Angelus address of October 5, 2014 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Church #467550 401 S. Adams Avenue Rayne, LA 70578 TELEPHONE 337-334-2193 CONTACT PERSON Linda Ancona SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER HP 2420 TRANSMISSION TIME Friday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION October 19, 2014 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 THROUGH 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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