TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · OCTOBER 19, 2014 C A 9 7 1 1 T H W E S T O L D E V O N I C A V E N U E C · H U R R O S E M O N T , I L C H 6 0 0 1 8 Parish Office Phone ...........................(847) 825-HOPE Fax .................................(847) 825-4631 Parish Email: office@ourladyo Parish Staff Pastor ................. Rev. John W. Clemens Pastor Emeritus .... Rev. William D. Mannion Deacon Couple ........... Jim & Rose Ernst Business Manager........ Geriann Gen le Religious Educa on Coordinator .. Mary Wi Administra ve Assistant . Mary Puente Liturgy Schedule Weekend Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am Weekday Monday-Friday 8:30 am Communion Service Daily 12:10 pm Reconcilia on Saturday 4:00-4:40 pm or by appointment. W E B S I T E : W W W . O U R L A D Y O F H O P E C H U R C H . C O M CLEM CHOWDER SACRAMENTS & MINISTRIES Today is a very special day for Our Lady of Hope and we welcome Bishop Alberto Rojas to our Parish. He is here to confer the Sacrament of Confirma on on our class and the young people from St. Thomas Becket Parish. It is a special day for me personally. Bishop Rojas was a newly ordained Deacon when I first met him. He was assigned to St. Gregory the Great parish as his first assignment to the priesthood. I was the Pastor there at the me and we spent three wonderful years together. I was aware that he was a special person and an excep onal priest and I was right. In spite of his being with me as his first pastor, he ascended quickly through the ranks and became an Auxiliary Bishop in Chicago. Cardinal George commended me for not having corrupted him too much. I have never seen Alberto lead mass as a bishop or do a Confirma on so I am really looking forward to today’s celebra on. It is always a great thing for a Bishop to come to a parish. It is not the usual thing for the bishop to be a personal friend and a priest whom I have shared the altar with. Confirma on is not only a blessed me for those who have worked so long to prepare for this sacrament. It is also a me for the blessings of the Holy Spirit to be given to the Parishes involved. In these young people who make their faith commitment today the church is refreshed and renewed. The Holy Spirit is present in a unique way to these young people and to all of us who are blessed by their accep ng the call to be Disciples of Christ. Know that the Holy Spirit is working in all of us this day and the churches of Our Lady of Hope and St. Thomas Becket are made new in the presence of God and in the commitment of these young people. I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who worked with these young people and helped them in their prepara on for this day. Catechists in both parishes have shared their faith with them and made the faith real. I also want to thank all the parents who have brought these young people this far and have prepared them by sharing their own faith to be ready to make this decision to commit to the Lord. The work of the catechists is essen al but it would not be frui ul unless the seeds that they are able to plant find fer le soil provided by good commi ed Catholic families. Especially worthy of thanks are those who were chosen to be sponsors of these Confirma on candidates. Sponsoring involves a special commitment and to accept this role means that the sponsor will be there to help the young person live out the commitment that they have made today. Again, this is a special day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice in it. Come Holy Spirit come. I hope that all of you have marked your calendars for the town hall mee ng hosted by the Parish Council which will take place on October 28th in the Church. I remind you that this mee ng is scheduled to allow a wider par cipa on in se ng five year goals for the Parish. It is not a complaint session. If you have complaints bring them directly to the Pastor. This is an evening to help the parish leadership work for the good of all. Bring your ideas to the church. All are welcome. Have a blessed week. Know that you are loved and live that love. Rejoice in the presence of the Holy Spirit. I have taken a new tact on my beloved Bears. Every me I say that they are going to lose they win, so I am going to con nue that tact and say that they are going to lose. Go Miami. I hope reverse psychology works. O UR L ADY OF H OPE CHURCH 2 Father Clem Wedding Banns II Teresa M. Hess & Matthew A. Farias Sacraments Reconcilia on: Saturdays 4:00-4:40 pm or by appointment. Bap sms: First Sunday of the month at 12:00 pm. (No bap sms during Lent.) Arrangements should be made at least 30 days prior to the Bap sm date. Call Deacon Jim for more informa on. Marriages: Par es should be registered parishioners 6 months prior to arranging for a wedding date. Date must be set 6 months prior to the marriage. Contact Deacon Jim for more informa on. R.C.I.A. Interested in becoming Catholic? Contact Deacon Jim about the R.C.I.A. Program. Children’s Sacramental Programs & R.E. Classes Contact Mary Wi . Ministers of Care Our Ministers of Care bring Eucharist to the homebound and sick each week. Please call the parish office if a member of your family would like weekly visits. ROSEMONT, I LLINOIS PARISH NEWS & EVENTS Congratulation to our Newly Confirmed Our Lady of Hope St. Thomas Becket Brandon Artwohl ~ John Gavin Dardis ~ Freitag Adeline Bieniarz ~ Anne Samantha Hyc ~Kinga Michael Blancaflor ~ Augustine Angela Jarzabek ~ Angela Cynthia Castro ~ Teresa Daniel Krupa ~ Daniel Stephen Cutro ~ James Olivia Kusio~ Stella Tara Deane ~ Vitus Matthew Lechowicz ~ Romanus Matthew De Simone ~ Joseph Matthew Leoschke ~ Casimir Madison Ganir ~ Kathleen Julia Mirek ~ Teresa Brooke Gorski ~ Elizabeth Natalia Moczybroda- ~ Klara Connor Hilliard ~Francois Anthony Moreth ~Joseph Jonathan Ildefonso ~ Joseph Kamil Ozga ~ Paul Catherine Lane ~ Agatha Martina Schneider ~ Martina Jason Langer ~ Jerome Jonathan Sloboda~ Peter Ryan Langer ~ David Matthew Wicha ~ Christopher Rebecca McCown ~ Joan Bennett Miller ~ Michael Matthew Muich ~ David McKenna Soch ~ Emily Jillian Zayia ~ Theresa OCTOBER 19, 2014 3 TWENTY- NINTH S UNDAY IN O RDINARY T IME PARISH CALENDARS Mass Inten ons for the Week Sat. 10/18 5:00 pm Sun. 10/19 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am Mon. 10/20 8:30 am Tue. 10/21 8:30 am Wed. 10/22 Thu. 10/23 Fri. 10/24 Sat. 10/25 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 5:00 pm Sun. 10/26 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am † Margaret Fergus (1st Anniv.) REMEMBRANCE † Megan Rocque † Joseph Pannarale † Mary & Thomas Casey REMEMBRANCE † Barney & Eileen Kenaney † Paul Gallo † Margaret Fergus REMEMBRANCE † Joseph Carpino, Sr. (16th Anniv.) Spec. Int. Kim Cady † Irene Bush REMEMBRANCE † Spec. Int. Denis & Jane Cerezo † Spec. Int. Ro Germann † Donald Memenga REMEMBRANCE † James A. Davlin † Sam Mar nek (1st Anniv.) REMEMBRANCE † Mike Corr (7th Anniv.) † John Zelick † John (Jack) Reynolds † Mildred Co one † Sam Maggio (5th Anniv.) REMEMBRANCE † Consuelo Garcia † Catherine Lewicki REMEMBRANCE † Kathryn Burke † Prudence Mitchell † Jerry Riordan REMEMBRANCE Spec. Int. James & Genevieve Baur on their 50th Wedding Anniv. † Richard Andrews REMEMBRANCE † Chris ne Kowalczyk Readings for the Week Week of October 19, 2014 Sunday: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6; Psalm 96; 1 Thess 1:1-5b; Ma 22:15-21 Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 O UR L ADY OF H OPE CHURCH Ministers of the Liturgy Saturday, October 18 at 5:00 pm Priest ......................................................................... Fr. J. Joslyn Lector................................................................... A. Maramonte Hosts ..........................................................K. Eichhorn, B. Mo o Cup ....................................... D. Valenzia, K. Eichhorn, J. Pconka Servers ........................................................................... A. Miller Sunday, October 19 at 8:00 am Priest ..................................................................... Fr. J. Clemens Lector............................................................................. M. Jekot Hosts ........................................................... D. Helma, M. Cygnar Cup .............................................M. Knauss, S. Jedryczka, J. Dzik Servers ....................................................................... T. Sheridan Sunday, October 19 at 9:30 am Priest ......................................................................... Fr. J. Joslyn Lector............................................................................ P. Fergus Hosts ......................................................... M. Insolia, J. Gunning Cup ...................................... C. Boswell, S. Shelton, S. Coronado Servers ...................................................................... B. Ramsden Sunday, October 19 at 11:00 am Priest ..................................................................... Fr. J. Clemens Lector........................................................................ T. Ramsden Hosts .............................................................. J. Corr, S. Sweeney Cup ................................... L. Reyes, M.A. Nicholson, P. Dussault Servers .............................................................. A. Deane, B. Bolz Saturday, October 25 at 5:00 pm Priest ..................................................................... Fr. J. Clemens Lector........................................................................M. Stoskopf Hosts ....................................................... D. Valencia, R. Kukulka Cup ......................................... T. Bond, H. Lazzaro o, R. Talaber Servers ....................................................................... No Servers Sunday, October 26 at 8:00 am Priest ..................................................................... Fr. J. Clemens Lector.......................................................................... K. Riordan Hosts .....................................................A. Piscitello, N. Sweeney Cup ............................... K. Clemmensen, C. Galovich, M. Knauss Servers ........................................................................... A. Miller Sunday, October 26 at 9:30 am Priest ..................................................................... Fr. J. Clemens Lector........................................................................ M. O’Hagan Hosts ............................................................ J. Hardiman, J. Baur Cup ............................................ C. Insolia, T. Kaisling, S. Greene Servers ....................................................................... T. Sheridan Sunday, October 26 at 11:00 am Priest ......................................................................... Fr. J. Joslyn Lector........................................................................... E. Carlson Hosts ............................................................. K. Reyes, E. Carlson Cup .......................................... J. Stawik, S. Cherney, G. Hengels Servers .......................................................................... J. Roback Altar Linens This Week Oct. 19-25, 2014 ...............................................Kathy Clemmensen 4 ROSEMONT, I LLINOIS PARISH NEWS & EVENTS STEWARDSHIP REMEMBERING THE DECEASED OF OUR PARISH FAMILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 AT 9:30 A.M. MASS On November 2 at 9:30 Mass we will be remembering in a special way the deceased members of our parish family. We would also like to extend this invita on to those parishioners who may have lost a loved one during this last year to join us. Please call the parish office and let us know if you will be joining us. Stewardship Reflec on…... TOWN HALL MEETING The Parish Council Invites you to a Town Hall Meeting on October 28, 2014 at 7:00 the church to discuss the Parish’s five year goals. Everyone is invited to attended! ALL SAINTS DAY MASS Saturday November 1, 2014 “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” Jesus advises the Pharisees and others who are listening to Him. This was in answer to a “trick” ques on posed to him by a lawyer among the Pharisees. The ques oner wanted the Lord to give a response that might appear to lessen other commandments. Instead, Jesus points out that there are some commandments from our God that are greater than our tradi onal Ten Commandments. “You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” We are first called to that rela onship with God, a rela onship which acknowledges God’s love of us, and results in our own love of the Lord. That is where stewardship must begin with each of us — through developing a loving bond with God. However, Jesus then explains to us how we must relate to one another: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Many misinterpret Christ’s admoni on to mean that we must love ourselves first. He was not saying that we must love ourselves before we love anyone else. He was saying nonetheless that our focus as stewards needs to be on serving and loving others. The good steward respects, regards, and loves others as he or she might expect to be treated. Love and stewardship are very much the same — each strives to put others before our own interests. Electronic Dona ons Available Through We would like to remind you that Our Lady of Hope accepts online dona ons through The Archdiocese of Chicago has adopted this new program to make online giving easy! Through Give Central, you may make paperless dona ons (one- me or recurring) to the parish using your credit card, debit card, or electronic payments. Please call the parish office with any ques ons. Thank you! 9:00 a.m. Stewardship of Treasure TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Ordinary Time beckons, and so on this Sunday we surrender the last glimmers of paschal joy as we celebrate the renewal of our life around the table of the Eucharist. This feast reminds us that the goal of the catechumen’s journey through Lent is not the bap smal font at Easter, but rather the experience of Pentecost. It is all about life lived in the Spirit’s embrace in rela onship to the Body of Christ, which is found both “on the table” and “at the table.” The season of confirma on is also drawing to a close, and this feast serves as a reminder that this sacrament, a solemn sending from font to table, is keyed to renewed vigor. Confirma on has some mes been sadly misunderstood as a kind of gradua on from religious forma on, but it is nothing of the sort. It is about being led by the Lord Jesus to the place where the Spirit flourishes, and where the gi s of the Spirit are most easily detectable. A er next week we will resume our considera on of the Sacrament of Confirma on, its rich and somewhat tangled history, its challenging theology, and its changing celebra on. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. OCTOBER 19, 2014 Weekly Collec on 10/12/14……………………………………....$5,029.00 Amount Necessary to Operate the Parish………………..$ 10,048.00 Surplus/Shor all…………………………………………………….. -$ 5,019.00 Fiscal Year-to-Date Collec on 10/12/14 …………………. $.91,805.00 Amount Necessary to Operate the Parish………………..$140,702.00 Surplus/Shor all…………………………………………………... -$ 48,897.00 Please note: The fiscal year for the parish is 7/1/14 through 6/30/15. Tithes for the month of October are: ♦Cross Interna onal Catholic Outreach, which assists poor parishes in foreign countries by delivering food and shelter. ♦Sister of Notre Dame De Namur at the Nginda Mission Dispensary in Zaire, Africa, to help the educa on and health care of the needy ♦St. Vincent DePaul Society for the needs of the local poor. The 5% the for the month will be divided and sent to the above referenced loca ons. There will also be a second collec on for the Society for the Propaga on of Faith. Thank you so much for your generosity and support! 5 TWENTY- NINTH S UNDAY IN O RDINARY T IME PARISH NEWS & EVENTS PARISH NEWS & EVENTS CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE HOPEFUL 500 RAFFLE WINNERS USING TALENTS AND TIME TO KEEP PEOPLE WARM OCTOBER 5, 2014 Brandon Artwohl #189 $150 October 12, 2014 Dina Baldassano #106 J. & C. Gonzalez #110 $150 $300 A special thanks and blessing to Mary Walsh and the Kni ng Ministry for their beau ful handiwork. Hats and scarves are kni ed with love for those whose hearts and bodies will be warmed with these. The beauty of a homemade item can only be appreciated when you see the face of a person whose smile is so apprecia ve. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU! UNCLE PETE MINISTRIES WI-FI is now available at Our Lady of Hope! The connec ng network is: “OurLadyofHope” Password: prayforus BECAUSE OF YOU…… The Sandwich Ministry has been a joy filled experience for all the parishioners of Our Lady of Hope who have par cipated. You know that the face of the Lord is seen in those whose lives you have helped. Our Food Pantry Thanks to your con nued generosity to our food pantry. In planning for the coming holidays, items such as boxed potatoes, rice, stuffing, cranberry sauce, canned sweet potatoes, and canned fruit would help round out our supplies. Thank you for your con nued support! The Outreach Ministry Invites to a Football Party! The Francisan Harrison Street Shelter was where we delivered the sack dinners on Sunday. They were just beginning to make soup and now they had the sacks to serve with it. There are 270 men at the facility and 50 women at a facility two blocks away. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU for feeding the hungry! Please join us for a hot dog dinner plus other snacks, beverages, and desserts at our annual football party on Sunday, November 9th in the Schwab Center. Tickets will be sold a er all Masses beginning this weekend of October18th. Fes vi es start at 7PM. All proceeds are used to provide dinners at Catholic Chari es for the poor and homeless. UNCLE PETE MINISTRIES. KNIGHTS CORNER MARIA COUNCIL 4836 UPCOMING EVENTS SERVING: ST. PAUL OF THE CROSS, MARY SEAT OF WISDOM, AND OUR LADY OF HOPE October 18-19 All Masses Tootsie Roll Drive at every mass for Halloween Candy October 30 7:00 p.m. November 2 9:30 a.m. Mass November 14 7:00 p.m. Maria Council Social at AFFRESCO in Park Ridge to meet other friends and supporters of the KOC. Honor Guard at 9:30 a.m. Mass to celebrate those OLOH souls that are with the Lord. Turkey Shoot & Social. Come join us and see how you can help the community thru the KOC. Please call Jim Gonzalez at (847) 698-4459 if you are able to help us in any or all of these events, or with any ques ons about the Maria Council Knights of Columbus. Check out and O UR L ADY OF H OPE CHURCH 6 ROSEMONT, I LLINOIS COMMUNITY NEWS & EVENTS COMMUNITY NEWS & EVENTS Jesuit Retreat House 420 W County Line Rd, Barrington, IL 60010 A ernoon of Reflec on for Parents of High School Students Explore what your teen has in common with St. Aloysius Gonzaga & St. Kateri Tekakwitha A word we frequently hear yet we struggle to construct an accurate defini on. Suppose your family was living on under $2,000 a month, amoun ng to less than $24,000 per year. According to the US Bureau, families of four in the United States living in poverty earn less than $23,850 annually. About 650,000 of your fellow Chicagoans are facing that reality and struggling to provide for their families. Learn more about “Kairos” or God’s Time Reflect on the ways to help foster and strengthen faith within your family. Fr. Jim Gschwend, SJ 3:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Sunday, October 26, 2014 $20 per couple, suggested contribu on (Dinner included) If you have ques ons, please call 1 847-381-1261. These striking sta s cs fuel the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) who works to combat the threats that poverty poses and empower the poor through self-help programs. They fund organiza ons in your neighborhood including LOOM Chicago, a social enterprise in Rogers Park offering Middle Eastern refugees the opportunity to create clothing and jewelry to sell for profit. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! AARP Founda on Tax-Aide has many kinds of volunteer opportuni es available from tax volunteers to greeters, as well as communica ons, technology and administra ve coordinators. One might be right for you! Get the joy and sa sfac on of helping others by applying to join the AARP Founda on TaxAide volunteer team today! Your experience will be appreciated more than you can imagine. If interested, please complete the online applica on on the AARP web site This November 22nd and 23rd, join the millions of generous Chicagoans and support the Catholic Campaign for Human Development to help fund remarkable organiza ons. Please visit: www.ChicagoPeaceAndJus for more informa on. BE AN INFORMED CATHOLIC. Listen to Relevent Radio, a Catholic Radio station on 950 AM, broadcasting 24/7 You are cordially invited to a end the SAINT VIATOR HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 1-3 p.m. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 6:30-8:30 p.m. Learn more about the Saint Viator High School community by taking a guided tour with one of our student ambassadors. Our administra on, faculty, staff, coaches, and current parents will be here to answer your ques ons. Register online at to skip the registra on line Come see why we are the only High School in the Archdiocese to receive the Blue Ribbon for 2014! Divorce Ministry Prayer Vigil & Mass for Immigra on Reform and Unaccompanied Children with Most Rev. Gustavo Garcia-Siller, M.Sp.S Archbishop of San Antonio Friday, October 24, 2014 5:00pm Prayer Vigil at Federal Plaza, 230 S. Dearborn St. - Pilgrimage to St. Peter's 6:00pm Mass at St. Peter's in the Loop, 110 W Madison St. NEW! Catholic’s Divorce Healing Program at St. Giles Church in Oak Park is pleased to announce the beginning of a new ministry to men and women who have suffered from divorce and separa on. This monthly group will begin January 22nd in the Dore Parish Center at St. Giles, 1025 Columbian Ave., Oak Park, Illinois. For more informa on please contact: Deirdre Buckingham 708383-3430 x404 For more informa on : WWW.CATHOLICSANDIMMIGRANTS.ORG Successful Aging Workshop II—Early Detec on of Alzheimer’s—Alzheimer’s has a profound impact on the lives of those it touches. Early detec on, treatment and other resources offer op ons to families whose lives are impacted directly by it. This workshop offers new insights from experts, resources, respite op ons for caregivers and more. This workshop takes place on Wednesday, October 29 at 9:30 to Noon in the Park Ridge Public Library, 20 S. Prospect, Park Ridge (1st flr.) Please register today by calling the Center of Concern at 847-823-0453. ( For more informa on, please refer to our bulle n board.) OCTOBER 19, 2014 7 TWENTY- NINTH S UNDAY IN O RDINARY T IME “Our Family Serving Yours Since 1936” Clement J. Ryan Michael C. Ryan 847-823-1171 120 S. Northwest Hwy., Park Ridge 773-792-1811 PETER N. SILVESTRI JOHN’S ROOFING INC. NUZZO SEWER & PLUMBING INC. COMMISSIONER - 9TH DISTRICT 847-297-9984 COOK COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT OFFICE 5515 N. EAST RIVER ROAD CHICAGO, IL 60656 (773) 444-0346 • Roofing • Gutters • Siding Free Estimates • Insured 708-456-7300 Power Rodding 773-625-6280 All Sewer & Plumbing Repairs & Installation Specializing in Flood Control • Correcting Low Water Pressure Video Sewer & Locating Service Lic. # 14636 Lic. # 055-024301 DR. JOHN S. ZANONI 10225 W. Higgins Rd., Rosemont (847) 698-CLUB 820 Talcott Rd. (At Cumberland) Park Ridge Krimson Valley 847-823-5122 • Landscape Contractors Industrial • Commercial • Residential Traditional Services 24 W430 Central, Roselle, IL 60171 Cremation • Prearrangements 630•529-5588 Orthodontics for Children & Adults “For that Winning Smile!” 1475 E. Oakton St. • Des Plaines 847-824-2601 W. SEAN SWEETMAN Owning our own Crematorium means your loved one never leaves our care. Director Complete Cremation, Funeral, & Pre-Planning Services 847-671-2041 Locations: Niles, Chicago, Glenview, & Franklin Park A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. OEHLER FUNERAL HOME 2099 Miner Street • Des Plaines, IL 847-824-5155 Newly remodeled, all facilities are on one floor Jim Murray, Mgr. AL AIR Inc. Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Heating • Air Conditioning • Hot Water Tanks • Generators 7703 W. Lawrence Norridge, IL 60706 • SERVICE • SALES • INSTALLATION Phone: 708-453-4531 Over 35 Years in Business RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FREE ESTIMATES • Al Lechowski, Owner Greene Funeral Directors Cremation Services Inc. Donald A. Greene, Director P r e - A r r a n g e m e n t s – C r e m a t i o n s – Tr a d i t i o n a l S e r v i c e (847) 696-7928 • Business Insurance • Auto, Homeowners & Personal Umbrella • Life Insurance • Disability Insurance • Group Health & Disability Rosemont Resident - Parishioner OUR LADY OF HOPE’S FOOD PANTRY 300 S. Northwest Highway ~ Park Ridge, IL 60068 Jack Cook, President OUR PARISH IS ALWAYS IN 847-692-9200 NEED OF CANNED GOODS & NON-PERISHABLE FOODS. If you are unable to bring in these items, you can make a cash donation to the Food Pantry through WWW.GIVECENTRAL.ORG Steaks Fish Seafood Pasta 847-518-0990 6111 North River Road, Rosemont G. L. HILLS Funeral Home, Ltd. VIA GALANTE CEMENT CONTRACTORS, INC. 745 Graceland Avenue Des Plaines, IL “Only the most personalized service” WE NOW SERVICE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 847-699-9003 AIR DUCT & DRYER VENT CLEANING Graham Hills • Patios • Driveways • Sidewalks • Steps • Stamped Concrete • Snow Plowing Richie’s Restaurant AGATA S. POMPILIO, Owner • SANTO & CARMELLA BONAFEDE Summer Breakfast Specials Dine in only Call Today: 773-589-9893 Senior Discount! BUY 1 BREAKFAST • GET 1 FREE (Fri. - Sat. - Sun.) Equal or Lesser Value / Must present coupon / Daily Specials Excluded No Job Too Big, No Job Too Small 9812 W. Lawrence Ave., 847-928-8500 8300 W. LAWRENCE AVE. • NORRIDGE WWW.CUMBERLANDCHAPELS.COM FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1985 Traditional Services, Cremations & Pre-Arrangements Available ANTHONY J. LUPO, SR. • ANTHONY J. LUPO, JR. • PETER M. MARTINO • LOUIS A. MARTINO, JR. 009206 Our Lady of Hope Church For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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