Jarna Hannukainen

Contact details
Jarna Hannukainen
Turku PET Centre,
University of Turku
Kiinamyllynkaty 4-8
PO Box 52
FI-20521 Turku
web page:
phone: +358 2 3131878
Curriculum Vitae
Current and relevant previous
PhD | 2006 | University of Turku
MSc | 2002 | University of Jyväskylä
Researcher | 2006 | Turku PET Centre, University of Turku
Coordinator of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Molecular Imaging in
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research
Clinical research
Therapeutic areas
Previous clinical trials
Position in clinical trials
Total clinical research
Medical Imaging: PET
Exercise Physiology
Other medical research
Person in charge of research (national trials)
5–10 years
Representative publications
Hannukainen JC, Borra R, Lindeborg K, Kallio H, Kiss J, Lepomäki V, Kalliokoski KK, Kujala UM, Kaprio J, Heinonen OJ, Komu M, Parkkola R,
Ahotupa M, Lehtimäki T, Huupponen R, Nuutila P. Liver and pancreatic fat content and metabolism in healthy monozygotic twins
discordant for physical activity. Journal of Hepatology. 2011; 54(3):545-552.
Hannukainen JC, Kalliokoski KK, Borra R, Viljanen A, Janatuinen, Kujala UM, Kaprio J, Heinonen OJ, Viljanen T, Haaparanta M, Iozzo P,
Parkkola R, Nuutila P. Higher free fatty acid uptake in visceral than in abdominal subcutaneous fat tissue in men. Obesity. 2010;
Hannukainen JC, Nuutila P, Ronald B, Kaprio J, Kujala UM, Janatuinen T, Heinonen OJ, Kapanen J, Viljanen T, Haaparanta M, Rönnemaa T,
Parkkola R, Knuuti J, Kalliokoski KK. Increased physical activity decreases hepatic free fatty acid uptake: a study in human monozygotic
twins. J Physiol. 2007; 578:347-358.
Hirvonen J, Virtanen KA, Nummenmaa L, Hannukainen JC, Honka M-J, Bucci M, Nesterov SV, Parkkola R, Rinne J, Iozzo P, Nuutila P.
Effects of insulin on brain glucose metabolism in impaired glucose tolerance. Diabetes. 2011; 60(2):443-447.
Hannukainen J.C., Nuutila P., Kaprio J., Heinonen O.J., Kujala U.M., Janatuinen T., Rönnemaa T., Kapanen J., Haaparanta-Solin M., Viljanen
T., Knuuti J., Kalliokoski K.K. Relationship between local perfusion and FFA uptake in human skeletal muscle – no effect of increased
physical activity and aerobic fitness. J Appl Physiol. 2006; 101(5):1303-1311.
Updated Apr-11