Newsletter of the Port of Yamba Yacht Club

Newsletter of the Port of Yamba Yacht Club
PO Box 237 Yamba NSW 2464
Email editor
October 2014 EDITION No. 206
Next Members Meeting
Monday 24th November 6.30 for 7.00pm
Officers & Committees 2014-2015
Andrew Soesan
Past Commodore
Secretary & Public Officer
Kevin Armstrong
Liz Meridith
Sue Varcoe
Vice Commodore
Andrew Passmore
Racing Committee
Andrew Passmore
Steve Stocker
Tom Crozier
John Cade
Race Control
Andrew Soesan
Sharon Soesan
Cruising Committee
Junior Sailing captain
Rear Commodore
Social Committee
Bar Manager
Members Representative
Across the Bar
Web site
Media Publicity
Sarah Armstrong
Jenny MacKenzie
Lyn Jarman
Sandy Hotchkiss
Sharon Soesan
Val Close
Jo Denny
Sharon Soesan
Ken Palich
Kevin Howard
Bill Grainger
Andrew Soesan
Andrew Soesan
Social committee
As above
Harwood Bridge Opening
Contact 66828388
48Hrs Notice Required
Mobile 0412604748
Commodores Report
October 2014
Hello All,
Monday 13 October was our first members’ meeting with me chairing as commodore. I must
say I never thought that was going to happen. Right on cue at 6.30pm a front passed over Yamba with
lightning, hail and rain but we still got a good number of enthusiastic and vocal members turning up.
Was it the promise of the bar being open?
We started off with Al from the Goodsports program explaining what it was all about and elevating us to level two of the three-level program after Liz and Sue had put in some hard work filling in
forms earlier. Al explained that the benefits of accreditation included “a warm, fuzzy feeling” that we
were a safe and family-oriented club with a sensible liquor policy, that we get some free give-aways
and that we can use the logo and accreditation on grant applications, etc.
We then went through a varied agenda of issues that are of immediate importance to the success of the club, not least of which was a lengthy discussion on how to get more members to use the
facilities by providing more promotion, value and social functions. Maybe the minutes will be shown in
this issue, otherwise those that weren’t there will have to ask or wait until next month.
Speaking of value, we have possibly the lowest bar prices of any licensed premises in the area
thanks to Sharon’s thriftiness, a natural inclination of hers! Also we have the Italian Night on Saturday
18th with Jenny at the helm and lots of authentic atmosphere and tucker for just $20.
I am continuing on from Kevin Armstrong doing a lifejacket survey on behalf of RMS through
Yachting NSW. Essentially it requires 100 on-water observations per month for eight months, after
which we get a $500 grant and two high quality inflatable lifejackets to add to the two we already have.
These can be used as raffle prizes at Easter, for instance, to increase our return and John from Bacchus has already asked to buy one.
I have written a separate article on the October long week-end cruise which was very enjoyable
and well attended with very summery weather. On the way back we stopped at the junior sailing camp
at the BRSC for breakfast and watched juniors from Tweed Heads, Richmond River, Yamba and Harwood sailing on a variety of dinghies on a glorious day. It all looked very well organized and was great
to see.
Racing in the senior part of the club is going well although we have been short of Bar Tender
operators. Tom and Ken have been away enjoying themselves – perhaps too much as Tom had a
heart scare after his return from cruising up north but thankfully this seems OK now. I haven’t heard
from Richard Hunter for a while but he should be due back around now. We have a couple of new
boats racing including Freewind whose owner travels all the way from the Gold Coast! Also we see
some of the Spiders from RRSC regularly.
I have updated the calendar in this issue with things like the next members meeting and the
Christmas Party so have a look at that. Also please consider dropping in to the club on Friday nights if
you don’t already as we are keen to get some new faces there. If you need a lift from the local area to
get there and back home, please let me know and I will see if we can do a bit of car-pooling. We really
want to see you there.
Vice Commodores Report
Hi everyone, we are having a good number of boats racing this season, with Scurrilous taking out the win
last Sunday, the third win in a row, well done. Wednesday Racing has been very competitive with good numbers
as well.
Junior sailing has taken off well with good numbers so far this season. A big weekend was had at big river
sailing club on the Oct long weekend. With our junior sailors and families attending as well, camping , sailing and
enjoying the facilities. With some cruising boats travelling back from weekend cruise, stopping for breakfast
Monday morning.
The cruise on the long weekend had some beautiful weather and fun as well, dinner at the Harwood Hilton was well attended. No doubt our commodore will have more info about the weekend events.
Not much else to report at this stage will have more info as the season goes on.
Vice Commodore
Andrew Passmore
Watching the Ski Boats from the Chivers Property
The PYYC held its annual long week-end cruise on 3-6 October. The weather continued its warm, dry spell
although it was quite windy at times, particularly at Lawrence for the BBQ lunch on Saturday. It was hard to keep
the plates and serviettes from blowing away.
Another thing that didn’t quite go according to plan was that the yachtie contingent decided to tie up at
Maclean instead of Harwood on Sunday night for dinner and to watch the rugby league final. I was pretty sure
that no-one else was intending to go to Harwood as per the program but I was wrong. Paddy and Kevin were
there on their own, complete with Paddy’s birthday cake which they intended to share with everyone. I suppose
no amount of groveling will make up for this oversight! As it happened I moved Audacious from Maclean to Harwood later that night to be closer to the bridge and had to put up with some very noisy (and nosy) pig shooters
who were living on their “vessel” tied up next to me. Somebody’s getting me back for forgetting about Paddy and
Other than that, everything went smoothly. Oh no it didn’t. I forgot that Cutty, not long out from an extended hospital stay, got quite unwell on Saturday and was taken home by my other crew Jo and Sarah after the
BBQ. Thank you to them both and Di for helping look after Graeme, however that left me sailing Audacious and
towing Bar Tender on my own.
The dinner at Harwood on Friday night was well attended by about 20 members with about 25 at Terry and
Kathy’s house on Sunday. Thank goodness for the huge mango tree at the bottom of their garden which gave us
much needed shade on a very warm day. The Bridge to Bridge ski race was the first highlight on Sunday, with
some of the boats and skiers passing only spitting distance from the shore at Lawrence. Then there was Terry’s
excellent lunch cooked on his specially made BBQ near the river bank. This was followed by a golf competition
involving putting, chipping and driving. The driving range was actually into the river and was judged by Terry.
Scoring was somewhat subjective and loosely based on poise, bum wiggle, distance and ball bounce on the water.
Terry was particularly impressed with my forward hip thrust while driving and I scored 95 out of 100, but it was
not enough to feature in the overall results. In the men’s competition Steven Chivers won, with Bob Hotchkiss
second and Steve Stocker third. The birthday girl Paddy won for the ladies, with Val second and Helen third. The
winners are sporting new PYYC caps.
The yachties along with Paddy and Kevin stopped by at the BRSC’s junior sailing camp for breakfast on Monday morning. (Have you noticed how much we were eating over the week-end?) It was the last day of sailing for
the kids and they were having a ball in the river opposite the club. Sarah Armstrong and Tim Sowell were also
there supervising activities.
Back at Yamba on Monday afternoon it was a matter of offloading the yachts (and wondering why we had
taken so much stuff) and putting the boats back on their moorings. Also loading Bar Tender back up with her
buoys and anchors and securing her at her berth. She proved essential in getting us on and off our yachts, particularly at Lawrence where we anchored off Munro Island in windy and choppy conditions.
All in all a great week-end and I’m already looking forward to the next one.
Hello Everyone
This month has gone so quickly - its nearly Christmas again.
A big reminder that the Italian night is on Saturday 18 October 2014 - next Saturday week. So far we have a few
positive responses, but we need more for catering purposes - so if you are intending of being there for a great
night could you please let us know as soon as possible.
We have a basket for your donations to the Raffle. A reminder also that the Christmas party will be on Saturday
December 6 2014 with a Buffet dinner at $25.00 per head (maximum or 40)
Also a reminder regarding the gifts for needy Children to be collected by the Salvation Army. We will have a container in due course for these (to be unwrapped) which will be placed under the Christmas Tree for the children.
Club Openings
The Club is open on Friday evenings from 5 p.m. and on Wednesdays after Sailing as well as those Sundays after
activities on the water
Till the next Issue - Cheers to you all
Jenny Mackenzie - Rear Commodore
0412 974 005 or 6646 6551.
A Happy group at the October Cruise
$20 a head, book early as numbers will be limited
We are at the start of our Spring/ Summer season but the enthusiasm is already pretty high. We will be
sailing every fortnight on Saturdays until mid-December starting Saturday 18 October, then will work out what
to do over the summer break. Our new beauty of a trailer is working well and is apparently easy to tow and manoeuvre. We’ve had a few enquiries from new families.
On the October long weekend we had a very successful junior sailing camp at the Big River Sailing Club
(thank you very much Col and all the crew for you kind hospitality), meeting with Big River’s young sailors and
also families from Tweed Heads and Ballina. All in all we had 23 kids sailing and learning all sorts of new skills
and the camp itself worked out very well, with the club’s facilities being open to us. All in all it was a great success. Our two clubs have quite different junior divisions, with big river tending to have older teenagers and our
club of course tending to have younger children learning to sail. We are talking about having some visits out
there to run our sailing program from Harwood from time to time and are joining them again for a regatta in
November. Great to share ideas and networks. Thanks to all the families who came and particularly the kids
who sailed, rigged, de-rigged and generally got into it – Sean, Alex, Oscar, Abigail, Austin, Amelie, Charlie, Seth
and Finn – and others who visited and came to see what was happening.
We have started working on our points system in the new season, where points are awarded not just for
racing and winning but also for turning up, trying your best, packing up and generally getting involved! We will
have a presentation before Christmas to see who has come out on top.
More soon,
Sarah and all at Junior Sailing
How to uncapsize your boat, by Seth
The art of knot tying
Monday 13th October 2014
Meeting Opened: 7.10pm
Present: Andrew Soesan, Ken Palich, Sharon Soesan, Andrew Passmore, Kevin & Paddy Armstrong, Barry & Liz Meredith, Sue & Roger Varcoe,
Belinda Chant, Jenny Mackenzie,Tom Crozier, Sarah Mcintyre, Jo Denny.
Apologies: Sarah Armstrong, John Cade, John Rogers.
Guest: Al Robinson.
Al is Project Officer N. Rivers, Good Sports NSW. Gave presentation re level 2 accreditation. Went through items to bring
us to that level. Facebook, ATB, Website all have mention. Can download logo from their site for our use on emails, letterhead, etc. Activities – provide a Good Sports Award – ? as presentation for Juniors. Signage - use for Trailer. Being part
of the Network can assist in obtaining Grants. No problem with our accreditation process. Will formalise paperwork and
return to us. Thanks for attending.
Minutes Previous Meeting: Liz Meredith read out previous Minutes. Moved Ken Palich Seconded Belinda Chant that
they be accepted.
Business Arising:
1. Sign – Andrew followed up. Full size single side around $1500. Double sided $2500. Too expensive. Sandwich
Board $528. Discussion. Agreed important to have sign asap. See Cam re sign and Ken will make frame and
1. YNSW newsletter.
2. Invoice Yamba Marina Rent & Bar Tender $520 & $264.
3. Invoice Coca Cola $52.80
4. YNSW Invoice Census $3240
5. ACMA $51
6. Ballina Insurance Business Pack $520
7. CVC Invoice reminder $261
8. Ballina Insurance receipt
9. Masterman Insurance notice of amalgamation with National Insurance Group
10. Letter from Mia and Wolfram Treptow with signed German Flag
11. Liquor and Gaming Notice
1. Thanks to Mel and Shane Henwood. Casino Night
2. Thanks to Steve Patterson donation of Junior boat.
3. YNSW Census.
4. Letter Greg Haines re Approved manager status.
Proposed Kevin Armstrong seconded Paddy Armstrong mail accepted.
Treasurer’s Report:
Chq acc
$11057.25 (includes Grant money)
Proposed Andrew Passmore. Seconded Liz Meredith report be accepted.
Commodore’s Report:
1. Courtesy Bus (Backpackers). Not available.
2. Office next door (Peter Sutton's) annual rent extra $3000 not financially viable to consider.
3. History and Tradition. ATB now in electronic form so no copies for archives. Jeff at Print It will provide for 75c a
copy full colour any quantity. Will have a number printed off for visitors and Club to view.
4. Not provide copies of ATB for public viewing due to members info and meeting minutes, etc. Get quote from Jeff re
brochures double sided to hand out to public. All agreed follow up asap.
5. Honour Board for past Commodores. (Member Bob Aitken made board) Ken also proposed Founding Members
6. YNSW Insurance and Masterman as broker contacted regarding temporary or guest members being covered as stated in their policy document. Still no conclusion.
7. Gormans re clubhouse. Owned by Crowns Lands. Going for tender. Check process when advertised.
8. Lifejacket Survey again. $500 and 2 lifejackets. (already have 2 from previous year).
9. October Long Weekend Cruise. See ATB for report.
Vice Commodore’s Report:
Meeting with Sarah re Junior Programme. Good racing. John Cade in charge Wednesday racing. No Try Sailing Day until
Personal Insurance issue sorted with YNSW.
Rear Commodore’s Report:
Italian Night Saturday 18th October 6pm. All in hand. Numbers low at present approx 22. Xmas Party to go in ATB 6 th December. Reminder Hamper and Salvation Army Children gifts.
Australia Day Weekend probably at Paddy and Kev's.
General Business:
Jo made some suggestions regarding attracting more people to attend Club. Maybe Pizza Night, Bring a Friend Night, Trivia
Night. Perhaps monthly as incentive. Discussion re name change to involve more members of public and visitors with
Next meeting 24th November 7pm
Meeting Closed 8.45pm.
Sunday races have a briefing at 12.00pm with a race start at 1.30pm. Spinnakers allowed.
Midweek races have a briefing at 12.00pm with a race start at 1.30pm. Spinnakers not allowed.
Twilight Races have a briefing at 2.00pm with a race start at 3.00pm. Spinnakers not allowed.
Normal race fees are $5 per crew member. Minimum $10 per boat, maximum $25 per boat.
There are 8 Club Championship races, all on Sundays, with two discards. (CC) in calendar denotes Club
Championship race.
There is a Summer Sunday Series of 8 races with 2 discards.
There is an Autumn Sunday Series of 10 races with 2 discards.
There is a Spring Midweek Series of 9 races with 2 discards.
There is a Summer Twilight Series of 16 races with 3 discards.
There is a Winter Midweek Series of 12 races with 3 discards.
Minimum of 3 yachts required to start a race. 5 non-deductable points will be given for yachts with
crews who are present and prepared to race but the race is cancelled due to insufficient starters.
If the final BOM weather forecast on the day before a race (issued at about 4.15pm) is for gale force
winds or above and/or continuous rain, the race will be cancelled and sailing members informed by email. Ring the race committee if unsure.
If any of your details are incorrect or you are not receiving emails regarding racing or social events & you wish
to, please email Liz so we can update our records.
F – Family, O – Ordinary, S – Social, L – Life.
R—Racing, C—Cruising, J—Junior, S—Social, LM—Life Member.
Please Support all our Sponsors