St Maria Goretti’s Catholic School

St Maria Goretti’s Catholic School
64 Morrison Street, Redcliffe WA 6104 Phone 6279 2000
16 October 2014
. A prayer for the beginning of term:
Lord God,
At the beginning of this new term teach us to be your hands and feet.
At the beginning of this new term teach us to love as you love us.
At the beginning of this new term teach us to pray for those in need.
So that You are honoured and glorified.
St Maria Goretti – Pray for Us.
Interesting highlights from our school website.
Listed are the various
vehicles for communication
with families which I would
encourage you to investigate
and to keep in touch with
ensuring you know what is
happening in our school.
Through the blog you can
Calendar of Events
subscribe so all updates are
Please click on the link to see the upcoming events for the remainder
the term.
sent toofyour
email account
Our school:
1. Website: -
2. Facebook:
3. Blog:
4. Twitter:
For more up to date information, please visit the school website
 Friday 17 October 9.00am P&F Meeting
 Monday 20 October 2.50pm Assembly
 Tuesday 28 October to Friday 31 October Year 5 and Year 6 Camp
 Tuesday 28 October 6.00pm School Board Meeting
 Monday 3 November 9.30am Year 4 to Scitech
 Monday 3 November 2.50pm Assembly
 Tuesday 11 November 6.00pm Kindy 2015 Parent Info Evening.
 Monday 17 November 2.50pm Assembly
 Tuesday 18 November 6.00pm School Board Meeting
 Monday 24 November 7.00pm Annual General Meeting of School Board and P&F
 Monday 1 December 2.50pm Assembly
 Tuesday 2 December 6.00pm Board Meeting
 Thursday 4 December 9.45am Thanksgiving Mass, Helpers, Exiting Family Morning Tea.
 Monday 8 December Year 6 Graduation Mass.
 Wednesday 10 December 6.00pm Christmas Concert
 Term 4 concludes for students FRIDAY DECEMBER 12
 Term 4 concludes for staff FRIDAY DECEMBER 19
Welcome Back to Term 4
I hope that you had a restful but exciting holiday with your children and return to
school for a very hectic term.
This term we hope the builders will be finished and we can return to our new facilities for the
beginning of 2015 – so far, they are on schedule.
Some of the events for the term will be:
Our standard testing process begins next week in Year 1 to Year 6.
Year 5 and Year 6 students will be heading to Camp from Tuesday 28 October to Friday
31 October 2014 at Ern Halliday Camp Hillarys.
School Reports will be written and issued.
We will be celebrating the St Maria Goretti’s Christmas Concert on Wednesday 10
December at 6.00pm.,
And among other events the Year 6 students will celebrate their graduation on Monday 8
December at 6.00pm and this class will be the first class to Graduation from our new
However, despite all these upcoming events our focus remains on the school’s primary purpose,
which is
educate and nurture the whole child in a Catholic environment
to function in life”
Re-furbished Pews for the Chapel
On Wednesday the cabinetmaker returned our pews and they look fantastic!
We now have a Sacred Place of which we can be very proud of and this area gives the children
an opportunity to grow and flourish in their faith.
Please make the time to come and visit our chapel.
Early Childhood and Family Centre
Our Early Childhood and Family Centre was
launched on Tuesday 14 October 2014.
It was a very exciting first session with 15
children, and parents, ranging from 8 months
through to 4 years of age who had a fantastic
time playing with the equipment and learning
through the activities. It was wonderful to see the Mums and a Grandmother engaging with their
children and their learning.
At our first Aboriginal Early Childhood and Family Centre session on Wednesday 15 October
2014 we had 2 children and their families.
The feedback comments from parents were glowing in response to the question:
“What I liked most about today was:”
“Friendly, Relaxed Lots to do”.
“Kids Amused”.
“The great variety”.
“Seeing my child is interested and away from home”.
“The structure and variety”.
“It’s great to teach her to share and interact with the kids she will be
at school with”.
“The variety of toys that she could play with”.
“The variety and quality of exercises to do with the child”.
“The atmosphere and kids playing together”.
“Seeing the kids interact with others – Thank you! Socializing
with other children”
“Variety of different play stations”.
“Meeting other mums from the school and having the chance to
mix with kids her age.”
“Playing with friends, he’ll be at school with”.
While the children’s response included:
Lots liked the hand painting – for the new Playgroup Banner.
“The slide and balls was best”.
“Play dough was fun”.
Our Early Childhood and Family Centre is open from 9.00am until 11.00am on Tuesdays and
9.30am until 11.30am on Wednesdays.
Over the coming days
a new section will be
developed on our
website to host the
photographs from the
Annual General Meeting Notice
The Parents and Friends Association and School Board Annual General Meeting will be held on
24 November 2014 commencing at 7.00pm.
Further details will follow in the next newsletter but I would encourage parents to consider joining
either the P&F Executive or becoming a member of the School Board.
Your involvement in the School leadership sends a clear message to your child that school is
important to you and that volunteering is a good way to live their lives.
Year 5 and Year 6 Camp
The Year 5 and Year 6 students will be on Camp from
Tuesday 28 October to Friday 31 October 2014 at Ern
Halliday Recreation Camp Hillarys.
The staff attending the Camp will be Miss Ford, Miss
Guglielmana, Mrs Holdyk, Mr Griffiths, Mr Mumme, Mr
Chris Barrett and myself.
There will be daily reports to parents via SMS in the
morning and afternoon.
Whilst I am on the Camp Miss Jacinta Horrocks will be
in charge of the school.
School Assemblies
The regular fortnightly School Assembly will move to Monday afternoons as of this Term.
The Assemblies will be held in the Under Covered area commencing at 2.50pm.
This is necessary to facilitate our Playgroups.
This Term, the Assemblies will be for the presentation of certificates and will not include a class
item as the time will be used to prepare for the end of year concert. The following are the dates
for Assemblies during Term 4.
Monday 20 October at 2.50pm.
Monday 3 November at 2.50pm
Monday 17 November at 2.50pm
Monday 1 December at 2.50pm.
Calendar of Events
Please click on the link to see the upcoming events for the remainder of the term.
School Attendance
This week being the first week back of Term 4 there were 45 students who were late for school.
When a child is late it:
1. Disrupts the learning of all children
2. Stresses the child as in the last week two children were extremely lucky to make the bus
for their excursion.
3. Teaches them that tardiness is acceptable in life
Where the parent of the child who is late starts to talk to the teacher it escalates the disruption to
the learning and the teacher may appear dismissive which can offend but they are instructed to
focus on the classes learning once the bell starts.
I have been asked recently why the Education Act is referred to in the Late Note. This is because
the requirements relating to school attendance, which covers punctuality come from that
Attendance issues are addressed in accordance with those requirements, however it is worth
noting that this requirement is also covered by your Contract of Enrolment which is an agreement
with the School.
The primary driving force of ensuring your child is at school punctually should be what is
in the best interest your child’s education!
The reason the school continually asks families to sign students in and out is in case of an
emergency where the school is required to produce a printed accurate record of who is on the
school site. At my previous last two schools there were 2 fires in 11 years so these processes are
necessary for the safety of your children. And therefore absentee and late notes are still required
by the teacher as the guardian of those required documents.
Car Parking
This is a reminder about the parking arrangements during the building program:1. Spencer Court gates open from 8.25am until 9.00am and from 2.50pm until 3.25pm each
2. Parking ONLY on the School side of the road and not on the neighbour’s verge.
3. Do not allow children to use this gate unless accompanied by a parent from the classroom
4. This is NOT another pick up/ Drop off area.
5. Please remember not to park or wait at the end of Spencer Court as this can cause
limited access to the neighbours property.
PARK kerbside to the school.
7. Please DO NOT ALLOW students to get out of the car onto the road. Please ensure
children get out of the car at the kerb.
8. Entry and Exit to the school is from Morrison Street
9. Please drive slowly and follow the directions of staff on duty.
10. If you are parking along Morrison Street, please DO NOT allow students to get out of the
passenger side door that leads to the street. Alight kerbside only.
Please ensure ALL drivers using the Drop Off/Pick up area as per our new Car Parking Policy
have patience and understanding as teachers will be doing their best to move vehicles quickly
but our overriding concern is your child’s safety and the safety of all on the site.
Peanut Friendly School
Parents are reminded that this school is an ALLERGEN FREE ZONE, which means that you are
encouraged not to send any nut products to school. There are children in the school whose
health is affected by such products. If such products are sent to school please inform the teacher
and talk to your children about the safety practices of the school.
Semester 2 School Fees
Semester 2 school fees are now overdue. Thank you to the families that have
paid their fees.
Families that have a student in Year 5 or Year 6 will have School camp charges
of $320 included in your Semester 2 Fees. Please remember that if any family is
experiencing difficulties in paying your school fees, please make a time to visit the
office to speak with the Finance Officer Sharon Hindle.
Running Club
Miss McCagh will continue to hold Running Club during Term 4 and it will
commence on Monday 20 October 2014 on the school oval from 3.20 until 4.00pm
for children in Years 3 to Year 6.
Students, please remember to wear appropriate clothing and running shoes (such as sneakersspikes are not permitted and running in black school shoes are also not permitted).
Thank you Miss McCagh.
Martin Barrett
Year 2 Para Liturgy
Families of Year 2 students are most
welcome to join the class on
Thursday 25 October at 9.45am in
the Chapel for a Para Liturgy service.
If anyone is able to assist with covering some new Reading books, please see
Miss Horrocks. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Book covering
contact will be supplied. Thank you
Miss Horrocks
Corner of Wright & Daly Street, Cloverdale
345 Wright Street, Cloverdale WA 6105
Parish Office
345 Wright Street, Cloverdale WA 6105
Mailing Address: PO Box 329, Cloverdale WA 6105
Parish Secretary
Mrs Leonie Blake
Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9.00am to 12.00pm
Phone: (08) 9277 4094
Fax: (08) 9277 8034
Parish Priest: Fr Nelson Po
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday: Vigil Mass 6.00pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 6:00 pm
Weekday Mass Times
Tuesday: 5.30pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am
Thursday - Saturday: 8:30 am
Saturday: 9:00 am – 09:30 am
Welcome back to Term 4 and a special ‘Welcome’ to the new students and their Family
who have joined the St Maria Goretti’s Community – Stuart, Breeanna and Chloe Ugle.
I’m sure everyone has had a nice break over the last two weeks and we are all looking forward to
the excitement that comes with this time of the year.
October: Month of the Rosary
By tradition, the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the year to certain devotions. The
month of October is dedicated to the holy Rosary, one of the best known of all Catholic
devotions. October includes the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7). The best way to
celebrate the month is, of course, to pray the Rosary. Pope John Paul II called the Rosary his
favourite prayer, in which we meditate with Mary upon the mysteries which she as a Mother
meditated on in her heart. Over the last weeks of this month classes will be encouraged to recite
the Rosary. Children will be invited to bring their Rosary Beads to school so they can join in with
this special prayer to Mary.
Year 6 Graduation Mass
Please keep our Year 6 students and their families in your prayers as they come to the end of
their primary school years at St Maria Goretti’s Catholic School and prepare for a new journey.
The Year 6 students and their families will come together to celebrate their Graduation with a
special Thanksgiving Graduation Mass on Monday December 8 at 6.00pm in the school Chapel.
Thanksgiving Mass and Morning Tea for Helpers and Departing Families
The whole school will come together to celebrate a Thanksgiving Mass on Thursday December 4
2014 commencing at 9.45am in the undercover area. At the conclusion of Mass a ‘Thank you’
morning tea will be held. The morning tea is to say thank you to everyone that has assisted in
any way at the school during the year and for any families who will be leaving St Maria Goretti’s
at the end of the school year. Please come along to Mass and stay for the morning tea. RSVP to
Marion at the office.
School Standardized Testing
Next week, commencing Monday 20 October to Friday 24 October, students in Years 1 to Year 6
will be completing some Standardized testing in the Literacy and Numeracy areas. Similar
tests were completed at the beginning of the year by students. The baseline data results will be
used by staff to assist with planning and identifying a focus for the 2015 school year.
School uniform
This is a friendly reminder that all students from Years 1 to Year 6 should be dressed in the
correct St Maria Goretti’s summer school uniform. Please
ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform. Girls
wear the summer dress and boys grey shorts with the
school short sleeve shirt. The school has the No Hat No
Play policy therefore the school hat must be worn at all
times when outside.
Just Smile!
Thank you to the many families that continue to send
in their school banking each week.
The Commonwealth School Banking team are bringing good news that the Dollarmites have
found the ancient Clam of Fortune, a mythical shell packed with precious prizes. What’s even
better is that they want to share their
haul with you!!!
The precious prizes to win
40 x GoPro Hero3 White Edition
150 x Slip ’N Slide Double Wave
The more you save, the more
chances to win
Every deposit you make through
School Banking will automatically
create one entry for you into the
competition (up to a maximum of 6 entries).
Competition runs: 20 October to 30 November 2014.
School Banking Reward Redemption Day
Congratulations to the following students who have earned 10 silver
Dollarmites tokens through the School Banking program and are now
ready to redeem these tokens for a fantastic reward item.
Holly Catania
Megan Howie
Blake Hanley
Brooke Catania
Kadin Zoghbi
Taylah Woodward
Jamie Spanjich
Sophie Maidment
William Freeth
Sophie Casale
Jack Allia
Zack Allia
Cameron Crouoch
Jackson Zoghbi
Talisha Scully
Ryan Penn-Poletti
Cayleigh Freeth
Claudia Cavallaro
Jaxon Smithers
Aiden Kinahan
Kaitlyn Bynder
Elle Green
Isabelle Kolpa
Jarrod Hanley
Renee Howie
Bailey Craine
Jordan Rodriguez
Monique Cavallaro
Madison Austen
Lydia Lysle
If you haven’t already, please complete your reward card and return it with your next banking and
your reward item will be ordered for you! Please remember that all rewards take approximately 2
weeks to arrive.
Our next P&F meeting will be THIS Friday 17 October, at 9am.
We would love you to attend if you can manage it. Besides organizing the upcoming
school disco (yay!) we will be discussing a proposal to increase the P&F levy for next year,
currently at $30. Your opinion on this would be much appreciated. Our P&F Secretary Kirsty is
an apology so please direct any further apologies to; and a volunteer
note-taker for the meeting would be much appreciated. Next term we have two events planned—
the School Disco will be Saturday 1 November and will have a Halloween theme so please save
your Halloween decorations to turn Redcliffe Community Centre into a spooky castle! Secondly
we have a Family Portrait opportunity on Saturday 8 November with Chris Wiegele of CK
Images. The fundraising component is a $15 sitting fee paid to the P&F, for which your family
has a 10-15 minute studio shoot at the school and will be able to select an 8x10” print. If you
then wish you may purchase additional prints/canvases/ albums etc from CK Images. The P&F
looked at a number of other portrait photographers and believe we are offering families an
excellent package and opportunity for the price. If you would like to book a 15 minute timeslot
from 9:15am on Saturday 8 November, please email me on with your
preferred time. I can also provide you any further information.
Simone Northcott – President St Maria Goretti’s Catholic School P&F
David Price OBE is a Senior Associate at the Innovation Unit in England
and is an internationally acclaimed Education futurist. David will be in
Perth on Monday 27 October 2014 for one night only. David’s talk will highlight the
challenge facing all parents and educators in how best to support children for a
future where we cannot predict what jobs will exist. To book tickets, please click on the
Eventbrite logo on the PDF attached or go here:
Enrolments for December/January programmes are now open. Swimming Pools and
beaches are a vital part of our Western Australian lifestyle. It is important for every child
to learn to swim and develop essential water safety skills. VacSwim’s school holiday swimming
programs are conducted by qualified instructors who teach children the skills to be confident
swimmers and safe in the water. For further information and online enrolment please visit
You are invited to Ascot Eagles Junior
Cricket Club Milo in2Cricket Come and Try FREE SESSION with a friend on Saturday October
18 at 8.30am at Middleton Park Garvey Street Cloverdale. Milo in2Cricket is for boys and girls
ages 5 to o6 and is awesome fun. Learn new skills and make new friends at this FREE cricket
session. For more information on the MILO in2CRICKET program visit
or contact Neil Cranny or
PERTH CRICKET CLUB “T16s Modified Cricket” for GIRLS ONLY
Girls aged 10-14 years can play on Sunday morning with games lasting no longer than 2 hours
with the first fixture of the season on Sunday 19 October. The season lasts around 6 to 7 weeks.
This is a modified format using soft ball and all gear is supplied. For further information please
contact Al McDougall on 0401 133 204 or
Commencing Tuesday 21 October for 8 week course featuring small squads at Belmont Park
Tennis Club at $135. Enrolments and information call John Fairchild on 0412 124 338
Give your child a kickstart in life! Phone now for your child’s free
trial & give your child the help they deserve to: BUILD THEIR
THEIR BALANCE, and BUILD THEIR LIFE SKILLS all in a fun and safe environment where
they really feel they belong and are part of something special to them. Starting from only 4 Years
of age and up. LOCATION: Woodville Pavilion Hall (Corner Fitzgerald and Farmer Street, North
Perth) Phone ANTHONY on 0402 144 018 to make your booking!!!
For more information contact Seniors Recreation Council of WA Inc. 08 9492 9772 Free tea, coffee & bottled water available all day Food Vendors
in attendance
Burswood Park 8.30am to 3.00pm, Great Eastern Highway BELMONT A LiveLighter Event Free
Activities and Information day for over 45’s Featuring Activities, Clubs/Groups, Seniors &
Commercial Agencies Attendance in 2013: 14,000 Seniors “Be active everyday” Ample parking
available including buses Official Welcome 10.30am by: Hon. Tony Simpson, Minister for Local
Government & Communities for further details phone 9492 9772
Date: Monday 17th November 2014
Time: 7.00 pm (Doors open 6.30pm,
please be seated by 6.55pm)
Venue: Notre Dame Catholic Primary
School, 360 Daly Street, Cloverdale WA
Cost: $20.00 per ticket
Maggie’s seminar will explore how the10
essential building blocks will build resilience
and self-esteem for all children from birth to
12.These building blocks improve the cognitive,
psychological, emotional and social health of
children for life. Her informative, insightful
and entertaining seminars inspire parents to
make small changes for young children – small
things that become big things later in life.
Seminars are for parents, teachers, health
professionals and family consultants and
counsellors Tickets on sale from Monday 1
RSVP: Monday 31st October 2014 unless sold out
Resources will be available for sale. These can be previewed on the
web along with testimonials and biography