Year 7 at Tonbridge Grammar School This booklet gives parents a broad overview of the learning that takes place in Year 7. In addition to the learning that takes place within the eight subject groups, a focus for this year is to make connections between subjects and to connect learning to the real world. The Middle Years Programme at TGS As a school we follow the IBO’s Middle Years Programme (MYP). The MYP provides a framework of learning that: encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. emphasises intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. fosters the development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement - essential qualities for young people who are becoming global leaders. Why the Middle Years Programme? We have chosen the MYP because it offers: • • • • • • • rigorous learning objectives a student-centred approach to teaching international perspectives concern for the whole child sustained teaching and learning in more than one language a focus on learning how to learn the development of flexible thinking that prepares students to evaluate information critically and apply knowledge in complex, unfamiliar situations The MYP’s focus on independent learning makes it the ideal preparation for the IB Diploma Programme (DP). The MYP framework The MYP is designed to develop the characteristics of the IB learner profile shown in the profile on the next page. There is a commitment to learning within global contexts where students explore human identity and global challenges. Students are encouraged to develop conceptual understanding through interdisciplinary learning. Interdisciplinary learning seeks to develop connections between and across subjects. Approaches to Learning provides the foundations for independent learning skills in all subject groups. IB Learner Profile Global contexts Global contexts give a framework for learning through issues and ideas of personal, local and global significance. These areas serve as "lenses" through which students explore ideas, investigate connections across and between subject areas, and apply their knowledge to real world problems. Who am I? Who are we? Identities Students will explore identity; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and and Relationships spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; what it means to be human. What is the meaning of “when” and “where”? Orientation in Students will explore personal histories; homes and journeys; turning points in Space and Time humankind; discoveries; explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between, and the interconnectedness of, individuals and civilizations, from personal, local and global perspectives. What is the nature and purpose of creative expression? Personal and Students will explore the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, Cultural Expression culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. How is everything connected? Globalisation Students will explore the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; and the relationship between local and global processes; how local experiences mediate the Sustainability global; reflect on the opportunities and tensions provided by world interconnectedness; the impact of decision-making on humankind and the environment. How do we understand the worlds in which we live? Scientific and Students will explore the natural world and its laws; the interaction between people and the natural world; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the Technical Innovation impact of scientific and technological advances on communities and environments; the impact of environments on human activity; how humans adapt environments to their needs. What are the consequences of our common humanity? Fairness Students will explore rights and responsibilities; the relationship between communities; and Development sharing finite resources with other people and with other living things; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution. Global Contexts in action: In Biology this year, students will learn about plants and photosynthesis. The unit is based on this statement of inquiry: Plants are vital to the survival of almost all species on the planet. They produce food and oxygen for themselves and other organisms. How do they harness energy and chemical elements to make food and oxygen? The unit is viewed through the Global Context of Globalisation and Sustainability and asks the question: Why is plant life essential to the success of the planet? Subjects Groups in Year 7 The eight subject groups give breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding. Each subject is taught as a discrete discipline. Subjects within a group share common assessment criteria. Number of lessons for each subject in a fortnight: English 6 Geography 3 Drama 2 French 3 Digital Design 2 Mathematics 6 History 3 Music 2 Spanish 3 Product Design 2 Science 6 Religious Studies 2 Visual Arts 2 Latin 2 Physical Education Skills development All subjects develop skills described by the IB Learner Profile e.g. reflective and creative thinking, principled approaches and open-mindedness. Students are prompted to explore and improve these skills in subject lessons and through feedback on their work. Learning Mentors also support students in looking at their skills development overall. Time with the Learning Mentor each week provides an opportunity for the students to discuss and monitor their skills progress and set individual targets. 4 Language acquisition French All about me: students learn to describe themselves, others and their school, including their subjects, timetable and typical day. My interests and town: students describe their leisure time including how they use technology, the sport they play and extreme sports. They learn to communicate about their surrounding area including facilities and activities that one can do. Students begin to correspond by letter with pen pals in France. Spanish All about me: Students learn to describe themselves and their family environment. They compare their world and the world of other Spanish speaking children. My education: Students learn about their school environment in the UK and other Spanish speaking countries. My town: Students describe where they live and what there is in their town. They compare their environment to the environment of other Spanish speaking children. Latin Students begin their studies in Latin using the Cambridge Latin Course. As well as translating using basic noun and verb forms, vocabulary and sentence structure, students study Roman houses, town life, the theatre, slavery and gladiators! The Spelling Bee in Term 3 gives the students a chance to increase their understanding of words across languages and raise money for charity. Language and literature Students undertake a range of writing activities and study a variety of genres. Story Writing: is an opportunity for students to write creatively and to experiment with different styles and perspectives. “I, Coriander”: is the novel that all Year 7s will be studying, considering the importance of character, theme and structure. Chaucer and “The Canterbury Tales”: is where extracts will be studied and students will write their own modern version based on their interpretation of society today. Poetry –making connections: is where students consider different types of poetry and the importance of word choice and order. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”: will be studied with a view to looking at conflict in friendship. This will also involve a class performance. Diary Writing: is a non-fiction unit where students look at diaries from the past and consider their impact on present day readers. All classes will have a reading lesson once a fortnight and will be expected to read at least one book each term. Individuals and societies Geography The tools of the trade: this is a unit shared with History, it covers the skills required by a Geographer, focussing on mapwork and fieldwork skills to collect primary data. There is a fieldtrip integrated into this unit. The Earth as a resource: this unit is partly shared with Science, it covers the many ways in which we use the Earth’s resources and the unintended problems arising from this use. Should we stay or should we go? The United Kingdom’s place in the EU and development of the EU. It also covers migration and issues around migration. History How do we know? A short interdisciplinary module exploring historical and geographical skills with an emphasis on map work. This links to a visit to Tonbridge later in the term. We also look at some mysteries, too. How have cultures and societies influenced one another? An investigation of the Norman Conquest and the impact of the Normans on England. Features include the development of castles and the Domesday Book. Religion in the Medieval World: an exploration into the role and importance of religion in the medieval world, with case studies linked to the death of Becket, pilgrimages, the role of monasteries and the Church in politics. How could the world around us be explained in the past? An investigation into the causes and effects of disease in the Middle Ages, with a central focus on the Black Death and its impact on Western Europe and Scandinavia. This forms part of an interdisciplinary project with Biology, focused on the causes and transmission of disease. How could you change your world? Linking to the consequences of the Black Death, students investigate the causes of the Peasants’ Revolt and its impact on life in England. How has human curiosity changed our world? A focus on crusades, voyages of discovery: their causes and effects on Europe and abroad. Throughout the year, students develop their historical skills, language skills and reasoning through a range of varied tasks and activities. Religious Studies How do Sikhs put their beliefs into practice? Exploring concepts of the Sikh community and worship practices. Students will visit a Sikh Gurdwara. What does it mean to live a moral life? This unit explores different approaches to moral and global issues, including Sikh perspectives on these issues. What does it mean to live a good life as a Sikh? Can one person change the world? This unit explores the life, death and impact of Jesus and their project is a booklet focusing particularly on the events and significance of Jesus’ death for Christians. Does our identity continue after death? This unit leads on from looking at the death of Jesus and what it shows about religious beliefs in the afterlife. Students explore the philosophical question of what constitutes human identity, looking at different perspectives on whether this could continue after death and in what form. Why fight for your beliefs? This question ties in with a trip to Canterbury with the English and History department and the project is a presentation about Thomas Beckett which relates to their work in History. Sciences Biology Students learn how to use a microscope and make their own slides. They study cell structure and function, and produce their own model of a cell of their choice. They learn about human reproduction and compare it with reproduction in other animals. In Movement and Health students consider what it means to be healthy and explore the ways in which infectious diseases spread. They practise key skills in data presentation and analysis. In the final unit they learn about the interactions between living organisms and their environment; this culminates in students producing a report arguing whether or not a polar bear could survive in the Sahara desert. Chemistry Students learn how to operate safely in the laboratory and build on this by exploring the basic techniques used in Chemistry through the ages such as filtration and distillation. We look at certain reactions and start writing equations to introduce the students to the language of Chemistry. During the year the students will undertake projects where they plan and carry out experiments and then evaluate how well their plan worked. These skills are necessary as they will be required all the way up to Year 13 and at university if they take a science course. Physics Students study four main topics in Physics this year. Each topic involves the students working towards answering a Big Question and contains a variety of practical and collaborative work. Energy: students learn about the fundamental laws of the universe and combine Physics and Geography to investigate renewable energy sources. Forces: students investigate the different types of forces that govern our world. Light: students are introduced to a variety of new equipment which is used further up the school. They learn about the properties of light and about mixing colours. Space: in this topic, they cover the Solar System, plan a mission to another planet and investigate what we have learnt from Space exploration. Mathematics Number and Algebra: students develop their understanding of core number skills and of manipulating algebraic expressions. They learn how number and algebra are used in communication by investigating various codes and ciphers. Patterns, sequences and proof: students investigate patterns, discover sequences and explore the differences between evidence, demonstration and proof in Mathematics. Geometry: students design a garden and calculate the cost of the materials used to construct it by finding areas of complex shapes involving triangles, parallelograms and trapeziums and by finding volumes of prisms. Proportion: students develop their understanding of percentages, fractions and decimals and their knowledge of the area and circumference of circles by investigating whether or not it would be worth melting our coins to extract the component metals. Geometry: students investigate patterns and geometrical transformations using computer programming to produce jewellery designs. Algebraic proficiency: students learn how to solve linear equations and apply these skills by developing equations to represent various real life problems and solving them. Probability: students begin to develop an understanding of the mathematical rules underpinning probability and aim to create and test their own game of chance. Arts Drama Students explore Greek Theatre focusing on ensemble and choral work. They build their own Greek amphitheatre, develop their use of voice and movement and perform scenes from “Troy 24.” Students are introduced to the theatrical traditions of Commedia dell`Arte including slapstick, mime and physical theatre. They make their own masks and perform scenes from “A Servant to Two Masters” and “The Canterbury Tales.” Students practically explore Shakespearean language and develop their characterisation skills. They build their own model Globe Theatre and perform selected scenes from various comedies including “Macbeth,” “The Tempest” and “A Midsummer Night`s Dream.” They also perform scenes from the play version of “King of Shadows.” Music Students complete six projects this year, working with Music Technology for 50% of the time. Elements: students develop listening and performing skills to perform Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, using their own or classroom instruments. Drum and Bass lines: students use Music Technology to create a short sequence of pop music. These are then played back. Gamelan: students develop performing skills on classroom instruments looking at music from Indonesia. Sinnerman: students use music technology to create an arrangement of a famous Gospel song, producing the musical notation to be performed. ToGs Factor: students develop their singing skills to perform songs to their peers. Ground Bass: students use music technology to make a new piece from Pachelbel’s famous Canon in D. Visual Arts Students explore drawing, painting, colour, geometry and animation. Identity: looking at the artist Hundertwasser and his idea of people having five skins to build you into the person you are (epidermis, clothing, house, social and global). Students develop a Hundertwasser style self-portrait based upon all these elements. Changing Animals: based upon the illustrators Charley Harper and Eleanor Grosch, students will look at how geometry shapes the way in which we draw animals. Each project works through the key elements within Art of knowledge and understanding, developing skills, thinking creatively and response. Physical and Health Education Physical Education The aims of MYP Physical and Health Education are to encourage and enable students to use inquiry to explore physical and health education concepts. Students experience a variety of activities, learning to participate effectively in a variety of contexts. They also develop their understanding of the value of physical activity and how to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. They are given opportunities to work collaboratively and communicate effectively to build positive relationships and demonstrate social responsibility. Activity Areas in Year 7 include: Netball Hockey Rugby Football Health Related Fitness Gymnastics Dance Athletics Cricket Rounders Stoolball Health and Social Education Health and Social Education is a key part of a young persons’ development, providing ways to cope with the challenges of teenage years. It allows time to reflect on the quality interactions with others and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In addition students also follow a full Health and Social Education programme within their Learning Communities in Years 7-9, completing one activity a fortnight each year. The themes explored include: Managing stress, worries, and anxiety Peer-pressure and self-esteem Managing relationships Bullying, e-safety and cyber-bullying Exercise, healthy eating and body image Money management and charity contributions Design Students complete two main projects this year, working with Product Design under the MYP umbrella of “Design”. Digital Design Monsters: students develop digital design skills to create a cartoon character. These are then laser cut in light reflecting acrylic. Patterns: students combine mathematics and computer programming to produce patterns and designs for jewellery making. Product Design Monsters: students develop textiles skills by making a “monster” soft toy and their resistant materials skills to produce an LED lamp using their work from Digital Design Patterns: students will create pewter jewellery printed fabric based on their work in Digital Design and Mathematics.
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