MYP Schedule All students have eight 85-minute classes in a four by four block schedule. MYP Courses All students take: ~ Annual courses in Mathematics, Science, Humanities, English Language Arts, Spanish or Portuguese Language and Humanities, and Design ~ Semester courses in Physical Education and Fine Arts delivered alternately throughout the year. Students may take high school courses in Science, Mathematics, and World Languages, and Advanced Placement classes in Spanish Language. MYP Requirements As part of the Middle Years Programme, all students must: ~ Meet the criteria of the International Studies/International Baccalaureate contract (2.5 GPA in core courses) ~ Complete the required number of community service hours (10 in 6th and 7th grades, 20 in 8th grade) ~ Maintain a portfolio of their work ~ Complete an 8th grade Community Project Parents and guardians are responsible for: ~ Enforcing the student dress code and attendance requirements ~ Monitoring the child’s progress through the student agenda and the Parent Portal on-line ~ Ensuring that students meet the expectations of the school’s Academic Honesty Policy Ada Merritt K-8 Center International Baccalaureate World School School Mission To provide and support a rigorous dual language education program that values and promotes the acquisition of a second language and embraces international perspectives and high quality education for a diverse community of learners. Gifted students participate in the gifted program through their Design class. International Studies Program (IS) Students have the opportunity to pursue dual language mastery at a high level of proficiency by participating in the Spanish IS Program. At the middle school level, IS students take Spanish classes at an advanced level, following the curriculum of Spain and culminating in eighth grade with a College Board Advanced Placement course and exam in Spanish. School Site Administration Principal Carmen M. Garcia Assistant Principal Barbara M. Martin PYP Coordinator Jackeline Sanchez-Jimenez MYP Coordinator Maud P. Clark 660 SW 3rd Street Miami, Fl 33130 (305) 326 0791 The IB Learner Profile MYP Global Contexts Ada Merritt K-8 Center The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. is a fully authorized International Baccalaureate World School offering the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the Middle Years Programme (MYP). IB learners strive to be: Knowledgeable Inq uir e Open-minded la Ba rs What is the IB Middle Years Programme? The MYP organizes teaching and learning through eight subject groups: Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, Arts, Physical and Health Education, and Design. The subject groups are connected through key concepts and global contexts. Driven by a cycle of inquiry, action and reflection, IB programmes aim to develop a range of skills and attitudes that help students effectively manage and evaluate their own learning through research, critical and creative thinking, collaboration, communication, managing information and self-assessment. Contexts for learning in the MYP are chosen from global contexts to encourage international mindedness and global engagement within the program. The MYP identifies six global contexts for teaching and learning that are developed from the PYP’s trans disciplinary themes. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Identities and Relationship Who am I? Who are we? Orientation in Space and Time What is the meaning of “when” and “where”? Personal and Cultural Expression What is the nature and purpose of creative expression? Scientific and Technical Innovation How do we understand the worlds in which we live? Globalization and Sustainability How is everything connected? Fairness and Development What are the consequences of our common humanity? Approaches to learning ( ATL) As a key component of the MYP, the focus of ATL is on helping students to develop the self-knowledge and skills they need to become lifelong learners. Thinkers ed ipl c n Pri Communicators d nce Caring Re fle ct ive Courageous Clubs Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of clubs: FFEA, Mathematics, Guitar, Science, Technology, School Patrol, Visual Arts, and Robotics. School Uniforms Middle Years students may wear the gold, navy, white or block polo jersey with khaki pants or skirts. Celebrating Success Ada Merritt K-8 Center is: ~ An A School since 2006 ~ A Magnet School of America School of Excellence ~ A fully authorized IB World School ~ A top performing school in M-DCPS ~ A recipient of the prestigious Rio Branco Award by the Brazilian government
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