November 2014 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 Founded in 1866 Publication No. 8180 • Vol. 87 • Issue No. 10 Our mission is to ensure the flourishing of Jewish life through educational, social, and Conservative religious experiences in a warm and dynamic community. B’nai Jeshurun Congregation SPEAKEASY & CASINO Saturday, November 1 SHHHHH...IT’S A PARTY FROM THE PAST! Admission: $50 clams til October 24, then $65 big ones after October 24 and at the door. Enjoy an evening of casino games, silent auction and fun to benefit B’nai Jeshurun’s Garden Project and United Synagogue Youth (USY) Includes: Heavy Hors D’oeuvres, Soft Drinks/Coffee/Tea, $10 in Poker Chips, 1 Bingo Card, Cash Bar No Prohibition here! You can also buy 50/50 raffle tickets! One for $100 or three for $250. (You need not be present to win!) Learn more, register & buy raffle tickets at: 8:00-11:00 PM Contact Kim Cole at 216.831.6555 x132 or with questions. T H E A MERICAN JEWISH EXPERIENCE WHERE HAVE WE COME FROM? WHERE ARE WE GOING? NOVEMBER 14 – 16 Weingold Guest Scholar • Dr. Jonathan Sarna Friday, November 14 Saturday, November 15 Sunday, November 16 6:00 pm Service 9:00 am Service; How 9:00 am Breakfast 7:00 pm Dinner Could American (free of charge) (reservations Jews Be 9:30 am What Lies required) $18/ Slaveholders? Ahead? American adult; $10/child 12:00 pm Congregational Judaism in the (under 12 years), Lunch (free of charge) 21st Century $50/family max 1:15 pm That Obnoxious Books available 8:00 pm The Emergence Order: Ulysses S. for purchase of American Grant and the Jews and signing. Judaism Presented through the generosity of the Weingold Family. FREE AND OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY Dr. Jonathan Sarna is the Joseph H. & Belle R. Braun Professor of American Jewish History and Chair of the Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program at Brandeis University, as well as Chief Historian of the new National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia. 27501 Fairmount Boulevard • Pepper Pike, Ohio 44124 • 216-831-6555 • FAX: 216-831-4599 • EMAIL: • WEBSITE: Beineinu–Between Us This is an abbreviated version of my second day Rosh Hashanah sermon. The full texts and archived video streams of all High Holy Day sermons are available on the synagogue website. Pharell Williams’ song “Happy” debuted last November and danced its way into the world’s heart. What is it about this song that has everyone around the globe clapping and dancing? The answer is that it makes us feel...well...Happy. Its not just that Williams’ lilting voice and peppy melody uplifts us. Or that we enjoy seeing all the people dancing and celebrating life. It’s the words themselves that touch us. It’s the idea of being so happy that nothing will bring us down. Williams sings: Here comes bad news, don’t hold it back I should probably warn you I’ll be just fine No offense to you, don’t waste your time. Can’t bring me down, my level’s too high We all yearn for that kind of happiness. The ability to feel such over-whelming joy that in Williams’ words: We feel like a room without a roof. How does one achieve that kind of joy? The Jewish tradition has a lot to say about happiness. Rabbi Michael Broyde writes there that Happiness is an important value in Judaism, but that it is not the most important value. The most important value, he states, is that of following the Torah. But, I would strongly disagree. I say to you today Happiness is the ultimate value in Judaism. In fact, that is exactly what we are taught by the great Hassidic master, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov: mitzvah gedolah lihiyot b’simcha: The greatest mitzvah of all is to be happy! The only question is: What kind of Happiness? There are many different words that refer to Happiness in Hebrew. Sasson is happiness tinged with sadness, such as when a parent says goodbye to a child underneath the chuppah. Gil is the kind of peak happiness that we feel intensely but then fades away. Simcha, on the other hand, refers to an enduring happiness that pervades our very being and does not fade. Simcha is the happiness Pharrell Williams sings about. It is also the joy Rabbi Nachman of Breslov referred to. The greatest of all mitzvot is to be in a state of Simcha, of irrepressible sustained joy. So what is Simcha and how do we achieve it? One thing we know, you can’t buy Happiness. Nor does true Happiness come from activities that give us pleasure. Tal Ben Shachar, who taught the Science of Happiness at Harvard University, writes that Happiness lies at the intersection of pleasure and meaning. He tells us that an hour or two of meaningful and pleasurable experiences can affect the quality of a whole day, or even a week. Let me offer four keys to finding that intersection of pleasure and meaning. The first key is that Happiness comes from having meaningful relationships. The second key is developing a sense of appreciation and gratitude for continued on page 16 2 November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 Candle Lighting November 7 ....................................4:56 pm November 14 ....................................4:49 pm November 21 ....................................4:44 pm November 28 ....................................4:40 pm Torah Portions November 1 ............................. Lech-Lecha November 8 .......................................Vayera November 15 .............................Chayei Sara November 22 ....................................... Toldot November 29 ................................... Vayetzei Daily Service Schedule Monday - Thursday 7:00 am, 7:30 am & 6:00 pm Thursday, November 27 • Thanksgiving 8:00 am & 2:00 pm (no 6:00 pm minyan) Friday 7:00 & 7:30 am 7:00 pm - November 7 6:00 pm - November 14, 21, 28 Saturday 9:00 am & 6:00 pm Sunday & Friday, November 28 (day after Thanksgiving) 8:00 am & 6:00 pm Submissions for the January Tidings are due by Monday, November 17. Attention Snow Birds Please let us know when you are heading to warmer climates for the winter months. We want your winter address and phone number to keep you up-to-date on everything that is happening at B’nai Jeshurun. Please contact Paula Botkin. HIPAA Due to privacy laws, hospitals will not release information about their patients. If you or a loved one is ill, please contact the clergy either directly or through the synagogue office. If you would like a name added to the mishaberach list (prayer for healing), please contact Diane Shalom. In Judaism, we consider the Torah our most precious legacy. When the Torah is held aloft we sing, “Torah Tziva Lanu Moshe Morasha Kehillat Yakov. (Deuteronomy 33:4) The Torah given to Moses is a legacy for the congregation of Jacob, the Jewish people.” Our children learn this song and sing it often, parading around the synagogue with great joy clinging to their red and blue stuffed Torah toys. The rabbis ask why the Torah is referred to as Morasha - a legacy - as opposed to the more common word, Yerusha - an inheritance? The two Hebrew words are related but have clear distinctions. Yerushah belongs entirely to the recipient to do with it as one chooses without direction, one can spend all their inheritance money until it is gone. However, Morasha is eternal, it lives on forever and is passed down from generation to generation. Inheritance is a passive gift but a legacy requires active participation in order for it to be received. One has to accept it and incorporate it in their essence. Whether it is an ethical will from a loved one that you read regularly, a family business that you work to push forward, a family photo which is now the centerpiece of your family room, the tree which your parents planted to be your chuppah pole, your grandparent’s kiddush cup which you now use to bring in Shabbat with your children, or creating an endowment to perpetuate your most treasured values. Rashi explains that for a Morasha, one must take hold of it and never let it go. Now is the time to take hold of your legacy and make a difference. Our Torah is made with wooden handles (each called Etz Chaim, a tree of life) for us to grasp and hold it firmly. This month, we are offering a variety of learning opportunities to help you strengthen your connection to our vast heritage through study. From our continuing Weingold Forum Classes (it’s never too late to join), the Weingold continued on page 16 A Jewish Thanksgiving After last year’s Thanksgivukkah, much thinking and writing has been done about the “Jewishness” of the American holiday of Thanksgiving. Usually, the connection between Thanksgiving and Judaism hinges on the holiday of Sukkot, which mirrors Thanksgiving in many ways. On both holidays, we share festive meals, celebrating and thanking God for a bountiful harvest. But One of the misnomers about Judaism is that the word brit means circumcision. It actually means covenant. In the portion of Lech Lecha (November 1st), G-d commands Abraham to circumcise all males in his household. From this action onward, all boys at the age of eight days old should be circumcised. The number eight is a mystical number according to Kabbalistic teachings. The number seven signifies completion as in the days of the week. Eight is above the laws of nature. That being said, this is a commandment from G-d. It is an eternal bond between us and G-d. A child goes through his first Sabbath infusing him with the holiness of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is also an eternal bond with G-d, also being in the 10 Commandments. The action of circumcision and Shabbat are further linked by the word ‘ot,’ which literally means sign. G-d used ‘ot’ two other times, for rainbow and tefillin. The rainbow was a sign from G-d that He would not destroy the world via flooding again. In wearing tefillin, we bind the straps to our bodies, as well as utilize specific verses from the Torah containing the words of the Sh’ma and our exodus from Egypt. They are contained within the head and arm piece. While they are hidden from view, the significance of these chosen texts cannot be overstated. Our bond is eternal with G-d as promised to Abraham and, subsequently, Isaac and Jacob. Since we have this relationship in every generation, we sometimes tend to take this for granted. As with a child who knows his parents will care for all their needs and forever protect them, this can lead to parents being taken advantage of. This, too, happens with our relationship with G-d. We have a responsibility to maintain our relationships, not only with visible signs, but with continual action and introspection out of love and respect. We need to nurture our relationships in order for them to endure. Through this philosophy, we will in turn deal with each other with compassion, humility and make our world a better place. Cantor Aaron Shifman Thanksgiving’s connection to Judaism is actually much more substantial than that. In our liturgy, we offer gratitude every day. It’s the first thing we do in the morning, as we start our morning prayers with the words modeh ani (I am thankful). Jewish tradition also calls on us to express gratitude countless other times every day: multiple times during each prayer service, when we eat and even after we go to the bathroom. The most meaningful for me, though, is the simplest expression of gratitude, offering thanks for continued on page 16 November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 3 For as long as I can remember, Thanksgiving has been my favorite secular holiday. It comes down to what I refer to as the four F’s: (1) Food! After all, what could be bad about turkey (even better if it’s Fried), stuffing, sweet potatoes and pie? (2) Football! But does it really have to be the Lions and the Cowboys every year? (3) Four day weekend! Now that I work for a bank, this one is not as true as it used to be as someone long ago had the nerve to decide that the day after Thanksgiving was not to be a bank holiday, so I have to take a vacation day. And last, but certainly not least, (4) Family! It has been a long-standing tradition that my parents host Thanksgiving, and almost without fail, we all find a way to get there. There are usually more than 20 people all vying for that last bite of my dad’s homemade stuffing. And as I’m sure you remember, last year we added another F as the Festival of Lights (Hanukkah) coincided with Thanksgiving! In the same way I view Thanksgiving through my four F’s, I’ve also started to see life at B’nai Jeshurun through three C’s. (1) Calendar. It’s truly amazing the amount of activity our congregation makes available to our members and our community. From auxiliary events, to opportunities for learning, to youth activities, to holiday celebrations, to large congregational gatherings like our upcoming casino night, we offer something for every age group and interest. Of course, these events don’t plan themselves; our office staff and dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to make sure our calendar remains full. This brings me to (2) Contribution. This refers not solely to the generous financial contributions we receive that are critical to our ability to balance our books each year, because I see contributions coming in so many other forms. I see large groups of congregants contributing their time to make an event successful. I see volunteers working the front office desk so visitors are welcomed with a friendly face and callers are greeted with a friendly voice. And I see people contributing their talents in the kitchen cooking for an event, behind a camera lens documenting our activities, or even at the Torah reading table on a Shabbat morning. And finally, (3) Caring. From our daily minyanim that help bring comfort to those in mourning, to the assistance we provide to congregants or members of the community in need of help, B’nai Jeshurun truly is a caring community and I’m proud every day to be a member here. As we near Thanksgiving, I give thanks to all of you for the support I’ve received during my first six months as president, and wish you all a season of Food, Fun, and Family…and a Four day weekend, too! B’shalom, Jody Katzner 4 November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 As I sat down to consider what to write about this month, my first two thoughts were “Mahar” and “Endowment.” I then realized this is really a false choice, as they both provide invaluable operating support - without the former, we wouldn’t be able to operate now, and without the latter we would cease to exist before too long.* As most of you know, Mahar is the synagogue’s High Holy Days annual appeal. Mahar funds salaries, electricity and postage, but it also covers funding gaps in the synagogue’s programs and services. Although there aren’t a ton of programs that are solely funded by Mahar, every program is at least partially supported by operating funds. Put quite simply, when we don’t meet our Mahar fund raising goals, our operating budget falls short. Endowed funds, whether unrestricted or directed toward targeted programmatic areas, also provide operating support - now and into the future. Aside from membership dues, endowment funds are the largest source of funding in our annual budget. We have endowed funds that support adult learning, early childhood programs, holidays and festivals, and so much more. Without these generous sources of perpetual funding, we would be forced to solely use annual campaign funds for these activities, or stop doing them all together. Our goal is to approximately double the size of our endowment, in current gifts and anticipated bequests, by our 150th anniversary in 2016. Imagine the significant and enduring relief this would give to our year-to-year fund raising if an additional $100,000+ was permanently secured through endowed funds. This year, we are extremely fortunate to have a donor who has graciously agreed to match, dollar-for-dollar, all new gifts and every dollar congregants donate above last year’s Mahar pledge. This generous gift, combined with your Mahar donation, plays a crucial part in us meeting our budgetary needs. Please make a gift today, if you haven’t already done so. And as we move toward our 150th anniversary, you will hear more and more about our endowment campaign. Combined with our other fund raising efforts, endowed funds, bequests and planned gifts are what will ensure the strong, dynamic and vibrant future of our synagogue. As always, I welcome the opportunity to talk with you about how you can leave a lasting legacy at B’nai Jeshurun through an endowed gift. *So maybe I’m being a little dramatic, but not so much so…. Appreciatively yours, Kim Cole Tree of Life... We note with sorrow the passing of ALAN FRANKLIN Son of Beatrice Franklin Brother of Carol Feig Uncle of Adam and Michael Feig FRANCES FREEDMAN Mother of Marc Freedman *EDWARD KURTZ Husband of Dorothy Kurtz PHYLLIS ROSS Mother of Jay Ross *MILTON SKORMAN *B’nai Jeshurun member We extend our deepest condolences to all the members of their families. • Meghan & Rick Sullivan on the birth of a son, Grant Patrick Sullivan. Grandparents are Elissa & Gary Okin. McKenzie Lucas • Nadia & Marc Groedel and Rebecca & Richard Miller on the birth of a granddaughter and great-granddaughter, McKenzie Lucas. • May Hershey on the birth of a great-grandson, Bennett Lee Hershey and great-greatgranddaughter, Nora Rebekah Wright. Jackson Tyler Amster • Toby & Mort Gross on the birth of a greatgrandson, Maxwell Seth Fix. • Sue & Vic Amster on the birth of a grandson, Jackson Tyler Amster. David Sperber & Christopher Nollkamper • Donna & Howard Sperber on the marriage of their son, David, to Christopher Nollkamper. • Mara Cohen received the 2014 Cadkin Youth Junior Volunteer of the Year Award from Montefiore. She is the daughter of Gena & Ethan Cohen and granddaughter of Susannah & Avery Cohen. Happy 101st Birthday to Julius Abrams! We will celebrate Julie’s birthday during the Shabbat morning service of Thanksgiving weekend, November 29. November 2014 Milestone Birthdays Molly Berlin Shirley Bleiweiss Edward Blumenthal Marc Freedman Joyce Golub-Lurie Marc Groedel Dahlia Harris Janet Hoffman Steven Jones Goldie Kaplan Ethel Klein Judith Klein Lita Koret Dina Krukovskaya Craig Levin Peggy Lipp James Loeb Lisa Loeb Herbert Marcus Paula Meckler Karen Nash Rebecca Schein Lorna Siegal Eric Skoke Evelyn Slomovitz Yaacov Taxer Mindy Toabe Pnina Wiesel Daniel Wolkoff Seth Woolf Allen Youngman • Arlene & Laurence Turbow and Sally Turbow on the marriage of their daughter and granddaughter, Carrie, to Andrew Dicken. Carrie & Andrew Dicken • Eileen Frank on the marriage of her grandson, Jordan Frank, to Mili Milosavljvic. • Rabbi Paula Sass on her engagement to Jeremy Rose. Paula’s parents are Michele & Harvey Sass. • Gayl & Alan Berger and I. Joseph Berger on the engagement of their son and grandson, Michael, to Theresa Hovanec. • Karen & Sanford Evenchik on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Betzalel Simcha (Solly) Evenchik. Mili & Jordan Frank Rabbi Paula Sass & Jeremy Rose November 2014 Milestone Anniversaries Zissie & Norm Weissman Ellen & Robert Cole Lynda & Nelson Newman JoAnn & Steve Eisenberg Carolyn & Larry Marcs Mayda & Jerry Rothenberg 65 Years 35 Years 35 Years 30 Years 25 Years 10 Years Milestone listings recognize birthdays at 5-year intervals beginning with age 25, and each year after 90. Anniversaries are recognized at 5-year intervals. If you have an Achievement or Mazal Tov to share, please contact Diane Shalom. We are happy to share your good news! November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 5 Introducing B’nai Jeshurun’s Youth & Learning Center (YLC) B’nai Mitzvah SAMUEL ROBERT BRELUS Shabbat afternoon (Mincha), November 8 Samuel attends Kenston Middle School and lives in Bainbridge and Solon. He enjoys music, drumming, computer, travel and sports. He is the son of Susan Brelus and John Brelus and grandson of Rhoda & Mike Stein and Stephanie Brelus. Samuel is also the grandson of the late John Brelus. CODY PETER PIUNNO Shabbat afternoon (Mincha), November 15 Cody attends the Agnon School and lives in Lyndhurst. He enjoys golf, soccer and basketball. For his Mitzvah Project, he volunteers at a nursing home. He is the son of Kim & Sandro Piunno, brother of Alyssa Piunno and grandson of Pete Piunno, Allan Leikin, Fred Berenstein & Toby Marquit. Cody is also the grandson of the late Angellina Piunno. EMMA SHAIN NICKMAN Shabbat afternoon (Mincha), November 29 Emma attends The Edgemont School and lives in Scarsdale, NY. She enjoys art, basketball and reading. For her Mitzvah Project, Emma climbed (and will climb) to the top of Rockefeller Center for the MS Society in memory of her aunt, Candy Jacobson. She is the daughter of Dawn & Alan Nickman, sister of Mollie and Anna Nickman and granddaughter of Ric Carr. Emma is also the granddaughter of the late Eileen & Myron Nickman and Tina Carr. BYJUSY BYJUSY had several awesome events last month, including teen activities during the High Holy Days and a great Sukkot event. We also sent our new 9th graders, as well as our chapter and regional board members, to Detroit for Fall boards Freshman Kinnus. The convention was a great introduction into USY for the 9th graders as well as a great introduction into their leadership positions for the board members. This month we are looking forward to volunteering at Casino Night as well as hosting an exciting mystery event on November 15th! We are also looking forward to sending many USYers to CRUSY Fall Kinnus in Cincinnati, which will take place from November 21–23. If you want to learn more about BYJUSY, visit our website: Naomi Shapiro, BYJUSY President 6 November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 It’s an exciting time for families at B’nai Jeshurun Congregation! All of our education and youth programs are being transformed as part of the new Youth and Learning Center (YLC), which will be home to the Bessie Hershey Religious School, Gross High School, Early Childhood Center, our ever-expanding Shabbaton program, youth group program and high school service track. For the first time, the Bessie Hershey Religious School midweek Hebrew program is offering a Tuesday afternoon class together with online Hebrew learning from home, alongside the congregation’s traditional two-day after school program. We are thrilled to offer more options and flexibility than ever before to meet the needs of families in our community. We strive to strike a balance between addressing the time pressures on families and maintaining the high level of education our congregation is known for. “ Synagogues from around the country have contacted us for assistance in building up their own Shabbat programs. ” Our early elementary program has quickly become a national leader in developing Shabbat programming for our youngest students. Synagogues from around the country have contacted us for assistance in building up their own Shabbat programs. Our 3rd - 6th grade Shabbat program remains top-notch, providing students with the Jewish literacy and skills needed to be the Jewish leaders of tomorrow. Our Shabbat “school” concludes each week with a youth service, where students lead all of the prayers and learn to chant from the Torah. All of the transformations are being guided by the recommendations of a Strategic Task Force, tasked with bringing the congregation’s youth and education programs to the next level. Among the primary goals is to “foster a community that is more holistic, integrating all kids and their families into the educational program, the congregation, and the broader Jewish community.” To that end, a new Shabbaton series has been established, with nearly 200 students participating this past year in overnight Shabbat programs, including B’nai Jeshurun’s first-ever Youth Shabbaton, which was held at Camp Wise. Students from our religious school, the community’s day schools, and friends from the community have all taken part. continued on page 16 News From The Jewish Family Early Childhood Center Why be Jewish? We see books and articles about this question on a regular basis. We know how important it is to impart Jewish traditions to our children and to be a good example to our extended families. I read something written by Rabbi Daniel Gordis that resonated with me; he uses the images of music. He says that people can’t really explain why a certain piece of music “brings back memories and tears to their eyes or smiles to their faces or why certain symphonies simply transport them to places indescribable.” He believes the answer to our question “Why be Jewish?” is all about the music of Jewish life. We are all different; different rhythms and sounds speak to us, move us and make us happy or sad. Each of us has favorites that reach our souls and hearts, our fears and hopes. Rabbi Gordis says this is how the music of Jewish life works. Our challenge as parents is to make sure our kids are exposed to the music of Jewish life at its best, its most powerful, although we have no guarantees that when our kids grow up they will play the same music we do. As long as they play the music, as long as they love it and as long as it calls to them in a special way, we have been successful. Risa Roth, Director Cleveland Conservative congregations invite all 3rd–4th graders to an intergalactic superhero-themed Shabbat! $25 per student includes Shabbat dinner, breakfast and kiddush. Families, join your children at the dinner for only $10 per adult and $6 per additional sibling; $26 additional family max. Register through the school office or Thank you to the Retreat Institute (RI) and Congregational Enrichments Funds (CEF) of the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland (JECC) for financial and programmatic assistance. These groups are supported by the Fund for the Jewish Future of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. Someone Special & Me Wednesdays • 9:45 – 10:45 am For children 15 months–age 3 with an adult. Join Mora Risa for art experiences, music, play and socializing. Free and open to the community. Registration and emergency paperwork required. Kinder Shabbat / Open Playroom Show your support for our library while celebrating your un-birthday with Birthdays & Books Sunday, November 16 • 2 pm A new and exciting library event you won’t want to miss! Come to our celebration of birthdays and reading. We’ll have a birthday party and give each attendee a chance to dedicate a book in honor of their birthday. Story hour with our librarian Rafi, fun games with Rabbi Josh and prizes for all. Reservations required by November 12 to or 216-337-6490. $5 per child; $18 family max. $18 donation to library for a book donation. Payment accepted at the event. Every Friday • 10:15 am Drop in for our popular “get ready for Shabbat” program with challah making and singing. Free and open to the community. Shabbat b’Yachad & Shabbat Shelanu November 8 • 10:30 – 11:30 am Shabbat b’Yachad is a family service for young children, their parents and grandparents, led by Rabbi Hal. Shabbat Shelanu, with Ines Ades, is for children in grades K-2, full of songs, prayer, activities and stories. Elmo’s Winter Clubhouse Sundays, December 14, January 11, February 22 9:30 – 10:30 am For children 18 mos – 3 years with mom, dad or grandparents. Join Mora Risa and Elmo for Jewish art projects and havdallah, playtime, music and snacks. Free; registration required. To RSVP, or for more information about any of these programs, please contact or 216-831-6555 x125. November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 7 Free ! Event An Interreligious and Multicultural Celebration Monday, November 24 • 5 – 8 pm • B’nai Jeshurun Congregation Join the entire Cleveland community in a fun, festival atmosphere as we celebrate the faiths and cultures that make up our city. Enjoy live entertainment from around the world featuring African drumming and dance, Chinese flute, Muslim chanting, Asian cultural photo gallery, steel drums, children’s art projects and activities, and of course our very own Cantor Aaron Shifman! Fun for the whole family! For more information or to get involved, please contact Anne Brower ( or 773-339-1019). A I PA C THE AMERICAN ISRAEL PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE B’nai Jeshurun Congregation and AIPAC cordially invite you to Facing the Storm: Israel and the Imploding Middle East with Aaron David Miller Wednesday, November 5 • 7:30 pm at B’nai Jeshurun Congregation Aaron David Miller, Vice President New Initiatives, Distinguished Scholar Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Mr. Miller served for two decades in the Department of State as an analyst, negotiator and advisor on Middle Eastern issues. A dessert reception will follow the program. RSVP by October 29 to Grace Shin ( or 312-253-8987). FREE & OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY We are pleased to be a sponsor of The Mandel JCC Festival of Jewish Books & Authors as we host Rabbi Jonathan Slater Wednesday, November 19 7:30 pm Deepening Mindfulness, Practicing Compassion and Enriching Our Lives through the Wisdom of R. Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev’s Kedushat Levi Rabbi Slater presents accessible translations of selections from Kedushat Levi, the Hasidic Torah commentary of Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev, one of the most beloved Hasidic leaders. The selections are paired with commentaries to help the reader understand their message and suggestions for practice, grounding them in a contemporary life. Rabbi Slater is co-director of programs at the Institute for Jewish Spirituality and teaches mindfulness meditation at the JCC in Manhattan and other venues. This program is made possible through the generosity of the Weingold Family. FREE & OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY And So We Can Continue to Bring You All These Free Events… Please Donate to the Mahar Campaign This year, an anonymous donor has agreed to match dollar-for-dollar all new & increased Mahar gifts! Please donate today and make a huge difference to our synagogue! Pledges/gifts may be made through the synagogue office or online at 8 November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 Photos courtesy of Jonathan Koslen, New Image Photography. On September 18, congregants, donors and community members gathered on a beautiful fall evening to dedicate the newly rejuvenated Linden Family Courtyard. Thanks to everyone who helped make the evening, and the Courtyard, a spectacular reality! Additional photos, a video of the transformation and a list of remaining naming opportunities may be found at IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN TO PURCHASE YOUR Entertainment Book ($30) or Our Town & All Around Book ($28) Why purchase your books anywhere else? Profits go toward our synagogue and school. On sale now through the Sisterhood gift shop or the synagogue office. 2015 Israel Family Adventure with Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria June 21 – July 3, 2015 Contact the synagogue office for more information. November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 9 Chesed Update: Stepstone Academy Three years ago, our Chesed Committee Chairpersons, Rachel & Joel Schwarz, together with Rabbi Rudin-Luria, connected with a new charter school, Stepstone Academy, located in Cleveland. The synagogue adopted a kindergarten class and pledged to follow these same students through completion of 8th grade. Through the congregation’s school supply and holiday gift drives, we have helped these students succeed at school and at home. At holiday time, their wish list was to have warm mittens, gloves, hats and a book that each child got to bring home. Small stuff to most of us who have more than enough. But to the children in the third grade class that Shani Kadis and I met last week when we delivered the brand new school supplies, it was extremely appreciated by each and every one of these children. One little girl asked if we were the same people who supplied the warm mittens and books last holiday season. When I replied yes, she gave us a big hug to tell us how much she enjoyed owning her own book! I can honestly tell you this mitzvah touched my heart and reached right into my soul. This experience has been a turning point for me and I will make sure they will be seeing me more often as a helping hand! The phrase, “reach out and touch someone” is so noteworthy, because you too, can make a difference to change someone’s life. Shirley Haas Hazak Happenings Hazak, B’nai Jeshurun’s senior adult group, is an active affiliate sponsoring many cultural, religious and social events. To join, or for further information, please contact Membership Chairpersons, Barbara Warshawsky (440-473-0614), Adelle Gloger (216-292-2665) or President, Betty Fishman (216-591-9550). B’nai Jeshurun Hazak & Park Synagogue Senior Adults Annual Program & Dinner Sunday, November 9 at B’nai Jeshurun Enjoy a special program: Our Cantors - Off the Bimah Cantors Aaron Shifman and Misha Pisman singing music from the heart and soul. • 3:30 pm Social Hour • 4:15 pm Program • 5:30 pm Dinner Hazak members $27; Guests $30 Program chairs: Jean Geller (440-446-1257) and Lois Teitelman (440-442-0985). Reservations close November 2. Hazak Shabbat Trivia Night 3.0 Thursday November 20 • 7:30 pm @ B’nai Jeshurun Sign up as a team or individual. $12/team (up to 5 participants), $3/individual. Beer, wine and yummy bar food will be served! Teams/ Individuals MUST pre-register by emailing Elyse ( or Elana ( Save-the-date for our annual Latkes & Vodka night on Saturday, December 20! January 3 Annual Hazak Shabbat celebrated with other North American Conservative Congregations. Chairpersons: Ruth Dobres (440-449-5126) and Sonya Shultz (216-382-5522). Please call Ruth to participate in the service. Welcome to our new member Sheila Botnick LIBRARY DONATIONS We are happy to accept donated books for the library if they are current, Israel/Judaic content and in excellent condition. Due to limited space, we are not able to accept books that are not current or unlikely to be circulated. Contact Rafi Simon, librarian, if you plan on making a book donation. Please do NOT leave books in the library or in the synagogue office without Rafi’s knowledge. Thank you for your cooperation and for your interest in making our library a wonderful learning environment. 10 November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 I was happy to see many of you at events we hosted over the past two months. Please refer to the various boxes on this page for our current programs. Our new book club will meet this month to discuss Once We Were Brothers by Ronald Balson. This book is available at local libraries and electronically. November 21st is our Sukkah Awards Dinner. November 22nd is our first Shabbat Lunch & Learn of the year. After services you can eat, schmooze, learn and develop a closer relationship with the clergy. What else can you do between noon - 2 pm that has so many benefits? We are very excited about hosting a concert December 13th featuring Sight N’ Sound – a 70’s and Motown band. Remember that our primary means of communicating meeting and event information is by e-mail. If you are not currently receiving e-mails from the Men’s Club, please send a note to to be added to our list or leave a message with the synagogue office. David Cohen, Men’s Club President Men’s Club Book Discussion Sunday, November 9 • 4 pm • Halpern Hall Once We Were Brothers by Ronald Balson. “The gripping tale of two boys, once as close as brothers, who find themselves on opposite sides of the Holocaust”. No charge. RSVP to David Cohen ( Discovering Meaningful Prayer Learn what Shabbat services are all about Sponsored by Men’s Club Sundays, November 9, December 7 and January 11 8:30 am Breakfast / 9:00 am Session Learn everything from Shacharit to Musaf. We will look at the prayers, their meanings and everything in between. All are welcome to attend; no charge. A great way to schmooze, study and enhance your Shabbat experience! RSVP to David Cohen ( Shabbat Dinner for Families with Sukkah Awards Friday, November 21 • 5:45 pm Join all pre-K - 2nd grade families and everyone who participated in our Sukkah Judging Competition for a great Shabbat dinner and to receive your Sukkah award! Enjoy heavy snacks at 5:45 pm before the main service at 6 pm and the family service at 6:15 pm. Dinner will begin at approximately 6:40 pm, which will be followed by a short teaching and an edible sukkah dessert project and awards (all children will also receive an edible sukkah award)! RSVP to the synagogue office or online. $10/adult, $6/child; $32/family max. Men’s Club Lunch & Learn Saturday, November 22 following kiddush Led by Rabbi Rudin-Luria, participants can ask questions on any topic – customs, Israel, prayers, Middle East, politics, B’nai Jeshurun, etc. Free, but reservations are required and space is limited to allow for a lively discussion. RSVP by November 17 to David Cohen ( or 330-425-4989). This event is open to the entire congregation. The Men’s Clubs of B’nai Jeshurun, Park and Shaarey Tikvah present SIGHT-N-SOUND (A Premier Motown/70’s group) Saturday, December 13 Doors Open at 7:30 pm • Concert at 8 pm 21 & over • 70’s attire encouraged $20 per person before December 8; $25 per person after or at the door Price includes dinner with soft drinks and beer, great music and dancing. A wine tasting station will offer a variety of kosher wines for a small charge. Pay online at or mail your check (payable to B’nai Jeshurun Men’s Club) to B’nai Jeshurun. Men’s Club & Sisterhood Ohio Bus Trip participants enjoyed a break at Alligator Mound in Granville. Open to the entire community. November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 11 On Monday, November 3, Maggie Anton, author of Rashi’s Daughters and more will be speaking at B’nai Jeshurun about her latest novel. This event is free and open to the public. On Tuesday, November 11, we will hold a Lunch & Learn on the topic of Essential Oils - More Than Aroma Therapy with guest speaker, Faye Silver. Sunday, November 23 will be a fun and learningfilled day. Start off with the last in a series of three self defense classes. Even if you did not attend the other classes, you and your friends are still welcome. Following the class, bring your artistic and creative skills for a Hands on Pottery activity at B’nai Jeshurun. There is a fee for both events. Are you looking for a gift that will also support Sisterhood? If the answer is yes, contact Rhoda Seifert (216 381-9525 or for the Our Town and All Around or 2015 Entertainment book. There is still time to join Sisterhood for the 2014-2015 year. Send a check to the synagogue for $36 made payable to B’nai Jeshurun Sisterhood. Faith Eisenberg and Lynn Katz Danzig Sisterhood Co-Presidents Sisterhood Gift Shop Meet the Author: Maggie Anton, author of the Rashi’s Daughters trilogy Monday, November 3 • 7 pm Halpern Hall Anton will be here to promote her newest historical novel, Enchantress: Rav Hisda’s Daughter. Her books will be available for sale and she will sign books after the talk. Come hear her fascinating story. This event is free and open to the community. Lunch & Learn Tuesday, November 11 • noon Essential Oils - More Than Aroma Therapy with guest speaker, Faye Silver RSVP to Robin Rood, 113 Silver Springs Trail South Russell, OH 44022. Cost is $10 per person. For more information, contact Robin (440-338-5090 or Sundays 9 am – noon or by appointment. Check out all our new merchandise for Hanukkah! Contact Ileen Rosner (216-695-0145). Partners to Empowerment Wellness Center just for the health of it... Self Defense Classes with Gary Yano Sunday, November 23 • 10 – 11 am No RSVP necessary. Pay at the door; $14 per person, per session. Questions? Contact Faith Eisenberg (440-338-1148 or Hands on Pottery at BJC! Sunday, November 23 • 11:30 am $5 for lunch; choose your item to paint (prices ranges from $14–$33). RSVP by November 16 to Rifka Claypool ( or 216-704-0282). 12 November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 Hilda Gibberman Clergy Institute Thursdays 10 – 11 am through November 20 Each class is complete in itself; thus, you are not obligated to attend every session. Subject matter varies weekly. There is never any homework and the classes are free. We guarantee an enjoyable and educational time! Please register with Ruth Dobres (440-449-5126) so we may contact you in case of cancellations. Paid-Up Sisterhood Membership Lunch Sunday, December 7 • 10 am Pastry chef Ariel Galun will provide a baking demonstration! Look for the invitation later this month! Sisterhood Shabbat Saturday, December 13 Please consider participating in the service. Contact Sue Nash ( or 440-759-3042) and specify if you would like a part in English or Hebrew. Received as of September 18, 2014 To better manage administrative expenses, it is requested that contributions be at least $10 or more each. Thank you for helping us reduce the synagogue’s costs, which increases the actual value of your gifts. ABRAHAM-GRUENSPAN HIGH HOLY DAY SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Milestone Birthdays of Ruth Moskowitz and Sam Rose by Charles & Linda Gruenspan. BLUESTONE-ROSE FAMILY EDUCATION FUND In Memory of: Theresa & Melvin Goldberg by Robert & Andrea Davidson. JULIUS ABRAMS MINYAN FUND In Honor of: Milestone Birthday of Bobbi Pincus by Gary & Harriet Mann. In Memory of: Meyer Rubin by Cheryl Rubin…Irving Ullman and Mary Barbara Moore by Kenny & Yael Cohen. B’NAI JESHURUN CHESED FUND In Honor of: Milestone Anniversary of Joel & Nancy Kay by Paul & Lita Koret, Rabbi Alan & Jean Lettofsky, Marlene Fishel and Ileen Tepper. In Memory of: Rae Stone Abraham by Joel & Rachel Schwarz. ALIYAH FUND In Honor of: My aliyah by Vivian Solganik…Cantor Shifman and our aliyah by Alan & Judith Riga…Rachel Schwarz’s birthday aliyah by Joel & Rachel Schwarz…Our Milestone Anniversary by Joel & Nancy Kay…Our aliyah by Bob & Sandy Berkowitz…Our aliyah by Neil & Dee Cantor. EUNICE AND ERNIE BENCHELL ENDOWMENT FUND In Honor of: Milestone Anniversaries of Howard & Dana Darvin, Ike & Joan Yedid, Ernie & Eunice Benchell and Larry & Sherry Miller; Milestone Birthdays of Harvey Goodman, Joan Greenstein, Richard Miller and Salli Rutsky by Ernie & Eunice Benchell. BERMAN-LIPPA FAMILY FOUNDATION In Honor of: Jerry & Esther Spott by Michael & Lana Jacobson. In Memory of: Max Katz and Irving Ullman by Michael & Lana Jacobson. PHYLLIS AND JULES BOOKATZ FUND FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS In Memory of: Phyllis Bookatz by Paul & Lita Koret, Larry & Marcia Simon, Albert & Audrey Ratner, Herb & Marilyn Bell, Steve & Diane Gershenson, Noal & Jayne Solomon and Daniel & Jeanne Ferguson. TEMPLE BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT FUND In Honor of: Our clergy by Randy & Rhonda Kertesz and Marilyn Bayer…Our 49th Anniversary by Ian & Gloria Abrams…Speedy Recovery to Vera Isakowitz by Art & Rose Gelbart. In Memory of: Mary Friedman by Florence Schreibman…Albert Korman by Sheldon Korman…Albert Luxenburg by Herb Luxenburg…Betty Gold by Bertha Gold… Charles Cohen by Arlene Magar…David Pearlman and Jeanette Pearlman by Randy & Rhonda Kertesz… Dora Shultz by Elvin Shultz…Eleanor Spreiser by Loretta Benis…Geo Meckler by Jacob & Lynne Meckler…Gerard Sanders by Maurice & Rowena Sanders…Harry Shizgal by Richard & Rebecca Miller…Jack Markowitz by Alvie & Kathy Markowitz… Joseph Berkowitz by Bob & Sandy Berkowitz…Joseph Greenberg by Steven & Edith Greenberg… Jules Bayer by Marilyn Bayer…Milton Wiener by Steven & Ava Derman… Walter Kugelman and Harvey Malik by Sylvia Kugelman…Freda Leeper by David Bittker…Gene Maeroff by Harvey & Irene Bernstein…Irving J. Ullman by Mark & Fran Doris, Jeffrey & Barbara Sadar, Marty & Sheila Torch, Diane Weiner, Tim & Sandy Wuliger, Kim Goebelt, Nelson Pole, Bruce Leff, Jason & Allison Wuliger, Esther Epstein, Selma Friedman, Richard & Roxanna Taketa, Scott & Lisa Davis, Kinuko Furukawa, Turner Construction Company and your friends at CED…Julia Berger by Laura Shapiro Kulnane, Ian & Gloria Abrams, Jonathan & Robin Siff and Barbara Spevack…Leonard Rood by Jody & Laura Katzner…Nathan Simon, Jennie Simon, Sophie Weinbaum and Dr. Martin M. Weinbaum by Larry & Marcia Simon…Sigmund Schnall by Adrian Schnall. the USA and our aliyah by Dani & Ines Ades…Shana Tova to Cantor Aaron & Sabrina Shifman, Rabbi Michael & Sheila Hecht and Rabbi Stanley & Lifsa Schachter by Noal & Jayne Solomon In Memory of: Ann Levine by Sharon Levine…Ann M. Sender by Steve Sender & Abbie Nagler Sender…Berny Shepard by Lois Shepard…Dr. Julius W. Bell by Herb & Marilyn Bell… Max Greenberg by Leonard & Barbara Greenberg… David Handler by Steven & Joni Wasserman. JEANETTE DANOWITZ ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Rubin Guttman’s recovery by Sid & Phyllis Cohen. HARRIET AND PAUL DENNIS CHILDREN’S LIBRARY FUND In Memory of: Gene Maeroff by Murray & Connie Altose…Irv Ullman by Louis & Linda Herman. GINSBERG FAMILY UNITED SYNAGOGUE YOUTH (USY) FUND In Honor of: Milestone Anniversary of Alan & Salli Rutsky by Mel & Diane Ginsberg. In Memory of: Julia Berger by Mel & Diane CANTOR’S MUSIC FUND By: Lynn and Jennifer Rose, Ginsberg. Sylvia Malcmacher. GOTTLIEB FAMILY FUND In Honor of: FOR HOLOCAUST MISSIONS Cantor Shifman by Lois In Honor of: Shepard, Don & Elaine Wedding of Seth Gottlieb Sherman, Leonard & & Katie Marks by Steven & Barbara Greenberg, Sheldon Joni Wasserman. Steiger & Elaine Maniker, Jeff & Jodi Gottlieb, Bob & HAAS FAMILY Penny Greenberger and EDUCATION FUND Steven & Joni Wasserman… In Memory of: Milestone Birthday of Uncle Linda Savransky by Alan & Bernie Beckerman by Karen Rosenberg. Helene Siegel…Our 36th Anniversary, 25 years in November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 13 BESSIE HERSHEY RELIGIOUS SCHOOL In Honor of: Our aliyah by Mike & Dolores Rubin. In Memory of: Lillian Peskind by Anita Siegal…Bella Chakoff by Mike & Dolores Rubin…Ruth Spiegal by Bruce & Sandra Vinocur. ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Birth of Noa Koster by Bob and Sandy Berkowitz. JACK JACOBSON AND BELLE WINOGRAD MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND In Honor of: Rabbi Stephen Weiss by Ralph & Donna Weiskopf. In Memory of: Eleanor Tenenbaum by Ralph & Donna Weiskopf… Linn Dressler, John Dressler, Marjorie Dressler, Sam Green, Edward Kaplin, Eve Kaplin and Selma Zager by David & Gail Kaplin…Aileen Siegal and Leonard David Rood by B’nai Jeshurun Fellowship. MITCHELL LEUTENBERG SCHOOL FUND In Memory of: Richard Butler by Jay & Ester Leutenberg. LINDEN FAMILY COURTYARD PROJECT In Honor of: Our parents, Al & Norma Geller, and their longterm commitment to B’nai Jeshurun Congregation by Ted & Robin Diamond. MILDRED ROSE AND GEORGE MANDEL EDUCATION FUND In Memory of: Leonard M. Solganik by Millie Mandel. MAZON HUNGER FUND In Honor of: Milestone Birthday of Phil Fine by Kenny & Yael Cohen. LEO AND SALLY MOSS LIBRARY FUND In Honor of: Wedding of Mark & Fran 14 Doris’ children by Richard & Elayne Glueck. In Memory of: Irving Ullman, Norma Markowitz’s sister and Richard W. Smith by Richard & Elayne Glueck. PHYLLIS NUTKIN MEMORIAL EDUCATION FUND In Memory of: Phyllis Nutkin by Nate & Lenore Oscar. ISADORE AND DORA OSCAR MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of Dora Oscar by Nate & Lenore Oscar PAYNER-BESUNDER FAMILY FUND In Memory of: Goldie Pinchefsky and Joey Payner by Estelle Payner. BERNARD POTASH MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Bernard Potash by Steve & Loree Potash…Julia Berger by Howard & Bonnie Potash. PRAYERBOOK FUND In Memory of: Jerome E. Rose by Sylvia Rose. RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND By: Lynn and Jennifer Rose. In Honor of: Rabbi Stephen Weiss by Lois Shepard, Martin Spiegle, Toby Rosenberg, Joe Berger, Sheldon Steiger & Elaine Maniker, Bob & Penny Greenberger and Steven & Joni Wasserman,…Milestone Anniversaries of Phyllis & Allen Wapnick and Harry & Roz Abraham; Marriage of Howard & Arlene Madorsky’s grandson by Marty & Carole Blake…Rabbi Hal RudinLuria by Lois Shepard, Joel & Nancy Kay, Harry Zeid, Toby Rosenberg, Jeff & Jodi Gottlieb, Jonathan & Candy Koslen, Bob & Penny Greenberger and Steven & Joni Wasserman. In Memory of: Berny Shepard by Lois Shepard…Ethel Spiegle by Martin Spiegle…Gitta Stein by Tim & Sandy Wuliger… Irving A. Goodman by Harriet Goodman…Morris J. Kroos by Suzanne Rubinson…Stanley Wahl by Frani Shagrin…David Handler by Steven & Joni Wasserman…Irving Ullman by Robert Kahn & Sally Kahn. In Memory of: Irving Ullman by Alan & Salli Rutsky…Leonard Solganik by Vic & Rachel Lesser. THOMAS AND RICHARD SHATTEN MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Leo Rosenbluth by Larry Oscar & Jeanne Shatten. RONALD AND NATALIE TITLEBAUM ENDOWMENT FUND By: Ron & Natalie Titlebaum. TORAH PRESERVATION FUND In Honor of: Milestone Anniversary of Rabbi Alan & Jean Lettofsky; Our aliyah by David & Ruth Dobres. WYNBRANDT FAMILY FUND FOR BUILDING AND RABBI RUDOLPH M. MAINTENANCE ROSENTHAL MEMORIAL In Memory of: FUND Irving Spitz and Irving In Memory of: Ullman by Daniel & Rose Harry Rosenthal by Avery & Lash. Susannah Cohen. IDA AND SAM ZELWIN JONATHAN ROTH FAMILY FUND TORAH FUND In Honor of: In Honor of: Milestone Birthday of Ronna Milestone Anniversary of Zelwin by Steven & Joni Michael & Charlotte Baer Wasserman. by Alice Roth. In Memory of: In Memory of: Irving Ullman and Linda Linda Joyce Savransky by Savransky by Robert and the 7:00 A.M. Minyan and Ronna Zelwin. David & Ruth Dobres. TREE OF LIFE FOR RUTSKY FAMILY EDUCATION EDUCATION FUND In Honor of: In Honor of: Zachary Zelwin and Cole S. Milestone Anniversary of Zelwin by Robert & Ronna Alan & Salli Rutsky by David Zelwin…Bat Mitzvah of Erica Wakser & Elaine Kaufman… Diane Kahn and upcoming Milestone Birthday of Salli Bar Mitzvah of Adam Rutsky by Jo Ann Millman Nathaniel Kahn by Leonard and Sandy Halpert. Kahn & Melissa Frankel. Please note: Donations may be made by mailing or bringing in a note to the synagogue office detailing the name of the fund, the reason for the donation, to whom acknowledgement should go, and the donor’s name, along with a check made out to B’nai Jeshurun Congregation. It would be greatly appreciated if checks for donations were separate from other checks to the congregation. For Sisterhood Enrichment Fund, please mail your donations and full information to Millie Mandel, 25805 Fairmount Blvd. #103, Beachwood 44122. For Torah Fund, please mail your donations and full information to Lynne Friedman, 180 Fox Hollow Drive #304, Mayfield Heights, 44124. November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 Thank you to our September kiddush & bima flower sponsors: September 6: The bima flowers and kiddush were sponsored by Hana & Ran Saggi in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Yoav Saggi. September 20: The kiddush was sponsored by Bernice Gottlieb, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in memory of their husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, Saul Gottlieb. Rosh Hashanah: The bima flowers were sponsored by Barry Feldman in loving memory of his mother, Phyllis Feldman; Renee & Brian Heller & Family in loving memory of Nora, Albert and Stanley Plonski and Larry Heller; Harriet, Gary, Michael and Andrew Mann in loving memory of parents and grandparents, Estelle & Dr. Milton Rosenberg and Sheldon S. Mann; and Estelle Payner, Pam & Sandy Besunder, Jerry & Jane Payner and grandchildren in loving memory of husband, father and grandfather, Joseph Paul Payner. Sponsoring an oneg, kiddush or bima flowers is a lovely way to celebrate a simcha or remember a loved one. Partial sponsorships are also possible. Please contact Diane Shalom. ONE HAPPY CAMPER Jewish Overnight Camp has been a wonderful part of the lives of many of our members. B’nai Jeshurun is proud that 71 of our children attended a Jewish Overnight Camp last summer. Besides learning new skills like archery and horseback riding, campers participate in sports, arts and crafts, music and aquatics. Campers forge strong friendships with kids they meet thanks to camp. Studies have shown that children with Jewish camp experiences are likely as adults to support Jewish causes and become leaders in their Jewish communities. We can look to the future with the knowledge that our children are already on their way to building a strong future. The Michael and Anita Siegal One Happy Camper Program helps families get a great start on paying for Jewish overnight camp. The program provides up to a $1,000 grant for first time campers going to an approved Jewish overnight camp for 19 days or more. Financial need is not taken into consideration with this grant. We are happy to report that 20 B’nai Jeshurun campers received these monies this past summer. If you are interested in learning more about this program, please contact me at or call Helen Wolf at the JECC at 216371-0449. You may also visit If you are considering sending your child to overnight camp this summer, your family can join us at our NOT YOUR TYPICAL CAMP FAIR, Sunday, November 9 from 2 – 4 pm at Whirlyball, 5055 Richmond Road. At this community event, you can check out 20 different camps, meet the camp directors, bowl and play Whirlyball all free of charge! Wendy Dobres Welcome to our new Shin-Shin Maayan Cohen Maayan is 18 years old and lives in Kibbutz Kfar-Ruppin in the Valley of Springs. Living in a kibbutz is very different from living in a city. In summer, he walks barefoot, the first driving license he got was for a tractor and he claims he somehow naturally repels mosquitos! His family has a bicycle rental shop at their kibbutz; many visitors have come there through their partnership with Cleveland. Maayan studied at Geon Hayarden high school and majored in Arabic, Biology and Drama. He participated in the Ambassadors for Unity program, and is excited to meet everyone in Cleveland and work with B’nai Jeshurun this year! Shin-shin stands for sh’nat sherut, a gap year of service. Heinen's Gift Card Program Easy to Buy - Easy to Use. When you purchase a Heinen’s Gift Card through the synagogue office, B’nai Jeshurun earns up to 7% of the Gift Card’s value! When you use your Heinen’s Gift Card, there is no additional cost to you. You even get Heinen’s Preferred Customer Card discounts and other Heinen’s benefits when you use the Gift Card for your purchases. It’s a great way to provide additional support to the synagogue. For further information or to make a purchase, contact Paula Botkin at ext. 109 or at November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 15 From the Senior Rabbi Continued from page 2 the blessings in our lives. The third key is to use those gifts to reach outside yourself and help others and bring them happiness. The fourth key is to maintain a sense of optimism. Learn to always see the possibilities when you confront a challenge. Naomi and I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! Rabbi Stephen Weiss From the Rabbi Continued from page 3 Guest Scholar weekend with Jonathan Sarna, our AIPAC speaker, Jewish Book Month Author, Sistherhood speaker, the Men’s Club Sponsored Meaningful Prayer Workshops and our ongoing Torah study with Susan Wyner and Thursday Lunch & Learn, join us to make Jewish learning part of your legacy. Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria From the Rabbinic Intern Continued from page 3 my life. In the paragraph of Modim DeRabbanan, during the repetition of the Amidah, we simply give thanks for being alive. Twice a day, in the morning and afternoon services, we offer God “blessings and thanks to Your great and holy name, for You have kept us alive and sustained us.” That language may sound familiar; the shehecheyanu blessing, which we recite on special occasions, also praises God for having “kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this day.” I find this similarity very powerful, as it reminds us that each and every day is unique and is an occasion to give thanks. As we approach Thanksgiving, I’m going to be making a special attempt to remember that gratitude can and should be a daily mindset, not just a yearly one. This month, I am keeping a gratitude journal (a challenge for me, since I usually dislike journaling) and I hope you’ll join me. I plan to end each day by writing down five things for which I am thankful. Together, may we fill our lives and our community with gratitude for the blessings in our lives and may that appreciation give us strength to cope with life’s challenges as well. Happy Thanksgiving! Paula Sass From the Education Engagement Rabbi Continued from page 6 The congregation has invested in a full-time youth director to build relationships and work closely with the education program, to continue to strengthen its award-winning USY chapter and build connections to Jewish engagement for all of our students. We are thrilled to have Dana Blocker back with us in this new capacity. All of this is in addition to the wonderful programming and the welcoming community we have always been known for. I urge you to take part in all we have to offer and spread the word so more families can benefit. Is There A Simcha In Your Future? If you are planning a wedding, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or other festive occasion for which you will need invitations, don't do anything until you see the lovely and unique invitations available from B'nai Jeshurun Sisterhood. We have whatever price range and style you are looking for, from contemporary to traditional, for every occasion. We sell invitations at cost with a minimal donation to Sisterhood. An added convenience is that you are able to take the books home to browse at your leisure. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to save money on your invitations and, at the same time, help our Sisterhood earn money for our many worthwhile synagogue projects. Please contact Rhoda Seifert at 216-381-9525. TIDINGS Vol. 87, No. 10 November 2014 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 (ISSN 2327-2341) is published monthly except July by B’nai Jeshurun Congregation 27501 Fairmount Boulevard Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Periodicals postage at Cleveland, OH. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: TIDINGS 27501 Fairmount Boulevard Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Rabbi Josh Foster 16 November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY RECURRING EVENTS Tuesdays at 10:30 am Torah Study with Susan Wyner Thursdays at 12:10 pm Lunch & Learn Commerce Park IV (corner of Chagrin & Green) Fridays at 10:15 am Kinder Shabbat & Open Playroom Saturdays at 9:00 am Starbucks, Bread & Torah Daylight Savings Time (fall back) 2 7:00 pm Sisterhood Program with Maggie Anton 3 Super Sunday 7:30 pm Men’s Club Meeting 11:00 am Consecration 9 10 8:30 am Discovering Meaningful Prayer 10:00 am Sisterhood Board Meeting 2:00 pm One Happy Camper Event 3:30 pm Hazak Program & Dinner 4:00 pm Men’s Club Book Club Election Day 4 7:30 pm Board of Trustees Meeting Veterans’ Day 16 11 17 18 10:00 am Sisterhood Self Defense Class 9:45 am Someone Special & Me 5 24 5:00 pm arts of thanksgiving 11:30 am Sisterhood Hands on Pottery 25 6 10:00 am Hilda Gibberman Sisterhood Clergy Institute 7:00 pm Weingold Fall Forum 12 9:45 am Someone Special & Me 13 10:00 am Hilda Gibberman Sisterhood Clergy Institute Shabbat Sha-Bang! 7 7:00 pm Service; Birthday Shabbat; Zamir Choir Weingold Guest Scholar Weekend 14 6:00 pm Service 7:00 pm Weingold Fall Forum 19 9:45 am Someone Special & Me 7:00 pm Jewish Book Fair Event with Rabbi Jonathan Slater 2:00 pm Birthdays & Books 23 8:00 pm Casino Night 7:30 pm AIPAC event with Aaron David Miller 8:00 am Count Me In (6th Grade Program) Rosh Hodesh Kislev 9:45 am Open Tent Minyan 12:00 pm Sisterhood Lunch & Learn with Faye Silver Weingold Guest Scholar Weekend 1 9:00 am Service 9:45 am Someone Special & Me 7:00 pm Shabbat Dinner 20 10:00 am Hilda Gibberman Sisterhood Clergy Institute 7:00 pm Weingold Fall Forum 7:30 pm Atid Trivia Night 26 27 Thanksgiving; Office closed 2:00 pm Minyan (no 6:00 pm Minyan) 21 8 Shabbat Sha-Bang! 9:00 am Service 10:30 am Shabbat Shelanu 10:30 am Shabbat b’Yachad 4:15 pm Sam Brelus Mincha Bar Mitzvah Weingold Guest Scholar Weekend 15 9:00 am Service 5:00 pm Cody Piunno Mincha Bar Mitzvah 22 5:45 pm Sukkah Awards Service & Dinner 9:00 am Service; Potash/Killam Aufruf 6:00 pm Service; Anniversary Shabbat 12:00 pm Men’s Club Lunch & Learn Office closed 6:00 pm Service 28 9:00 am Service 29 4:15 pm Emma Nickman Mincha Bat Mitzvah 30 November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 17 Ads 18 November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 Ads November 2014 | Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 19 PHONE: 216-831-6555 FAX: 216-831-4599 EMAIL: Stephen Weiss, Senior Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria, Rabbi Aaron Shifman, Cantor Stanley J. Schachter, Rabbi Emeritus Michael Hecht, Rabbi Emeritus Josh Foster, Education Engagement Rabbi Jay Ross, Executive Director Kim Cole, Development Director Marcy Stahm, Controller Shani Kadis, Membership/ Programming Director Barbara Rosenfeld, Executive Educator Dr. R. Raphael Simon, Librarian Dana Blocker, Youth Director Risa Roth, Early Childhood Director Diane Shalom, Asst. to Rabbi Weiss/ Newsletters Editor Paula Botkin, Accounting/ Cemeteries/Calendaring Wendy Altmire, School Admin. Asst. Julie Berman, Asst. to Cantor Shirley Haas, School Admin. Asst. Rachel Taxer, Receptionist, Asst. to Rabbi Rudin-Luria and Jay Ross ext 104 ext 101 ext 112 ext 106 ext 105 ext 124 ext 107 ext 132 ext 111 ext 131 ext 121 ext 114 ext 120 ext 125 ext 104 ext 109 ext 123 ext 102 ext 122 ext 100 Celebrate Hanukkah with… Games...Games & more Games December 18 • 5:45 – 8 pm at our Congregational Hanukkah party! FUN FOR ALL—YOUNG AND OLD! Featuring: • Delicious Dinner (meat) • Oversized games including Connect Four and Operation • Family Game Show • Hanukkah Bingo with Prizes • Bounce Houses • Crafts for the little ones • Cookie Decorating • Menorah Lighting • Dreidel Contest $10/adult; $8/child (12 and under); $40/family max. RSVP to the synagogue office. Periodicals Postage Paid DATED MATERIAL Please Deliver Promptly
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