October 2014 A VOTE WILL TAKE PLACE AT OCTOBER 1ST BHA GENERAL MEETING see President’s Message below. Dear Neighbors, Writing this mid-September, to meet the newsletter deadline, I am confident both the Flea Market and House Tour were successful. I know this because they were each a happy coming-together of hard-working volunteers and generous visitors, combining a beautiful neighborhood Beth Braun and park with gorgeous fall weather – BHA President if the 10 day forecast can be believed. How could we not have been successful? I hope you were able to participate in one or both of them. On another positive note: The executive committee is pleased to announce that Doug Gorius is the new memberat-large. Our OCTOBER 1ST BHA Meeting will feature our two local K-8 School Principals: Mike Martin and Chad Kramer and the election of a Nominating Committee whose job is to propose a slate of officers from all parts of Butchers Hill for the 2015 executive committee. If you are interested in participating in either the nominating or executive committee in 2015, feel free to speak up at the meeting or contact me beforehand (p.2 executive committee contact info). The Patterson Park Master Plan Working Groups and Steering Committee has representatives from Butchers Hill and is making progress. The master plan update is being developed as an inclusive and forwardthinking vision for Patterson Park. (Pres. message continued on page 3) Last Dumpster & Major Cleanup October 18th, 9AM-1PM Get Ready For Winter With Leaf-Free Gutters, Make Shoveling & Parking Much Easier! START TODAY! Dump on the 18th when bags & shovels will be available. Please join your neighbors in giving Butchers Hill trash & weed-free gutters, sidewalks, tree pits, and alleys (ESPECIALLY OUR NEW BLUE ALLEY and curb BUMPOUTS). When leaves build up in gutters they become MUCK that becomes difficult to move and can block parking. KEEP GUTTERS DEBRIS-FREE by cleaning out regularly, and put debris in clear or labeled plastic bags and set out ON TRASH COLLECTION DAY. Plastic bags that are not clearly filled with leaves or yard waste are subject to $50 fine that doubles subsequently. NOTE: THE FINAL 2013 DUMPSTER STARTS EARLY: 9AM-1PM – at Fairmount & Chester, because Sat., Oct. 12th is not only BHA fall cleanup day, but also the citywide Half-Marathon: Half-Marathon Street Closures October 18th 9AM-1PM** • Fayette St. from Calvert to Gay • Baltimore St. from Gay to Patterson Park Ave. • Patterson Park Ave. from Baltimore to Eastern • Eastern Ave. from Patterson Park Ave. to Linwood Ave. **As runners finish each section, the streets will re-open. October 2014 Monday Sunday 5 Fells Point Fun Festival Moonlight Pagoda 6 Flea Market 232 S. Patt. Park Ave., 7PM 12 13 Land Use LAST DAY Pagoda Open Till Columbus Day – City offices and 2015 sanitation yards closed Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 3 Last HHW Days Until Spring 2015** 4 Last HHW Days Until Spring 2015** 1 General Meeting 2 7 Streetscape 8 COP 9 Executive 10 Audubon Bird Watching 14 Book Club 15 Crime Prevention 16 17 Card Club 18 Dumpster & Fall Cleanup 25 St. Andrew Flea Market / BARCStoberfest / Audubon Bird Watching / Columbus Day Parade House Tour Last day to register to vote Newsletter Deadline 19 20 21 22 COP 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 Halloween 2014 Save The Dates: Wed., Nov. 12th, 7-9PM - Shop & Schmooze is back! Come see the wealth of talent living in and around Butchers Hill. Buy local art while schmoozing with your friendliest neighbors. Snacks and beverages and tons of holiday cheer provided – it’s all happening at St. Andrew Hall, Lombard & Chester. Sun., Dec. 7th: Holiday Potluck BH Committees & Chairs: BH Citizens On Patrol (COP) Crime Prevention Executive House Tour Committee Land Use Evan Helfrich ubik14@netscape.net 410-342-2148 Carolyn Boitnott c.boitnott@verizon.net 410-522-4991 Beth Braun butchershillpresident@gmail.com Next Meeting: Meeting 2nd & 4th Wed. of the month, 7:30PM, at the intersection of Patterson Park Ave. and Lombard St. Wed., Oct. 15th, 7PM 2105 E. Baltimore St. Meets on the third Wed. of the month Thurs., Oct. 9th, 7PM - TBD Sue Noonan Tue., Oct. 7th, 7PM suenoon@cavtel.net 2029 E. Pratt St. Dee Lundelius deelundelius@verizon.net Virgil Bartram Virgil@ArchUV.com 410-327-4964 Mon., Oct. 13th, 7PM - Meeting at the White House in Patterson Park Streetscape Andrew Crummey Tues., Oct. 7th, 7PM - 120 S. Chester St. andrewcrummey@gmail.com Interested in affecting positive changes in our BH neighborhood? Join us! Fells Point Fun Festival 11 Baltimore Marathon ** Last HHW Until Spring Closes Early, 9AM-5PM 2480 Sisson St., take 83 North to 28th St. EXIT, left on Sisson St. for items that may be taken visit baltimorecity.gov, Dept. Public Works. Social Clubs Book Club – Tues., Oct. 14th at 7:30PM – The book to be discussed is “Close Your Eyes – Hold Hands” by Chris Bohjalian. Card Club – Fri., Oct. 17th, 7PM – Second floor at Life of Reilly Pub, 2032 E. Fairmount Ave. 124th Columbus Day Parade Sun., Oct. 5th, 2PM – Goes down Pratt St., ends at Columbus Piazza. Promotioncenterforlittleitaly. org/columbus-parade-october-5.html. CHAP Blocks in Butchers Hill The Land Use Committee reminds homeowners in the 2100 and 2200 blocks of E. Baltimore St. and the 2200 block of E. Pratt St., that you live in a City historic district. All planned exterior work, including painting, must be submitted to CHAP and Butchers Hill. We are happy to help with questions. Contact: Virgil Bartram: 410-327-4964 or Commission on Historic & Architectural Preservation (CHAP): 410-396-4866 For a new neighbor packet or more information about Baltimore’s Friendliest Neighborhood, visit www.ButchersHill.org Butchers Hill Association General Meeting: Wed., Oct. 1st, 7PM - St. Andrew church hall, Lombard Street entrance, Lombard & Chester Sts. Election of nominating committee; Principals from the two K-8 schools we support - Commodore John Rodgers and Patterson Park Charter Schools: Mike Martin and Chad Kramer AND speakers from: the new Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Early Childhood Center at CJR, Blue Water re our new Bumpouts, the Creative Alliance and Big Brothers/Big Sisters. (Pres. message continued from page 1) BCRP is leading this planning effort in partnership with the Patterson Park Steering Committee (PPSC), Patterson Park Working Group and Councilman Jim Kraft. Mahan Rykiel Associates will serve as the consultant on the planning project, and additional work will include BCRP Forestry Division, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, and the University of Maryland. One major focus of the group is a pair of surveys. The first is an online survey, one component of which is a mapping tool that requires a Google account to use. If you don’t have an account but want to contribute your ideas to the map, please let me know – at the meeting or by email – see page 2 executive committee contact info. The second will be a face-to-face survey conducted primarily in the park over the next year. Baltimore City Recreation and Parks (BCRP) invites all community members around Patterson Park to complete the ONLINE SURVEY – about your use and priorities for the Park, see article below. All this is to determine what park users want. Your input is essential! PLEASE READ CAREFULLY – SO YOU CAN SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS about your use and priorities for the new Patterson Park Master Plan – by the Nov. 1st deadline. Balt. City Rec & Parks has an ONLINE SURVEY & MAPPING EXERCISE with a Nov. 1st DEADLINE: www. pattersonparkplan.weebley.com/take-a-survey. html (Spanish: patersonparknaestro.weebly. com/tome-la-encuesta.html). These links are also on the Butchers Hill website. You will also be able to sign up to receive information about public meetings that will be held at key points during the planning process. Take care of yourselves and each other, -Beth Braun President Flea Market & House Tour Committees Say: - T hank You! - Thank You to BOTH committees and all of the volunteers who made the Butchers Hill Flea Market & Craft Fair and the Butchers Hill House Tour so successful! Few people know how many hours are given to make the Flea Market a “well oiled machine” and the House Tour well publicized and homes graciously open for the day. These events provide most of the funding that allows the Butcher’s Hill Association to support our local K - 8 schools and other non-profit organizations in our neighborhood. SPECIAL THANKS needs to be given to the teachers and students of Commodore John Rogers, and Patterson Park Public Charter Schools for volunteering and to the band which, despite the loss of their leader, gave the Flea Market it’s mellow vibe. - NOTHING HAPPENS WITHOUT VOLUNTEERS! Chairs: Ray & Tori, Sue, and Dee. Flea Market volunteers from Patterson Park Public Charter School. From left to right: Sade, Stephon, Ingri, Jade, Tamara, Arely, Orlando, Derrick and Jalen. Taylor is not pictured. Photo taken by Adam Bradbury. Flea Market volunteers from Commodore John Rogers. Students: Mykia, Shapri, Treysean, Destiny, Jasmine, Kayla, Lashae, Jennifer, Antoine. Photo taken by Tracy Petruzziello. For newsletter questions, comments and submissions, email the Editor - bhanewsletter@gmail.com Another Flea Market & Ukrainian Food Sat., Oct. 25th, 9AM-3PM – St. Andrew Orthodox Church Fellowship Hall, entry on Lombard St. near Castle St. Real bargains – clothes, jewelry, household & electronic items & more. St. Andrew is where BHA holds it’s meetings and they consistently support our neighborhood. Please stop by! Vote In The 2014 GOVERNOR’S Election on Nov. 4th You must register to vote by October 14th: electionmaryland.com. Early Voting: Thur., Oct. 23rd – Oct. 30th. Hours: 10AM-8PM. Closest site: St. Brigid’s Parish Center, 900 S. East Ave. 2014 Gubernatorial Election: Nov. 4th, 7AM-8PM. VOTE – make our representatives KNOW WE CARE & GO TO THE POLLS! Audubon Adventures In Patterson Park Info: 410-558-2473, ppaudubon@gmail.com Habitat Maintenance – Sat., Oct. 4th & Nov. 1st, 9-10:30AM For birds, bees & butterflies, by the boat lake, community service hours for students available. Gardening Workshop – Sat., Oct. 4th, 1-3PM – Learn practical tips re native plants & resources to beautify our urban space for you & beneficial wildlife. Migratory Bird Watching Walks – Oct. 10th & 25th, Nov. 14th & 29th, 8-9:30AM – Meet at the fountain. Experts lead these walks and over 200 species have been sighted over the past years. 10th Annual BARCStoberfest Sat., Oct. 25th, 11AM-4PM – In Patterson Park, 5K Run or 1-mile Walk, for owners & their dogs! Fund raisers, vendors, vets, pet daycare, micro-chipping, adoptable pets & more. For more info: call 410-274-8463 or email: kimgurskil4@gmail.com. - Friends of Patterson Park - Baltimore Marathon Sat., Oct. 18th - Each year, the Friends of Patterson Park supports the marathon by hosting the mile 16 water stop on Linwood Ave. Join in handing out water and cheer for the runners. If you would like to help at the water stop email volunteer@pattersonpark.com. For more information about the marathon and road closures, visit thebaltimoremarathon.com. 15th Annual Great Halloween Lantern Parade: Kaleidoscope! Sat., Oct. 25th (Rain Date: 10/26) – New route, brighter lanterns & more music! Festival starts at 3:30PM; Parade line-up starts at the Boat Lake at 6:30PM with the finale at Pulaski Monument. Volunteer for the coolest event in Baltimore: become a Parade Marshal: email volunteer@pattersonpark.com. We’ll train you and you get to be in the Parade. It’s really fun, it’s a big help, and people will sing songs about you. Build Your Own Lantern Sponsored by Creative Alliance (Suggested donation: $5 for one, extras are $2 each). Sat., Oct. 11th – PPPC School, 27 N. Lakewood – three, 1 hour sessions: Noon, 1PM, and 2PM. Sun., Oct. 12th – CA, 3134 Eastern Ave. – three, 2 hour sessions: 10, 12:30 & 3PM. Fri., Oct. 17th, 9PM – Adults only: CA, 3134 Eastern Ave., lantern making for the cocktail inclined, $14, $12 mbrs. Sat., Oct. 25th – Pulaski Mon., Linwood & Eastern, six, 30 minute sessions: starting at 3:30PM. New Neighbors -‐ Contact Kathy Hackett at ktyhack@gmail.com to ktyhack@gmail.com receive the newsletter through email. To receive monthly newsletters via email contact: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Butchers HILL Hill ASSOCIATION Association Membership BUTCHERS MEMBERSHIP Name(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________ NAME: ______________________________________________ PHONE:___________________ EMAIL:_________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________________ New Neighbor Packet? ________ Would you likelike to serve on aon committee? _______ Which: __________________________ Areinterested you interested in volunteering at BHA events? ________ Would you to serve a committee? ____ Which? ________________ Are you in volunteering at BHA events? ____ Annual dues (Jan. thru Dec.) forseniors seniors and low-income. our Butchers Hill Association Annual dues (Jan. thru Dec.) are are $10 $10 per per pperson, erson, $$6 6 for and low-‐income. Now Now we cwe an pcan ay opay ur Butchers Hill Association dues via Pdues ayPal via PayPal online! Log on to www.butchershill.org and click on “Join BHA,” then “Renew” or “Application.” If you want to pay by or online! Log on to www.butchershill.org and click on “Join BHA,” then “Renew” or “Application.” If you want to pay by cash or check, make cash checks check, make checks payable to the Butchers Hill Association and send/deliver to BHA, 27 S Patterson Park Ave., Baltimore, MD 21231. payable to the Butchers Hill Association and send/deliver to: BHA, 27 South Patterson Park Ave., Baltimore, MD 21231.
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