Your Essential Guide to 2015 Enrolment Online Essential steps for securing your place at RMIT for 2015 Overview Contents To secure your place in an RMIT program you need to enrol using RMIT University’s online enrolment system, Enrolment Online. 1. Before You Start...................................................... 2 2. Log In....................................................................... 2 3. Welcome to Enrolment Online................................ 3 4. Accept or Defer Your Offer...................................... 3 5. About Enrolment..................................................... 4 6. My Checklist............................................................ 4 7. Enrol......................................................................... 6 — Apply for Commonwealth assistance (eCAF)...... 6 — Add classes (higher education students)............ 8 — Add classes (vocational education students).... 12 8. Post-enrolment Tasks........................................... 14 9. Manage Your Administration Online..................... 15 10. Help....................................................................... 15 11. Advice from Your School about what Courses to Enrol in.............................................................. 16 This guide provides step-by-step instructions and screenshots to help you understand how to enrol through Enrolment Online. In summary, when you enrol through Enrolment Online you will: ——complete My checklist (a checklist of seven administrative steps that you must do in sequence) ——enrol into courses/classes. If you attend an enrolment information session please bring this guide with you. Terminology At RMIT University you will notice references to courses and programs. A course is a component (subject, unit of study) within an RMIT program. Note that the Enrolment Online system often refers to class instead of course, e.g. Add classes to your enrolment. For example, the course/class Macroeconomics 1 forms part of the Bachelor of Business (International Business) program. Other terminology related to your enrolment: ——Enrolment program structure—outlines the full structure of your program and provides details of the classes offered each semester of the current academic year and the requirements to complete the program. ——Enrolment information session—scheduled by your school to provide information regarding your program’s structure to assist you with selecting classes for enrolment. ——Class section—used in many Vocational education programs. Class sections (sometimes called group sections) are often used to allocate students to a specific timetable. Key to Icons When you see one of these icons the information refers specifically to: V H I $ ! Vocational education students (e.g. certificate and diploma programs) Higher education students (e.g. bachelor and postgraduate degrees) International onshore students Money matters Important Screen images are indicative of what you will see when using Enrolment Online and are subject to change. 1. Before You Start Make sure you read the relevant guide to enrolment available at There are three separate guides. What you need to enrol online Get I.T. ready! The guides explain the steps you must complete to successfully enrol as an international, higher education or vocational education student. your RMIT offer (specifically your £ For the best Enrolment Online experience, we suggest you: your list of courses in which you wish £ ——Use a desktop, laptop or tablet computer when enrolling (the screen on your smart phone is a bit small). Do not attempt to enrol until you have read each section of the relevant guide. student number and program details) to enrol a form of photo identification £ (example: passport or driver licence) other documentation or information as £ described in the relevant guide to enrolment, such as: ——Use a recommended internet browser. If you don’t, you might not have access to full system functionality. A list of browsers is provided at your tax file number £ Health Care Card £ evidence of your citizenship/ £ immigration status. 2. Set Up Your Password and Log in to myRMIT To access the University’s IT systems you need to log in with your: Log in to myRMIT ——RMIT ID: You will find this in your RMIT offer. It is the letter ‘s’ followed by your student number (example: s1234567), and You will use myRMIT for many things, including to access your learning and study resources, RMIT student email account, official RMIT announcements, exam timetables and results. ——initial password: Your initial password is the letter ‘p’ followed by your date of birth backwards and an exclamation mark (example: p19920428!). Change your password Before you proceed any further, we strongly recommend that you visit password assistance ( its/password) and change your initial password to something more memorable. You can also set challenge questions and opt-in to receive SMS notifications if you forget your password. 2 myRMIT is the online portal for current students. It is also the gateway to Enrolment Online—the system for managing your enrolment. To login, simply click the myRMIT login link, which is at the top of every RMIT web page and log in using your RMIT ID and password. Once you have logged into myRMIT, select the Enrolment Online link. 3. Welcome to Enrolment Online After selecting the Enrolment Online link you will see the Welcome to Enrolment Online page. 4. Accept or Defer Your Offer On the Welcome page, My current program displays a list of the program/s for which you have received an offer, or your current active program/s for enrolment. Find the program you wish to accept or defer, then follow the instructions below to either accept or defer your offer. ! Take care when selecting your program, and check that your campus, mode and fee type combination is correct. Defer your offer Accept your offer If you wish to defer, do not enrol. Select your program link and carefully review the details (e.g. campus, mode and fee type) listed under your program. If you are eligible to defer and your program offers deferment, a Defer study button will display for that program. Select the Defer study button and complete the deferment form. Carefully read the conditions of deferment and then submit the form. It is strongly recommended that you print and retain the receipt for your records. After you defer your offer, you do not need to complete any further actions listed in the publication. If the program information is not correct, you should not proceed with enrolment. Please phone the Hub on +61 3 9925 8980 for assistance during business hours. If the program information is correct, select the Enrol button for the program you wish to enrol in. RMIT University | 2015 Your Essential Guide to Enrolment Online 3 5. About Enrolment After you select the Enrol button, the About enrolment page will appear. This page explains the overall online enrolment process and reminds you what you need to enrol online. Select the Begin checklist button to continue. 6. My Checklist The first part of enrolling online involves completing My checklist (a checklist of eight administrative steps that you must do in sequence). You must complete your checklist before you can add classes. Personal details Student declaration This page lists RMIT’s Privacy statement and Statement of student responsibilities. Carefully read both statements. When you select the I Agree button, you are agreeing to all requirements listed in the Statement of student responsibilities. You are also acknowledging that RMIT reserves the right to cancel or amend your enrolment if you do not adhere to these requirements. View personal details and provide citizenship/ immigration documentation This page lists your recorded name, date of birth, gender, and citizenship/immigration status. If you are a local student you are required to enter details of your citizenship/ immigration status here. Providing this declaration is a part of the eligibility criteria for Commonwealth assistance or Commonwealth learning scholarship (if applicable) at RMIT and enables you to receive a student card. V Unique Student Identifier The Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a new government initiative that vocational education students must complete in order to enrol. You can create your 10-digit USI online at, then simply enter your number in the required field. 4 Update address details This page lists your current address/es. The University will use your mailing address to send you important information. Check the details are correct and update them if required. If you are an international onshore student, you are required to provide an Australian residence address. Update phone details This page lists your current telephone numbers. The University will use these numbers to contact you where necessary. Check the details are correct and update them if required. ! You must ensure that RMIT always has your current address and phone number. Check your information is correct and complete and update it as soon as possible if required. For advice on how to change any of these details, please telephone the Hub on +61 3 9925 8980 during business hours. Note that you cannot change your name, citizenship/immigration status, gender or date of birth via Enrolment Online. You may be required to supply documentary evidence to support a change to your personal details. ! In the meantime, you can proceed with your enrolment by selecting the Continue to next step button. Verify email This page displays your authorised RMIT student email address. The University will send important information to this address. Visit for information about your RMIT student email account including your email address, password details and ways to access your account. V If you are a Vocational education student you will see: H If you are a higher education student you will see: You can also add a personal email address here if you wish. However, please note that all official communications from RMIT will always be sent to your RMIT student email address. Update emergency contacts You are required to provide details of at least one close relative or friend in case of an emergency. If you are an international onshore student, you are required to provide emergency contact details for someone in Australia and someone in your home country. I Check that the details are correct and complete and update them if required. If you have multiple contacts, please tick the Primary box to indicate your preferred emergency contact. Statistics RMIT is required to collect statistical information to comply with government reporting obligations. Answer all questions on each tab. If you are a Vocational education student please enter your Victorian Student Number into the appropriate field. If you do not knowyour Victorian Student Number, please leave the field blank and continue withyour enrolment. V When you have finished answering all the questions on each tab, go to the Save data tab to certify that the information you have provided is accurate and select Save. If you have left any fields blank or there are any data errors, these will now display so you can go back and correct these errors. Your checklist is now complete To complete your enrolment and secure your place in your program, you must now add classes (courses, or units of study). Select Add classes to continue enrolling. ! You are not yet enrolled. RMIT University | 2015 Your Essential Guide to Enrolment Online 5 7. Enrol Now that you have completed your checklist, you are ready to proceed to the second part of enrolment: select and add courses/ classes to your program. On the Select semester page, select the semester you would like to enrol in. On the Programs and class enrolments page, find the program you would like to add classes to and select the Add classes button for that program. ! Take care when selecting the program you want to add classes to, and check that your campus, mode and fee type combination is correct. Depending on what type of student you are you may be presented with one or both of the following pages to complete before you can add classes: CHESSN If you are required to complete a CHESSN form it will be presented to you before you can add classes. RMIT is required to collect information to allocate a CHESSN (Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number) to students who have a Commonwealth supported place (CSP) or are seeking Commonwealth assistance. The CHESSN is used by RMIT and the Australian Government to calculate and monitor your: ——Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) assistance ——Commonwealth Learning Scholarship. When you have completed the CHESSN page you can continue with your enrolment as detailed on page 8. ——CHESSN ——eCAF (electronic Request for Commonwealth support and HECS-HELP form). $ Apply for Commonwealth assistance (eCAF) This section applies only to students in a Commonwealth supported place and those students who wish to apply for FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP and/or SA-HELP. Please skip to page 8 if you are an international student or if you are a domestic student who is not seeking Commonwealth assistance. H Are you enrolling in a higher education Commonwealth supported place (CSP)? eCAF—request for Commonwealth support and HECS-HELP You are required to complete an eCAF (electronic Request for Commonwealth support and HECS-HELP form) if you are enrolling in a higher education Commonwealth supported place (CSP). This form is a legal document that requires you to declare that you are aware of your obligations as a CSP student. It also allows you to indicate your preferred payment option for your student contribution, for example, pay upfront or defer your fees, if you meet the eligibility requirements. You must read the Information for Commonwealth supported students booklet before submitting the form. You can access this booklet by selecting the link at the top of the form. Once you have read the booklet, complete the form and select the Submit button. Please have your Tax File Number ready when completing the form. When you have completed the eCAF you can continue with your enrolment as detailed on page 8. Your eCAF is automatically approved when you submit the form. You will not receive any formal notification that your HECSHELP form has been assessed and approved. ! 6 V H $ Do you want to apply for FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP and/or SA-HELP? eCAF—request for FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP and/or SA-HELP assistance If you meet the eligibility criteria, you may choose to apply for Commonwealth assistance through a FEE-HELP loan (for higher education full-fee students) or a VET FEE-HELP loan (for eligible Vocational education students in diploma and advanced diploma programs) for all or part of your tuition fees, and/or an SA-HELP loan (for eligible higher education students) to defer payment of your student services and amenities fee (SSAF). For more information about HELP including eligibility criteria, please go to ! If you do not want FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP or SA-HELP assistance, proceed with your enrolment as detailed on page 8. To apply, you need to complete an eCAF (electronic Request for FEE-HELP or VET FEE-HELP or SA-HELP assistance form) after you finish adding classes for each program that you are enrolled in. To access the eCAF, go to the My student record page, then select View/apply for Commonwealth assistance (eCAF). ! If you are studying in multiple programs you need to complete an eCAF for each program you want Commonwealth assistance for. Then select the View button for the relevant eCAF type (FEE-HELP or VET FEE-HELP or SA-HELP). This form is a legal document that requires you to declare that you are aware of your legal obligation to the Commonwealth in relation to the repayment of your HELP debt. You must read the information booklet about your particular Commonwealth assistance before submitting the form. You can access this booklet by selecting the link at the top of the form. Once you have read the booklet, complete the form and select the Submit button. Please have your Tax File Number ready when completing the form. After you submit the form, you are returned to the View/apply for Commonwealth assistance (eCAF) page. From here you can print your completed eCAF using the Print button (strongly recommended). After you apply for FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP or SA-HELP, you will be notified by email to your RMIT student email account if your application is successful. You will be able to access your approval letter from Enrolment Online. From the My student record page, select View HELP approval letters. RMIT University | 2015 Your Essential Guide to Enrolment Online 7 7. Enrol (continued) The process for adding classes in Enrolment Online works differently for higher education and Vocational education students. H V Higher education students—continue reading below for instructions. Vocational education students—refer to page 12 for instructions. Reminders for All Students ——Make sure you satisfy any academic prerequisites or eligibility criteria before enrolling in a course/class. ——You are responsible for adhering to your program structure and following any advice about what courses to enrol in. For more information, refer to your enrolment program structure at or contact your school. H Add classes (higher education students) The Add classes page presents two tabs to higher education students, offering two options for adding classes: ——Option 1: Add classes from program structure—For details go to page 9. ——Option 2: Class search—For details go to page 11. 8 H Option 1: Add classes from program structure Use this tab to browse the list and select the classes that you want to enrol in. The program is broken down into several components, e.g. Year One of Program, Year Two of Program, each with a Show classes button next to it. Select the Show classes button to see the available classes for that component in that semester. If your school provides you with a class section code, you must enter this code into the Class section field first, then select the Show classes button. The page will then expand to display only the list of classes for that class section. ! Once you select the Show classes button, the page expands to display the list of classes and details about each class. You can select the Course link to view details about that course. You can find out the status for a class by hovering over the icons in the Status column, or expand the Key to status icons further up the page. ! The icon will display against all scheduled classes for a particular course. You selected this class but have not yet enrolled. Select the "Add selected classes" button. RMIT University | 2015 Your Essential Guide to Enrolment Online 9 H Option 1: Add classes from program structure (continued) When you’ve decided what classes you want to add, select each class by ticking its Select box. Take care when selecting classes and make sure the course name and class number match the information you were given at your enrolment information session. ! When you have selected all your classes for that semester, select any of the Add selected classes buttons to submit the classes you selected. The system will perform some checks and advise you whether you were successful in adding the classes you requested. Once you successfully add classes you are returned to the Select semester page. 10 H Option 2: Add classes using class search tab If you need to search for an elective that is not listed in the Add classes from program structure tab, use the Class search tab to search for and add a course/class. You can search by subject area, class number, or course title keyword. For example, if you want to enrol in a Health course but you can’t remember the name, you can search for the course by choosing ‘OHTH Other Health’ from the Subject Area drop-down list or by entering a keyword such as ‘Health’. Select the Search button to perform a search. Once the search results display, select each class you want to enrol in by ticking its Select box. Then select the Add selected classes button to submit the classes you selected. The system will perform some checks and advise you whether you were successful in adding the classes you requested. Once you successfully add classes you are returned to the Select semester page. RMIT University | 2015 Your Essential Guide to Enrolment Online 11 V Add classes (vocational education students) The Add classes page presents only one tab to Vocational education students, Add classes from program structure. This tab displays the required courses/classes for your program including information and advice from your enrolment program structure. Use this page to show the classes for a specific class section and select the classes that you want to enrol in. Add classes from a specific class section Class section codes (also known as group codes) are often used to allocate students to a specific timetable. Your school will provide you with the code for the class section that you must enrol in at your enrolment information session—if you are unable to attend you should contact your school as soon as possible. If you believe you need to enrol in courses with a different class section code then you must discuss this with your school. Under the Add classes from program structure tab, enter the code for your class section into the Class section field e.g. ‘FP12’. Then select the Show classes button to display only the classes for that class section. If there is a second row with another Show classes button you also need to select this to show the classes in the other component of your program. Once you select the Show classes button, the page displays a list of classes and details about each class for that class section. You can select the Course link to view details about that course. 12 You can find out the status for a class by hovering over the icons in the Status column, or expand the Key to status icons further up the page. ! The icon will display against all scheduled classes for a particular course. You selected this class but have not yet enrolled. Select the "Add selected classes" button. Select the classes for your class section by ticking the Select box next to each class. Take care when selecting classes and make sure the course name, class number and class section match the information you were given at your enrolment information session. ! When you have selected all your classes for that semester, select any of the Add selected classes buttons to submit the classes you selected. The system will perform some checks and advise you whether you were successful in adding the classes you requested. Once you successfully add classes you are returned to the Select semester page. RMIT University | 2015 Your Essential Guide to Enrolment Online 13 8. Post-enrolment Tasks You’ve made it through enrolment but there are a few more tasks you need to complete. For more information and instructions visit While in Enrolment Online Check your enrolment details are correct Once you have completed your enrolment, carefully check that it is correct. You can do this in several ways in Enrolment Online, accessible via myRMIT at View your enrolment when you log out Before you log out of Enrolment Online you are presented with your current enrolment. This information is available every time you log out and can be viewed immediately after you enrol or vary your enrolment. You can print this page if desired. View your official Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) Your CoE is an official statement that confirms your program and class enrolments for the academic year. It is produced overnight as a PDF and is available the day after you enrol or vary your enrolment. It is recommended that you print or save a copy for your files. To access your CoE, select the My student record button. Under Enrolment details, select View Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). $ Apply for FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP and/ or SA-HELP if eligible and if desired $ Print your completed eCAF (HELP application) Strongly recommended if you completed an eCAF. Go to My student record, then select the View/apply for Commonwealth assistance (eCAF) link. From here you can print your completed eCAF using the Print button. $ Print your HELP approval letter if eligible Strongly recommended if you applied for FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP and/or SA-HELP. Once you receive email notification that your application for FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP or SA-HELP has been approved, go to My student record, then select the View HELP approval letter link. From here you can print your HELP approval letter using the Print button. (If you are a Commonwealth supported student you will not receive a HELP approval letter.) This statement is suitable for Centrelink and other official bodies. ! I This is not the CoE that international students need for visa purposes. For details about CoEs for visa purposes, refer to programs/international/visa-renewal. At the Hub Finally Collect your student card Refer to the Now you are enrolled and What happens next sections in your enrolment guide at students/gettingstarted. $ Apply for a Victorian public transport concession card if eligible $ V Apply for a Vocational education fee concession if eligible At the Campus Store Collect your student diary Buy your textbooks, course materials and more 14 $ Pay your fees when you receive your tax invoice Create or obtain your class timetable before semester starts Vary or cancel your enrolment (if necessary) by the relevant deadlines Set up and manage your RMIT password Log in to the student portal, myRMIT Start checking your student email account 9. Manage Your Administration Online You can use Enrolment Online to manage your administration online. View or update your: ——personal details—for example, you can update your address and phone number ——enrolment details—for example, you can add, drop or change classes, access your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), and access your academic history and results View academic history/results ——financial details—for example, you can access your invoices outlining your fees and charges, view your Commonwealth Assistance Notice (if applicable), or view your HELP approval letter (if applicable and if successful—refer to page 7 for details). 10. Help ? Online help Most screens have a Help icon in the top right corner. Select the Help icon for instructions or further information. The Hub The school that runs your program For general enquiries regarding the enrolment process or using Enrolment Online please visit the Hub on your campus or call during business hours. Your school publishes course and program advice via your enrolment program structure. It also provides the contact details of who in your school to contact if you have any questions about your program. Tel. +61 3 9925 8980 Monday to Friday Your school can also provide you with your section code (if relevant). City campus Building 12, Level 4 (Swanston Street) Brunswick campus Building 514, Level 1, Room 7 Bundoora campus Building 202, Level 2, Room 36 RMIT University | 2015 Your Essential Guide to Enrolment Online 15 11. Advice from Your School about what Courses to Enrol in Use the space below to write down the courses you should enrol in, the class numbers and the section code if applicable, as advised by your school or as specified in your enrolment program structure. My program code My school My section code (applicable to most Vocational education students and some higher education students) Semester 1 Course code (e.g. EEET2248) Class number (e.g. 1738) Class title (e.g. Engineering Methods) Class number (e.g. 1738) Class title (e.g. Engineering Methods) Semester 2 Course code (e.g. EEET2248) 16 Published October 2014. Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this publication is accurate and current at the date of publication. For the most up-to-date information please refer to the RMIT University website. 1410 0002
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