Parish of St. Michael, Waialua w/Mission of Saints Peter and Paul, Waimea Bay 67-390 Goodale Avenue, Waialua, HI 96791 59-810 Kamehameha Hwy. Haleiwa, HI 96712 Ph.: (808) 637-4040 Fax: (808) 637-4287 School: (808) 637-7772 Fax: (808) 637-7722 Reverend Father Christopher Keahi,, Pastor Father Lusius Nimu,, Priest In Residence Mrs. Deanna M.B. Arecchi, School Principal Email: St. Michael School: Website: To the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Honor and Glory Forever—Amen! Welcome, everyone! Thank you for joining our parish family as we celebrate together the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Someone asked: “why is it called ‘ordinary’ time?” Well, first of all, this portion of the liturgical year falls out of the realm of Easter, Christmas, Advent, and Lent. Furthermore, each Sunday is numbered and the Latin word for numbers is “ordinalis” or “ordinary” in English. There are thirty-three Sundays in 2014. Our Gospel for today, the “thirtieth” Sunday, speaks of Jesus once again reiterating the great commandment that surpasses all others when He says: “All of God’s teaching; all of God’s commandments, can be summarized in two ideas: to love God with one’s whole being and to love one’s neighbor as oneself.” Notice that this second commandment is equal to the first. Love defines our relationships; love is the wellspring of obedience to any commandment. Love is the greatest of all commandment because it truly is the whole law of God. What a beautiful world we would live in if everyone would only heed this message of Jesus Christ. Please don’t forget that next week, Fathers Lusius and Keahi will be on their annual retreat in Kaneohe. Because of the rooms that are limited, Father Keahi will be coming home each night so that he would be available for the celebration of daily Mass. Please keep our two Fathers in your prayers as they rejuvenate themselves spiritually so that filled with God’s graces and blessings, they can continue to minister to all of us here on the North Shore of Oahu. May we ask that you remember the soul of James Abe, 67, who passed away suddenly a few days ago. His father was the contractor who built St. Michael School. James’ sister is parishioner Aileen Stewart who lives in Waialua. We will be having a funeral Mass for parishioner John Sergave who passed away earlier in October. It is scheduled for November 1, 2014, at 10:00AM at St. Michael Church. Please remember Randy Kajiwara who passed away recently. A funeral Mass is being planned on November 22, 2014, at 10:00AM at St. Michael Church. The feast of All Saints, November 1st, which is normally a Holy Day of Obligation, is not for the Diocese of Honolulu. Our diocese has been given the approval to reduce the number of holy days to Christmas and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8th. Thank you, ushers, for being so faithful in taking the attendance count for St. Michael and Sts. Peter and Paul Mission. Sorry about the large poster but it’s just a reminder for us to do so during the month of October. General Election is coming up soon and I hope we will heed Bishop’s call to get out and vote for those who will serve us well in government. Fr. Chris Keahi, SUNDAY OCTOBER 26, 2014 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Exodus 22:20-26/Psalm 18;2-4 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5c-10/Matthew 22:34-40 SECOND COLLECTION NOVEMBER 2, 2014 ALL SOULS DAY SAVE THIS DATE Thursday, November 20, 2014 7:00PM St. Damien Hall “Jesus Is Coming...Look Busy!” A reflection on living the Catholic Faith in the modern world. A presentation by Michael E. Weaver An Adult Faith Formation Session ALL I NEED IS THE GOLDEN RULE I met a fella recently who told me he doesn’t need religion because he lives by the Golden Rule. I understand where he is coming from, but he is also missing the point. Why? Because as Christians, we follow a person, not a commandment. The Gospel, the Good News, is a Person, not the Golden Rule. Now, here is where things get tricky. If we are Christians, we want to live by the Golden Rule, to be sure. But, we want to live it as Jesus lived it. We want to follow Jesus: to die to ourselves; to absorb hatred and give back love and mercy; to let ourselves be led where we would rather not go. This is much more than simply being nice to people as we hope they will be nice to us! Unfortunately , given the human psyche, we can’t live out the Golden Rule by ourselves, let alone try to die to self to bring about new life. Either way, we need others - especially a faith community and family. Surrounded by family, the Holy Spirit works miracles in and through us, far beyond the Golden Rule. (By Kristina M. DeNeve, Adult Faith Formation Coordinator, Diocese of Honolulu) MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Saturday 7:00AM St. Michael Church Saturday 5:00PM St. Michael Church Sunday 7:00AM & 10:00AM St. Michael Church 7:30AM & 9:30AM Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul LITURGY OF THE HOUR MORNING PRAYERS Monday—Friday 6:40A.M. St. Michael Church RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturday Only (Or by appointment) 4:00-4:30PM St. Michael Church ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL NEWS Our students in 2nd to 8th grades focused on their Terra Nova tests this week. It is the standardized tests that the Diocese of Honolulu uses for all Catholic schools in Hawaii. Looking for vendors/crafters for our St. Michael School Extravaganza on Friday, December 5, 2014. For an application, please inquire with the school office at 637-7772 or email We are looking for anyone who has information on borrowing a flatbed truck or trailer for the upcoming Haleiwa Christmas Parade on Friday, December 12th. Please contact the school office at 637-7772 or Thank you for all your continued support to St. Michael School SS.CC. SPIRITUAL RETREAT As a reminder, Father Chris Keahi and Father Lusius Nimo will be on the annual spiritual retreat in Kaneohe next week Monday through Friday. Daily morning Mass will be held at 7:00AM. Baptismal preparatory classes are given every third Wednesday of each month. Mary Kamauoha, coordinator . Funerals: Make arrangements with the funeral home who will then contact Fr. Keahi to finalize funeral arrangements. STEWARDSHIP: OCTOBER 19, 2014 $,3072.00 160.00 91.00 300.00 1,188.00 95.00 850.00 Sunday Collections Mass Intentions Candles Hall World Mission Parking Student Kokua Fund TOTAL 5,756.00 Mahalo for your generous contribution. Sunday, October 26 *Religious Education Classes 8:30AM SPP and SM; 8:00AM Confirmation SM *Youth Meeting ~ 11:00AM Parish Center *CCD Halloween Party ~ 12PM St. Damien Hall Tuesday, October 28 *RCIA 7:00PM Outreach *EPIC Faith Sharing 7:00PM Parish Center Wednesday, October 29 November 2 Debbie Hookala Gerry Franks Gloria Samala Denia Jamora MONEY COUNTERS LECTORS Saturday, November 1 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Aileen Stewart Sunday, November 2 St. Michael Church 7:00AM Elizabeth Ragragola 10:00AM Margaret Sagaysay Emily Ramones Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30AM Sarah Cadiz 9:30AM Laura Morihara Claudia Bermudez ALTAR SERVERS November 9 Sheila Pactol Diane Canon Tasing Agustin Donna Rosa EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Saturday, November 1 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Marina Erice Sheila Pactol Juliana Bles Rania Sunday, November 2 St. Michael Church 7:00AM Linda Basilio Linda Palalay Francisca Cabico 10:00AM Beverly Orillo Marie Munguia Joel Sabugo Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30 AM Debbie Eguires Judy Fomin Rosa Hernandez *SM School Mass 8:15AM St. Michael Church Thursday, October 30 *Choir Practice 1:30PM Sts. Peter & Paul *Scripture Reading/Sharing 7:00PM SDH Friday, October 31 *Choir Practice 6:30PM St. Michael Church Saturday, November 1 *Sacred Hearts Church Cleaning ~ St. Michael *Religious Education Service Project Clean Old St. Michael Cemetery 8-11AM *Funeral Service for JOHN SERGAVE 8:00AM Viewing at St. Michael Church 10:00AM Mass w/ burial to follow at Mililani Luncheon at St. Damien Hall Sunday, November 2 *Religious Education Classes 8:30AM SPP and SM; 8:00AM Confirmation SM Saturday, November 1 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Danny Parrish 9:30AM Trudy Rego Priscilla Tampon Sunday, November 2 St. Michael Church 7:00AM Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30AM Keenan Cubi Vance Farrant Sick: Helen Abanes, Mercedes Baldonado, Norman Baker Sr. & Jr., Juliette Blas, Alexander Bolosan, Liberty & Patrocenia Bunda, Anthony Cadiz, Cely Cala, Ladisla Corpuz, Bonnie Corigan, Loretta Dela Cruz, Monica Dicion, Claudia F. Gazmen, Joe Grilho, Grace Hewlen, Mary Ann Ho, Richard Holmberg, Carolyn & Joseph Hoopai Sr., Elpidio Ildefonso, Caroline Kahawaii, Diane Kalama, Rosanda Lani, Eustaquia Lendio, Paul Long, Andres and Flor Macadangdang, Jeffery Machado, Rick Malvas, Lily Mito, Roxanne Sumile Munoz, Dennis Nakamura, Josephine Ocampo, Ethan Pacolba, Mary Gloria Palalay, Alton Pao, Douglas & Susan Parrish, Domingo Pascual, Rosario Pedro, Cefie Petera, Wendell Peiler, Josephine & Glenn Powell, Bonnie Sales, Richard & Josephine Sarno, Kathleen Smith, Roland Sumile, Estrelita Vicente, Tracy Walker, Alyssa, Carrie Ann, Malia, & Richard Yamanouchi 9:30AM Derin Pascual Deaths: 10:00AM Janelle Medrano Jessica Medrano REQUEST FOR PRAYERS James Abe, Pelagio V. Ballesteros, Roque Enosara, James Kajiwara, Filomena How to Gain a Plenary Indulgence When Visiting the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace The faithful who devoutly visit this basilica and within it participate in any sacred rite, or at least recite the Lord's Prayer and the Profession of Faith, may obtain a plenary indulgence on each of the following days: January 23 – Memorial of St. Marianne Cope May 10 – Memorial of St. Damien of Molokai and anniversary of the granting of the title of Basilica to the Cathedral June 29 – Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, apostles July 9 – Solemnity of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, Patroness of the Diocese of Honolulu and of the Cathedral Basilica August 16 – Anniversary of the dedication of the Cathedral November 2 – All Souls’ Day Once a year, each of the faithful may freely choose a special day for themselves. To gain the plenary indulgence, the following usual conditions must be met: 1. Sacramental confession, with an intention to renounce all attachment to sin 2. Reception of Eucharistic Communion 3. Prayer for the intention of the Supreme Pontiff. The reception of Penance and Holy Communion may be done within several days of the visit. If the conditions are not met, then the indulgence is partial. An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church, which, as minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfaction of Christ and the saints. An indulgence is partial or plenary according as it removes either part of all of the temporal punishment due to sin. Indulgences may be applied to the living or the dead. [Indulgentiarum doctrina, Norms 1 – 3] Healing the Hurt - A Day of Recollection for Those Grieving the Loss of a Loved One When: Saturday, November 1, 2014, at 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Where: Saint Anthony Retreat Center 3351 Kalihi Street, Honolulu Lunch will be provided. Donations welcomed. Registrations required. In the month of November, we remember our beloved dead. This can be a painful time for those who have lost a loved one. Father David Lupo, SS.CC., will lead participants through prayer and reflection in their time of greatest need. Come and let the healing begin. For more information or to register, please call (808) 845-4353 or visit
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