Parish of St. Michael, Waialua w/Mission of Saints Peter and Paul, Waimea Bay 67-390 Goodale Avenue, Waialua, HI 96791 59-810 Kamehameha Hwy. Haleiwa, HI 96712 Ph.: (808) 637-4040 Fax: (808) 637-4287 School: (808) 637-7772 Fax: (808) 637-7722 Reverend Father Christopher Keahi,, Pastor Father Lusius Nimu,, Priest In Residence Mrs. Deanna M.B. Arecchi, School Principal Email: St. Michael School: Website: To the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Honor and Glory Forever—Amen! Greetings of Aloha to you, our parishioners and visitors. Thank you for coming and joining our worshipping community on this the Thirty-Third and last Sunday in Ordinary Time. Our first reading is my favorite whenever I celebrate a mother’s funeral. I usually deem her as the “Proverb woman” and then go to recite the characteristics as heard in the first reading. I hope, despite not being a woman, that the character traits can be said of me as I am sure you have probably heard by now that I will be leaving Waialua to become the chaplain of our Sacred Hearts Sisters in Kaimuki on January 1, 2015. Our re-elected provincial, Father Johnathan, wishing to ease my workload, especially at the age of 78 (March 29, 2015) and 50 years a priest (June 12, 2015), had asked if I would not mind living at St. Patrick Monastery and helping the Sisters as their spiritual mentor. I learned a long time ago, a wonderful ditty that goes like this: “ours is never to question ‘why?’ - ours is just to do and die!” To me, that’s the trait of a faithful religious who does what is asked of him. As I leave, remember that I tried my best to be a good pastor to all of you and apologize if I was not. I’m sorry if I stepped on anyone’s sensitive nature or angered anyone. I hope everyone realizes that I am just as human as any of you with my strength and weaknesses. Father Lusius will take my place on January 1st. I pray everyone will give him the support that he’ll need as the role of a pastor for the first time in his young career. He is young, caring, and a very talented young priest. I am sure he will be a fitting successor and wish him God’s graces, wisdom and blessings. For me, it will be an opportunity to take care of all my unfinished business especially in caring for my provincial files that have been neglected since becoming the pastor of St. Michael and Sts. Peter and Paul Mission. These need to be placed in the archives of our Congregation. I will certainly miss all of you but know that time marches on and like the walrus in “Alice In Wonderland”, the time has come! The time has come to say “good-bye”. We were able to complete our list of remembrances that were given on All Souls Day. I hope I spelled all the names correctly. Please let me know if there are misspellings or if you are one of those whose name is unknown on the list. Please remember that we will celebrate Mass everyday in November for everyone on the list. Our Mass on Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, will be at 8:30AM at both of our parishes on the North Shore. We will have the blessing of bread during the offertory rite. St. Michael School will have an earlier Thanksgiving celebration on Friday, November 21st. Please remember Emily Lapa in your prayers for she was given the last rites of the Church last week Saturday. Take care, everyone, and God’s blessings be upon you. Fr. Chris Keahi, SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16, 2014 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/Psalm 128 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6/Matthew 25:14-30 SECOND COLLECTION ST. MICHAEL NOVEMBER 23, 2014 SCHOOL NEWS CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ADULT FAITH FORMATION SESSION Scheduled for November 20, 2014 HAS BEEN CANCELLED THANKSGIVING DAY MASS St. Michael and Sts. Peter & Paul Mission Thursday, November 27th at 8:30AM With “blessing of the bread” MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Saturday 7:00AM St. Michael Church Saturday 5:00PM St. Michael Church Sunday 7:00AM & 10:00AM St. Michael Church 7:30AM & 9:30AM Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul LITURGY OF THE HOUR MORNING PRAYERS Monday—Friday 6:40A.M. St. Michael Church RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturday Only (Or by appointment) 4:00-4:30PM St. Michael Church In following Father Keahi’s homily at our weekly Wednesday mass of saying “Thank You” to everyone around us we would like to say our thanks in this season of Thanksgiving and all throughout the years: Thank you to Mr. Joshua Kapika in sitting in for Mr. Fukumoto in providing the music accompaniment at our weekly mass on Wednesday. Thank you to all of you that have supported us, in all ways, throughout the years. We appreciate YOU! We would also like to say a special Thank You to Father Keahi for all his love and support that he has shown to the school, Mrs. Arecchi, faculty & staff, and the students. We appreciate everything you do for us here and beyond and WE WILL MISS YOU! Everyone is invited to our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon on Friday, November 21, 2014. Students in Preschool through 3rd grade will be performing and we will have a special presentation to Haleiwa McDonald’s and their contribution to our monthly student of the month program. November’s students of the month will be announced followed by a prayer service and program featuring Preschool through 3rd grade. We will end the day as students in third grade – eighth grade will participate in the school-wide spelling bee on Friday, November 21, during our Thanksgiving Luncheon. The winner will represent St. Michael in the district spelling bee. Looking for vendors/crafters for our St. Michael School Extravaganza on Friday, December 5, 2014. Applications are located in the back of the church or you may contact the school office (#637-7772 or E.P.I.C. THANKSGIVING DINNER Monday, November 24, 2014 ~ 7:00PM Parish Center All Young Adults of the parish are invited. Please RSVP to Joshua Kapika at STEWARDSHIP: NOVEMBER 9, 2014 $3,746.00 128.00 20.00 85.00 400.00 150.00 1,595.00 Sunday Collections Candles Blessings All Souls Day Funeral Donations Maintenance Fund $6,124.00 TOTAL Mahalo for your generous contribution. November 23 Carla Manglallan Lois Pacolba Donna Rosa MONEY COUNTERS LECTORS Saturday, November 22 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Gregory McCaul Sunday, November 23 St. Michael Church 7:00AM Marie Raquel Julie Ann Battista 10:00AM Carla Manglallan Gerry Kiernan Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30AM Tom Ginella 9:30AM Numy Tampon Nick Pascual ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, November 22 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Sunday, November 23 St. Michael Church 7:00AM 10:00AM Alaina Bayudan Athea Bayudan Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30AM Peter Takahashi Vance Farrant 9:30AM Derin Pascual November 30 Sheila Pactol Linda Palalay Estrella Redeira EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Saturday, November 22 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Bridget McCaul Megan Andrada Camile Agtina Sunday, November 23 St. Michael Church 7:00AM Petra Casimero Tina Padron Francisca Cabico 10:00AM Beverly Orillo Joel Sabugo Marie Munguia Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30 AM Lynn Cicatko Darlani Young 9:30AM Priscilla Tampon Helen Pascual Linda Thorp Sunday, November 16 *Religious Education Classes 8:30AM SPP and SM; 8:00AM Confirmation SM *Youth Choir Practice 11:00AM St. Michael Church Tuesday, November 18 *RCIA 7:00PM Outreach *EPIC Faith Sharing 7:00PM Parish Center *Finance Committee Meeting 7:00PM Rectory Wednesday, November 19 *SM School Mass 8:15AM St. Michael Church *Baptism Preparatory Class 7:00PM St. Michael Church Thursday, November 20 *Choir Practice 1:30PM Sts. Peter & Paul *Scripture Reading/Sharing 6:30PM Outreach Friday, November 21 *Choir Practice 6:30PM St. Michael Church Saturday, November 22 *Funeral Mass RANDY KAJIWARA 9:00AM Viewing St. Michael; 10:00AM Mass Luncheon to follow in St. Damien Hall *Youth Church Cleaning ~ St. Michael Church Sunday, November 23 *Religious Education Classes 8:30AM SPP and SM; 8:00AM Confirmation SM *Youth Mass/Choir ~ 10:00AM At. Michael REQUEST FOR PRAYERS Sick: Helen Abanes, Mercedes Baldonado, Norman Baker Sr. & Jr., Juliette Blas, Alexander Bolosan, Liberty & Patrocenia Bunda, Anthony Cadiz, Cely Cala, Ladisla Corpuz, Bonnie Corigan, Loretta Dela Cruz, Patricia Dela Pena, Claudia F. Gazmen, Joe Grilho, Grace Hewlen, Mary Ann Ho, Richard Holmberg, Carolyn & Joseph Hoopai Sr., Elpidio Ildefonso, Caroline Kahawaii, Diane Kalama, Rosanda Lani, Eustaquia Lendio, Paul Long, Andres and Flor Macadangdang, Jeffery Machado, Rick Malvas, Lily Mito, Roxanne Sumile Munoz, Dennis Nakamura, Josephine Ocampo, Ethan Pacolba, Mary Gloria Palalay, Alton Pao, Douglas & Susan Parrish, Domingo Pascual, Rosario Pedro, Cefie Petera, Wendell Peiler, Josephine & Glenn Powell, Bonnie Sales, Richard & Josephine Sarno, Kathleen Smith, Roland Sumile, Estrelita Vicente, Tracy Walker, Alyssa, Carrie Ann, Malia, & Richard Yamanouchi Deaths: Manuel Bunda, Roque Enosara, Randy Kajiwara, Marcelo Vidad THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE Sponsored by the Religious Education Children at St. Michael. Bring your donated canned goods and drop it into the basket at the front of the church. These will then be distributed to the needy of our community through our Outreach Program. MAHALO for your generous contribution. Year for Consecrated Life - Opening Mass with Bishop Silva When: Sunday, November 30, 2014 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Where: Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI In 2013, Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life (YCL) be celebrated throughout the world. YCL will begin on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014. It will close on the World Day of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2016. Sister Malia Dominica Wong, Vocations Coordinator for the Diocese of Honolulu, has created a travelling exhibit to visit all the schools and parishes in the diocese during the Year of Consecrated Life. To schedule the exhibit at your school or parish, contact Sr. Malia at or (808) 585-3343. Pope Francis offers the following tips to GROW in your consecration: REMEMBER - when Jesus first lovingly gazed at you PRAY - make time to listen and learn from the Lord, to adore and worship SERVE - united with Christ, following his daily generosity, witness to his mercy STUDY - the Good News, lives of the saints, spiritual writings CONSIDER - becoming a priest, sister, brother or deacon; encourage others JOY - be joyful
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