PARK VILLAGE ELEMENTARY’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER THE FLASH A N A T I O N AL B L U E R I B B O N S C H O O L & C AL I F O R N I A D I S T I N G U I S H E D S C H O O L October 24, 2014 - Vol. 18, Issue 10 Costume Parade Next Week By Ricardo Ceceña, Principal Mon-Thurs (10/27-10/30) Red Ribbon and Character Counts! Week CONTINUES Monday (10/27) CC Color: Wear Blue For Trustworthiness Tuesday (10/28) CC Color: Wear Red For Caring 1:40 pm, Early Dismissal 12:20 pm, TK Wednesday (10/29) CC Color: Wear Yellow For Respect Student Council Meeting 8:05 am, Library RAD Assembly 9:30 am, School Blacktop Thursday (10/30) CC Color: Wear Purple For Citizenship Park Village Elementary School is proud to announce its Annual Costume Parade, scheduled for Friday, October 31 at 9:15 am on the back field/track. All children in grades Pre-K through 5 who wish to participate will parade in their costume around the track and then return to their classrooms. Children who don’t want to wear their costume to school may bring them in a paper bag and change prior to the parade. Parents are welcome to join in the fun and costumes are encouraged. The best place for parents to view the parade is anywhere along the side of the running track, since the entire school will be making a parade lap around the track. With Halloween and the Costume Parade coming up so soon; I know many of you are selecting costumes. Here at Park Village we are promoting a safe and friendly environment. Please remember to keep the following guidelines in mind when selecting a costume to wear for the parade: Avoid rubber masks. If a costume requires a mask, it may only be worn during the parade. Wear shoes. Safety regulations require students to wear shoes at all times. Friday (10/31) Scrip Card Sales 8:30 am & 3:15 pm, Front Gates Halloween Parade 9:15 am, School Track 1st Grade Carnival 5th Grade Pumpkin Carving 2:00 pm, Lunch Area Due to Halloween, there will be NO ice cream sales on Friday, October 31 No weapons, blood or gore. We promote a safe and friendly envi- ronment at Park Village. Weapons, blood and gore don’t support this philosophy. Toy guns, knives handcuffs, swords, nun chucks etc. will be taken and returned at the end of the day. Any child with bloody make-up will have to remove it. Costumes that portray violent movies/ TV (Scream, Freddy Kru- ger, etc.) are not appropriate at school. Save them for after school events and trick or treating. Display respect for other cultures. Stereotyping or ridiculing other races or cultures is unacceptable. Thank you for following the guidelines. We have children of all ages at Park Village and we want the day to be full of smiles for all. The PV PTA funds educational expenses like: 77% School Support 20% Events/Programs 3% Administrative Expenses Bus Transportation for class field trips (Riley’s Farms, California Missions, Roynon Museum) School Assemblies (Kumeyaay Heritage, Why I’m Me, Pioneer Living) Numerous School Events, including Penguin Rock, the Variety Show, and DADS Movie Night Classroom Supplies (K-3 homework folders, 1st grade book bags, First Aid kits) School Improvement Projects (paver project, flags, lighting in the lunch area) Workroom laminator equipment & services iPads for technology integration Library Resources And much more! The PTA spends over $200 per child per year and we need your help to meet our fundraising goal! Unfortunately, Spirit Wear (t-shirts) and Yearbook sales are not fundraising activities. Our various fundraisers, such as Entertainment Books and Gift Wrap sales, only contribute a small portion to our budgetary needs. For example, how much would it take to reach $200 per child? Sell 4 Entertainment Books ($56) Sell $250 in Gift Wrap ($125) Participate in every Jamba Juice Sale ($3) Spend a total of $125 dining out for Family Restaurant Nights ($18) If you have not yet contributed to the PTA, please consider making a tax-deductible donation in the amount of $200 per child, or any amount that you are able to give. Don’t forget about employer matching! Thank you so much for your continued support of our PTA. Go Penguins! Please cut the portion below and return with your donation to the PTA mailbox Parent(s) name ___________________________________________ Child(ren)’s name _________________________________________ Donation amount _______________ My employer _____________________________________________________ matches my donation Box Tops for Education Collection By Kathy Kane, Box Top Coordinator Get ready Park Village families!!! We're beginning our Box Tops for Education collection, and this year we are going to switch it up a little... This year we will have three collection contests! Star ting Monday, October 27, every teacher will have their very own Box Top collection container in their classroom. Each individual classroom will be competing for the right to have our very own PV Penguin, Waddles, be an honored member of their class for part of the year. Each winning class will get a small prize too! We hope you've been collecting Box Tops all summer long and that you're ready to turn them in to your teachers. Don't forget to ask your relatives and neighbors for their Box Tops for Education, too. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents. How many dollars for Park Village do you have sitting in your pantry right now? Cut them out and send them in to your classrooms ASAP! Congratulations to ALL Cross Country Runners! Congratulations to all the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who ran in the 27th Annual Cross Country Fun Run! A special recognition to the Top 5 Park Village finishers in their divisions. 3rd Grade Boys Nikhil R. ( 4th overall) Austin B. ( 18th overall) Jack T. ( 31st overall) Abhishek K. ( 32nd overall) Luke P. ( 37th overall) 3rd Grade Girls Anjolie N. ( 4th overall) Leila E. ( 19th overall) Lucy C. ( 23rd overall) Kyla O. ( 26th overall) Katie D. ( 28th overall) All other runners (listed alphabetically): Abby D., Amelia K., Anika S., Anthony Y., Cameron B., Chloe H., Colin R., Daniel B., Drew L., Emily N., Emma J., Emma P., Eric S., Jacob Y., Jaelen M., Justin T., Katelyn J., Kelly E., Kelsey P., Krish G., Patrick C., Pranav R., Sutchin S., Tyler S. 4th Grade Boys Michael B. ( 24th overall) Tai S. ( 36th overall) William G. ( 42nd overall) Brennan S. (44th overall) JJ. S. ( 61st overall) 4th Grade Girls Lauren P. ( 11st overall) Maya S. (14th overall) Tessa T. ( 16th overall) Jaelyn D. ( 17th overall) Liv M. ( 40th overall) All other runners (listed alphabetically): AJ. A., Aja C., Alyssa V., Daniel O., Dominic S., Eden C., Edward H., Evan D., Garrett P., Jacelyn M., Jason Y., Kahn S., Kieran B., Kimberly L., Lauren N., Ryan N., Shanaya J., Shuji A. 5th Grade Boys Justin T. ( 9th overall) Zachary S. ( 15th overall) Maximo M. ( 53rd overall) Skandhaa S. ( 60th overall) Jaelin S. ( 65th overall) 5th Grade Girls Gianna P. ( 27th overall) Maddie W. ( 43rd overall) Casey J. ( 52nd overall) Sarah H. ( 56th overall) Caitlyn K. ( 62nd overall) All other runners (listed alphabetically): Amelia J., Ananya N., Aubrey V., Hannah D., Hollee S., Jackie B., Suzanne Y. Capture and Share the SPOOKTACULAR moments with us! This is the season you take lots of pictures of your kids. To make our Yearbook more fun, please share your pictures. Visit our PV school Yearbook website at and become a member to upload your pictures! LEAD Column (Legislation for Education and Advocacy Digest) By Darshana Patel, VP of Legislation There are many levels of education to look to for resources, policies, and assistance. One level that is often overlooked is the county. The San Diego County Office of Education offers many interesting resources, programs, and opportunities for supplementing or supporting our education system. SDCOE includes 42 school districts, 119 charter schools, and five community college districts in the county. From the county online portal, you can learn more about SDCOE resources for special needs students, support for common core, approach to the Local Control Funding Formula, information on academic competitions and scholarships, and much more. Browse around in your spare time. When you know what tools are available, you will be able to build a more complete education for your child. Peachjar Flyer Rack Park Village has gone green with flyers. We have replaced the old-fashioned flyer rack with an online system where flyers and notices are uploaded onto a site called Peachjar. Parents can view and receive alerts for new flyers. Here is a list of flyers currently posted on the Peachjar website. New flyers are in red. Click on Peachjar and it will take you to the Peachjar site where you can select a flyer and view more information. You may access flyers on Peachjar at any time as a guest. Once you register for free as a member, you will receive new flyer notifications via email and/or smartphone, depending on your desired settings. To post Enrichment flyers on Peachjar, contact To post flyers for Our School, Parent Organizations, PUSD events and free Community events, please email Sandi Oshiro at and attach the flyer. FitKids America Enrichment Programs Brownie Troop 3138 Join a Girl Scout Troop Finish Chelsea’s Run T-shirt Design Contest Jack-O-Smash 5k/1k and Fall Family Festival Light the Night Walk—Team Resilient Rina Youth League Tennis NFL Flag Football and Cheer League K-12 Educational Programs Park Village Elementary School 20th Anniversary Celebration PTA Opt-Out Form Park Village Elementary NCSP Fall Soccer League 7930 Park Village Road, San Diego 92129 PUSD Parenting Workshops Shop with Scrip order form Park Village Foundation Pledge Form Attendance Hotline 538-0437 The Park Village Elementary PTA is a noncommercial, nonsectarian and nonpartisan organization. The mention of any business or product in this publication does not imply endorsement by the PTA. Additionally, the PTA does not exert any editorial or other control over any linked third-party sites, and are provided only for your convenience. Principal: Ricardo Ceceña 484-5621 PTA President: Cyndy Payne 484-4039 Foundation President: Sharon Sinder 484-4331 Flash Editor: Allison McClay 484-1776 Email: Foundation Pledge Drive Donation and Budget Update By Sunny Roland, Treasurer Park Village Foundation Thank you to all of our Park Village families who have already donated to the Park Village Foundation’s Annual Golden Envelope pledge drive. As of today, our pledge drive donations total $55,835 with a participation rate of 41.5%. Can you imagine what a participation rate of 100% could bring!? Where does your money go? The Foundation was founded in May 2004 with the sole purpose of raising funds to enhance the academic curriculum at Park Village Elementary in the areas of Art, Music, Science, PE, and Technology. Since we are (volunteer) fundraisers and not educators, the Foundation board meets with Principal Cecen͂a prior to the start of the school year to discuss the school’s proposed funding needs and plans. We then plan our fundraising goals and events to meet those needs. Based on this year’s proposal, our budget for the 2014-2015 school year is $87,529. Approximately 96.3% of our budget goes to support the school’s programs as stated in our mission. The remaining 3.7% is used for administrative expenses including insurance, state filings, tax preparation, and bank charges. We are proud to say we have drastically cut our operating expenses over the last three years, ensuring that the maximum amount of each donation is used to support our school. It is never too late to donate! Even though our pledge drive is over, we accept donations year round. You can donate to PVF anytime either by dropping off a check at the Foundation mailbox inside the school’s front gate, or via PayPal by visiting our website at Thank you again Park Village! Together we are making a real difference in lives of all of our Park Village students.
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