100 % reliable and at the forefront of technology: Frigo-Consulting LTD. Are you seeking a competent and reliable partner in Frigo-Consulting Ltd. has sites in Bern (headquarters), the area of refrigeration and energy technology who Dietikon (Zurich) and Crissier (Lausanne). Our highly can support you throughout the entire life cycle of your successful company executes a wide range of projects refrigeration system, from engineering and implemen- for renowned clients and employs more than 20 quali- tation, to training and commissioning, right through fied specialists, each with exceptional ability, specific to the end of its warranty period? Then you‘ve come to expertise and longstanding experience. And all this the right place. Frigo-Consulting Ltd. is Switzerland‘s since 1988. leading independent engineering company for refrigeration technology – and a global leader in CO 2 technology. In addition to supporting you as a consultant, we represent your interests and deal with authorities and refrigeration companies (suppliers) as a client representative. Our most valuable asset: our independence. Competent engineering reduces your costs Throughout the sector, engineers working for refrigeration companies are developing appropriate solutions Refrigeration technology is a highly sophisticated to meet their customers‘ requirements. Although this field that requires its professionals to have a profound service is usually offered free of charge, it will often level of specific expertise. Refrigeration technology is be incorporated in the refrigeration unit‘s sales price. therefore a matter of absolute trust. If you invest in a What‘s more, non-neutral sales engineers have an ob- refrigeration system, you should have the confidence of ligation towards their employers, who in turn are bound knowing that it has been correctly installed. More than to their suppliers. The engineers at Frigo-Consulting Ltd. 20 years of experience has taught us: trying to avoid are completely independent. As a result, they have certain project engineering expenses and only bud- much more leeway to develop creative, innovative and geting for the purchase price of the product is never sustainable solutions. worthwhile. Improper engineering and poor quality will eventually expose you to higher operating and maintenance costs. You can therefore protect your investments by sourcing an independent solution that has been tailored to your specific requirements. We‘ll find the perfect supplier for you. With complete freedom of choice. «Frigo-Consulting Ltd. not only supports us during the As an engineering company with no affiliation to spe- working relationship provides the basis for enhancing cific products or services, we are well acquainted with our systems and markets on an ongoing basis. One the entire range of available technologies and with the of Frigo-Consulting Ltd.‘s main strengths is its highly market for components and systems. This comprehen- competent workforce – the company‘s staff consistent- sive overview of the market enables us to offer you the ly meet our high expectations with regard to quality, best, most cost-effective and most efficient solution. deadlines and costs.» Our independence also benefits us during the enginee- Gregor Bärtschi, ring of our clients‘ refrigeration systems, as we have no Head Construction & Real Estate, obligations when it comes to allocating work: all third- transGourmet Schweiz AG party suppliers operate on a level playing field. engineering and implementation stages of all refrigeration systems, but also during their operation. This close Multiple tasks, one partner. A partner you can rely on. We draw our vast experience from intensive collabora- • Incorporating the refrigeration systems into the tions with renowned clients. And we continuously put energy concept our knowledge to the test during live projects – another • Creating plans and documentation for tenders reason why we keep a close eye on developments within • Systematically comparing bids the market. We undertake regular business trips, both • Risk analysis in Switzerland and abroad, to view interesting new • … etc. refrigeration projects. And together with our clients, we attend international trade fairs for refrigeration and Life Cycle Cost energy technology. Today, life cycle costs and CO2 emissions are the main Engineering assessment criteria for refrigeration systems. By applying methods such as Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) • Concept engineering and troubleshooting and eco-efficiency analysis, we develop the basic • Determining the energy, service and media principles and decision criteria for selecting forward- requirements looking, sustainable refrigeration systems. • Coordinating the refrigeration with the other HVAC building installations Implementation & commissioning Management • Creating implementation plans • Maintenance support • Construction management; monitoring and • Remote diagnosis and remote supervision coordinating the work on the construction site • Optimisation according to target energy values • Cost and deadline monitoring • HACCP quality assurance: in order to become • Checking technical safety and assured certified according to the ISO9001/EN29001 quality performance characteristics assurance standard, retailers must prove that • Formulating refurbishment proposals for existing the refrigeration temperature remains constant systems throughout the entire cold chain, from the production • Safety measures of the goods, right through to the point of sale. • Commissioning of systems At Frigo-Consulting Ltd., we therefore place equal • Acquiring and evaluating measurement data importance on operational reliability and immediate service support in the event of disruption. We recognise trends before they become fashion. By constantly pushing the boundaries. Quite simply, we are interested in all things related to refrigeration and refrigeration technology. It therefore Industrial refrigeration • Food production (meat, dairy, baked goods, etc.) comes as no surprise that we are the only engineering • Beverage production company in Switzerland to operate its own research • Logistics and distribution centres and development department. At Frigo-Consulting Ltd., • Process refrigeration we strive to be at the cutting edge. We wish to contri- • Chillers bute towards the development of new technologies. • Ice production We redefine state-of-the-art technology, if required. • Heat pumps And we wish to offer each of our customers a solution that sets new standards in efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. These aspirations are one of the main General • Optimising existing refrigeration systems reasons why Frigo-Consulting Ltd. has a broad range of • Risk analysis integrated skills that can be applied in many different • Personnel training areas. • Maintenance support Commercial refrigeration • Supermarkets • Cash & carry • Consumer markets • Hotels and restaurants • Standardisation A new dimension of waste heat recovery With an adsorption cooling system, the waste heat from Waste heat for space heating Electrical energy a transcritical CO2 refrigeration system is converted into cooling energy that is used to optimise its pro- CO2 refrigeration system cess by reducing the load and thereby saving electrical energy. Excess waste heat is particularly prominent if the external temperature is high – in conjunction with Waste heat Waste heat Refrigeration Refrigeration Adsorption refrigeration system the adsorption refrigeration system, this heat enables significant energy savings to be made. Main gascooler An absolute world first Expansioncompression machine In collaboration with the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Frigo-Consulting Ltd. implemented a transcritical CO2 refrigeration system with integrated expansioncompression machine at the Prodega Cash and Carry Intercooler in Basel. The expansion-compression machine in this system – the world‘s first application in the field – uses the high pressure differences that occur during the Receiver refrigeration process to simultaneously pressurize the refrigerant and unload the compressors. This then has the effect of significantly reducing energy consumption. Compressors Evaporators Always one step ahead «Frigo-Consulting Ltd. is our preferred consultant – in Frigo-Consulting Ltd. commissioned the first CO2 our experience, they complete all tasks in a highly refrigeration system with parallel compression competent and conscientious manner. The meticulously back in 2008. It allows energy consumption to be redu- performed acceptance procedures reduce our main- ced considerably, as not all of the compressors have to tenance costs as the principal and also ensure a high generate the maximum rise in pressure. The positive standard of safety during the operation of the refrigera- experiences of using the system confirm that our tion systems. In the area of CO2, Frigo-Consulting Ltd. is pioneering work has taken us an important step for- a global leader.» ward in the terms of energy efficiency. Walter Baumann, Head of Construction & Real Estate, Migros Lucerne Talking about sustainable solutions is one thing. Implementing them is another. Carbon dioxide as a refrigerant Frigo-Consulting Ltd. recognised the benefits of CO2 Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a natural substance and thus technology at a very early stage and made a decisive a part of our everyday life. We begin breathing CO 2 as contribution towards establishing this type of refrigera- soon as we are born. And many of us absorb it regu- tion. The first subcritical CO2 refrigeration system to be larly in the form of carbonic acid, such as that found in planned by Frigo-Consulting Ltd. went into operation mineral water. The obvious benefits of CO2 as a refrige- in 2003. The first transcritical system followed shortly rant were known as far back as the 19th century, when afterwards in 2006. Since then, we have created more it was first used for this purpose. In the 20th century, than 200 subcritical and transcritical refrigeration sys- CO2 was replaced by synthetic refrigerants. It wasn‘t tems. These include the first system with parallel com- until the 21st century – when the fatal effects of syn- pression, the world‘s first system to have an integrated thetic refrigerants on the environment became known expansion-compression machine and the first CO 2 – that carbon dioxide experienced a sudden renaissance system using waste heat to drive an adsorption chiller. as a refrigerant that can be obtained naturally at any time. Modern CO2 refrigeration systems are defined by their energy-efficiency and extreme eco-friendliness during operation. The ever-increasing demand for these systems is proof of their widespread acceptance. Even the most experienced professionals never fail «Due to its capabilities and the high quality of its work, to be impressed by the pioneering work performed this independent engineering company has become our by Frigo-Consulting Ltd.‘s R&D staff on all matters trusted partner for refrigeration technology. A highly- relating to CO2. And our efforts are helping this pionee- skilled crew handles our projects quickly and efficiently ring technology to become even more energy efficient. and answers our questions in a reliable and technically You, too, should make the most of the benefits offered precise way. This company speaks our language, under- by sustainable CO2 technology and the globally unique stands our concerns and never fails to impress us with expertise of Frigo-Consulting Ltd. its valuable new ideas.» Thomas Häring, Total Store, Head Energy & Technology, Coop Frigo-Consulting Ltd. Office Zurich: Office Lausanne: Feldstrasse 30 P.O. Box CH-3073 Guemligen Bern / Switzerland Phone +41 31 996 48 48 info@frigoconsulting.ch Lerzenstrasse 8 P.O. Box CH-8953 Dietikon 1 Phone +41 44 732 46 46 info.zh@frigoconsulting.ch Chemin de la Colice 4 P.O. Box CH-1023 Crissier Phone +41 21 633 44 66 info.sr@frigoconsulting.ch Refrigeration Consulting & Engineering Ausgabe März 2011 Pay us a visit! www.frigoconsulting.com
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