ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED TENDER SPECIFICATION NO.CEG/ SEG-III/SDSTPS/ 415V LT MOTORS/ 12/ 2014-15 SUPPLY OF 415V LT MOTORS REQUIRED FOR SRI DAMODARAM SANJEEVAIAH THERMAL POWER STATION Online Bids invited On e-Procurement Platform INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS, CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION & SCHEDULES. SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (GENERATION-III) VIDYUT SOUDHA, HYDERABAD-82 ANDHRA PRADESH Ph: (040) 39839 836, 128 & 124; Fax: (040) 39839 199 CONTENTS OF THE TENDER SPECIFICATION - INDEX SNo. Summary Sheet 1 2 SECTION–I: 3 SECTION–II: 4 5 6 SECTION–III: SECTION–IV: PART-I: SECTION-V: Sch-A: Sch-B: Description Qualification requirements & Special Instructions Technical Specifications & Requirements Annexure: Technical Specification Instructions to Bidders General Purchase Conditions Pre-Qualification Bid Bid Schedules Proforma of Letter of Authority General Details of the Bidder & Manufacturing Details Pages 1-2 3-12 13-15 16-19 20-22 23-28 29 30 31 Sch-C: Qualification Requirements – Compliance 32-33 Sch-D: Financial Standing of the Bidder. 34 Sch-E: Undertaking by the Bidder 35-36 Sch-F: Sch-G: Details of Similar Materials/Equipment supplied by the tenderer. Technical Particulars. 37 38 Sch-H: Schedule Of Tests. 39 Sch-I: Terms & Conditions 40-41 Sch-J: Deviations 42 Sch-K: Declaration 43 7 PART-II: PRICE BID/Proforma of summary Price proposal 44-45 8 SECTION-VI: Bank Guarantee Guidelines & Formats 46-50 -oOo- -: 1 :NOTICE INVITING TENDER (E-Procurement platform ) 1 Department Name Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd (APGENCO) O/o. The Chief Engineer (Generation), APGENCO/ Vidyut Soudha/ Hyderabad -500 082 CEG/SEG-III/SDSTPS /415V LT Motors/12 /201415 Supply of 415V LT Motors required for 2x800MWSDSTPS. 2 Circle/ Division 3 Tender Number 4 Tender Subject 5 Name of Project Sri Damodaram Sanjeevaiah Thermal Power Station (SDSTPS). 6 Rs.1,70,96,980.00 (Approximately) 7 8 9 10 11 Estimated Contract Value (ECV) Tender Type Tender Category Form of contract AMC EMD/Bid Security 12 13 14 15 Tender Fee Tender Fee Payable To Process Fee Process Fee Payable To Open Tender (Two Part Bidding). EPC Not applicable. Not applicable. (a) EMD shall be submitted for Rs.4,41,940.00 (Rupees Four lakhs, Forty One thousands, Nine hundred and forty only) without fail. The same shall be submitted as follows:(i) Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One lakh only) in the form of D.D. (ii) The remaining amount of EMD in the form of Bank guarantee (BG) for an amount of Rs.3,41,940.00 (Rupees Three lakhs, Forty One thousands, Nine hundred and forty only), from any Nationalized bank. (b) PEMD holders shall submit Bank Guarantee for an amount of Rs.1,91,940.00 (Rupees One lakh, Ninety One thousands, Nine hundred and forty only) (c) Exemption for SSI/NSIC units: The SSI Units registered with either the NSIC or the Dept of Industries/ Govt. of AP, are eligible for exemption from payment of EMD. However, they should apply in advance by enclosing a valid SSI/NSIC certificate, and obtain exemption from the Chief Engineer/Generation/APGENCO/Vidyut Soudha, well before submitting Tender. All the bidders shall invariably upload the scanned copies of Bank Guarantee towards EMD/PEMD approval letter/EMD exemption letter, along with the Bid, in e-procurement platform and this will be the primary requirement to consider the bid responsive. Details are indicated in Section-I. Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 16 Transaction Fee Payable to Service Provider (Online) 17 Tender Schedule Available Date & Time 18 Schedule Closing Date & Time Bid Submission Closing Date Pre-Qualification & Technical Bid Opening Date Price/Commercial Bid Opening Date Bid Submission 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Pre - Qualification requirements/ Eligibility Criteria Samples Required (Yes/No) Place Of Tender Opening 26 27 Officer Inviting Bids Address/E-mail id 28 Contact Details/ Telephone, Fax Validity of Tender General Terms & Conditions 29 30 Note: (1) (2) Transaction Fee and Other charges, if any, applicable for Transactions on eProcurement platform, are payable extra, as per the rules & guidelines in force. 01.10.2014 from 3:30PM onwards Tender Schedule/document is available for download, free of cost, from 24.10.2014 3:30PM 25.10.2014 3:30PM 27.10.2014 3:30PM 10.11.2014 3:30PM Online, through e-Procurement platform, detailed in SECTION-I of the tender document. As per tender document (Section-I). as No. O/o. The Superintending Engineer (Generation-III), APGENCO, 3rd Floor, A-Block, Vidyut Soudha, Khairatabad, Hyderabad – 500082 Superintending Engineer (Generation-III) Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd, Vidyut Soudha, A-Block, 3rd Floor, Khairatabad, Hyderabad - 500082 Email: Ph: (040) 39839 836, (040) 39839 128, (040) 39839 124 Fax: (040) 39839 199. 180 days from the date of opening of the Price Bid. As per tender document. The SSI Units registered with either the NSIC or the Dept of Industries/Govt. of AP, are eligible for exemption from payment of EMD. However, they should apply in advance by enclosing a valid SSI/NSIC certificate, and obtain exemption from the Chief Engineer/ Generation/APGENCO/Vidyut Soudha, well before submitting Tender. Responsibility for correctness of the information submitted in the online bid lies with bidder. If any information furnished in the bid is proved to be false at a later date, the bid will not only be rejected but the bidder will be BLACKLISTED. Superintending Engineer (Generation-III) APGENCO, VS, Hyderabad -: 3 :SECTION-I QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS & SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS M/s.Andhra Pradesh Power Development Corporation Ltd (APPDCL), Hyderabad is the owner of the 2x800MW-Sri Damodaram Sanjeevaiah Thermal Power Station (SDSTPS) located at Nelatur Village, Nellore Dist., Andhrapradesh. As part of the O&M agreement between APPDCL and APGENCO, this enquiry is floated by APGENCO on behalf of APPDCL. The Purchase order will be placed on the successful bidder by M/s.APPDCL only. APGENCO or CORPORATION or PURCHASER: shall mean Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd., having its Regd. Office at 3rd Floor, A-Block, Vidyutsoudha, Khairatabad, Hyderabad-500 082. SUPPLIER or CONTRACTOR or VENDOR or SUCCESSFUL BIDDER: shall mean the Bidder on whom LOI/PO is issued against this Tender Specification. 1.0 APGENCO’s standard terms & conditions are stipulated in the Sections-III&IV. Requirements specific to this tender are stipulated in the remaining sections and these will take precedence over the standard terms, in case of any ambiguity. 2.0 2.1 QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The bidder should fulfill the following requirements for qualifying in prequalification bid. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 2.2 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for requisite amount, shall be furnished. The Bidder shall have a minimum average annual financial turnover of two times the estimated contract value (i.e, 3.42Crores). To this effect the bidder shall submit Audited Financial Statements, for the last Three Financial Years. The Bidder must have all adequate facilities to Supply the offered materials, as per specification, besides testing facilities for conducting all necessary routine & type tests as per the relevant Indian/ International Standards. The Bidder must have a minimum experience of Five years in supply of LT Motors up to a maximum of 160KW or higher capacity if any to Thermal Power Stations, preferably to Public Sector Power Utilities. The Bidder should have supplied at least 53 LT Motors of any capacity preferably for Thermal Power Stations and Public Sector Power Utilities, in any One Financial year or Calendar year during the last Three years. Satisfactory performance certificate(s) issued by the Station heads, confirming that the “the supplied LT Motors have served their stipulated guarantee period, as stipulated in the Purchase order and it’s performance is found to be satisfactory”. All the Bid Schedules duly filled in signed & stamped must be uploaded. Notwithstanding anything stated above, APGENCO/APPDCL reserves the right to assess the tenderers’ capability to execute the contract, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the Overall interest of APGENCO/APPDCL. In respect of Qualification of the tenderers, the decision of APGENCO/APPDCL is final. -: 4 :3.0 DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED Copies of the following, in compliance with the qualification requirements stipulated in S.No.(2.0) above. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for requisite amount. Audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account statements for the Financial years 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14, shall be furnished. Details of the enclosed documents and Annual turn over details etc., shall be furnished as per the enclosed Bid schedule i.e., “Financial standing of the bidder”, which shall be attested by a licensed Chartered accountant. Purchase Orders showing price(s) of LT motors up to a maximum capacity of 160KW and above, executed to Thermal generating stations, preferably to PSUs, in the year 2009 or prior to January’2009 are mandatory. Details of the enclosed orders must be furnished as per the enclosed Bid schedule i.e.,Undertaking by the Bidder. Purchase orders showing price(s), executed to Thermal power generating stations, preferably to PSUs during any one Financial year (i.e., 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14) or Calendar year (i.e., January’2011 to Decmber’2013), evidencing the quantity of the LT Motors is not less than 53 LT Motors. Details of the enclosed orders must be furnished as per the enclosed Bid schedule i.e., Undertaking by the Bidder. Performance certificate(s) issued by the Station heads only. Acceptance for STIPULATED GUARANTEED PERIOD shall be furnished in the enclosed Bid schedule i.e., Undertaking by the Bidder. All stipulated Bid Schedules (as per the enclosed formats), duly filled in, signed & stamped along with supporting documentation. The bidders shall invariably upload scanned copies of all the above documents (which are mandatory, to ascertain compliance with the qualification criteria), failure of submission/uploading of any one of the above documents, will be liable for DISQUALIFICATION. More over, responsibility for correctness of the information submitted in the bid lies with bidder. If any information furnished in the bid is proved to be false at a later date, the bid will not only be rejected but the bidder will be BLACKLISTED. 4.0 Tenders received from those not having EMD, the past experience, supply & financial capacity, sufficient field organization etc., will not be considered. 5.0 5.1 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD): (To be read with clause No.1 of Section-III) The Tenderer shall submit an EMD of Rs.4,41,940.00 (Rupees Four lakhs, Forty One thousands, Nine hundred and forty only) without fail. The same shall be submitted as follows:(a) Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One lakh only) in the form of D.D. (b) The remaining amount of EMD in the form of Bank guarantee (BG) for an amount of Rs.3,41,940.00 (Rupees Three lakhs, Forty One thousands, Nine hundred and forty only), from any Nationalized bank. In case of PEMD holders: Bidders having PEMD Facility accorded by APGENCO, with adequate validity, shall submit Bank Guarantee for an amount of Rs.1,91,940.00 (Rupees One lakh, Ninety One thousands, Nine hundred and forty only) (i.e., equivalent to the value arrived, after deducting PEMD value of 2.5lakhs from Rs.4,41,940.00), from any Nationalized bank. A copy of PEMD approval letter issued by APGENCO, shall be enclosed. 5.2 -: 5 :5.3 5.4 Validity of Bank Guarantee(s): The above said EMD Bank Guarantee(s)/ PEMD facility proposed to be availed, shall be valid for a minimum period of 1 year reckoned from the date of opening of PQB, including claim period of 3months and shall be extended suitably as and when required Waiver in respect of SSI Units: SSI Units registered with either the NSIC or the Dept of Industries/Govt. of AP, are eligible for exemption from submission of EMD, subject to the following conditions. (a) The Bidder shall submit a copy of the valid certificate of Registration either with NSIC or Govt.of A.P indicating details such as Monetary limit, details of items covered in the registration, validity period of certificate. (b) The Items offered must be in the list of Items, for which the Firm is registered. (c) The quoted price shall be less than the monetary limit stipulated in the Registration Certificate. The BIDDERS who fulfill the above conditions apply for EMD exemption, in advance to this Office and they shall obtain approval before Offer submission itself. However, please note that exemption will be issued purely at APGENCO’s discretion.. (5.5) All the bidders shall invariably upload the scanned copies of Bank Guarantee towards EMD or PEMD approval letter/ EMD exemption letter (if applicable), along with the Bid, in e-procurement platform, failing which their offer shall be liable for rejection. 6.0 6.1 PRICES: Firm, Ex-Works Prices along with all Price Components, viz., applicable Taxes/ Duties and Charges for Third Party Inspection, Packing, Forwarding, Freight & Transit Insurance etc, shall be indicated in the Price Schedule. Variable prices will not be accepted. Detailed Bill of Materials, with item-wise prices shall be furnished, wherever applicable. The Quantities indicated in this Tender are indicative. APGENCO/APPDCL reserves the right to vary the Final Order Quantities (either increase or decrease), even beyond the limits indicated in the Standard Terms & Conditions stipulated elsewhere in this Specification. However, the Prices shall remain Firm, irrespective of the Ordered quantities. Bidders shall quote for all items of supply covered under the scope of this Tender, and ensure completeness of their offer as per tender requirements. Otherwise Bidder’s Offer will be deemed to be incomplete/unresponsive and liable to be rejected. Taxes/Duties: It is the responsibility of the Bidder, to ascertain and ensure the various taxes/duties etc levied by Central/State Governments, Local Bodies etc, duly taking into consideration the nature of activity covered in the scope of this Tender Specification. All taxes/duties, charges etc, as applicable on the date of submission of the Bid, must be indicated without fail. Except for those price components ie., taxes/duties & charges, which are explicitly indicated in the offer, all others shall be deemed to be to the Bidder’s account only. All taxes/duties/levies, will be reimbursed at actuals, subject to the conditions stipulated in this tender specification. Please note that Excise Duty (& Cess applicable thereon) will be reimbursed on self manufactured items only. If any Bought-out items are present, Excise Duty is not payable by APGENCO/APPDCL. Income Tax etc, will be deducted at source, as per the statutory requirements in force. 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.5.4 6.5.5 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.0 8.1 8.2 9.0 9.1 (II) 9.2 9.3 -: 6 :FREIGHT & TRANSIT INSURANCE: The Successful Bidder shall be completely responsible for handing over the consignment(s) covered within the scope of this Tender Specification, at site, in good condition. The Supplier shall make his own arrangements for transporting the consignment upto site, duly ensuring that the consignment is adequately insured, to cover any and all risks during its transport, until it is delivered at Site. Charges for the same shall be borne by the Supplier. If the Charges towards Freight & Transit Insurance (inclusive of Service Tax), are included in the quoted price, the included amount shall be indicated in the Price bid, without fail. Loading & Unloading charges: Loading & Unloading charges are to the account of supplier. PRE-DESPATCH INSPECTION (PDI): The equipment shall be offered for Pre-Despatch Inspection by the representatives of APPDCL/APGENCO and the Third Party Inspection (TPI) Agency viz., M/s.Lloyd’s Register Asia (LRA). They shall be dispatched only satisfactory completion of Inspection and after clearance by the concerned station Chief Engineer. TPI shall be arranged by the successful Bidder at his cost. He shall be solely responsible for arranging Third Party Inspection and also for expeditious coordination with LRA, to ensure timely execution of supplies. If the charges towards Third Party Inspection (inclusive of Service Tax) are included in the quoted price, the included amount shall be indicated in the Price bid, without fail. DELIVERY: Delivery is the essence of Contract, and is subject to APPDCL/APGENCO’s standard PENALTY Condition. The Delivery period of the contract is 6months, which shall take the following into consideration. (I) All the activities (such as the following) which are in the scope of the SUPPLIER, shall be completed within this period. (i) Submission of Technical Documentation viz., Drawings & QAP (reckoned from the date of receipt of Letter of Intent/PO, whichever is earlier). (ii) Giving inspection call after completion of approval of Drawings & QAP (reckoned from the date of receipt of approval for Drawings & QAP, whichever is later). (iii) Dispatch of the materials at site, (reckoned from the date of receipt of dispatch clearance, requisite road permits/way bills as applicable etc, whichever is later from APGENCO). The above delivery period does not include the time taken at APPDCL/APGENCO’s end, for providing clarifications (if any) to the Supplier, for issue of requisite approvals, clearances etc, as applicable, at various stages of Order execution. The above delivery period is only indicative. However the actual delivery period will be indicated in the Purchase Order, depending upon the urgent requirement at site. For purpose of applying Penalty, the following will be considered. (a) The total excess period of delay in carrying out the various activities in the Supplier’s scope over and above the stipulated period, will be converted into weeks, with duration of less than a week being treated as a whole week. (b) Materials/Equipment, which are not of acceptable quality, or are not conforming to the requirements stipulated in the Contract, will be deemed to be not delivered. 9.4 Road Permits: Requirement of Road Permits/Way Bills etc, if applicable, shall be communicated to the Consignee, Asst.Divl.Engineer (Stores), sufficiently in advance. -: 7 :10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 PAYMENT TERMS: 100% of the all inclusive price of the materials will be paid within 30 days from the date of receipt and acceptance of the material in good condition at site. Payment will be made subject to the prior submission & approval of requisite Performance Bank Guarantee, and also fulfillment of other contractual terms such as approval of Test Certificates & other relevant documents. Payment will be arranged after duly deducting amounts towards Penalty etc, as applicable. In case any excess payment is made to the SUPPLIER, by mistake OR any amounts are due from the SUPPLIER to APPDCL/APGENCO for any reason(s), APPDCL/APGENCO reserves the right to recover such monies from the amounts payable to the SUPPLIER or Bank Guarantees submitted by him, against the Contract resulting out of this specification. Any incidental charges, such as bank charges, stamp duties etc, incurred by the SUPPLIER during the execution of the Contract shall be to the SUPPLIER’s account only. When the supplier does not at any time, fulfill his obligations in replacing/rectifying etc., of the defective/damaged materials in part or whole promptly to the satisfaction of the APPDCL/APGENCO Officers, the APPDCL/APGENCO reserves, the right not to accept the bills against, subsequent dispatches, made by the supplier, and only the supplier will be responsible for any demurrages, warfages or damages occurs to consignment so dispatched. 11.0 11.1 SECURITY DEPOSIT (SD): The successful bidder shall submit within one month from the date of issue of LOI/ PO (if the value of order is above Rs. 1,00,000) security deposit equal to 2.5% of value of purchase order for proper fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the contract and full execution of supplies thereof. The amount of security shall be forfeited to the extent of financial loss suffered by the Corporation, if supplier fails to execute the order and fulfill its terms and conditions. 11.2 Security deposit may be furnished in the shape of cash, by Demand Draft drawn on any Scheduled/Nationalized bank, in favour of “SAO/APPDCL” payable at Hyderabad (OR) Bank guarantee in lieu of cash from any Nationalized bank in prescribed proforma, with validity covering the delivery period, and claim period for an additional 6 months (Bank guarantee shall be accepted only if amount of SD is above Rs.10,000/-) or Government Securities duly endorsed in favour of APPDCL. 11.3 Security deposit will be returned back to the supplier (on application) as soon as order is fully executed and supplier has met all contractual obligations and there is nothing outstanding either against this purchase order or any other purchase order placed by the corporation on the supplier. 12.0 12.1 PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE (PBG):The Successful Bidder, shall furnish Performance Bank Guarantee to the extent of 10% of the contract price, with validity initially for a minimum period of EIGHTEEN Months from the date of supply and claim period of SIX Months beyond the Validity Period. However, the validity of the BG shall be extended from time to time to cover the guaranteed period. 12.2 In lieu of PBG, the supplier may opt for deduction/retention of equivalent amount from his bill. Such retention amount will be released after satisfactory completion of Guarantee Period, or after submission of requisite PBG, whichever is earlier. -: 8 :13.0 BANK GUARANTEE GUIDELINES: a)All applicable Bank Guarantees, viz., EMD/PEMD BG shall be executed by any NATIONALIZED BANK. They shall be as per the format(s) and guidelines prescribed by APGENCO, which are enclosed as part of this Tender Document. b) All applicable Bank Guarantees, viz., Security Deposit BG, PBG etc, shall be executed by any NATIONALIZED BANK. They shall be as per the format(s) and guidelines prescribed by APPDCL. 14.0 RISK PURCHASE: In case the SUPPLIER fails to execute the Contract as per the stipulated delivery schedule, APPDCL/APGENCO reserves the right to purchase the undelivered quantities from the open market or by floating another tender, and recover the additional expenditure so incurred from the SUPPLIER. This is without prejudice to any/all other rights of APPDCL/APGENCO, as indicated in this Specification. 15.0 15.1 ONLINE BID SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Bids are invited, ONLINE, on e-Procurement platform/website, in Two Parts, viz., -Part-I or Pre-Qualification Bid (PQB) and -Part-II or PRICE BID (also referred as COMMERCIAL BID on eProcurement Platform). 15.2 Registration with eProcurement platform: The bidders shall register on the e-procurement market place of Govt. of India, ie., on or and submit their bids online. On registration on the e-procurement market place they will be provided with a user ID and password through which they can submit their bids on line. Only those Bidders, who are registered on the e-Procurement Platform, are eligible to participate. For any queries on registration and online bid submission, on e-Procurement platform, the bidders may contact HELP DESK of the Service Provider on Offline bids will not be entertained by the Tender Inviting Authority, for the tenders published in e-Procurement platform. Any offline bid submission clause in the tender document could be neglected. 15.3 Tender Document: (a) The Bidder is requested to download the Tender document from the eprocurement website (from the date of publication, up to the time & date indicated in the tender notice), and read all the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender Document and seek clarification, if any, from the Tender Inviting Authority. Any downloading soft copy of tender documents from web site is at the sole risk and responsibility of the bidder. APGENCO/APPDCL will not be responsible for any delay/difficulty/inaccessibility of the downloading facility for any reason whatsoever. The Bidder is also requested to down load the Training Kit, along with above Tender document and use the same to acquaint with the procedure. (b) The Bidder has to keep track of any changes by viewing the Addendum/ Corrigenda issued by the Tender Inviting Authority, from time to time, in the e-Procurement platform. The Department Inviting tenders will not be responsible for any claims/problems arising out of bidders not keeping track of changes that are informed by way of amendment to NIT. -: 9:(c) 15.4 The bidders shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, Technical bid, Financial bid etc., in the online standard formats displayed in eProcurement web site. The bidders shall also upload in the e-Procurement web site the scanned copies of DD/BG towards EMD or reference approved letter of PEMD deposited with APGENCO/APPDCL as case may be, all the relevant certificates, documents including contractor Registration, experience certificates, solvency, EPF, GIS/ESI, VAT/CST & Service Tax registration certificates etc., in support of their eligibility criteria/technical bids as asked for in NIT and tender Documents. Online Bid Submission: The Bidder registered on the e-Procurement Platform, shall submit his Bid online, on e-Procurement platform of the Govt. of India, ie.,, as per the procedure given below. (a) Scanned copies of each of the following shall be uploaded to the eProcurement platform and linked to the present Tender. These will constitute the Bidder’s online Offer against this Tender. The contractors have to upload the information preferably in Win Zip format. (i) Earnest Money Deposit, in specified form, and for requisite amount. (Alternatively, Copy of PEMD Sanction letter, or EMD Exemption Letter, as applicable, shall be furnished) (ii) (iii) All the Bid schedules (as per the formats in the Tender Specification), furnishing all requisite details, signed and seal & date affixed. Each Schedule shall be accompanied by supporting documentation, as stipulated therein. These shall include documents evidencing compliance with Qualification Requirements, stipulated in this Section. Price Bid, containing Prices & Price components of the offered materials, duly signed, seal and date affixed. (b) The bidder shall sign duly affixing seal & date on all the statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness/authenticity. (c) Digital Certificate authentication: (i) The bidder shall authenticate the bid with his Digital Certificate for submitting the bid electronically on eProcurement platform. Bids not authenticated by digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the eProcurement platform. (ii) For obtaining Digital Signature Certificate, you may please Contact: Andhra Pradesh Technology Services Limited, BRKR Bhavan, B-Block, Tankbund Road, Hyderabad-500022, Phone: +91-40-23220305, Fax: +91-4023228057 (OR) Any other Registration Authority of TCS-CA in India. The city-wise list of RAs can be accessed by clicking the link "Apply for a Class-2 Certificate" under "Enroll" section in the website index.jsp. -: 10 :15.5 Bid Submission Acknowledgement: The bidder shall complete all the processes and steps required for Bid submission. The system will generate an acknowledgement with a unique bid submission number after completing all the prescribed steps and processes by the bidder. Users may also note that the bids for which an acknowledgement is not generated by the eProcurement system are treated as invalid or not saved in the system. Such invalid bids are not made available to the Tender Inviting Authority for processing the bids. The Government of AP and Service Provider are not responsible for incomplete bid submission by users. 15.6 Submission of Hard copies: (a) As per GO No.174 dt.1/9/2008, the requirement for Submission of Original Hard Copies of the uploaded scanned copies of DD/BG towards EMD etc, before opening of Price Bids shall be dispensed with. (b) All the bidders shall invariably upload in e-Procurement system the scanned copies of DD/BG towards EMD or reference approved letter of PEMD deposited with APGENCO as case may be, Certificates/Documents in support of eligibility criteria as mentioned in NIT/Tender documents and this will be the primary requirement to consider the bid responsive. (c) Technical Bid evaluation shall be carried out, solely based on the Documents/ Certificates etc uploaded in the e-Procurement system and Price Bids of the responsive Bidders shall be opened. (d) The Purchaser Department shall notify the successful bidder for submission of original hard copies of all uploaded documents, DD/BG towards EMD etc, for ensuring their genuineness/authenticity, prior to entering into agreement or LOI/placement of Order. The Successful Bidder shall, at his sole risk & responsibility, submit the same to the Tender Inviting Authority, before stipulated date & time. The department will not take any responsibility for any delay in receipt/non-receipt of original certificates/documents DD/BG towards EMD, Certificates/ Documents from the successful bidder before the stipulated time. On receipt of documents, the department shall ensure the genuinity of the DD/BG towards EMD and all other certificates/documents uploaded by the bidder in e-Procurement system in support of the qualification criteria before release of purchase order/sale order / LOI as case may be. (e) In case of variation in the uploaded documents and Failure of submission of original hard copies: If any successful bidder fails to submit the original hard copies of uploaded certificates/documents, DD/BG towards EMD or reference letter of PEMD deposited with APGENCO within stipulated time or if any variation is noticed between the uploaded documents and the hardcopies submitted by the bidder, the successful bidder will be suspended from participating in the tenders on e-Procurement platform for a period of 3 years. The e-Procurement system would deactivate the user ID of such defaulting bidder based on the trigger/recommendation by the Tender Inviting Authority in the system. Besides this, the department shall invoke all processes of law including criminal prosecution of such defaulting bidder as an act of extreme deterrence to avoid delays in the tender process for specified work/materials. If any of the documents/information furnished by the bidder is found, at any point of time, to be false/fabricated/bogus, such Bidder is liable for black listing, forfeiture of the EMD, cancellation of Purchase order/LOI as case applicable and criminal prosecution. -: 11 :15.7 Payment of Transaction Fee: All the participant bidders shall pay online, a non-refundable TRANSACTION FEE, to M/s.APTS LTD, through "Payment Gateway Service on E-Procurement platform". The amount payable is 0.03% of the Estimated Contract Value (ECV), with a cap of Rs.10,000/- for ECV upto Rs.50.0 crores and Rs.25,000/- for ECV above Rs.50.0 crore. The Electronic Payment Gateway accepts all Master and Visa Credit Cards issued by any bank and Direct Debit facility/Net Banking of select Banks such as ICICI Bank, HDFC, Axis Bank etc, to facilitate the transaction. Service tax, Bank Charges for Credit Card Transactions etc, will be applicable. 15.8 Corpus Fund or eProcurement Fund: User departments shall collect, towards eProcurement fund, 0.04% of ECV (Estimated Contract Value) with a cap of Rs.10,000/- for ECV upto Rs.50.0 crores and Rs.25,000/- for ECV above Rs.50.0 crore, from successful bidders on eProcurement platform, before entering into agreement/ issue of purchase orders. The amount shall be paid in favour of the Managing Director, APTS. There shall not be any charge towards eProcurement fund in case of works, goods and services with ECV upto Rs.10 lakhs. 16.0 16.1 OPENING OF TENDERS: Part-I i.e., ‘Pre-qualification Bid’ or PQB, will be opened ONLINE, on the date, time and place indicated. Only those tenders which contain full information and which comply with the requirements regarding experience, technical and financial requirements etc, will qualify for opening of Part-II: ’Price Bid’ or ‘COMMERCIAL BID’. The date and time of opening of Part-II will be intimated to the qualified bidders, separately. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that the PRICE BID, is completely in line with the PQB. In case the terms indicated in Part-II are found to be different from those indicated in Part-I, APGENCO reserves the right to either consider the terms more favourable to APGENCO, or to reject the Bid, outright. Bidders are requested to ensure that they do not upload Part-II, ie., Price Bid/ Commercial Bid, along with Part-I: ie., Pre-Qualification/Technical Bid. APGENCO reserves the right to disqualify those Bidders, whose PQBs are found to contain Price Bids. 16.2 16.3 16.4 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 DISCLAIMER: APGENCO/APPDCL reserves the right to change or alter the bid conditions before the final date/ extended due date of submission of the bids, by issuing an addenda. The Notice Inviting Tender (NIT), any subsequent addenda/amendments etc, will be made available on e-Procurement platform and APGENCO’s website, and can be downloaded free of cost. The Bidders shall be solely responsible, for ensuring that their Bids are completely in line with the requirements stipulated therein. The Specifications stipulated in these documents, are indicative only. It is the responsibility of the Bidders to ensure correctness of the same. If necessary, they may depute their representatives to Site, to collect all necessary particulars etc. Any discrepancies in the requirements stipulated in these documents, shall be brought to the notice of the undersigned, and clarifications shall be obtained prior to submission of Offer itself. Bidders are advised not to make any assumptions or inferences, on their own. -: 12 :17.4 APGENCO/APPDCL reserves its right, without prejudice to other rights under terms and conditions of NIT and tender documents or other remedy available, to cancel tenders without assigning any reasons, and will not entertain any correspondence in the matter. APGENCO/APPDCL accepts no liability whatsoever and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly (including special, incidental or consequential loss or damage) from use of e-procurement web site or from cancellation of tenders. APGENCO/APPDCL also reserves the right to split the order on more than one bidder, in any manner or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. 17.5 Regarding Online Bidding: (i) Notwithstanding the particulars/guidelines stipulated in this document, all the bidders are advised to get themselves acquainted with the latest rules & regulations governing submission of Bids, payment of Transaction Fee/Corpus Fund etc, on the eProcurement platform. (ii) It is the responsibility of the Bidder, to ensure that the scanned copies uploaded to the eProcurement platform, are legible. (iii) The Bidder shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all requisite documents are not only successfully uploaded, but also linked to the present tender. Online Offers which are found to be either incomplete or corrupted, are liable to be rejected. Superintending Engineer (Generation-III) -oOo- -: 13 :SECTION-II: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS M/s.Andhra Pradesh Power Development Corporation Ltd (APPDCL), Hyderabad is the owner of the 2x800MW-Sri Damodaram Sanjeevaiah Thermal Power Station (SDSTPS). As part of the O&M agreement between APPDCL and APGENCO, this enquiry is floated by APGENCO on behalf of APPDCL. The Purchase order will be placed on the successful bidder by M/s.APPDCL only. 1.0 1.1 PROJECT LOCATION AND NEAREST RAIL HEAD: Sri Damodaram Sanjeevaiah Thermal Power Station (SDSTPS) is located on shore of Bay of Bengal at Nelatur Village, Nellore Dist., Andhra Pradesh. The nearest railway station is Nellore situated on Chennai Broad guage line, which is about 23KM from the site. PREAMBLE: The 2x800MW units of SDSTPS, is equipped with many 415V LT motors used for numerous purposes at various locations namely Fuel oil pump house, Ash extraction pump house, Ash silo pump house, Ash water pump house, ESP-1&2, Boiler-1&2, Water Treatment Plant, CHP-1&2 and Fire & service water system. The availability of these LT motors is very much essential for smooth running the units. 2.0 2.1 SCOPE OF OFFER: Supply, Testing, Inspection by 3rd Party, Packing, Transportation and Delivery of 415V LT motors required for 2x800MW-SDSTPS. Sl. No. 1 Description of the Item Quantity 415V LT Motors as per the attached ANNEXURE to SECTION-II 3.0 3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: It is not the intent to specify completely the supply of the Materials covered in the Scope of this Tender Specification. However, they shall conform, in all respects, to relevant standards of engineering, design and workmanship and shall be capable of performing satisfactorily, in a manner acceptable to the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall interpret the meanings of drawings & specifications & shall have the right to reject any work or material which, in his opinion, is not fully in accordance therewith. 3.2 Codes & Standards: The supply, inspection & testing of the materials covered under this specification shall conform to the latest editions of relevant statutes, regulations, codes & standards, as applicable in the locality where they will be installed. The Bidder shall fully acquaint himself with these requirements and shall ensure compliance with them. However in the event of any conflict between the requirements of two standards or between the requirements of any standard and this specification, the more stringent requirements shall apply, unless confirmed otherwise by the APPDCL/APGENCO, in writing. The decision of the APPDCL/APGENCO shall be final and binding in all such cases. -: 14 :3.3 3.4 Interchangeability/Fitment guarantee: The supplied materials shall be interchangeable with the materials existing at site and if fails to interchange, the same shall be replaced at free of cost. It is the sole responsibility of the Successful Bidder to ensure proper fitment of the supplied materials in place of the existing equipment, with/without modifications. All Bidders are requested to study the requirements of this Specification in detail. If necessary, they may depute their representative to site, for study & preparation and collecting any relevant data/particulars, space available etc. Any queries shall be addressed to this Office and got clarified before submitting the quotations. An Interchangeability/ Fitment guarantee Certificate in line with the requirements of this Clause, shall be submitted along with the Invoices. The, technical specifications etc furnished herein, are only for general guidance of the Bidders. The Bidder shall be solely responsible for ensuring the correctness/accuracy of the same, and also for ensuring that the offered materials conform to the performance requirements stipulated in this tender. 4.0 4.1 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: The Bidder shall submit detailed Technical documentation & drawings, electrical & mechanical properties etc, besides the special features which improve the performance & life of the offered items. 5.0 5.1 TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION: The SUPPLIER shall be fully responsible for ensuring compliance of the MATERIALS, with the requirements stipulated in this specification. In order to ensure technical suitability, the Successful Tenderer shall develop and submit Technical Documentation including detailed Dimensional Drawings, relevant Technical Data Sheets, Routine & Type tests as per IS details etc, all duly signed & stamped, preferably within TWO WEEKS from the date of receipt of LOI/ Purchase Order, whichever is earlier, for approval. One set of reproducible drawings (soft copies) shall be submitted, to each of the above. Supply shall be taken up only after approval of the Drawings. Notwithstanding any approval issued by APPDCL/APGENCO, the SUPPLIER shall be solely responsible for the correctness of the same, for the consequences arising out of any errors or omissions therein, or for any litigation or liability under the contract. 5.2 5.3 The Drawings submitted will become the property of APPDCL/APGENCO, which reserves the right to use them at its discretion. 6.0 6.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN (QAP): The Successful Bidder shall submit a detailed QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN covering the various Dimensional & Mechanical Tests, Routine & Type Tests as per the latest IS proposed to be conducted as per the requirements of this Specification, the scope of Pre-Despatch Inspection by APPDCL/APGENCO & the Third Party Inspection Agency, M/s.LRA, etc, and get the same approved by APPDCL/APGENCO. It shall be submitted preferably within TWO WEEKS from the date of receipt of LOI/PO, whichever is earlier. Supply shall be taken up only after approval of the Drawings/QAP by APPDCL/APGENCO and strictly in accordance with the same. PRE-DESPATCH INSPECTION: The materials shall be offered for pre-dispatch joint Inspection by the representatives of APPDCL/APGENCO and the Third Party Inspection (TPI) Agency viz., M/s.Lloyd’s Register Asia (LRA), as per the approved QAP for compliance with the requirements of the Order. 6.2 7.0 7.1 -: 15 :7.2 7.3 The Supplier shall contact M/s. LLOYD’S, immediately on receipt of Drawings/QAP approval from APPDCL/APGENCO. Further, the supplier shall send 15 Days advance intimation to the concerned station Chief Engineer and also to this Office to enable us to depute our authorized representative for inspection of material along with M/s. Lloyds. Apart from third party inspection Agency, the APPDCL/APGENCO's authorized representative shall, at all reasonable times, have the right of access to the supplier’s Works, to determine or assess compliance with the Specifications stipulated, and to witness the TESTS. 7.4 The third party inspection (TPI) by M/s.Lloyd’s Register Asia shall be arranged and co-ordinated by the supplier and the charges for such inspection, shall be borne by the supplier. If charges towards Third Party Inspection (inclusive of Service Tax) are included in the Quoted price, the included amount shall be indicated in the Price Proposal. 7.5 Dispatch: The materials shall be dispatched only after above said inspection, test certificate approval and dispatch clearance from the Station Chief Engineer or such inspection/(s) waived by them. 8.0 8.1 TESTS & TEST CERTIFICATES: All necessary Dimensional & Mechanical Tests, Routine & Type Tests as per the latest IS shall be conducted on the materials, as per the approved Drawings/QAP and the latest edition of the relevant Indian/International Standards as applicable, for ensuring compliance with the requirements stipulated in this Tender Specification. 8.2 All the relevant Test Certificates/Reports duly certified by the Third Party Inspection Agency, shall be submitted to the concerned station Chief Engineer, before dispatch of the materials, for approval, with copies marked to the CE (Generation) also. 8.3 Apart from the tests to be done at vendor’s works, APPDCL/APGENCO reserves the right to get other tests done at APPDCL/APGENCO’s works/other than vendor’s works, if required for ensuring quality of material. 9.0 9.1 GUARANTEE: The material supplied shall be guaranteed against manufacturing defects, material quality, workmanship and for satisfactory performance. The supplier shall be liable to make good any defects that may develop in the materials due to faulty designs, unsound material or bad workmanship provided always that such defective parts are not repairable at site and or not in meantime essential in commercial use of the Plant, or promptly returned to the works of the supplier unless otherwise arranged. 9.3 The material supplied shall be guaranteed for a period of 36 months from the date of commissioning or 48 months from the date of supply of material, whichever is earlier. Guarantee Certificate in line with the requirements of this Clause, shall be submitted along with the Invoices. Superintending Engineer (Generation-III) -oOo- -: 16 :- ANNEXURE Supply of 415Volts LT Motors Sl. No Name of the Motor Rating Frame size Speed (rpm) Qty Required Fuel Oil Pump House 1 LDO Pump Motors 37 KW E200L 2960 1 Nos 2 HFO Pump Motors 110 KW E315M 1488 1 Nos 3 LDO Unloading Pump Motors 9.3 KW E160L 1470 1 Nos 4 HFO Unloading Pump Motors 75 KW E280M 1485 1 Nos 5 HFO Unloading Pump Motor 15 KW E160L 1470 1 Nos 6 Drain Oil Pump Pump Motor 3.7 KW E112M 1450 1 Nos 7 Oil Water Mixture Pump Motors 5.5 KW E132M 1450 1 Nos 8 Foam Pump Motor 9.3 KW ND160M 1460 1 Nos 160 KW SE315LA 2975 1 Nos Ash Extraction Pump House 9 Instrument Air Compressor Motors 10 Vacuum Pump Motors 90 KW SE280M 1485 2 Nos 11 BA Over Flow Transfer Pump Motors 90 KW SEV280M 1485 1 Nos 12 ESP/BA Hopper Fludiging Blower Motors 15 KW SE160L 1460 1 Nos 13 11 KW SE160L 965 2 Nos 14 Clinker Grinder Motors Mechanical Exhauster Drain Sump Pump Motors 15 KW SEV160L 1460 1 Nos 15 Condenser Water Pump Motors 2.2 KW M3BA100LC4 1450 1 Nos 16 Cooling Tower Motors 2.2 KW M3BA112M6 945 1 Nos Motors at Ash Silo Pump House 17 HCSD Pump Motors 315 KW VFD355LX 1487 1 Nos 18 Emergency Pump Motor 110 KW SE315S 1485 1 Nos 19 Silo Aeration Blower Motors 37 KW SE225S 1475 1 Nos 20 Dust Conditioner Water Pump Motors 37 KW SE225S 1475 1 Nos 21 HCSD Charge Pump Motors 37 KW SE225S 1475 1 Nos 22 Ash Slurry Mixture Motors Twin Paddle Feeder Motors (HCSD Unloading) 75 KW ND280S 1480 1 Nos 15 KW SE160L 1460 1 Nos 0.75 KW SD/ND 80 1661 1 Nos 3.7 KW G-DA-112MS-D 1440 1 Nos 3.7 KW G-DA-112MS-D 1440 1 Nos 23 24 26 Scavanger Fan Motors (Dry Unloading Spout) Rotary Feeder Motors for Dry U/L (Open Truck) Rotary Feeder Motors for Dry U/L (Closed Truck) 27 Geared Motor for Rotary Unloader 7.5 KW 132M 1500 1 Nos 28 Silo Vent Fan Motors 15 KW 160L 2176 1 Nos 29 Drain Sump Pump Motors Fly Ash Silo Area 5.5 KW SEV132S 1450 1 Nos 25 -: 17 :Motors at Ash Water Pump House 30 BA LP Water Pump Motors 75 KW SE280S 1485 1 Nos Motors at ESP-1&2 31 CER Motors 0.37 KW 71 1390 2 Nos 32 EER Motors 0.37 KW 71 1380 2 Nos 33 GDR Motors 0.37 KW 71 1390 1 Nos 34 A/C Compressor pump Motors 55 KW EHX250MB4 1475 1 Nos 35 Condensate Transfer pump Motor 5.5 KW M3BA132M-4 1460 1 Nos 36 AHU Motor 18.5 KW EHX180MLB1 1455 1 Nos 37 Ventillation air Blower 5.5 KW E132M 1450 1 Nos Motors at Boiler-1&2 38 AC Scanner Air Motors 11 KW BM160M 2935 2 Nos 39 Air pre-heater Main motor 37 KW IEC225M 1480 1 Nos 40 Air pre-heater Support bearing lub-oil Motors 0.37 KW D90D 970 1 Nos 41 Air pre-heater Guide bearing lub-oil Motors 0.37 KW D90D 970 1 Nos 42 Cooling water pump Motor 3.7 KW NG100L 2875 1 Nos 43 Condensate Pump Motors 75 KW ILG6283-4MA 90-Z 1486 1 Nos 44 Mill-Seal air Motors 110 KW 315S 1465 1 Nos 45 ID Fan Seal Air Motor 5.5 KW M3BA132SB2 2890 1 Nos 46 Soot Blower Traverse Motor (Water Walls) 0.56 KW 90B/4 1425 2 Nos 47 Soot Blower Rotory Motor 0.09 KW 71C/4 1435 2 Nos 48 Boiler Drain Oil Motor 5.5 KW E132M 1450 1 Nos 49 Dynamic Classifier Motors of Mills 50 Mill Lube oil pump Motors-1 M3BP280SMC41 MB5 1480 ILA9166-4KA9613.8 KW Z(160L) 1470 51 Mill Lube oil pump Motor(HP) 3.65 KW ILA7134AA91Z (122M) 1450 1 Nos 52 ID Fan Lube Oil Pumps Motors 5.5 KW AMW13254 1440 1 Nos 53 FD Fan Lube Oil Pumps Motors 2.2 KW AMW100LK4 1400 1 Nos 75 KW 1 Nos 1 Nos Motors at Water Treatment Plant 54 Filer Back Wash Pump 37 KW EHX250MB6 985 1 Nos 55 RO-II High Pressure Pump 30 KW EHX200MLA2 2940 1 Nos 56 RO-I Cleaning Solution Pump 45 KW EHX225SMB2 2955 1 Nos 57 RO-II Cleaning Solution Pump 11 KW EHX160MLC2 2920 1 Nos 58 RO-II Feed Pump 7.5 KW M3BA132MB4 1460 1 Nos 59 RO Flushing Pump 30 KW EHX200MLC4 1470 1 Nos 60 Mixed Bed Feed Pump 7.5 KW M3BA132BB2 2990 1 Nos -: 18 :- 61 RO-I Cleaning Solution Tank Agitator 0.75 KW M3BAF080D4 1410 1 Nos 62 RO-II Cleanign Solution Tank Agitator 0.37 KW M3BAF071C/4 1390 1 Nos 63 Caustic Unloading & Transfer Pump 1.5 KW M2BA090L4 1420 1 Nos 64 Acid Unloading & Transfer Pump 1.5 KW M2BA090L2 2890 1 Nos 65 Caustic Tank RO-I Permeat Agitator 0.75 KW M3BAF090L6 940 1 Nos 66 Filter Feed Pump 75 KW EHX280SMB2 2965 1 Nos 67 Sludge Transfer Pump 15 KW EHXF160MLD2 2920 1 Nos 68 Sludge Recirculation Pump 3.7 KW M3BA112MB4 1450 1 Nos 69 Fecl3 Unloading & Transfer Pump 2.2 KW 3GBA91313/AH B 2873 1 Nos 70 Flash Mixer 2.2 KW M3BAF100LCF 1450 1 Nos 71 Scrapper for Tube Settler Pump 0.75 KW KCAM25147 935 1 Nos 72 Agitator for Fecl3 Dosing Tank 0.37 KW M3BAF0HC-4 1390 1 Nos 73 MB Air Blowers 7.5 KW M3BA132MB4 1460 1 Nos 74 Effluent Transfer Pumps 22 KW EHX180MLC4 1455 1 Nos 75 Agitator for SMBS Dosing Tank 0.75 KW M3BAF090L6 940 1 Nos 76 Filter Air Scour Blower 18.5 KW EHX180MLB4 1455 1 Nos 77 Flocuulator 1.5 KW M3BA90LD4 1445 1 Nos 78 Flocuulator 0.75 KW M3BA80D4 1410 1 Nos 79 RO Reject Pump 75 KW MH28S413 1480 1 Nos 80 DM Transfer Pumps 7.5 KW MH13M43/132M 1455 1 Nos 160 KW M2BA315MLA4 1485 1 Nos Motors at Fire & Service Water 81 Fire Water Pump Motors 82 Jockey Pump Motors 37 KW EHX200MLB2 2940 1 Nos 83 Ash Handling Seal Water Pump Motors 30 KW SE200L 1474 1 Nos 84 Service Water Pump Motors 30 KW MH20L453/200L 1470 1 Nos 85 CHP Dust Supression Pump Motors 75 KW 280S 1485 1 Nos Motors at Coal Handling Plant-1&2 86 BCN-2A/2B 110 KW M2BA315SMA4 1485 1 Nos 87 BCN-6A/6B/10A/10B/12A/12B 132 KW M2BA315SMB4 1485 2 Nos 88 BCN-9A/9B 75 KW EHX280SMB4 1475 1 Nos 89 BCN-11A/11B 160 KW M2BA315MLA4 1485 1 Nos 90 Roller Screen Motor 45 KW EHX225SMC4 1470 1 Nos 91 1.5 KW MA10L635 935 1 Nos 92 Cable Reeling Drum motor Tripper. 1/2/3/4 7.5 KW EHX132SMD4 1 Nos 93 Travel drive Motor 7.5 KW ND180M 1450 1450/7 50 94 Slewing Hydraulic Drive 30 KW ND200L 1470 1 Nos 95 Cabin Adjust Hyd.Drive 1.5 KW ND90L 1425 1 Nos 2 Nos -: 19 :- 96 Hyd.Pump Motor for Luffing Drive 30 KW ND200L 1470 1 Nos 97 Boom Conveyor 90 KW ND280M 1480 1 Nos 98 Sump Pump Motors for Crusher House 5.5 KW 132S 1445 1 Nos Sump Pump Motors for ERH-1 100 Ventilation System Motors at ERH-1/ERH-2 101 Ventilation System Motors at ERH-1/ERH-2 5.5 KW 132S 1445 1 Nos 18.5 KW 180MLB4 1455 1 Nos 9.3 KW 180MLB4 1455 1 Nos 102 DS Water pump (PWP-1A/1B) 75 KW 280S 1485 1 Nos 103 Compressor Motor (SC-1A/1B) 75 KW 280M 1489 1 Nos 104 Dry Fog pump (DFP-1A/1B) 3.7 KW 112M 1440 1 Nos 105 Compressor cooling Motor-1/2 1.5 KW 12-90L-4 1390 1 Nos 106 Air Compressor Motor 11 KW 132M 2910 1 Nos 99 -: 20 :SECTION-III: INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BIDDERS The instructions given below must be read very carefully, as failure in compliance with any of these may render the offer liable for rejection. If a bidder has any doubt about the meaning of any stipulation herein, General Purchase Conditions, specification of materials or any other enclosed document, the tenderer should immediately obtain the clarification/ information in writing from the executive who has issued these documents/the Chief Engineer (Generation). APGENCO or CORPORATION: shall mean Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd., (a Govt. of A.P Undertaking), a company incorporated in India under Companies Act 1956, having its Regd. Office at Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad–500082, (AP). 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Offer must accompany EMD of requisite amount as specified in tender enquiry failing which offer shall be liable for rejection. EMD can be furnished by way of DD/Pay Order/Banker’s Cheque/Bank Guarantee. Submission of EMD in any other form shall not be considered and shall be treated as disqualification. The EMD shall be forfeited, if (i) Bidder withdraws the bid before expiry of its Validity. (ii) Successful bidder does not accept the Order/LOI or fails to enter into a Contract within validity period of Offer. (iii) Successful bidder fails to furnish Security Deposit within 30 days from the date of issue of P.O./LOI (iv) The Offer is disqualified for the reasons outlined in clause 2.4 below. Permanent/ Standing EMD: The bidder may deposit with APGENCO, the permanent fixed deposit of Rs.2,50,000/- (Two lakhs and fifty thousands) as EMD in the form of DD/Pay order/ Banker’s cheque. In case of BG, it shall be valid for a period of three years constituting the said sum as security for due compliance with the obligations undertaken in the offer submitted by the bidder. No interest will be payable on such amount. Due date and time and submission of Offers: The due date for submission of offers is 25.10.14, 3.30PM. Post tender rebates or deviation in quoted prices and/ or conditions or any such offers which will give a benefit to the bidder over others will not only be rejected outright but also the original offer itself will get disqualified on this account, and bidder’s EMD shall be forfeited. The quoted prices must be written in both figures and words in capital letters. Alterations, if any, shall be made clearly by crossing the whole-entered rate and bidder with his full signature and rubber stamp should attest such correction. There shall NOT be any overwriting under any circumstances; as such offers are liable for rejection. In case of any discrepancy between figures and words, the rates in words shall be considered for the purpose of evaluation. Bidders may note that due date and time of opening the bids shall strictly be adhered to and accordingly.However, due to declaration of unexpected holiday or any unforeseen circumstances, bids are not opened on due date, the same shall be opened on next working day at the same time. Standard printed conditions attached to the tender will not be accepted. Only those mentioned in the body of the Offer will be considered. The bidder shall certify that the quoted rates are as applicable to Government Dept. / Public Sector Undertaking and in support of this they shall furnish copies of Purchase Orders received from these organizations. Validity of Offers: The Offers shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of Price/Commercial Bids. The period of validity cannot be counted from any other date other than the date of opening the bids. During this period bidder shall not be permitted to withdraw or vary their offers, once made and if they do so, the EMD shall be forfeited. -: 21 :4. Past Experience: The list of customers, to whom the bidder had supplied identical materials in the past along with documentary evidence with P.O. details with price list and Performance Reports, if any, shall be furnished. 6. Acceptance of APGENCO/APPDCL Payment Terms: 7. Price Basis: Kindly quote F.O.R. destination prices and Dispatch of materials through our authorized transporter. However, if the quoted rates are on Ex-Works basis, loading @ 2% towards Packing and Forwarding and 3% towards Freight charges shall be done. However, for F.O.R. Destination or F.O.R. Station of Dispatch prices, break- up of Packing and Forwarding and Freight component shall be furnished as Excise Duty and Sales Tax shall be payable on Exworks price only and shall not be payable on Freight charges. 8. Transit Insurance: Bidder shall quote FOR Destination prices inclusive of marine insurance charges. However, if the price is of Ex-works or Station of Dispatch, loading shall be done on their quoted price @ 1% towards transit insurance by the Corporation. 9. Taxes and Duties: Kindly indicate clearly as to whether the offered Prices are inclusive or exclusive of Sales Tax. The rate and nature of Sales Tax applicable shall be shown separately. Sales Tax shall be paid to the seller at the rate which it is liable to be assessed/ actually assessed on the date of supply, provided the transaction of sale is liable to Sales Tax. In case the bidder stipulates Excise Duty extra as applicable at the time of Dispatch and specifies the present rate of Excise Duty (in numeric percentage or NIL), the Offer shall be evaluated considering rate of E.D. for the product as per Excise Tariff of Govt. of India or as evident from bids received from other bidder. However, liability of APGENCO/APPDCL shall be restricted to actual ED paid at the time of Dispatch subject to production of Excise Gate Pass or Excise Invoices. In case the bidder quotes with ‘fixed rate’ of ED or specify ED as NIL, the Offer shall be evaluated accordingly and payment shall also be restricted accordingly. This will be subject to submission of Excise Invoice copy for having actually paid the Excise Duty or otherwise but claim for any upward revision will not be accepted at a later stage. Similarly if variable excise duty is payable, evaluation shall be done on full/maximum excise duty payable for the product but payment of ED to the Supplier against the order, if placed, shall be actual amount paid subject to furnishing documentary proof (excise Gate Pass or Excise Invoice). 10. Cost Compensation for Deviation: Deviations specifically declared by the bidders in respective Deviation Schedules of Bid Proposal Sheets only will be taken into account for the purpose of evaluation. The bidders are required to declare the Prices for the withdrawal of the deviations declared by them in the Deviation Schedules. Such Prices declared by the bidders for the withdrawal of the deviations in the Deviation Schedule shall be added to the bid prices to compensate for these deviations. In case prices for the withdrawal of deviations not furnished by the bidder, the owner shall convert such deviations into a Rupee value and add to the bid price to compensate for these. In determining the Rupee Value of the deviations, the owner will use parameters consistent with those specified in the specifications and documents and/ or other information as necessary and available with APGENCO. In case the bidder refuses to withdraw the deviations at the cost of withdrawal indicated by the bidder in the deviation schedule, the EMD of bidder shall be forfeited. Bidder may note that deviation variations and additional conditions etc. found elsewhere in the bid other than those stated in the Deviation schedules, save those pertaining to any rebates, shall not be given effect to in evaluation and it will be assumed that the bidder complies with all the conditions of Bidding Documents. In case bidder refuses to withdraw, without any cost to APGENCO, those deviations, which the bidder did not state in the Deviation Schedules, the EMD of the bidder may be forfeited. (Please refer Section-I) -: 22 :11. Offers should strictly be in conformity with specifications/drawings/samples as stipulated in the enquiry. In case no deviations are indicated, it shall be taken for granted that item (s) has/ have been offered strictly as per the requirements given in the enquiry. 12. Delivery: The material shall be delivered within the shortest possible period, reckoned from the date of Purchase Order. In case of any deviation, bidder shall offer his best, realistic and firm delivery, which shall be specific and guaranteed. Delivery period shall be reckoned from the date of LOI / P.O. whichever is the first intimation of acceptance of bidder’s offer. Final date of delivery shall be evidenced by date of despatch of materials as per transporter’s Lorry Receipt/Goods Receipt/RR/ PWB/AWB. In case stage inspection or pre- despatch inspection is involved, the bidder shall take into account 15 days notice to APGENCO to depute Inspection Engineer. In view of this, delivery time will be inclusive of time taken for inspection. For delivery beyond contractual delivery period, provisions of ‘General Purchase Conditions’ will apply. 13. It is not binding on APGENCO/APPDCL to accept the lowest or any bid. The Corporation reserves the right to place orders for individual items with different bidders and to revise the quantities at the time of placing the order. The quoted rates, terms and conditions shall apply. The Order for the materials may also be split up between different bidders to facilitate quick delivery of critically required materials. APGENCO/APPDCL further reserves the right to accept or reject any/all bids without assigning any reasons thereof. APGENCO/APPDCL at its sole discretion unilaterally may change the quantities to the extent of 20% as indicated in tender enquiry/ NIT. The successful bidder shall be bound to supply these quantities on the same rate and terms and conditions. Bidders are requested to fill in the enclosed Proforma for Terms and Conditions and submit the same in duplicate along with their offer. Orders placed against this tender enquiry shall be subject to ‘General Purchase Conditions’ of APGENCO/APPDCL, a copy of which is enclosed. Bidders are requested to confirm acceptance in to in their Offer. Make/Brand of items offered shall be specified failing which offers are liable to be rejected. It shall be appreciated if one copy of detailed descriptive literature/ pamphlets, price lists shall be enclosed along with the Offer, which may help technical evaluation. In case material offered is ISI marked/tested at any Govt. recognized test house; copies of relevant certificate shall be furnished along with the offer. Test certificate of manufacturer/Govt. Test House shall be submitted if so stipulated. If the bidder is on DGS&D Rate Contract for item (s) covered in tender enquiry. A copy of the same shall be enclosed along with the offer. SSI/NSIC units shall furnish a copy of 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. registration certificate. 21. Samples shall be submitted with the Offer wherever asked for and it is to be noted that they shall only be supplementary to the Specification and would not supersede the Specification. Samples are relied upon solely to describe attributes that are not quantifiable like colour, luster feel etc. Bidder shall submit samples, freight paid, through register Post Parcel/ Road transport and should ensure that samples reach APGENCO/APPDCL within the stipulated date and time. No cognizance will be given to such samples, which are received after the specified date and time. Superintending Engineer (Generation-III) -: 23 :SECTION-IV: GENERAL PURCHASE CONDITIONS GENERAL 1.1 The following terms and expressions used herein shall have the meaning as indicated herein: “Supplier/ Vendor/Contractor”: shall mean the individual firm or company whether incorporated or otherwise in whose name the purchase order shall be addressed and shall include its permitted assigns and successors. “Buyer/ Purchaser/ Corporation/ APGENCO” : shall mean Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd., (A Govt. of A. P. Undertaking), a company incorporated in India under Companies Act 1956, having its Registered Office at Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad – 500 082 (AP). “Contract / Agreement”: shall mean the Purchase Order. 1.2. Reference: After placing of purchase order, the purchase order number must appear on all the correspondence, packing slips, invoices, drawings or any other document or paper connected with the purchase order. 1.3. Specifications and drawings: Any information or details which are included in the specifications but not indicated in the drawings and vice-versa will have the same effect and meaning as if included for and shown both in the specifications and drawings. In case of any dispute between the specifications and drawings, the decision of the Corporation or its authorized representative will be final and binding. 1.4. Addition/ Alterations/ Modifications: The Corporation reserves the right to make additions/alterations/ modifications to the quantity of items in the purchase order. The supplier shall supply such quantities also at the same rate as originally agreed to and incorporated in the purchase order. 1.5. Waiver: Any waiver by the authority of any breach of the terms and conditions of the purchase order shall not constitute any right for subsequent waiver of any other terms or conditions. 1.6. Sub-letting and Assignment: The supplier shall not, save with prior consent in writing of the Corporation, sublet, transfer or assign the order or any part thereof or interest therein or benefit or advantage thereof in any manner, whatsoever. Provided nevertheless that any such consent shall not relieve the supplier from any obligation, duty or responsibilities under the contract. 1.7. Information Provided by the Corporation: All drawings, data and documentation that will be given to the supplier by the Corporation for the execution of the order are the property of the Corporation and shall be returned back when demanded. Except for the purpose of executing the order of the Corporation, supplier shall ensure that the above documents are not used for any other purpose. The supplier shall further ensure that the information given by the Corporation is not disclosed to any person, firm, body, corporate and/or authority and make every effort that the above information is kept confidential. All such information shall remain the absolute property of the Corporation. 1.8. Name Plate: Equipment should be provided with name plate giving full details of supply, capacity and other details as specified in the relevant IS or other specification stipulated. The purchase order No. and Date and Year of supply and the words APGENCO/APPDCL must be etched on the name plate. 1.9. Interchangeability: All similar materials and removable parts of similar equipment shall be interchangeable with each other. A specific confirmation of this should be furnished along with the invoices for the supplies. -: 24 :1.10 Materials & Workmanship: Supplier shall fully warrant that the stores, equipment and component to be supplied against the purchase order shall be new and first quality, according to the specifications and shall be free from defects (even concealed faults, deficiency in design, materials and workmanship). 1.11. Spare Parts: Wherever applicable, the supplier shall furnish to the Corporation, item-wise price list of spares required for two year operation and maintenance of the ordered equipment. The supplier shall also furnish necessary instructions and drawings to identify the spare part numbers and their location as well as an interchangeability chart. 1.12. Supplier’s Liability Supplier shall accepts full responsibility and indemnify the Corporation and shall hold the Corporation harmless from all acts of omission and commission on the part of the supplier, his agents, his subcontractors and employees in execution of the purchase order. The supplier shall also agree to defend and hereby undertake to indemnify the Corporation and also hold it harmless from any and all claims for injury to or death of any and all persons including but not limited to employees and for damage to the property arising out of or in connection with the performance of the work under the purchase order. It is mandatory for the supplier to arrange necessary insurance coverage for the workmen, before starting the work. 1.13. Access to supplier’s Premises: The Corporation and / or its authorized representative shall be provided access to supplier’s and / or his sub-contractor’s premises, at any time during the pendency of the purchase order, for expediting the supplies, inspection, checking etc. 1.14 Sale Conditions: With supplier’s acceptance of the provisions of the purchase order, any of the general/ special sales conditions quoted by the bidder shall be deemed to have been waived and or cancelled. 1.15 Modifications This purchase order if placed, shall constitute an entire agreement between the parties hereto. Any modification to the purchase order shall become binding only upon the same being confirmed in writing duly signed by both the parties. 1.16 Inspection/checking/testing All materials/ equipment to be supplied against the purchase order shall be subject to inspection/ checking/ testing by the Corporation or its authorized representative at all stages and places, before, during the supply. All these tests shall be carried out in the presence of authorized representative of the Corporation. Supplier shall notify the Corporation for the inspection of materials/ equipment when they are ready, giving atleast 10 days notice. If upon receipt at our Stores, the material/equipment does not meet the specifications, they will be rejected and returned to the supplier for repair/modification etc. or for replacement. In such cases all expenses including to- and- fro freight, re-packing charges, transit insurance etc shall be to the account of supplier. Inspection by the authorized representative of the Corporation or failure of the corporation to inspect the material/equipment shall not relieve the supplier of any responsibility or liability in respect of such material/ equipment not be interpreted in anyway to imply acceptance thereof by the Corporation. Whenever specifically asked for by the Corporation, the supplier shall arrange for inspection/testing by Institutional Agency such as Lloyds Register of Industrial Services etc. In such cases vendor shall adhere to the inspection/ testing procedures laid down by such agencies. All expenses including inspection fees shall be to the suppliers account unless agreed to the contrary and specified in the purchase order. -: 25 :1.17 Packing and Marking: All materials/equipment shall be securely packed to the requirements of transportation by Rail/ Road/ Sea transport. All exposed services/ connections/, protrusions shall be properly protected. All unexposed part shall be packed with due care and the packages should bear the words’ handle with care’. The packing requirements of Rail/ Road transport shall be complied with so as to obtain clear Railway Receipt/ Lorry Receipt i.e. without any qualifying remarks. All packages and unpacked materials shall be marked with the name of Consignor, Consignee, Purchase order No., gross and Net weight, sign of handling, if any, with indelible paint in English atleast at two places. In case of bundles, metallic plates marked with the above details shall be tagged with such bundles. 1.18 Despatch of Materials: The supplier is responsible for the safe delivery of the goods in good condition at destination stores. The supplier should acquaint himself of the conditions obtaining for handling and transport of the goods to destination and shall include and provide for security and protective packing of the goods so as to avoid damage in transit. After packing the materials/ equipment those shall be despatched strictly as per the provision of purchase order. In case any changes in the mode of transportation and/or transporter has to be done, the same shall be done only after obtaining prior approval in writing. Normally the goods shall be despatched through reputed transporter only. All formalities related to allotment of wagons, loading permission from Railways shall be completed by the supplier. The supplier shall communicate immediately the despatch details to the consignee as specified in the purchase order. The Original despatch documents shall be forwarded immediately, failing which the supplier shall be responsible for any delay in payment and consequential payments of demurrage and wharfage to the transporter, if any. 1.19 Demurrage/Wharfage: If the documents are routed through Bank, any consequential charges i.e. demurrage/ wharfage charges, due to late retirement of documents on account of (i) violation of inspection clause i.e. despatch of materials without pre-despatch inspection whereas Pre-despatch inspection is required as per the condition of P.O. (ii) materials despatch after expiry of delivery period without obtaining approval in advance for extension of delivery period (iii) despatch of materials not through authorized transporter as indicated in the P.O. (iv) late receipt of invoice or due to violation of any other clause (s) of the purchase order, will be to supplier’s account. Supplier shall also be responsible for all such payments due to late receipt of RR/LR and other documents. 1.20 Acceptance of order: The Purchase Orders shall be sent to supplier in duplicate and he shall return one copy along with enclosures, duly signed and stamped, within 15 days in token of having received and accepted the order. 1.21 Jurisdiction: All and any disputes or difference arising out of or touching this order shall be decided only by the Courts or Tribunals situated in Hyderabad/ Secunderabad. For the purpose of any legal obstruction, the material, spares etc., should be deemed to pass into company’s owner ship only at the destination stores where they are delivered and accepted. 2.1 FINANCIAL Prices: Price (s) mentioned in the Purchase Order shall be firm and not subject to escalation on any account, till the Order is executed in full and it’s subsequent amendments accepted by the Supplier even though the completion/ execution of Order may take longer time than delivery period incorporated and accepted in Purchase Order. -: 26 :2.2 Taxes, Levies and Duties: Sales Tax, Excise Duty and other levies payable shall be shown separately in the invoice. These shall be to the account of Corporation, unless otherwise mentioned in the Purchase Order. 2.3 Variation in Statutory Levies: Any variation, upward or downward, in statutory levies or new levy is introduced after opening of the bids/placement of Order under this Purchase Order shall be to the account of Corporation, unless otherwise mentioned in the P.O.; provided that in cases where delivery schedule is not adhered to by the Supplier and there are upward variation/ revision after the agreed delivery date, the bidder/ Supplier shall bear the impact of such increased levies and if there is downward variation/ revision, the corporation shall be given advantage to that extent. 2.4 All royalties for patent or charges for the use or infringement thereof that may be involved in the construction or use of any equipment shall be included in the bid price. The bidder/Supplier shall protect the Corporation against any and all claims arising on account of the use thereof the Corporation agreeing to furnish the Supplier any appropriate information or assistance. 2.5 2.5.1 Security Deposit (SD): The successful bidder shall furnish within one month from the date of issue of LOI/ PO (if the value of Order is above Rs. 1,00,000) Security Deposit equal to 2.5% of value of Purchase Order for proper fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the Contract and full execution of supplies thereof. The amount of Security shall be forfeited to the extent of financial loss suffered by the Corporation, if Supplier fails to execute the Order and fulfill its terms and conditions. Security deposit may be furnished in the shape of cash, by Demand Draft drawn on any Scheduled bank, payable to APPDCL or bank guarantee in lieu of cash from any Nationalized bank in prescribed Proforma which shall be furnished along with Purchase Order (Bank guarantee shall be accepted only if amount of SD is above Rs. 10,000) or Government Securities duly endorsed in favour of APPDCL. Security deposit shall be returned back to the Supplier as soon as order is fully executed and Supplier has met all contractual obligations and there is nothing outstanding either against this Purchase Order or any other Purchase Order placed by the Corporation on the Supplier. 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.6 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4 2.7 2.8 2.8.1 Terms of Payment: (Please refer Section-I) Payments shall be made through Account Payee cheques only. If the Supplier has received any over payments by mistake or if any amounts are due to the Corporation due to any other reasons, when it is not possible to recover such amount under the Contract resulting out of this Order the Corporation reserves the right to collect the same from any other amounts and/ or Bank Guarantee given by the Supplier due to or with the Corporation. When the Supplier does not at any time fulfill his obligations in replacing/ rectifying etc. of the damages/ defective materials in part or whole, promptly to the satisfaction of the Corporation’s officers, the Corporation reserves the right not to accept the bills against subsequent dispatches made by the Supplier and under these circumstance only the Supplier will be responsible for any demurrage, wharfage or damages occurring to the consignments so dispatched. Delivery Schedule: Time is essence of this Order and no delay shall be allowed in the delivery time/ delivery schedule mentioned in the Purchase Order. Delivery of equipment/materials described shall be deemed to constitute acceptance of this Order and terms and conditions by the Supplier at the price specified. Liquidated Damages/ Failure and Termination: In the event of any delay in the Supplies of ordered materials beyond the stipulated date of delivery/ delivery schedule including any extension permitted in writing, the Corporation reserves the right to recover from the Supplier a sum equivalent to 0.5% of the value of delayed materials/equipment for each week of delay and part thereof subject to a maximum of 5% of the total value of the Order. -: 27 :2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 Alternatively, the Corporation may resort to purchase the material/equipment from elsewhere at the sole risk and cost of the Supplier and recover all such extra cost incurred by the Corporation in procuring the materials by above procedure. Alternatively Corporation may cancel the Purchase Order completely or partly without prejudice to its right under the alternatives mentioned above. In case of recourse to alternative 2.8.2 and 2.8.3. above, the Corporation shall have the right to repurchase the materials which is readily available in the market to meet the urgency of requirements caused by Supplier’s failure to comply with the scheduled delivery period irrespective of the fact whether the material/ equipment are similar or not. 2.9 Performance Bank Guarantee: The Supplier shall ensure that all materials/equipment under this Purchase Order shall conform to Corporation’s requirements and specifications. An additional security in the form of Performance Bank Guarantee is essential for satisfactory performance of the equipment over a period of time. In view of this, Suppliers of equipment/ instruments/ materials/ machinery shall be required to furnish a Bank Guarantee (10% of order value) as follows, against any manufacturing defects/ poor workmanship/poor performance. In case any deficiencies are found during this period, the same shall be repaired/rectified/replaced free of cost. BG shall be from any Nationalized Bank in the prescribed Proforma The Corporation shall at its discretion have recourse to the said Bank Guarantee for recovery of any or all amount due from, the Supplier in connection with the Purchase Order including of Guarantee obligations. Checking/approval of Supplier’s drawings, inspection and acceptance of materials/equipment furnishing to effect shipment and/or work done by erection, installation and commissioning of the equipment by Corporation or any other agency on behalf of the Corporation shall not in way relieve the Supplier from the responsibility for proper performance during the Guarantee Period. 2.10 Insurance: Supplier shall arrange suitable marine insurance cover at their risk and cost. 2.11 Removal of Rejected Goods and Replacement: If upon delivery, the material/equipment is found not in conformity with the specifications stipulated in the Purchase Order, whether inspected and approved earlier or otherwise, those shall be unacceptable to the Corporation or its authorized representative. A notification to this effect shall be issued to the Supplier, normally within 30 days from the date of receipt of materials at our Stores. Supplier shall arrange suitable replacement supplies and remove the rejected goods within 30 days from the date of notification failing which, the goods shall be dispatched to vendor by road transport on ‘freight to pay basis’ at Supplier risk and cost. External damages or shortages that are prima-facie the results of rough handling in transit or due to defective packing shall be intimated within a fortnight of the receipt of the materials, spares etc. In case of internal defects, damage or shortages or any internal parts, which cannot ordinarily be detected on a superficial visual examination, though due to bad handling in transit or defective packing should be intimated within 3 months from the date of receipt of these articles. In either case the damaged or defective materials should be replaced by the Supplier free of cost to the Corporation. If no steps are taken within 15 days of receipt of intimation of defects or such other reasonable time as company may deem proper to afford, the company may without prejudice to its other rights and remedies arrange for repairs/rectification of the defective materials or replace the same and recover the expenditure incurred from the deposits such as EMD, SD and Performance Guarantees or other money available with the Corporation or by resorting to legal action. However, if any advance payment had been made by the Corporation for the goods so rejected on technical ground, rejected materials shall be returned to Supplier after receipt of suitable replacement supplies. If the Supplier does not settle the rejection within a period of 60 days from the date of notification from stores, rejected goods shall be sent back to Supplier at his risk and cost. The Dispatch documents shall be negotiated through bank to recover the advance payment already made. Supplier shall make the payment to the bank and take possession of Dispatch documents so as to collect the materials from the Road Carrier. a) b) c) d) e) -: 28 :2.12 2.12.1 2.12.2 2.12.3 2.12.3 2.13 Force Majeure: The Supplier shall not be liable for delay or failing to supply the materials/ equipment for reasons of Force Majeure such as Act of God, Act of War, Act of Public Enemy, Natural calamities, Fires, Floods, Frost, Strikes. Lockouts etc. Only those causes which have duration of more than 7 days shall be considered for Force Majeure. The vendors shall within 10 days from the beginning of such delay notify to the Corporation in writing the cause of delay. The Corporation shall verify the facts and grant such extension of time as facts justify. No price variation shall be allowed during the period of Force Majeure and liquidated damages would not be levied for this period. At the option of Corporation, the Order may be cancelled. Such cancellation, would be without any liability whatsoever on the part of the corporation. In the event of such cancellation, Supplier shall refund any amount advanced or paid to him by the corporation and deliver back any materials issued to him by the corporation and release facilities, if any provided by the corporation. Cancellation of Order: The Corporation reserves the right to cancel the Order in part or in full by giving two weeks notice thereby if: The Supplier fails to comply with any of the terms of the Order. The Supplier becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation. The Supplier makes general assignment for the benefit of the creditors and Any Receiver is appointed for the property owned by the Supplier. Superintending Engineer (Generation-III) -oOo- -29- SECTION-V: BID SCHEDULES -: 30 :SCHEDULE-A: Proforma Of Letter Of Authority (To be furnished on Principal’s Letterhead) M/s Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Sirs, Ref: NIT No--------------------------------------------------------------------, Due opening date______ @@@ In connection with your above tender enquiry, We hereby authorize, M/s________________ ________________(Name, full address, Telephone & Fax Nos)_____________ to act as an agent on our behalf. We confirm that any offer/commitment made by them including price, technical specifications and delivery schedule, shall be binding to us and we further confirm that we shall fully abide by the said conditions. This authority shall be irrevocable and remain valid during the period of contract, if awarded by APGENCO. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 31 :SCHEDULE-B: General Details of the Bidder & Manufacturing Details (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) Name and address of the Tenderer Ph No., Fax No. & email id Whether Individual, Proprietary, Pvt or Public Ltd Co. Qualification of the Tenderer, if he is professionally qualified. Details of Board of Directors Excise & Sales Tax Regn. Nos. NSIC Regn. No, if applicable DGS&D Regn. No. Income Tax PAN Place of Manufacturing works Name & designation of an authorized Officer at Bidder’s Works to whom reference shall be made for expeditious technical co-ordination, in the event of placement of Order Place of Manufacturing & Testing Facilities, QC setup etc. Manufacturing Capacity Details of stores or class of stores which the factory, as equipped is capable of production (Specifying each item separately) Whether stores were tested to any standard specification, if so copies of original tests certificates (latest) should be submitted in triplicate. Details of Servicing facilities, if applicable : : : : : : : : : : : : : Documents to be furnished/enclosed: (a) Copy of Partnership Deed/Articles of Association. (b) Copies of Certificate of Registration with Govt. Departments etc. (c) Copy of Certificate Registered as SSI unit with either the NSIC or the Dept of Industries/ Govt. of AP, if applicable (d) Copy of P.A.N Card. (e) Any other relevant documentation. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 32 :SCHEDULE-C: CHECK LIST: Qualification Requirements - Compliance SNo. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Qualification Requirement Stipulated Name of the Relevant Bid schedule Whether requisite Earnest Money Deposit is submitted. Whether, the Bidder has minimum annual financial turnover of two times the estimated contract value (i.e, 3.42 Crores) and have submitted supporting Audited Financial Statements, for the last Three Financial Years. Whether, the Bidder have all adequate facilities to manufacture the offered materials, including those for machining to desired dimensions, besides testing facilities for conducting all necessary Routine & Type tests as per the relevant Indian/ International Standards. Whether, the Bidder have a minimum experience of Five years in manufacture of LT Motors up to a maximum of 160KW or higher capacity if any to Thermal Power Stations, preferably to Public Sector Power Utilities. Whether, the Bidder should have manufactured and supplied at least 53Nos. LT Motors of any capacity for Thermal Power Stations, preferably to Public Sector Power Utilities, in any One/Single Financial year or Calendar year during the last Three years. -- Whether, the bidder furnished, Satisfactory performance certificate(s) issued by the Station heads, confirming that the ““the supplied LT Motors have served their stipulated guarantee period, as stipulated in the Purchase order and it’s performance is found to be satisfactory”. Whether GUARANTEED CLAUSE for the offered materials, is as per the requirements stipulated in the Tender. Whether, all Bid Schedules duly filled in signed & stamped are submitted. Financial standing of the bidder In-house manufacturing & testing facilities Undertaking by the Bidder Undertaking by the Bidder -- Undertaking by the Bidder All the bid schedules stipulated in this SECTION Remarks including Details of relevant Documents enclosed, wherever applicable Compliance Status (Yes/No) -: 33 :- NOTE: Bidders are advised to ensure that they furnish all particulars and documentary evidence invariably, such as Financial statements, Copies of Orders, Performance reports from owners/organizations etc, in support of fulfillment of stipulated Qualification Requirements. Please refer Clauses No.2 & 3 of Section-I, for details. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 34 :SCHEDULE-D: Financial Standing of the Bidder (Copies of Audited balance sheets and Profit & Loss statements for the last three Financial years, showing details of annual turnover, debt, equity ratio and other relevant financial parameters and the proof of their credit standing may be furnished). The following particulars may be filled in. (I) S.No. Name of the Bank Actual balance at the credit Permissible overdraft Total credit Remarks (II) S.No. Year 1. FY 2011-12 / CY 2011 2. FY 2012-13 / CY 2012 3. FY 2013-14 / CY 2013 Copies of Audited balance sheets and Profit & Loss statements Enclosed or Not Turnover in Rs. Remarks Note: FY: Financial Year; CY: Calendar Year Attestation by a Qualified/Licensed Chartered Accountant: Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : __________________ Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 35 :SCHEDULE-E: Undertaking by the Bidder (I) We undertake to submit that we have submitted the following purchase orders showing price(s), as documentary evidence for establishing the prequalification bid requirements and we have supplied all the materials ordered against the said orders as on date 31.03.2014. (i) Details of Orders executed in the year 2009 or Prior to 2009 (to show Five years experience): Item Name and Capacity of the PO No. & Dt, Ordered Guarantee Qty supplied descripti address of the Power plant Total PO value Qty Period as per & Year of on Power plant (MW)/Unit (Basic) PO supply Sl. No. 1 2 3 Total Qty supplied Remarks, if any: (ii) Details of Orders executed during any single Financial year (i.e., 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14) or Calendar year (i.e.,January’2011 to Decmber’2013), evidencing the quantity of LT Motors of any capacity manufactured & supplied to Thermal Power Stations, preferably to Public Sector Power Utilities, in any One/Single Financial year or Calendar year during the last Three years is not less than 53Nos. LT Motors. (a) For the C.Y 2011 or F.Y 2011-12: Sl. No. Item descripti on Name and address of the Power plant Capacity of the Power plant (MW)/Unit PO No. & Dt, Total PO value (Basic) Ordered Qty Guarantee Period as per PO Qty Supplied & Year of supply Ordered Qty Guarantee Period as per PO Qty Supplied & Year of supply 1 2 3 Total Qty supplied Remarks, if any (b) Sl. No. Item descripti on For the C.Y 2012 or F.Y 2012-13: Name and address of the Power plant 1 2 3 Total Qty supplied Remarks, if any: Capacity of the Power plant (MW)/Unit PO No. & Dt, Total PO value (Basic) -: 36 :(c) Sl. No. Item descripti on For the C.Y 2013 or F.Y 2013-14: Name and address of the Power plant Capacity of the Power plant (MW)/Unit PO No. & Dt, Total PO value (Basic) Ordered Qty Guarantee Period as per PO Qty Supplied & Year of supply 1 2 3 Total Qty supplied Remarks, if any: Note: C.Y: Calendar year; F.Y: Financial year (II) GUARANTEE: Accepted for the GUARANTEE CLAUSE stipulated in the Tender. Note: Use additional sheet of same size and format, if necessary. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 37 :SCHEDULE-F: Details Of Similar Materials/Equipment Supplied by the Tenderer Sl. No. (1) Item description Name and address of the Power plant Capacity of the Power plant (MW)/Unit PO.No & Date, Basic unit rate & total Value of order Period of completion as per order Period in which actually completed Principal features like major items major difficult situations if any (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : __________________ Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 38 :SCHEDULE-G: Technical Particulars Note: The Bidder shall furnish the Scope of Supply as envisaged in his Offer, Technical Particulars (as stipulated in Section-II) for the Offered Items, Special features/characteristics etc, in detail, in the Schedule, duly enclosing Technical Catalogues, Brochures, Drawings etc. @@@ (I) SCOPE OF SUPPLY: (II) TECHNICAL PARTICULARS: (III) DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED, if any: Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 39 :SCHEDULE–H: Schedule Of Tests Details of all the Tests as per the Tender Specification and relevant Indian/International Standards, which will be conducted at various stages of Supply shall be clearly indicated in this Schedule. SNo. Description of Test Applicable Standard Location of conducting the Test Note: Drawings/Quality assurance plan, as per Section-II of the tender specification, shall be got approved by APGENCO. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : __________________ Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 40 :SCHEDULE-I: Terms and Conditions Bidders are requested to fill in the blank spaces and send the same along with their offer, in duplicate. Otherwise their offer will be either treated as non-responsive or suitable cost will be compensated for deficiencies as deemed fit by the corporation. : 1 Offer / Quotation No. & Date : 2 Name of the bidder : 3 Central / State Sales Tax Registration No. (Enclose Copy of Regn. Certificate ) : 4 DGS&D’s Registration No., if any (Enclose copy of rate contract, if any) : 5 NSIC/SSI Registration No., if any (Enclose Copy of Regn. Certificate ) 6 Company PAN card No. : 7 Whether quoted for complete Yes/No (Offers that do not cover the complete scope will be scope stipulated in the Tender. rejected) 8 9 Price basis (Ex-works/ Destination) Packing and forwarding charges : : F.O.R ----------------------- 10 Excise Duty (if exempted, copy of certificate) : 11 Sales Tax (CST/APVAT) : 12 Any other Taxes/Duties etc (as on the date of Bid submission) Charges for Transportation upto Site (incl. Service Tax etc) Charges for Insurance Cover for Transport (incl. Service Tax etc) Charges for Third Party Inspection (incl. Service Tax etc) Bank charges Delivery Period : : As per Price bid. [Indicate prevailing rate , applicable on Basic Price plus Packing & Forwarding Charges] As per Price bid. [Indicate prevailing rate , applicable on Basic Price + P&F + ED. APGENCO is entitled to concessional rates, against Form-C for CST, and also for APVAT] As per Price bid. (Unless indicated explicitly, they will be deemed to be Nil) As per Price bid. : As per Price bid. : As per Price bid. : : To be borne by seller. As per Section-I of the tender specification. : 19 Whether delivery will be made in whole or in a phased manner Mode of dispatch 20 Earnest Money Deposit Details : 21 22 Scope of supply & Technical specifications Supervision services 23 Freight upto Site 13 14 15 16 17 18 : As per Price bid. Materials to be dispatched only through APPDCL/APGENCO’s authorized or reputed transporter. (APGENCO reserves the right to reject/ consider offers without EMD) (if permanent EMD deposited, indicate Approved Letter No) (Also, if EMD exempted, indicate APGENCO EMD exemption letter No.) We confirm acceptance for the following: : As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. : : As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. Transportation of the materials upto Site, will be arranged by the supplier, and prices are quoted keeping this in view. Loading & Unloading charges are to the account of supplier. -: 41 :24 Transit Insurance : 25 Pre dispatch Inspection (PDI) : 26 Validity of Offer : 27 Payment : 28 : 29 30 Recovery of Liquidated Damages Part order Price Variation 31 Rate Certificate : 32 Guarantee Period : 33 Drawings & QAP : 34 : 36 Tests & Test certificates Interchangeability/ Fitment guarantee Security Deposit 37 10% Performance BG : 38 39 Jurisdiction Variation in quantity : : 35 : : : : Insurance for Transport upto & delivery of the materials at Site, will be arranged by the supplier, against their own Open Insurance Policy and prices are quoted keeping this in view. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. Third Party Inspection by M/s.Lloyd’s Register Asia (LRA) will be arranged by the supplier and prices are quoted keeping this in view. 180 days from the date of opening of Part-II, ie., Price/ Commercial Bid. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. (No deviations will be accepted) As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. Acceptable. The prices quoted will remain firm till execution of full order (In case of any specific price variation formula the same shall be mentioned). It is certified that prices quoted herein are the same as applicable to other Government Departments/ Public Sector Undertakings. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s Terms, stipulated in the Section-II of Tender Specification. Will be submitted, as per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms, stipulated in the Tender Specification. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms, stipulated in the Tender Specification. Will be submitted for 10% of the Total Order value, as stipulated in the Section-I of Tender Specification. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms. APPDCL/APGENCO at its sole discretion unilaterally can increase or decrease the quantity of any/all items of the tender by 20%. The bidder shall be acceptable to supply these quantities on the same price, delivery and terms and conditions offered. Important Note: (i) The Bidders are advised to ensure that the various Price Components such as Taxes/duties and other charges, if any indicated in this Schedule, match with the particulars indicated in the Price Bid. In case the figures in this Schedule are at variance from the particulars in the Price Bid, the favourable interpretation to APGENCO, will be adopted. (ii) The Deviations/ Variations if any, from the terms stipulated in this schedule (OR) from the Specifications/Requirements stipulated in the Tender Specification, shall be indicated clearly in the subsequent Schedule i.e., DEVIATIONS. Otherwise, it will be construed that the requirements stipulated in this schedule/ Tender Specification, are acceptable to the Bidder. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative Name Designation Date : : : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 42 :SCHEDULE-J: Deviations Dear Sirs, SUB: Tender Specification No. _________________________________ -oOoWe hereby confirm that the following are the only Deviations and Variations, (both Technical as well as commercial), from the Specifications/Requirements stipulated in the aforesaid Tender Specification. These are irrespective of what-so-ever has been stated to the contrary anywhere else, in Our Offer No._________________________________, Dt._______. These Deviations and Variations are exhaustive and except for these, the entire project will be executed as per the requirements of the aforesaid Tender Specification. SNo. Description of Deviation Ref. Of Page & Clause of Bid Documents Monetary implications of the conditions, in case of withdrawal (Rs. in figures) (Rs. in Words) (A) Technical (B) Commercial Note: The Tenderer should indicate, in this Schedule, the amount(s), if any, which he would charge extra (in addition to the rates quoted by him), for withdrawing his conditions/deviations & accepting the condition as stipulated in the Tender Specification/Documents. (Use additional sheet of same size and format, if necessary). Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : __________________ Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 43 :SCHEDULE-K: DECLARATION We hereby declare that: a. We have not been black listed in any department due to any reasons. b. We have not been demoted to lower category in any department for not filing the tenders after buying the tender schedules in a whole year and their registration had not been cancelled for a similar default in two consecutive years. c. We will agree to get disqualified ourselves for any wrong declaration in respect of the above and get our tender summarily rejected. The soft copies uploaded by us are genuine. Any incorrectness/ deviation noticed can be viewed seriously and apart from cancellation of the Purchase Order, forfeiting the Bid security, criminal action can be initiated including suspension of business and/ or black listing. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 44 :PART-II: PRICE BID/ Proforma Of Summary Of Price Proposal Name & Address of Bidder: To The Superintending Engineer (Generation-III), APGENCO, 3rd Floor, A-Block, Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad. Dear Sirs, Ref: Our offer No _____________________________________dated _________against NIT No. ___________________________________________________ @@@ We declare that following are our prices for Supply, Testing, Inspection by 3rd Party, Packing, Transportation & Delivery of LT motors in the 2x800MW Units of SDSTPS. These prices are for the entire scope, as indicated in your specification and documents, terms and conditions mentioned in Bid Documents except for the deviations incorporated in the Statement of Deviations. (I) TOTAL EX-WORKS PRICE: SNo Material Description Quantity Ex-Works Price in (Rs.) Unit rate Total 1) 2) . . 105) 106) GRAND TOTAL in Rs. (II) Sl. No (A) 1 TOTAL F.O.R DESTINATION PRICE: Description --% on -----wherever applicable (B) (C) Basic Ex-works Price 2 Discount 3 Sub-Total(1+2) 4 Packing and forwarding charges (P&F) Sub-Total(3+4) 5 6 Excise Duty (ED) inclusive of Education Cess on ED (Indicate prevailing rate, applicable on Basic Price plus P&F Charges) 7 Sub-Total (5+6 ) 8 Sales Tax (CST or APVAT) (Indicate prevailing rate, applicable on Basic Price + P&F + ED. APGENCO is entitled to concessional rates, against Form-C for CST, and also for APVAT) Amount in Rs. (D) -: 45 :9 Sub-Total(7+8) 10 Any other taxes/ levies, if any (Unless indicated explicitly, these will be deemed to be Nil) 11 Sub-Total(9+10) 12 Freight Charges (including Service tax) Sub-Total (11+12). 13 14 15 16 17 18 Note: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Transit Insurance (including Service tax) Sub-Total(13+14) Third Party Inspection Charges (including Service tax) Other charges, if any Total F.O.R DESTINATION Price (15+16+17) Scope of supply, shall be strictly as per the Tender Specification. Detailed Bill of Materials, if applicable with item-wise prices, shall be indicated clearly in the above prescribed proforma (OR) may be enclosed as separate Annexure to this schedule. Bidder shall indicate amounts in figures (do not mention “charges are extra”) failing which APGENCO reserves the right to evaluate the Bid duly carrying out loading, as per the APGENCO’s procedure in vogue. In respect of Taxes/Duties etc., indicate prevailing rate applicable on the date of submission of Bid. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to ascertain the same. In column (C), the price component(s) on which the “%” is calculated (wherever applicable) should be specified, compulsorily. Packing & Forwarding, Freight, Transit Insurance & Third Party Inspection are to be arranged by the supplier, at their cost (as stipulated in Section-I). Hence prices shall be quoted keeping this in view. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative Name Designation Date : : : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 46 :- SECTION-VI: BANK GUARANTEE GUIDELINES & FORMATS -: 47 :Guidelines for submission of BANK GUARANTEES The BANK GUARANTEE submitted shall fulfill the following conditions, failing which they will be treated as INVALID. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) The Bank Guarantee shall be executed by State Bank of India or any other Nationalized Bank. It shall be executed for requisite value, on Rs.100/- non-judicial paper(s), purchased in the name of the Bank. The Non-judicial Stamp Paper(s) shall be used within SIX Months from the date of purchase. Content of the Bank Guarantee, shall be as per the stipulated format. The Executor of the Bank Guarantee, viz., the Bank Authority, shall indicate the following on the Bank Guarantee. -Name & designation. -No. & Date of the Power of Attorney executed in his/her favour, authorizing him/her to sign the Document (Photostat copy of Power of Attorney may be produced) Each of the corrections, deletions etc, in the Bank Guarantee shall be authenticated by the Signature of the Bank Official signing the Bank Guarantee. Each Page of the Bank Guarantee shall bear the following. -No. and Date of the Bank Guarantee. -Signature of the Executor & seal of the Bank. The Last Page of the Bank Guarantee shall carry Signatures of Two persons as witnesses, along with their full names & addresses. -oOo- -: 48 :PERMANENT EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT BANK GUARANTEE WHEREAS, the Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd (hereinafter called “the CORPORATION”) has afforded a facility to persons submitting tenders in response to notices of the CORPORATION calling for tenders for supply of materials or rendering of services, permitting tenderers who furnish a Permanent Earnest Money of Rs.2,50,000/- (Rupees Two lakh and Fifty thousand only), in the shape of Cash/Govt. Securities or Bank Guarantee in lieu of cash, to have their tenders considered without separate payment of earnest monies with each tender. Whereas, Name & Address of the Company (herein after called “the TENDERER”) has offered the Guarantee of this Bank viz., Name & Address of the Bank, towards the fixed Earnest Money Deposit and the CORPORATION has agreed to accept the same and the obligations of the TENDERER have been incorporated in Agreement dated _________, which shall be read as part of this Guarantee. We, Name of the Bank , do hereby undertake to indemnify and keep indemnified the CORPORATION, against any loss or damage caused to or suffered by the CORPORATION, by reason of any breach by the TENDERER aforementioned, of any terms and conditions of any of the tender quotations or the tenders submitted by the TENDERER, which are considered by the CORPORATION, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement dated _________ or the contract(s) entered into pursuant to such tenders. We, Name of the Bank, further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect up to and inclusive of the (date after Three years) and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the terms and conditions of the CORPORATION under or by virtue of any of the said tender quotations or tenders or contracts have been fully complied with and its claims satisfied, or discharged or till the CHIEF ENGINEER, ELECY., (GENERATION), “the CORPORATION”, certifies that the terms and conditions of the said tender quotations have been fully and properly carried out by the said M/s.Name and Address of the Company and accordingly discharges the Guarantee subject, however, that the CORPORATION shall have no right under this bond after the expiry of 3 (Three) Years from the date of its execution. The Guarantor Bank undertakes to pay the amount guaranteed hereunder or such part thereof, as required, within one week of the same being demanded by the CORPORATION, without reference to and without questioning the right of the CORPORATION to make such demand or the propriety or legality of the demand. We, Name and Address of the Bank, also agree that, (a) the Bank Guarantee shall be unconditional and absolute, (b) it shall be without delay or demur, if claim arises and (c) it shall guarantee all the losses, claims, damages and costs suffered by APGENCO. We, Name and Address of the Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency, except with the previous consent of the Corporation in writing. Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing, our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs.2,50,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh and Fifty Thousand only). Our Guarantee shall remain in force until (Date after Three Years) unless a claim under the Guarantee is made against us within six months from that date, all rights of the CORPORATION under this Guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all liability hereunder. Dated………………… day of….…………… Signature…………………… Address……………………… Signatures and Details of witnesses: 1) 2) for Name and Address of the Bank Designation……………… Seal……………………… -: 49 :AGREEMENT FOR PERMANENT EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT Whereas, the ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LTD (hereinafter called “the CORPORATION”) has afforded a facility to persons submitting tenders in response to notices of the Corporation calling for tenders for supply of materials or rendering of services, permitting tenderers who furnish a Permanent Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.2,50,000/- (Rupees Two lakh and Fifty thousand only), in the shape of Cash/ Government Securities or Bank Guarantee in lieu of cash, to have their tenders considered without separate payment of Earnest Monies with each tender. Whereas, We, Name and Address of the company (hereinafter called “the TENDERER”), intend to avail the said facility and do hereby furnish the fixed Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.2,50,000/- (Rupees Two lakh and Fifty thousand only), in the shape of Bank Guarantee of the (Name and Address of the Bank) (hereinafter called “the BANK”) IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND DECLARED AS FOLLOWS: (1) The Bank guarantee furnished herewith shall in the first instance be valid for 03 (Three) years. (2) So long as the Bank guarantee is in force, all tenders submitted by the TENDERER in response to notices of the CORPORATION, inviting tenders, shall be considered by the CORPORATION without payment of Earnest Money for each tender. (3) If there is any default on the part of the TENDERER, in respect of the tender or the contract resulting there from, the CORPORATION shall have the unilateral right to call upon the BANK to forthwith pay to the CORPORATION, a sum equivalent to the loss sustained by the CORPORATION, by reason of such default. (4) Where any such amounts have been claimed from and paid by the BANK, the CORPORATION, shall not be bound to consider any tender of that TENDERER submitted thereafter, unless the Bank guarantee has been restored to the level of Rs.2,50,000/-. However, in special cases, the CORPORATION may consider any tender before the Guarantee is restored to the full amount of Rs.2,50,000/-, if a separate Earnest Money Deposit is given for the short fall and the TENDERER undertakes in writing to make good the short fall in Bank Guarantee within two months of the opening the tender. Dated the _____ Day of ______’20 for (Name and Address of the Company) Signature of Tenderer Name: Designation: Address: -: 50 :BANK GUARANTEE PROFORMA FOR EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT Whereas, the Name & Address of the Firm (here-in-after called “The Bidder”) has submitted their bid dated…………………………. for the supply of……………………… (here-in-after called “the Bid”), KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that We Name & Address of the Bank (Hereinafter called “the Bank”), are bound unto the Chief Engineer (Generation-I), APGENCO, Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad (hereinafter called “the purchaser”) in the sum of Rs.___________ (Rupees ____________only) for which payment will and truly to be made to the said purchaser, the bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the common Seal of the said Bank this ………………….day of…………… THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE: 1. When the successful tenderer does not accept the order after issue of preliminary acceptance letter / letter of intent / purchase order. 2. When the successful tenderer fails to furnish the security deposit within 30 days from the date of issue of preliminary acceptance letter or the letter of intent or Purchase Order. 3. When tender is disqualified for reasons outlined in the bid documents. 4. When tenderer alters his prices or withdraws his offer during the validity period. We undertake to pay to the purchaser the above amount within one week upon receipt of its first written demand, without the purchaser having to substantiate his demand, without referring to the supplier and without questioning the right of the purchaser, to make such demand or the propriety or legality of the demand, provided that in its demand the purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it, is due to occurrence of the any of the above mentioned conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. We, Name and Address of the Bank, also agree that, (a) the Bank Guarantee shall be unconditional and absolute, (b) it shall be without delay or demur, if claim arises and (c) it shall guarantee all the losses, claims, damages and costs suffered by APGENCO. We, Name and Address of the Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency, except with the previous consent of the Corporation in writing. Notwithstanding any thing contained in the foregoing our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs.____________ (Rupees __________________ only). Our guarantee shall remain in force until __________. Unless a claim is made within 3 months from that date, all your rights under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all liability hereunder. We _________________________ Bank Limited, lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of APGENCO in writing. Dated………………… day of….…………… for Name and Address of the Bank Signature…………………… Address……………………… Designation……………… Seal……………………… Signatures and Details of witnesses: 1) 2) Note: The Bank Guarantee shall be valid for a period of 270 days from the date of opening of prequalification bid with a claim period of 3 months. -: 30 :SCHEDULE-A: Proforma Of Letter Of Authority (To be furnished on Principal’s Letterhead) M/s Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Sirs, Ref: NIT No--------------------------------------------------------------------, Due opening date______ @@@ In connection with your above tender enquiry, We hereby authorize, M/s________________ ________________(Name, full address, Telephone & Fax Nos)_____________ to act as an agent on our behalf. We confirm that any offer/commitment made by them including price, technical specifications and delivery schedule, shall be binding to us and we further confirm that we shall fully abide by the said conditions. This authority shall be irrevocable and remain valid during the period of contract, if awarded by APGENCO. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 31 :SCHEDULE-B: General Details of the Bidder & Manufacturing Details (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) Name and address of the Tenderer Ph No., Fax No. & email id Whether Individual, Proprietary, Pvt or Public Ltd Co. Qualification of the Tenderer, if he is professionally qualified. Details of Board of Directors Excise & Sales Tax Regn. Nos. NSIC Regn. No, if applicable DGS&D Regn. No. Income Tax PAN Place of Manufacturing works Name & designation of an authorized Officer at Bidder’s Works to whom reference shall be made for expeditious technical co-ordination, in the event of placement of Order Place of Manufacturing & Testing Facilities, QC setup etc. Manufacturing Capacity Details of stores or class of stores which the factory, as equipped is capable of production (Specifying each item separately) Whether stores were tested to any standard specification, if so copies of original tests certificates (latest) should be submitted in triplicate. Details of Servicing facilities, if applicable : : : : : : : : : : : : : Documents to be furnished/enclosed: (a) Copy of Partnership Deed/Articles of Association. (b) Copies of Certificate of Registration with Govt. Departments etc. (c) Copy of Certificate Registered as SSI unit with either the NSIC or the Dept of Industries/ Govt. of AP, if applicable (d) Copy of P.A.N Card. (e) Any other relevant documentation. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : __________________ Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 32 :SCHEDULE-C: CHECK LIST: Qualification Requirements - Compliance SNo. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Qualification Requirement Stipulated Name of the Relevant Bid schedule Whether requisite Earnest Money Deposit is submitted. Whether, the Bidder has minimum annual financial turnover of two times the estimated contract value (i.e, 3.42 Crores) and have submitted supporting Audited Financial Statements, for the last Three Financial Years. Whether, the Bidder have all adequate facilities to manufacture the offered materials, including those for machining to desired dimensions, besides testing facilities for conducting all necessary Routine & Type tests as per the relevant Indian/ International Standards. Whether, the Bidder have a minimum experience of Five years in manufacture of LT Motors up to a maximum of 160KW or higher capacity if any to Thermal Power Stations, preferably to Public Sector Power Utilities. Whether, the Bidder should have manufactured and supplied at least 53Nos. LT Motors of any capacity for Thermal Power Stations, preferably to Public Sector Power Utilities, in any One/Single Financial year or Calendar year during the last Three years. -- Whether, the bidder furnished, Satisfactory performance certificate(s) issued by the Station heads, confirming that the ““the supplied LT Motors have served their stipulated guarantee period, as stipulated in the Purchase order and it’s performance is found to be satisfactory”. Whether GUARANTEED CLAUSE for the offered materials, is as per the requirements stipulated in the Tender. Whether, all Bid Schedules duly filled in signed & stamped are submitted. Financial standing of the bidder In-house manufacturing & testing facilities Undertaking by the Bidder Undertaking by the Bidder -- Undertaking by the Bidder All the bid schedules stipulated in this SECTION Remarks including Details of relevant Documents enclosed, wherever applicable Compliance Status (Yes/No) -: 33 :- NOTE: Bidders are advised to ensure that they furnish all particulars and documentary evidence invariably, such as Financial statements, Copies of Orders, Performance reports from owners/organizations etc, in support of fulfillment of stipulated Qualification Requirements. Please refer Clauses No.2 & 3 of Section-I, for details. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 34 :SCHEDULE-D: Financial Standing of the Bidder (Copies of Audited balance sheets and Profit & Loss statements for the last three Financial years, showing details of annual turnover, debt, equity ratio and other relevant financial parameters and the proof of their credit standing may be furnished). The following particulars may be filled in. (I) S.No. Name of the Bank Actual balance at the credit Permissible overdraft Total credit Remarks (II) S.No. Year 1. FY 2011-12 / CY 2011 2. FY 2012-13 / CY 2012 3. FY 2013-14 / CY 2013 Copies of Audited balance sheets and Profit & Loss statements Enclosed or Not Turnover in Rs. Remarks Note: FY: Financial Year; CY: Calendar Year Attestation by a Qualified/Licensed Chartered Accountant: Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : __________________ Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ (I) (i) Sl. No. -: 35 :SCHEDULE-E: Undertaking by the Bidder We undertake to submit that we have submitted the following purchase orders showing price(s), as documentary evidence for establishing the prequalification bid requirements and we have supplied all the materials ordered against the said orders as on date 31.03.2014. Details of Orders executed in the year 2009 or Prior to 2009 (to show Five years experience): Item Name and Capacity of the PO No. & Dt, Ordered Guarantee Qty supplied descripti address of the Power plant Total PO value Qty Period as per & Year of on Power plant (MW)/Unit (Basic) PO supply 1 2 3 Total Qty supplied Remarks, if any: (ii) Details of Orders executed during any single Financial year (i.e., 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14) or Calendar year (i.e.,January’2011 to Decmber’2013), evidencing the quantity of LT Motors of any capacity manufactured & supplied to Thermal Power Stations, preferably to Public Sector Power Utilities, in any One/Single Financial year or Calendar year during the last Three years is not less than 53Nos. LT Motors. (a) For the C.Y 2011 or F.Y 2011-12: Sl. No. Item descripti on Name and address of the Power plant Capacity of the Power plant (MW)/Unit PO No. & Dt, Total PO value (Basic) Ordered Qty Guarantee Period as per PO Qty Supplied & Year of supply Ordered Qty Guarantee Period as per PO Qty Supplied & Year of supply 1 2 3 Total Qty supplied Remarks, if any (b) Sl. No. Item descripti on For the C.Y 2012 or F.Y 2012-13: Name and address of the Power plant 1 2 3 Total Qty supplied Remarks, if any: Capacity of the Power plant (MW)/Unit PO No. & Dt, Total PO value (Basic) -: 36 :(c) Sl. No. Item descripti on For the C.Y 2013 or F.Y 2013-14: Name and address of the Power plant Capacity of the Power plant (MW)/Unit PO No. & Dt, Total PO value (Basic) Ordered Qty Guarantee Period as per PO Qty Supplied & Year of supply 1 2 3 Total Qty supplied Remarks, if any: Note: C.Y: Calendar year; F.Y: Financial year (II) GUARANTEE: Accepted for the GUARANTEE CLAUSE stipulated in the Tender. Note: Use additional sheet of same size and format, if necessary. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : __________________ Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 37 :SCHEDULE-F: Details Of Similar Materials/Equipment Supplied by the Tenderer Sl. No. (1) Item description Name and address of the Power plant Capacity of the Power plant (MW)/Unit PO.No & Date, Basic unit rate & total Value of order Period of completion as per order Period in which actually completed Principal features like major items major difficult situations if any (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : __________________ Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 38 :SCHEDULE-G: Technical Particulars Note: The Bidder shall furnish the Scope of Supply as envisaged in his Offer, Technical Particulars (as stipulated in Section-II) for the Offered Items, Special features/characteristics etc, in detail, in the Schedule, duly enclosing Technical Catalogues, Brochures, Drawings etc. @@@ (I) SCOPE OF SUPPLY: (II) TECHNICAL PARTICULARS: (III) DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED, if any: Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 39 :SCHEDULE–H: Schedule Of Tests Details of all the Tests as per the Tender Specification and relevant Indian/International Standards, which will be conducted at various stages of Supply shall be clearly indicated in this Schedule. SNo. Description of Test Applicable Standard Location of conducting the Test Note: Drawings/Quality assurance plan, as per Section-II of the tender specification, shall be got approved by APGENCO. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : __________________ Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 40 :SCHEDULE-I: Terms and Conditions Bidders are requested to fill in the blank spaces and send the same along with their offer, in duplicate. Otherwise their offer will be either treated as non-responsive or suitable cost will be compensated for deficiencies as deemed fit by the corporation. : 1 Offer / Quotation No. & Date : 2 Name of the bidder : 3 Central / State Sales Tax Registration No. (Enclose Copy of Regn. Certificate ) : 4 DGS&D’s Registration No., if any (Enclose copy of rate contract, if any) : 5 NSIC/SSI Registration No., if any (Enclose Copy of Regn. Certificate ) 6 Company PAN card No. : 7 Whether quoted for complete Yes/No (Offers that do not cover the complete scope will be scope stipulated in the Tender. rejected) 8 9 Price basis (Ex-works/ Destination) Packing and forwarding charges : : F.O.R ----------------------- 10 Excise Duty (if exempted, copy of certificate) : 11 Sales Tax (CST/APVAT) : 12 Any other Taxes/Duties etc (as on the date of Bid submission) Charges for Transportation upto Site (incl. Service Tax etc) Charges for Insurance Cover for Transport (incl. Service Tax etc) Charges for Third Party Inspection (incl. Service Tax etc) Bank charges Delivery Period : : As per Price bid. [Indicate prevailing rate , applicable on Basic Price plus Packing & Forwarding Charges] As per Price bid. [Indicate prevailing rate , applicable on Basic Price + P&F + ED. APGENCO is entitled to concessional rates, against Form-C for CST, and also for APVAT] As per Price bid. (Unless indicated explicitly, they will be deemed to be Nil) As per Price bid. : As per Price bid. : As per Price bid. : : To be borne by seller. As per Section-I of the tender specification. : 19 Whether delivery will be made in whole or in a phased manner Mode of dispatch 20 Earnest Money Deposit Details : 21 22 Scope of supply & Technical specifications Supervision services 23 Freight upto Site 13 14 15 16 17 18 : As per Price bid. Materials to be dispatched only through APPDCL/APGENCO’s authorized or reputed transporter. (APGENCO reserves the right to reject/ consider offers without EMD) (if permanent EMD deposited, indicate Approved Letter No) (Also, if EMD exempted, indicate APGENCO EMD exemption letter No.) We confirm acceptance for the following: : As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. : : As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. Transportation of the materials upto Site, will be arranged by the supplier, and prices are quoted keeping this in view. Loading & Unloading charges are to the account of supplier. -: 41 :24 Transit Insurance : 25 Pre dispatch Inspection (PDI) : 26 Validity of Offer : 27 Payment : 28 : 29 30 Recovery of Liquidated Damages Part order Price Variation 31 Rate Certificate : 32 Guarantee Period : 33 Drawings & QAP : 34 : 36 Tests & Test certificates Interchangeability/ Fitment guarantee Security Deposit 37 10% Performance BG : 38 39 Jurisdiction Variation in quantity : : 35 : : : : Insurance for Transport upto & delivery of the materials at Site, will be arranged by the supplier, against their own Open Insurance Policy and prices are quoted keeping this in view. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. Third Party Inspection by M/s.Lloyd’s Register Asia (LRA) will be arranged by the supplier and prices are quoted keeping this in view. 180 days from the date of opening of Part-II, ie., Price/ Commercial Bid. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. (No deviations will be accepted) As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. Acceptable. The prices quoted will remain firm till execution of full order (In case of any specific price variation formula the same shall be mentioned). It is certified that prices quoted herein are the same as applicable to other Government Departments/ Public Sector Undertakings. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s Terms, stipulated in the Section-II of Tender Specification. Will be submitted, as per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms, stipulated in the Tender Specification. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms stipulated in the Tender Specification. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms, stipulated in the Tender Specification. Will be submitted for 10% of the Total Order value, as stipulated in the Section-I of Tender Specification. As per APPDCL/APGENCO’s terms. APPDCL/APGENCO at its sole discretion unilaterally can increase or decrease the quantity of any/all items of the tender by 20%. The bidder shall be acceptable to supply these quantities on the same price, delivery and terms and conditions offered. Important Note: (i) The Bidders are advised to ensure that the various Price Components such as Taxes/duties and other charges, if any indicated in this Schedule, match with the particulars indicated in the Price Bid. In case the figures in this Schedule are at variance from the particulars in the Price Bid, the favourable interpretation to APGENCO, will be adopted. (ii) The Deviations/ Variations if any, from the terms stipulated in this schedule (OR) from the Specifications/Requirements stipulated in the Tender Specification, shall be indicated clearly in the subsequent Schedule i.e., DEVIATIONS. Otherwise, it will be construed that the requirements stipulated in this schedule/ Tender Specification, are acceptable to the Bidder. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative Name Designation Date : : : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 42 :SCHEDULE-J: Deviations Dear Sirs, SUB: Tender Specification No. _________________________________ -oOoWe hereby confirm that the following are the only Deviations and Variations, (both Technical as well as commercial), from the Specifications/Requirements stipulated in the aforesaid Tender Specification. These are irrespective of what-so-ever has been stated to the contrary anywhere else, in Our Offer No._________________________________, Dt._______. These Deviations and Variations are exhaustive and except for these, the entire project will be executed as per the requirements of the aforesaid Tender Specification. SNo. Description of Deviation Ref. Of Page & Clause of Bid Documents Monetary implications of the conditions, in case of withdrawal (Rs. in figures) (Rs. in Words) (A) Technical (B) Commercial Note: The Tenderer should indicate, in this Schedule, the amount(s), if any, which he would charge extra (in addition to the rates quoted by him), for withdrawing his conditions/deviations & accepting the condition as stipulated in the Tender Specification/Documents. (Use additional sheet of same size and format, if necessary). Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ -: 43 :SCHEDULE-K: DECLARATION We hereby declare that: a. We have not been black listed in any department due to any reasons. b. We have not been demoted to lower category in any department for not filing the tenders after buying the tender schedules in a whole year and their registration had not been cancelled for a similar default in two consecutive years. c. We will agree to get disqualified ourselves for any wrong declaration in respect of the above and get our tender summarily rejected. The soft copies uploaded by us are genuine. Any incorrectness/ deviation noticed can be viewed seriously and apart from cancellation of the Purchase Order, forfeiting the Bid security, criminal action can be initiated including suspension of business and/ or black listing. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative : : Name Designation Date : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ PART-II: PRICE BID/ Proforma Of Summary Of Price Proposal Name & Address of Bidder: To The Superintending Engineer (Generation-III), APGENCO, 3rd Floor, A-Block, Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad. Dear Sirs, Ref: Our offer No _____________________________________dated _________against NIT No. ___________________________________________________ @@@ We declare that following are our prices for Supply, Testing, Inspection by 3rd Party, Packing, Transportation & Delivery of LT motors in the 2x800MW Units of SDSTPS. These prices are for the entire scope, as indicated in your specification and documents, terms and conditions mentioned in Bid Documents except for the deviations incorporated in the Statement of Deviations. (I) TOTAL EX-WORKS PRICE: SNo Material Description Quantity Ex-Works Price in (Rs.) Unit rate Total 1) 2) . . 105) 106) GRAND TOTAL in Rs. (II) Sl. No (A) 1 TOTAL F.O.R DESTINATION PRICE: Description --% on -----wherever applicable (B) (C) Basic Ex-works Price 2 Discount 3 Sub-Total(1+2) 4 Packing and forwarding charges (P&F) Sub-Total(3+4) 5 6 Excise Duty (ED) inclusive of Education Cess on ED (Indicate prevailing rate, applicable on Basic Price plus P&F Charges) 7 Sub-Total (5+6 ) 8 Sales Tax (CST or APVAT) (Indicate prevailing rate, applicable on Basic Price + P&F + ED. APGENCO is entitled to concessional rates, against Form-C for CST, and also for APVAT) Amount in Rs. (D) -: 45 :9 Sub-Total(7+8) 10 Any other taxes/ levies, if any (Unless indicated explicitly, these will be deemed to be Nil) 11 Sub-Total(9+10) 12 Freight Charges (including Service tax) Sub-Total (11+12). 13 14 15 16 17 18 Note: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Transit Insurance (including Service tax) Sub-Total(13+14) Third Party Inspection Charges (including Service tax) Other charges, if any Total F.O.R DESTINATION Price (15+16+17) Scope of supply, shall be strictly as per the Tender Specification. Detailed Bill of Materials, if applicable with item-wise prices, shall be indicated clearly in the above prescribed proforma (OR) may be enclosed as separate Annexure to this schedule. Bidder shall indicate amounts in figures (do not mention “charges are extra”) failing which APGENCO reserves the right to evaluate the Bid duly carrying out loading, as per the APGENCO’s procedure in vogue. In respect of Taxes/Duties etc., indicate prevailing rate applicable on the date of submission of Bid. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to ascertain the same. In column (C), the price component(s) on which the “%” is calculated (wherever applicable) should be specified, compulsorily. Packing & Forwarding, Freight, Transit Insurance & Third Party Inspection are to be arranged by the supplier, at their cost (as stipulated in Section-I). Hence prices shall be quoted keeping this in view. Seal of the Company Name of the Tenderer Signature of Authorized Representative Name Designation Date : : : : : __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
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