Your plant site "super market!"Suburban Territory Chicago-Walworth At your fingertips-developed industrial dis- ChicagoWisconsin RapidsWausau DEAD DOWN READ OP Table 6 3 MMiles C PM U Union Matson 2 2 P PM As 7 7.55 A , 12.35 0 0 IIs Chicago Le 07.27 L 512.58 117 Ikv Glenview . 8.25 2.0 85 k l f Le . b bat 55 28 131 LLa Watertown 2 2.52 1 A s Columbus L 3.13 1 150 A La. 5 OE , g 2 20 00 LLa Madisonkr, , . All m 5 53 ' 3.05 229 AAsColumbus l-us• A , 5 OE k k ,s, 2.13 1150 Is CalumlniS 178 LLsPortage k k'" 4.39 E13.42 9 15 L Lv Wisconsin Dells L La 2ii 0 4 . 22 tricts, row land and, of course, railroad-owned property along the 10,500-mile Milwaukee Rood system! Our Real Estate and Industrial Development Department has a selection of excellent sites cataloged, described and pictured. Here you'll find complete, free information-facts, costs, aerial surveys on choice locations in the Middle West, West and North- Table 8 !7.. Union Station Western Ave Healy Grayland Mayfair' Forest Glen Edgebrook' Morton Grove Golf' Glenview Techny' Northbrook Deerfield Lake Forest' Rondout' Libertyville Grays Lake Round Lake Long Lake' Ingleside' Fox Lake Spring Grove' Solon Mille' Zende Walworth IL. Geneva-Fontarie) 0 Chicago west. Write, F. J. Stoll, Vice Pres., Real Estate and Industrial Development, The Milwaukee Road, 286 Union Station Bldg., Chicago, 60606. Phone- 236.7600. OCTOBER 2 7 , 1 9 6 8 NSED TRAIN SCHEDULES 3 6 8 9 1(1 IS le 16 17 20 21 24 28 32 86 41 44 46 48 50 54 56 67 74 Chicago-Elgin Table 9 - Union Station 0 Western Ave 3 liermosa' 5 Cragin 6 Hanson ParkA 7 Gaiewood' 8 Mare 9 t M Chicago EQUIPMENT No. 3-203 and No. 202-2between Chicago and New Lisbon Skytep Lounge Parlor Car Dialing Car Super Dome Car with Cafe Lounge Rererage Sereke Reclining Seat Coaches between New Lisbon and Wausau Reclining Seat Coaches between Madison Sus and Columbus Mont Clare Elmwood Park' [ DISCOVER AMERICA • SEE THE U. S. A. FOR REAL BY RAILI River Grove' Franklin Park.. Mannheim Bensenville Wood Dale' Itasca Medinah' Roselle Ontarloville' Bartlett Spaulding.. Elgin l 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 Fox River 3 I 1 a t 2 3 4 7 9 1 3 5 9 0 3 7 Per Suburban Train Schedules See Suburban Time Tables. DEAD DOWN ROAD DP Reference Notes-Tables Sand 7 The T h e T h e T h e •-Noniagency station. Sinus 3 5 illiberally T a b l e 7 S i o u x 6 2 liberally t-Stops to take or leave revenue passengers. •Daily * 11Daily * Daily 1 1Note 7 1MilesDC o na t r o li Timel • *y 2 2 Daily•Daily*1151 •-Rail tickets honored on bus. Note I -Does not carry checked baggage or dogs. FS PM M t A M U n i o n s Sieben A M P M P M P M 0-Stops to take or leave revenue passengers for (Sr from Milwaukee or beyond. Does not carry passengers 6.30 12.35 10.30 9 . 3 0 0 Le Chicago A s 10.05 3,10 7.55 8 , 4 5 locally from Chicago to Glenview or from Glenview (5) 6 52 012.58 010.55 @ 9.52 1 7 La Glenview I @ 9.40 0 2.48 0 7.27 0 8 II 1331 7 27 ( 3 10.27 50 La Fox Lake I s @ 7 41 to Chicago. Consult suburban timetable for service between these stations. 7 54 §, _ g ,_ 1 0 . 5 4 7 4 Le Walworth 1 8.43 g g - 7.16 @ 8 11 -g „ , 1 . @ 11.11 8 9 a Avalon L ..13‘,. 8.25 4 _ , sx " 0-Stops to leave revenue passengers from beyond Ness Lisbon or take for Wausau. 830 N 15 N A 1 1 . T 9 9 s Janesville I v 11 10 g 7 g '1F4 8 . 4 2 f 8 41 7 . 5 z S 1 0 7 lar Milton Jet L e I 7 56 Ti 1.9 0-Stops to leave revenue passengers Irons the Twin Cities or beyond or take for Milwaukee or Chicago. 8 54 ° § t § 11 . 5 0 115 Iv Edgerton L a 7.44 ''' : . . . : 8 13 0-Stops to take or leave revenue passengers for or from 9 09 1 ' t : '''' 1 2 . 0 4 124 Lv Stoughton L a 7.33 g - t 6 . 0 2 f 9 19 ( 1 2 . 1 5 133 lv McFarland' L e f 7.23 I 5.52 Walworth or beyond. Does not rairry passengers 935 3.58 2.07 12.25 140 As Madison L a 7.15 1.30 4.10 5.45 locally from Chicago to Glenview or from Glenview to Chicago. Consult suburban timetable for service PM PM P M P M W . Waehineton Ave. A M A M P M P M between these stations. 0-Stops to take or leave revenue passengers from or for EQUIPMENT • Chicago. Roc 2-1-5 and 6 Nos. 11 End 22-TO. SIOUX Note 1. The Varsity-Operates Fridays, Satur- 0-Stops daily except Sunday anti Holidays. Chicago and Madison days and Sundays only. Will also operate No-0-Stops to take revenue passengers for Janesville or Chicago and Columbus Reclining Seat Coaches Drawing Room Parlor Car vember 27th and 28th: December 24th, 25th beyond. Reclining Seat Coaches O-Stops to take or leave revenue passengers. Nos. 117 and 118-Th• VARSITY and 26th; December 31st; January 1st and 2nd; Dining Car Service January 6th and 7th: February 3rd and 41h; * Flash type commutation tickets ar e not honored on Chicago and Madison Super Dome Car this train. April 3rd; April 14th and 15th. Reclining Seat Coaches Chicago-Madison 6 A l l Schedules and Equipment SuNeet to Change Without Notice 7 Liability. This railroad will not be responsible for errors in time tables or fares, inconvenience or damage resulting from delayed trains or failures to make connections. 1 SUPER DOME AND WESTERN "CITIES" To ) o . e i z e i e ; f r e e z e t l t Printed in U.S.A. 10-27-68-100M Chicago-St. Paul-Minneapolis wakraonsio-BiLto DOWN 55 1 3 5 Miles A Daily Daily Daily Daily PM PM AM 11.30 10.30 12.3 10.30 ® 1 0 . 55 012 5 @10.55 17 12.55 11 59 20 11.58 85 1.20 12.14 2.0 12.09 12.45 118 2.04 612 50 1.01 131 2.20 61.04 25 2.42 f 1,23al 3.1 1.22 150 31 1.22 0 2.07 29 • e l 1 5 2 20•• 11.30 0 3.05 12.15 29 150 3.13 1.22 2.42 .1111.23 34 1.49 3.20 al 1.52 195 4.09 a412.21 C 2.1 2 214 4.34 2,32 221 1241 4.52 , 2.53 z 4 . 2 3.03 240 5.32 I' 3.230A 323 256 5.58 M. 3.44'W 3.48 281 6.45 Si 4.10 t 5.17 5.54 4 30 308 8.00 4.55.1 7.25 1 0 2 5 w 725 4.30 308 8.00 4.55MI 5 54 8.44 65.27Ki) 5.24 5.04 341 519 354 9.02 15.41 6.5 5,42 371 9.33 6.03 7.45 6.40 410 1140 7.00 720 421 11.30 8.00 8 2 PM MA AM 8 WESTBOUND-READ DOWN EASTBOUND-READ UP Table 1 Central Time Union S(ation La CIIICAGO A r LA Glenview kW}MILWAUKEE. f l a La Oconomowoc L a La Watertown Ar COLUMBUS L a Ar L a k LaMadison. Columbus 14.11as La Madison. A r Ar Columbus I .11•1-1u' La is COLUMBUS Ar Portage L a Ar Wisconsin Dells L a La Mauston La New Lisbon L a La Tomah L a La Sparta L a Ar La Crosse L a Ar WINONA L a Ar ROCHESTER gr... Ist La WINONA A r Ar Wabash. L a Ar Lake City L a LA Red %Sling L a Ar St. Paul L a Ar MINNEAPOLIS La Milwaukee Road Station on Altitude 583 639 695 874 826 850 850 817 899 885 894 962 793 653 664 664 713 718 691 722 844 2 56 • Connecting Bus Service Daily Daily Daily Daily CHICAGO-LA CROSSE- EAU CLAIRE PM PM AM AM SUPERIOR-DULUTH 310 940 7.55 5.00 7.45 4.29 C) 7.14 0 2 46 (D 9 14 0 7.27 I 44 8 10 6.25 3,20 6.05 Train Hiawathas between Train ONE-WAY 140 725 6.19 3.00 5.40 5 Chicago-LaCrosse 2 1,00 645 f 4.58 Daily Daily COACH 12.44 6 5.28 f 2.04 Table 1B 12.25 5 59MI 59 508 1.43 AM Con. Time PM Pares From 4.55 zi 12,15 4.10 Es 11 31 10 311 Lv Chicago A 7.00ChicagolLaCrosse 2.07 41 553 3.48Ar LaCrosse La 3 01 (SEE NOTE #) 1.22 5 OB Children 12.2 5.59 „a 5.04 1.43 Bus (Wia.Nor.Tratis.Co.Bug 5 thru 11 yrs. 5 26 let 4 41 1.15 4,00 3.48Lv LaCrosse A 1.30 Pay 11.57 Half Fare 22 437 Cilf 3.28 4.45Ar Whitehall Da 12.25 4 12 z 511.20 11.95 402 ea 358 5.45Ar Has Claire .Ly 11.25 11.01 2.45 al 11 55z f3.05 2.45 7.20Ar Rice Lake....Lv 9,35 12.65 3.40 14.85 5.60 11.30 10.43 2.20 t1 11 059. 2,00 7.55 ar Spooner... ..Lv 9.00 15.70 6.45 19 145 11 301 X 109 44 2 26 10 10 1,12 9.85Ar Solon Spas. ..Ly7.50 17.10 7.85 12.35 8.15 9 45Ar Superior L a 7 10 18.25 9.00 5 122 2260 1 0 , 10 1.12 10.00Ar Duluth L y 7.00 18.45 910 94 1 52 f 12.32 RA (Bus Sta.) MA 11/...163 05 112.19 9 02 12.03 84 11.10 1.22 8.05 10.10 12 40 815 11.20 7.30 9.20 12 15 7.25 10.40 AM AR PSI PM PM 58 Daily g 09422 Minneapolis-Aberdeen READ READ EQUIPMENT DOwN UP THE MORNING THE PIONEER LIMITED HIAWATHA IS 16 Table lA Train No. 1 Westbound AltiBetween Chicago and Twin Cities Central Time tude Train No. 4 Eastbound Daily Daily Miles Train No. S Westbound All PM Milwaukee Rood Station Train No. 6 Eastbound Between Chicago and Twin Cities 844 8.00 0 La MINNEAPOLIS(CST) 6.35 A r Skytop Lounge-D.R.-Parlor Car 10.02 133 La Montevideo l a 924 4.02 Duplex Roomettes-RoomettesSaner Dome Car-Care Lounge I 10.37 179 La Ortonville 988 f 3.23 L a Burteterin Dining car (Economy Meals) Double Bedrooms 1142 10.55 La Milbank t o 3.111 190 Reclining Seat Lounge Coaches 11.52 236 La Webster i s 1841 2.34 Connecting Bus Columbus to Madison Dining Car Service L a 12.55 290 Or ABERDEEN 1299 1.411 A in carte Breakfast AM Milwaukee Road Station MA THE AFTERNOON HIAWATHA Barret Service and Beverages Train No. 3 Westbound Reclining Seat Lounge Coaches Train No. 2 Eastbound NOTE-Sleeping carsready for occupancy (ON SALE DAILY TO MOST DESTINATIONS-CONSULT AGENT) Between Chicago and Twin Cities in Chicago 9.30 p.m.-Coaches 10.00 P.m. Skytop Lounge-D.R.-Parlor Car ONE WAY and ROUND TRIP Sleeping Cars Minneapolis 9.30 p.m. Super Dome Car-Cate Lounge Coaches 1020 p.m. Dining Car The head of the family pays the full One-way sir Round-trip fare of class desired. Reclining Seat Lounge Coaches Other parent or children of PI and under 22 years of age. each pay two thirds of the Connecting Bus Columbus to Madison One-way or Round-trip fare paid by the head of the family. Trains No. 55 and 58 Children from 5 and under 12 years of age pay one third of the One-way or Round-trip Between Chicago and Twin Cities fare paid by the head of the family. Train No. 58 Children under 5 ride free. Reclining Seat Lounge Coaches Twin Cities to Milwaukee The bead of the family may return independently. The Family Plan Fare will apply Reclining Seat Lounge Coaches only where the one-way coach fare is 13.77 or more, and the one-way brat class fare Trains No.15 and 16 Mliwasike• to Chicago is 84.78 or more. Coaches Reclining Seat Lounge Coaches Explanation of Reference Notes-Tables 1 lA 1B and 2 tickets honored on Bus. f -Stops to take or leave revenue passengers. NOTE s NORTHBOUND through Rail-Bus tickets may be purchased from your *_jefterson Transportation Co. Bus one way fare 53.16. Round trip 65.25. Childrenlocal ticket agent. SOUTHBOUND-purchase Bus tickets locally and rail tickets at 5 tbru 11 years half fare. LaCrosse. Through interline tickets may be issued to bus destinations. Round-trip 09-Stops to take or leave revenue passengers for or from Milwaukee or beyond. fares are 180G of the one-way fares. Fatally Plan fares do not apply on Bus Lines. Does not carry passengers locally from Chicago to cienvrew or from Glenview must be endorsed to read via the bus carrier involved. Baggage should he to Chicago. Consult suburban timetable for service between these stations. Coupons checked to the rail-bus Junction point only anti passengers advised to make their tops only tO leave revenue own arrangements for baggage beyond. $ revenue p a s passengers s e n g foreMilwaukee r s . -Stops to leave revenue passengers from the•-Does Twin Cities or beyond or take not carry checked baggage or dogs. or beyond. L-Does not carry checked baggage or dogs between Chicago and Milwaukee. FAMILY FARES SAVE MONEY Chicago-Milwaukee READ DOWN BEAD UP -e 23 3 I 9 5 27-5 275 46 2 24-4 244 12 6 56 58 Table 2 A Sun. Ex. A Sun. Ex. A I A Centre( Time Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily only Sun. Miles Daily Daily only Sun. Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily AM AM AM PM PM PM PM N Union Station AM AM AM AM PIA PM PM PM PM 11.30 10 30 7.25 6.20 12,35 10 30 10.30 8.55 0 La Chicago 5.00 7 45 7.45 9.15 12.55 3 10 5 25 7.55 941 A l L 10550 7 47C) 4 43012 58 1 10 55010.55C) 9.17 17 tv Glenview l a t C) 2 46111 5 0007.27C) 9 14 ® 4.29 7.1 0 7 140 8.50C112.30 12.55 11 59 8.50 5,45 2 01 11.58 11.58 10.20 85 Ar Mllivaukee L e 3.2 6.05 6 05 7 50 11 30 1.44 4 00 6.25 811 PM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM Phi PM PM AM PM PM RI AM AM Mittvankee Road Station Equipment-Northbound Equiprrient-Southbound C. C. DILLEY SkItlith Lounce Car on trains 3 and 5 General Manager-Passenger Services stoop lounge Car no trains 2 and 6 Super Dome Car with cafe Lounge on trains 3 and 5 Super Dome Car with Care Lounge on trains 2 and Union Station-Chicago. 111.. 60606 Parlor Car on trains Parlor Car on traina 3 and and 6 DininC Car Service on trains 1. 3 and 5 Dining Car Service2on trains 2. 4 and 6 Snacks and BECEIWZ Serrice on train 23 (Except Saturday) Cominentat Breakfasi Served on train 24 Coaches on all trains Coache, on an trains 2 A l l Schedules and Equipment Sublect to Change Without Notice 3 Liability. This railroad will not be responsible for errors in time tables or fares, inconvenience or damage resulting from delayed trains or failures to make connections. Chicago and Los Angeles EABEWOUND-READ UP 103410 10341 104 • 104 11/ Demeiiner The Dome liver I he Table 3 City of Challenger Challenger City of EQUIPMENT EievaLos Angeles Daily Daily Los Angeles THE MILWAUKEE ROAD one day for Daily Daily one day for tion Miles UNION PACIFIC one day for example example one day for Central Time As A exampleA exampleA DOMELINER PM PM AM AM "CITY OF LOS ANGELES" 5.00 586 11.59 11.59 T 560 37 Llya ECritCAGCOn"(C'' MSISattIPodcnPRR).. a 11.00 aAr a 645 a 6.45 11.00 Nos. 103 and 104. Dailyd 7.21 ti 7.21 570 80 to Davis Jet J r d 10.22 A 10.22 8.28 8.28 599 138 Is Savanna A s 9.20 9.20 10.01 10.01 848 227 7,54 7.54 Chicago and Los Angeles 12.02 12.02 Mon. 967 362 LIva Perry 5.38 Rapids) 5.38 Ar k rion (Cedar Pullman Sleeping Cars 1320 423 Le Manilla A r Roomettes, Bedrooms. 1033 488 k OMAHA (C.M.St.P.AP.R.R.) La 210 230 it 330 3 30 Tue. Compartments. Drawing Rooms 1033 488 La OMAHA (D.P.R.R.) 3.10 2.55 2.55 a. ,Lo Tap. k Dome Dining and Lounge Car 1864 632 Ar Grand Island 5.04 5.04 l a 12.55 12.55 2802 769 Ar North Platte (C- T.) l a 11.00 11.00 Mon. Dome Coach, Leg Rest Seats re7.10 7.10 nerved: dome seats not reserved 2802 769 La North Platte (MT.) A r 9.55 9,55 8.15 6.15 4091 893 Ar Sidney 7.58 7.58 8,05 8.05 L a 6.35 6.35 , 9.45 9.45 it 6060 995 ArlCheyenne fla 6060 995 6.00 6.00 , 10.45 10.45 11r 7151 1051 4.41 4.41 12.07 12.07 "THE CHALLENGER" 6747 1168 Ak r ILLaramie aa rwa 1 imn ni e L a Is 1.54 1.54 2.57 2,57 6263 1287 As Rock Springs 3.42 3.42 1.10 1.10 b i Nos. 103 and 104_ Daily. 4.15 4.15 6083 1302 Sr Green River L a 12.50 12.50 6745 1402 Ar Evanston L a 6,09 6,09 11.05 11.05 ti Chicago and Los Angeles 4298 1478 Ar 8.00 8.00 9.35 9.35 4298 1478 k, OGDEN 8,15 8.15 8.50 850 Dome Dining Car 9.05 9.05 4251 1515 k 8.05 8 OD Coach, Leg Rest Seats reAr 9.30 9.30 Mon. 4251 1515 is SALT LAKE CITY i t silfr 7,35 7.35 Mon. Dome served: dome seats not reserved 10 05 10.0 Sy. 4.40 4.40 Tue. 2027 1965 Ar Las Vegas (P.T.) L a Reclining Seats-Leg Rest Coaches 1076 2231 Ar San Bernardino la 4.25 10.25 10.25 4.25 -all seats reserved. 868 2261 Ar Riverside la 3.57 11,00. 11.00 tt 3.57 161 2293 Ar East Los Angeles L a 12.10 12.10 2.50 2.50 gt 2 30 12.30 12.30 293 2299 Ar LOS ANGELES (U.PLI.E.) Iv 2.30 Chicago and San Francisco Chicago and Denver 1020 l o l l Domeliner ':=BIT.4„17- Chicago and Portland, Seattle EA5r1=, Domeliner Table 5 City col Cityof EASTBOUND READ UP till) Idol, 1001 i IMO Domeliner Domeliner Table 4 City of Portland BlevaCity ot Portland rira MILWAUKEE ROAD and Denver and Denver tam Miles UNION PACIFIC Daily Daily Central Time one day for example one day for example PM PM Union Station AM A M 3.00 3.00 Sun. 595 0 La CHICAGO (CMS1.11rPRR) 10.15 Ar Tue. 10.15 43,45 a3.45 "" 560 37 La Elgin . Or a 9.21 .. a 9.21 4.25 4,25 " 570 80 Lv Davis Jet a l 8.43 . 9.43 5.28 5 28 A r 7.41 7.41 599 138 Is Savanna 6.59 6,59 '" 6,04 848 228 La Marion (Cedar Rapids).- Ar 6.04 .' la 58 8,58 3.58 . 3.59 967 362 La I'erry A s ' 11 25 11 25 1 5C 1033 488 k OMAHA (CMSt.PAPHR) LA 1.50 11.50 11,50 1033 488 La OMAHA (D.P.R.R.) A i ' 1.30 "" 1 30 l v 1.24 1.24 Mon. 1447 570 Ar Columbus 12.01 12:01 2.35 2.35 11.05 Mon. 11.05 1864 632 Or Grand Island L e 3.32 3.32 10.19 ." 10,19 2149 674 Ar Kearney L v 9.55 5.35 5.35 2802 769 Ar North Platte (an) L v 8.55 " ,7.115 4.50 2802 769 La North Platte (ALT.) J r . 6.00 I s 5.55 3467 851 Ar Julosberg . 6.49 2939 908 Ar Sterling L e " 4.68 I 8.15 3.33 4631 1001k La Salle . 9.15 5188 1048Ar Denver (111.1l.R.R.) L 2.45 7.30 11 4.55 2802 769 La North Platte OLT.) A r 9.15 Ar t•hevenne f U 3.30 " 10,30 6060 995 La " • l a r a 11.52 7151 1051Arlaramie l 1.30 1.39 L 11.40 6747 1168 Ar Rawlins I 3.27 f 9.45 . 6263 1287Ar Rock Springs L u 4.00 L u 9.25 . 6083 1302 Ar Greets River 8.05 L a 4 45 4463 1546k Pocatello L u 9.46 0 2.40 . 3970 1654 Ar Shoshone 11.55 U 2692 1781Ar Boise 12.20 " 12.18 Tue. 2480 1800Ar Nampa 11.55 l a Sun. 1.50 2116 1882la Huntington (M.1%) I v 10.36 "" 12.51 0 9.35 ... 2116 1882la Huntington (P.T) k r L a 501 5.20 ii 1063 2056Ar Pendleton i s 2.45 . 7.25 Si 99 2188Ir The Dalles 1.03 9,15 29 2272k Portland (D.P.R.R.) L a k 29 2272 Is Portland 5 a t 1 9.45 5, 8121115 L a 112.34 I 13 2417Ar Tacoma ses9.01 1' L a 15 2455 Ar SEATTLE i . 1.30 a 8.05 Z PM Z AM EQUIPMENT-DOMELINEE "CITY OF PORTLAND11 AND DENVER Chicago and Portland C h i c a g o and Denver Pullman Sleeping Cars P u l l m a n Sleeping Car Dining Car and Dome Lounge Car L e g Rest Coaehest-all seats reserved Dome Coach (dome seats not reserved) Cafe Lounge Car-North Platte-Denver Leg Rest Coaches-all seats reserved M e a l service and Beverages Portland and Seattle THE MILWAUKEE NOAD San Francini Eleva- Miles San Francisco UNION PACIFIC tion Daily Daily SOUTHERN PACIFIC one day for One dayfor Centred Time exampleA exampleA AM Pit Union Station 11.59 Tue. 6.00 Sun. 586 0 Le CHICAGO (CMSt.P.SrPRR)Ir al1.00 I 6 45 "" 560 37 La Elgin A r ii10.22 " I 7.21 " 570 80 La Davis Jet A r 8 22 A r 9.20 599 138 La Savanna 10 01 " 848 227 La Marion (Cedar Raparts) k 7.54 " 5.38 " 967 302 12.02 Mon La Perry A r 1033 488 Or OMAHA (CMSe.P&PRR) to 3.30 2 30 "" 1033 488 La OMAHA ((.T.P.R.R.) A r 3 10 2.55 " 12.55 Tue. L a 1864 632 kr Grand Island 5.04 " 11.00 Mon 2802 769 Ar North Platte 7.10 L a Mountasn nine " 2802 769 Is North Platte A r 9 55 6.15 8 05 7 58 " 4091 893 Ar Sidney L a 6060 995 fl 6 35 " Ikr isir }Cheyenne a t 4 41 L a 12 07 "" 7151 1051 Ar Laramie l a 2.57 1 54 " 6747 1168 Ar Rawlins 1.10 6263 1287 3 42 Or Rock Springs L a 12 50 4 15 "" 6083 1302 As Green River L a 1402 k Evanston U 11.05 6745 6 09 " a St " 4298 1478 Ar Ogden (II.P R R ) L e 9.35 4298 1478 1a Ogden (Sou. P.c.) k 9.05 8 30 Pacific Time " 5063 1704 Ar Elko L a 3.50 Mon 11 30 2017 kr Reno L a 9 52 Sun. 4500 5.30 Tue. " Sr Sacramento L a 5 10 1' 35 2171 10 30 3 47 II 10 2225 Ar 'Martinez L a 12.05 "" 18 2251 3.00 12.57 Ar Berkeley l a 10 2254 Ar Oakland (15th St.) 1 es so " 331.15 •" 6 2261 Or SAN FILANCISCO(S.P.).192 15 1,45 EQUIPMENT-DOMELINER "CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO" :: 111,1 Chpimgnea: nsdieeSpainng (TrarciscoDome LoungeCar betweenChicago and Ogden for Sleeping Car Passengers Iteelt initnais,,segtstecasittgintle5a atscoache8_ all seats reserved Automatic Buffet Car between Dottie Dining Car: Between ('HOgden and San Francisro OSE° and Ogden REFERENCE NOTES-Tables 3, 4 and 5 A-Reserved Coach Seat charge. 9-Limited handling of baggage on this train: Consult agent. (p-Bus service between Oakland (16th Street) and San Francisco (3rd and Townsend Station). via the Bay Bridge. a-Stops to take or leave revenue passengers for or from Marion or beyond. Does not carry passengers locally from Chicago to Elgin. or from Elgin to Chicago. Consult suburban timetable for service between these stations. d-Stops to or take leave revenue passengers tor or from Sidney, Nebr. or bey (-Steno to take or leave revenue passengers. C.T.,-Central Time. M.T.-Siountain Time. PT.-Paciiie Time. Light numerals indicate A.S1. Dark numerals P.M. CoaChee-seat.s not reserved 4 A l l Schedules and Equipment Subject to Change Without Notice Liability. This railroad will not be responsible for errors in time tables or fares, inconvenience or damage resulting from delayed trains or failures to make connections.
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