Following Christ Spreading the Word Serving the Community Minister: Revd. Alan D. Reid M.A. B.D. In8ma8ons: Sunday, 26th October 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fire Exits: Main Entrance and each side of the Pulpit. Toilets: Front entrance hall and rear hallway where there is a toilet for the disabled. Visitors: Welcome! Please sign our Visitor’s Book on the Welcome Table, near the meeting room door, where you will also find leaflets and information about the church. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today: Sunday, 26th October 9.15am: Choir Practice in the Church 10.15am: Junior Church & Jampact in the Church Centre and concluding at the Church. 10.30am: Morning Worship; Matthew 22:23-33. The God of the Living. Crèche during the service. Tea, coffee and Traidcraft Stall after the service. 3.30pm: 'Foundations' meeting for those joining the church. 6.30pm: Evening Service - A read-through of the Book of Ruth. 7.30pm: Annual Cleish/Fossoway Choir Concert. Tickets £5 on the door. Monday, 27th October 7.00pm: Convenors' Group meeting in the Church Tuesday, 28th October 10.00am: Pram Service in the Church. Contact Evelyn Cairns. T: 863990 11.30am: Thanksgiving Service for Bob Harvey in the Church. All welcome. (See Pg. 2) Wednesday, 29th October 10.45am: Midweek Service in the Church Centre Garden Room. All welcome. 1.30pm: Craft Group in the Church Meeting Room. All welcome. Thursday, 30th October 2.00-4.00pm - PS2 - an informal drop in coffee and chat time for parents and carers of pre-school and primary age children. Come when you can and leave when you must! Friday, 31st October 6.00-10.00pm: Boys' Brigade in the Church Centre. Anchor Boys; 6.00-7.15pm. Juniors; 7.00-9.00pm. Company Section; 7.00-10pm. Next Sunday, 2nd November 9.15am: Choir Practice in the Church 10.15am: Junior Church & Jampact in the Church Centre and concluding at the Church. 10.30am: Morning Worship; Matthew 24:31-46. The Least of These. Brenda Fraser. Crèche during the service. No tea, coffee or Traidcraft Stall after the service today. 11.45am: Informal Communion. 3.30pm: 'Foundations' meeting for those joining the church. Monday, 3rd November 8.00am: Time for Prayer - Silent Meditation in the Church led by Kathy Crabb. 7.30pm: Kirk Session meeting in the Church. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robert ‘Bob’ Harvey: Bob’s funeral will be held in Perth Crematorium on Tuesday, 28th October at 10.30am. This will be followed by a Service of Thanksgiving, here in Kinross Parish Church, at 11.30am. Our thoughts are with Lesley and her family at this sorrowful time. Please remember them in your prayers. TODAY, the Traidcraft stall will have a selection of Christmas Cards for sale or to order. Also, back by popular demand, we will be doing Christmas Baskets this year again. We supply the baskets, you pick the goods you want in it, we cover with cellophane, add a ribbon and then they are ready for you to give as presents. Lastly, if you wish to order Advent Calendars can you let us know as soon as possible please? Thank you. There will be CRAFTS, CAKE & COFFEE next Saturday, 1st November 2014 from 10.00am until 12 noon in the Church Centre. A fundraising event being organised by the Craft Group. Traidcraft will also have a stall. An opportunity to buy early for Christmas A time to ACT: This November, if you write or revise your will using a local solicitor who has signed up to Will Aid, you will be supporting the work of 9 well known charities, including Christian Aid. Instead of paying a solicitor's fee, you will be invited to make a voluntary donation to the group of Will Aid charities. To find a Will Aid solicitor near you, visit, or call the Will Aid hotline. T: 0300 0300 013. And finally… A date for your diary. Saturday, 8th November. The Children’s Ministry Conference is being held in Coldside Parish Church, Main Street, Dundee. DD3 7HN. It is being hosted by Dundee Youth For Christ (SC 044896) and runs from 9.00am – 4.00pm. Tickets are £20 each, including lunch. Concessions are available (£10) for students, the retired and the unwaged. Half day tickets are also available. ‘A practical training day with workshops equipping participants to deliver and support children’s ministry in their own context.’ To book, email or telephone; 07400 803203. Website; Places are limited!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please remember that when you submit intimations for publication, it should only be for TWO WEEKS. Any longer is at the Editor’s discretion! Intimations can be sent directly to; Thank you, Graeme. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE INTIMATIONS DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY, 5PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contacts: Minister: Rev. Alan D. Reid. T: (01577) 862952 O L M: Revd. Margaret Michie. T: (01592) 840602. Session Clerk: Jaffrey Weir T: (01577) 865780 E: Church Office and Church: Open Mon- Fri 10am – 12noon. Please use the side door. T: (01577) 862570: E: Intimations: Graeme Paterson: T: 07879 445261 E: The deadlines for next week’s Intimations are; Hand written/by telephone, to office: Noon on Wednesday or by e-mail – 5pm on Wednesday. Kinross Parish Church of Scotland. Registered Charity Number: SC 012555
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