\ NUMBER 19/14 – 22 October 2014 Mayor Barry Easther OAM West Tamar Council 2014 LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONFERENCE SPONSOR President’s Message What a great spring day it has been so far. The sun is shining, the lambs are growing and have been joined in the front paddock by a couple of young calves to chew the grass that has been invigorated by some recent showers. Yesterday I celebrated another birthday and chaired my last West Tamar Council meeting! After thirty-one years on Council and five years as your President, I have about eight days to go before I relinquish my roles in Local Government. The decision not to contest the Local Government Elections this year was a relatively easy one to make as I knew that it was not only the sensible thing to do but the right decision to make. Strangely, once the decision was made, each day after that, I have felt more and more comfortable, and I am looking forward to ‘retirement’. So as I left the Council Chambers yesterday, I felt very content. Enough about me - how are you all going with your electioneering? Some elected members who are offering themselves for re-election tell me that they have not worked harder. That’s good because it must undoubtedly raise the level of interest in Local Government. Sadly, there have been some very negative aspects to the election campaign and some nastiness that should never be a part of Local Government elections. Just a week to go and the counting begins! I will watch with much interest the results as they are posted on the Electoral Commission website but not with the same ‘tightness of the tummy muscles’ as on previous occasions. It is an anxious time for candidates who have the desire to represent their communities on their local council and I wish you all the success that you are hoping for. The election for President of the Association closed at 10.00am this morning and it is with a great deal of pleasure that I congratulate the successful candidate, Mayor Barry Jarvis on being chosen by your colleagues from around the State to serve in this important position. I personally wish you every success for your term as President and am confident that you will enjoy the role and receive the same support and encouragement I experienced during my terms. I close by thanking everyone in Local Government across Tasmania for the friendship and support shown to me during my time in Local Government and through my terms as President. It has been an experience that I will always remember fondly. I particularly express my appreciation to the great staff at LGAT and CEO, Allan Garcia, who do so much that benefits Local Government in Tasmania. I will continue to show a great interest in Local Government affairs but for now, retirement beckons! New President Elect for Local Government Association Mayor Barry Jarvis of Dorset Council today became the President elect to the Local Government Association of Tasmania. With the departure of present incumbent, Mayor Barry Easther from the position in the coming week, Mayor Jarvis will officially take on the role at the declaration of the election writs on, or around 30 October 2014. As one of five people contesting the position, Mayor Jarvis praised those who had nominated for the role, highlighting the regard in which the position is held and the importance the sector places upon it. He is humbled and honoured to receive the vote of support from his Local Government peers. Mayor Jarvis paid tribute to the current President, Barry Easther for leading the sector affably and capably over the past five years. Clr Jarvis who was elected to Dorset Council in 2007 and became Mayor in 2009, is excited at the prospect of leading the sector and looks forward to the challenges of working with Association members, the State Government and other stakeholders to further progress Local Government in the State. Elected Member Training – Local Government 101 On 22 November, LGAT will be delivering a one-day workshop for newly elected members in Launceston which will cover: roles and responsibilities under the Local Government Act; the relationship with the general manager and the mayor; acting as a member of the planning authority; strategic planning requirements including financial and asset planning; pecuniary interests and offences under the Act; and meeting procedures. Don’t miss this opportunity to hone your skills as a newly elected member. For further details, log onto the LGAT website at www.lgat.tas.gov.au, click on the Extranet Login tab and enter your Council’s password. Have you voted in the Local Government Elections? All Tasmanians who are registered on the Tasmanian Electoral Roll are encouraged to vote in the 2014 Local Government Elections. The elections cover all 29 Tasmanian councils and are the first to take place since a number of electoral reforms were introduced, including the introduction of all-in, all-out Local Government elections every four years, with four-year terms for mayors and deputy mayors. Polling closes at 10.00am, on 28 October followed by the counting of votes and the announcement of the results. Don’t delay – have your say! For details, visit www.electoral.tas.gov.au/LocalGovernmentElections2014/index.html. Garage Sale Trail this Weekend! There are just three days to go until the 2014 Garage Sale Trail kicks off around the country on Saturday, 25 October. With over 5,000 registered sales and 6 million sale items up for grabs, there’s a heap of treasure waiting to be discovered. Don’t miss out! Visit www.garagesaletrail.com.au. New General Manager Announced for Waratah-Wynyard Mr Michael Stretton has been announced as the new General Manager of WaratahWynyard Council. Having been Director of Development Services at Launceston City Council and Central Coast Council’s Director of Development and Regulatory Services previously, Michael brings almost 20 years’ experience in Local Government to the position and already has well-established networks in the region. Mr Stretton will take up the position of General Manager on 4 November, with John Martin continuing as Acting General Manager until this time. HeForShe Over the next 12 months the HeForShe campaign aims to mobilise one billion men and boys as advocates and agents of change in ending the persisting inequalities faced by women and girls globally. The premise is that inequality is a human rights issue, the resolution of which will benefit everyone - socially, politically and economically. Your voice is powerful - raise it to tell the world why equality for every woman and girl is worth fighting for. UN Women invites both men and women to join the global movement to advance women’s rights at www.heforshe.org. Grants & Awards 20 Million Trees Grants Open Communities can now apply for grants through the $50 million, 20 Million Trees program. The funding aims to reestablish Australia's green corridors and urban forests as part of the National Landcare Program. 20 Million Trees projects can be undertaken in urban and regional areas, and on public or private land. Communities, groups and individuals can apply for grants of between $20,000 and $100,000. Applications are open until 30 October. More information is available at www.nrm.gov.au/national/20-million-trees. 2015 Government Communications Australia Awards Entries are invited for the annual Government Communications Australia (GCA) Awards for Excellence which recognise the exceptional work of government communicators, and reward outstanding examples of communication strategy and implementation in line with best practice standards. There are 12 categories catering for all areas of government communications, marketing, engagement and public relations. The Awards for Excellence will be presented at the GCA Conference, to be held in Sydney, from 13-15 May 2015. Entries must be submitted by 28 November. Full details can be found online at www.govcomms.com.au/awards. Employer of Choice Awards Entries for the 2015 Employer of Choice Awards are now invited. The Employer of Choice Awards, managed by Skills Tasmania, recognise and promote Tasmanian organisations that have a reputation among its staff as being a great place to work, and that successfully attract and retain skilled employees. Workplaces that help to attract and retain staff may: provide a flexible workplace; enable staff to balance their work and family commitments; offer regular and constructive feedback on employee performance; communicate effectively with staff; and embrace diversity in the workplace. Entries close on 11 December, with winners announced in mid-2015. To find out more, go to www.skills.tas.gov.au/eoc. Communities, Sport and Recreation Tasmania - Major Grants Program The Major Grants Program offers financial assistance towards major equipment purchases and the development or improvement of facilities or playing surfaces that directly benefit sport and recreation clubs, and improve opportunities for Tasmanians to participate in sport and active recreation. The Major Grants Program provides grants of between $15,000 and $80,000 and is offered on an annual basis through one funding round, closing on 4 February 2015. For guidelines, visit www.dpac.tas.gov.au/divisions/csrt/sportrec/funding_opportunities/major_grants. Conferences, Seminars and Workshops Women on Boards Women with an interest in joining Boards are invited to join a series of workshops and networking events to: improve their practical knowledge of directorship; give their boardroom aspirations some new life; and consolidate their understanding. Join one or more sessions on the successful Pathways to Directorship program in Hobart including: Realising your Board Potential - a highly practical and focused session for women at all levels seeking board roles (10 November); Aspects of Directorship - an interactive evening with local directors and facilitated group conversations (10 November); and Boards on your Horizon – NFP and Government – covering sector specific information, strategic advice and useful tips (11 November). For details, visit www.womenonboards.org.au, or call (02) 4321 0100. Bridges out of Poverty Southern Workshop Tasmania Medicare Local is coordinating a series of workshops as part of its Social Determinants of Health initiative, aiming to equip staff, practitioners and service providers with practical tools to assist Tasmanians affected by generational poverty and disadvantage. The workshop will be held on 12 and 19 November at the Brighton Civic Centre, Bridgewater, and costs $100 per person. For enquiries, contact Vicki Eather on (03) 6425 0800, or email veather@tasmedicarelocal.com.au. TasCOSS 2014 Conference Registration is now open for the TasCOSS 2014 Conference, being held on 13-14 November in Hobart. The theme is Navigating a Changing Environment and speakers will include the Federal Minister for Social Services, Kevin Andrews and state Minister for Human Services, Jacquie Petrusma who will speak about their policies, plans and philosophies. Register at http://bit.ly/XTLiOP. Creating Easy to Read Information for the Community Do you need to develop a brochure, flyer or pamphlet but you’re not sure where to start? In this practical workshop you will have the opportunity to: work on reviewing or developing a resource that you bring to the workshop; look at the things to consider when developing resources such as layout, font size, language and readability; and learn about resources and support available. The workshop will be held from 10.00am – 3.00pm, on 14 November, in Hobart. Registrations close on 4 November. To book a place, register at www.surveymonkey.com/s/JZ7TQ8M. For further information, email jennie.gorringe@dhhs.tas.gov.au. Conflict Management Training Managing conflict and supporting staff members in conflict is a fundamental part of effective business leadership. A highly-interactive and skills-focused course, to be held at the UTAS Sandy Bay Campus from 19-20 November, will provide participants with essential skills to enable them to effectively support others and themselves in conflict. Cost is $900 (+ GST). Find out more at www.conflictcoachinginternational.com. Roads Infrastructure 2014 As the mining boom ends, the Government is relying on major infrastructure projects to deliver sound strategic national economic benefit. The Optimising Procurement for Exceptional Outcomes Conference will be held on 20 November, in Sydney. This national conference will strengthen networks and provide an opportunity for Road Authorities to benchmark across jurisdictions on value-for-money, innovation and sustainability in procurement. It will present speakers from Government, Treasury and industry on streamlining the procurement process, pushing the boundaries on innovative contracting and striving for exceptional outcomes. View the brochure at http://bit.ly/1klSflj. Register online, quoting the discount code CC*LGAT, to save $100 off your registration. Safety at Roadworks - Taking Responsibility Want to improve Safety at Roadworks? Join the 2014 Australian Asphalt Pavement Association’s Safety at Roadworks workshop in Hobart, on 21 November, to find out more about improving safety for all road workers and every road user. Participants will walk away with steps to improve operating conditions for road users, drive awareness amongst colleagues, and practical solutions to enhance safety. Cost is $260 (incl. GST and meals) per delegate. Register online at http://australian-asphalt-pavement-association.eventbrite.com.au, or phone (03) 9853 5322. Upcoming Local Government Events National Local Roads and Transport Congress, Tamworth General Meeting, Launceston Mayors’ Workshop, Launceston Local Government 101, Launceston 12-14 November 19 November 20 November 22 November Local Government Association of Tasmania 326 Macquarie Street, Hobart. GPO Box 1521, Hobart, TAS 7001 Ph: (03) 6233 5966 Fax: (03) 6233 5986 Email: reception@lgat.tas.gov.au
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