\ NUMBER 21/14 – 21 November 2014 Mayor Barry Jarvis Dorset Council 2014 LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONFERENCE SPONSOR President’s Message Last week, I attended my first Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) Annual General Meeting and Board Meeting in Tamworth, and was able to gain an understanding of the amount of work the Association does on the behalf of Local Government at a national level. I would like to pay tribute to past President, Felicity-ann Lewis for her strong advocacy at the national level and wish her well in the future as she steps away from Local Government completely. ALGA now has a new President - Mayor Troy Pickard from the Western Australian Local Government Association and two new Vice Presidents - Clr Greg Belz of the Local Government Association of Queensland, and Cr Bill McArthur of the Municipal Association of Victoria. I wish them well in their new roles. The agenda discussed many things that have the potential to filter down to us at a community level but the main focus for me was the strategy discussed to get the Financial Assistant Grants fully reinstated, which is very important for Local Government to be able to fully deliver the services our communities expect and deserve. Reform of the Federation and Taxation White Paper processes were discussed at length. These two reviews by the Federal Government will have an impact on Local Government. We need to be active at a local level to engage with our federal politicians to reinforce the importance and relevance of Local Government to their local communities. While in Tamworth, the National Local Roads Congress was held and a function was organised at the magnificent Tamworth Equine Centre. The centre seats approximately 3,200 in the main arena and stables, with the capacity to house 480 horses under cover. The cost to build the facility was a staggering $30 million, with the Tamworth Council contributing almost $20 million. The centre was booked for 271 days last year so this has become a major economic driver for the Tamworth Region. Medibank Active Tasmania Awards The 2014 Medibank Active Tasmania Awards showed once again the importance of Local Government leadership in building healthy, active communities. Clarence City Council was presented with a Silver Award for its 14.5km Clarence Foreshore Trail. Flinders Council also received a Silver Award for its Flinders Health and Happiness program, and Sorell Council took out the Inspiration Award for the YOLO (You Only Live Once) Colour Fun Run. For further information on the award winners, visit www.getmoving.tas.gov.au. A Focus on Performance With over a third of councillors being newly elected and nearly 50% of mayors new to the job, the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) is helping them approach their new roles with confidence and professionalism through a raft of training opportunities. This week, the Association held two highly successful workshops with mayors. Donning the Robes provided some key advice on the role and procedures for brand new mayors, and Leading Performance provided both inspiration and tools for mayors to lead high performing councils. LGAT President, Mayor Barry Jarvis said the sessions were extremely well attended, the mayors were highly engaged and all said they found it valuable, both in terms of learning and building a strong collegial network. On Saturday, 22 November, LGAT is running a course for new councillors. Local Government 101 has nearly 60 councillors attending and will cover roles and responsibilities, strategic planning, pecuniary interests, meeting procedures and more. This early training will be built upon with an elected member professional development weekend, scheduled for 28 February - 1 March 2015 in Launceston. “It is fantastic to have so many new councillors attending training this early in their term,” said Mayor Jarvis. “I think it shows the passion and commitment in Local Government, and the drive to deliver the best outcomes for communities”. ALGA Elects New President The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has elected a new President, Mayor Troy Pickard of the City of Joondalup. Mayor Pickard, a former Tasmanian, is currently the President of the Western Australian Local Government Association, he has been a Director of ALGA since 2007 and served as a Vice President of the organisation since 2010. During his term as President, Mayor Pickard will be focusing on a number of issues including: the Federation and Taxation White paper processes, and ensuring a strong voice for Local Government in any reform of the Federation and Taxation; leading ALGA's campaign to have indexation of Financial Assistance Grants restored; and continued advocacy for permanency for Roads to Recovery funding. New Training Grants for Councils The Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from councils to join a Skills Fund training grant application. If successful, this funding will cover 80% of training costs. If your Council is interested in the possibly of obtaining training through this funding, please approach your manager. Managers should discuss their needs with council Human Resources (HR) which have been sent the EOI documents. The deadline for EOIs to LGAT is 4 December. Council HR units can obtain further information from Scott Blacklow on 6233 5967, or at scott.blacklow@lgat.tas.gov.au. Tasmania's First Female Governor to be Appointed Last week, the Premier received informal approval from Her Majesty The Queen that Prof Kate Warner AM be appointed as Tasmania's 28th Governor, making her the State's first female Governor. Prof Warner has led a distinguished career as a Law Professor at the University of Tasmania. Prof Warner has been Director of the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute, Commissioner of the Tasmanian Gaming Commission, a member of the Sentencing Advisory Council, President of the Alcorso Foundation and was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia this year for her significant service to the law. Upon notification of formal approval from the Queen, Prof Warner will be sworn to office on 10 December. Garage Sale Trail Recognised with Prestigious National Award The Garage Sale Trail has received timely recognition of the success of this year’s event which took place across Australia on 25 October. The event received a prestigious 2014 Banksia Sustainability Award in the Leadership in Citizenship and Communities category, which recognises a group or individual that has demonstrated strong, local capacity building measurably enhancing the long-term social, economic and environmental status of their community. The Banksia Foundation provides a positive platform to showcase the best in Australian invention, innovation and ingenuity in the all-important sustainability space. Public consultation on the Early Childhood Education and Care National Quality Framework A review of the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care Services is being undertaken by the Australian Government and all state governments to ensure the goal of improving quality in education and care services is being met in the most efficient and effective way. The review aims to identify what is working well, areas for improvement and any unintended consequences that resulted from implementation of the National Quality Framework. The next stage of the review will involve consultation on the proposed options for changes to the National Quality Framework using a Regulation Impact Statement. The public consultation sessions are an opportunity for interested parties to provide feedback on the proposed changes. Sessions will be held in Burnie and Devonport (2 December), in Launceston (3 December), and in Hobart (4 December). For details, visit www.deloitteaccesseconomics.com.au/our+services/nqfconsultationris. Project Wild Thing Film Screening Project Wild Thing is a film-led movement to get more kids and their families outside and reconnecting with nature. The film is an ambitious, feature-length documentary that takes a funny and revealing look at the complex issue of the increasingly disparate connection between children and nature. Watch the trailer at http://projectwildthing.com/. The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) will be hosting a screening of the film in the Dechaineux Theatre at the UTAS Tasmanian College of the Arts, Hobart, on 27 November, for both members and non-members. Refreshments will be provided from 5.45pm, with the film commencing at 6.30pm. Admission is $10. For more information, contact (02) 6248 9970. Register online at www.aila.org.au/iMIS_Prod/AILAWeb/Commerce/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=TAS3272&WebsiteKey=44fe2fe05560-4283-981a-c15fe691b1d1. Ten Days Unveils a New Name Ten Days has unveiled a new name for its acclaimed, biennial, international, multi-arts, statewide festival - the 'Tasmanian International Arts Festival'. The festival’s new title recognises exactly what the festival is about and firmly places Tasmania at the centre of the arts world. The Tasmanian International Arts Festival will be presented in March 2015. Book before Christmas to secure a 25% early bird discount. Details are available online at www.tendays.org.au/event. Conferences, Seminars & Workshops Communicating with Confidence! Youth workers and those who wish to improve their communication skills when working with challenging consumers and colleagues are invited to attend one of two free workshops in Burnie and Launceston, presented by the Centre for Rural Health, UTAS. Topics to be covered include: recognising helpful and unhelpful communication styles; managing challenging communication situations; communicating with cultural competence; and taking care of yourself. For enquiries, phone 6324 5400. To register for the Burnie workshop (28 November), visit https://secure001.utas.edu.au/ruralhealth/seminar_registration/udrh-pdce.php?det_id=96. To register for the Launceston workshop (5 December), visit https://secure001.utas.edu.au/ruralhealth/seminar_registration/udrhpdce.php?det_id=97. Spaces, Place, Being The 11th Annual Geography and Spatial Sciences Conference will be held at the UTAS Sandy Bay campus, from 25-26 November. The conference is of particular interest to people working in the areas of town and spatial planning; community cultural development; environmental planning and services; social equity and social justice and conservation management. Staff and students will present on topics including: Drones for Mapping Natural Landscapes; Exploring Indirect Health Consequences of a Changing Climate; and Climate Change Communication, Trust and Values. Attendance costs $20. Find out more at www.utas.edu.au/GeoConf2014. 2014 CLAIR Forum – Revitalise Your City The Japan Local Government Centre (CLAIR) and the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) will co-host the 2014 CLAIR Forum, to be held in Sydney, on 27 November. This free event will discuss economic development in regions and the key ingredients for encouraging population growth and retention in regional capitals. For further information, visit www.acelg.org.au/events/2014-clair-forum-revitalise-your-city. Attitudes to Men’s Violence against Women and Gender Equality VicHealth recently published the findings of the third National Community Attitudes towards Violence Against Women Survey. The survey is based on more than 17,500 interviews with Australians, measuring community knowledge and attitudes towards violence and gender equality, and tracking changes over time. The results of this study will be explored at a forum to be held at Parlaiment House, Hobart, from 11.00am - 12.00 noon, on 28 November. RSVP by 25 November to melissa.gunn@dpac.tas.gov.au, or phone 6232 7654. New Parks Management Workshop IPWEA will be hosting an intensive, one-day workshop for parks managers, asset professionals, engineers, technical officers, inspectors and assessors in Launceston, on 1 December. The workshop will focus on what is important and practical in compiling inventories and undertaking a Parks condition survey and data analysis. To find out more, visit www.ipwea.org/Tasmania/home/. Work Health and Safety Breakfast Forum and Workshop Does complying with the new Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation in Tasmania look overwhelming and complicated in comparison to the previous Occupational Health and Safety law? Find out what you need to know about WHS, with access to an expert panel of risk management, legal and government professionals in an open forum, coordinated by the National Safety Council of Australia (NSCA) Foundation. The breakfast forum will commence at 7.30am, on 3 December, at the Old Woolstore, Hobart. A 3-hour workshop will follow to assist business in taking a risk management approach to WHS law. Tickets for the breakfast forum are $20, or free for NSCA members. The workshop costs $120 (NSCA members) and $150 (non -members). RSVP by 26 November. For details visit http://nsca.org.au/knowledge-centre/events/upcoming-events/#hobart. Introduction to Governance Program - Strategy and Planning A key function of any board is to set the strategic plan of the organisation to ensure it achieves its objectives. As part the Effective Governance Series, TasCOSS will hold a workshop that will explore planning cycles, setting the vision for the organisation whilst ensuring organisational activity is measurable, and meeting the needs of internal and external stakeholders. The workshop will be held in Hobart on 3 December. The cost is $95.00 (TasCOSS members), $135.00 (not-for-profit) and $235.00 (government). For enquiries, contact Dale Rahmanovic on 6231 0755, or email dale@tascoss.org.au. Creating Environments to Support Active Living in Rural Tasmania Hear about work led by researchers at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research that aimed to understand which features of local, rural neighbourhoods may help community members to live healthy, active lifestyles. Forty-nine men and women from the North, Central Highlands and South of Tasmania were involved in interviews that revealed functionality, variety and diversity of opportunities, and accessibility as three key themes central to supporting physical activity. These themes and further recommendations will be discussed in detail at the Premier’s Physical Activity Council Local Government Forum, on 5 December, in Devonport. To register, visit www.getmoving.tas.gov.au/whats_on/forums, or phone 1800 252 476. Foundations of Active Living Are you interested in healthy living? The UTAS Foundations of Active Living Unit is designed for anyone who is interested in increasing their knowledge on the importance of individual and community health and wellbeing. It is offered as part of the Bachelor of General Studies and will focus on physical activity, nutrition and hydration, and mental health. The unit is free through a full HECS scholarship and is available Australia-wide through online education. Enrol now for 2015! For details, visit www.utas.edu.au/health/study/foundations-of-active-living. Local Government Events General Management Committee Meeting, Hobart Elected Members’ Professional Development Weekend, Launceston 2 December 28 February – 1 March 2015 Local Government Association of Tasmania 326 Macquarie Street, Hobart. GPO Box 1521, Hobart, TAS 7001 Ph: (03) 6233 5966 Fax: (03) 6233 5986 Email: reception@lgat.tas.gov.au
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