MODPAC II HEATER UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS Table of Contents Instructions for upgrading 15 kW, 208/230v, 1ø heaters 1. Written procedure 2. Figure 3-1, Heater mount assembly 3. Figure 1-1, Old heater 1-element 4. Figure 2-1, New heater 1-element 5. Heater contactor connection diagram for units with 15 kW. 156 Seedling Drive • Cordele, GA 31015 Ph: 229-273-3636 • Fax: 229-273-5154 Email: • 11/00 MODPAC II ELECTRIC HEAT FIELD UP-GRADE INSTRUCTIONS FOR REMOVING OLD HEATER KIT AND INSTALLING NEW HEATER KIT FOR A THREE-ELEMENT 230 VOLTS SINGLE PHASE 15 KW IMPORTANT: DISCONNECT POWER BEFORE SERVICING UNITS 1. Remove Heater access panel found on upper right hand corner of unit facing front by removing the three screws. Cut insulation on two sides and fold down out of way. 2. Remove wires from terminals. Tape or tie the low voltage wires together going to the EHL. 3. Remove the two (5/16) screws that hold the heater assembly in and pull heater assembly straight out. (See figure 3-1) 4. Slide new heater assembly into place by lining up stem with hole on far end. Make sure stem of new heater assembly is inserted into correct hole. The hole nearest to the evaporator coil is for three-element heaters and the farthest away from evaporator coil is for all other heaters. (See figure 3-1) (Note: AVP20 and AVP24 units only have on hole on far end.) 5. Reinstall the two (5/16) screws in the heater assembly plate. (See figure 3-1) 6. Reconnect wires according to instruction provided below. (See figure 1-1, 2-1) (NOTE: REPLACE EXISTING WIRES WITH NEW ONES SENT IN KIT.) 7. Fold insulation back into place and reinstall heater access panel with the three screws. Wiring (See Figure 1-1 & 2-1) 8. Connect Yellow wire from old heater terminal FL-1 to new heater terminal DL-1. 9. Connect black wire from old heater terminals FL-2 to new heater terminal DL-2. 10. Connect Brown wire from old heater terminal FL-3 to new heater terminal DL-3. 11. Untape or untie Black wires from old heater terminals EHL and connect to the new heater terminals ARL. 12. Connect Blue wire from old heater terminal EH-1 to new heater terminal EH-1. 13. Connect Red wire from old heater terminal EH-2 to new heater terminal EH-2. 14. Connect Orange wire from old heater terminal EH-3 to new heater terminal EH-3. 15. Replace Heat Relay in control box with Heat contactor and wire per wiring diagram. 16. Attach heater upgrade label beneath heater access panel. 17. Fill out heater replacement post card and mail back to Marvair. 18. Return power to ModPac II. Important Note: Check the unit Model Number on the Unit Data Label to determine the correct heat size for replacement. Example: AVP36ACA 15 MII the number 15 indicates a 15 kw electric heater element. If the model number is faded and cannot be read from the label, check the old heater endplate for a stamp indicating its voltage and KW. If the stamp on the heater endplate cannot be read, count the number of elements and have a licensed HVAC contractor or electrician ohm the element and determine the KW. Page 11 11/00
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