NAVAL SEA CADET CORPS UNITED STATES DIVISION 9-4 1620 E. Saginaw Hwy, Lansing,MI 48912 POM PLAN OF THE MONTH The Plan of the Day is an official document of the United States Division and the Training Ship United States Division. Its contents reflect current orders of the Commanding Officer and official unit announcements. All personnel are responsible for reading and understanding the information contained herein. Parents and guardians of Cadets are encouraged to read the Plan of the Day and to make note of meeting days and special announcements that may affect personal schedules. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Captain Tarrant, NSCC Executive Officer Admin Officer Recruiting Officer Operations Officer Officer Uniforms NSCC Cadet Uniform Shadows Ens Nicole Godby ENS Tina Grove LTJG Randy Grove INSTR Jeff LaFave NWUs, Khakis Dress Blues Civilian Attire Commanding Offcer (517) 420-5650 (517) 663-3461 (517) 974-3145 (517) 404-1908 Drill Hours: CPO Trace Henderson LPO Madeline Godby ALPO Thomas Rolfe Sec 1 Cadet LaFave Sec 2 Cadet Hidey 22-Nov-14 23-Nov-14 (517) 331-4659 (517) 420-4650 (248)-444-6009 (313) 701-2828 (517) 993-8136 0845 - 2400 0001-1600 All NSCC Sea Cadets Reporting Uniform is Dress Blues. and Shadows ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Saturday, 22 November 2014, 0845-0900 Muster 0900-1000 Dress Blue Insp. 1000-1200 Uniform Class 1200-1300 Chow-Sack Lunch from home 1300 Board Meeting 1300-1400 Coursework/Homework 1400-1730 Flagship Team Selection 1730-1800 Chow 1800-1830 Clean up NGC 1830-1930 Coursework/Homework/Color Guard Training 1930-2130 Movie 2130 Hygeine 2200 Taps, Watch Begins 2200-0600 Watch PO1 Godby CPO's CPO's and PO1 Godby PO1 Godby Board Members Inst Zampoloni CPO's Inst LaFave Ms. Larkins PO1 Godby Staff CPO's PO1 Godby CPO's Petty Officer of the Watch National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, 23 November 2014, 0600-0615 Reville 0615-0715 PT 0715-0800 Chow 0800-0830 Service-Voluntary 0830-1400 Boater Safety-Chow during class 1400-1430 Clean up NGC/Shuttle Race/Team Building 1430-1530 Parents Meeting 1530-1600 Awards and Dismissal OOD CPO's Ms. Larkins Pastor Kreh Inst. Pellorito CPO's Captain Tarrant Captain Tarrant National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center National Guard Center ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFORMATION Bring all items on Sea Bag List Please Bring $20.00 for meals in an Envelope w/ name on it Saturday’s Sack Lunch – No item can be kept in a refrigerator this drill. No soft drinks, gatorade, etc is to be brought to drill, only water. Bullying will not be tollerated in the NSCC/NLCC No pocket knives or cell phones are allowed at drill. Everyone must do PRT unless excused by a doctors written notification. If you cannot make it to drill, call Captain Tarrant (313)-363-1458 November Birthdays Cadet Hidey Cadet Schmidt Cadet Rolfe Captain Tarrant Authorized By: Authorized By: Captain Bryan Tarrant, NSCC Commanding Officer , United States Division 9-4 Ens Nicole Godby, NSCC Executive Officer, United States Division, 9-4 Sponsored by the Commanders Club of Michigan Chair: CDR Craig Gleason NAVAL SEA CADET CORPS Seabag List PLAN OF THE MONTH 22-23 Nov 14 You need ALL of the gear listed below to be labeled. If you require Prescription medications you must turn in at Check-In, along with your NSCTNG 025 form. Print all your names at the bottom of your white t-shirts w/last four SSN. Uniform 1 1 1 1 1 Dress Blues/NWU set Pants & shirt w/ NWU Cover Raincoat/Poncho or NWU Parka Laundry bag Chain w/Dog tags Black boots/Blousing Straps Under Clothing 3 3 3 White Briefs-cotton / (female) 1 sportsbra T-Shirts needed are Dark Blue Socks White PT Gear 1 1 1 1 1 Sweat Shirt T-Shirt Sweat Pants Sweat Shorts Athletic Shoes Personal Gear Hygine Gear / 1 pr. Shower shoes Towel-white / soap w container Flashlight - w/ batteries ID CARD Boot shine kit 1 Seabag w/stenciled name on it 1 Padlock w/2 keys ( one key in service file) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sewing Kit 1 Blue Jacket Manual Pencil and Paper 1 Courework and Homework 1 Sleeping Gear 1 Sleeping Bag 1 Bed roll or Cot 1 Pillow 1 Sack Lunch-non-refrigerated 1 Canteen or water bottle Cadet must bring their SIGNED parent information letter that was sent home at Octobers drill. Please see below UNITED STATES DIVISION Lansing, MI – 094 Issued: October 2014 ***NEW ATTENDANCE POLICY*** The Commanding Officers of both the leaguers and cadets have instituted a new attendance policy effective for the November Drill. From this point forward, any Cadet not receiving prior permission from their CO (Captain Tarrant or Captain Wilhelm) will be responsible for the drill fees from the drill that was missed. It is very costly to the Division when they have to pay for a headcount that is not accurate, and we simply cannot continue to do so. Therefore, it is required that this communiqué is to be signed by both the Cadet/Leaguer and a parent, and returned at the next drill. Failure to do so will mean that the Cadet/Leaguer will not be allowed to board at the quarterdeck in November. It is their responsibility to communicate with their section leaders regarding attendance. We appreciate your compliance in this matter. X__________________________________(Cadet/Leaguer Signature)__________________________(print name) X__________________________________(Parent Signature)_________________________________(print name) ***ASVAB TESTING AVAILABLE*** Time Commitment: 2 consecutive weekends, 3 hours per session Location: Wilson Center in St. Johns, MI Cost: FREE Tentative time frame is February (outside of drill). Must indicate interest by the November Drill Contact is Instructor Traci Zampaloni (989)-640-1763 In order to join any branch of the services, ASVAB testing is required. This testing is being offered for free by our volunteer staff. ASVAB assists with determining ones field of study, and identifies areas that need improvement so that they can excel when taking their actual ASVAB test. Additionally, it is good standardized testing experience for those who will be taking their ACT’s or SAT’s in the future!!! Yes I am Interested. No, I am not interested. ***SHOOTING TEAM*** Time Commitment: One Saturday outside of drill every other month in (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov) Location: Demmer Center in Lansing, MI Cost: FREE (with exception of the annual trip to Ohio to compete which will be about $200) Must COMMIT to schedule at the November Drill. Contact is Instructor Jeff LaFave (517)-404-1908 This is going to be a serious shooting team that will compete in July at Camp Perry in Erie, OH and represent our division. Serious individuals only!!! This is a privilege, slots are limited!!! Yes I am Interested. No, I am not interested. ***PHOTO RELEASE FORM*** I hereby give permission for my cadet’s image to be utilized by the USNSCC United States Division for use in print and social media to promote the activities within the division. X__________________________________(Print Cade/Leaguer Name) Check this box to DECLINE. X__________________________________(Parent Signature)_________________________(print name)
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