C.D. HYLTON HIGH SCHOOL Sixth Annual Drill Competition 18 April 2015 0800hrs Instructors/Cadet Commanders Meeting 0830hrs Competition Start-Time Categories: Armed Exhibition Armed Regulation Color Guard st 1 Year Color Guard Inspection Unarmed Exhibition Unarmed Regulation st 1 Year Unarmed Regulation Inspection Team Individual Knockout This package includes: Rules and regulations, dates and times, entry form, timelines, etc. Page 1 of 23 MEMORANDUM FOR ALL JROTC INSTRUCTORS & DRILL TEAMS FROM: C. D. Hylton High School VA-20062 AFJROTC SUBJECT: Sixth Annual Drill Meet Hello to all the units who have made this event so successful. It’s our pleasure to once again invite you and your teams to compete in our sixth annual drill meet to be held on 18 Apr 15, starting at 0800hrs. Instructors and Cadet Commanders meeting will start at 0830hrs. Our objective is to host a quality drill meet that will be challenging in an environment that promotes Espirit de Corps, competition and most of all to have some FUN. We hope this will be an exciting learning experience for all cadets participating. As the host, our cadets will not be competing for awards, however they will be in the rotation to perform, as well assisting schools, instructors, and judges as st nd needed during the day. The following events will be held, and 1 , 2 , and 3rd place awards will be given in each category: Armed Exhibition Armed Regulation Regulation Color Guard st 1 Year Regulation Color Guard Inspection Knockout Unarmed Exhibition Unarmed Regulation st 1 Year Unarmed Regulation The fees for entering a unit/team are as follows: $175.00 entry fee for each unit (due with registration form) $2.00 per cadet for the Knockout Drill Please respond as soon as possible by filling out and returning the included Entry Form. We must limit participation to the first 20 schools that respond on a first come (pay), first served basis. Return the entry fee and the registration form no later than 10 April 2015. If you have any questions, please contact us at 703-580-4248, MSgt Eubanks or Major Allen, during regular school hours (allensf@pwcs.edu, or eubankla@pwcs.edu.) Thank you very much for joining us as we take flight! SHEILA F. ALLEN, Major, USAF (Ret) Senior Aerospace Science Instructor Page 2 of 23 SIXTH ANNUAL VA-20062 DRILL COMPETITION Entry Form Please Print & Return School Name & Unit Number Address State Zip Instructors Your Contact information (e-mail, FAX, cells, school number, etc.) Teams entering Teams 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yes No Color Guard Unarmed Regulation Armed Regulation Unarmed Inspection Team Individual Knockout Armed Exhibition Unarmed Exhibition Mail entry form and $175 to: (by 11 April 2015) C.D. Hylton High School VA-20062 AFJROTC 14051 Spriggs Road Woodbridge, VA 22193 Office & Fax: (703) 580-4248 Call prior to Faxing. Introduction Page 3 of 23 The VA-20062 AFJROTC Drill meet will be held on 18th of April at 0830hrs indoors at C.D. Hylton High School, Woodbridge, VA 22193. The drill competition is open to all JROTC units as a venue for showcasing their skills in drill and ceremony. The goal of this competition is to instill the highest values of teamwork, honor, spirit, competition AND FUN among its participants. Instructors and cadets should hold this competition to the highest JROTC standards. The events are Unarmed Inspection, Color Guard, Armed & Unarmed Regulation Drill, as well as Armed and Unarmed Exhibition and 1st Yr (AS-1) Unarmed Regulation and Color Guard opportunities, ending with Individual Knockout. Arrival & Start Time Schools can check in between 0700 and 0745, competition will start at 0830 and there will be an instructor and cadet commanders meeting at 0800 in the AFJROTC classroom E-119. For planning purposes, the awards ceremony is scheduled for 1600, although this is subject to change. All events will be going at the same time and schools will cycle through each event. Rules and Requirements: 1. All drill movements are to be conducted in accordance with JROTC Standards. 2. All teams must “report-in” and “report-out” to the senior official. Failure to report in/out will result in a 10point deduction from the team score. Example: “Sir, Arlington Senior Academy, Unarmed Regulation Team reporting in for drill competition.” 3. Judges are not to be questioned while judging is taking place. All disagreements will go through MSgt Eubanks. 4. Guidons can be used during standard drill. 5. Uniforms will be worn in accordance with the JROTC Uniform guidance. Points will be deducted for cadets failing to meet uniform and/or grooming standards (any team). Modified uniform items like colored berets, ascots, gloves, etc. are authorized for exhibition teams. Team uniforms should match all team members wearing the same uniform. 6. There is a maximum five minute time limit for Color Guard and regulation drill competitions. Exhibition teams are not to exceed four minutes and no less than two minutes. 7. Teams may practice during competition in any area available, other than the competition floors. Weather, time and space permitting practice will be allowed in the rear of the gym, on the black-top area, and tennis courts. Teams who are on deck will not be allowed to practice while waiting. 8. Teams must be ready when called – an order/sequence of schools will be handed out the morning of the event (possibly e-mailed prior to the drill meet). 9. Grading starts when a team enters the drill area and ends when the team exits the drill area. 10. See individual grade sheets for specific requirements for each team. Page 4 of 23 11. “Armed” means rifles (demilitarized or parade rifles). For regulation armed all members must carry a rifle including the commander. 12. For regulation drill and inspection team the units must have a minimum of three elements of at least three cadets in each element (10 total cadet’s minimum). Sabers will be permitted if notified prior to event taking place. 13. At check-in, schools will be given their score sheets to hand to the judges when they report in for each event. Ensure school name is listed on score card. Awards Trophies will be awarded for: 1. The top three teams in each category. 2. The top three overall teams with the highest combined scores in all events. 3. Top three Individuals in Knockout (individual knockout does not count toward the team championship) Scoring The top six teams in each category receive points toward the overall team championship and the top three teams receive overall team trophies. Event Color Guard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1stYear Color Guard Exhibition Unarmed Exhibition Armed Regulation 1stYear Armed Regulation Unarmed Regulation 1stYear Unarmed Regulation Inspection Teams Points 20 17 15 13 11 8 5 2 For the overall team championship, the performance of a school’s Inspection Team will be used as the first tiebreaking method among schools (which school finished higher in the inspection team competition), followed by Unarmed Regulation and then Armed Regulation (if a tie still exists) and finally Color Guard. Page 5 of 23 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Color Guard Time Limit: N/A Flight size: Four cadets – two flag bearers and two riflemen Must complete exact sequence listed Drill Maneuver From the starting position (colors at carry) Forward March (judging begins) Left Wheel March Forward March Guard Halt Present Arms (see Note 1) Report In (-10 if fail to report in) Order Arms Uncase Colors (see Note 2) Order Colors Parade Rest Guard Attention Carry Colors (see Note 3) Right Wheel March Forward March Right Wheel March Forward March Half-step March Forward March Right Wheel March Forward March Eyes Right Ready Front Guard Halt Colors Reverse March (Counter March-Marine Corps) Forward March Left Wheel March Forward March Guard Halt Present Arms (Present Colors-Marine Corps) Report Out (-10 if fail to report out) Order Arms (Carry Colors-Marine Corps) Left Wheel March Forward March (Exit Drill Area) Mistakes or poorly executed maneuver (-2 each) Out of Bounds and Missed items (-4) Overall sharpness of movements, commander voice and bearing, etc. – Perfect score – no deductions Appearance: Color guard unit will be inspected prior to entering the drill floor - Perfect score, no deductions (uniforms, grooming, etc.) Color Guard units should report-in and report-out at the same spot. Points will be deducted for units missing their starting spot. Zero deductions if < 3 ft./ -5 if > 3ft. Comments Total 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Judges start with 100ptsfor each routine, then subtract for any deductions. (Tie breakers: 1st Appearance, 2nd Mistakes, 3rd Overall sharpness, 4th back to head judge) (Judge marks) Total deductions Total (100 possible) ** Colors Reverse March - refer to FM 3-21.5, Feb 2004 (V-2629) page 15-9 Page 6 of 23 Color Guard Judging Guidelines The Color Guard is formed and marched in one rank at CLOSE INTERVAL. at a normal pace of 120 steps per minute utilizing a 24 inch step. The Guards will march at Right Shoulder Arms. The flag bearers in the center. The guards march at RIGHT SHOULDER. The Color Guard executes facing movements by wheeling to the right or left. To execute a wheeling movement the guard nearest the direction of the turn serves as the pivot point and executes the movement by marching in place and simultaneously turning in the new direction. Other members shorten their steps and turn in an arc keeping abreast of each other to maintain alignment. When the movement has been completed each member automatically marches in place until the command HALT or FORWARD MARCH is given. The National Flag bearer will command the Color Guard. COMMAND MOVEMENT At the Command: "Fall ln" The color Guard will assume "Order Colors". The Color Guard is formed and in one rank at close interval. Flag position: Rest the base of the staff on the marching surface touching the outside of the right foot opposite the ball of the right foot. Hold the staff in the right hand with the back of the hand facing outward. Hold the staff in the "U" formed by the thumb and forefinger, with the fingers joined. (AFMAN 36-2203 pg. 105 Fig.7.s).. The thumb and fingers should point toward the marching service. Rest the staff against the hollow of the shoulder Rifle Position: the rifle on the marching surface, centered on the right foot with the sights to the rear. The toe of the rifle is on line with the front of the right foot. Secure the rifle with the right hand in a "U" formed by the fingers (extended and joined) and thumb. Hold the rifle above the upper band so that the thumb is pointing at the ground and on the seam of the pants with the fingers extended and joined pointing to the ground. Place the butt of ORDER COLORS: To order colors from the carry position the command is "Order Colors" Flag Position: Upon the command "Order Colors ",flag bearers remove flags from the harness and move to right side and lower to the marching surface assuming the position of attention Rifle Position: Upon the command "Order Colors" the rifles will conduct order arms placing the rifles on the marching surface assuming the position of attention PARADE REST: Flag Position: Parade rest with the colors is executed with the staffs held vertical. Rest the base of the staff on the marching surface touching the outside of the right foot opposite the ball of the right foot. Hold the staff in the right hand with the back of the hand facing outward. Hold the staff in the "U" formed by the thumb and forefinger with the fingers joined. (AFMAN 26-2203 Pg 108Fig 7.11 The thumb and fingers should be pointed toward the marching surface. Rest the staff in the hollow of the shoulder. Rifle Position; On the command of execution thrust the muzzle forward while sliding the hand upward to grab the upper part of the stock. Keep the toe of the butt in line with the front of the right foot. Keep the right arm straight. Page 7 of 23 Feet and Hand Position: Feet will be 12 inches apart The arm will be placed behind you with the hand placed in the small of the back with the fingers extended and joined CARRY COLORS: Flag Position: Rest the ferrule (bottom of the flag) in the socket of the sling. The socket is adjusted to ensure that the finial (top of the flag) of any other flag does not exceed the height of the American flag. Grasp the staff with the right hand even with the shoulder, The left hand will be at the side with the hand cupped and the thumb along the seam of the trousers. NOTE: The left hand may be positioned below the right hand on windy days. The elbow of the right arm will be at approximately a 90 degree angle from the shoulder and the forearm parallel to the ground. Rifle Position: Guards will march at the right shoulder arms Grasp the heel of the butt between the first two fingers with the thumb and forefinger touching at the first joint The right forearm will be parallel to the marching surface. Keep the elbow in, touching the side. The left arm will be at the side with the hand cupped and the thumb extended down along the seam of the pants. While marching the left arm will swing in a coordinated arm swing. PRESENT COLORS: Flags: The National flag does NOT change position. Thrust the right arm forward, shoulder high, until the arm is fully extended and horizontal to the marching surface The flag should form an approximate 45 degree angle Rifles: The rifles will go to present arms on the command of execution EYES RIGHT: Flags: On the command of execution the flag bearers turn their heads sharply 45 degrees to the right. The organizational flag will execute a color salute by sharply thrusting their right arm forward until the arm is straight and horizontal to the marching surface. (AFMAN 36-22A3 Pg LLZ Fig 7.13) Rifles: The rifles will remain at right shoulder. The left guard will turn their head sharply 45 degrees to the right. The right guard will continue marching with the head and eyes facing forward. READY FRONT: Flags and Rifles: On the command of execution the flag bearers and rifles will return their heads sharply to the front. The organizational flag bearer will return the flag to the carry position by sharply pulling their arm to their chest and returning their forearm to a 90 degree angle from the shoulder and parallel to the ground Page 8 of 23 90 DEGREE TURN The Color Guard executes facing movements by wheeling (about) to the right or left. To execute a wheeling or about movement the guard nearest the direction of the turn serves as the pivot point and executes the movement by marching in place and simultaneously turning in the new direction. Other members shorten their steps and turn in an arc keeping abreast of each other to maintain alignment. When the movement has been completed each member automatically marches in place until the command Halt or Forward March is given. 180 DEGREE TURN ALL Members execute the following movements simultaneously "Colors Reverse"; Any deviations or unusual delays by team members is considered exhibition and will not be allowed. Note: National Flag color bearer executes first facing movement in marching. (This member does not just perform two left face movements.) Executing Colors Reverse The National Colors bearer faces left in marching and faces left again while marking time The organizational flag bearer takes one step forward with the left foot and executes a facing movement to the right in marching, takes 2 half steps, faces to the right in marching and takes one step in the new direction. They will then continue to mark time dressed to the National colors. The right guard takes 2 steps forward, faces to the left in marching, takes 1 full step and 3 half steps, faces to the left in marching and takes 2 steps in the new direction. The left guard takes l. step forward, Faces to the right in marching, takes 1 full step and 3 half steps, faces to the right in marching and takes L step forward in the new direction. All members will mark time after executing their movements and will dress to the National colors until the commander directs either halt or forward march. The command to reverse colors can be given from a halt or from marching. lf the command is given while marching, the command Colors Reverse March is given as the left foot contacts the marching surface. UNCASE COLORS: This sequence is to be performed strictly as instructed below. The manual leaves little room for interpretation and there will be no exhibition maneuvers. i.e. Spinning of rifles, "Queen Ann " salutes, etc. . "Sling Arms". This is to be done at the position of attention. There will be no kneeling or stepping forward with one foot, etc. Rifles will be placed on the right hip, not the right thigh. All slings will be of regulation webbing "Post" From the line abreast formation: Guards execute a 45 degree facing movement out from their position to the right/left and march 4 paces. They halt and execute an about face. o The Commander then orders "Uncase The Colors". The flag bearers remove the flags from the harness and lower them, as you would present a guidon. The two guards move forward and untie and uncase the colors. The Color bearers unfurl the colors and immediately return the colors to the carry position. . While the Colors are being unfurled the guards will fold the cases and secure them in their left hand or arm. Following the uncasing the order "Present Arms" is given. No exhibition salutes are allowed. o On the Command Present Arms the guards will place their left hands (with cases) over the rifle strap at the shoulder. They will render a salute with their right hand. On the command Order Arms the guards drop their salute and grasp the rifle sling with their right hand and return their left hand to their side resuming their position of attention. Following uncasing, the cases will be secured in the Guard's left hand. The guards are at attention, therefore the cases should not be held out in the palm of the hand as if offering them to someone, nor should they be placed under the left arm in the armpit. On "Post", following uncasing, the guards move behind their respective color bearer and place the folded cases inside the cartridge belts. The cases are not to be placed behind the flag harness or in a pouch. The guards will then return to their respective positions in line and un-sling their rifles returning to the right shoulder arms position. This is an automatic movement, no command is given. Page 9 of 23 Time Limit: N/A Unarmed Regulation 2. Flight Size: Minimum 9 cadets plus a commander - Three elements. Complete sequence as listed below Deductions Drill Maneuver 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Fall-In Forward, March(Enter the Drill Pad) Flight, Halt Left or Right, Face (Face the judge) Dress Right, Dress Ready, Front Report in* Right Face Forward March Column Right, March Forward, March Right Flank, March Left Flank, March Column Right, March Forward, March Half-Step, March Forward, March Mark-Time, March Flight Halt Right Face Right-Step March Flight-Halt Left-Step March Flight Halt Forward, March To the Rear, March Left Flank, March 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 To the Rear, March Close March Forward March Extend March Forward March Column Right, March Forward, March Change-Step, March Column Right, March Forward, March Flight, Halt Left Face Present Arms Present Arms-Report Out Order Arms Right or Left Face ( To exit drill pad) Forward March (Exit Pad) Teams should report-in and reportout at the same spot. Points will be deducted for teams missing their starting spot. -4 -3 -2 -1 0 >6’ 6’ 5’ 4’ < 3’ Maneuvers conducted improperly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Failure to report in or out (-10) Missed Maneuver (-4 each) Unit together in all movements 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Judges – start with 100 points and subtract for each mistake and/or missed maneuver, out of bounds, etc. Commander (Voice and Bearing) Outstanding – no deductions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Uniform/grooming standards 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Out of Bounds ______ X (-10) If a maneuver is added - out of sequence no points are added (remains -4 missed maneuver/out of sequence) Tie Breakers - Fewer deduction in: 1st – Flight Movement/Unity 2nd – Commander 3rd - Uniform/grooming Total deductions (Judge) (100 possible points) Total Page 10 of 23 Time Limit: N/A Inspection Team 3. Flight Size: Minimum 9 cadets plus a commander Three elements. Cadet Drill Maneuver Cadet /CC 1* Forward March (enter the drill pad) 2* Flight Halt 1 3* Left Face 2 * Depending on the inspection area – cadets may march in or may have to form-up and perform an “open ranks” Judges will provide instructions 3 Flight commander will then conduct an “Open Ranks” When the commander is through with the open ranks (elements aligned, etc.), He/She will report in and notify the Inspector “Sir, CD Hylton HS, Reporting in and Ready For Inspection” 5 4 5 4 6 7 6 At this point the inspector(s) will move through the flight completing the inspection (each cadet will be inspected and asked a question 8 7 After the inspection, the inspector will instruct the commander to complete a “Close-Ranks” After “Close-Ranks” the commander will report out Right Face Forward March – exit the inspection area – inspection complete 9 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 Open ranks 1 2 3 4 5 Military Bearing Close ranks Report-in Report-out 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 Overall impression 1 2 3 4 5 Deductions (Question also includes military bearing) Uniform: 1 1 1 1 1 Question 1 1 1 1 1 Uniform: Question Uniform: Question Uniform: Question 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Uniform: Question Uniform: Question Uniform: Question 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Uniform: Question Uniform: Question 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Uniform: 1 1 1 1 1 Question 1 1 1 1 1 Total deductions (inspection) There are 20 points for the commander and flight to demonstrate military bearing, open and close-ranks, etc. Command Voice 1 2 3 4 5 Flight alignment Must complete exact sequence as listed below There are 80 points for uniform and ability to answer questions Each cadet starts out with 8 points including the CC. cadets can lose points on their uniform, grooming standards and their ability to answer the inspection question while maintaining their military bearing Inspection deductions (80) Open ranks (20) 1 low score …………….. 5 the best Total /40 Total team score /100 Page 11 of 23 4. Time Limit: N/A Armed Regulation Flight Size: Minimum 9 cadets plus Commander - Three elements. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Drill Maneuver Fall-in Right /Left Face (face the drill pad) Port Arms Forward March Halt (in front of judge) Order Arms Right Face (or left face to face the judge) Present Arms (report in) Order Arms Parade Rest Attention Right, Face Left Shoulder, Arms Forward March Column Right, March Forward, March Port Arms Right Flank, March Left Flank, March To The Rear, March Left Shoulder, Arms (Marching) To The Rear, March Right Shoulder, Arms (Marching) Column Right, March 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Failure to report in/out (-4) Missed Maneuver (-10 each) This maneuver is to be completed by everyone on the team (including the commander) together – in the sequence given, beginning from order arms: Forward, March Port Arms, (Marching) Column Right, March Forward, March Flight Halt Order Arms Right Face Right-Step, March Flight Halt Left Face Right Shoulder, Arms Forward, March Column Right, March Forward, March Flight, Halt Order Arms Left Face 16 Count Manual Arms (*In Unison) Present Arms (Report Out) Order Arms Left/Right Face (To exit drill pad) Port Arms Forward, March Maneuvers conducted improperly (-2 each) Judges – start with 100 points and subtract for each mistake and/or Missed maneuver(s), out of bounds, etc. Add commander points to get a total If a maneuver is added - out of sequence no points are added (remains -10 for missed maneuvers or out of sequence) Teams should report-in and report-out at the same spot. Points will be deducted for teams missing their starting spot. -4 -3 -2 -1 0 >6’ 6’ 5’ 4’ < 3’ ** 16 count Manual of Arms Complete sequence as listed below - Out of Bounds ______ X (- 10) Uniform/grooming standards ____ X (-2) Commander (Voice and Bearing) Add 1-5 points 1 2 3 4 5 Poor Ave Outstanding Total Port Arms (1, 2) Left Shoulder (3,4) Port Arms (5,6) Right Shoulder (7,8, 9) Port Arms (10, 11) Present Arms (12) Port Arms (13) Order Arms (14, 15, 16) Page 12 of 23 5. Time Limit: 4-6 minutes Armed Exhibition Flight Size: Minimum 6 cadets plus commander - No maximum Drill Maneuver Exhibition events will be judged on the following criteria: Scale 1 2 Comments/Deductions Commander’s report in/out, bearing and leadership, originality, etc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Unit proficiency, cohesion and precision (team is always together on every movement) 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Team Military Bearing (Sharp, standing straight, etc.) 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Degree of difficulty: (Consider performed maneuvers, types of rifles, silent drill, spins, tosses, constant movement, etc.) 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Routine flow (does routine stop and start or continual movement with smooth transitions, is there a beginning and end) 6 7 8 9 10 Deductions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 low -----------------------10 high 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Overall impression – to include Uniform/grooming standards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Uniqueness: Does the routine have some unique maneuvers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Stay within boundaries (-4 each time a team leaves the area) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Meeting time requirements (4-6 minutes) 1-15 seconds over/under (-2) 16 - 29 seconds over/under (-4) over/under 30 seconds (-8) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Errors (-2 for each minor error, example: out of step) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (-4 for each major error, rifle dropped) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Judges should just mark through a “1” for the mistakes and then add up the total deductions after routine For individual event trophy: Tie breakers use item 6 first, then item 2, then item 3, then item 4 Total deductions for this section Total deductions Final Score ( /100) Page 13 of 23 6. Time Limit: 4-6 minutes Unarmed Exhibition Flight Size: Minimum 6 cadets plus commander - No maximum Drill Maneuver Exhibition events will be judged on the following criteria: 1 2 Scale Commander’s report in/out, bearing and leadership 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Degree of difficulty (silent drill, number of different maneuvers, constant movement, etc.) 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Team Military Bearing (Sharpe, standing straight, etc.) 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 low -----------------------10 high Unit proficiency, cohesion and precision (working together, crisp movements, etc.) 3 Deductions Comments/Deductions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Routine flow (does routine stop and start – continual movement) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Overall impression – to include Uniform/grooming standards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Uniqueness – does the routine have some unique maneuvers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Meeting time requirements (4-6 minutes) 1-15 seconds over/under (-2) 16 - 29 seconds over/under (-4) over/under 30 seconds (-8) Stay within boundaries (-4 each time) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Errors (-2 for each minor error, example, out of step) (-4 for each major error, wrong maneuver, losing military bearing, etc.) Judges should just mark through a “2/4” for the mistakes and then add up the total deductions after the routine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 Total deductions for this section (Judge) Total deductions For individual event trophy: Tie breakers use item 6 first, then item 2, then item 3, then item 4 100 points possible - Total (/100) Page 14 of 23 Time Limit: N/A 1st Year Unarmed Regulation 7 Flight Size: Minimum 6 cadets plus a commander - Two Elements. Must complete exact sequence as listed below Deductions Drill Maneuver 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Fall-In Forward, March (Enter the Drill Pad) Flight, Halt Right, Face Open Ranks, March Ready Front Present, Arms (Report in) Order, Arms Parade Rest Tench Hut Close Ranks, March Left Face About Face Mark-Time, March Forward, March Right Flank March Left Flank March Column Right March Forward, March To the Rear, March Teams should report-in and reportout at the same spot. Points will be deducted for teams missing their starting spot. -8 -6 -4 -2 0 >6’ 6’ 5’ 4’ < 3’ Failure to report in or out (-4) Missed Maneuver (-5 each) Judges – start with 100 points and subtract for each mistake and/or missed maneuver, out of bounds, etc. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 To the Rear, March Column Right, March Eyes Right Ready Front Column Right, March Forward, March Change Step, March Column Right, March Forward, March Flight/Squad Halt Left Face Right Step, March Flight Halt Left Step, March Flight/Squad Halt Present Arms (Report Out) Order Arms Left Face Forward, March Flight Halt Fall Out Maneuvers conducted improperly 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Uniform/grooming standards 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Unit together in all movements 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Commander (Voice and Bearing) Outstanding – no deductions 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Out of Bounds ______ X (-5) If a maneuver is added - out of sequence no points are added (remains -5 missed maneuver/out of sequence) Tie Breakers - Fewer deduction in: 1st – Unit together 2nd – Commander 3rd - Uniform/grooming 4th – Maneuvers conducted improperly Total deductions (Judge) (100 possible points) Total Page 15 of 23 8 1st Year (AS-1) Color Guard Time Limit: N/A Flight size: Four cadets – two flag bearers and two riflemen Drill Maneuver 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 From the starting position (colors at carry) Forward March (judging begins) Left Wheel March Forward March Color Guard Halt Present Arms (see Note 1) Report In Order Arms Parade Rest Guard Attention Carry Colors (see Note 3) Right Wheel March Forward March Half-step March Forward March Right Wheel March Forward March Right Wheel March Eyes Right Ready Front Right Wheel March Forward March Right Wheel March Forward March Left Wheel March Forward March Colors Reverse March (Counter March-Marine Corps) Colors Reverse March (Counter March-Marine Corps) Guard Halt Present Arms (Present Colors-Marine Corps) Report Out Order Arms (Carry Colors-Marine Corps) Left Wheel March Forward March (exit the drill area) Forward March (exit the drill area) Mistakes or poorly executed maneuver (-2 each) Missed item (-4) Overall sharpness of movements, commander voice and bearing, etc. – Perfect score – no deductions Appearance: Color guard unit will be inspected prior to entering the drill pad - Perfect score, no deductions (uniforms, grooming, etc.) Color Guard units should report-in and report-out at the same spot. Points will be deducted for units missing their starting spot. Zero deductions if within 5 ft. Judges start with 100 points for each routine, then subtract for any deduction (Tie breakers: 1st – Appearance, 2nd Mistakes 3rd Overall sharpness, 4th back to head judge) Must complete exact sequence listed Comments Total Deductions 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 (Judge marks) Total deductions Total (100 possible) Page 16 of 23 Page 17 of 23 Page 18 of 23 Inspection Questions: Air Force 1. What does the diamond insignia represent on an Air Force enlisted rank? First Sergeant 2. What technological advanced device helped bombers win the Strategic bombing campaign in Europe during WW-II? Norden Bomb Sight 3. When did the United States Air Force become a separate service? 18 Sept 1947 4. How many stripes are there on the insignia of a Chief Master Sergeant? Eight stripes 5. What is operational name of D-Day? Operation Overlord 6. What was the top operational fighter aircraft used by the Navy and Air Force during the Vietnam Conflict? F-4 Phantom II 7. Who is the leading American Ace? Maj Richard Bong, Army Air Forces (USAAF) 8. Cadets can be asked any Air Force (active duty or cadet) rank/pay-grade question. (example below) Cadet Smith what is your rank? Cadet Smith what rank is equal to the pay-grade of O-5? Response: Sir, the pay-grade O-5 is a Lt Colonel 9. Cadets can also be asked about their ribbons, unit and any part of their uniform ** These are the only questions that will count toward scoring. If an inspector asks a question not listed above – the cadet will not be marked down for not knowing – but the cadet is still expected to maintain his/her military bearing. ** For any question, bearing counts: If a cadet answers a question correctly, however, moves, rolls his/her eyes, moves his/her arms, etc. points will be deducted. Page 19 of 23 Inspection Questions: Army 1. Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the United States military? The President of the United States the Honorable Barack H. Obama 2. When is the United States flag flown up-side-down? When in Distress 3. What is the birth date of the U.S. Army? June 14, 1775 4. What is the mission of the Army JROTC? To motivate young people to be better citizens. 5. Name the seven main objectives of JROTC? Provide & Encourage Citizenship Strengthen Self-Esteem Develop Leadership Potential Improve Physical Fitness Promote High School Completion Provide Incentive to Live a Drug-Free Life Enhance Skills: Math and Science 6. What is leadership? Leadership is the ability to influence, lead, or guide others so as to accomplish a mission in the manner desired. 7. How many steps per minute are taken when marching at double time, with a 30-inch step? 180 steps per minuter 8. Cadets can be asked any Army (active duty or cadet) rank/pay-grade question. (example below) Cadet Smith what is your rank? Cadet Smith what rank is equal to the pay-grade of O-5? Response: Sir, the pay-grade O-5 is a Lt Colonel ** These are the only questions that will count toward scoring. If an inspector asks a question not listed above – the cadet will not be marked down for not knowing – but the cadet is still expected to maintain his/her military bearing. ** For any question, bearing counts: If a cadet answers a question correctly, however, moves, rolls his/her eyes, moves his/her arms, etc. points will be deducted. Page 20 of 23 Inspection Questions: Marines 1. Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the United States military? The President of the United States the Honorable Barack H. Obama 2. Who is the Commandant of the Marine Corps? Gen. James F. Amos 3. What is the birth date of the U.S. Marine Corps? November 10, 1775 4. Name five terminology terms? Hatch = Door Porthole = Window Deck = Floor Starboard = Right side of ship Port = Left side of ship 5. What are the three parts of the U.S. Marine Corps insignia and what do they represent? Eagle = Air Anchor = Sea Globe = Land 6. What is the U.S. Marine Corps moto? Semper Fidelis (Latin for “Always Faithful”) 7. What is the name of the U.S. Marine Corps mascot? The Bulldog, Chesty 8. Cadets can be asked any Marine Corps (active duty or cadet) rank/pay-grade question. (example below) Cadet Smith what is your rank? Cadet Smith what rank is equal to the pay-grade of O-5? Response: Sir, the pay-grade O-5 is a Lt Colonel ** These are the only questions that will count toward scoring. If an inspector asks a question not listed above – the cadet will not be marked down for not knowing – but the cadet is still expected to maintain his/her military bearing. ** For any question, bearing counts: If a cadet answers a question correctly, however, moves, rolls his/her eyes, moves his/her arms, etc. points will be deducted. Page 21 of 23 Inspection Questions: Navy 1. Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the United States military? The President of the United States the Honorable Barack H. Obama 2. When is quick time used during drill? It is the normal cadence for drill and ceremonies, at 120 steps per minute 3. What is the birth date of the U.S. Navy? October 13, 1775 4. Name six types of Navy warships? Aircraft Carrier Battleship Destroyer Cruiser Frigate Submarine 5. What are the three parts of the U.S. Marine Corps insignia and what do they represent? Eagle = Air Anchor = Sea Globe = Land 6. What is the motto of the U.S. Navy? “I have not yet begun to fight” 7. What are the two principle Sea Commands? The Atlantic Fleet The Pacific Fleet 8. Cadets can be asked any Navy (active duty or cadet) rank/pay-grade question. (example below) Cadet Smith what is your rank? Cadet Smith what rank is equal to the pay-grade of O-5? Response: Sir, the pay-grade O-5 is a Commander ** These are the only questions that will count toward scoring. If an inspector asks a question not listed above – the cadet will not be marked down for not knowing – but the cadet is still expected to maintain his/her military bearing. ** For any question, bearing counts: If a cadet answers a question correctly, however, moves, rolls his/her eyes, moves his/her arms, etc. points will be deducted. Page 22 of 23 Individual Knockout Individual Knockout – each school that participates will be allowed to enter no more than 10 cadets into an Individual Knockout competition. The top three cadets will be awarded medals. All commands will be standard commands found in FM 3-21.5, AFMAN 36-2203affmanJROTC Drill guides. Place Cadet School 1 2 3 4 5 6 We hope to be able to hand your score sheets to each school before you depart. Good Luck C.D. HYLTON HIGH SCHOOL VA-20062 Page 23 of 23
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