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Welcome to
St Peter’s Eastern Hill
Diocese of Melbourne, Anglican Church of Australia
Parish Church of the City since 1847
Christ Pantocrator : 13th century - St. Catherine’s Monastery
Ordinary Sunday 30
26 October, 2014
Almighty and everlasting God, give to us the increase of faith, hope and love; and, that we may
obtain what you promise, make us to love what you command; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Vicar’s Musings
This week’s Musings are adapted from the Vicar’s October report to Parish Council.
I often say to people: there is never a dull moment at “The Hill.” My Parish Council
reports usually focus on topical issues of business at St Peter’s, but this month I
would like to give an overview of my day-to-day activities this month.
1) Worship. This lies at the heart of who we are as an Anglo-Catholic parish. We
celebrate the Mass each day at 7.15am, on Wednesdays at 1.15pm and four times
on a Sunday. I attend most of these, and celebrate at many of them. The Mass is
our heart-beat at St Peter’s. I also say the Daily Office when ever I can, and we host
special services such as Taizé (1st Sunday) the Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham (4th
Sunday) and last month also a St Michael and All Angels Mass for SSM with Bp Garry
2) Pastoral Care. We are a community that cares. I coordinate the pastoral care
teams, and personally visit the dying, the sick, newcomers to the parish, those unable
to come to Mass any more, baptism families, wedding couples, and families of those
who have died. Pastoral Care is a high priority for my time, and each week I can have
six or seven such visits or appointments, either at church, in hospital or in people’s
homes across the city.
3) Administration & Staff Management. Our parish income for the 2013/14 period
was $704,041. Most of our heritage buildings require a high level of maintenance.
Careful stewardship of these valuable resources is the primary responsibility of the
Wardens and Treasurer, but part of my role is to support them in this crucial task.
I am chair of the Parish Council, and attend most of the Finance & Investment,
Property & Maintenance, Strategic Development and OHS sub-committee meetings.
We are blessed with 23 staff and parish office-holders (see back of pew sheet) and I
meet with most of these people on a monthly basis for supervision, either individually
or in small groups.
4) Social Service. From the early days of the Oxford Movement, social service has
been a cornerstone of Anglo-Catholicism. For the past 23 years St Peter’s has exercised
this gospel imperative through the Lazarus Centre breakfast program. Another
focus of my energies each month is the Social Enterprise Steering Committee that
is developing an employment pathways program to sit alongside the welfare service
we already run through the Lazarus Centre. Such initiatives require money, and I am
also a trustee of the St Peter’s Foundation that raises funds to support this and other
ventures caring for “those in necessitous circumstances.”
5) Spirituality, Christian Education and Children’s Ministry. Contemplative
prayer is close to the heart of most Anglo-Catholics. For the last two years, each
Wednesday at 2.30pm in the Vicarage, “Mystics Anonymous” has met to study such
classics as The Cloud of Unknowing and St Theresa’s Interior Castle, and to pray in
silence together for 20 minutes. This past month, in spite of his Diocesan commitments,
Bp Graeme has continued in his role as chair of the Institute of Spiritual Studies,
hosting Br Bernard and the Rev’d Michael Raiter. Children’s ministry is another
priority in the parish, and in my calendar. The Wednesday playgroup is an important
outreach into the local community, and we have an excellent pathway into Christian
worship through the Children’s Church.
6) Diocesan and other Extra-Parochial Commitments. In addition to my parish
duties, I serve as Area Dean of Melbourne. This involves organising a monthly
gathering of the clergy, attending to pastoral needs as they occur, and officiating at
occasional services, such as Fr Grant Edgcumbe’s recent induction at Holy Trinity
East Melbourne. This month I also attended Synod. Once a month I sit on the Board
of Directors of the Brotherhood of St Laurence, and chair the Parish Partnerships
Committee. When Parliament is sitting I host a prayer group on Wednesdays, and then
call in for a cup of coffee with the members. I am the St Peter’s Lecturer at Trinity
College Theological School, which involves giving three or four lectures a year, and
which helps to keep my academic interests alive. At the end of last month I attended
the “Flourishing in Faith” positive psychology and theology conference, about which
I will write at a later date.
On Sunday 23rd November there will be a combined High Mass at 10am, followed by
the Annual Meeting of the parish. Lunch will be provided at a cost of $15.
The Electoral Roll is being updated as required by Parish Governance Act 2013. Whilst
all are welcome to attend the AM, if you wish to vote on the resolutions and/or stand
for election to office, you will need to be on this Electoral Roll. You can only be on
the Electoral Roll of one parish at any time, and must attend church at least monthly
to qualify. If you wish to apply to be on the Electoral Roll, please fill out an Application for Enrolment form at the back of church no later than 7 November 2014.
Nomination forms for the election of two (2) Churchwardens and nine (9) Parish
Council members and two (2) Incumbency Committee members are also available
from the back of the church. These forms must be returned to me by 19 November 2014. Nominations will be publicly displayed on 21 November. Please give your
forms to me after the High Mass or via the Parish Office. For all queries and apologies
to the AM, please notify me on 0414 648 837 or email danielm@arty.com.au.
Daniel Mitterdorfer - Hon Secretary
8:00 am Mass
Celebrant : Fr Hugh Kempster
Preacher : Fr Hugh Kempster
9:30 am Family Mass
Celebrant : Fr Richard Wilson
Preacher : Fr Hugh Kempster
Children’s talk: Melissa Clark
Gospel : Fr Richard Wilson
Reader : Hannah Kempster
Intercessor : Carol O’Connor
Hymns : Entrance : 433 (1,2,3,6) Offertory : 408(i) Post-Communion : 397
Communion Voluntary : R. Fielding (b. 1956) Petit Chorale
Postlude : P. Moore (b. 1943) Pageant
11:00 am High Mass
Celebrant : Fr Hugh Kempster
Preacher : Fr Hugh Kempster
Deacon : Fr Philip Gill
Intercessor : Diane Clark
Reader : Rhonda Mach
Hymns : Entrance : 433 Gradual : 407 Offertory : 408(i) Post-Communion : 397
Mass Setting : Byrd Mass for Three Voices
Motet : C. Franck (1822-90) Panis angelicus
Text : The bread of the angels becomes the bread of man; the bread of heaven is
given a bounded form. O wondrous thing! The poor, the slave and the humble man
feed on their lord.
Postlude : P. Moore (b. 1943) Pageant
5:00 pm Choral Evensong
Officiant : Fr Hugh Kempster
Reader : Ian Thornton
Canticles : C. H. Stewart (1884-1932)
Preces and Responses : Ferial
Anthem : C. Franck Panis angelicus
Hymns : Office : 150(ii) Post-Evensong : 245 Benediction : 307(1,2) 305(1,3)
Postlude : J. Clokey (1890-1960) Meditation on ‘Arnstadt’ by Adam Drese
6:30 pm Mass
Celebrant & Preacher : Fr Hugh Kempster
Next Sunday 2nd November: All Saints (transferred from 1st November)
Mass Readings : Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14, 1 John 3: 1-3 & Matthew 5: 1-12a
Readers & Intercessors : David Aspin, Judith Chapman, Pauline Oakley, Stuart Hibberd
and Helen Drummond
Celebrant : Fr Hugh Kempster
Mass Readings
First Reading : Exodus 22.21-27
The Lord said to Moses: “Thus shall you say to the Israelites, these are the ordinances
that you shall set before them. You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien, for you
were aliens in the land of Egypt. You shall not abuse any widow or orphan. If you do
abuse them, when they cry out to me, I will surely heed their cry; my wrath will burn,
and I will kill you with the sword, and your wives shall become widows and your
children orphans. If you lend money to my people, to the poor among you, you shall
not deal with them as a creditor; you shall not exact interest from them. If you take
your neighbour’s cloak in pawn, you shall restore it before the sun goes down; for it
may be your neighbour’s only clothing to use as cover; in what else shall that person
sleep? And if your neighbour cries out to me, I will listen, for I am compassionate.”
Psalm : 18
Second Reading : 1 Thessalonians 1.5c-10
You know what kind of persons we proved to be among you for your sake. And you
became imitators of us and of the Lord, for in spite of persecution you received the
word with joy inspired by the Holy Spirit, so that you became an example to all the
believers in Macedonia and in Achaia. For the word of the Lord has sounded forth
from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but in every place your faith in God
has become known, so that we have no need to speak about it. For the people of
those regions report about us what kind of welcome we had among you, and how
you turned to God from idols, to serve a living and true God, and to wait for his Son
from heaven, whom he raised from the dead— Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath
that is coming.
Gospel : Matthew 22.34-40
When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered
together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher,
which commandment in the law is the greatest?” Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love
the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’
This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love
your neighbour as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the
Evensong Readings
Readings : Joshua 1: 1-9, Matthew 24: 1-14
Next weekend there are two opportunities to hear world-class theologian and preacher
Dr Ben Meyers speak:
1) ISS - Saturday 1st November, 9:30am-12:30pm in the Church - $15 ($12 Conc.)
Dr Meyers will be speaking on Scripture and the Culture of Desert Monasticism.
2) Dr Meyers will be preaching at the 8am, 9:30am and 11am Masses on Sunday 2nd
For the Sick
Ian Breward, Billy-Jean Clancy, John Crocker, Wendy Inglefinger, Richard Kay,
Ken Merton, Pauline Oakley, Sr Ruth chn, Margaret Robbins, Joyce Schnell,
Peter Swindells, Ruth Tindale, Ramsay Williams priest, Annette Wood and Chad.
As well as:
Jean-Paul Agopian, June Baldwin, Stuart Hall, Edgar Hunter, Derek Loveday,
Peta Hearne-Loveday, Sr Lyn chn, Bernard Moore, Rochelle Ondaatje,
Heather Pearson, Robert Rofe, Peter Swingler, Geoffrey Taylor priest, Evelyn Wilson
For the Recently Departed :
For those whose year’s mind falls this week:
26 -
27 Alfred Cox, Gertrude Kugelman, Amy Alice Williams
28 Clara Treacy, Albert Ernest Saxon priest, Peter Allen priest,
Zilpah Bradshaw
29 George Henry Carter, Henry Nam, Margaret Gow, David Lee,
Merna Florence Wilson, Naomi Jean Plunkett, Albert John Williams,
Margaret Bechervaise
30 Helen Watson, Agnes Barker, Helen Louise Edwards,
Jonathan Lugg
31 Herbert Kelly priest, Joseph John Booth bishop, Wystan Widdows,
John Lawrence Bignell, Mary Widdows, Don Cubit,
William Auncey Keysey a’Beckett,
1 Louisa Carden, Leonard Roy Cook, Rose Adeline Corfield,
Joseph Lawrence Corfield, Lyle Wiegel
From The Parish Diary
For all Weekday and Sunday service times, see back page of the Pew Sheet
Monday 27th October
Order of St Lazarus Evensong in the Church, at 5pm
Tuesday 28th October
Area Deanery Meeting in the Parish Hall, at 7pm
Wednesday 29th October
St Peter’s Playgroup in the Parish Hall, at 9.30am
“Mystics Anonymous” Contemplative Prayer Group in
the Vicarage, at 2.30pm
Fr Richard Wilson’s Business Breakfast in the Parish
Hall, at 7:30am
Thursday 30th October
Friday 31st October
Pastoral Care meeting in the Parish Office, at 9.30am
Saturday 1st November
Wedding of Damian McNair and Lisa Barratt in the
Church, at 3:30pm
Parish notices need to be submitted to Parish Office by 10 a.m. Wednesday morning
There will be a High Mass to celebrate All Souls’ Day on Monday 3rd November
at 6:15pm followed by pizza and a glass of wine. To book please contact the Parish
Office on 9662 2391 or sphoffice@stpeters.org.au, or sign up after church today.
We have ordered a new cassock to be made as a farewell gift for Fr. Samuel. We are
rather hoping that it will be ready for him to wear at his inauguration as Priest in
Charge at St Andrews Aberfeldie on 13th November at 7:00pm. If you would like to
contribute towards the cost of this cassock please contact a Warden after Church, or
Kosta in the parish office (phone : 9662 2391).
Flowers in church today have been donated by the extended Tedja Family and are in
loving memory of Joy & Gordon Lake.
A light lunch with wine will be available after the 11am High Mass and prior to the
Annual Meeting on Sunday, 23rd November, 2014, for $15.00 Stay and enjoy the
food and company and help towards covering the cost of bringing Bishop Stephen
Cottrell to our parish. No need to book in advance.
Would you like to purchase a 20cm home-made Christmas cake for your festive season,
or as a gift for $25.00? We are raising funds to assist in bringing Bishop Stephen
Cottrell to St Peter’s for our 2015 Mission Program of Catholic Evangelism. If you
are interested in purchasing a cake please place an order before November 2nd with
Terry Porter on 0401 721 708.
471A Albert Street is available for rent. one bedroom fully refurbished. New paint,
carpet, wall unit, robes, kitchen and oven. one car park. For further details please contact John Taaff 0418 149 345
Tuesday 18th November 2014:
UKRAINIAN CHURCH, Bell Park (Geelong): Rt Rev Zenon Chorkawyi OAM painted icons in this church over 40+ years. The result is a stunning interior with more than
140 images. Our host will be Fr Ihor Bakay, the Administrator & Parish Priest. The
church is locked up during the week, so this opportunity is not to be missed.
Thursday 4th December 2014:
Art Gallery of Ballarat Exhibiton: “EIKON”. Eighty high quality works, including
some really sumptuous examples of Orthodox art. Most of the icons are from Greece
and Russia with examples as well from Cyprus, Syria and Palestine – 12th to 19th C.
Drawn mainly from the private collection of former Australian diplomat John McCarthy with other loans from NGV, Abbey Museum QLD and from Sir Richard Temple
Bt. – The Temple Gallery London. Our tour will be conducted by the curator of this
exhibition, Gallery Director Gordon Morrison. Seriously good.
These events are open to all and have been organised by Icon School of St Peter –
Melbourne Inc. Bookings and further details – please contact Brian Bubbers: email
brianbubbers@bigpond.com or telephone 0411 424 740.
This icon was commissioned by the Diocese of Ballarat to hang in Christ
Church Cathedral. It was written by Anna Prifti of Camberwell, and was dedicated and blessed on 19 October following the 9.30 Eucharist at the Cathedral.
Eight C.H.N. Sisters travelled to Ballarat to be present for the occasion. Mother
Esther made her Religious Profession in Ballarat, Melbourne at that time being
unready to approve Religious Sisters.
St Peter’s Bookroom
& Church Supplies
I guess there are never enough books. John Steinbeck
Our new beautiful range of Christmas Cards are now on display. Come in and
browse this morning.
Advent Calendars and 2015 Calendars are now also on sale.
Eager to Love: The Alternative Way
of St Francis of Assisi by Richard Rohr
Beauty: A Path to God By Anthony J.
shows how St
Francis found an
‘alternative way’
to follow Jesus,
one that disregarded power and
privilege and held
fast to the path of
the Gospel.
Ciorra explores
beauty’s ability to
introduce components of prayer,
joy and spirituality into our lives.
The book explores darkness as
the path to beauty, understanding
that great beauty
often has its origins in times of spiritual
or emotional darkness and melancholy.
HB $35-
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 9.30am to 4.30 pm
Sunday - after 9.30am & 11am Mass
15 Gisborne St Melbourne 3002
Situated in the Parish Hall building on the street side, facing St Patrick’s Cathedral
P: (03) 9663 7487 E: bookroom@stpeters.org.au
Parish Directory
St. Peter’s Eastern Hill, 15 Gisborne Street, Melbourne, VIC 3002
Secure Mail : St Peter’s Eastern Hill, PO BOX 18108, Collins Street East, VIC 8003
[03] 9662 2391, Fax [03] 9662 2400 Web: www.stpeters.org.au
e-mail: sphoffice@stpeters.org.au Office Hours. 9.00am – 1.00pm weekdays
Sunday Services
8.00 am
Mass (BCP)
9.30 am
Family Mass
11.00 am
High Mass
5.00 pm
Solemn Evensong (BCP) & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
6.30 pmMass
Refreshments are available in the Parish Hall after each of the Sunday services
Weekday Services
Mon – Fri:
Mass at 7.15am (9.00am on Public Holidays)
Feast Day High Mass as advertised: 6.15pm
Wed:Mass at 1.15pm
Mass at 9.00am followed by the Rosary
Parish Council
Fr Hugh Kempster
0488 960 022 Membership:
Nick Browne
Assistant Priests:
Bp Graeme Rutherford 0408 374 847
Fr Philip Gill0467 550 175 Helen Drummond
Rachel Ellyard
Assistant Curates:
Fr Richard Wilson
0417 014 595 Colleen Farrell
Associate Priests:
Fr Don Edgar
9662 2391
Fr Graeme Brennan9662 2391 Stuart Hibberd
Bruce Kellet
Lay Ministries
Fr Hugh Kempster (Chair)
Bookroom:Carol O’Connor9663 7487
Catherine McGovern
Children’s Ministry:
Katherine Barnett9387 4089 Daniel Mitterdorfer
John Taaff (Vicar)
0418 149 345
David Spriggs
Helen Drummond (People) 0419 897 973
Rwth Stuckey
Stuart Hibberd
(People)9355 7584
John Taaff
Theological Student : Melissa Clark
0411 722 718
Craig Wilson
Pastoral Assistants: Sr Avrill CHN
0407 883 055
Sue Wuttke
Di Clark0407 354 987
Helen Drummond
0419 897 973
Head Server:
Peter Bryce
9850 2403
Inst. of Sp. Studies: Bp Graeme Rutherford
0408 374 847
Lazarus Centre:
Louise Lang
0458 750 031
Director of Music: Andrew Raiskums
0439 556 627
Music Administrator: Sue Wuttke
0422 866 286
Rhys Arvidson
0405 277 853
Parish Office:
Konstantine Soteriou
9662 2391
Playgroup:Cindy Cheng9662 2391
PVAW Coordinator Liz Prideaux
9662 2391
Adam Blackmore
0439 369 911
Catherine McGovern
0449 954 318