WATE TOURN RBALL AMENT Breakin g New Lieuten LeRoy ant Chad Ba Fir xle dons his e Protectio y of the Saturd gear for wa n District ay du ring th terball day of e final th Fall Fe e LeRoy stival. More Fa photos ll Festival inside! If you didn’t get the Jerry Nowick s: www .LeRoy FCPres s.com CROWD Press LeRoy Farmer City JEER last month, here’s what you missed… $1.0 0 DEWIT i | LF C Press T COUN TY BOA RD Augu s t 29, 2014 Farmer WOMA City Pr ess INSIDE GLARY By Jerr LeRoy y Farmer Nowicki City Pr LeRO this ar ess Ed tic itor is flood Y — The will lik le hits news ice in ely surp sta For thosg the nation. bucket chall With ass $1 nds that enge e who to the ha lenge the omnipr 00 million.number vi on socia esence any — ral phenom ve not been ex co Amyo it is a fundraenon — if th posed ac untless plea l media fe of the chaled tro comm phic Later ising campa ere are th ross the globs for dona s and the on tio e chall erig’s ly known al Sclorosis ign for enge. e have grow ns, some Diseas as AL Bu n tired S or Lo, more tea t not Bridg e. The of cher ette u Ghof ice concept is sim teacher and daughte Wells, LeRo r of lon y band and AL to the on your head ple: pour a ghours. ALS Associa and donate bucket ed “Nobody whS victim Beve time LeRoy money o has tion in rly Baue by AL ev S Thus th . er th W e in next 24 been ells ks th far, th more e ch this m said, adding is is a bad affectth regard an $88 mill allenge has ALS Asagnitude are that donatiothing,” s to th so unhear e diseasion for rese raised ns On Fr ciation. d of to of arch e, and iday, W by the in the ells an time d th e band Please took see ct us By Mar The Ne ook.com press ICINAL CANNA BIS MEE TING rm et ly Bau er LeRoy te Wells, te e, vict im of acher ALS A depic like in tion shows wh Le held a Roy just ou at a cann ab meeti ng Tu tside of tow is cultivati on esday n. to answ Represen center wo uld loo tative er ques tions ab s of ICC Ho k out the ldi facility. ngs Canna answe bis question red in s LeRoy By Jerr LeRoy y Nowicki Farmer City Pr of Illin ess Ed LeRO itor discus ois, and m ICC Ho Y – Repres uch ha sed s for 20 ldings ha entatives of months about the issue inbeen ve big leading ac res nigh page 2 town by Sa of land ou plans Le t’s meetin up to Tu the Mayo tsi es g at th lt on gion. de of r Stev Cree Tues e Amer day e Dean to the day they k Road, an Th ican e takes even brough pu d Jerry the ice t them cial meetin t was actu The acblic. bucket Nowicki|LFC ally a g of th reage but Te Press challen For Le home spee cit co re ge. ga cultiva to a medici uld soon be Smith of sa Slepawic y council, ngcnleg l Advertising: tio na IC an l n C of als@ne ca d Ho on a pe the tal ce nn Jim ldings 217-89 ws-gaz rmit gr nter, depe abis did mos Jenn “Some king. ette.co 2nd ant fro t m Ad y Delaney cultiva Deadlin 9613 m the ing tion ce state vertisin e fo nters ar See CA 10 a.m r legals: Retail 217-83 g sales e NN .M di eroyfc /leroyfc nk ette Bever www.l .com onday YES! Start my subscription to morning press.c om Adver tising 6splay jdelane 9865 Deadlin : 217-836y@news 9865 e: Tu C -gazett e.com lassified or ga esday, 10 a.m . rage sa 217-58 le: Deadlin 6-2512 e: Tues day, 3 p.m. Subsc ABIS pa ribe ge 2 1-86666 or mail 6-5090 to 73 LeRo P.O. Box Fax: 21 y, IL 61752 7-5864821 Save $10 Now! Subscription Term: ❑ 1 year McLean, Dewitt or Piatt Co. resident $3500 $2500 ❑ Outside of McLean, Dewitt or Piatt Co. $3900 Card # Expiration Date ❑ Check Enclosed ❑ Visa ❑ Mastercard Signature Name E-mail Phone Address City Zip State page 7 y Sche ws-Gaz Nobod y by ALS who has ever thinks b -LeRoy this is een affected B a bad daught and Directo er of fo r Bridg thing SPREE GPS de FARM vi City po ER CITY Brown ces. ty sher lice and the — Farmer or hear said if re De of the anything th sidents se someo iff ’s office ar Witt Coun e or at inform ne will cont e hoping that- 911 or th dinary, they seems out ac ati e shou t them po on on hicle with mediately. lice departm ld call a nu bu ent im in Farm rglaries th mber of ve “Peopl Aug. 21 er City ea at happened- ering us e feel like th rly Th . our job,” but they ar ey are both ursday Betwee e , day an n midni People Brown said not. That’s gh . 21 ab d 7 a.m. Th t Wednes- call the with inform out 34 Fa ur ati town vehicle sday, Aug. partment at rmer City Po on can we 309-92 lice De Anon Farm re entered s all over mitted ymous tips 8-2111. vis Br er City po or damaged by ca lic vehicle own said alm e Sgt. Tra-. Crimesto phone to Cl n be subpper inton ar or by thieves s were un ost all th ea subm s at 217change took small locked an e dewittshe itting an 935-3333, online d , electr A ca riff.com. tip at onic ch items like argers may be sh reward of and leading available fo up to $1,00 0 r in to an ar LEROY rest. formation MED Don’t miss another edition of your hometown, local community newspaper - great news every week! Jerry N owicki Editor 217-58 6Jnowick 2512 i@ news-g www.fac azette eb EWITT Burgl a damag rs target, e FC c ars Percu ss their he ion instructo million ad to raise r Larry Robin aw for AL S rese areness an son (sitting left) an arch. Wells’ d funds via the AL d LeRoy ba mothe nd tea S r and long-tim ice bucket cher Br chall idg e LeRo y teach enge. The ette Wells (si ch er, Be Jerry verly Ba allenge is tting right) Nowic get a vir ki| ue, pa ssed aw al sensati coolers of waLeRoy Farmer on City ter du ay fro mped Press m comp that has ra ised on lication s of the more than $80 disease . Payment Options: N Editor IN Pruser, er ’s “She ha wido only cr TON – A sta positio had volunt w, Christy house owd packednding-room holds, s disgrace ee n d ca week’s as two mot the cour - the DeW and was red for the t- Co ba this co used embarrthe title she agenda DeWitt Coions on las mmitteeitt County Recked by un t un sy — pu ty Bo was re mboliz of wh blican tween cial bu ty and plac assment to ar ce ed a rift be d man. In ntly voted ouich Brown of the factions rden on ed a fi bo - Br th own saher opening t as chaire Bo Both ofard. taxpay nanard m id she statem them embe concer ers,” ent, had Chairwr Camille Re cism, taken criti appoin ned the om dm th tm bu e an ent of More t ha rig reache Sherrie an on a d re photos in the ht thing, alo Brown er to nod out to Prus tive th presenta- break ng nomin room and he with man av ing new , answer at would Le ation y A mem ail. on the saying s RoyFC by th rejected th ber of crowd dents of to resiPress. at “S for formhe had too e chairman e ings-- ig agenda for respon the which Santa Anna com three no he’s ded: He even er board m much respec , include mee Brown red. To intervi right here ember t s Farm wnship— The ew , for the endorsed Ch Pruser. was the said she, as boister crowd was in er City. Applau her now!” ed againseat, and the risty Pruser make su only one chairman ous—as volved se Br lo rie Brow we ow —an fold, n ca chair she reite ch an appo that coul with ap , this time crowd erup withou d in be nom n announce man Sher-d der. Later lling for a tra tm pl ted ause as en agreed Gibbs backtra in the m point of or t DeW to an inthat Pruser hat, and the seat inating Jeffr d she woul ee itt ck courtro exited the terview d no killed of Tom Pr ey Gibbs tod made “a ed after sayiting Brown disbelie County boar with he t us ttempt rically om theatng she “You er, appoint f as her ap d chairwo in the in a farm ac er, who wa s” waving lost thr. man Sh pointee year. ment th Fa s ph admitting sh to contact had cident in e ter rm to cr vi e to the er ow one ca Pr earlier e only positionfor a vacant rie Brown smile. d with a primar ew in the made usout of er City Whe loo “Fro ll. board . one ta and th y elections, positionks on in Brow forwar n Brown audien m whose ph Jerry at cannab lks with yo Nowic rejected calle d fo on ce mem tried to n ki|LeRo then u up,” just tears her is grou ber sh e?” another crowd jee r the nomin d Gibbs y Farm outed. point ignore the er City lleng red. “I ation, Fergus this bi p er said, agBa Press Pr th on di ain to ber Da user when motion to ap raucou “For a g a crowd,” dn’t expecte The cr , Missouri.” a ow second Gi objectedn Ballenger board mem - no respon applau s round of I though bbs said. is what yo d jeered loud se of . er. “Thi Later se from Brow despite t I was onlook u want?! Balleng He was igno district A ICE BU in ” s er in an n. re th membe CKET C Gibbs again shouted indignant ing directl er left his se d. r Ca e evenin HALLEN said he . “Maybe y in front of at, stand- tioned for mille Redmg, board wanted a GE Br an in yo no sa ow u re m id confi can’ gard to do n. o, ad have hi ding that t see me,” he ing it ha s to the chairdence vote he s s motio n--whi would not the county been 18 monman, saych has th has be been en able s since to get See D BUR MORE O NLINE •Clinton Landfill under fire by politicians •LeRoy Methodist Church gets new pastor •LeRoy Council checking aid for sewer woes •Former Blue Ridge band members join Marching Illini •Q & A with FC entertainer Kasey Lansdale •Haunted Trail funding studied by LeRoy council •Mansfield board discusses school parking lot •LeRoy gets ready for Fall Festival event •‘Lonesome’ Larry ends FC radio stint •Tyler Woolridge returns home from Air Force stint •Elementary entrance renovations on hold in LeRoy •New historical column talks about National Barn Dance COLD •Mansfield man killed in helicopter crash HITS CAUSE HOME Forme •Downs looks to hire village police officer r LeRo y via ice teacher hono red bucket •Lots of photos of youth in local sports action •Fallen Heroes wall coming to LeRoy •Local prep football teams previewed •New staff members at Blue Ridge’s Schneider •Former LeRoy teacher honored in ALS ice bucket challenge ICE BU Conta CKET Subscribe now! S! Facebo ok LeRoyF .com/ CPress S CHAIR Board c Pruser hair refuses ’s to her pic widow to s name e k rejec By Jerr ts appo at after y Nowi cki intmen Prus t CL LeRoy Vol. 4 | No . 41 LIKE U Make check payable and mail to: LeRoy Farmer City Press, P.O. Box 73, LeRoy, IL 61752. If you have questions, please call 217-586-2512 Hurry! Offer expires October 3, 2014
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