GRACE GLEANINGS Grace Lutheran Newsletter, October 2014 Edition Volume 14, Issue 10 202 2nd St. SE, Watertown, SD 57201 Phone (605) 886-5737 Office Hours 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday Web site: e-mail: 2015 ELCA YOUTH GATHERING July 15-19 Detroit Michigan Please contact the church office if you are interested in attending. Or check out BLESSING OF QUILTS The Grace Lutheran Dorcas Quilters have been working hard on their quilts. The group meets every Monday at 1:00 p.m. in the basement of the church. They will be loading their quilts on a truck on October 13th. The group has put together over 200 quilts that will be sent to Lutheran World Relief. These quilts will be blessed on Sunday, October 5th at both services. A big thank you to all of them for the continuous and faithful work they do. Nordefest Plus Festival Saturday, October 25, 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall Here are ways to get involved: 1. Contribute items for the bakery booth: breads, jellies, bars, cakes, cookies 2. Contribute to the Ethnic Delicacies booth: Scandinavian foods (such as Krumkake, Fattigmand), German foods, Asian foods, or any other nationality food. 3. Contribute to Grandma’s Attic: once-loved, gently-used items others can enjoy. Please, no clothing. You may drop off items beginning October 20th. 4. Contribute to the Craft booth: Moderately priced and useful items, embroidered or hanging dishtowels; crocheted dishcloths and nylon scrubbers, Hardanger items, assembled gift baskets, etc. 5. Pies for the lunch counter will be needed. The Circles will be providing 20 pies, so more will be needed for dessert. Leave them in the conference room on October 24th or 25th. 6. Contribute cash: Place your contribution in an envelope visibly marked Nordefest Plus and drop off at the church office. Please put your name on the envelope. Everyone is welcome to help in any way they can. WELCOME PASTOR JANET MILLER We are pleased to welcome Pastor Janet Miller and her husband Michael to our church family. If you have a loved one that would like to have Pastor Janet visit, please call the office at 886-5737. The 3 yr. old - 6th graders who attend Sunday and Wednesday School will sing on October 26 at the 11 a.m. worship service. Becky Sprouse works with these children each week, and we appreciate them sharing their music with us. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I drove to Denver to see my grandson last week. The drive gave me time to look around at the landscape and realize all the changes I saw happening. Fall is setting in. Giant hay bales are sitting in every hay field. Crops are turning colors and readying themselves for the harvest. Our long days of summer are beginning to shorten. The change of the season is a natural progression in the world around us. We can’t stop it. We can’t control it. We accept it and ready ourselves for the changes. As I begin my call for service as your pastor, my world is full of changes. Some of them are exciting. I get to move into a new office and meet a new staff. Some of the changes are scary. What if they don’t like me? What if I make mistakes? Some of them are just silly. Where do I park? How do I operate the microphone? Where is the light switch? None of the changes are controllable- and none of them are bad. They are just different. Changes will happen in your congregation as well. Some changes will be on purpose to set your new pastor at ease. Some changes will be by accident because I just don’t know “how things are done here” yet. Some changes will just happen because the Holy Spirit is always active and working in a congregation where two or more are gathered. Everything that is alive changes. Grace Lutheran is definitely an alive congregation! As I come to you, I see how much potential for great things you have here. Don’t panic! I have no urge to jump in and change everything. I hope to be conscious of the places where change causes anxiety and alleviate it as much as possible. But, I want to help you to grow into all that potential you hold… and growth causes change. Let’s work to embrace the changes God has in store for us together! “The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you; and you will be changed into a different person.” - 1 Samuel 10:6a Blessings to you as we change together!, Pastor Janet Miller BRIGHT IDEAS!!! MISSION OF THE MONTH What does your church do? It seems like an odd question. For some people churches are just there. They are buildings we gather at and if you care to come join us, we get together and worship God. But, churches are much more than beautiful buildings. Missions are the actions and activities that we, the people of God do together. We are beginning a new section in our newsletters called “Mission of the Month”. Each month we will highlight some of the mission the church does for God’s world. Sometimes the missions will be local needs. Sometimes they will be worldwide. Our October Mission of the Month will be the local food pantry. We have received reports that the need in Watertown for suplimental food is great. 40 to 50 families are helped by the pantry each week. Families can receive food help once every 31 days. The food pantry finds itself very low at this time. If you would like to help us with this mission, you may bring food to the church and a box will be set up or you may bring donations to the office. The pantry says the following items would be particularly welcome; hamburger helper meals, boxed scalloped potatoes, pasta like egg noodles or spaghetti in smaller boxes or sacks, Spaghetti sauces or tomatoes sauces to make meals, beans, soups, macaroni and cheese meals, canned tuna, chicken, ham or spam, smaller boxes of cereals, bags of noodle meals, peanut butter and vegetables. Please help us in making a difference for God’s people in our community. COUNCIL MINUTES The Grace Lutheran Church Council met on Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 6 p.m. with President Roberta Cossette presiding. Also present were Jackie Abel, Darlene Bresson, LeRoy Bullis, Rich Dunn, James Goble, Art Jelsma, Darcy Raethz, Rick Reis, Julie Stock, Mike Stusiak, Pastor Dennis Hansen and Cindy Vander Leest. Absent were Lil Jutting, Frank Krause, Vonnie Rinnerson, and Darlene Young. Financial Report – Cindy Vander Leest reported the monthly income to the general fund for July was $43,344, the weekly average giving was $8,669 and the average weekly worship attendance was 148. Pastor Dennis Report - Pastor Hansen also reported he had attended the Watertown Ministerial Assoc. where the Salvation Army reported their “One Roof Program” has helped at least 432 people with gifts of just a little over $23,000 for utility assistance, rent, gas, bus rides and many other incidentals. He also reported the Salvation Army stated their food pantry was low and could use help to restock the shelves. Julie Stock along with other council members suggested that in Oct. the Sun/Wed School should hold a competition between classes “Food Drive” for the Salvation Army. Old Business: Christmas Supper: Darcy Raethz and Julie Stock have graciously volunteered to take on the huge responsibility to organize the Christmas Supper for this year. “Welcome” for Pastor Janet Miller": Julie Stock, Vonnie Rinnerson and LeRoy Bullis will be organizing the potluck for Sunday, Sept. 21st. “Farewell” for Pastor Dennis Hansen:" Rich Dunn reported he has ordered the meat for the “Grill Out”. James Goble, Rick Reis and Rich Dunn will be grilling after the first service. Other council members will be helping set up and clean up. Designated gifts to the farewell for Pastor Hansen plus a free will donation bucket will help pay for the event. New Business: Fall Project (Cameroon Roof Project): Pastor reported there is still a need for roofs in Cameroon. The council decided to put the collection hut out next Sunday, September 21st to raise funds for the Cameroon Roof project. Suggest names for Nominating Committee: Jackie Abel, Roberta Cossette, and Julie Stock will contact the people on last years Nominating Committee to see if they would do it again this year. Committee Reports: Education – Darcy Raethz reported the committee, especially Julie Roe along with the church office people have been working very hard to get things decorated and organized for this years Sun/Wed school. The committee took class pictures (take a look, they are displayed in the school hallway) and served popcorn and root beer floats for Rally Day. Foundation – Rich Dunn reported the Foundation met last week and agreed to give funds from the Clara Mathison fund to the Sun/Wed school to purchase some white boards and craft supplies. Finances and Stewardship – Darlene Bresson reported she had attended a Stewardship meeting in Aberdeen and Our Redeemer will be holding a meeting in Jan. Property –LeRoy Bullis has continued to work on the roof to resolve the leaks above the narthex and office areas. Youth and Family – Julie Stock reported they are going to organize some type of pizza party for the youth. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Vander Leest A 10 year old little girl was asked by another classmate, “What is it like to be a Christian?” The 10 year old little girl replied, “it’s like being a pumpkin. God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then he cuts open the top and scoops out all of the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc., and then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see.” PRAY FOR THE MEMBERS AND FAMILIES OF OUR MILITARY If you have a loved one in the military service and you would like to have prayers for them, call the church office and we will add their names to this list. Let us know if this list is accurate! Military Overseas Adam Borstad, Matthew Graf, and Aaron Johnson Military USA Matthew Aspelund, Daniel Bendel, Justin Benthin, John Brenden, Beau Briggs, Katie Briggs, Ryan Briggs, Sean Evans, Angie Everson, Tina Houston, Brad Johnson, James Knox, Dennis Martin, Clinton Mors, Dustin Pletten, Remy Ramos, Riley Schaefer, Shane Sokolosky, Chad Steiner, Ryan Walsh, Edward Ward, Sam West, Edwin L. Williams, Jr. GIFTS TO DEBT RETIREMENT, since the last Gleanings was printed, were given by by LeRoy Bullis, Art and Marcia Jelsma, Gary and Sherry Jongeling, Harold Kirchgasler, Doug and Ann Murfield, Michael and Bonnie Oletzke, and Fred and Gwen Peshman for a total of $1,230.00. A gift was also given in loving memory of Stan Strohfus from Karyl Strohfus. RADIO FUND Donations from Conda Williams A donation from Lois Cotton In memory of Hazel Peterson from Phyllis Jongeling FLOWER FUND A donation from Conda Williams CIRCLES SCHEDULE FOR OCTOBER ELIZABETH: October 16, 9:30 a.m./Conf. Rm. LYDIA: October 20, 5:30 p.m./Wheel Inn MIRIAM: October 20, 7:00 p.m./Jenkins Townview Meeting Room BELL CHOIR In memory of Stan Strohfus from Richard and Judy Everson FOUNDATION In memory of Arvilla Schaefer from Marv & A.J. Sherrill BOY SCOUT PANCAKE BREAKFAST Troop 8 will be having their pancake breakfast at Grace Lutheran Church from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 19th. There will be a free will offering. Come join us and support the Boy Scouts. Thank you for all of the cards and calls I received while I was hospitalized and at home recovering. Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated. Sincerely, Darlene Olson A PRAYER FOR EVERY DAY Dear God, so far today, I’ve done alright. I haven’t gossiped; I haven’t lied or cheated. I haven’t been greedy, grumpy, selfish, overindulgent or spoke ill of anyone. I’m grateful for that. But in a few minutes, God, I’m going to get out of bed; and from then on, I’m probably going to need a lot of help. Amen. Anyone wishing to help deliver meals on wheels, please call Darlene Olson at 886-5221 or Larry Picht at 886-6789. We will be delivering meals again the week of October 27th. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL Council meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 Roberta Cossette, President 354-0134 James Goble, Vice President 886-3571 Vonnie Rinerson, Secretary/Treasurer 886-5465 Jackie Abel 886-8768 Darlene Bresson 886-0785 LeRoy Bullis 886-7353 Rich Dunn 956-0017 Arthur Jelsma 882-1185 Lil Jutting 886-9708 Frank Krause 886-0669 Darcy Raethz 882-2069 Rick Reis 520-0670 Julie Stock 882-7038 Mike Stusiak 882-5764 Darlene Young 886-4949 The Grace Lutheran Church Women have been collecting items for school kits, personal care kits and layettes for Lutheran World Relief. The women will be sending off all of these items on Monday, October 13th. The last day they will be accepting these donations will be on Friday, October 10th. Thank you for all of your donations to help with this very special ministry. Nordefest Plus Leadership Co-Chairs: JoAnn DeBerg Dee Haugan Denise Johnson JoAnn DeBerg Dee Haugan Sherry Starr Dee Haugan Sharon Goble Melody Hansen JoAnn DeBerg Tanner Starr Sherry Starr Darlene Bresson Carol Wagner Jeanette Swanson Darlene Olson Sherry Jongeling Judy Everson Dee Haugan Joyce Ruesink Publicity Lefse Workshops Lefse Sales Lefse on Site Donut Workshops Ethnic Delicacies Bakery Fruit Soup & Rice Pudding Rommegrot Gift Shop Jewelry Anew Grandma’s Attic Kitchen Dining Room Coffee Bar Treasurer Music 886-6612 886-3646 377-5106 886-6612 886-3646 886-7838 886-3646 886-3571 520-0475 886-6612 886-7838 886-7838 886-0785 886-4053 886-6920 886-5221 886-7219 886-5737 886-3646 October Nordefest Plus Workshops Lefse Flatbröd Donuts Rosettes October 6 & 7, 8:00 a.m. October 9, 8:00 a.m. October 14 & 21, 6:00 p.m. October 21, 8:00 a.m. JEWELRY for NORDEFEST PLUS Jewelry donations are needed for the booth at Nordefest Plus. This includes watches, necklaces, bracelets, rings, broaches, earrings, etc. — old, new, and in-between! Thank you for your help! As you are cleaning out your closets and attics this fall, please consider donating gently-used, but still useful, items to the Nordefest Plus for Grandma’s Attic. No clothes, please. Call the church office and we will be happy to pick up any GRANDMA’S ATTIC items you have, or you may drop them off at the church. Pastor Dennis, Thank you for taking care of our needs! Your friends at the Hi Rise. Income Budget YTD Offerings Designated Gifts $ 183,276.10 $ 3,505.00 Misc $ 1,035.00 Bldg project $ 1,000.00 Lenten Suppers $ 501.00 Scrip Proceeds $ 564.57 Thrivent Choice $$ $ 2,035.00 Transfer from Maint acct $ 33,632.70 insurance check - basement Total Income for General Fund $ 11,362.66 Debts: Original amt Balance Term Debt Line of Credit $ 50,000 $ 70,000 $ 7,640.47 $ 0.00 $ 242,456.91 Expenses ELCA & SD Synod Projects $ 2,050.00 Staff Senior Pastor - Salary & Benefits $ 84,858.00 Mileage Reimbursement $ 4,500.00 Youth Ministry Director Business Adm Salary & benefits $ 14,000.00 $ Parish Education Associate $ 1,325.00 $ 56,572.16 $ 2,875.09 46,185.50 $ 32,085.50 $ 21,688.00 $ 12,078.40 Office Asst & Custodians $ 50,930.10 $ 31,188.36 Payroll taxes $ 9,200.00 $ 6,302.21 Pastoral Materials Total Staff $ 150.00 $ 231,511.60 $ 76.47 $ 141,178.19 Program Expenses Other Outlays Office Expenses $ 15,100.00 $ 10,002.58 Designated Gifts $ 2,155.00 Worship & Music $ 20,100.00 $ 8,993.08 Basement Repair $ 16,609.99 Altar Guild $ 1,000.00 $ 89.23 AC Repair $ 1,148.47 Education/Ministry $ 5,100.00 $ 651.33 Fellowship Lighting $ 10,197.00 Youth/Mission Ministry $ 1,725.00 $ 160.50 Debt payments $ 7,121.83 Family Fellowship events $ 100.00 JF Nordlie - Organ Repair $ 5,244.88 Outreach & Care Ministry $ 3,650.00 $ 2,377.50 ProTech Roof (Narthex) $ 16,420.82 Stewardship Ministry $ 2,200.00 $ 923.95 Total Other Outlays $ 58,897.99 Debt Service $ 12,000.00 $ 7,764.26 Total Expenses & Outlays $ 268,670.54 Insurance $ 11,000.00 $ 5,619.42 Net Revenue (Loss) $ (26,213.63) Utilities $ 33,000.00 $ 22,953.48 650.00 General Fund - 1/1/2014 $ Synod Assembly $ 7,860.63 PC Conference Dues $ 350.00 $ 305.80 Plus Income $ 242,456.91 Contingency $ 500.00 $ 1,205.48 Less Expenses & Outlays $ 268,670.54 Property Ministry $ 8,500.00 $ 5,572.75 Loan Advances $ Program Expenses $ 114,325.00 $ 67,269.36 General Fund - 8/31/14 $ (10,353.00) Total Expenses $ 347,886.60 $ 209,772.55 HAPPY FALL TO ALL 8,000.00 October BIRTHDAYS 2014 Blessings to you on your special day! ENGEBRETSON, ISABELL CLAUSEN, CHARLIZE FEUERHELM, BARBARA HANSON, MALEA SCHMELING, DIANNE UREVIG, CHARLES CARTER, KEEGAN LANDON, BEVERLY LUDWIG, ANN RANDALL, TROY FIEBELKORN, DEBRA BOARD, VIOLA REID, MICHAEL VOLZKE, JASON ENGER, MATTIE OLETZKE, BONNIE PAVLACKY, DORIS WALRAVEN, VIRGINIA BRIGGS, RYAN LANDON, BRANDY MARTIN, BRUCE STIMSON, JOEL SWANSON, DAVID HOIUM, HANNA RINERSON, LAVONNE SCHLOSSER, MISTY SCHLUETER, MARTHA EIDE, JEANINE HAGEN, BRYCE LINDNER, HEIDI BULLIS, LEROY FOSTER, JEFF EBSEN, GRACIE SCHULTZ, DIANE SWANSON, KRISTINE TAECKER, JULIE BARTHEL, JUSTIN BREKKE, KATHY FRYSLIE, LEROY KRANZ, BECKY VOLZKE, AUSTIN HENRICHS, DAWN JUTTING, LILLIAN 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 5th 6th 7th 7th 7th 8th 8th 8th 8th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 10th 10th 10th 10th 11th 11th 11th 12th 12th 13th 13th 13th 13th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 15th 15th MULLER, BARBARA 15th RUST, LORI 15th HALIBURTON, STEVEN 16th KANNAS, KEVIN 16th SAUER, COLIN 16th VANDER LEEST, CINDY 16th HOLZWARTH, LOREN 17th LAW, NORMA 17th RUPPELT, FERN 17th UTHE, SHELDON 17th ANDREWS, TANYA 18th BRANDENBURGER, GRETCHEN18th PEIKER, CHRISTIAN 19th SEIFEL, RICHARD 19th YARBER, TAYLOR 19th ENGELS, BRIAN 20th SARGENT, SAMANTHA 20th SOKOLOSKY, CODY 20th CONLON, NANCY 21st FORD, IDA 21st FOSS, LAUREL 21st BINDE, TRENT 22nd BROWNELL, ERIC 22nd CONLON, CARLY 22nd JORDAN, OPAL 22nd MOELLER, GREG 22nd ENGELHART, PAUL 23rd RITZ, LINDA 23rd DAHLGREN, GLADYS 24th JORDAN, JOSEPH 24th RITHMILLER, ELIZABETH 24th SATTER, STEVEN 25th SPROUSE, BECKY 25th WARTENBEE, DEBORAH 25th BRADBERRY, RHONDA 26th REID, SANDRA LEE 26th BREKKE, JOYCE 27th KELLY, ALEXIS 27th BELL, MARVIS 28th BLOOM, LAVERN 28th BENTHIN, SANDRA 29th BOHMS, TERESA 29th Grace Lutheran Preschool THANK YOU Inez Chandler for supplies and treats Cal & Nyra Brown for supplies & Financial Support Patti Steffenson Financial Support Conda Williams for supplies Fred & Gwen Peshman for supplies MEMORIAL GIFTS In memory of Elaine Schmidt from Cleo Belk In loving memory of our brother Matthew Kuttner from Andrew & Jonathon Kuttner NO SCHOOL October 13th, 2014 (Native American Day) NORDFEST Grace Lutheran Church will be having their Nordfest on Saturday, October 25th from 9:30 to 1:00. Please come and enjoy all of our fun booths and our amazing food! These women are great supporters of our Preschool! Lets suppport them. BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND in October In memory of Arvilla Schaefer from Cleo Belk is our Rada fundraising. Rada is cutlery, cookbooks, food mixes and more. People that have ordered in the past have asked for this back! In memory of Coralyn Fleeger from Cleo Belk I will have a table set up on Sunday, November 2nd between services, you may place an order then, or bring your order back to the office. I am planning on placing the order and receiving it the first or second week in December. These make unique Christmas gifts! Supplies Needed Disinfectant Wipes OCTOBER HAPPENINGS My favorite month of the year! One of the events planned for this month is the Preschool will be going to their first field trip! Brosz Pumpkin Patch here we come! We will tour the farm and then have each child pick out their own pumpkin to bring back to class where we will be having a “Pumpkin Painting Party!” Grace Lutheran Church Foundation Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 2, 2014 The Grace Lutheran Church Foundation Board of Directors met on September 2, 2014 at 5:30 pm at Grace Lutheran Church. Present: Bonnie Oletzke, Becky Kranz, John DeBerg, Vonnie Rinerson, Rich Dunn, Joy Nelson, Will Morlock, Joann DeBerg and Larry Picht. Also present was Peggy Hulscher, Cindy VanderLeest and Pastor Hansen. Scott Olson, Great Western Bank, updated us on investments. John DeBerg brought along the original by laws. John DeBerg suggested that we apply for the Watertown Foundation to help pay for the tile in the Fellowship Hall. The Banquet dinner is served each Monday in our church which causes damage to all the assets including kitchen equipment, floor and utilities. Larry Picht reported all improvements are completed on the properties. We discussed if the Kemp Avenue was vacant would we want to make a bedroom in the basement. Rhonda mentioned that the duplex could use a kitchen remodel and she will get some bids. Summer donation/contributions to Foundation i.e. Mabel Reynolds estate. We got a letter from a Law Firm, Mabel Reynolds donated to the Grace Lutheran Foundation. We will be notified when the estate is settled. Cindy asked if the Clara Mathieson Education Fund for Sunday/Wednesday school supplies estimated cost is 0.40 per child for 100 kids or $1,120 for the year. It was approved to take $1,500 from the Clara Mathieson Education Fund for Sunday school supplies and marker boards for the class rooms. Next meeting, October 7, 2014 at Joy Ranch at 5:30 pm. Grace Lutheran Church 202 2nd St. SE Watertown, SD 57201-4308 WORSHIP & EDUCATION SCHEDULE SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. - Worship 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 9:45 a.m. - Coffee & Fellowship 11:00 a.m. - Worship WEDNESDAY 6:00 p.m. - Wednesday School 7:10 p.m. - Confirmation Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd weekends at all services Grace Lutheran Church: God’s Grace Experienced Daily
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