GRACE GLEANINGS Grace Lutheran Newsletter, February 2015 Edition Phone (605) 886-5737 Office Hours 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday 202 2nd St. SE, Watertown, SD 57201 e-mail: Web site: MAKING SENSE OF THE CROSS Throughout history, the way Christians view the cross has shaped the way they view God. Depending on who you listen to, the cross may signify anger at human sin, grief at human waywardness or God’s pleas for us to return to a right relationship with him. More than one faithful Christian in history has asked, “why was the cross necessary in the first place?” or an even darker question, “what kind of God would require such a gruesome death to achieve redemption?” The cross has been used by many throughout history to justify their cause, whether it was to love or hate, help or war. This year, in our evening, Lenten, worship services, our theme will be “Making Sense of the Cross”. We will be challenged to look at the pictures of the cross held throughout history of the church and asked how our picture of the cross affects our relationship with God and with those around us. ASH WEDNESDAY Week 1 Wednesday, Week 2 Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 12:05 & 7:00p.m. February 25th, 2015 7:00p.m. March 4th, 2015 7:00p.m. “A Man Hanging on a Tree” “Portraits & Perspectives” “Ransom & Victory” Week 3, Wednesday, Week 4, Wednesday, Week 5, Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 7:00p.m. March 18th, 2015 7:00p.m. “Substitution, Satisfaction & Sacrifice.” March 25th, 2015 7:00 p.m. “Example & Encouragement” “Event & Experience” Community Lenten Services It’s Grace Lutheran’s turn to host the community Lenten services that take place at 12:05pm each Wednesday in Lent beginning with Feb. 25th. Each service will have worship and a meal provided by the different churches around the community. Feb 25th worship and meal will be by the 1st Congregational Church, March 4th will be by the United Methodist Church, March 11th will be by the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, March 18th will be by us here at Grace Lutheran and March 25th will be by a combination of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church and Holy Name Catholic Church. Soup and sandwich lunch will be served for $3.00. The money for each meal goes to the church that is providing the meal for their expenses. GRACE LUTHERAN LENTEN SUPPERS Wednesdays 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (Free will offering) In the Fellowship Hall Please plan to join our Worship at 7:00 p.m. These groups will be serving the Lenten Supper from 5:30-6:30 WEDNESDAYS February 25th - Council Serving March, 4th - Altar Guild Serving March 11th - Education Committee Serving March 18th March 25th - Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The month of February is well known for one special “love holiday”, Valentine’s day. People throughout the United States scramble to find just the right card, gift or action that will let our loved ones know we are holding them in our hearts. I have seen the worst worrying and anxiety over people trying to decide what would be appropriate Valentine’s Day gifts. “Will they like it?” “Is it too much?” “Not enough?” “Does this say I like him?” “Does this show how much I love her?” So much worry about what our gifts and actions say to those we care about. It’s a lot of pressure to put on one day! This year February brings us another “love” holiday- actually the beginning of a whole “love’ season. The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18th. Never thought of Lent as a holiday of “love”? Most people think of Lent as the time to give something up and feel deprived or a time to feel depressed and dark as the church talks about the death of Jesus. While the season of Lent is a more sober one than Advent or Christmas, I want to challenge you to look closer and see that it is the ultimate “love” season too. During the season of Lent, we are reminded that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, put aside the power of the universe and sacrificed himself. Jesus suffered and died as a human being for the salvation of all the world. With his physical death on the cross, he entered the depths of darkness and evil and fought for not just his life but the lives of all of us- and he won! Death itself could not hold the love of God in flesh, Jesus Christ, and because of Jesus actions it can not hold us either. Could there be a greater love story than the story of our Lord Jesus and what he did for us? By the actions of this one who loved us, we are saved. What a reason to have a holiday and celebrate “love”. As we gather gifts and do loving things for Valentine’s Day, I want you to gather your thoughts about what we can do to reflect the loving things our Savior did for us. Giving things up for Lent is a fine tradition that dates back thousands of years to the early church. Early Christians were expected to do 40 days of prayer and fasting, etc. before being baptized into the faith on Easter. Later, Christians were asked to give up meat on Lent or on Fridays in Lent and use the money saved on meat for the church or those in need. But, this year, I’m asking you, what can you DO to reflect this season of “love” for God or those in our world? What special thing can you do with your time, talent, money and love to show your love and devotion to God? What will you take on for Lent? The need in God’s world is huge and the options for “love” work are great. Maybe something comes to you right away. Some act that shows to God and to yourself that you truly reflect his love. If not, we have one suggestion for you. How about taking on the act of reading from scripture once a day? In this newsletter and every one from now until February 2016, you will find a calendar of daily Bible readings. It is the beginning of our “read the Bible in a year” challenge. Daily Bible readings are laid out from the Old Testament, Psalms and New Testament. You may choose to challenge yourself and take on the promise to read from God’s word throughout Lent or, even better, reading God’s word faithfully all year long. If you keep up, you will have read the Bible through by this time next year. If reading isn’t your thing, there are many choices for audible Bibles you can purchase for your ipod, phones, kindle or computers. Ask Pastor Janet if you need to find a good one. (Pastor also has the Bible on CD that she will lend out to anyone who asks.) Whatever you choose to take on this Lent, may it help to reflect the true “LOVE” given to us on the cross, in the tomb and throughout history by the Savior of our World, Jesus Christ. Blessings on your Lenten “love” journey, Pastor Janet Miller GIVING STATEMENTS If you are preparing your 2014 taxes, you may want to pick up your 2014 Giving Statements. They are ready to be picked up in the office. LOOKING AHEAD! We will be holding First Communion Classes for all fifth graders and any older students who have not taken the class during Lent. Classes will be held at 6:00pm on March 11th, th th 18 and 25 in the conference room. Students coming to the class need to be accompanied by an adult—either their parents, Godparents or grandparent (close family member). Classes end at 6:45pm to allow us time to get ready for Lenten worship. We have a wonderful web site. The Gleanings will be posted the first of the month. You can also view the current bulletins which are posted before the week-end services, and listen to the past Sunday’s sermons. Go to and check it out. Everyone gets groceries, gas and even gifts for family and friends. Did you know you can get cards to shop with and help the church out at the same time? These cards do not cost you any more money. This is our Scrip program! After church stop in the Narthex and someone will be there to assist you with your order; or you may call the church office 886-5737 before 9:00 on Mondays. Let’s say you would like a $50 gift card for the grocery store. Write your check out or give cash and pick it up right at the table. (Hy-Vee, County Fair, Freedom and Dagwoods we have on hand). Use the card just like cash!!! Why would you do this??? For all cards purchased Grace gets 5%!!! What an easy way to help out the church!!! Also, we take orders for other businesses. You can order from sooo many places. Just ask. Ordered Cards can be picked up on Thursdays or on the following Sunday. Let’s keep this great program going in 2015! The Grace Lutheran Church Council met on Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 7 p.m. with 11 members present. Financial Report – Cindy Vander Leest reported the monthly income to the general fund for November was $28,744 the weekly average giving was $7,186 and the average weekly worship attendance was 216. Pastor Janet Miller Report – She announced Joy Ranch would be here for a Camp Sunday/Wednesday in March and April. She will be starting a Befrienders group in the near future. The community Lenten services will be held at Grace this year and our Ash Wednesday services will be at 12:05 and 7:00. Items for the Annual Meeting agenda – It was decided to remind our members we have opened a Boiler Fund account and hope members will continue to give towards the much needed boiler replacemennt. Lenten Suppers – It was decided to continue serving the Lenten suppers before the service. The Council members agreed to serve the first Wednesday, February 25th. Draft/Proposed Mission Plan for 2015 – It was approved for Cindy Vander Leest to have 3 weeks vacation starting in 2015 in lieu of a raise. A motion was made to approve and present Draft #2 Mission Plan for 2015 to the church members at the January 25, 2015 annual meeting. Applicant to Youth & Family Director – Three applicants were interviewed and one was hired for the position. Committee Reports: Education – Darcy Raethz reported the Christmas program went well with 75 students attending. The Christian Ed committee handed out sacks of fruit and candy after the program. Memorial - Art Jelsma announced he would continue on the Memorial Committee. Pastor Janet Miller and he would set a Dedication Sunday for the new memorial plaques placed around the church. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Vander Leest 3rd- 6th Graders Sing! Mark your calendar for Sunday, February 15th. Our 3 year olds through 6th Graders will be singing at the 11:00 a.m. worship service. All students of that age are asked to attend with their families and share their talents with the congregation. Congregation, plan to attend to hear these beautiful young voices. Aluminum Cans for Missions Did you know you can bring your empty aluminum cans and help the missions of the church? There is a collection box outside near the garage. Just bring your empty cans and deposit them in the white box. The Mission Committee will take care of the rest. A HUGE thank you to LeRoy Bullis for his time fixing things at the church. When the church had a water leak in the tunnel, LeRoy came and repaired it right away. The kitchen faucet had no pressure. Once again, he came to the rescue and spent another day fixing this for us. Please take a chance to tell him “Thank you”. OUR MISSION COMMITTEE HAS CHOSEN TO SUPPORT NATHALIE AS OUR MEDICAL MISSIONARY Nathalie Fida Lassang has a passion for medicine and Cameroon, her home country. “I have wanted to help people who are ill for as long as I can remember. My desire is to return to Cameroon to work there as a physician,” says Nathalie, a medical student and scholarship recipient in the ELCA’s International Leaders program. “While growing up, many of us kids would fall sick, especially with malaria,” she says. “I wanted to do something to help.” And thanks to a scholarship from ELCA church wide ministries, Nathalie is now pursuing her dream. Once she completes her studies and residency at Ross University School of Medicine in Dominica, Nathalie plans to return to Cameroon to serve as a physician with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon. Both the ELCA and the Lutheran church in Cameroon are member churches of The Lutheran World Federation. “My hope is that the people I get to assist in the healing process will feel God’s love and presence,” she says, adding that her education “is a priceless gift.” Welcome our Youth & Family Director! Hello! My name is Lindsey Miller and I am the new Youth and Family Coordinator! I live up near Summit with my husband, dog, 3 horses, and a lot of cows. In my free time I like to be fishing, horseback riding, or really anything outdoors! I am originally from Kenosha, Wisconsin but I really love farm life. I grew up going to St. Mary’s Lutheran Church and have always been very involved. My favorite church activities growing up were choir, youth group, and mission trips. I have worked at multiple Lutheran Outdoors camps including Klein Ranch, Joy Ranch, and helped out at NeSoDak! I cannot wait to get to know all of the youth and families at Grace Lutheran and see how God shines through you all! This is such an awesome time to learn and grow in the faith with everyone here! We need your help We at Grace Lutheran are looking for people to be part of our new “Befrienders” program. What is a “Befriender”? “Befrienders” are volunteers who are trained to help the church by visiting people who are either in the nursing home, homebound or hospitalized. Befrienders may at times bring communion to people who request it (if they are comfortable doing so). Befrienders can help bring the presence of love from our congregation to those who are lonely or hurting in our community. We at Grace have one pastor for 1500 people- she needs help! Please prayerfully consider being part of our visitation program. Contact the office if you are interested at 886-5737 or To everyone who donated food, money, delivered meals or worked in the fellowship hall for our 40th annual Community Christmas Supper, we want to say a huge “THANK YOU”! Your generosity of food donations, money donations and volunteer time was most appreciated. We served 433 meals between take-outs, deliveries and those who ate at the church. It would have not been possible without all of you. God bless you for giving up some of your Christmas Day to help with this event. Darcy Raethz & Julie Stock, Chairpersons I want to express “My Thanks” to Grace Lutheran for hosting Monday nite suppers all year long for us. Whenever I am able to attend, I enjoy them. Getting a ride for your Christmas supper is hard, so I have it delivered, which I appreciate. Merry Christmas to all the workers and blessings to all. Delivering your meals at Christmas helps so much on this snowy day. In memory of Georgia Timmerman from Jim & Mary Williams; Judith & Barry Bauer; Penny Timmerman, Karen Witman & Mark Timmerman; The Georgia Timmerman family; Stacy & Aaron Paleen In memory of Mike Lundy from Ron & Lisee Albertson MEALS ON WHEELS Anyone wishing to help deliver meals on March 16 thru March 20th, 2015, please call Larry Picht at 886-6789. GIFTS TO DEBT RETIREMENT, since the last Gleanings was printed, were given by LeRoy Bullis, Gary and Sherry Jongeling, Doug and Ann Murfield, Michael and Bonnie Oletzke and from the GLCW. In loving memory of Phyllis Johnson from Lynn Johnson and family. The total was $3,012.50. Thank you for these gifts. GRACE LUTHERAN FOUNDATION DONATIONS In memory of Georgia Timmerman from June Boadwine In memory of my uncle John Lenz who passed away on December 18, 2014 from Wendy Lohr In memory of Phyllis Johnson from Bev Morrison; Rodney & Nancy Iverson; Bev Landon In memory of James Bevers from Fred & Gwen Peshman; Cleo Belk; Wendy Lohr; Bev Landon In memory of Richard Seifel from Cleo Belk In memory of Richard Seifel from Peggy Seifel-Busch; Clinton & Norma Krause; Don Seifel; Henry & Janice Kowalewski; Harry & Sharon LaQua In memory of Agnes Grinde from Bill Zubke In memory of Phyllis Johnson from the Theatre in the Round Players, Inc., In memory of Mildred Tronvold’s 95th birthday from Dean & Vonnie Rinerson In memory of Agnes Grinde from Audrey J. Stormo In memory of Agnes Grinde from the Dorcas Quilters In memory of Georgia Timmerman, Clinton Krause, Jim Bevers and Phyllis Johnson from Art & Marcia Jelsma Donations from: Conda Williams Lois Cotten In memory of Jim Bevers from Phyllis, Gary & Gregg Jongeling BOILER FUND The Dorcas Quilters meet every Monday at 1:00 in the church basement to make quilts to send overseas. They can always use more people, men and women to help. You don’t need to know how to sew—there is a job for everyone! Please consider helping with this great ministry. FOUNDATION GRANT REQUEST FORMS ARE AVAILABLE The 2015 Grant Request Forms from the Grace Lutheran Foundation Board will be available from a board member or in the church office, after January 1st. The deadline to return the forms is February 15, 2015. The Grace Lutheran Foundation provides vital financial assistance to organizations within our community and within our congregation. An example of this is the list of recipients from the 2014 distribution of earnings. 2014 DISTRIBUTION OF EARNINGS Boy Scout Troop #8 Codington County Cares Cancer Foundation ELCA Raise A Roof in Cameroon Grace Lutheran Church 3rd Grade Bibles GLC Dorcas Quilters GLC Preschool Tuition Assistance Lutheran Outdoors-Joy Ranch for beds Lutheran Seminary Tuition Scholarships Lutheran Social Services of SD McCrossan Boys Ranch Watertown Volunteer Center Lutheran World Relief Salvation Army (Watertown Use) ELCA Hunger Appeal Missionary Support ELCA SD Synod Mission Partners St Dysmas Prison Ministries Synod Assembly Capital Improvement Fund - All Properties Capital Improvements to Properties Grace Lutheran Building and Grounds-Vac & Chair Mover Grace Lutheran Building and Grounds Grace Lutheran Building and Grounds -Snow Blade PACH Program Habitat for Humanity Watertown Area Transit Organ Fund *Requires matching funds from Congregation TOTAL $ 500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 200.00 $ 500.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 750.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 650.00 $ 11,185.87 $ 44,374.20 $ 933.60 $ 686.17 $ 79.17 $ 500.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 103,259.01 Anyone wishing to request funding from the Grace Lutheran Church Foundation is encouraged to submit a completed request form before February 15, 2015. Income Offerings Designated Gifts Budget YTD $ 284,532.30 $ 4,619.00 Misc $ 1,858.01 Transfer from Organ Fund Bldg project $ $ 10,226.75 1,000.00 GLCW Gift for Music Lenten Suppers Scrip Proceeds Thrivent Choice $$ Transfer from Maint acct $ $ $ $ $ 300.00 501.00 1,564.57 2,445.00 34,700.88 insurance check - basement Total Income for General Fund $ 11,362.66 $ 353,110.17 Expenses ELCA & SD Synod Projects Staff $ 2,050.00 Senior Pastor - Salary & Benefits Mileage Reimbursement Youth Ministry Director Business Adm Salary & benefits Parish Education Associate Office Asst & Custodians $ $ $ $ $ $ 84,858.00 4,500.00 14,000.00 46,185.50 21,688.00 50,930.10 $ 85,474.11 $ 4,065.82 Payroll taxes Pastoral Materials Total Staff $ 9,200.00 $ 150.00 $ 231,511.60 $ 8,573.79 $ 126.47 $ 202,848.05 $ $ $ $ Debts: Term Debt Line of Credit Original amt $ 50,000 $ 70,000 Balance $ 3,854.44 $ 0.00 2,050.00 46,185.50 12,078.40 46,343.96 Program Expenses Other Outlays Office Expenses $ 15,100.00 $ 14,098.75 Designated Gifts $ Worship & Music $ 20,100.00 $ 14,064.67 Basement Repair $ 16,609.99 Altar Guild $ 1,000.00 $ 189.13 AC Repair $ Education/Ministry $ 5,100.00 $ 651.33 Lighting (Miller Elec) $ 11,261.00 Youth/Mission Ministry $ 1,725.00 $ 160.50 Debt payments $ 7,602.43 Family Fellowship events $ 100.00 JF Nordlie - Organ Repair $ 10,489.76 Outreach & Care Ministry $ 3,650.00 $ 3,054.65 ProTech Roof (Narthex) $ 16,420.82 Stewardship Ministry $ 2,200.00 $ 923.95 Total Other Outlays $ 66,926.47 Debt Service Insurance Utilities $ $ $ 12,000.00 11,000.00 33,000.00 $ 10,528.52 $ 8,906.50 $ 32,079.70 Total Expenses & Outlays Net Revenue (Loss) $ 368,823.48 $ $ 650.00 General Fund - 1/1/2014 $ Plus Income $ 353,110.17 Synod Assembly 3,269. 00 1,148.47 7,860.63 PC Conference Dues $ 350.00 $ 305.80 Contingency $ 500.00 $ 1,881.29 Less Expenses & Outlays $ 368,823.48 Property Ministry $ 8,500.00 $ 9,504.17 Loan Advances $ 8,500.00 Program Expenses Total Expenses $ 114,325.00 $ 347,886.60 General Fund - 12/31/14 $ 647.32 $ 96,998.96 $ 301,897.01 Grace Lutheran Preschool The weather has been cold and snowy, but this has given our class a wonderful opportunity to access our “winter” curriculum. The kids have had so much fun with things like making fake snow, researching how snow accumulates, dissecting snowflakes, discussing hibernation, and making several snow related crafts. I have been teaching them to embrace each season, as a child it is not that difficult. Although, I had a three year old tell me, “I only like those seasons when it is warm all the time!” AMEN! We have completed another gingerbread and Christmas party. The parents and kids had a wonderful time and it is such a fun way to send the students off before their vacation. Important Dates NO SCHOOL Feb. 13th Feb. 16th SUPPLIES NEEDED Disinfectant Wipes DONATIONS Cal & Nyra Brown Thank you to the following for their contributions during January: MEMORIALS In memory of Phyllis Johnson from Cleo Belk In memory of Arvilla Schaefer from Don & Diane Brosz In memory of Bette Harte from Cleo Belk In memory of Ellen Even from Richard & Judy Everson In loving memory of our brother Matthew Kuttner from Andrew & Jonathon MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 12/31/14 The Annual Meeting of Grace Lutheran Church was held on January 25, 2015 at 1 p.m. with President Roberta Cossette presiding. Pastor Janet Miller led opening devotions. President Roberta Cossette noted all of the Committee reports. Pastor Miller stated she would like to get a Befrienders group started. She would help train this group to visit our members who wish to be visited more often or due to her other church obligations she isn’t able to fit into her schedule. Pastor Miller also reached out for volunteers to attend the G.I.F.T.S. Program to help Grace continue to grow. She was excited to report the Youth and Family Committee along with the 29 confirmation students will be more active with the recent hiring of the Youth and Family Director, Lindsey Miller. Cindy Vander Leest reported the members on the Audit Committee included Reneta McFerran, Adeline Schaack and Darlene Young. These three audited all the books from 1/1/14 through 12/31/14. The various accounts were found to be in order. Cindy Vander Leest reported the Boiler Fund Savings account has had contributions which include one very generous amount given from an anonymous giver. Today another gracious anonymous giver would like to challenge the Foundation or other gifts to match the amount of $10,000 to the Boiler Fund. Pastor Miller also stated Thrivent members would be able to help build the account by requesting funds through fundraisers. Per a request from the floor Cindy Vander Leest will look into options for a better interest rate for our Boiler Fund. Newly elected council members are James Goble, Darcy Raethz, Sherry Starr, Gary Rukstad, Joann Spartz, Julie Stock and Aaron Volzke for a one-year term. It was noted the budget shows an amount of $21,000 for a Youth and Family Director, which Lindsey Miller has been hired for. This position is a combined job of the Youth Director and Parish Ed. Assoc. listed on the 2014 Mission Plan. It was also pointed out the increase of Liz Dunn’s pay due to the increase in job duties and hours. A motion was made by Mike Stusiak with a second by Denise Johnson to approve the 2015 Mission Plan. Motion carried. Delegates needed for the 2015 Synod Assembly – (May 29-30 at Calvary Lutheran, Rapid City) – Pastor Miller stated her husband, Michael Miller would be happy to be a delegate but we would still like to have 3 more delegates. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Vander Leest Grace Lutheran Church 202 2nd St. SE Watertown, SD 57201-4308 WORSHIP & EDUCATION SCHEDULE SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. - Worship 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd WEDNESDAY SCHOOL 6:00p.m. - Wednesday School 7:10p.m. - Confirmation Feb. 4th & 11th During Lent: Confirmation at Worship @ 7:00p.m. ASH WEDNESDAY GRACE SERVICE TIMES 12:05p.m. & 7:00p.m. COMMUNITY LENTEN WORSHIP—WEDNESDAYS 12:05p.m. Community Worship @ Grace Lutheran Church Lunch $3.00 Grace Lutheran Church: God’s Grace Experienced Daily
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