Sunday, Oct. 26 10:00 am 11:00 am Monday, Oct. 27 9:30 am 12:45 pm 7:00 pm Tuesday, Oct. 28 1:00 pm 7:00 pm Wednesday, Oct.29 9:30 am 1:00 pm 7:00 pm Thursday, Oct. 30 9:00 am 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:15 pm Friday, Oct. 31 9:30 am 6:30 pm Community Time After Each Service Worship Music Meeting AM Fitness Bridge Orchestra Prayer Shawl Knitting Animate Faith AM Fitness Open Art Studio Youth Choir Quilting For Others Children’s Choir Strummers Adult Choir October 26 Uncertain Times Message: Rev. Bob Nov. 2 Stewardship Message: Rev. Tracy Nov. 9 Remembrance Day Message: Rev. Bob Nov. 16 Expectant Choices/Baptism Message: Rev. Bob Nov. 23 Reign of Christ-Hanging of the Greens Message: Rev. Bob & Rev. Tracy Nov. 30 Advent 1-Waiting Message: Rev. Bob Today’s Service AM Fitness Youth Group Check White Board in the Narthex for location of activities Please feel free to take a bulletin with you after Worship. St. Thomas is an Affirming Ministry within The United Church of Canada. LGBT2S people are whole people and full members in this community of faith. Worship Services Scripture Reader: Hope Cochran “Ask Me” Hosts: Jan & Keith Campbell Greeters: Diane & John Latter Christ Candle: Claire Messer Sound: John McCrea Projection: Kristin Raugust Announcements: Mark Wagner Sunday School Teachers: Jan Mingo/Erin MacLean-Berko Youth Leader: Brittney Whittaker Through our gifts we commit ourselves to live out the mission and ministry of the church. Please give generously to the Mission and Service Fund to make this possible. The United Church of Canada St. Thomas is proud to be part of the United Church of Canada which ministers to close to 3 million people in 3,500 congregations across the country. (For more information about the United Church visit its websites: Open Hands, Open Hearts, Open Minds 100 Hawkwood Blvd. NW Calgary, AB T3G 2S9 phone (403) 241-0366 Welcome to Worship! St. Thomas United is an open, affirming, accepting, and child friendly faith community. With children present we expect noise and movement, so there’s no need to leave the Sanctuary when it happens. If parents feel more comfortable with their children in nursery care, we have a nursery for babies & children under 3 years of age – just follow the posted signs. We hope that your worship experience will feed you and challenge you on your faith journey. Please talk to a greeter or the folks wearing an “Ask Me” badge if there’s anything you are unsure of or have a question about. We project everything you will need to participate in worship. You will also find hymnbooks in your seats if you’d prefer to use them. Newcomers – please fill out one of our Communication Cards. This is our first opportunity to be in touch with you so that we can start to get to know one another. Music Team: Pam Bazinet, Barb Robertson, Erin MacLean-Berko, Dick Worton, Kloria Wen & Kari Orosz Accompanist: Kari Orosz Office Manager: Sandra Dusoswa Ministers: Rev Bob Fillier, Rev Tracy Robertson Youth Workers: Brittney Whittaker, Marika Wagner, Matthew Taylor-Kerr Email: (A full version of this morning’s liturgy is available – just ask a Greeter or Ask Me host.) Sunday, October 26 2014 10:00 am Theme: Uncertain Times VU = Voices United MV = More Voices Prelude~ Kari Orosz ~ The Great Pumpkin Waltz~ by Vince Guaraldi Welcome & Greeting Visitors Christ Candle, Silence, & Tone Bowl Spirit Lines (Announcements) – Please come to the front to highlight a part of our ministry. Greeting One Another Introit: This Is the Day (on-screen) MV#122 Call to Worship Ministry of Music: The Children’s Choir~ Pure Imagination~ from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory~ by Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley Opening Prayer Hymn: For the Fruit of All Creation (on-screen) VU#227 Scripture: Mark 4:35-41 Ministry of Music: The Orchestra ~ Vesper Moods~ by Floyd O. Harris The Message~ “Troubled Waters” Hymn: Through the Heart of Every City (on-screen) VU#584 Minute for Mission: - “Connecting the Christian Family” Our Offerings Are Received Offertory: What Can I Do? (on-screen) MV#191 Offertory Prayer Call to Prayer: Come and Find the Quiet Centre (V1, on-screen) VU#374 Pastoral Prayers & Prayer of Jesus Commissioning & Benediction Hymn: God, Make Us Servants of Your Peace VU#676 Postlude A congregational meeting has been called for Sunday, November 2nd, 2014. The meeting will take place immediately after the service that day (approximately 11 am). The purpose of the congregational meeting is to receive the Joint Needs Assessment Committee (JNAC) report, vote on the JNAC report recommendation, and to appoint members of the congregation to a Joint Search Committee. As you may recall, the JNAC was established this past spring to review the ministerial needs of St. Thomas and was initiated due to the departure of Reverend Victoria Fillier. Jeff McLean-Chair, St. Thomas Executive Council Animate Faith Video Study: Tuesdays, Oct. 14 to Dec. 2 at 7pm in the lounge. If you are interested in attending please let Tracy or Sandra know at; a fee of $17 is requested to cover the cost of the journal. Introduction to World Religions: A pictorial introduction to world religions with Tom Snowden, in the Lounge, Sundays after Worship Oct.26 to Nov. 16 from 11:15-12:15pm. Topics and dates: Hinduism Pt.1-Oct. 26; Hinduism Pt. 2- Nov. 2; Buddhism Pt. 1- Nov.9; Buddhism Pt. 2-Nov. 16. More religions covered in 2015! A Faith Formation Committee learning opportunity. Save the date! St. Thomas will be hosting a concert by The Great Plains at 7pm on Sun. Nov 2. The Great Plains is a two person group who sing, harmonize, play guitar, bass, pennywhistles, and mandolin. They play original music which is a blend of bluegrass-gospel/Celtic and folk but also throw in lots of familiar songs that everyone knows and loves. It promises to be an entertaining evening. Tickets will be on sale after Church or from Sandra at: or (403)241-0366. Cost $12 in advance or $15 at the door. Adopt a Grandparent: Talking Christmas already! The Pastoral Care committee and our Youth Groups are teaming up to provide gift bags to vulnerable seniors living on their own. We are looking for donations by Nov. 2 so that we can put together these bags and deliver them to the Calgary Seniors Resource Society office. Items we need: hairbrushes, combs, razors, shaving cream, body lotion, body wash, face cream, mitts, hats, scarves, gloves, books, calendars, towels, blankets, quilts, throws, coffee/tea gift cards, VHS tapes, DVD’s of movies or TV shows, and gift bags for all these donations. The blue box by the Sanctuary doors is where donations can go. Thank you so much for your help!! Bullying Ends Here: Tad Milmine has been featured on dozens of television programs and newspaper articles over the past year for his passion in helping others overcome bullying. Using his own story, Tad has made it his mission to help others. While Tad doesn't hold back on his own upbringing, the message is powerful in that it speaks to perseverance and determination. Tad will bring his story here to us, and we invite everyone to come and see this award winning presentation. Please note that the presentation is not suitable for under 11 year olds. Tad’s presentation is Tues. Nov. 18 at 7pm in the Sanctuary. No cost but donations will be accepted. Sign up on the communication card, call the church office, or talk to Pastoral Care for information. Primetimers: Thurs.Nov.13 at 10:00 am. Coffee party in the Sanctuary. Slide show “Penguins, Seals, Icebergs, and Whales in The Falkland Islands, South Georgia Island and Antarctica”. Contact: Betty Thompson at or (403)246-5373. Fri. Dec. 12 at 11:30 Christmas Lunch at Tony Roma’s in Crowfoot. See the information and sign-up sheets on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Deadline for signing up is Thurs. Nov.27. Contact: Ron & Diane French at (403)2392136. Seniors Secret Santa: Are you looking for a way to make your Christmas something special this year? Would you like to make the holiday season brighter and let someone know that they are cared for? We have an opportunity for you! The Seniors Secret Service identifies seniors that have no close family or friends and matches them with people who are willing to provide them with some special gifts for the holidays. If you are willing to provide some holiday cheer to a senior please contact Karen Kavanagh at or call (403)286-8073. Armistice Day Service Nov. 9, 2014: Again, the decorating committee is asking you folks to bring in any photos, medals, uniforms, any war veteran items that might be interesting for the congregation. We want to honour our past veterans as much as possible. Are any of you war brides? Do you still have your wedding gown? Were you part of the home front directly supporting the men and women left to manage the country? If you have items that reflect an Armistice angle, please lend them to us. You should have a name, location, date if at all possible on the photos, items brought in, and of course, your own name and ph # so that we can return them to you, although we will encourage you to pick up your personal lent items after the Nov. 9 service is finished. You can drop off any items at the office any time now, as Sandy will be aware of the plan. We will accept the morning of the service as well, but prefer earlier. The decorating committee will arrange the display in the Sanctuary/Narthex. Thanks for your participation. Lori Weller- (403)2391705). Wanda’s Preserves: Thank you to all who have been providing used jars. Much appreciated, and I can ALWAYS use the smaller jelly types. If you would like me to pick them up from you, please call me at or (403)2395964 or This Sun. Oct. 26, and some subsequent Sundays, I will be selling preserves before and after the service. I will also have a table at the Christmas Shopping Extravaganza on Nov. 23. Production is an ongoing process, so I need to make space for the next batches. Monies will be put towards the KITCHEN FUND. WND and SAC (Sunday After Church Lunch): Thank you to Barb and Bill Cousens and their many helpers for a fantastic wild game supper. They promised and they delivered. The next SAC will be held on Sun., Nov. 16 at 11:30 following the church service. Wanda Veer will be the host. I am looking for helpers with cooking, set-up, and clean-up. Please contact me before I add your name to my helper list!!! (403)239-5964 or St. Thomas UCW News: All the SUTP coupon books have been sold. Thank you to our many supporters in the congregation. Fair Trade Coffee orders will be taken again on Nov. 23 and Nov. 30. Please pick up and pay for your previous coffee orders. Mark your calendars!: Sun. Nov 23 , is the third annual St. Thomas Christmas Craft Fair taking place from 11am to 4pm in the Mountainview Hall. Come get some Christmas shopping done while supporting local craftsmen and artists. Interested in being a vendor at this event? For more information please contact Theresa Smith at: Inn From The Cold: The Mission and Outreach Committee is looking for donations of washable single bed blankets and fitted sheets for St. David's United Church, where we host our Inn From The Cold guests. The ones they have are getting thin and with winter coming some new or gently used blankets would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping to keep our Inn From The Cold families warm and comfortable. Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Opportunities: 1. Donate to ReStore! Doing renovations? Have old windows, doors, kitchen cupboards or the kitchen sink? You will receive a tax receipt for all items you donate that are re-sold at Habitat’s store in the NE. 2. Help out at ReStore! You can do customer service or organize inventory and stock shelves. 3. Sign up for a build! Habitat is currently working on 4 duplexes in the NE community of Redstone. It’s fun and they show you what to do. Register at or call me and I’ll help you get connected. Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta (HFHSA) helps low-income families break the cycle of poverty by partnering with them to build decent, affordable homes through a no down-payment and interest-free mortgage. With the generous support of donors and volunteers, Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta has served more than 230 families, building more than 170 homes. Melinda-Rae Lyse (403)926-2787 or The United Church of Canada calendar is in! If you would like one please call or email the office. They are $5 each to cover shipping costs. Tuesday’s Grace Quilting will be at 9am on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Mountainview Hall. Please see the National Church website at to read the Moderator’s “Prayer for Ottawa”.
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