A SERVICE OF CHRISTIAN WORSHIP Sunday, November 16, 2014 11:00 AM Sunday School Report Jeffery Gunter Welcome and Announcements Prelude WELCOME 6:00 PM Evening Service Rev. Andy Willis Vaughan-Williams/Held For All the Saints Prelude Hymn, No. 3 Worthy of Worship Welcome and Announcements Evening Prayer Hymn, No. 406 The Solid Rock An Offering of Prayer and Music Message I Peter: Rules for Right Living “The Word is Submission” I Peter 2:13-3:7 Hymn of Invitation, No. 416 My Faith Looks To Thee Benediction Postlude JUDSON Rev. Andy Willis SOLID ROCK Rev. Andy Willis OLIVET Rev. Andy Willis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Call to Worship, Hymn No. 560 Lead Me To Some Soul Today Morning Prayer LEAD ME Rev. Andy Willis A Season of Thanksgiving “Thank You Lord For Everything” Hymn, No. 4 TO GOD BE THE GLORY To God Be the Glory Children’s Message Cheryl Boles Hymn, No. 573 SCALES Set My Soul Afire An Offering of Prayer An Offering of Music But the Lord is Mindful of His Own Anthem Mendelssohn arr. Angell I Will Extol Thee Message Rev. Andy Willis “Whatever It Takes ” I Corinthians 9:12-23* Hymn of Invitation, No. 275 I Surrender All Benediction J. Pachelbel Toccata in E Minor *Page # 986 SURRENDER Rev. Andy Willis Postlude For all that You gave me in the past years. Thank You for the sunshiny days and for the sad and cloudy ones; for the calm afternoons and the dark nights; for the love and for all beautiful and sweet things; for the flowers and the stars. Thank You for health and sickness, for sorrows and joys. Thank You for all that you gave me and all that You asked of me. Thank You Lord, for Your smiling face and friendly hand that kept me strong. Thank You for the loneliness, for the work, for the worries, for the fears, for the difficulties and the tears; and for everything that brought me closer to You. I saw Your loving hands and providence even in the negatives! Thank You, Lord. Thank You for having kept me alive, for having given me shelter, warmth and nourishment. Thank you, Lord, for having given me friends and dear ones. Thank you for all that You created especially man and woman, whom You created in Your own image and likeness. Thank you for the innocent little children in the families and for good souls, who live according to Your will. Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord for this year and all the 365 days of this year; I am ready to do whatever You wish, Lord, I am ready to follow You always in all circumstances, but I ask You for faith to see You in everything and everybody; hope, that I may not dismay; and charity to love You and others more each day; and to let You be loved among those around me. Give me patience and humility, detachment and generosity; give me Lord what is good for me which You alone know, for I do not know what is good for me I do not dare to ask. That my heart may be alert, my ears be attentive, my hands and mind active, and that I always may be ready to do Your Holy Will with Your grace. Lord! Pour out Your grace and blessings upon all my beloved ones and grant the entire world Your peace. We are happy to have you worship with us. Guest/Member Registration Form November 16, 2014 A.D. ____Morning Worship ____Evening Worship __First Time __Regular Attendance __Second Time __Wednesday Night Mr. Dr. Mrs. Miss (circle one) Name________________________________ Spouse______________________________ Address______________________________ Apt. No.______________________________ City_____________St._______ Zip _______ Phone _______________________________ E-mail________________________________ Adult age group (circle appropriate age) 20’s 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s+ Child__________________ Age_____ Child__________________ Age_____ Student_________________ Age_____ Current Church Membership ____Local Church ____Out-of-town Church How did you hear about us? ____Friends ____Drive by ____TV ____Newspaper ____Yellow Pages ____Other Visit Requested ____ Yes ____ No Prayer Requests ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ PLEASE DETACH AND PLACE IN OFFERING PLATE ******************* For Your Information Restrooms are located through the vestibule, downstairs past the kitchen; and through the doors at the organ and piano. Ushers are available at the back of the sanctuary for assistance. Please refrain from eating or drinking in the sanctuary. CHURCH INFORMATION THE CHURCH RECORD CHURCH NEWS/HAPPENINGS Happy Birthday November 9, 2014 Wednesday Meal—Thanksgiving Meal Nov 16—Clinton Hagood, Grace Miller Nov 17—Emily Bellamy Nov 18—Denise Pennington Nov 21—Larry Elkins, Ryan Turnmire, , George Webb Nov 22—Eutha Hageman, Elizabeth Lawson Nov 23—William Price, Mischa Fairchild Nov 25—Glenda Davis, Kalen Hagood Nov 28—Jeanne Ottinger Nov 29—Jane Campbell Nov 30—Caroline Baird, Linda Jones Sunday School ………………..………… 153 Budget Required …………………$ 9,134.00 Budget Received ……………..….$ 7,123.50 Turkey, Dressing, and the Trimmings Please remember our shut-ins … Edna Lindsey 532 Nelson Street Rogersville, TN 37857 Kathleen Morgan 810 E. Main Street Rogersville, TN 37857 Orville & Loretta Gladson PO Box 356 Rogersville, TN 37857 Our Military David B. Snodgrass 7506 River Crest Drive Columbus, GA 31904 YTD Budget Required ….……..$411,030.00 YTD Budget Received .……….$382,780.03 THE CHURCH CALENDAR Sunday, November 16, 2014 Nov. 17—Keenagers Nov. 23—Milligan College Concert Nov. 30—Hanging of the Green Dec. 8—Cherokee Choir Christmas Concert Dec. 8—Keenagers to LampLight Theatre Dec. 14—Adult Choir Christmas Cantata Dec. 21—Taste of Christmas Keenagers *Live telecast—Channel 198 MONDAY, November 17—(Note change of date) Rev. Mark Roberts, HVBA Missionary, will be bringing the program followed by covered dish lunch. December 8—The Keenagers will be travelling to the LampLight Theater in Kingsport to attend “A Tennessee Mountain Christmas”, leaving the church at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $10.00. See Myrna Searcy for tickets. Sunday 8:30 a.m.—12:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Meal 8:30—TV Replay 9:30-9:45—Prayer Group 9:15-10:00—Library Open 9:45—Sunday School *9:45—Sanctuary Sunday School *11:00—Morning Worship *6:00—Evening Worship 7:00—Joyful Sounds Children’s Church Workers Nov 16—Rachel Willis & Judy Kirkpatrick Nov 23—Terri Barker & Camille Carpenter Nov 30—Anna Beverly & Amanda Gunter Dec 7—Darla Alvis & Joyce LeRoy Note: Nursery ages are 0-3 Children’s Church is 4-5 yrs. Children 6 and over are encouraged to remain in the sanctuary. Gifts were given ….. In memory of Mrs. Opal Alvis to the TV Ministry by Cleo Blackwell and David & Doris Slemmons; to the General Budget by Lawrence and Lena Gray. In memory of Mr. Fred Davis to the TV Ministry by Cleo Blackwell. In memory of Mr. Gerald Howe to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering by Joane Tipton. In memory of Mr. Harold (Bud) Leonard, Sr. to the TV Ministry by Shirley Leonard. Dates to remember ... Whatever It Takes Wednesday Evening, Nov. 19— Please sign-up if you plan to attend. Forms are in the vestibule and fellowship hall. The Youth have delicious Baked Goods here TODAY for a donation. All proceeds will go toward Summer Missions. Y nk Tha ou Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Deadline is TODAY Wednesday, November 19, 2014 5:15—Thanksgiving Meal 5:40—Children’s Choirs & Missions 6:30—Youth 6:30—Prayer Meeting/Bible Study 7:15—Sanctuary Choir Thursday, November 20, 2014 6:30—Connections Bible Study November 9:15 a.m. Greeters Baby Shower for Allison Graham 1:30-3:30 pm, TODAY in the Fellowship Hall It’s a Boy First Baptist Church PO Box 267, 119 West Washington St. Rogersville, Tennessee 37857 423-272-2151 firstbaptistrogersville.com fbcrog@fbcrog.net Brian and Renee’ Price Andrew Bradley November Offering Counters The Proposed 2015 Budget will be presented to the church for approval TODAY, November 16, following the morning service. Jack Hyder and George Morgan Deacons on Call Dr. Andy Willis, Pastor Charles Brooks ……………...…… 272-4977 Bill Trent………………………….…345-2708 USPS 571-600 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BULLETIN Entered as Second Matter at Rogersville, TN Post Office under Act of March 4, 1879, U. S. Postage Paid. Published weekly. POSTMASTER Send address changes to FBC, P. O. Box 267, Rogersville, TN 37857. Volume 60 November 16, 2014 Number 46
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