Minutes for Mission Nov. 16th, 2014 Music Director: Organ: Greeters: Minister: Twenty-Third after Pentecost Patt Lowry Dianne Rotteau Glenna & Ken Farrell Rev. Vicki Johnson Phone: 519-335-3469 Email: revvicki@hurontel.on.ca Minister’s Line 395-5380 Church: 519-395-5371 Email: pineriverchurch@hurontel.on.ca Website: www.pineriverunitedchurch.com 6 1 1 A warm welcome to Pine River United Church. May this time of worship offer you strength for the week ahead. * INDICATES AN INVITATION TO RISE IN BODY OR IN SPIRIT CONGREGATION MAY RESPOND WITH THE PARTS PRINTED IN BOLD. GATHERING * PROCESSIONAL HYMN: “THE CHURCH’S ONE FOUNDATION” VU # 332 * GREETING (PLEASE REMAIN STANDING) THE GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE LOVE OF GOD AND THE COMPANIONSHIP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT BE WITH YOU ALL. And also with you. CALL TO WORSHIP: COME, YOU THANKFUL PEOPLE, COME. OUR GOD INVITES US TO SHARE IN THE ABUNDANCE. We rejoice, for we have been blessed with incredible hope and faith. LET US RAISE OUR VOICES WITH JOYFUL PRAISE AND BOW OUR HEADS IN DEVOTION AND PRAYER. Praise be to the Holy One! ( wr i t t e n b y L a u r a Tu r n b u l l , Ga t h e r i n g S / A 2 0 0 3 , p g. 3 8 . U s e d w i t h permission) OPENING PRAYER AND LORD’S PRAYER (SUNG) Holy God, we come to you as your people, baptized into the name and Spirit of Christ. We worship you in our own voices and with varied thoughts and words: you draw us together and claim us as your own, all different, all gifted, one community, joined in praise. 2 5 Samaritan's Purse…Items for the Samaritan's should be in today. On Nov. 19th: Wednesday 7:00 p.m., we will be filling the Shoeboxes upstairs. All help would be appreciated. Nov. 19th: Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Women’s Institute will meet downstairs. Brenda Ramsdale Convener. Nov. 21st: The Friday Morning Men’s Coffee Group will be Meeting at 9:00 a.m. and car pool to the Bruce Energy Centre for our meeting and lunch. Cost is $2.00 for a gift for the guide. Please let Vaughn know by Monday, Nov. 17th, at 519-395-5415 if you are interested. Nov 21st: Cherub Choir meets at 4:30 p.m. Nov. 25th: Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Trustees Meeting. Nov. 25th: Tuesday 9:15 a.m. Time to decorate the church, !!!! All help would be appreciated. The Observer is now up for renewal and need to know if people are going to be renewing, or if there are any new people that would like to get it. Will need 10 new persons to get the same deal as last year at a rate of $10.00 or else it will be $20.00. Signup sheet at the back of the church. Please pick up your giving envelopes at the back of the Sanctuary. Sharing Table: If you have excess items that you would like to share please bring them to our sharing table. This is an opportunity to share with members of our church family. Please feel free to bring items or take items home. Food Bank: This week we are collecting breakfast items or anything else would be greatly appreciated. Hamilton Conference Prayer Cycle: As a church we are called to pray for each other and our mission in the world. This week keep in prayer our brothers and sisters at Clifford-Alsfeldt United Churches. Please email announcements for the Sunday bulletin by Wednesday, to pineriverchurch@hurontel.on.ca. 5 * PRAYER OF DEDICATION (IN UNISON) Generous God, as part of giving thanks for all that we are blessed with, we offer our gifts of love, time and money. We pray that these gifts be blessed and multiplied; that they be used to share in your mission in the world, both here in our community and in places we have only heard about. We pray that others catch a glimpse of your love through our sharing. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AND CONCERN * HYMN: MORE VOICES “HOPE SHINES AS THE SOLITARY STAR” # 220 BENEDICTION: CLOSING HYMN: “HOPE SHINES AS THE SOLITARY STAR” Please join us downstairs for fellowship and refreshments. Thank you to everyone who assisted in the service today. Upcoming Services Nov. 23rd: Coffee time will be followed by a pot luck lunch and “Getting to Know your Bible” discovery session after worship. Nov. 30th: First Sunday of Advent and Communion Dec. 7th: Second Sunday of Advent, White Gift Reminder After church today: Christian Education meeting. 4 3 May our worship today be in harmony with your Word and your Spirit of loving justice. We ask it in Jesus’ name, who taught us to pray. Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. ( wr i t t e n b y J a n e t C a wl e y, G a t h e r i n g S / A 2 0 0 3 , p g. 3 8 . U s e d wi t h p e r m i s s i o n ) * HYMN: “PRAISE THE LORD WITH THE SOUND OF TRUMPET” VU 245 GROWING WITH GOD: (YOUTH ARE INVITED TO COME FORWARD WHEN THE BOWL “SINGS”) THE WORD A CHOIR-TEACHING SONG: MORE VOICES # 110 “FIRST-BORN OF MARY” SCRIPTURE READING: MATTHEW 25:14-30 “THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS” VAUGHN MUNRO SERMON: “BURYING OUR FAITH” * HYMN: MORE VOICES “GO, MAKE A DIFF’RENCE” # 209 OUR RESPONSE TO THE WORD ANNOUNCEMENTS INVITATION TO THE OFFERING * OFFERING HYMN: “GRANT US, GOD, THE GRACE” # 540 3
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